changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 19 4a8fed1c0ef6
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/ewsrv/ws_win.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2484 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\ewsrv\ws_win.cpp
+#include "ws_std.h"
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <domainmanager.h>
+#ifdef __VC32__
+    #pragma setlocale("english")
+GLREF_D CKeyTranslator *KeyTranslator;
+GLREF_D CKeyRepeat *KeyRepeat;
+const TInt KTabSize=4;
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+#define FONTWIDTH 8
+TBool CWsWindow::IsHankaku(const TText aCode)
+	{
+	if (aCode >= 0xff61 && aCode <= 0xff9f) 
+		return ETrue;   // HANKAKU KATAKANA code
+	if (aCode >= 0x2550 && aCode <= 0x259f)
+		return ETrue;	// HANKAKU Graphics code
+	if (aCode < 0x100)
+        return ETrue;	// Alphanumeric codes means HANKAKU
+	return EFalse;
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::FitInWidth(TText* aDest,TInt aWidth,TInt aAsciiCol,TText aCode)
+	{
+	TInt pixel=aAsciiCol*FONTWIDTH;
+	TInt aJpnCol=0;
+	TInt jw=0;
+	TInt width;
+	while (pixel>0)
+		{
+		TInt width=IsHankaku(aDest[aJpnCol++]) ? FONTWIDTH : FONTWIDTH*2;
+		pixel-=width;
+		jw+=width;
+		}
+	width=IsHankaku(aCode) ? FONTWIDTH : FONTWIDTH*2;
+	TInt w=jw+width-aWidth*FONTWIDTH;
+	while (w > 0)
+		w-=IsHankaku(aDest[aJpnCol-- - 1]) ? FONTWIDTH : FONTWIDTH*2;
+	aDest[aJpnCol]=aCode;
+	return aJpnCol;
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::OffsetHZa(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize,TInt& aX)
+	{
+	TInt i=aPosition.iY*aSize.iWidth;
+	TInt j=0;
+	TInt x=aPosition.iX*FONTWIDTH;
+	while (x>0)
+		x-=IsHankaku(aDest[i+j++]) ? FONTWIDTH : FONTWIDTH * 2;
+	if (x<0) --j;
+	aX=j;
+	return(i+j);
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::OffsetHZwP(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize,TPoint& aP)
+	{
+	aP=aPosition;
+	TInt x;
+	TInt offset=OffsetHZa(aDest,aPosition,aSize,x);
+	aP.iX=x;
+	return offset;
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::OffsetHZ(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize)
+	{
+	TInt x;
+	return OffsetHZa(aDest, aPosition, aSize, x);
+	}
+TText CWsWindow::GetCharFromOffset(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize)
+	{
+	return aDest[OffsetHZ(aDest, aPosition, aSize)];
+	}
+TText* CWsWindow::GetCpFromOffset(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize)
+	{
+	return (TText * )(& aDest[OffsetHZ(aDest, aPosition, aSize)]);
+	}
+typedef CScreenDriver* (*TScreenDriverCreate)();
+void CWsWindow::New()
+// Acquire resources needed to run window system
+	{
+	// Load EDISP.DLL from Z:\SYSTEM\LIBS and invoke ordinal 1 to
+	// create the screen driver. This is because EDISP.DLL is hardware dependent.
+	RLibrary edisp;
+	ScreenDriver=NULL;
+	TInt r=edisp.Load(_L("EDISP.DLL"), KNullDesC);
+	if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+		Fault(EWindowsInitialisation);
+	TScreenDriverCreate f=(TScreenDriverCreate)edisp.Lookup(1);
+	if (f)
+		ScreenDriver=(*f)();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(ScreenDriver!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	ScreenDriver->Init(ScreenSize,FontSize);
+	ScreenDriver->SetMode(EMono);
+	// Set up data
+	ScreenColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+	BorderColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal];
+	WindowBgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+	ScreenDriver->GetAttributeColors(IndexOf);
+	CursorPeriodic=CPeriodic::New(ECursorPeriodicPriority);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(CursorPeriodic!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	CursorPeriodic->Start(500000,500000,TCallBack(CWsWindow::FlashCursor,NULL));
+	Numbers=CBitMapAllocator::New(EMaxOpenWindows);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(Numbers!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	Numbers->AllocAt(EBackgroundNumber);
+	VisibilityMap=(TInt8 *)User::Alloc(ScreenSize.iWidth*ScreenSize.iHeight);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(VisibilityMap!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	Mem::Fill(VisibilityMap,ScreenSize.iWidth*ScreenSize.iHeight,0);
+	BlankLineText=(TText *)User::Alloc(sizeof(TText)*ScreenSize.iWidth);
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(BlankLineText!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	BlankLineAttributes=(ColorInformation *)User::Alloc(ScreenSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(BlankLineAttributes!=NULL,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	TextFill(BlankLineText,ScreenSize.iWidth,_S(" "));
+	Mem::Fill(BlankLineAttributes,ScreenSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation),ScreenColor);
+	TInt err=MouseMutex.CreateLocal();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(err==KErrNone,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	err=ServiceMutex.CreateLocal();
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(err==KErrNone,Fault(EWindowsInitialisation));
+	SetMode(EMono);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Delete()
+// Release resources needed to run window system
+	{
+	delete ScreenDriver;
+	delete CursorPeriodic;
+	delete Numbers;
+	User::Free(VisibilityMap);
+	User::Free(BlankLineText);
+	User::Free(BlankLineAttributes);
+	MouseMutex.Close();
+	ServiceMutex.Close();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::TextFill(TText *aBuffer,TInt aLength,const TText *aValue)
+// This helper function provided because no UNICODE compatible fill function exists in User::
+	{
+	TPtr(aBuffer,aLength).Fill(*aValue,aLength);
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::Offset(const TPoint &aPosition,const TSize &aSize)
+// Finds the offset of aPosition within an area of aSize dimensions
+	{
+	return(aPosition.iY*aSize.iWidth+aPosition.iX);
+	}
+TInt8 CWsWindow::NewNumberL()
+// Issue a unique window id
+	{
+	TInt8 n=(TInt8)Numbers->Alloc();
+	if (n<0)
+		User::Leave(ETooManyWindowsOpen);
+	return(n);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ReleaseNumber(TInt8 aNumber)
+// Return unique window id back to the pool for future issuing
+	{
+	Numbers->Free((TUint)aNumber);
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::FlashCursor(TAny* /*aParameter*/)
+// Flash the cursor if it is on
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if (pT)
+		{
+		BeginUpdateScreen();
+		if (pT->iCursorIsOn)
+			{
+			TPoint p=pT->iCursorPos-pT->iCurrentOffset;
+			if (pT->IsInClippedTextArea(p) && p+pT->iViewOrigin!=MousePos)
+				{
+//#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//				TPoint sp;	// K.K
+//				TInt offset=pT->OffsetHZwP(pT->iTextBuffer, pT->iCursorPos, pT->iCurrentSize, sp);	//K.K
+//				const TText c = pT->iTextBuffer[offset];	// K.K
+//				sp= sp - pT->iCurrentOffset;	// K.K
+//				ScreenDriver->Blit(&c, 1, sp+pT->iViewOrigin);	// K.K
+//#else	// K.K
+				TInt i=Offset(pT->iCursorPos,pT->iCurrentSize);
+				const TText c=pT->iTextBuffer[i];
+				ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(pT->iAttributeBuffer[i].iFg);
+				ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(pT->iAttributeBuffer[i].iBg);
+				ScreenDriver->Blit(&c,1,p+pT->iViewOrigin);
+//#endif	// K.K
+				}
+			pT->iCursorIsOn=EFalse;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (pT->iCursorRequired && pT->iReadIsValid)
+				{
+				TPoint p=pT->iCursorPos-pT->iCurrentOffset;
+				if (pT->IsInClippedTextArea(p))
+		    		{
+					if (p+pT->iViewOrigin!=MousePos)
+						{
+						ScreenDriver->Blit(&(pT->iCursor),1,p+pT->iViewOrigin);
+//#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//						TPoint sp;	// K.K
+//						pT->OffsetHZwP(pT->iTextBuffer, pT->iCursorPos, pT->iCurrentSize, sp);	//K.K
+//						sp= sp - pT->iCurrentOffset;	// K.K
+//						ScreenDriver->Blit(&(pT->iCursor),1,sp+pT->iViewOrigin);	// K.K
+//#else	// K.K
+						ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(pT->iFgColor);
+						ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(WindowBgColor);
+						ScreenDriver->Blit(&(pT->iCursor),1,p+pT->iViewOrigin);
+//#endif	// K.K
+						}
+					pT->iCursorIsOn=ETrue;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		EndUpdateScreen();
+		}
+	return(KErrNone);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetCursor()
+// Place the text cursor for this window (if required)
+    {
+	BeginUpdateScreen();
+	if (iCursorIsOn)
+		{
+		if (iCursorPos!=iLastCursorPos || !IsTop() || !iCursorRequired)
+			{
+			TPoint p=iLastCursorPos-iCurrentOffset;
+			if (IsInClippedTextArea(p))
+	    	    {
+				TPoint q=p+iViewOrigin;
+				if (q!=MousePos)
+					{
+					if(VisibilityMap[Offset(q,ScreenSize)]==iNumber)
+						{
+//#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//						TPoint sp;	// K.K
+//						TInt offset = OffsetHZwP(iTextBuffer, iLastCursorPos, iCurrentSize, sp);	//K.K
+//						sp= sp - iCurrentOffset;	// K.K
+//						const TText c = iTextBuffer[offset];	// K.K
+//						sp = sp + iViewOrigin;	// K.K
+//						ScreenDriver->Blit(&c,1,sp);	// K.K
+//#else	// K.K
+						TInt i=Offset(iLastCursorPos,iCurrentSize);
+						const TText c=iTextBuffer[i];
+						ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(iAttributeBuffer[i].iFg);
+						ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(iAttributeBuffer[i].iBg);
+						ScreenDriver->Blit(&c,1,q);
+//#endif	// K.K
+						}
+					}
+				iCursorIsOn=EFalse;
+			    }
+			}
+		}
+    if (IsTop() && iCursorRequired && iReadIsValid)
+		{
+		TPoint p=iCursorPos-iCurrentOffset;
+		if (IsInClippedTextArea(p))
+    	    {
+			TPoint q=p+iViewOrigin;
+			if (q!=MousePos)
+				{
+//#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//				TPoint sp;	// K.K
+//				OffsetHZwP(iTextBuffer, iLastCursorPos, iCurrentSize, sp);	//K.K
+//				sp= sp - iCurrentOffset;	// K.K
+//				sp = sp + iViewOrigin;	// K.K
+//				ScreenDriver->Blit(&iCursor,1,sp);	// K.K
+//#else	// K.K
+				ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(iFgColor);
+				ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(WindowBgColor);
+				ScreenDriver->Blit(&iCursor,1,q);
+//#endif	// K.K
+				}
+			iLastCursorPos=iCursorPos;
+			iCursorIsOn=ETrue;
+		    }
+		}
+	EndUpdateScreen();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetClip()
+//	Set the clipped width and depth.
