--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/d32comm.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\d32comm.h
+//#define _DEBUG_DEVCOMM
+#ifndef __D32COMM_H__
+#define __D32COMM_H__
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+ Enumeration of number of data bits for serial port configuration.
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iDataBits of
+ TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
+ comm API to configure the serial port's databits size.
+ */
+enum TDataBits {EData5,EData6,EData7,EData8};
+ Enumeration of number of stop bits for serial port configuration.
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iStopBits of
+ TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
+ comm API to configure the serial port's stopbits.
+ */
+enum TStopBits {EStop1,EStop2};
+ Enumeration of types of parity for serial port configuration.
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iParity of
+ TCommConfigV01 before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial
+ comm API to configure the serial port's parity setting.
+ */
+enum TParity {EParityNone,EParityEven,EParityOdd,EParityMark,EParitySpace};
+ Enumeration of baud rates in bits per second for serial port configuration.
+ * e.g EBps115200 is for 115200Bps data rate
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iRate of TCommConfigV01
+ before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
+ the serial port's baud rate.
+ */
+enum TBps
+ {
+ EBps50,
+ EBps75,
+ EBps110,
+ EBps134,
+ EBps150,
+ EBps300,
+ EBps600,
+ EBps1200,
+ EBps1800,
+ EBps2000,
+ EBps2400,
+ EBps3600,
+ EBps4800,
+ EBps7200,
+ EBps9600,
+ EBps19200,
+ EBps38400,
+ EBps57600,
+ EBps115200,
+ EBps230400,
+ EBps460800,
+ EBps576000,
+ EBps1152000,
+ EBps4000000,
+ EBps921600,
+ EBpsAutobaud=0x40000000,
+ EBpsSpecial=0x80000000,
+ };
+ Enumeration of Fifo status (enable and disable) for serial port configuration.
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iFifo of TCommConfigV01
+ before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
+ the serial port's fifo.
+ */
+enum TFifo
+ {
+ EFifoEnable,EFifoDisable,
+ };
+ Enumeration of SIR status (enable and disable) for serial comm configuration.
+ Typically, these values are used to initialize the iSIREnable of TCommConfigV01
+ before calling DComm::Configure() or any other serial comm API to configure
+ the serial port's SIR (infrared) settings.
+ */
+enum TSir
+ {
+ ESIREnable,ESIRDisable,
+ };
+enum TFlowControl
+ {
+ EFlowControlOn,EFlowControlOff
+ };
+const TInt KConfigMaxTerminators=4;
+// DTE Constants
+const TUint KConfigObeyXoff=0x01;
+const TUint KConfigSendXoff=0x02;
+const TUint KConfigObeyCTS=0x04;
+const TUint KConfigFailCTS=0x08;
+const TUint KConfigObeyDSR=0x10;
+const TUint KConfigFailDSR=0x20;
+const TUint KConfigObeyDCD=0x40;
+const TUint KConfigFailDCD=0x80;
+const TUint KConfigFreeRTS=0x100;
+const TUint KConfigFreeDTR=0x200;
+// DCE Constants
+const TUint KConfigObeyDTR=0x400;
+const TUint KConfigFailDTR=0x800;
+const TUint KConfigObeyRTS=0x1000;
+const TUint KConfigFailRTS=0x2000;
+const TUint KConfigFreeDSR=0x4000;
+const TUint KConfigFreeCTS=0x8000;
+const TUint KConfigFreeDCD=0x10000;
+const TUint KConfigFreeRI=0x20000;
+const TUint KConfigWriteBufferedComplete=0x80000000;
+const TUint KConfigParityErrorFail=0;
+const TUint KConfigParityErrorIgnore=0x01;
+const TUint KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar=0x02;
+const TUint KConfigXonXoffDebug=0x80000000;
+const TUint KSignalCTS=0x01;
+const TUint KSignalDSR=0x02;
+const TUint KSignalDCD=0x04;
+const TUint KSignalRNG=0x08;
+const TUint KSignalRTS=0x10;
+const TUint KSignalDTR=0x20;
+const TUint KSignalBreak=0x40;
+const TUint KSignalChanged=0x1000;
+const TUint KCTSChanged=KSignalCTS*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KDSRChanged=KSignalDSR*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KDCDChanged=KSignalDCD*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KRNGChanged=KSignalRNG*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KRTSChanged=KSignalRTS*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KDTRChanged=KSignalDTR*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KBreakChanged=KSignalBreak*KSignalChanged;
+const TUint KSignalDTEOutputs=KSignalRTS|KSignalDTR;
+const TUint KSignalDTEInputs=KSignalCTS|KSignalDSR|KSignalDCD|KSignalRNG;
+const TUint KSignalDCEInputs=KSignalDTEOutputs;
+const TUint KSignalDCEOutputs=KSignalDTEInputs;
+const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMaximum=0x01;
+const TUint KConfigSIRPulseWidthMinimum=0x02;
+// more SIRSettings for selecting the IR range
+const TUint KConfigSIRShutDown=0x10;
+const TUint KConfigSIRMinimumRange=0x20;
+const TUint KConfigSIRMediumRange=0x40;
+const TUint KConfigSIRMaximumRange=0x80;
+ Comms configuration structure.
