--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/smassstorage/rwdrivethread.cpp Thu Dec 17 09:24:54 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "scsiprot.h"
+#include "usbmsshared.h"
+#include "rwdrivethread.h"
+#include "massstoragedebug.h"
+// ---
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT(t) {RDebug::Print(t);}
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT1(t,a) {RDebug::Print(t,a);}
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT2(t,a,b) {RDebug::Print(t,a,b);}
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT(t)
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT1(t,a)
+#define __MT_READ_PRINT2(t,a,b)
+ :iBuf((TUint8 *)NULL,0,0)
+ {
+ }
+void TBlockDesc::SetPtr(TPtr8& aDes)
+ {
+ iBuf.Set(aDes);
+ }
+ {
+ iDescReadPtr = &iDesc1;
+ iDescWritePtr = &iDesc2;
+ }
+void TBlockDescBuffer::SetUpReadBuf(TPtr8& aDes1, TPtr8& aDes2)
+ {
+ iDesc1.SetPtr(aDes1);
+ iDesc2.SetPtr(aDes2);
+ iDescReadPtr = &iDesc1;
+ iDescWritePtr = &iDesc2;
+ }
+Construct a CThreadContext object.
+@param aName The name to be assigned to this thread.
+@param aThreadFunction Function to be called when thread is initially scheduled.
+@param aOwner Pointer to the object owning the thread. Used as the parameter to aThreadFunction.
+CThreadContext* CThreadContext::NewL(const TDesC& aName,
+ TThreadFunction aThreadFunction,
+ TAny* aOwner)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CThreadContext::NewL");
+ CThreadContext* self = new (ELeave) CThreadContext();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL(aName, aThreadFunction, aOwner);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+Construct a CThreadContext object
+@param aName The name to be assigned to this thread.
+@param aThreadFunction Function to be called when thread is initially scheduled.
+@param aOwner Pointer to the object owning the thread. Used as the parameter to aThreadFunction.
+void CThreadContext::ConstructL(const TDesC& aName,
+ TThreadFunction aThreadFunction,
+ TAny* aOwner)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CThreadContext::ConstructL");
+ __PRINT(_L("Creating Critical Section"));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iCritSect.CreateLocal());
+ __PRINT(_L("Creating RThread"));
+ TUint serial(0); // Used to retry creation of a thread in case
+ // one with the same name already exists
+ RBuf threadName;
+ threadName.CreateMaxL(aName.Length() + 8);
+ CleanupClosePushL(threadName);
+ threadName = aName;
+ TInt err;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ err = iThread.Create(threadName, aThreadFunction, 0x1000, NULL, aOwner);
+ __PRINT2(_L("CThreadContext::ConstructL Created thread %S err=%d"), &threadName, err);
+ // for a restart wait and retry until old thread is gone
+ if (err == KErrAlreadyExists)
+ {
+ User::After(10 * 1000); // 10 mS
+ threadName = aName;
+ threadName.AppendNumFixedWidth(serial, EDecimal, 8);
+ ++serial;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(); // threadName
+ threadName.Close();
+ // set priority
+ iThread.SetPriority(EPriorityMore);
+ }
+Construct a CThreadContext object
+ :
+ iError(KErrNone)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CThreadContext::CThreadContext");
+ }
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CThreadContext::~CThreadContext");
+ __PRINT(_L("Closing Critical Section"));
+ iCritSect.Close();
+ __PRINT(_L("Killing ThreadContext"));
+ iThread.Kill(0);
+ __PRINT(_L("Closing ThreadContext"));
+ iThread.Close();
+ }
+Construct a CWriteDriveThread object
+CWriteDriveThread* CWriteDriveThread::NewL()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CWriteDriveThread::NewL");
+ CWriteDriveThread* self = new (ELeave) CWriteDriveThread();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+Construct a CWriteDriveThread object
+void CWriteDriveThread::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CWriteDriveThread::ConstructL");
+ TBuf<16> name = _L("MassStorageWrite");
+ iThreadContext = CThreadContext::NewL(name, ThreadFunction, this);
+ // There are two free pointers to start with so initialise the semaphore with 1
+ User::LeaveIfError(iProducerSem.CreateLocal(1));
+ User::LeaveIfError(iConsumerSem.CreateLocal(0));
+ iThreadContext->Resume();
+ }
+Construct a CWriteDriveThread object
+ : iIsCommandWrite10(EFalse)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CWriteDriveThread::CWriteDriveThread");
+ }
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CWriteDriveThread::~CWriteDriveThread");
+ delete iThreadContext;
+ }
+This function is called when the thread is initially scheduled.
