--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/pbus.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,809 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\pbus.h
+ @file
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+#ifndef __P32STD_H__
+#define __P32STD_H__
+#include <kernel/kpower.h>
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#define __ENABLE_SIMULATED_MEDIA_CHANGE // Enables simulation of media change events using ControlIO
+ * Peripheral Bus Definitions
+ ********************************************/
+Defines the maximum number of media change objects.
+@see DMediaChangeBase
+const TInt KMaxMediaChanges=4;
+Defines the maximum number of power supply unit (PSU) objects.
+@see DPBusPsuBase
+const TInt KMaxPBusVccs=4;
+ Defines the state of the media, i.e. whether the media door is
+ open or closed.
+ A value of this type is returned by DMediaChangeBase::MediaState().
+ @see DMediaChangeBase::MediaState()
+enum TMediaState {
+ /**
+ Indicates that the media door is open.
+ */
+ EDoorOpen,
+ /**
+ Indicates that the media door is closed.
+ */
+ EDoorClosed};
+enum TPBusType {EPBusTypeNone,EPBusTypePcCard,EPBusTypeMultiMedia,EPBusTypeUSB};
+enum TPBusState
+ {
+ EPBusCardAbsent=0,
+ EPBusOff=1,
+ EPBusPoweringUp=2,
+ EPBusOn=3,
+ EPBusPsuFault=4,
+ EPBusPowerUpPending=5,
+ };
+typedef void (*TPBusCallBackFn)(TAny* aPtr, TInt aReason, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+typedef void (*TPBusIsr)(TAny* aPtr, TInt anId);
+class DPBusSocket;
+class TPBusCallBack : public SDblQueLink
+ {
+ enum TCallBackReason
+ {
+ EPBusStateChange=0,
+ EPBusCustomNotification=1, // Make this the last value
+ };
+ IMPORT_C TPBusCallBack();
+ IMPORT_C TPBusCallBack(TPBusCallBackFn aFunction, TAny* aPtr);
+ IMPORT_C TPBusCallBack(TPBusIsr anIsr, TAny* aPtr, TUint anIntMask);
+ inline void NotifyPBusStateChange(TInt aState, TInt anError);
+ inline void NotifyCustom(TInt aParam, TInt anError);
+ inline void Isr(TInt anId);
+ inline TInt PowerUp();
+ inline TInt PBusState();
+ inline TDfcQue* DfcQ();
+ inline void Add();
+ IMPORT_C void SetSocket(TInt aSocket);
+ IMPORT_C void Remove();
+ DPBusSocket* iSocket;
+ TPBusCallBackFn iFunction;
+ TUint iIntMask;
+ TPBusIsr iIsr;
+ TAny* iPtr;
+ };
+class DMediaChangeBase : public DBase
+Abstract Base class to handle the insertion and removal of removable media.
+This class is intended for derivation at the media and variant layers,
+which handles the media/variant specific functionality such as interrupt detection,
+and passes notifications of media change to the peripheral bus socket layers.
+@see DMMCMediaChange
+ {
+ IMPORT_C DMediaChangeBase(TInt aMediaChangeNum);
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt Create();
+ IMPORT_C void DoorOpenService();
+ IMPORT_C void DoorClosedService();
+ void MediaChangeEvent(TBool aDoorOpened);
+ void AcknowledgeEvent(TBool aDoorOpened);
+ static void DoorOpenDfcFn(TAny* aPtr);
+ /**
+ * Implemented at the media and variant layers.
+ * Forces a media change, performs actions as if a door open has occurred.
+ * Used for powering down and restarting media.
+ *
+ * @see DMediaChangeBase::DoDoorOpen()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ForceMediaChange()=0;
+ /**
+ * Called by DMediaChangeBase::AcknowledgeEvent when the door is opened.
+ * Implemented at the media and variant layer, DoDoorOpen is invoked
+ * in response to the variant calling ::DoDoorOpenService upon detection of
+ * a door open event.