+ Class to hold the configuration settings for serial comm port
+ This class provides the serial port configuration block interface of serial comms (c32).
+ A serial comm client sets up a serial port before use, by providing a configuration block.
+ TCommConfigV01 is initialized with settings for serial port and used to configure the
+ serial port by calling DComm::Configure(TCommConfigV01 &aConfig) or any other serial comm
+ API to configure the serial port.
+ */
+class TCommConfigV01
+ {
+ /**
+ Data rate in bits per second.
+ @see TBps
+ */
+ TBps iRate;
+ /**
+ Character width in bits.
+ @see TDataBits
+ */
+ TDataBits iDataBits;
+ /**
+ Number of stop bits.
+ @see TStopBits
+ */
+ TStopBits iStopBits;
+ /**
+ Type of parity.
+ @see TParity
+ */
+ TParity iParity;
+ /**
+ Type of Handshaking control.
+ Possible values can be KConfigObeyXXX or KConfigSendXXX or KConfigFailXXX or KConfigFreeXXX
+ */
+ TUint iHandshake;
+ /**
+ Type of error to generate on a parity failure.
+ Possible values can be KConfigParityErrorFail or KConfigParityErrorIgnore or KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar
+ */
+ TUint iParityError;
+ /**
+ FIFO status, enabled or disabled.
+ @see TFifo
+ */
+ TUint iFifo;
+ /**
+ Special data rate, not listed under TBps. Use this, when iRate is set to EBpsSpecial
+ */
+ TInt iSpecialRate;
+ /**
+ Count of number of special characters used as terminators (<=KConfigMaxTerminators)
+ */
+ TInt iTerminatorCount;
+ /**
+ Array of special characters which can be used as terminators
+ */
+ TText8 iTerminator[KConfigMaxTerminators];
+ /**
+ Character used to signal the transmitter to resume sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking
+ i.e character used as XON - software flow control
+ */
+ TText8 iXonChar;
+ /**
+ Character used to signal the transmitter to suspend sending when using XON/XOFF handshaking
+ i.e character used as XOFF - software flow control
+ */
+ TText8 iXoffChar;
+ /**
+ Character used to replace the characters received with a parity error.
+ This is used when iParityError is set to KConfigParityErrorReplaceChar
+ */
+ TText8 iParityErrorChar;
+ /**
+ Switch the SIR encoding hardware on and off.
+ @see TSir
+ */
+ TSir iSIREnable;
+ /**
+ SIR hardware control setting. Possible value can be one of KConfigSIRXXX
+ */
+ TUint iSIRSettings;
+ };
+ Package buffer for a TCommConfigV01 object.
+ TCommConfig packages the comms configuration structure TCommConfigV01 to a buffer.
+ This is used with API of serial comms like RComm::Config(TDes8 &aConfig) and
+ RComm::SetConfig(TDesC8 &aConfig) where config structure is passed as buffer.
+ @see TCommConfigV01
+ */
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommConfigV01> TCommConfig;
+// TCommConfigV02 is deprecated.
