--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/gpio.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\gpio.h
+#ifndef __GPIO_H__
+#define __GPIO_H__
+class TGpioCallback; //forward declaration
+@prototype 9.6
+GPIO interrupt handler
+Takes a generic argument (TAny*)
+typedef void (*TGpioIsr)(TAny*);
+@prototype 9.6
+GPIO class handler
+class GPIO
+ {
+ /**
+ GPIO pin modes (to be requested on any pin):
+ - enabled,
+ - disabled,
+ - idling
+ */
+ enum TGpioMode
+ {
+ EEnabled,
+ EDisabled,
+ EIdle
+ };
+ /**
+ GPIO pin directions (to be requested on any pin):
+ - input,
+ - output,
+ - tristated
+ */
+ enum TGpioDirection
+ {
+ EInput,
+ EOutput,
+ ETriStated
+ };
+ /**
+ GPIO pin states (to be set on an output or read from an input or output):
+ - electrical Low,
+ - electrical High,
+ - state compatible with idling the pin (module)
+ */
+ enum TGpioState
+ {
+ ELow,
+ EHigh,
+ EIdleState
+ };
+ /**
+ GPIO programmable bias:
+ - no drive,
+ - pulled down (Low),
+ - pulled up (High)
+ */
+ enum TGpioBias
+ {
+ ENoDrive,
+ EPullDown,
+ EPullUp
+ };
+ /**
+ GPIO interrupt and/or wakeup triger configuration (to be requested on an input
+ that supports interrupts or wakeup function):
+ - Level triggered, low level,
+ - Level triggered, high level,
+ - Edge triggered, falling edge,
+ - Edge triggered, rising edge,
+ - Edge triggered, both edges,
+ */
+ enum TGpioDetectionTrigger
+ {
+ ELevelLow,
+ ELevelHigh,
+ EEdgeFalling,
+ EEdgeRising,
+ EEdgeBoth
+ };
+ /**
+ Sets the pin mode.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aMode The pin mode.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotReady, when a pin that has requested to be Idle is not ready to do
+ so;
+ KErrNotSupported, if a pin cannot be used as a GPIO because it has been
+ assigned an alternative function.
+ When disabling a pin, the module which the pin is a part of may not be disabled,
+ but KErrNone is still returned.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetPinMode(TInt aId, TGpioMode aMode);
+ /**
+ Reads the pin mode.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aMode On return contains the pin mode.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the pin mode is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetPinMode(TInt aId, TGpioMode& aMode);
+ /**
+ Sets the pin direction.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aDirection The pin direction.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if a pin cannot operate in the direction specified.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetPinDirection(TInt aId, TGpioDirection aDirection);
+ /**
+ Reads the pin direction.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aDirection On return contains the pin direction.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the pin direction is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetPinDirection(TInt aId, TGpioDirection& aDirection);
+ /**
+ Sets the bias on a pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aBias The drive on the pin.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if a pin does not support setting the drive.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetPinBias(TInt aId, TGpioBias aBias);
+ /**
+ Reads the bias on a pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aBias On return contains the bias previoulsy set on the pin (or the
+ default bias if first time).
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the pin bias is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetPinBias(TInt aId, TGpioBias& aBias);
+ /**
+ Sets the idle configuration and state. The pin configuration is the
+ same that the pin should have when setting the mode to EIdle and the
+ state same it should present when setting the output state to EIdleState.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aConf An implementation specific token specifying the idle
+ configration and state.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if setting the pin idle configuration and state
+ are not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetPinIdleConfigurationAndState(TInt aId, TInt aConf);
+ /**
+ Reads the pin idle configuration and state.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aConf On return contains the idle configuration and state previoulsy
+ set on the pin.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the pin idle configuration and state
+ is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetPinIdleConfigurationAndState(TInt aId, TInt& aConf);
+ /**
+ Associates the specified interrupt service routine (ISR) function with the
+ specified interrupt Id.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param anIsr The address of the ISR function.
+ @param aPtr 32-bit value that is passed to the ISR.
+ This is designated a TAny* type as it is usually a pointer to the
+ owning class or data to be used in the ISR, although it can be any
+ 32-bit value.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts;
+ KErrInUse, if an ISR is already bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt BindInterrupt(TInt aId, TGpioIsr aIsr, TAny* aPtr);
+ /**
+ Unbinds the interrupt service routine (ISR) function from the specified interrupt
+ id.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt UnbindInterrupt(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Enables the interrupt on specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt EnableInterrupt(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Disables the interrupt on specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt DisableInterrupt(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Checks if interrupt is enabled on pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aEnable On return contains the enable/disable state of interrupt
+ (TRUE=enabled).
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt IsInterruptEnabled(TInt aId, TBool& aEnable);
+ /**
+ Clears any pending interrupt on the specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if clearing interrupt signal is not supported on this
+ pin;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt ClearInterrupt(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Reads the interrupt state as output by the GPIO interrupt controller.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aActive On return contains the state of the interrupt signal as output by
+ GPIO interrupt controller (TRUE=active).
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if reading interrupt state is not supported;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetMaskedInterruptState(TInt aId, TBool& aActive);
+ /**
+ Reads the interrupt state on the specified pin before any masking.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aActive On return contains state of the interrupt signal on the pin
+ (TRUE=active).