+@param aSelf Pointer to self to facilitate call to member method.
+TInt CWriteDriveThread::ThreadFunction(TAny* aSelf)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CWriteDriveThread::ThreadFunction");
+ CWriteDriveThread* self = static_cast<CWriteDriveThread*>(aSelf);
+ return self->WriteToDrive();
+ }
+Writes the data pointed to by iDescWritePtr to the drive.
+TInt CWriteDriveThread::WriteToDrive()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("\tCWriteDriveThread::WriteToDrive");
+ // One-off convenience variable assignment
+ TBlockDesc* &desc = iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr;
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ iConsumerSem.Wait();
+ __PRINT(_L("\tWaiting on Write CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Wait();
+ __PRINT1(_L("\tNow using as write buffer: iBuf%d"), iThreadContext->iBuffer.GetBufferNumber(&desc->iBuf));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\tSCSI: writing %d bytes\n"), desc->iBuf.Length());
+ TTime t0, t1;
+ t0.HomeTime();
+ __PRINT1(_L("\tSCSI: writing %d bytes\n"), desc->iBuf.Length());
+ // Write buffer to disk
+ if (desc->iBuf[0] == '2')
+ {
+ desc->iBuf[0] = 'x';
+ RDebug::Printf("Injecting error");
+ }
+ RDebug::Printf("%08lx %x [%x] [%x]", desc->iByteOffset, desc->iBuf.Length(),
+ desc->iBuf[0],
+ desc->iBuf[desc->iBuf.Length()-1]);
+ iThreadContext->iError = iThreadContext->iDrive->Write(desc->iByteOffset, desc->iBuf,iThreadContext->iDrive->IsWholeMediaAccess());
+ if (desc->iBuf[0] == 'x')
+ {
+ iThreadContext->iError = KErrUnknown;
+ }
+ t1.HomeTime();
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds time = t1.MicroSecondsFrom(t0);
+ const TUint time_ms = I64LOW(time.Int64() / 1000);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("SCSI: write took %d ms\n"), time_ms);
+ iCallback((TUint8*) (desc->iBuf.Ptr()), iCallbackParameter);
+ iWriteCounter--;
+ ASSERT(iWriteCounter >= 0);
+ __PRINT(_L("\tSignalling Write CS"));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();
+ // +++ WRITE CS ENDS HERE +++
+ iProducerSem.Signal();
+ }
+ }
+Initiates writing data pointed to by iReadBuf to the drive and resumes the thread. Writing
+is completed by the ThreadFunction when the thread is resumed.
+@param aDrive Drive to write to.
+@param aOffset Write offset.
+TInt CWriteDriveThread::WriteDriveData(CMassStorageDrive* aDrive, const TInt64& aOffset, TPtrC8& aDes, ProcessWriteCompleteFunc aFunc, TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ // Check error code from previous write
+ const TInt r = iThreadContext->iError;
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("Error after previous write = 0x%x \n"), r);
+ return KErrAbort;
+ }
+ // Swap the two buffer pointers
+ iProducerSem.Wait();
+ __PRINT(_L("Waiting on Write CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Wait();
+ // New DB First read into the iDescReadPtr pointer,
+ // then swap,so that write pointer points to correct location, as the ptr pointed to by iDescWritePtr is what is written from in WriteToDrive
+ iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iBuf.Set((TUint8*)aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Length(), KMaxBufSize );
+ iCallback = aFunc;
+ iCallbackParameter = aPtr;
+ iWriteCounter++;
+ iThreadContext->iBuffer.SwapDesc();
+ // Prepare variables for next write
+ iThreadContext->iDrive = aDrive;
+ iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr->iByteOffset = aOffset;
+ // +++ WRITE CS ENDS HERE +++
+ __PRINT(_L("Signalling Write CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();
+ iConsumerSem.Signal();
+ return KErrNone;
+void CWriteDriveThread::WaitForWriteEmpty()
+ while(iWriteCounter > 0)
+ {
+ User::After(100);
+ }
+// Check if the target address range was recently written to, this is to force a
+// cache miss when reading from the same sectors that were just written.