+    {
+	iClippedSize=ScreenSize-iViewOrigin;
+	if (iClippedSize.iWidth>iViewSize.iWidth)
+		iClippedSize.iWidth=iViewSize.iWidth;
+	if (iClippedSize.iHeight>iViewSize.iHeight)
+		iClippedSize.iHeight=iViewSize.iHeight;
+    }
+void CWsWindow::ResetVisibilityMap()
+//	Recreate visibility map from window queue
+	{
+	TDblQueIter<CWsWindow> q(WQueue);
+	CWsWindow *pW;
+	Mem::Fill(VisibilityMap,ScreenSize.iWidth*ScreenSize.iHeight,0);
+	q.SetToLast();
+	while((pW=q--)!=NULL)
+		{
+		if (pW->iIsVisible)
+			{
+			TInt8 *pV=&VisibilityMap[Offset(pW->iViewOrigin,ScreenSize)];
+			for(TInt i=0; i<pW->iClippedSize.iHeight; i++)
+				{
+				Mem::Fill(pV,pW->iClippedSize.iWidth,pW->iNumber);
+				pV+=ScreenSize.iWidth;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::BeginUpdateScreen()
+// Prepare for a whole bunch of UpdateScreen() calls
+	{
+    MouseMutex.Wait();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::EndUpdateScreen()
+// End of bunch of UpdateScreen() calls
+	{
+    MouseMutex.Signal();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::UpdateScreen(TPoint &aPosition,TInt aLength,TInt8 aNumber,TText *aTextBuffer,ColorInformation * anAttributeBuffer)
+// This function purposefully made static,so that it can be used to update the background (aNumber=0) as well as
+// window data. Line by line, it finds contiguous sections of visible window (using aNumber in the visibility map)
+// and passes them to CScreenDriver::Blit().
+	{
+	TPoint q=aPosition;
+	TInt8 *pV=&VisibilityMap[Offset(q,ScreenSize)];
+	TInt w=aLength;
+	while(w>0)
+		{
+		if (*pV==aNumber)
+			{
+			TPoint p=q;
+			TInt l=0;
+			TColorIndex fg=anAttributeBuffer[aLength-w].iFg;
+			TColorIndex bg=anAttributeBuffer[aLength-w].iBg;
+			while(w>=0)
+				{
+				if (*pV==aNumber && w!=0 && anAttributeBuffer[aLength-w].iFg==fg && anAttributeBuffer[aLength-w].iBg==bg)
+					{
+					l++;
+					w--;
+					q.iX++;
+					pV++;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					TText *pT=&aTextBuffer[p.iX-aPosition.iX];
+					ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(fg);
+					ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(bg);
+					ScreenDriver->Blit(pT,l,p);
+					if (p.iY==MousePos.iY)
+						{
+						if (MousePos.iX>=p.iX && MousePos.iX<p.iX+l)
+							TurnMouseOn();
+						}
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			w--;
+			q.iX++;
+			pV++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::SetMode(TVideoMode aMode)
+	{
+	TInt r=CWsWindow::ScreenDriver->SetMode(aMode);		
+	if(r!=KErrNone)
+		return(r);
+	CWsWindow::ScreenDriver->GetAttributeColors(IndexOf);
+	CWsWindow::ScreenColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+	CWsWindow::BorderColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal];
+	CWsWindow::WindowBgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+	CWsWindow::ChangeUIColors();
+	CWsWindow* w;
+	TDblQueIter<CWsWindow>q(WQueue);
+	while((w=q++)!=NULL)
+		{
+		w->iFgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal];
+		w->iBgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+		}
+	Redraw();
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Display()
+//	Display a windows contents on the screen.
+    {
+    if (iIsVisible)
+		{
+		TPoint p=iViewOrigin;
+		TSize s=iClippedSize;
+		BeginUpdateScreen();
+		TText *pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(iCurrentOffset,iCurrentSize)];
+		ColorInformation *pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(iCurrentOffset,iCurrentSize)];
+		while(s.iHeight>0)
+			{
+			UpdateScreen(p,s.iWidth,iNumber,pT,pA);
+			s.iHeight--;
+			p.iY++;
+			pT=&pT[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+			pA=&pA[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+			}
+		EndUpdateScreen();
+		SetCursor();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Background()
+//	Update wallpaper to physical screen
+    {
+	TPoint p(0,0);
+	BeginUpdateScreen();
+    while(p.iY<ScreenSize.iHeight)
+    	{
+    	UpdateScreen(p,ScreenSize.iWidth,0,BlankLineText,BlankLineAttributes);
+		p.iY++;
+		}
+	EndUpdateScreen();
+    }
+void CWsWindow::Redraw()
+// Redraw the whole screen including all the windows and the background
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pW=TopWindow();
+	if (pW)
+		pW->Refresh();
+	else
+		{
+	    ResetVisibilityMap();
+	    Background();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Refresh()
+//	Refresh this window and those below it
+	{
+	CWsWindow* w;
+	TDblQueIter<CWsWindow> q(WQueue);
+	ResetVisibilityMap();
+	while(q++!=this)
+		{
+		}
+	Display();					// this window
+	while((w=q++)!=NULL)
+		w->Display();			// lower windows
+	Background();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ChangeUIColors()
+// Change UI colours as set by the user
+	{
+	CWsWindow* w;
+	TDblQueIter<CWsWindow>q(WQueue);
+	while((w=q++)!=NULL)
+		{
+		TInt i=w->iCurrentSize.iWidth*w->iCurrentSize.iHeight;
+		TColorIndex c=w->iAttributeBuffer[i-1].iBg;
+		for(TInt t=0;t<i;t++)
+			if (w->iAttributeBuffer[t].iBg==c)
+				w->iAttributeBuffer[t].iBg=WindowBgColor;
+		w->SetFrame();
+		}
+	Mem::Fill(BlankLineAttributes,ScreenSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation),ScreenColor);
+	Redraw();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetTextAttribute(TTextAttribute anAttribute)
+	{
+	iFgColor=IndexOf[anAttribute*2];
+	iBgColor=IndexOf[anAttribute*2+1];
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Clear()
+// Clear the whole window and place cursor at top left.