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if reading raw interrupt state is not supported;
+ KErrGeneral, if there is no ISR bound to this interrupt.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetRawInterruptState(TInt aId, TBool& aActive);
+ /**
+ Sets the interrupt trigger on the specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aTrigger The trigger type.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support interrupts.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetInterruptTrigger(TInt aId, TGpioDetectionTrigger aTrigger);
+ /**
+ Enables the wakeup on specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support wakeup.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt EnableWakeup(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Disables the wakeup on specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support wakeup.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt DisableWakeup(TInt aId);
+ /**
+ Checks if wakeup is enabled on pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aEnable On return contains the enable/disable state of wakeup
+ (TRUE=enabled).
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support wakeups;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt IsWakeupEnabled(TInt aId, TBool& aEnable);
+ /**
+ Sets the wakeup trigger on the specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aTrigger The trigger type.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support wakeup.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetWakeupTrigger(TInt aId, TGpioDetectionTrigger aTrigger);
+ /**
+ Sets the debouncing time on the specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aTime The debouncing time in microseconds.
+ @return KErrNone, if the time is succesfully changed or no change is needed (see
+ below);
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support debouncing.
+ If the requested time is greater than the common value for the module, the latter
+ is increased to the value requested.
+ If the requested time is lesser than the common value for the module then the
+ common value is unchanged, unless it is set to the value requested on this pin.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetDebounceTime(TInt aId, TInt aTime);
+ /**
+ Reads the debouncing time on the specified pin.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aTime On return contains the debouncing time in microseconds.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported if pin does not support debouncing.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetDebounceTime(TInt aId, TInt& aTime);
+ /**
+ Reads the state of an input (synchronously).
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aState On return contains the pin state.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid.
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the state synchronously is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetInputState(TInt aId, TGpioState& aState);
+ /**
+ Sets the output pin to one of the supported states (synchronously).
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aState The pin state.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if the state is not supported or if setting its state synchronously is not supported.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetOutputState(TInt aId, TGpioState aState);
+ /**
+ Reads the output pin states (synchronously).
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aState On return contains the pin state. On systems where the state of an
+ ouptut pin cannot be read directly from hardware, or takes a non
+ negligible time to be retrieved, the implementation must cache it.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetOutputState(TInt aId, TGpioState& aState);
+ /**
+ Reads the state of an input (asynchronously).
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aCb A pointer to a GPIO callback object.
+ @return KErrNone, if accepted;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid.
+ KErrNotSupported, if reading the state asynchronously is not supported.
+ This API should be used with off-chip GPIO modules only;
+ The result of the read operation and the state of the input pin will be passed as an argument to the callback function;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt GetInputState(TInt aId, TGpioCallback* aCb);
+ /**
+ Sets the output pin to one of the supported states (asynchronously).
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aState The pin state.
+ @param aCb A pointer to a GPIO callback object.
+ @return KErrNone, if accepted;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if setting its state asynchronously is not supported.
+ This API should be used with off-chip GPIO modules only;
+ The result of the set operation will be passed as an argument to the callback function;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetOutputState(TInt aId, TGpioState aState, TGpioCallback* aCb);
+ /**
+ Allows the platform specific implementation to extend the API.
+ @param aId The pin Id.
+ @param aCmd A PSL extension function id.
+ @param aArg1 An argument to be passed to the PSL extension function.
+ @param aArg2 An argument to be passed to the PSL extension function.
+ @return KErrNone, if accepted;
+ KErrArgument, if aId is invalid;
+ KErrNotSupported, if static extensions are not supported.
+ Any other system wide error code.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt StaticExtension(TInt aId, TInt aCmd, TAny* aArg1, TAny* aArg2);
+ };
+@prototype 9.6
+GPIO asynchronous callback function
+typedef void (*TGpioCbFn)(TInt /*aPinId*/,
+ GPIO::TGpioState /*aState*/,
+ TInt /*aResult*/,
+ TAny* /*aParam*/);
+@prototype 9.6
+GPIO asynchronous callback DFC
+The client must create one of these to be passed to each asynchronous call to GetInputState and SetOutputState
+The callback function is called in the context supplied by the client when creating an object of this kind (aQue)
+The callback function takes as arguments the pin id and the state, so it can be common to all TGpioCallback
+class TGpioCallback : public TDfc
+ {
+ inline TGpioCallback(TGpioCbFn aFn, TAny* aPtr, TDfcQue* aQue, TInt aPriority) : TDfc(DfcFunc, this, aQue, aPriority), iParam(aPtr), iCallback(aFn)
+ {}
+ inline static void DfcFunc(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ TGpioCallback* pCb = (TGpioCallback*) aPtr;
+ pCb->iCallback(pCb->iPinId, pCb->iState, pCb->iResult, pCb->iParam);
+ }
+ TInt iPinId; // the Id of the pin on which the asynchronous operation is performed
+ GPIO::TGpioState iState; // either the state the output pin should be moved to or the state the input pin is at
+ TInt iResult; // the result of this transaction as a system wide error
+ TAny* iParam;
+ TGpioCbFn iCallback;
+ };
+#endif /*__GPIO_H__*/