+// Optimisation note: this is only needed if the read precache was started
+// before the write was completed.
+TBool CWriteDriveThread::IsRecentlyWritten(TInt64 aOffset, TInt aLength)
+ ASSERT(iWriteCounter == 0);
+ if (iIsCommandWrite10) //If the previous command is Write10, then discard pre-read as the same buffers are used and will be over written by Write10
+ return ETrue;
+ if(aOffset <= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset &&
+ aOffset + aLength >= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset)
+ return ETrue;
+ if(aOffset >= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset &&
+ aOffset <= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset + iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iLength)
+ return ETrue;
+ if(aOffset <= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr->iByteOffset &&
+ aOffset + aLength >= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset)
+ return ETrue;
+ if(aOffset >= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr->iByteOffset &&
+ aOffset <= iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iByteOffset + iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iLength)
+ return ETrue;
+ return EFalse;
+Construct a CReadDriveThread object
+CReadDriveThread* CReadDriveThread::NewL()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CReadDriveThread::NewL");
+ CReadDriveThread* self = new (ELeave) CReadDriveThread();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+Construct a CReadDriveThread object
+@param aName The name to be assigned to this thread.
+@pram aThreadFunction Function to be called when thread is initially scheduled.
+void CReadDriveThread::ConstructL()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CReadDriveThread::ConstructL");
+ TBuf<15> name = _L("MassStorageRead");
+ iThreadContext = CThreadContext::NewL(name, ThreadFunction, this);
+ }
+Construct a CReadDriveThread object
+ :
+ iThreadRunning(EFalse)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CReadDriveThread::CReadDriveThread");
+ }
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CReadDriveThread::~CReadDriveThread");
+ delete iThreadContext;
+ }
+This function is called when the thread is initially scheduled.
+@param aSelf Pointer to self to facilitate call to member method.
+TInt CReadDriveThread::ThreadFunction(TAny* aSelf)
+ {
+ __FNLOG("CReadDriveThread::ThreadFunction");
+ CReadDriveThread* self = static_cast<CReadDriveThread*>(aSelf);
+ return self->ReadFromDrive();
+ }
+Reads data from the drive with iOffset and iReadLength into memory pointer iReadBuffer
+and suspends the thread.
+TInt CReadDriveThread::ReadFromDrive()
+ {
+ __FNLOG("\tCReadDriveThread::ReadFromDrive");
+ // One-off convenience variable assignment
+ TBlockDesc* &desc = iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ __PRINT(_L("\tWaiting on Read CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Wait();
+ // +++ READ CS STARTS HERE +++
+ iThreadRunning = ETrue;
+ iCompleted = EFalse;
+ __PRINT1(_L("\tNow using as read buffer: iBuf%d"), iThreadContext->iBuffer.GetBufferNumber(&desc->iBuf));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\tSCSI: reading %d bytes\n"), desc->iBuf.Length());
+ TTime t0, t1;
+ t0.HomeTime();
+ __PRINT1(_L("\tSCSI: reading %d bytes\n"), desc->iBuf.Length());
+ // Fill read buffer from disk
+ iThreadContext->iError = iThreadContext->iDrive->Read(desc->iByteOffset,
+ desc->iLength,
+ desc->iBuf,
+ iThreadContext->iDrive->IsWholeMediaAccess());
+ t1.HomeTime();
+ const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds time = t1.MicroSecondsFrom(t0);
+ const TUint time_ms = I64LOW(time.Int64() / 1000);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("SCSI: read took %d ms\n"), time_ms);
+ iCompleted = ETrue;
+ iThreadRunning = EFalse;
+ __PRINT(_L("\tSignalling Read CS"));
+ // +++ READ CS ENDS HERE +++
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();
+ // Suspend self
+ __PRINT(_L("\tSuspending Read Thread"));
+ RThread().Suspend();
+ }
+ }
+Client read request of a data block from the specified drive.