+	{
+	TextFill(iTextBuffer,iCurrentSize.iWidth*iCurrentSize.iHeight,_S(" "));
+	Mem::Fill(iAttributeBuffer,iCurrentSize.iWidth*iCurrentSize.iHeight*sizeof(ColorInformation),WindowBgColor);
+	SetFrame();
+	iCursorPos=TPoint(1,1);
+	Display();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Write(const TDesC &aBuffer)
+//	Write characters to the window
+	{
+	const TText *b=aBuffer.Ptr();
+	const TText *bE=b+aBuffer.Length();
+	while(b<bE)
+		{
+		switch(*b)
+			{
+		case 0x00://Null
+			break;
+		case 0x07:
+			User::Beep(440,100000);
+			break;
+		case 0x08://Backspace
+		case 0x7f://Delete
+			BackSpace();
+			break;
+		case 0x09:
+			HorizontalTab();
+			break;
+		case 0x0a:
+			LineFeed();
+			break;
+		case 0x0b://Vertical tab - do nothing
+			break;
+		case 0x0c:
+			FormFeed();
+			break;
+		case 0x0d:
+			CarriageReturn();
+			break;
+		default:
+			WriteCharacter(b);
+			}
+		b++;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::WriteCharacter(const TText *aCharacter)
+// Write a single character at the current cursor location - must check if it's being written to an
+// position temporarily occupied by the frame. In this case, the character goes to the 'edge' of the
+// buffer. It will be restored from here when necessary.
+	{
+	TPoint p=iCursorPos;
+	TText *pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(p,iCurrentSize)];
+	ColorInformation *pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(p,iCurrentSize)];
+	if (p.iX>=iCurrentOffset.iX && p.iX<iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth) // within view width
+		{
+		if (p.iY==iCurrentOffset.iY) // top edge
+			{
+			TPoint q=p;
+			q.iY=0;
+			pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			}
+		else if (p.iY==iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-1) // bottom edge
+			{
+			TPoint q=p;
+			q.iY=iCurrentSize.iHeight-1;
+			pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			}
+		}
+	if (p.iY>=iCurrentOffset.iY && p.iY<iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight) // within view depth
+		{
+		if (p.iX==iCurrentOffset.iX) // left edge
+			{
+			TPoint q=p;
+			q.iX=0;
+			pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			}
+		else if (p.iX==iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-1) // right edge
+			{
+			TPoint q=p;
+			q.iX=iCurrentSize.iWidth-1;
+			pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(q,iCurrentSize)];
+			}
+		}
+	*pT=*aCharacter;
+	pA->iFg=iFgColor;
+	pA->iBg=iBgColor;
+	p-=iCurrentOffset;
+	if (IsInClippedTextArea(p))
+		{
+		p+=iViewOrigin;
+		TInt8 *pV=&VisibilityMap[Offset(p,ScreenSize)];
+		if (*pV==iNumber && p!=MousePos)
+			{
+			BeginUpdateScreen();
+			ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(iFgColor);
+			ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(iBgColor);
+			ScreenDriver->Blit(aCharacter,1,p);
+			EndUpdateScreen();
+			}
+		if (iCursorIsOn && iCursorPos==((CWsWindow*)this)->iLastCursorPos)
+			iCursorIsOn=EFalse; // Just overwrote the cursor character
+		}
+	Right();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::BackSpace()
+// BS on this window
+	{
+	if (iCursorPos!=TPoint(1,1))
+		{
+		Left();
+		TColorIndex col=iBgColor;
+		iBgColor=WindowBgColor;
+		WriteCharacter(_S(" "));
+		iBgColor=col;
+		Left();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::HorizontalTab()
+// Tab on this window
+	{
+	iCursorPos.iX=iCursorPos.iX-(iCursorPos.iX-1)%KTabSize+KTabSize;
+	if (iCursorPos.iX>iCurrentSize.iWidth-1)
+		{
+		CarriageReturn();
+		if (!iWrapLock)
+			LineFeed();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::FormFeed()
+// FF on this window = clear the screen and place cursor at top left corner
+	{
+	Clear();
+	Display();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::LineFeed()
+// LF on this window (must do CR separately)
+	{
+	if (iNewLineMode)
+		CarriageReturn();
+	if (iCursorPos.iY<(iCurrentSize.iHeight-2))
+		iCursorPos.iY++;
+	else
+		ScrollUp();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::CarriageReturn()
+// CR on this wiondow
+	{
+	iCursorPos.iX=1;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Right()
+//	Move the cursor right one character.
+	{
+	if (++iCursorPos.iX>=iCurrentSize.iWidth-1)
+		{
+		if (!iWrapLock)
+			{
+			CarriageReturn();
+			LineFeed();
+			}
+		else iCursorPos.iX--;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::Left()
+//	Move the cursor left one character
+	{
+	if (iCursorPos!=TPoint(1,1))
+		{
+		if (iCursorPos.iX==1)
+			{
+			iCursorPos.iX+=iCurrentSize.iWidth-2;
+			iCursorPos.iY--;
+			}
+		iCursorPos.iX--;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::RestoreEdges()
+//	Restore saved charcters from the 'edges' of the buffer back into their proper place in the buffer
+	{
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iY!=0)	// need to restore top edge
+		{
+		TPoint t(iCurrentOffset.iX,0);						// Top left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY); 		// Top left point of frame in buffer
+		TText *pTT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(t,iCurrentSize)];
+		TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pTF,pTT,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(TText));
+		ColorInformation *pAT=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(t,iCurrentSize)];
+		ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pAF,pAT,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight!=iCurrentSize.iHeight)	// need to save bottom edge
+		{
+		TPoint b(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentSize.iHeight-1);					// Bottom left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-1);	// Bottom left point of frame in buffer
+		TText *pTB=&iTextBuffer[Offset(b,iCurrentSize)];
+		TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pTF,pTB,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(TText));
+		ColorInformation *pAB=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(b,iCurrentSize)];
+		ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pAF,pAB,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iX!=0)	// need to save left hand edge
+		{
+		TPoint l(0,iCurrentOffset.iY);										// Top left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY);						// Top left point of frame in buffer
+		for(TInt y=0;y<iViewSize.iHeight;y++)
+			{
+			TText *pTL=&iTextBuffer[Offset(l,iCurrentSize)];
+			TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			*pTF=*pTL;
+			ColorInformation *pAL=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(l,iCurrentSize)];
+			ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			pAF->iFg=pAL->iFg;
+			pAF->iBg=pAL->iBg;
+			l.iY++;
+			f.iY++;
+			}
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth!=iCurrentSize.iWidth)	// need to save right hand edge
+		{
+		TPoint r(iCurrentSize.iWidth-1,iCurrentOffset.iY);					// Top right point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-1,iCurrentOffset.iY);	// Top right point of frame in buffer
+		for(TInt y=0;y<iViewSize.iHeight;y++)
+			{
+			TText *pTL=&iTextBuffer[Offset(r,iCurrentSize)];
+			TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			*pTF=*pTL;
+			ColorInformation *pAL=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(r,iCurrentSize)];
+			ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			pAF->iFg=pAL->iFg;
+			pAF->iBg=pAL->iBg;
+			r.iY++;
+			f.iY++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SaveEdges()
+// Save charcters about to be stonked by the frame into the 'edges' of the buffer - the buffer is already 2 positions
+// wider and 2 positions deeper than requested when the window was set.
