--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/euser/epoc/x86/uc_i64.cia Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\euser\epoc\x86\uc_i64.cia
+#include "u32std.h"
+#include <e32math.h>
+extern "C" void UDiv64();
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void Math::Mul64(Int64 /*aX*/, Int64 /*aY*/, Int64& /*aOutH*/, Uint64& /*aOutL*/)
+Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.
+The high order 64 bits of this calculation are stored in aOutH,
+and the low order 64 bits are stored in aOutL.
+@param aX The first 64-bit operand.
+@param aY The second 64-bit operand.
+@param aOutH The high order 64 bits of the result.
+@param aOutL The low order 64 bits of the result.
+ {
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+4]");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+12]"); // edx:eax = x0*y0
+ asm("push edi");
+ asm("push esi");
+ asm("push ebx"); // [esp+16]=&aX, [esp+24]=&aY, [esp+32]=&aOutH, [esp+36]=&aOutL
+ asm("mov ecx, eax");
+ asm("mov ebx, edx"); // ebx:ecx = x0*y0
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+16]");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+28]"); // edx:eax = x0*y1
+ asm("xor esi, esi");
+ asm("add ebx, eax");
+ asm("adc esi, edx"); // esi:ebx:ecx = x0*y
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+20]"); // eax=x1
+ asm("imul dword ptr [esp+28]"); // edx:eax = x1*y1
+ asm("mov edi, edx");
+ asm("add esi, eax");
+ asm("adc edi, 0"); // partial result in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
+ asm("cmp dword ptr [esp+28],0");// y<0 ?
+ asm("jns mul64_ypos");
+ asm("sub esi, [esp+16]"); // if so, subtract x0<<64
+ asm("sbb edi, 0");
+ asm("mul64_ypos:");
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+20]"); // eax=x1
+ asm("cmp eax, 0"); // x<0 ?
+ asm("jns mul64_xpos");
+ asm("sub esi, [esp+24]"); // if so, subtract y0<<64
+ asm("sbb edi, 0");
+ asm("mul64_xpos:");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+24]"); // edx:eax = x1*y0
+ asm("add ebx, eax");
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+32]"); // eax=&aOutH
+ asm("adc esi, edx");
+ asm("mov edx, [esp+36]"); // edx=&aOutL
+ asm("adc edi, 0"); // full result now in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
+ asm("mov [eax], esi");
+ asm("mov [eax+4], edi"); // store high 64
+ asm("mov [edx], ecx");
+ asm("mov [edx+4], ebx"); // store low 64
+ asm("pop ebx");
+ asm("pop esi");
+ asm("pop edi");
+ asm("ret");
+ }
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ void Math::UMul64(Uint64 /*aX*/, Uint64 /*aY*/, Uint64& /*aOutH*/, Uint64& /*aOutL*/)
+Multiply aX by aY to generate a 128 bit result.
+The high order 64 bits of this calculation are stored in aOutH,
+and the low order 64 bits are stored in aOutL.
+@param aX The first 64-bit operand.
+@param aY The second 64-bit operand.
+@param aOutH The high order 64 bits of the result.
+@param aOutL The low order 64 bits of the result.
+ {
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+4]");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+12]"); // edx:eax = x0*y0
+ asm("push edi");
+ asm("push esi");
+ asm("push ebx"); // [esp+16]=&aX, [esp+24]=&aY, [esp+32]=&aOutH, [esp+36]=&aOutL
+ asm("mov ecx, eax");
+ asm("mov ebx, edx"); // ebx:ecx = x0*y0
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+16]");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+28]"); // edx:eax = x0*y1
+ asm("xor esi, esi");
+ asm("add ebx, eax");
+ asm("adc esi, edx"); // esi:ebx:ecx = x0*y
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+20]"); // eax=x1
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+28]"); // edx:eax = x1*y1
+ asm("mov edi, edx");
+ asm("add esi, eax");
+ asm("adc edi, 0"); // partial result in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+20]");
+ asm("mul dword ptr [esp+24]"); // edx:eax = x1*y0
+ asm("add ebx, eax");
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+32]"); // eax=&aOutH
+ asm("adc esi, edx");
+ asm("mov edx, [esp+36]"); // edx=&aOutL
+ asm("adc edi, 0"); // full result now in edi:esi:ebx:ecx
+ asm("mov [eax], esi");
+ asm("mov [eax+4], edi"); // store high 64
+ asm("mov [edx], ecx");
+ asm("mov [edx+4], ebx"); // store low 64
+ asm("pop ebx");
+ asm("pop esi");
+ asm("pop edi");
+ asm("ret");
+ }
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ Int64 Math::DivMod64(Int64 /*aDividend*/, Int64 /*aDivisor*/, Int64& /*aRemainder*/)
+Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
+The quotient is returned, and the remainder is stored in aRemainder.