+class TCommConfigV02: public TCommConfigV01
+ {
+ TInt iTxShutdownTimeout;
+ };
+// TCommConfig2 is deprecated
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommConfigV02> TCommConfig2;
+const TUint KCapsBps50=0x00000001;
+const TUint KCapsBps75=0x00000002;
+const TUint KCapsBps110=0x00000004;
+const TUint KCapsBps134=0x00000008;
+const TUint KCapsBps150=0x00000010;
+const TUint KCapsBps300=0x00000020;
+const TUint KCapsBps600=0x00000040;
+const TUint KCapsBps1200=0x00000080;
+const TUint KCapsBps1800=0x00000100;
+const TUint KCapsBps2000=0x00000200;
+const TUint KCapsBps2400=0x00000400;
+const TUint KCapsBps3600=0x00000800;
+const TUint KCapsBps4800=0x00001000;
+const TUint KCapsBps7200=0x00002000;
+const TUint KCapsBps9600=0x00004000;
+const TUint KCapsBps19200=0x00008000;
+const TUint KCapsBps38400=0x00010000;
+const TUint KCapsBps57600=0x00020000;
+const TUint KCapsBps115200=0x00040000;
+const TUint KCapsBps230400=0x00080000;
+const TUint KCapsBps460800=0x00100000;
+const TUint KCapsBps576000 =0x00200000;
+const TUint KCapsBps1152000=0x00400000;
+const TUint KCapsBps4000000=0x00800000;
+const TUint KCapsBps921600=0x01000000;
+const TUint KCapsBpsAutobaud=0x40000000;
+const TUint KCapsBpsSpecial=0x80000000;
+const TUint KCapsData5=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsData6=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsData7=0x04;
+const TUint KCapsData8=0x08;
+const TUint KCapsStop1=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsStop2=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsParityNone=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsParityEven=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsParityOdd=0x04;
+const TUint KCapsParityMark=0x08;
+const TUint KCapsParitySpace=0x10;
+const TUint KCapsSignalCTSSupported=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsSignalDSRSupported=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsSignalDCDSupported=0x04;
+const TUint KCapsSignalRNGSupported=0x08;
+const TUint KCapsSignalRTSSupported=0x10;
+const TUint KCapsSignalDTRSupported=0x20;
+const TUint KCapsObeyXoffSupported=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsSendXoffSupported=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsObeyCTSSupported=0x04;
+const TUint KCapsFailCTSSupported=0x08;
+const TUint KCapsObeyDSRSupported=0x10;
+const TUint KCapsFailDSRSupported=0x20;
+const TUint KCapsObeyDCDSupported=0x40;
+const TUint KCapsFailDCDSupported=0x80;
+const TUint KCapsFreeRTSSupported=0x100;
+const TUint KCapsFreeDTRSupported=0x200;
+// DCE Constants
+const TUint KCapsObeyRTSSupported=0x400;
+const TUint KCapsObeyDTRSupported=0x800;
+const TUint KCapsHasFifo=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsSIR115kbps=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsSIR2400bpsOnly=0x02;
+const TUint KCapsSIR4Mbs=0x04;
+const TUint KNotifySignalsChangeSupported=0x01;
+const TUint KNotifyRateChangeSupported=0x02;
+const TUint KNotifyDataFormatChangeSupported=0x04;
+const TUint KNotifyHandshakeChangeSupported=0x08;
+const TUint KNotifyBreakSupported=0x10;
+const TUint KNotifyFlowControlChangeSupported=0x20;
+const TUint KNotifyDataAvailableSupported=0x40;
+const TUint KNotifyOutputEmptySupported=0x80;
+const TUint KCapsRoleSwitchSupported=0x01;
+const TUint KCapsFlowControlStatusSupported=0x01;
+const TUint KRateChanged=0x01;
+const TUint KDataFormatChanged=0x02;
+const TUint KHandshakeChanged=0x04;
+ Comms capability structure.
+ Class to query the capability settings for serial comm port device.
+ Members of this class are filled with the capabilities of the comm port device.
+ */
+class TCommCapsV01
+ {
+ /**
+ Data rates supported, in bits per second.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing KCapsBpsXXX values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported bit rate.