+	{
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iY!=0)	// need to save top edge
+		{
+		TPoint t(iCurrentOffset.iX,0);						// Top left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY); 		// Top left point of frame in buffer
+		TText *pTT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(t,iCurrentSize)];
+		TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pTT,pTF,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(TText));
+		ColorInformation *pAT=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(t,iCurrentSize)];
+		ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pAT,pAF,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight!=iCurrentSize.iHeight)	// need to save bottom edge
+		{
+		TPoint b(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentSize.iHeight-1);					// Bottom left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-1);	// Bottom left point of frame in buffer
+		TText *pTB=&iTextBuffer[Offset(b,iCurrentSize)];
+		TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pTB,pTF,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(TText));
+		ColorInformation *pAB=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(b,iCurrentSize)];
+		ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+		Mem::Copy(pAB,pAF,iViewSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iX!=0)	// need to save left hand edge
+		{
+		TPoint l(0,iCurrentOffset.iY);										// Top left point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX,iCurrentOffset.iY);						// Top left point of frame in buffer
+		for(TInt y=0;y<iViewSize.iHeight;y++)
+			{
+			TText *pTL=&iTextBuffer[Offset(l,iCurrentSize)];
+			TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			*pTL=*pTF;
+			ColorInformation *pAL=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(l,iCurrentSize)];
+			ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			pAL->iFg=pAF->iFg;
+			pAL->iBg=pAF->iBg;
+			l.iY++;
+			f.iY++;
+			}
+		}
+	if (iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth!=iCurrentSize.iWidth)	// need to save right hand edge
+		{
+		TPoint r(iCurrentSize.iWidth-1,iCurrentOffset.iY);					// Top right point of buffer 'edge'
+		TPoint f(iCurrentOffset.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-1,iCurrentOffset.iY);	// Top right point of frame in buffer
+		for(TInt y=0;y<iViewSize.iHeight;y++)
+			{
+			TText *pTL=&iTextBuffer[Offset(r,iCurrentSize)];
+			TText *pTF=&iTextBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			*pTL=*pTF;
+			ColorInformation *pAL=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(r,iCurrentSize)];
+			ColorInformation *pAF=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(f,iCurrentSize)];
+			pAL->iFg=pAF->iFg;
+			pAL->iBg=pAF->iBg;
+			r.iY++;
+			f.iY++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TBool CWsWindow::IsInClippedTextArea(const TPoint& aPoint) const
+// Returns ETrue if aPoint (relative to window) is in the screen and the text part of the window
+	{
+	return (aPoint.iX>0 && aPoint.iX<iClippedSize.iWidth-(iClippedSize.iWidth==iViewSize.iWidth) && aPoint.iY>0 && aPoint.iY<iClippedSize.iHeight-(iClippedSize.iHeight==iViewSize.iHeight));
+	}
+TBool CWsWindow::IsRectVisible(TRect& aRect) const
+// Returns ETrue if window is visible in aRect, possibly clips edges to make a visible rectangle
+	{
+	if (IsTop())
+		return ETrue;
+	//First clip off the left
+	TInt top=-1;
+	TInt bottom=aRect.iBr.iY;
+	TInt j;
+	TInt i;
+	for (i=aRect.iTl.iX;i<aRect.iBr.iX && top==-1;i++)
+		{
+		for (j=aRect.iTl.iY;j<aRect.iBr.iY;j++)
+			{
+			if (VisibilityMap[Offset(TPoint(i,j),ScreenSize)]!=iNumber)
+				{
+				if (top!=-1 && bottom==aRect.iBr.iY)
+					bottom=j;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				if (bottom!=aRect.iBr.iY)
+					return EFalse;
+				if (top==-1)
+					top=j;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (top==-1) //Area completely covered
+		{
+		aRect.iTl=aRect.iBr;
+		return ETrue;//It is a rectangle - the zero rectangle 
+		}
+	aRect.iTl.iX=i-1;
+	TBool passedEdge=EFalse;//Right edge
+	for (;i<aRect.iBr.iX && !passedEdge;i++)
+		{
+		for (j=aRect.iTl.iY;j<aRect.iBr.iY;j++)
+			{
+			if (VisibilityMap[Offset(TPoint(i,j),ScreenSize)]==iNumber)
+				{
+				if (passedEdge || j<top || j>=bottom)
+					return EFalse;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				if (j==top)
+					passedEdge=ETrue;
+				if (!passedEdge && j>top && j<bottom)
+					return EFalse;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	if (passedEdge)
+		{
+		TInt right=i-1;
+		for (;i<aRect.iBr.iX;i++)
+			for (j=aRect.iTl.iY;j<aRect.iBr.iY;j++)
+				if (VisibilityMap[Offset(TPoint(i,j),ScreenSize)]==iNumber)
+					return EFalse;
+		aRect.iBr.iX=right;
+		}
+	aRect.iTl.iY=top;
+	aRect.iBr.iY=bottom;
+	return ETrue;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ScrollUp()
+//	Scroll the window up by one line.
+	{
+	if (!iScrollLock)
+		{
+		RestoreEdges();
+		TurnMouseOff();
+		TText *pT=&iTextBuffer[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		Mem::Copy(pT,&pT[iCurrentSize.iWidth],iCurrentSize.iWidth*(iCurrentSize.iHeight-3)*sizeof(TText));
+		TextFill(&pT[iCurrentSize.iWidth*(iCurrentSize.iHeight-3)],iCurrentSize.iWidth*sizeof(TText),_S(" "));
+		ColorInformation *pA=&iAttributeBuffer[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		Mem::Copy(pA,&pA[iCurrentSize.iWidth],iCurrentSize.iWidth*(iCurrentSize.iHeight-3)*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+		Mem::Fill(&pA[iCurrentSize.iWidth*(iCurrentSize.iHeight-3)],iCurrentSize.iWidth*sizeof(ColorInformation),WindowBgColor);
+		SaveEdges();
+		SetFrame();
+		TBool oldCursorRequired = iCursorRequired;
+		iCursorRequired = EFalse;
+		SetCursor();
+		if (iIsVisible)
+			{
+			TRect updateRect(iViewOrigin.iX+1,iViewOrigin.iY+1,iViewOrigin.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-1,iViewOrigin.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-1); 
+			updateRect.Intersection(TRect(TPoint(0,0),ScreenSize));
+			if (IsRectVisible(updateRect))
+				{
+#ifndef __X86__
+				if (ScreenDriver->ScrollUp(updateRect))
+					{
+					//Update bottom line
+					updateRect.iTl.iY=updateRect.iBr.iY-1;
+					pT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(updateRect.iTl-iViewOrigin,iCurrentSize)];
+					pA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(updateRect.iTl-iViewOrigin,iCurrentSize)];
+					TColorIndex fg=pA->iFg;
+					TColorIndex bg=pA->iBg;
+					TInt k=updateRect.Width();
+					TInt l=0;
+					for(TInt i=0;i<k;i++)
+						{
+						if(fg==pA->iFg && bg==pA->iBg && i!=k-1)
+							l++;						
+						else
+							{
+							if(i==k-1) l++;
+							ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(fg);
+							ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(bg);
+							ScreenDriver->Blit(pT,l,updateRect.iTl);
+							pT+=l;
+							pA+=l;
+							fg=(pA+1)->iFg;
+							bg=(pA+1)->iBg;
+							l=1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+                else
+        			Display();
+				}
+			}
+		iCursorRequired = oldCursorRequired;
+		SetCursor();
+		TurnMouseOn();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::TurnMouseOff()
+//	Take the mouse of the screen
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pW=MouseWindow();
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+	TPoint sp=MousePos;	// K.K
+	if (pW)
+		{
+		TPoint p=MousePos-pW->iViewOrigin+pW->iCurrentOffset;
+		TInt offset=pW->OffsetHZwP(pW->iTextBuffer,p,pW->iCurrentSize,sp);	// K.K
+		sp=sp+pW->iViewOrigin-pW->iCurrentOffset;	// K.K
+		TText c=pW->iTextBuffer[offset];	// K.K
+		if (pW->iCursorIsOn && p==pW->iCursorPos-pW->iCurrentOffset)
+			c=pW->iCursor;
+		ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(pW->iAttributeBuffer[offset].iFg);
+		ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(pW->iAttributeBuffer[offset].iBg);
+		ScreenDriver->Blit(&c, 1, sp);	// K.K
+		}
+	else
+		{
+        ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(ScreenColor);
+		ScreenDriver->Blit(BlankLineText, 1, sp);	// K.K
+		}
+#else	// K.K
+	if (pW)
+		{
+		TPoint p=MousePos-pW->iViewOrigin+pW->iCurrentOffset;
+		TText c=pW->iTextBuffer[Offset(p,pW->iCurrentSize)];
+		if (pW->iCursorIsOn && p==pW->iCursorPos-pW->iCurrentOffset)
+			c=pW->iCursor;
+		ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(pW->iAttributeBuffer[Offset(p,pW->iCurrentSize)].iFg);
+		ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(pW->iAttributeBuffer[Offset(p,pW->iCurrentSize)].iBg);
+		ScreenDriver->Blit(&c, 1, MousePos);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		ScreenDriver->SetBackgroundColor(ScreenColor);
+		ScreenDriver->Blit(BlankLineText, 1, MousePos);
+		}
+#endif	// K.K
+	}
+void CWsWindow::TurnMouseOn()
+//	Place the mouse on the screen
+	{
+	const TText c=EMouseCharacter;
+	ScreenDriver->SetForegroundColor(BorderColor);
