--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/iic.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32/include/drivers/iic.h
+// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
+// to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
+// outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
+#ifndef __IIC_H__
+#define __IIC_H__
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h> // for DThread;
+#include <e32ver.h>
+#include <drivers/iic_transaction.h>
+const TInt KIicBusImpExtMaxPriority = KExtensionMaximumPriority-9; // A kernel extension priority to use as an offset
+ // for all IIC bus implemenetations
+const TInt KMaxNumCapturedChannels = 4; // Arbitrary limit on the maximum number of channels captured for Slave operation
+const TUint KControlIoMask = 0xF0000000;
+const TUint KMasterControlIo = 0x40000000;
+const TUint KSlaveControlIo = 0x00000000;
+const TUint KMasterSlaveControlIo = 0x80000000;
+class TIicBusCallback; // Forward declaration
+class DIicBusController;
+// Generic interface for clients
+class IicBus
+ {
+ // Master-side API
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Queues a transaction synchronously.
+ @param aBusId A token containing the bus realisation variability.
+ @param aTransaction A pointer to a transaction object containing the details of the transaction.
+ @return KErrNone, when successfully completed;
+ KErrArgument, if aBusId is not a valid token or aTransaction is NULL;
+ KErrTimedOut, if the channel terminates the transaction because the addressed Slave exceeded the alloted time to respond;
+ KErrNotSupported, if either the channel does not support Master mode or the transaction is not valid on this channel (e.g. valid full duplex transaction queued on half duplex channel).
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Queues a transaction asynchronously.
+ @param aBusId A token containing the bus realisation variability.
+ @param aTransaction A pointer to a transaction object containing the details of the transaction.
+ @param aCallback A pointer to a callback object.
+ @return KErrNone, if successfully accepted; KErrArgument, if aBusId is not a valid token or either aTransaction or aCallback are NULL;
+ KErrNotSupported, if either the channel does not support Master mode or the transaction is not valid on this channel(e.g. valid full duplex transaction queued on half duplex channel).
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction, TIicBusCallback* aCallback);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Cancels a previously queued transaction.
+ @param aBusId A token containing the bus realisation variability.
+ @param aTransaction A pointer to a transaction object containing the details of the transaction.
+ @return KErrCancel, if successfully cancelled; KErrArgument, if aBusId is not a valid token or aTransaction is NULL;
+ KErrNotFound if the transaction cannot be found on channel's queue of transactions;
+ KErrInUse if this method is called on a transaction that has already been started;
+ KErrNotSupported, if the channel does not support Master mode, or the method is called on a synchronous transaction..
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt CancelTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction);
+ // Slave-side API
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Capture a Slave channel.
+ @param aBusId A token containing the bus realisation variability.
+ @param aConfigHdr A pointer to a descriptor containing the device specific configuration option applicable to all transactions.
+ @param aCallback A pointer to a callback to be called upon specified triggers.
+ @param aChannelId If this API is to complete synchronously, and the processing was successful, then on return aChannelId
+ contains a platform-specific cookie that uniquely identifies the channel instance to be used by this client.
+ If the processing was unsuccessful for the synchronous completion case, aChannelId will be unchanged.
+ If the API was called to complete asynchronously, aChannelId will, in all cases, be set to zero; the valid
+ value for the cookie will be set by the callback.
+ @param aAsynch A boolean value that indicates if this API is to complete synchronously (EFalse) or asynchronously (ETrue).
+ @return KErrNone, if successfully captured, or if API is asynchronous, if the request to capture the channel was accepted;
+ KErrInUse if channel is already in use; KErrArgument, if aBusId is not a valid token or aCallback is NULL;
+ KErrNotSupported, if the channel does not support Slave mode.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TIicBusSlaveCallback* aCallback, TInt& aChannelId, TBool aAsynch=EFalse);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Release a previously captured Slave channel.
+ @param aChannelId The channel identifier cookie for this client.
+ @return KErrNone, if successfully released;
+ KErrInUse if a transaction is currently underway on this channel; KErrArgument, if aChannelId is not a valid cookie;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt ReleaseChannel(TInt aChannelId);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Register a receive buffer with this Slave channel.