+ */
+ TUint iRate;
+ /**
+ Character widths supported, in bits.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsData5, KCapsData6, KCapsData7 and KCapsData8 values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported character width.
+ */
+ TUint iDataBits;
+ /**
+ Number of stop bits supported.
+ The value is one of KCapsStop1, KCapsStop2 or KCapsStop1|KCapsStop2.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported number of stop bit.
+ */
+ TUint iStopBits;
+ /**
+ Parity types supported.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsParityNone, KCapsParityEven, KCapsParityOdd, KCapsParityMark and KCapsParitySpace values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported parity type.
+ */
+ TUint iParity;
+ /**
+ Type of Handshaking protocols supported by the device.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsObeyXXX, KCapsSendXXX, KCapsFailXXX and KCapsFreeXXX values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported handshaking protocol.
+ */
+ TUint iHandshake;
+ /**
+ Type of Signals supported by the device.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsSignalXXX values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported signal.
+ */
+ TUint iSignals;
+ /**
+ Whether Fifo is enabled or disabled.
+ Value is KCapsHasFifo if enabled, 0 otherwise
+ */
+ TUint iFifo;
+ /**
+ Capabilities of the SIR encoding hardware.
+ The value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KCapsSIR115kbps, KCapsSIR2400bpsOnly and KCapsSIR4Mbps values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported SIR capability.
+ */
+ TUint iSIR;
+ };
+ Package buffer for a TCommCapsV01 object.
+ TCommCaps packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV01 in a buffer.
+ This is used by serial comms APIs to pass the capability structure as a buffer,
+ for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps).
+ @see TCommCapsV01
+ */
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV01> TCommCaps;
+ Comms capability structure.
+ Class to query the capability settings for serial comm port.
+ Members of this class are filled with the capabilities of the comm port.
+ @see TCommCapsV01
+ */
+class TCommCapsV02 : public TCommCapsV01
+ {
+ /**
+ Specifies the notifications that are supported for the serial comm port.
+ The field is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of:
+ -KNotifySignalsChangeSupported
+ -KNotifyRateChangeSupported
+ -KNotifyDataFormatChangeSupported
+ -KNotifyHandshakeChangeSupported
+ -KNotifyBreakSupported
+ -KNotifyFlowControlChangeSupported
+ -KNotifyDataAvailableSupported
+ -KNotifyOutputEmptySupported
+ Each set bit corresponds to a supported notification type.
+ */
+ TUint iNotificationCaps;
+ /**
+ Specifies whether Role Switch is supported or not.
+ If supported the value is KCapsRoleSwitchSupported, otherwise Zero
+ */
+ TUint iRoleCaps;
+ /**
+ Specifies whether Flow Control Status is supported or not.
+ If supported the value is KCapsFlowControlStatusSupported, otherwise Zero
+ */
+ TUint iFlowControlCaps;
+ };
+ Package buffer for a TCommCapsV02 object.
+ TCommCaps2 packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV02 in a buffer.
+ This is used by serial comms to pass the capability structure as a buffer,
+ for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps)
+ @see TCommCapsV02
+ */
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV02> TCommCaps2;
+ Comms capability structure.
+ Class to hold the capability settings for serial comm port.
+ This class is used to query the capabilities of the serial comm port.
+ Members of this class are filled with the capabilities of the comm port.
+ @see TCommCapsV02
+ */
+class TCommCapsV03 : public TCommCapsV02
+ {
+ /**
+ Specifies whether break is supported or not.
+ ETrue if Supported, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ TBool iBreakSupported;
+ };
+ Package buffer for a TCommCapsV03 object.
+ TCommCaps3 packages the comms capability structure TCommCapsV03 in a buffer.
+ This is used by serial comms APIs to pass the capability structure as a buffer,
+ for example in RComm::Caps(TDes8 &aCaps)
+ @see TCommCapsV03
+ */
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommCapsV03> TCommCaps3;
+ Structure that holds the capabilities of the Comms factory object. Only Version is supported.