+	ScreenDriver->Blit(&c, 1, MousePos);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::MouseMove(TPoint aGraphicsPosition)
+//	Move the mouse to a new position
+	{
+	TPoint p=aGraphicsPosition;
+	p.iX/=FontSize.iWidth;
+	p.iY/=FontSize.iHeight;
+	if (p.iX>=ScreenSize.iWidth)
+		p.iX=ScreenSize.iWidth-1;
+	if (p.iY>=ScreenSize.iHeight)
+		p.iY=ScreenSize.iHeight-1;
+	if (p.iX<0)
+		p.iX=0;
+	if (p.iY<0)
+		p.iY=0;
+	if (MousePos!=p)
+		{
+		MouseMutex.Wait();
+		TurnMouseOff();
+		MousePos=p;
+		TurnMouseOn();
+		MouseMutex.Signal();
+		CWsWindow* tw=TopWindow();
+		if (ScrollWithMouse!=TPoint(-1,-1))
+			{
+			if (tw)
+				tw->MouseSlide();
+			}
+		else if (MoveWithMouse!=TPoint(-1,-1))
+			{
+			if (tw)
+				{
+				if(MousePos.iX<tw->iViewOrigin.iX-1||MousePos.iX>tw->iViewOrigin.iX+tw->iCurrentSize.iWidth||MousePos.iY<tw->iViewOrigin.iY-1||MousePos.iY>tw->iViewOrigin.iY+tw->iCurrentSize.iHeight)
+					{
+					MoveWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+					return;
+					}
+				CWsWindow::MoveTopWindowRelative(MousePos-MoveWithMouse);
+				MoveWithMouse=MousePos;
+				if(MousePos.iX==0 && tw->iViewOrigin.iX!=0)
+					CWsWindow::MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(-tw->iViewOrigin.iX,0));
+				if(MousePos.iY==0 && tw->iViewOrigin.iY!=0)
+					CWsWindow::MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,-tw->iViewOrigin.iY));
+				}
+			}
+		else if (ResizeWithMouse!=TPoint(-1,-1))
+			{
+			TInt r=CWsWindow::ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize(MousePos.iX-ResizeWithMouse.iX,MousePos.iY-ResizeWithMouse.iY));
+			if(!r)
+				ResizeWithMouse=MousePos;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::MouseSlide()
+// Scroll the window
+	{
+	if(ScrollWithMouse.iX && MousePos.iX!=ScrollWithMouse.iX)
+		{
+		TInt r=SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint((MousePos.iX-ScrollWithMouse.iX)*ScrollSpeed,0));
+		if(!r)
+			ScrollWithMouse.iX=MousePos.iX;
+		else if(MousePos.iX<ScrollWithMouse.iX)
+				{
+				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(-iCurrentOffset.iX,0));
+				if(MousePos.iX<=iViewOrigin.iX)
+					ScrollWithMouse.iX=iViewOrigin.iX+1;
+				else
+					ScrollWithMouse.iX=MousePos.iX;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(iCurrentSize.iWidth-iViewSize.iWidth-iCurrentOffset.iX,0));
+				if(MousePos.iX>iViewOrigin.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-2)
+					ScrollWithMouse.iX=iViewOrigin.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-2;
+				else
+					ScrollWithMouse.iX=MousePos.iX;
+				}
+		}
+	else if(ScrollWithMouse.iY && MousePos.iY!=ScrollWithMouse.iY)
+		{
+		TInt r=SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,(MousePos.iY-ScrollWithMouse.iY)*ScrollSpeed));
+		if(!r)
+			ScrollWithMouse.iY=MousePos.iY;
+		else if(MousePos.iY<ScrollWithMouse.iY)
+				{
+				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,-iCurrentOffset.iY));
+				if(MousePos.iY<=iViewOrigin.iY)
+					ScrollWithMouse.iY=iViewOrigin.iY+1;
+				else 
+					ScrollWithMouse.iY=MousePos.iY;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,iCurrentSize.iHeight-iViewSize.iHeight-iCurrentOffset.iY));
+				if(MousePos.iY>iViewOrigin.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-2)
+					ScrollWithMouse.iY=iViewOrigin.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-2;
+				else
+					ScrollWithMouse.iY=MousePos.iY;
+				}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::InformTopMouse(TPoint aPos)
+// Called if mouse has been captured
+    {
+    CWsWindow *pM=TopWindow();
+    if(pM)
+		pM->InformMouse(aPos);
+    }
+void CWsWindow::MouseLeftButton()
+// Called when the left button is pressed
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pM=MouseWindow();
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+    if (pT && !MouseIsCaptured)
+        {
+	    if (pM)
+		    {
+		    if(pM!=pT)
+			    pM->MakeTopWindow();
+		    if(pM==TopWindow())
+				pM->DoMouseLeftButton();
+		    }
+        else
+            RotateWindowsForwards();           
+        }
+	}
+void CWsWindow::MouseLeftButtonUp()
+// Called when the left button is released
+	{
+	ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	MoveWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	}
+CWsWindow *CWsWindow::MouseWindow()
+//	Return the window containing the mouse.
+	{
+	TInt8 n=VisibilityMap[Offset(MousePos,ScreenSize)];
+	if (n!=0)
+		{
+		CWsWindow *pW;
+		TDblQueIter<CWsWindow> q(WQueue);
+		for(pW=q++;pW->iNumber!=n;pW=q++)
+			;
+		return(pW);
+		}
+	else
+		return(NULL);
+	}
+TBool CWsWindow::IsTop() const
+// Return TRUE if this window is the top window
+	{
+	return(WQueue.IsFirst(this));
+	}
+CWsWindow* CWsWindow::TopWindow()
+// Return the top window
+	{
+	if (WQueue.IsEmpty())
+		return(NULL);
+	return(WQueue.First());
+	}
+CWsWindow *CWsWindow::BottomWindow()
+// Return the bottom window
+	{
+	if (WQueue.IsEmpty())
+		return(NULL);
+	return(WQueue.Last());
+	}
+void CWsWindow::MakeTopWindow()
+// Make this window the top window if possible
+	{
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	iLink.Deque();
+	if(iOnTop||WQueue.IsEmpty()||!TopWindow()->iOnTop)
+		{
+		CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+		WQueue.AddFirst(*this);
+		if(pT)
+			pT->SetFrame();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		TDblQueIter<CWsWindow> q(WQueue);
+		q.SetToFirst();
+		do
+			q++;
+		while(q!=NULL&&((CWsWindow*)q)->iOnTop);
+		if (q==NULL)
+			WQueue.AddLast(*this);
+		else
+			{
+			q--;
+			iLink.Enque(&(((CWsWindow*)q)->iLink));
+			}
+		}
+	SetFrame();
+	Refresh();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetWindowPosAbs(const TPoint &aPoint)
+// Move the window to aPoint
+	{
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	iViewOrigin=aPoint;
+	if (iViewOrigin.iX<0)
+		iViewOrigin.iX=0;
+	else if (iViewOrigin.iX>=ScreenSize.iWidth)
+		iViewOrigin.iX=ScreenSize.iWidth-1;
+	if (iViewOrigin.iY<0)
+		iViewOrigin.iY=0;
+	else if (iViewOrigin.iY>=ScreenSize.iHeight)
+		iViewOrigin.iY=ScreenSize.iHeight-1;
+	SetClip();
+	Refresh();
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint aDirection)
+//	Move the top window relative to its current position
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if (pT)
+		{
+		TPoint p=pT->iViewOrigin+aDirection;
+		if (p.iX>=ScreenSize.iWidth || p.iX<0 || p.iY>=ScreenSize.iHeight || p.iY<0)
+			return KErrArgument;
+		pT->iViewOrigin=p;
+		pT->SetClip();
+		pT->Refresh();
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint aDirection)
+//	Slide the top window relative to its current position
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if (pT && pT->iAllowSlide && aDirection!=TPoint(0,0))
+		{
+		TPoint p=pT->iCurrentOffset+aDirection;
+		TSize s=pT->iCurrentSize-pT->iViewSize;
+		if (p.iX>s.iWidth || p.iX<0 || p.iY>s.iHeight || p.iY<0)
+			return KErrArgument;
+		pT->RestoreEdges();
+		pT->iCurrentOffset=p;
+		pT->SaveEdges();
+		pT->SetFrame();
+		pT->Display();
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+TInt CWsWindow::ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize aGrowth)
+//	Increase the viewing size of the top window relative to its current size
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if (pT && pT->iAllowResize)
+		{
+		TSize s=pT->iViewSize+aGrowth;
+		if (s.iWidth>pT->iCurrentSize.iWidth || s.iWidth<3 || s.iHeight>pT->iCurrentSize.iHeight || s.iHeight<3)
+			return KErrArgument;
+		pT->RestoreEdges();
+		pT->iViewSize=s;
+		s=pT->iCurrentSize-pT->iViewSize;
+		if (pT->iCurrentOffset.iX>s.iWidth ||pT-> iCurrentOffset.iY>s.iHeight)
+			pT->iCurrentOffset-=aGrowth;
+		pT->SaveEdges();
+		pT->SetFrame();
+		pT->SetClip();
+		pT->Refresh();
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::RotateWindowsForwards()
+// Put the next window on top
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if(pT && pT->iOnTop==EFalse)
+		{
+		CWsWindow *pB=BottomWindow();
+		if (pT!=pB)
+			{
+			MoveWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			do
+				{
+				pB->iLink.Deque();
+				WQueue.AddFirst(*pB);
+				pT->SetFrame();
+				pB->SetFrame();
+				pT=TopWindow();
+				pB=BottomWindow();
+				}
+			while(!pT->iIsVisible);
+			pT->Refresh();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::RotateWindowsBackwards()
+// Put the previous window on top
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if(pT && pT->iOnTop==EFalse)
+		{
+		CWsWindow *pB=BottomWindow();
+		if (pT!=pB)
+			{
+			MoveWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+			do
+				{
+				pT->iLink.Deque();
+				WQueue.AddLast(*pT);
+				pT->SetFrame();
+				pT=TopWindow();
+				}
+			while(!pT->iIsVisible);
+			pT->SetFrame();
+			pT->Refresh();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::QueueTopWindowKey(TKeyData &aKeystroke)
+// Place keystroke in top window's keyboard queue
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if (pT)
