changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 4 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/hcr/hcr_hai.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Hardware Configuration Respoitory Platform Independent Layer (PIL)
+@file hcr_hai.h
+Kernel side definitions for the HCR Hardware Abstraction Interface for variants
+to implement when creating a HCR.dll binary.
+ ____            _        _                    
+|  _ \ _ __ ___ | |_ ___ | |_ _   _ _ __   ___ 
+| |_) | '__/ _ \| __/ _ \| __| | | | '_ \ / _ \
+|  __/| | | (_) | || (_) | |_| |_| | |_) |  __/
+|_|   |_|  \___/ \__\___/ \__|\__, | .__/ \___|
+                              |___/|_|         
+This API and component are in an early release form. As such
+this component, it's API/HAI interfaces and internal design 
+are not fixed and may be updated/changed at any time before 
+final release.
+#ifndef HCR_HAI_H
+#define HCR_HAI_H
+// -- INCLUDES ----------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32err.h> 
+#include <drivers/hcr.h>
+/** Macro used in PSL source as the value for the finger print field in a
+compiled repository.
+@see SRepositoryBase::iFingerPrint
+#define HCR_FINGER_PRINT {'H', 'C', 'R'}
+// -- CLASSES -----------------------------------------------------------------
+The HCR namespace contains all the types and classes that make up the
+Kernel side Hardware Configuration Repository (HCR).
+namespace HCR
+    {
+	/** Constant defined for the first HCR repository format. Used for both 
+	compiled and file repositories. 	
+	@see SRepositoryBase::iFormatVersion	
+	*/	    
+    static const TInt KRepositoryFirstVersion = 0x0001;
+    /** Interface class defining the methods variants must implement to provide
+    a complete HCR component for the targeted variant.  
+    The HCR supports three repositories and it is recommended that as few of 
+    these are employed for a variant to minimise lookup overheads as setting 
+    override flexibility is provided at the expense of lookup performance.       
+    */
+    class MVariant
+        {
+    public:
+        /** 
+        Perform platform specific initialisation of variant HCR object. Invoked 
+        during HCR kernel extension module initialisation. 
+        Note: an error code from this method will prevent device startup.
+    	@return	KErrNone if successful, or any other system wide error code.
+        */    
+        virtual TInt Initialise() = 0;
+    	/**
+        This method returns the address of the compile time setting repository 
+        built into the variant HCR.dll project/binary. This repository is 
+        optional and may be absent in which case 0 should be returned in aAddr. 
+        @param aAddr out: a pointer to a HCR::SRepositoryCompiled 
+    	@return	KErrNone if successful, output parameters valid,
+    	        KErrNotSupported if a compile time repository is not supported,
+    	        Any other system wide error code.
+        @see HCR::SRepositoryCompiled
+       	*/
+        virtual TInt GetCompiledRepositoryAddress(TAny* & aAddr) = 0;
+   	    /**
+        This method is called at kernel initialisation and allows the PSL to 
+		disable the initial lookup of the built-in Core Image file repository. 
+		The PSL should return ETrue if the device/BSP is not going to support 
+		this repository. 	
+    	@return	ETrue if the PIL should not find the repository in the ROM
+    	        EFalse if the core image repository is to be used/supported
+       	*/
+        virtual TBool IgnoreCoreImgRepository () = 0;
+    	/**
+        This method returns the address of the override repository that 
+        provides override values for the variant. Typically this repository
+        is held in NAND flash and shadowed in RAM by the OS loader. It is
+        a read-only settings repository. This repository is optional and may 
+        be absent in which case 0 should be returned in aAddr.
+        @param aAddr out: a pointer to a HCR::SRepositoryFile
+    	@return	KErrNone if successful, output parameters valid,
+    	        KErrNotSupported if a compile time repository is not supported,
+    	        Any other system wide error code.
+        @see HCR::SRepositoryFile
+       	*/
+        virtual TInt GetOverrideRepositoryAddress(TAny* & aAddr) = 0;
+        };       
+    /** Union that holds one of the supported word-sized setting values 
+    */
+    union UValueWord
+        {
+        TInt32      iInt32;
+        TInt16      iInt16;
+        TInt8       iInt8;
+        TBool       iBool;
+        TUint32     iUInt32;
+        TUint16     iUInt16;
+        TUint8      iUInt8;
+        TLinAddr    iAddress;
+        };
+    /** Union that holds a pointer to one of the supported large value types 
+    */
+    union UValueLarge
+        {
+        TUint8*     iData;          //!< Array of TUint8 values
+        TText8*     iString8;       //!< Array of TText8 values
+		TInt32*		iArrayInt32;	//!< Array of TInt32 values
+		TUint32*	iArrayUInt32;	//!< Array of TUInt32 values
+        TInt64*     iInt64;         //!< Single TInt64 value
+        TUint64*    iUInt64;        //!< Single TUint64 value
+        };
+    /** Type used to hold the offset to a large setting value */
+    typedef TInt TValueLargeOffset;
+    /** Union type used to hold either the literal value or a C++ pointer to 
+    the value. Used in compile time settings.   