+ @param aChannelId The channel identifier cookie for this client.
+ @param aRxBuffer A pointer to the receive buffer, in a client created descriptor.
+ @param aBufGranularity The number of buffer bytes used to store a word.
+ @param aNumWords The number of words expected to be received.
+ @param aOffset The offset from the start of the buffer where to store the received data.
+ @return KErrNone, if succesfully registered;
+ KErrAlreadyExists if a receive buffer is already pending;
+ KErrArgument, if aChannelId is not a valid cookie, or if the pointer descriptor is NULL;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterRxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aRxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Register a transmit buffer with this Slave channel.
+ This client may create a single buffer for the entire transaction and control where the received data
+ is to be placed and the transmit data is to be found, by specifying the number of bytes to transmit (receive)
+ and the offset into the buffer.
+ @param aChannelId The channel identifier cookie for this client.
+ @param aTxBuffer A pointer to the transmit buffer, in a client created descriptor.
+ @param aBufGranularity The number of buffer bytes used to store a word.
+ @param aNumWords The number of words to be transmitted.
+ @param aOffset The offset from the start of the buffer where to fetch the data to be transmitted.
+ @return KErrNone, if successfully registered;
+ KErrAlreadyExists if a transmit buffer is already pending;
+ KErrArgument, if aChannelId is not a valid cookie, or if the pointer descriptor is NULL;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterTxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aTxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Sets the notification triggers and readies the receive path and/or kick starts a transmit (if the node is being addressed).
+ It is only after a receive buffer has been registered and this API has been called that the channel is ready to receive data (when addressed).
+ If a transmit buffer has been registered and this API has been called the channel will immediately transmit when addressed by the Master
+ If the channel supports full duplex, both paths can be readied in one call to this API.
+ @param aChannelId The channel identifier cookie for this client.
+ @param aTrigger A bitmask specifying the notification trigger. Masks for individual triggers are specified by the TIicBusSlaveTrigger enumeration.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if aChannelId is not a valid cookie, or if the trigger is invalid for this channel;
+ KErrInUse if a transaction is already underway on this channel;
+ KErrTimedOut, if the client exceeded the alloted time to respond by invoking this API;
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt SetNotificationTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Interface to provide extended functionality
+ @param aId A token containing the bus realisation variability or the channel identifier cookie for this client.
+ @param aFunction A function identifier. If bit 31 is set and bit 30 cleared it is used to extend the Master-Slave channel;
+ if bit 31 is cleared and bit 30 is set, it extends the Master channel; if both bits 31 and 30 are cleared it
+ extends the Slave channel interface.
+ @param aParam1 A generic argument to be passed to the function identified by aFunction.
+ @param aParam2 A generic argument to be passed to the function identified by aFunction.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotSupported, function is not supported;
+ Any other system wide error code.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt StaticExtension(TUint aId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2);
+ };
+// Forward declaration
+class DIicBusChannel;
+class DIicBusChannelSearcher;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DIicBusController) : public DBase
+ {
+ // constructor
+ inline DIicBusController() {};
+ ~DIicBusController();
+ TInt Create();
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Interface to be used by Channel implementations to register a list of supported channels. This method
+ will check if the array of pointers to channels is already being modified and, if so, will return KErrInUse.
+ Otherwise, the iArrayBusy flag will be set and each entry in the list inserted into the array according
+ to a sorting algorithm; the iArrayBusy flag will then be cleared after inserting the last entry.
+ @param aListChannels A pointer to a linked list of DIicBusChannel instances to be registered
+ @param aNumberChannels The number of channels to be registered.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrInUse, if the array of pointers to channels is already being modified;
+ Any other system wide error code.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterChannels(DIicBusChannel** aListChannels, TInt aNumberChannels);
+ /**
+ @publishedPartner
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Interface to be used by Channel implementations to deregister a channel. This method
+ will check if the array of pointers to channels is already being modified and, if so, will return KErrInUse.
+ Otherwise, the channel will be removed from the array according to a sorting algorithm; the iArrayBusy
+ flag will be set before searching for the channel and cleared immediately after removing it.