+ This structure is packaged within a descriptor when passed to methods such as RDevice::GetCaps()
+ */
+class TCapsDevCommV01
+ {
+ /**
+ Version of the device
+ @see TVersion
+ */
+ TVersion version;
+ };
+ Comms Notification configuration structure
+ Class to hold the notification configuration of the device.
+ Notifications are only used with DCE (modem) comms ports.
+ */
+class TCommNotificationV01
+ {
+ /**
+ Specifies which of the configuration members have changed
+ This value is a bitmask made by OR-ing a combination of KRateChanged,KDataFormatChanged and KHandshakeChanged values.
+ Each set bit corresponds to a change in the configuration notification.
+ @see TCommCapsV01
+ */
+ TUint iChangedMembers;
+ /**
+ Data rate in bits per second.
+ @see TBps
+ */
+ TBps iRate;
+ /**
+ Character width in bits.
+ @see TDataBits
+ */
+ TDataBits iDataBits;
+ /**
+ Number of stop bits.
+ @see TStopBits
+ */
+ TStopBits iStopBits;
+ /**
+ Type of parity.
+ @see TParity
+ */
+ TParity iParity;
+ /**
+ Type of Handshaking control.
+ Possible values can be any combination of KConfigObeyXXX, KConfigSendXXX, KConfigFailXXX and KConfigFreeXXX.
+ */
+ TUint iHandshake;
+ };
+ Package buffer for a TCommNotificationV01 object.
+ Packages TCommNotificationV01 within a buffer.
+ @see TCommNotificationV01
+ */
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommNotificationV01> TCommNotificationPckg;
+const TUint KDataAvailableNotifyFlag=0x80000000;
+class TCommDebugInfo
+ {
+ TBool iRxBusy;
+ TBool iRxHeld;
+ TInt iRxLength;
+ TInt iRxOffset;
+ TInt iRxIntCount;
+ TInt iRxErrCount;
+ TInt iRxBufCount;
+ TBool iTxBusy;
+ TBool iTxHeld;
+ TInt iTxLength;
+ TInt iTxOffset;
+ TInt iTxIntCount;
+ TInt iTxErrCount;
+ TInt iTxBufCount;
+ TBool iDrainingRxBuf;
+ TBool iFillingTxBuf;
+ TBool iRunningDfc;
+ TInt iDfcCount;
+ TInt iDfcReqSeq;
+ TInt iDfcHandlerSeq;
+ TInt iDoDrainSeq;
+ TBool iTxDfcPend;
+ TBool iRxDfcPend;
+ TInt iTxChars, iRxChars;
+ TInt iTxXon, iTxXoff, iRxXon, iRxXoff;
+ };
+typedef TPckgBuf<TCommDebugInfo> TCommDebugInfoPckg;
+ The externally visible interface through which the clients can access serial devices.
+ It also represents a user side handle to the serial device driver.
+ */
+class RBusDevComm : public RBusLogicalChannel
+ {
+ /**
+ Serial device driver build version.
+ */
+ enum TVer
+ {
+ /** Major Version */
+ EMajorVersionNumber=1,
+ /** Minor Version */
+ EMinorVersionNumber=0,
+ /** Build Version */
+ EBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber
+ };
+ /**
+ Asynchronous request types
+ */
+ enum TRequest
+ {
+ /** Read request */
+ ERequestRead=0x0,
+ /** Cancel read request */
+ ERequestReadCancel=0x1,
+ /** Write reqeust */
+ ERequestWrite=0x1,
+ /** Cancel write request */
+ ERequestWriteCancel=0x2,
+ /** Break request */
+ ERequestBreak=0x2,
+ /** Cancel break request */
+ ERequestBreakCancel=0x4,
+ /** Signal change notification request */
+ ERequestNotifySignalChange=0x3,
+ /** Cancel signal change notification request */
+ ERequestNotifySignalChangeCancel=0x8,
+ };
+ /**
+ Synchronous request types
+ */
+ enum TControl
+ {
+ /** Get the current configuration */
+ EControlConfig,
+ /** Set the device configuration */
+ EControlSetConfig,
+ /** Get the device capabilities */
+ EControlCaps,
+ /** Read the state of Modem control signals supported */
+ EControlSignals,
+ /** Set the state of output modem control signals */
+ EControlSetSignals,
+ /** Query the driver receive buffer for data availability */
+ EControlQueryReceiveBuffer,
+ /** Reset the driver buffers */
+ EControlResetBuffers,
+ /** Get the driver receive buffer length */
+ EControlReceiveBufferLength,
+ /** Set the driver receive buffer length */
+ EControlSetReceiveBufferLength,
+ /** Get the minimum turnaround time between a receive and subsequent transmission operation */
+ EControlMinTurnaroundTime,
+ /** Set the minimum turnaround time between a receive and subsequent transmission operation */
+ EControlSetMinTurnaroundTime,
+ /** Get debug information from the driver */
+ EControlDebugInfo
+ };
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ /**
+ This function opens a channel and creates a handle to the serial driver.