+    */
+    union USettingValueC
+        {
+        UValueWord  iLit;
+        UValueLarge iPtr;
+        };
+    /** Union type used to hold either the literal value or an offset from the 
+    start if the setting repository to the setting value. Used in file and RAM
+    mapped settings.   
+    */
+    union USettingValueF
+        {
+        UValueWord          iLit;
+        TValueLargeOffset   iOffset;
+        };
+    /** Metadata flags to describe properties of the settings.
+    */
+    enum TSettingProperties
+        {
+        EPropUndefined     = 0x0000,   //!< Unknown/not set
+        // Following properties are not yet supported:
+        EPropUnintiailised = 0x0001,   //!< Setting has no initial value
+        EPropModifiable    = 0x0002,   //!< Setting is set/writable
+        EPropPersistent    = 0x0004,   //!< Setting is non-volatile
+        // Following properties are not yet supported but are envisaged to be
+		// implemented to support setting breaks/migration where settings 
+		// evolve and/or replace each other.
+        EPropDeprecated	   = 0x1000,   //!< Setting supported but deprecate, accessed logged
+		EPropReplaced      = 0x2000,   //!< HCR redirected to retrieve value from replacement setting, access logged
+		EPropWithdrawn	   = 0x4000    //!< Setting withdrawn, log & panic if accessed 
+        };        
+    /** Provides base class for setting records. All setting structures start
+    with this structure providing common setting attributes such as the
+    identifier, type etc.    
+    */
+    struct SSettingBase
+        {
+        SSettingId  iId;        // Always the first member!
+        TInt32      iType;      //!< @see TSettingType
+        TUint16     iFlags;     //!< @See TSettingProperties
+        TUint16     iLen;       //!< Only valid if setting is a large type
+        };
+    /** This structure holds a setting defined at compile time within a compile
+    time defined repository.     
+    @see SRepositoryCompiled
+    */
+    struct SSettingC            // : public SSettingBase
+        {
+        SSettingBase    iName;  // Always the first member!
+        USettingValueC  iValue;
+        };
+    /** This structure holds a setting define in a file or memory within a file
+    based repository.     
+    @see SRepositoryFile
+    */
+    struct SSettingF             // : public SSettingBase
+        {
+        SSettingBase    iName;   // Always the first member!
+        USettingValueF  iValue;
+        };
+    /** Metadata flags to describe the repository type/layout.
+    */
+    enum TRepositoryType
+        {
+        EReposUndefined = 0x00,   //!< Unknown
+        EReposCompiled  = 'c',   //!< Repository is in Compiled layout
+        EReposFile      = 'f'    //!< Repository is in File layout
+        };        
+    /** Metadata flags to describe repository properties.
+    */
+    enum TRepositoryProperties
+        {
+        EReposClear       = 0x0000,   //!< Unknown
+        EReposReadOnly    = 0x0001,   //!< Repository is read-only
+        EReposNonVolatile = 0x0002    //!< Repository is writable, saved to flash
+        };        
+    /** Provides base class for setting repositories. All repository structures 
+    start with this structure providing common repository attributes such as the
+    type , size etc.   
+    */
+    struct SRepositoryBase
+        {
+        TUint8      iFingerPrint[3];    //!< Fixed value {'H', 'C', 'R'}
+        TUint8      iType;              //!< @See TRepositoryType
+        TInt16      iFormatVersion;     //!< Format/layout version number
+        TUint16     iFlags;             //!< @see TRepositoryProperties
+        TInt32      iNumSettings;       //!< Number of settings in repository
+        };    
+    /** This class is the root object for a compile time defined settings 
+    repository and is used in the PSL HCR variant object to hold read-only
+    compile time settings. This type of repository makes use of pointers to 
+    structures and arrays as it is compiled.
+    */
+    struct SRepositoryCompiled
+        {
+        SRepositoryBase*    iHdr;        // Always the first member!
+        SSettingC*          iOrderedSettingList;
+        };    
+    /** Byte type for large setting value data 
+    */
+    typedef TUint8 TSettingData;
+    /** This class is the root object for a file or memory based settings 
+    repository. It assumes the repository has a flat contiguous layout and
+    employees offsets to data rather then C++ pointers as in compiled 
+    setting repositories.                 
+    All offsets are relative to the address of &iHdr member.
+    The last two members are expected to be present in the file/memory as shown
+    although there is no way at type definition time to know the size of these
+    members, hence they are commented out and will be accessed in the code
+    using memory/file address arithmetic.
+    */
+    struct SRepositoryFile 
+        {
+        SRepositoryBase     iHdr;        // Always the first member!
+        TUint32             iLSDfirstByteOffset;
+		TUint32             iLSDataSize;
+		TUint32				iReserved[3];
+     // SSettingF           iOrderedSettingList[iNumSettings];
+     // TSettingData        iLargeSettingsData[iLSDataSize];
+        };    
+    }
+// -- GLOBALS -----------------------------------------------------------------
+Global entry point used by PIL to create the variant HCR object in the PSL
+@return Pointer to variant is successfully, 0 otherwise.
+@see HCR::MVariant
+GLREF_C HCR::MVariant* CreateHCRVariant(); 
+#endif // HCR_HAI_H