+ @param aListChannels A pointer to a linked list of DIicBusChannel instances to be registered
+ @param aNumberChannels The number of channels to be registered.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrInUse, if the array of pointers to channels is already being modified;
+ KErrArgument, if aChannel is a NULL pointer or represents and invalid channel type
+ KErrNotFound, if aChannel is not found in the array of pointers to channels
+ Any other system wide error code.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C static TInt DeRegisterChannel(DIicBusChannel* aChannel);
+ // implementation of public interface APIs
+ TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction);
+ TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction, TIicBusCallback* aCallback);
+ TInt CancelTransaction(TInt aBusId, TIicBusTransaction* aTransaction);
+ TInt CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TIicBusSlaveCallback* aCallback, TInt& aChannelId, TBool aAsynch);
+ TInt ReleaseChannel(TInt aChannelId);
+ TInt RegisterRxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aRxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ TInt RegisterTxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TPtr8 aTxBuffer, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset);
+ TInt SetNotificationTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger);
+ TInt StaticExtension(TUint aId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2);
+ static TInt OrderEntries(const DIicBusChannel& aMatch, const DIicBusChannel& aEntry);
+ TInt GetSlaveChanPtr(TInt aChannelId, DIicBusChannelSlave*& aSlaveChanPtr);
+ TInt GetChanPtr(const TInt aBusId, TInt &aIndex, DIicBusChannel*& aChan);
+ inline RPointerArray<DIicBusChannel>* ChannelArray();
+ TInt GetChanWriteAccess();
+ void FreeChanWriteAccess();
+ TInt GetChanReadAccess();
+ void FreeChanReadAccess();
+ TInt RequestTypeSupported(const TInt aBusId, DIicBusChannelMaster* const aChannel);
+ /**
+ @internalComponent
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Class used by DIicBusController for locating channels captured by clients for Slave Mode operation
+ */
+ class TCapturedChannel // Generated by DIicBusChannelSlave
+ {
+ public:
+ inline TCapturedChannel();
+ inline TCapturedChannel(TInt aChannelId, DIicBusChannelSlave* aChanPtr);
+ inline TCapturedChannel& operator=(TCapturedChannel& aChan);
+ inline TInt operator==(TCapturedChannel& aChan);
+ public:
+ TInt iChannelId; // ID to be used by client
+ DIicBusChannelSlave* iChanPtr; // Index to iChannelArray
+ };
+ /**
+ @internalTechnology
+ @prototype 9.6
+ Function to register a Slave channel with DIicBusController as captured
+ */
+ virtual TInt InstallCapturedChannel(const TInt aChannelId, const DIicBusChannelSlave* aChanPtr);
+ RPointerArray<DIicBusChannel> iChannelArray;
+ TCapturedChannel iCapturedChannels[KMaxNumCapturedChannels];
+ TInt InsertCaptChanInArray(TCapturedChannel aCapturedChan);
+ TInt RemoveCaptChanFromArray(TCapturedChannel aCapturedChan);
+ TInt FindCapturedChan(TCapturedChannel aCapturedChan, TInt& aIndex);
+ TInt FindCapturedChanById(TCapturedChannel aCapturedChan, TInt& aIndex);
+ TInt DeInstallCapturedChannel(const TInt aChannelId, const DIicBusChannelSlave* aChanPtr);
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ void DumpCapturedChannels();
+ void DumpChannelArray();
+ enum TArrayActivity
+ {
+ EWriteInProgress=0x1,
+ EReadInProgress=0x2
+ };
+ TSpinLock *iChanLock;
+ TUint32 iChanRdCount; // Maximum 32-bit count for concurrent reads
+ TSpinLock *iCaptLock;
+ TInt8 iChanRwFlags; // Bit 0 for write, bit 1 for read
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DIicPdd) : public DPhysicalDevice
+ {
+// Class to faciliate loading of the IIC classes
+ class TCaps
+ {
+ public:
+ TVersion iVersion;
+ };
+ DIicPdd();
+ ~DIicPdd();
+ virtual TInt Install();
+ virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ virtual TInt Validate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
+ inline static TVersion VersionRequired();
+ };
+#include <drivers/iic.inl>
+#endif // #ifndef __IIC_H__