+ @param aUnit The unit number of the serial device.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ KErrPermissionDenied if the port given in aName is wrong or if the request fails the CSY's own security check;
+ KErrNotSupported if this port is not supported by the CSY or the hardware;
+ KErrLocked if the port has already been opened;
+ KErrAccessDenied if the device driver encounteres a problem opening the hardware port.
+ */
+ inline TInt Open(TInt aUnit);
+ /**
+ Get the version number required by the driver
+ @return The version number required by the driver
+ @see TVersion
+ */
+ inline TVersion VersionRequired() const;
+ /**
+ Read from the channel
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aDes Buffer to be filled in by the driver
+ */
+ inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
+ /**
+ Read from the channel
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aDes Buffer to be filled in by the driver
+ @param aLength The length of the data to be read
+ */
+ inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
+ /**
+ Read one or more characters from the channel.
+ If there is data in the serial driver's buffer when ReadOneOrMore() is called it will
+ read as much data as possible (up to the maximum length of the supplied buffer)
+ and then return.
+ If there is no data in the buffer the request will complete as soon as one or more bytes arrive at the serial hardware.
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aDes Buffer to be filled in by the driver
+ */
+ inline void ReadOneOrMore(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
+ /**
+ Cancel a pending read request
+ */
+ inline void ReadCancel();
+ /**
+ Write to the channel
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aDes Buffer containing the data to be sent
+ */
+ inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes);
+ /**
+ Write to the channel
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aDes Buffer containing the data to be sent
+ @param aLength The length of the data to be sent
+ */
+ inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
+ /**
+ Cancel a pending write request
+ */
+ inline void WriteCancel();
+ /**
+ Causes a break condition to be transmitted to the receiving device
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aTime The time interval in microseconds after which the break condition will be released
+ */
+ inline void Break(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TInt aTime);
+ /**
+ Cancel a pending break request
+ */
+ inline void BreakCancel();
+ /**
+ Get the current configuration of the serial device
+ @param aConfig A packaged object to be filled with the configuration information by the driver
+ @see TCommConfigV02
+ */
+ inline void Config(TDes8 &aConfig);
+ /**
+ Set the cofiguration of the serial device
+ @param aConfig A packaged object containing the configuration information
+ @see TCommConfigV02
+ */
+ inline TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8 &aConfig);
+ /**
+ Get the capabilities of the serial device.
+ @param aCaps A packaged object to be filled with the capabilities of the device.
+ @see TCommCapsV03
+ */
+ inline void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps);
+ /**
+ Get the status of the control lines
+ @return A bitmask of KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG,
+ KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR, KSignalBreak
+ */
+ inline TUint Signals();
+ /**
+ Set and clear the control lines
+ @param aSetMask Bitmask of signals to set
+ @param aClearMask Bitmask of signals to clear
+ @see Signals for a list of signals
+ */
+ inline void SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask);
+ /**
+ Get the number of unread characters in the receive buffer of the driver
+ @return The number of unread characters
+ */
+ inline TInt QueryReceiveBuffer();
+ /**
+ Reset the receive and transmit buffers.
+ */
+ inline void ResetBuffers();
+ /**
+ Get the length of the receive buffer
+ @return The length of the receive buffer
+ */
+ inline TInt ReceiveBufferLength();
+ /**
+ Set the length of the receive buffer
+ @param aLength The length of the receive buffer to be set
+ */
+ inline TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength);
+ /**
+ Request notification when one of the signals change.