+If there is no pre-read data that matches the requested Offset and Length then the drive
+is read and the next pre-read is setup. If there is matching pre-read data available then
+the next pre-read is setup. Finishes by resuming the thread and the ThreadFunciton runs.
+@param aDrive Drive to read from.
+@param aOffset Read offset
+@param aLength Length
+TBool CReadDriveThread::ReadDriveData(CMassStorageDrive* aDrive,
+ const TInt64& aOffset,
+ TUint32 aLength,
+ TBool aIgnoreCache)
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT2(_L("\nRead10: offs %ld len %d"), aOffset, aLength);
+ __PRINT(_L("Waiting on Read CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Wait();
+ // +++ READ CS STARTS HERE +++
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!iThreadRunning, User::Panic(_L("MSDC-THREAD"), 666));
+ TBlockDesc* &desc = iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr;
+ TBlockDesc* &bgDesc = iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescWritePtr;
+ if ((!aIgnoreCache) &&
+ (iCompleted) &&
+ (iThreadContext->iError == KErrNone) &&
+ (iThreadContext->iDrive == aDrive) &&
+ (bgDesc->iByteOffset == aOffset) &&
+ (bgDesc->iLength == aLength))
+ {
+ // Good: We pre-read the correct data :-)
+ __MT_READ_PRINT(_L("Match: Using pre-read data :-) :-) :-) :-)"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT(_L("Not using pre-read data"));
+ if (iThreadContext->iError != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT1(_L("Pre-read failed: %d"), iThreadContext->iError);
+ }
+ if (iThreadContext->iDrive != aDrive)
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT2(_L("Pre-read drive mismatch: pre 0x%08x / act 0x%08x"),
+ iThreadContext->iDrive, aDrive);
+ }
+ if (desc->iByteOffset != aOffset)
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT2(_L("Pre-read offset mismatch: pre %ld / act %ld"),
+ desc->iByteOffset, aOffset);
+ }
+ if (desc->iLength != aLength)
+ {
+ __MT_READ_PRINT2(_L("Pre-read length mismatch: pre %d / act %d"),
+ desc->iLength, aLength);
+ // Potential optimization: If the pre-read was OK but for more data
+ // than the host is now asking for, we could still satisfy that
+ // request from the pre-read data by shortening the buffer.
+ }
+ // No valid pre-read data was available - so we have to read it now
+ bgDesc->iByteOffset = aOffset;
+ bgDesc->iLength = aLength;
+ TInt err = aDrive->Read(aOffset,
+ aLength,
+ bgDesc->iBuf,
+ aDrive->IsWholeMediaAccess());
+ if (err != KErrNone)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("Read failed, err=%d\n"), err);
+ // +++ READ CS ENDS HERE +++
+ __PRINT(_L("Signalling Read CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare thread variables for next pre-read attempt by the ReadThread
+ const TInt64 offs_new = aOffset + aLength;
+ iThreadContext->iDrive = aDrive; // same drive
+ desc->iByteOffset = offs_new; // next block
+ desc->iLength = aLength; // same length
+ iCompleted = EFalse;
+ iThreadContext->iBuffer.SwapDesc();
+ // +++ READ CS ENDS HERE +++
+ __PRINT(_L("Signalling Read CS..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();
+ // Start background read
+ __PRINT(_L("Resuming Read Thread"));
+ iThreadContext->Resume();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+Discard the read buffer. This is used to force a cache miss when reading from
+the same sectors that were just written.
+void CReadDriveThread::DiscardRead()
+ __PRINT(_L("Waiting on Read CS in DiscardRead..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Wait();
+ // +++ READ CS STARTS HERE +++
+ __PRINT(_L("Discarding pre-read buffer"));
+ iCompleted = EFalse;
+ iThreadContext->iBuffer.iDescReadPtr->iLength = 0;
+ // +++ READ CS ENDS HERE +++
+ __PRINT(_L("Signalling Read CS in DiscardRead..."));
+ iThreadContext->iCritSect.Signal();