+		pT->QueueWindowKey(aKeystroke);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::KeyPress(TKeyData &aKeystroke)
+// Called whenever a key is pressed
+	{
+	switch(aKeystroke.iKeyCode)
+		{
+	case EKeyIncContrast:
+		{
+		TInt max=0;
+        if (HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayContrastMax,max)==KErrNone)
+			{
+			TInt now=0;
+			HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayContrast,now);
+			if (now++<max)
+				HAL::Set(HAL::EDisplayContrast,now);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EKeyDecContrast:
+         {
+         TInt now=0;
+         TInt r=HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayContrast,now);
+         if (r==KErrNone && now-->0)
+             HAL::Set(HAL::EDisplayContrast,now);
+         }
+   		break;
+	case EKeyIncBrightness:
+		{
+		TInt max=0;
+        if (HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayBrightnessMax,max)==KErrNone)
+			{
+			TInt now=0;
+			HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayBrightness,now);
+			if (now++<max)
+				HAL::Set(HAL::EDisplayBrightness,now);
+			}
+		}
+		break;
+	case EKeyDecBrightness:
+         {
+         TInt now=0;
+         TInt r=HAL::Get(HAL::EDisplayBrightness,now);
+         if (r==KErrNone && now-->0)
+             HAL::Set(HAL::EDisplayBrightness,now);
+         }
+   		break;
+	case EKeyOff:
+		{
+		RDmDomainManager mgr; 
+		TInt r = mgr.Connect();
+		if (r != KErrNone)
+			User::Panic(_L("EWSRV KeyOff0"), r);
+		TRequestStatus status;
+		mgr.RequestSystemTransition(EPwStandby, status);
+		User::WaitForRequest(status);
+		if (status.Int() != KErrNone)
+			User::Panic(_L("EWSRV KeyOff1"), status.Int());
+		mgr.Close();
+		}
+		break;
+    case EKeyBacklightOn:
+		HAL::Set(HAL::EBacklightState,ETrue);
+        break;
+    case EKeyBacklightOff:
+		HAL::Set(HAL::EBacklightState,EFalse);
+        break;
+    case EKeyBacklightToggle:
+        {
+        TBool state;
+        if (HAL::Get(HAL::EBacklightState,state)==KErrNone)
+            HAL::Set(HAL::EBacklightState,!state);
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+      	if (aKeystroke.iModifiers&EModifierCtrl) // Trap all Crtl + keystrokes for window manipulation
+      		{
+      		if (aKeystroke.iModifiers&EModifierShift)
+      			{														// Ctrl + Shift
+      			switch(aKeystroke.iKeyCode)
+      				{
+         			case EKeyLeftArrow:
+         				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(-1,0));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyRightArrow:
+         				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(1,0));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyUpArrow:
+         				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,-1));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyDownArrow:
+         				SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,1));
+         				break;
+         			default:
+         				QueueTopWindowKey(aKeystroke); // Buffer keystroke for app
+         				break;
+       				}
+      			}
+      		else
+      			{														// Ctrl
+      			switch(aKeystroke.iKeyCode)
+      				{
+         			case EKeyLeftArrow:
+         				ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize(-1,0));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyRightArrow:
+         				ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize(1,0));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyUpArrow:
+         				ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize(0,-1));
+         				break;
+         			case EKeyDownArrow:
+         				ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize(0,1));
+         				break;
+                    case '1':
+                        ScreenDriver->SetMode(EMono);
+                        break;
+                    case '2':
+                        ScreenDriver->SetMode(EGray4);
+                        break;
+                    case '4':
+                        ScreenDriver->SetMode(EGray16);
+                        break;
+					case '0':
+         					ControlTopWindowMaximised(ETrue);
+						break;
+         			case '9':
+         				ControlTopWindowMaximised(EFalse);
+         				break;
+         			case '5':
+						KeyRepeat->Cancel();
+         				RotateWindowsBackwards();
+         				break;
+         			case '6':
+						KeyRepeat->Cancel();
+         				RotateWindowsForwards();
+         				break;
+      			    default:
+      				    QueueTopWindowKey(aKeystroke); // Buffer keystroke for app
+      				    break;
+      				}
+      			}
+      		}
+		else if (aKeystroke.iModifiers&EModifierShift)
+      		{														// Shift
+      		switch(aKeystroke.iKeyCode)
+      			{
+         		case EKeyLeftArrow:
+         			MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(-1,0));
+         			break;
+         		case EKeyRightArrow:
+         			MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(1,0));
+         			break;
+         		case EKeyUpArrow:
+         			MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,-1));
+         			break;
+         		case EKeyDownArrow:
+         			MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint(0,1));
+         			break;
+         		default:
+         			QueueTopWindowKey(aKeystroke); // Buffer keystroke for app
+         			break;
+            	}
+      		}	
+     	if (!(aKeystroke.iModifiers&EModifierShift||aKeystroke.iModifiers&EModifierCtrl))
+			QueueTopWindowKey(aKeystroke);
+        }
+	DrainAllReadRequests();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlInformAllMouse(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn reporting of pointer events on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	MouseIsCaptured=anIndicator;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlTopWindowMaximised(TBool anIndicator)
+// Maximise or minimise the top window according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	CWsWindow *pT=TopWindow();
+	if(pT)
+		pT->ControlMaximised(anIndicator);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::DrainAllReadRequests()
+// Drain all the satisfied read requests on all waiting windows
+	{
+	TDblQueIter<CWsWindow> q(WQueue);
+	CWsWindow *pW;
+	while((pW=q++)!=NULL)
+		pW->DrainReadRequest();
+	}
+#pragma warning( disable : 4705 )	// statement has no effect
+	: iNumber(-1)
+// Constructor.
+	{
+	}
+#pragma warning( default : 4705 )
+void CWsWindow::SetTitle(const TDesC &aName) 
+//	Changes the window's title
+	{
+	iTitle=aName;
+	SetFrame();
+	Display();
+    }
+void CWsWindow::SetSize(const TSize &aSize) 
+//	Changes the window's size
+	{
+	iCurrentSize=aSize;	// This does not get called. Proper implementation is obviously more complicated than this.
+	}
+TSize CWsWindow::Size()
+// Return underlying window size
+	{
+	return(iCurrentSize);
+	}
+// Destructor
+	{
+	SWsKey *pS;
+	while(!iKQueue.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		pS=iKQueue.First();
+		iKQueue.Remove(*pS);
+		delete pS;
+		}
+	User::Free(iTextBuffer);
+	User::Free(iAttributeBuffer);
+	if (iNumber >= 0)
+		{
+		ReleaseNumber(iNumber);
+		}
+	if (iLink.iNext!=NULL)
+		iLink.Deque();
+	if(!WQueue.IsEmpty())
+		WQueue.First()->SetFrame();
+	Redraw();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetView()
+// Assign an initial wiewing region to a window (this maybe modified later by the user)
+	{
+	Count&=3;	// Increment count through the sequence 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, ....
+	iViewSize.iWidth=ScreenSize.iWidth>>1; // View is half width and half depth of physical screen
+	iViewSize.iHeight=ScreenSize.iHeight>>1; // View is half width and half depth of physical screen
+	iViewOrigin=TPoint(0,0);
+	if (iViewSize.iWidth<30 || iViewSize.iHeight<10)
+		iViewSize=ScreenSize;
+	else
+		{
+		if (Count&1)
+			iViewOrigin.iX+=iViewSize.iWidth;
+		if (Count&2)
+			iViewOrigin.iY+=iViewSize.iHeight;
+		}
+	if (iViewSize.iWidth>iCurrentSize.iWidth)
+		iViewSize.iWidth=iCurrentSize.iWidth;
+	if (iViewSize.iHeight>iCurrentSize.iHeight)
+		iViewSize.iHeight=iCurrentSize.iHeight;
+	Count++;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetFull()
+// Calculate the view size and origin for this window if it were maximised and placed centrally
+	{
+	if (iCurrentSize.iWidth>ScreenSize.iWidth)
+		{
+		iMaximumOrigin.iX=0;
+		iMaximumSize.iWidth=ScreenSize.iWidth;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iMaximumOrigin.iX=(ScreenSize.iWidth-iCurrentSize.iWidth)/2;
+		iMaximumSize.iWidth=iCurrentSize.iWidth;
+		}
+	if (iCurrentSize.iHeight>ScreenSize.iHeight)
+		{
+		iMaximumOrigin.iY=0;
+		iMaximumSize.iHeight=ScreenSize.iHeight;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		iMaximumOrigin.iY=(ScreenSize.iHeight-iCurrentSize.iHeight)/2;
+		iMaximumSize.iHeight=iCurrentSize.iHeight;
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetFrame()
+//	Draw the frame into the buffer.