+ The signals that could change are KSignalCTS, KSignalDSR, KSignalDCD, KSignalRNG,
+ KSignalRTS, KSignalDTR, KSignalBreak.
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ @param aSignals Pointer to the bitmask containing the changed signals
+ @param aSignalMask Bitmask of signals to be monitored
+ */
+ inline void NotifySignalChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TUint& aSignals,TUint aSignalMask=0x3F);
+ /**
+ Cancel a pending signal change notification request
+ */
+ inline void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
+ /**
+ Request notification when there is data available to be read from the driver receive buffer
+ @param aStatus The asynchronous request status
+ */
+ inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ /**
+ Cancel a pending data notification request
+ */
+ inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailableCancel();
+ /**
+ Get the minimum turnaround time before a transmission can begin after a receive operation
+ @return The turnaround time in microseconds
+ */
+ inline TUint MinTurnaroundTime();
+ /**
+ Set the minimum turnaround time between a receive and the next transmission operation
+ @param aMicroSeconds The turnaround time in microseconds
+ */
+ inline TInt SetMinTurnaroundTime(TUint aMicroSeconds);
+ /**
+ Get the debug information
+ @param aInfo a packaged object to be filled by the driver with debug information
+ @see TCommDebugInfo
+ */
+ inline void DebugInfo(TDes8 &aInfo);
+ };
+class RBusDevCommDCE : public RBusLogicalChannel
+ {
+ enum TVer {EMajorVersionNumber=1,EMinorVersionNumber=0,EBuildVersionNumber=KE32BuildVersionNumber};
+ enum TRequest
+ {
+ ERequestRead=0x0,ERequestReadCancel=0x1,
+ ERequestWrite=0x1,ERequestWriteCancel=0x2,
+ ERequestBreak=0x2,ERequestBreakCancel=0x4,
+ ERequestNotifySignalChange=0x3,ERequestNotifySignalChangeCancel=0x8,
+ ERequestNotifyFlowControlChange=0x4,ERequestNotifyFlowControlChangeCancel=0x10,
+ ERequestNotifyConfigChange=0x5,ERequestNotifyConfigChangeCancel=0x20
+ };
+ enum TControl
+ {
+ EControlConfig,EControlSetConfig,EControlCaps,
+ EControlSignals,EControlSetSignals,
+ EControlQueryReceiveBuffer,EControlResetBuffers,
+ EControlReceiveBufferLength,EControlSetReceiveBufferLength,
+ EControlFlowControlStatus,
+ EControlDebugInfo
+ };
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ inline TInt Open(TInt aUnit);
+ inline TVersion VersionRequired() const;
+ inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
+ inline void Read(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
+ inline void ReadOneOrMore(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TDes8 &aDes);
+ inline void ReadCancel();
+ inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes);
+ inline void Write(TRequestStatus &aStatus,const TDesC8 &aDes,TInt aLength);
+ inline void WriteCancel();
+ inline void Break(TRequestStatus &aStatus,TInt aTime);
+ inline void BreakCancel();
+ inline void Config(TDes8 &aConfig);
+ inline TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8 &aConfig);
+ inline void Caps(TDes8 &aCaps);
+ inline TUint Signals();
+ inline void SetSignals(TUint aSetMask,TUint aClearMask);
+ inline TInt QueryReceiveBuffer();
+ inline void ResetBuffers();
+ inline TInt ReceiveBufferLength();
+ inline TInt SetReceiveBufferLength(TInt aLength);
+ inline void NotifySignalChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus,TUint& aSignals,TUint aSignalMask=0x3F);
+ inline void NotifySignalChangeCancel();
+ inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailable(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ inline void NotifyReceiveDataAvailableCancel();
+ inline void NotifyFlowControlChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
+ inline void NotifyFlowControlChangeCancel();
+ inline void GetFlowControlStatus(TFlowControl& aFlowControl);
+ inline void NotifyConfigChange(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TDes8& aNewConfig);
+ inline void NotifyConfigChangeCancel();
+ inline void DebugInfo(TDes8 &aInfo);
+ };
+#include <d32comm.inl>