changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/drivers/resourceman/resourceman.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\drivers\resourceman\resourceman.cpp
+#include <drivers/resourcecontrol.h>
+#include <drivers/resourceman.h>
+@prototype 9.5
+Register a client with the resource manager
+@param aClientId  A reference to a client ID: returns a unique handle if registration was
+                  successful, 0 otherwise.
+@param aName      Descriptor with name for client. The descriptor is created by the client
+                  in kernel heap or in kernel stack.
+                  NOTE: Name should ideally relate to component name and should take care
+                  of name uniqueness as this is not checked by resource manager unless 
+				  DEBUG_VERSION macro is enabled.
+@param aType      Defines ownership
+                  EOwnerProcess - The client ID can be used by all thread in the process to
+                  call the resource manager API's
+                  EOwnerThread - The client ID can only be used by the thread that registered
+                  the client to resource manager to call the PRM API's
+                  By default this is set to EOwnerProcess.
+@return           KErrNone     if the operation was successful,
+                  KErrNoMemory if a new client link was needed but could not be created and 
+                               added to the client list,
+                  KErrTooBig   if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32.
+				  KErrAlreadyExists if the specified name already exists. This is valid only if 
+				                    DEBUG_VERSION macro is enabled. 
+				  KErrNotSupported if the number of expected kernel side clients is set to zero
+									by PSL during initialisation.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled.
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
+@pre No fast mutex can be held.
+@pre Call in a thread context, but not from null thread or DFC thread1.
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient(TUint& aClientId, const TDesC8& aName, TOwnerType aType)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RegisterClient"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client Name %S", &aName));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("OwnerType %d", aType));
+    return TInterface::RegisterClient(aClientId, aName, aType);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Deregister a client with the resource manager
+@param aClientId    The ID of the client which is being deregistered
+@return             KErrNone     if the operation was successful
+                    KErrNotFound if this client ID could not be found in the current
+                                 list of clients
+		            KErrArgument if user side client ID is specified or client ID to be used
+								 by Power Controller is specified.
+		            KErrAccessDenied if client was registered to be thread relative and this API
+						             is not called from the same thread. 
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClient"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client ID %d", aClientId));
+    return TInterface::DeRegisterClient(aClientId);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Obtain the name of a registered client of the resource manager
+@param aClientId       The ID of the client which is requesting the name of
+                       another client whose ID is specified in aTargetClientId.
+@param aTargetClientId The ID of the client whose name is being requested.
+@param aName           Descriptor to be filled with the name of the client.
+				       The descriptor is created by the client in kernel stack or heap.
+@return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                       KErrNotFound if this client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be
+                                    found in the current list of registered clients.
+                       KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found
+                                        in the current list of registered clients or if the client was 
+				                        registered to be thread relative and this API is not called from 
+				                        the same thread.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetClientName(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TDes8&
+ aName)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetClientName"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
+    return TInterface::GetClientName(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aName);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Obtain the Id of registered client of the resource manager
+@param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the ID of the another
+                       client whose name is specified in aClientName
+@param aClientName     Descriptor containing the name of the client whose ID is being
+                       requested. The client must create the descriptor in kernel stack
+                       or heap.
+                       NOTE: Resource manager does not check for uniqueness of client
+                       name during registration, so if there are multiple clients registered
+                       to PRM with same name it will return the ID of the first client encountered
+				       with the specified name (order is not guaranteed).
+@param aTargetClientId Updates with ID of the requested client on success
+@return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                       KErrNotFound if this client name could not be found in the current list 
+					                of registered client.
+                       KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the current
+                                       list of registered client or if the client was registered to 
+									   be thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                       KErrTooBig if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetClientId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aClientName, TUint& aTargetClientId)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetClientId"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientName %S", &aClientName));
+    return TInterface::GetClientId(aClientId, aClientName, aTargetClientId);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Obtain the ID of registered resource of the resource manager.
+NOTE: ID of the first matching name found in the resource list will be returned
+@param aClientId      ID of the client which is requesting the ID of the
+                      resource, by specifying its name.
+@param aResourceName  Descriptor containing the name of the resource whose
+                      ID is being requested.The client must create descriptor in 
+					  kernel stack or heap.
+@param aResourceId    Updates with ID of the requested resource on success
+@return               KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                      KErrAccessDenied if the ID of the client could not be found in the
+                                       current list of registered clients or if the client was
+						               registered to be thread relative and this API is not called
+						               from the same thread. 