+	{
+// WINS text window server uses underlying Win32 graphics calls, so the Unicode
+// WINS build has access to Unicode fonts, and needs to use the Unicode box-drawing
+// character codes. 
+// EPOC devices have a codepage 1252 font compiled into the simple display driver,
+// so they need to use "Unicode" characters which are just the CP1252 characters
+// expanded to 16-bits.
+#if defined(_UNICODE) && defined(__WINS__)
+	const TText bf[] = {0x2554,0x2557,0x255A,0x255D,0x2550,0x2551,0x2550,0x2550,0x2551,0x2551};
+	const TText bf1[] = {0x2554,0x2557,0x255A,0x255D,0x2550,0x2551,0x2591,0x2592,0x2591,0x2592};
+	const TText *frame[2] ={ bf, bf1 };
+#else	// K.K
+	const TText *frame[2] = {
+		_S("\xDA\xBF\xC0\xD9\xC4\xB3\xC4\xC4\xB3\xB3"),
+		_S("\xC9\xBB\xC8\xBC\xCD\xBA\xB1\xB2\xB1\xB1")
+		};
+#endif	// K.K
+	const TText *pF=frame[IsTop() ? 1 : 0];
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+	TText *pLT=GetCpFromOffset(iTextBuffer, iCurrentOffset,iCurrentSize);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+	TText *pLT=&iTextBuffer[Offset(iCurrentOffset,iCurrentSize)];
+#endif	// K.K
+	TText *pRT=&pLT[iViewSize.iWidth-1];
+	ColorInformation *pLA=&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(iCurrentOffset,iCurrentSize)];
+	ColorInformation *pRA=&pLA[iViewSize.iWidth-1];
+	TextFill(pLT,iViewSize.iWidth,&pF[4]);
+	for(TInt x=0;x<iViewSize.iWidth;x++)
+		{
+		(pLA+x)->iFg=BorderColor;
+		(pLA+x)->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+		}
+	TInt i=iViewSize.iWidth-2;
+	TInt s=iTitle.Length();
+	if (s>i)
+		s=i;
+// #if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//	i=((i-s)>>2);
+// #else	// K.K
+	i=((i-s)>>1);
+// #endif	// K.K
+	Mem::Copy(pLT+i+1,iTitle.Ptr(),s*sizeof(TText));
+	*pLT=pF[0];
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//	if (s&1) pLT[i+1+s] = 0x0020;	// K.K
+  	FitInWidth(pLT,iCurrentSize.iWidth,iViewSize.iWidth-1,pF[1]);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+	*pRT=pF[1];
+#endif	// K.K
+	i=iViewSize.iHeight-2;
+	s=(i*iCurrentOffset.iY)/(iCurrentSize.iHeight-2);
+	TInt l=((i*i)/(iCurrentSize.iHeight-2))+1;
+	while(i-->0)
+		{
+		pLT=&pLT[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		pRT=&pRT[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		pLA=&pLA[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		pRA=&pRA[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+		*pLT=pF[5];
+		pLA->iFg=BorderColor;
+		pLA->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+		if (!iHasScrollBars)
+			{
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+			FitInWidth(pLT, iCurrentSize.iWidth, iViewSize.iWidth-1, pF[5]);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+			*pRT=pF[5];
+#endif	// K.K
+			pRA->iFg=BorderColor;
+			pRA->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+			}
+		else
+			{
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+			FitInWidth(pLT, iCurrentSize.iWidth, iViewSize.iWidth-1, pF[8]);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+			*pRT=pF[8];
+#endif	// K.K
+			pRA->iFg=BorderColor;
+			pRA->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+			if (s)
+				--s;
+			else if (l)
+				{
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+				FitInWidth(pLT, iCurrentSize.iWidth, iViewSize.iWidth-1, pF[9]);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+				*pRT=pF[9];
+#endif	// K.K
+				pRA->iFg=BorderColor;
+				pRA->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+				--l;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	pLT=&pLT[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+	pRT=&pRT[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+	pLA=&pLA[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+	pRA=&pRA[iCurrentSize.iWidth];
+	for(i=0;i<iViewSize.iWidth;i++)
+		{
+		pLA->iFg=BorderColor;
+		pLA->iBg=WindowBgColor;
+		pLA++;
+		}
+    if (!iHasScrollBars)
+		{
+		TextFill(pLT,iViewSize.iWidth,&pF[4]);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		i=iViewSize.iWidth-2;
+		s=(i*iCurrentOffset.iX)/(iCurrentSize.iWidth-2);
+		l=((i*i)/(iCurrentSize.iWidth-2))+1;
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+//		s >>= 1;	// K.K
+//		l >>= 1;	// K.K
+#endif	// K.K
+		TextFill(&pLT[1],i,&pF[6]);
+		TextFill(&pLT[s+1],l,&pF[7]);
+		}
+	*pLT=pF[2];
+#if defined(_UNICODE)	// K.K
+	FitInWidth(pLT, iCurrentSize.iWidth, iViewSize.iWidth-1, pF[3]);	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+	*pRT=pF[3];
+#endif	// K.K
+    }
+void CWsWindow::SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage)
+// Set percentage height of cursor
+	{
+	aPercentage=Min(aPercentage,100);
+	if(aPercentage==0)
+		iCursorRequired=EFalse;
+	else
+		iCursorRequired=ETrue;
+#if defined(_UNICODE) // K.K
+	iCursor=0x005F;	// K.K
+#else	// K.K
+	iCursor=Cursors[aPercentage];
+#endif	// K.K
+	SetCursor();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ClearToEndOfLine()
+// Clear the window from the current cursor position to the end of the line.
+	{
+	TInt w=iCurrentSize.iWidth-iCursorPos.iX-1;
+	RestoreEdges();
+	TextFill(&iTextBuffer[Offset(iCursorPos,iCurrentSize)],w,_S(" "));
+	Mem::Fill(&iAttributeBuffer[Offset(iCursorPos,iCurrentSize)],w*sizeof(ColorInformation),WindowBgColor);
+	SaveEdges();
+	SetFrame();
+	__ASSERT_DEBUG(IsTop(),User::Panic(_L("Not front window"),0));
+	if (IsInClippedTextArea(iCursorPos))
+		Display();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::WriteDone()
+// Called after a bunch of Write() calls
+	{
+	SetCursor();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::NewLine()
+//	Do CR/LF on this window
+	{
+	if (!iWrapLock)
+    	{
+		LineFeed();
+		CarriageReturn();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::InformMouse(TPoint aPos)
+// Called if mouse has been captured
+    {
+    SWsKey *pS=new SWsKey;
+    if (pS)
+    	{
+        pS->iMousePos=aPos;
+        pS->iType=EMouseClick;
+    	iKQueue.AddLast(*pS);
+    	}
+    DrainAllReadRequests();
+    }
+void CWsWindow::DoMouseLeftButton()
+// Called when the left button is pressed
+	{
+	if(iAllowResize && MousePos==iViewOrigin+iViewSize-TPoint(1,1))
+		ResizeWithMouse=MousePos;
+	else
+		{
+		TInt i=iViewSize.iWidth-2;
+		TInt s=(i*iCurrentOffset.iX)/(iCurrentSize.iWidth-2);
+		TInt l=((i*i)/(iCurrentSize.iWidth-2))+1;
+		if(iHasScrollBars && MousePos.iY==iViewOrigin.iY+iViewSize.iHeight-1 && MousePos.iX>iViewOrigin.iX+s && MousePos.iX<iViewOrigin.iX+s+l+1)
+			{
+			ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(MousePos.iX,0);
+			ScrollSpeed=(iCurrentSize.iWidth+iViewSize.iWidth/2-3)/(iViewSize.iWidth-2);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			i=iViewSize.iHeight-2;
+			s=(i*iCurrentOffset.iY)/(iCurrentSize.iHeight-2);
+			l=((i*i)/(iCurrentSize.iHeight-2))+1;
+			if(iHasScrollBars && MousePos.iX==iViewOrigin.iX+iViewSize.iWidth-1 && MousePos.iY>iViewOrigin.iY+s && MousePos.iY<iViewOrigin.iY+s+l+1)
+				{
+				ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(0,MousePos.iY);
+				ScrollSpeed=(iCurrentSize.iHeight+iViewSize.iHeight/2-3)/(iViewSize.iHeight-2);
+				}
+			else MoveWithMouse=MousePos;
+			}
+		}
+	if(iPointerEvents)
+ 		{
+   		SWsKey *pS=new SWsKey;
+   		if (pS)
+   			{
+			pS->iMousePos=MousePos;
+			pS->iType=EMouseClick;
+ 			iKQueue.AddLast(*pS);
+  			}
+		DrainAllReadRequests();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::QueueWindowKey(TKeyData &aKeystroke)
+// Place keystroke in window's keyboard queue
+	{
+	SWsKey *pS=new SWsKey;
+	if (pS)
+		{
+		pS->iKeyData=aKeystroke;
+		pS->iType=EKeyPress;
+		iKQueue.AddLast(*pS);
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::QueueRawEvent(TRawEvent& anEvent)
+// Deliver a raw event to the raw event window