+The remainder has same sign as the dividend.
+@param aDividend The 64-bit dividend.
+@param aDivisor The 64-bit divisor.
+@param aRemainder The 64-bit remainder.
+@return The 64-bit quotient.
+ {
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+4]");
+ asm("mov edx, [esp+8]"); // edx:eax = dividend
+ asm("cmp edx, 0");
+ asm("jns divmod64_0");
+ asm("neg edx");
+ asm("neg eax");
+ asm("sbb edx, 0");
+ asm("divmod64_0:"); // edx:eax = ABS{dividend}
+ asm("push edi");
+ asm("push esi");
+ asm("push ebx");
+ asm("push ebp");
+ asm("mov esi, [esp+28]");
+ asm("mov edi, [esp+32]"); // edi:esi = dividend
+ asm("cmp edi, 0");
+ asm("jns divmod64_1");
+ asm("neg edi");
+ asm("neg esi");
+ asm("sbb edi, 0"); // edi:esi = ABS{dividend}
+ asm("divmod64_1:");
+ asm("call %a0": : "i"(&UDiv64)); // do division, quotient in ebx:eax remainder in edi:edx
+ asm("xchg ebx, edx"); // quotient in edx:eax, remainder in edi:ebx
+ asm("mov ecx, [esp+24]"); // ecx=dividend high
+ asm("xor ecx, [esp+32]"); // ecx=dividend high ^ divisor high
+ asm("jns divmod64_2");
+ asm("neg edx");
+ asm("neg eax");
+ asm("sbb edx, 0");
+ asm("divmod64_2:"); // edx:eax = quotient with correct sign
+ asm("cmp dword ptr [esp+24], 0");
+ asm("jns divmod64_3");
+ asm("neg edi");
+ asm("neg ebx");
+ asm("sbb edi, 0");
+ asm("divmod64_3:"); // edi:ebx = remainder with correct sign
+ asm("mov ecx, [esp+36]"); // ecx=&aRemainder
+ asm("mov [ecx], ebx");
+ asm("mov [ecx+4], edi");
+ asm("pop ebp");
+ asm("pop ebx");
+ asm("pop esi");
+ asm("pop edi");
+ asm("ret");
+ }
+EXPORT_C __NAKED__ Uint64 Math::UDivMod64(Uint64 /*aDividend*/, Uint64 /*aDivisor*/, Uint64& /*aRemainder*/)
+Divides aDividend by aDivisor.
+The quotient is returned, and the remainder is stored in aRemainder.
+@param aDividend The 64-bit dividend.
+@param aDivisor The 64-bit divisor.
+@param aRemainder The 64-bit remainder.
+@return The 64-bit quotient.
+ {
+ asm("mov eax, [esp+4]");
+ asm("mov edx, [esp+8]"); // edx:eax = dividend
+ asm("push edi");
+ asm("push esi");
+ asm("push ebx");
+ asm("push ebp");
+ asm("mov esi, [esp+28]");
+ asm("mov edi, [esp+32]"); // edi:esi = dividend
+ asm("call %a0": : "i"(&UDiv64)); // do division, quotient in ebx:eax remainder in edi:edx
+ asm("xchg ebx, edx"); // quotient in edx:eax, remainder in edi:ebx
+ asm("mov ecx, [esp+36]"); // ecx=&aRemainder
+ asm("mov [ecx], ebx");
+ asm("mov [ecx+4], edi");
+ asm("pop ebp");
+ asm("pop ebx");
+ asm("pop esi");
+ asm("pop edi");
+ asm("ret");
+ }