+                      KErrNotFound if this resource name could not be found in the current
+                                   list of registered resources.
+		              KErrTooBig if the length of the descriptor passed is greater than 32. 
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aResourceName, TUint& aResourceId)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceId"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceName %S", &aResourceName));
+    return TInterface::GetResourceId(aClientId, aResourceName, aResourceId);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request a structure containing information on a resource.
+@param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting the resource information
+@param aResourceId  ID of the resource whose information is being requested.
+@param aInfo        A pointer to descriptor containing resource information
+                    structure (TPowerResourceInfoV01) to be filled in
+                    with the requested resource information. The client must
+                    create the descriptor in kernel stack or heap.
+@return             KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                    KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
+                                     of registered clients or if the client was registered to be
+						             thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                    KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                 of controllable resource.
+                    KErrArgument if aInfo is NULL or size of descriptor passed is less than size of 
+					             TPowerResourceInfoV01.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceInfo(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TAny* aInfo)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceInfo"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    return TInterface::GetResourceInfo(aClientId, aResourceId, aInfo);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request number of resources that the specified client (aTargetClientId) has
+requirement on resource level. Client ID starts from 1, so if 0 is specified in
+aTargetClientId, returns the total number of controllable resources registered with PRM.
+@param aClientId       ID of the client that is requesting the number of resources for which
+                       the specified client (aTargetClientId) holds requirement on the
+                       resource level change.
+@param aTargetClientId ID of the client for which the number of resources that it 
+					   has requested a level on is to be returned.
+@param aNumResource    Updated with the number of resources that the specified client
+                       has requirement on resource level change, if valid client
+                       ID is passed. If client ID is 0, updates the total number
+                       of resources registered with resource manager.
+@return                KErrNone if the operation was successful.
+                       KErrAccessDenied if the client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the
+                                        current list of registered clients or if the client was registered
+						                to be thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                       KErrNotFound if the client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be found in the
+                                    current list of registered clients and is not 0.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, 
+																 TUint& aNumResource)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
+    return TInterface::GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aNumResource);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request information on resources.
+If client ID (aTargetClientId) is valid, aInfo is updated with the information 
+of the resources that this client requested a resource level.
+If client ID (aTargetClientId) is 0, aInfo is updated with the information of all the resources 
+registered with resource controller.
+The number of resources for which information will be provided will be equal or less than 
+the number specified in aNumResources.
+@param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the resource information.
+@param aTargetClientId ID of the client. The information of all the resources on
+                       which it has requirement on resource level change is requested.
+                       Client ID starts from 1, so calling this API with client ID 0 will
+                       fill the details of all the controllable resource registered with
+                       resource manager starting from resource ID 1.
+@param aNumResources   Number of resource whose information needs to be filled in aInfo i.e,
+                       it specifies the size of aInfo array.
+@param aInfo           A pointer to an array of descriptor containing an information structure
+                       (TPowerResourceInfoV01) to be filled in with the information
+                       on the resources. It will be assumed that array allocated will be equal
+                       to the number passed in aNumResources. The client must create the array
+                       in Kernel stack or heap.
+@return                KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                       KErrAccessDenied if client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the registered
+                                        client list or if the client was registered to be thread relative
+										and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                       KErrNotFound if client ID (aTargetClientId) could not be found in the current list
+                                    of registered client and is also not 0.
+                       KErrArgument if aNumResources is 0 or aInfo is NULL or if size of aInfo is not 
+					                sufficient to hold the resource information of number of resources 
+									specified in aNumResource.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, 
+																	TUint& aNumResource, TAny* aInfo)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aTargetClientId 0x%08x", aTargetClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumResource 0x%08x", aNumResource));
+    return TInterface::GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(aClientId, aTargetClientId, aNumResource, aInfo);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request number of clients which has requirements on the resource level change of the specified
+resource. Resource ID starts from 1, so 0 can be used to get the number of clients
+registered with resource manager.
+@param aClientId         ID of the client which is requesting number of clients
+                         holding requirement on specified resource.
+@param aResourceId       ID of the resource.
+@param aNumClient        Upon success, updated with number of clients having a requirement
+                         on resource level for the specified resource, if valid resource ID is specified.
+                         If resource ID is 0, then it is updated with number of clients
+                         registered with PRM.