+    {
+    if (RawEventWindow)
+		{
+        RawEventWindow->QueueWindowRawEvent(anEvent);
+		DrainAllReadRequests();
+		}
+    }
+void CWsWindow::QueueWindowRawEvent(TRawEvent& anEvent)
+// Place raw event in window's event queue
+	{
+	SWsKey *pS=new SWsKey;
+	if (pS)
+		{
+		pS->iKeyData.iModifiers=0;
+		pS->iKeyData.iApp=0;
+		pS->iKeyData.iHandle=0;
+		pS->iKeyData.iIsCaptureKey=EFalse;
+		pS->iKeyData.iKeyCode=0;
+		pS->iMousePos=TPoint(0,0);
+        pS->iType=anEvent.Type();
+		switch(anEvent.Type())
+			{
+		case TRawEvent::EPointerMove:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton1Down:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton1Up:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton2Down:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton2Up:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton3Down:
+		case TRawEvent::EButton3Up:
+			pS->iMousePos=anEvent.Pos();
+			break;
+		case TRawEvent::EKeyUp:
+		case TRawEvent::EKeyDown:
+			pS->iKeyData.iKeyCode=anEvent.ScanCode();
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+			}
+		iKQueue.AddLast(*pS);
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint &aPosition)
+// Place cursor at position specified
+	{
+	iCursorPos=aPosition;
+	iCursorPos+=TPoint(1,1);
+	if (iCursorPos.iX<1)
+		iCursorPos.iX=1;
+	if (iCursorPos.iX>=iCurrentSize.iWidth-1)
+		iCursorPos.iX=iCurrentSize.iWidth-2;
+	if (iCursorPos.iY<1)
+		iCursorPos.iY=1;
+	if (iCursorPos.iY>=iCurrentSize.iHeight-1)
+		iCursorPos.iY=iCurrentSize.iHeight-2;
+	SetCursor();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint &aPosition)
+// Place cursor at position relative to current position
+	{
+	TPoint p=iCursorPos+aPosition-TPoint(1,1);
+	SetCursorPosAbs(p);
+	}
+TPoint CWsWindow::CursorPosition()
+// Return current cursor position
+	{
+	return(iCursorPos-TPoint(1,1));
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlScrollBars(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn scroll bars on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	iHasScrollBars=anIndicator;
+	if (iTextBuffer)
+		{
+		SetFrame();
+		Refresh();
+		if (IsTop())
+			ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlWrapLock(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn wrap lock on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	iWrapLock=anIndicator;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlPointerEvents(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn reporting of pointer events on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	iPointerEvents=anIndicator;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlScrollLock(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn scroll lock on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	iScrollLock=anIndicator;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlAllowResize(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn iAllowResize on or off
+	{
+	iAllowResize=anIndicator;
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlOnTop(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn iOnTop on or off
+	{
+	iOnTop=anIndicator;
+	if(iOnTop)
+		iIsVisible=ETrue;
+	if(iTextBuffer)
+		MakeTopWindow();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlVisibility(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn visibility on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	if(!iOnTop)
+		{
+		iIsVisible=anIndicator;
+		if (!iIsVisible && IsTop())
+			RotateWindowsBackwards();		// make sure we have a visible window on top
+		if (!iIsVisible&&iTextBuffer)
+			Refresh();
+		if (iTextBuffer&&iIsVisible)
+			MakeTopWindow();
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlCursorRequired(TBool anIndicator)
+// Turn the text cursor on or off according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	iCursorRequired=anIndicator;
+	SetCursor();
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlMaximised(TBool anIndicator)
+// Maximise or minimise the window according to the value of anIndicator
+	{
+	ResizeWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	ScrollWithMouse=TPoint(-1,-1);
+	if (anIndicator)
+		{
+		if (iViewSize==iMaximumSize && iViewOrigin==iMaximumOrigin)
+			return;
+		RestoreEdges();
+		iMinimumSize=iViewSize;
+		iMinimumOrigin=iViewOrigin;
+		iViewSize=iMaximumSize;
+		iViewOrigin=iMaximumOrigin;
+		TSize s=iCurrentSize-iViewSize;
+		if (iCurrentOffset.iX>s.iWidth)
+			iCurrentOffset.iX=s.iWidth;
+		if (iCurrentOffset.iY>s.iHeight)
+			iCurrentOffset.iY=s.iHeight;
+		SaveEdges();
+		SetFrame();
+		SetClip();
+		Refresh();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		if (iViewSize==iMaximumSize && iViewOrigin==iMaximumOrigin)
+			{
+			RestoreEdges();
+			iViewSize=iMinimumSize;
+			iViewOrigin=iMinimumOrigin;
+			SaveEdges();
+			SetFrame();
+			SetClip();
+			Refresh();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlNewLineMode(TBool anIndicator)
+// Set the newline mode
+	{
+	iNewLineMode=anIndicator;
+	}
+void CWsWindow::ControlRawEventMode(TBool anIndicator)
+// Set the raw event mode
+	{
+    if (anIndicator)
+        {
+        if (!RawEventWindow)
+            RawEventWindow=this;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        if (RawEventWindow==this)
+            RawEventWindow=NULL;
+        }
+	}
+TBool CWsWindow::RawEventMode()
+// Report whether in raw event mode
+    {
+    return(RawEventWindow!=NULL);
+    }
+TBool CWsWindow::EnqueReadRequest(const RMessage2 &aMessage)
+// Accept read request on this window
+	{
+	if (!iReadIsValid)
+		{
+		iReadRequest=aMessage;
+		iReadIsValid=ETrue;
+		DrainAllReadRequests();
+		SetCursor();
+		return(ETrue);
+		}
+	return(EFalse);
+	}
+void CWsWindow::DequeReadRequest()
+	{
+	if (iReadIsValid)
+		{
+		iReadIsValid=EFalse;
+		iReadRequest.Complete(KErrCancel);
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::DrainReadRequest()
+// Drain satisfied read requests
+	{
+	if (iReadIsValid && !(iKQueue.IsEmpty()))
+		{
+		RMessage2& m=iReadRequest;
+		SConsoleKey k;
+		SWsKey *pS=iKQueue.First();
+		k.iCode=(TKeyCode)pS->iKeyData.iKeyCode;
+		k.iModifiers=KeyTranslator->GetModifierState();
+        k.iType=pS->iType;
+        k.iMousePos=pS->iMousePos;
+		TPckgC<SConsoleKey> keystroke(k);
+		m.WriteL(0,keystroke);
+		iKQueue.Remove(*pS);
+		delete pS;
+		iReadIsValid=EFalse;	// Do this before message completion to prevent message flow control problems
+		m.Complete(KErrNone);
+		}
+	}
+void CWsWindow::CreateL(const TSize &aSize)
+//	Default the new control block and add to queue.
+	{
+	iNumber=NewNumberL();
+ 	iCurrentOffset=TPoint(0,0);
+	iCurrentSize=aSize+TSize(2,2); // Allow for window border
+	if (iCurrentSize.iWidth==KConsFullScreen+2)
+		iCurrentSize.iWidth=ScreenSize.iWidth;
+	if (iCurrentSize.iHeight==KConsFullScreen+2)
+		iCurrentSize.iHeight=ScreenSize.iHeight;
+	if (iCurrentSize.iWidth>ScreenSize.iWidth)
+		User::Leave(EWindowTooWide);
+	if (iCurrentSize.iWidth<3)
+		User::Leave(EWindowTooThin);
+	if (iCurrentSize.iHeight>ScreenSize.iHeight)
+		User::Leave(EWindowTooHigh);
+	if (iCurrentSize.iHeight<3)
+		User::Leave(EWindowTooShort);
+	iTextBuffer=(TText *)User::Alloc(sizeof(TText)*iCurrentSize.iWidth*iCurrentSize.iHeight);
+	if (!iTextBuffer)
+		User::Leave(EWindowOutOfMemory);
+	iAttributeBuffer=(ColorInformation *)User::Alloc(iCurrentSize.iWidth*iCurrentSize.iHeight*sizeof(ColorInformation));
+	if (!iAttributeBuffer)
+		User::Leave(EWindowOutOfMemory);
+	iFgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal];
+	iBgColor=IndexOf[ETextAttributeNormal+1];
+	WQueue.AddLast(*this);
+	SetView();
+	SetFull();
+	SetClip();
+	Clear();
+	if (iIsVisible)
+		MakeTopWindow();
+	}