+@return                  KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                         KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not found in the current list of
+                                          registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread 
+						                  relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                         KErrNotFound If this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                      of registered resource and is also not 0.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetNumClientsUsingResource"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    return TInterface::GetNumClientsUsingResource(aClientId, aResourceId, aNumClients);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request information on clients
+If resource ID is valid, aInfo is updated with the information of the clients
+which have a requirements on the resource level for the specified resource
+If resource ID is 0, aInfo is updated with the information of the clients registered
+with resource manager, starting from client ID 1.
+The number of clients for which information will be provided will be equal to or less
+than the number specified in a NumClients.
+@param aClientId        ID of the client which is requesting the information 
+@param aResourceId      Id of the resource.
+@param aNumClients		Number of clients whose information needs to be filled in aInfo
+						ie, it specifies the size of aInfo array.
+@param aInfo            A pointer to an array of descriptor containing an information
+                        structure (TPowerClientInfoV01) to be filled in with
+                        the information on the client. It will be assumed that array
+                        allocated will be equal to the number passed in aNumClients.
+                        The Client must create the array of descriptors in kernel stack
+                        or heap.
+@return                 KErrNone if the operation was successful.
+                        KErrNotFound if resource ID could not be found in the registered resource list and is 
+						             also not 0.
+		                KErrAccessDenied if client ID (aClientId) could not be found in the registered client list
+						                 or if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API is not 
+						                 called from the same thread. 
+                        KErrArgument if aNumClients is 0 or aInfo is NULL or if size of aInfo is not sufficient 
+						             to hold client information of specified client number in aNumClients.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, 
+																  TUint& aNumClients, TAny* aInfo)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumClients 0x%08x", aNumClients));
+    return TInterface::GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(aClientId, aResourceId, aNumClients, aInfo);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request changing the state of a resource
+NOTE: If a resource callback is specified for instantaneous resource, then callback
+      will be called after resource change and will be executed in the context of the
+      client thread.
+      If a resource callback is specified for long latency reosurces, then it will be
+      executed asynchronously.
+      When the request is accepted the API returns immediately and the calling thread
+      is unblocked: the callback (called in the client's context) will be invoked when
+      the resource change finally takes place.
+      If aCb is not specified (NULL by default) the API executes synchronously and will
+      only return when the resource change has taken place for long latency resource.
+      The client thread is blocked throughout
+      When state change for a shared resource is requested, only minimum state that
+      satisfy the requirement is guaranteed and it is not guaranteed for the absolute
+      value change.
+@param aClientId   ID of the client which is requesting the resource change.
+@param aResourceId ID of the resource whose state is to be changed.
+@param aNewState   The new state of the resource. This could be a binary value for a
+                   binary resource, an integer level for a multilevel resource or some
+                   platform specific token for a multi-property resource.
+@param aCb         For Long latency resource
+                       A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a
+                       callback function to be called whenever the resource state change
+                       happens (if left NULL the API will execute synchrounously).
+                   For Instantaneous resource
+                       A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback
+                       function to be called after resource change. This executes in the
+                       context of the client thread.
+@return            KErrNone If the API is to be executed synchronously it indicates the change was
+                            successful, if the API is to be executed asynchronously it indicates
+                            the request to change the resource state has been accepted.
+                   KErrNotFound if the resource ID could not be found in the current list of
+                                controllable resources.
+                   KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
+                                    registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread 
+						            relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                   KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes its
+                                internal initialisation.
+                   KErrUnderflow if the client has exceeded the reserved number of
+                                 SPowerResourceClientLevel and the free pool is empty or if it is
+                                 an asynchronous operation on long latency resource and the client has exceeded 
+					             the reserved number of TPowerRequest and the free pool is empty.
+				   KErrArgument if requested level is out of range (outside of min and max levels)
+				   KErrPermissionDenied if the requested state of the resource is not accepted by its dependents.
+				                        This error is valid only for dependent resource state change in extened
+										version of PRM.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+@pre Do not call synchronous version from DFC thread 0 for long latency resource
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState(TUint aClientId , TUint aResourceId, 
+														TInt aNewState, TPowerResourceCb* aCb)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::ChangeResourceState"));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNewState 0x%08x", aNewState));
+	return TInterface::ChangeResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aNewState, aCb);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request the state of the resource synchronously. Client thread will be blocked throughout.
+@param aClientId     ID of the client which is requesting the resource state.
+@param aResourceId   ID of the resource whose state is being requested.
+@param aCached       If ETrue, cached value will be updated in aState.
+                     If EFalse, aState will be updated after the resource
+                     state is read from resource.
+@param aState        Returns the resource state if operation was successful. This
+                     could be a binary value for a binary resource, an integer level
+                     for a multilevel resource or some platform specific tolen for a
+                     multi-property resource.
+@param aLevelOwnerId Returns the Id of the client that is currently the owner of the resource.
+					 -1	is returned when no client is owner of the resource.
+@return              KErrNone if operation was successful
+                     KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
+                                      of registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread
+						              relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                     KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                  of controllable resources.
+                     KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes
+                                  its internal initialization.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+@pre Do not call from DFC thread 0 for long latency resource with caching disabled.
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, 
+													 TInt& aState, TInt& aLevelOwnerId)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState"));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aCached 0x%08x", aCached));
+	return TInterface::GetResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aCached, aState, aLevelOwnerId);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request the state of the resource asynchrounously.
+@param aClientId   ID of the client which is requesting the resource state.
+@param aResourceId ID of the resource whose state is being requested.
+@param aCached     If ETrue, cached value will be updated in aState
+                   If EFalse, will be updated after the resource state is read from resource
+@param aCb         For long latency resource:
+                      A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback function
+                      to be called whenever the state of the resource is available for the long
+                      latency resource (executes in the context of resource manager)
+                   For instantaneous resource:
+                      A pointer to a resource callback object which encapsulates a callback
+                      function to be called after the resource state is read. This is executed
+                      synchronously in the context of the calling thread.
+                      NOTE: The client must create the callback object in kernel heap or
+                            data section.
+@return            KErrNone if the operation was successful
+                   KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list
+                                    of registered clients or if the client was registered to be
+						            thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                   KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                of controllable resources.
+                   KErrNotReady if the request is issued before the resource controller completes
+                                its internal initialisation
+                   KErrUnderflow if the client has exceeded the reserved number of TPowerRequest
+                                 and the TPowerRequest free pool is empty for long latency resource.
+		           KErrArgument if callback object is NULL.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TPowerResourceCb& aCb)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::GetResourceState"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aCached 0x%08x", aCached));
+    return TInterface::GetResourceState(aClientId, aResourceId, aCached, aCb);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5  
+Cancel an asynchronous request(or its callback).
+@param aClientId       ID of the client which is requesting the cancellation of the request.
+@param aResourceId     ID for the resource which the request that is being cancelled operates
+                       upon.
+@param aCb             A reference to the resource callback object specified with the request
+                       that is being cancelled.
+@return                KErrCancel if the request was cancelled.
+                       KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list of 
+					                controllable resources.
+                       KErrCompletion if request is no longer pending.
+                       KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current list of registered
+		                                clients or if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API
+						                is not called from the same thread or if client is not the same that 
+						                requested the resource state change.
+		               KErrInUse if the request cannot be cancelled as processing of the request already started 
+				                 and will run to completion. 
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TPowerResourceCb& aCb)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::CancelAsyncRequestCallback"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    return TInterface::CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(aClientId, aResourceId, aCb);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request notification of changes to the state of a resource.
+NOTE: This API should return immediately; however the notification will
+only happen when a resource change occurs.Notification request is idempotent, 
+if the same notification has already been requested for this resource ID, 
+the API returns with no further action. Notifications remain queued until 
+they are cancelled.
+@param aClientId     ID of the client which is requesting the notification.
+@param aResourceId   ID of the resource for which notification of state changes
+                     is being requested.
+@param aN            A reference to a notification object which encapsulates a callback
+                     function to be called whenever a resource state change takes place.
+                     NOTE: The client must create the notification object in kernel heap
+                           or data section.
+@return              KErrNone if the operation of requesting a notification was successful.
+                     KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                  of controllable resources.
+                     KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the current
+                                      list of registered clients or if the client was registered to be thread
+						              relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+		             KErrInUse if the passed notification object is used already.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    return TInterface::RequestNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request notification when the state of a resource reaches a specified threshold or
+goes above or below that threshold (for multilevel resource only) based on direction.
+In other words it is issued when a threshold on the specified resource state is crossed
+in the direction specified.
+NOTE:This API should return immediately; however the notification will only
+happen when a resource change occurs. Notification request is idempotent, 
+if the same notification has already been requested for this resource ID, 
+the API returns with no further action. Notification remain queued until 
+they are cancelled.
+@param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting the notification.
+@param aResourceId  ID for the resource whose notification of state changes is
+                    being requested.
+@param aN           A reference to a notification object which encapsulates a callback
+                    function to be called whenever the conditions to issue the notification
+                    (specified in the API) are met.
+                    NOTE: The client must create the notification object in kernel heap
+                          or data section.
+@param aThreshold   The level of the resource state that will trigger the notification
+                    when reached.
+@param aDirection   Specifies the direction of change of the resource state that will
+                    trigger a notification. EFalse means the notification will be issued
+                    when the resource state change to a specified threshold value or below
+                    the specified threshold, ETrue means the notification will be issued
+                    when the resource state change to a specified threshold value or above
+                    the specified threshold.
+@return             KErrNone if the operation of requesting a notification was successful.
+                    KErrNotFound if this resource ID could not be found in the current list
+                                 of controllable reosurces.
+                    KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
+                                     registered clients or if the client was registered to be
+						             thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+		            KErrInUse if the passed notification object is used already.
+		            KErrArgument if the specified threshold is out of range.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN,
+														TInt aThreshold, TBool aDirection)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::RequestNotification"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aThreshold 0x%08x", aThreshold));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aDirection 0x%08x", aDirection));
+    return TInterface::RequestNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN, aThreshold, aDirection);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Cancel and remove from queue a previously issued request for notification on a
+resource state change.
+@param aClientId    ID of the client which is requesting to cancel the notification
+@param aResourceId  ID of the resource whose pending notification of state changes
+                    is being cancelled.
+@param aN           A reference to the notification object that was associated with
+                    the notification request that is being cancelled. This will be
+                    used to identify the notification that is being cancelled.
+@return             KErrCancel if the notification request was successfully cancelled.
+                    KErrNotFound if the specified notification object is not found in the current list
+					             of notification objects for the specified resource.
+                    KErrAccessDenied if the client requesting the cancellation is not the same
+                                     which registered the notification or if the resource id does not
+						             match or if the client ID could not be found in the list of 
+             						 registered clients or if the client was registered to be 
+			             			 thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::CancelNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::CancelNotification"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+    return TInterface::CancelNotification(aClientId, aResourceId, aN);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request pre-allocation of specified number of client level and request message objects.
+@param aClientId  ID of the client which is requesting the pre-allocation.
+@param aNumCl     Number of client level objects that needs to be pre-allocated
+                  for this client.
+@param aNumRm     Number of request message objects that needs to be pre-allocated
+                  for this client.
+@return           KErrNone if the allocation was successful
+                  KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of
+                                   registered clients or if the client was registered to be 
+						           thread relative and this API is not called from the same thread.
+                  KErrNoMemory if there is no sufficient memory for allocation of requested
+                               number of objects.
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::AllocReserve(TUint aClientId, TUint8 aNumCl, TUint8 aNumRm)
+	{
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::AllocReserve"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumCl 0x%02x", aNumCl));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aNumRm 0x%02x", aNumRm));
+    return TInterface::AllocReserve(aClientId, aNumCl, aNumRm);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Request to deregister client level from the specified resource for the specified client.
+@param aClientId	ID of the client which is requesting the deregistration of client level.
+@param aResourceId	ID of the resource from which to remove the specified clients 'client level'.
+@return             KErrNone if successful
+		            KErrAccessDenied if the client ID could not be found in the list of registered clients or
+							         if the client was registered to be thread relative and this API is not 
+							         called from the same thread.
+		            KErrNotFound if the resource ID could not be found in the current list of controllable 
+							     resources or if the client is not holding any level with the specified 
+							     resource (no client level found for the specified client).
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver.
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId)
+	{
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource"));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+	__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aResourceId 0x%08x", aResourceId));
+	return TInterface::DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(aClientId, aResourceId);
+	}
+@prototype 9.5
+Interface to provide extended functionality.This provides support
+to register and deregister dynamic resources and handling of resource dependency, registering
+and deregistering resource dependency.
+This is not supported in basic version
+It is used for getting version (supported in both version). 
+@pre Interrupts must be enabled
+@pre Kernel must be unlocked
+@pre No fast mutex can be held
+@pre Call in a thread context but not from null thread or DFC thread1
+@pre Can be used in a device driver.
+EXPORT_C TInt PowerResourceManager::ControlIO(TUint aClientId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, 
+											  TAny* aParam3)
+    {
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf(">PowerResourceManager::ControlIO"));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aClientId 0x%08x", aClientId));
+    __KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("aFunction %d", aFunction));
+    return TInterface::ControlIO(aClientId, aFunction, aParam1, aParam2, aParam3);
+	}