+ *
+ * @see DMediaChangeBase::DoorOpenService()
+ * @see DMediaChangeBase::DoDoorClosed()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoDoorOpen()=0;
+ /**
+ * Called by DMediaChangeBase::AcknowledgeEvent when the door is closed.
+ * Implemented at the media and variant layer, DoDoorClosed is invoked
+ * in response to the variant calling ::DoorOpenService upon detection of
+ * a door closed event.
+ *
+ * @see DMediaChangeBase::DoorOpenService()
+ * @see DMediaChangeBase::DoDoorOpen()
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoDoorClosed()=0;
+ /**
+ * Returns the current state of the door.
+ * Implemented at the variant layer to provide information as to the state of the door.
+ *
+ * @return TMediaState enumeration describing the state of door (EDoorOpen, EDoorClosed)
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual TMediaState MediaState()=0;
+ /** Unique media change ID, identification scheme is defined by derived classes*/
+ TInt iMediaChangeNum;
+ /** Count of media events yet to be acknowledged.*/
+ TInt iReplyCount;
+ /** Door Open DFC queue.*/
+ TDfc iDoorOpenDfc;
+ };
+ Defines the required state of the PSU.
+ A value of this type is passed to DPBusPsuBase::DoSetState().
+ @see DPBusPsuBase::DoSetState()
+enum TPBusPsuState {
+ /**
+ Indicates that the PSU is to be turned off.
+ */
+ EPsuOff,
+ /**
+ Indicates that the PSU is to be turned on in current
+ limit mode.
+ Some power supplies can be turned on in a mode that only
+ supplies a limited amount of current to the device.
+ A faulty device drawing excessive current would cause
+ the PSU output voltage to fall, and would be detected
+ by the PSU's voltage checking mechanism. After a brief
+ checking period in current limit mode, the PSU is
+ subsequently turned fully on.
+ For PSU's that don't support current limit mode, this is
+ treated in the same way as EPsuOnFull.
+ */
+ EPsuOnCurLimit,
+ /**
+ Indicates that the PSU is to be turned fully on.
+ */
+ EPsuOnFull
+ };
+enum TPBusPsuStatus {EPsuStatOff,EPsuStatOn,EPsuStatError};
+const TInt KPBusPsuTickInterval=1000000; // Units 1uS
+ A bit value that is set into the TPBusPsuInfo::iVoltCheckInterval member to
+ indicate that the checking of the PSU voltage level can be performed when
+ the power supply is first turned on.
+const TUint KPsuChkWhileOn=0x00000001;
+ A bit value that is set into the TPBusPsuInfo::iVoltCheckInterval member to
+ indicate that the checking of the PSU voltage level can be performed
+ periodically when the power supply is on.
+const TUint KPsuChkOnPwrUp=0x00000002;
+ Defines the methods that can be used by the platform hardware for checking
+ the VCC voltage while on.
+enum TPsuVoltChkMethod {
+ /**
+ Indicates a simple good/bad check method normally using
+ a comparator arrangement.
+ */
+ EPsuChkComparator,
+ /**
+ Not implemented.
+ */
+ EPsuChkADCType1,
+ /**
+ Not implemented.
+ */
+ EPsuChkADCType2
+ };
+ Encapsulates power supply information.
+ An object of this type is passed to concrete implementations of
+ DPBusPsuBase::PsuInfo(), which are required to fill
+ the data members of the object.
+class TPBusPsuInfo
+ {
+ /**
+ Indicates the voltage level, or range of voltages supported .
+ The voltage level, or range of voltages is reported as a bit mask
+ in the same format as defined for the OCR register.
+ If the PSU supports voltage adjustment, rather than a single fixed value,
+ then bit31 should be set to indicate this fact
+ as well as setting the appropriate bits to indicate the adjustable voltage
+ range supported.
+ */
+ TUint iVoltageSupported;
+ /**
+ The maximum current (in microAmps) that the PSU is able to supply.
+ */
+ TInt iMaxCurrentInMicroAmps;
+ /**
+ Indicates whether the platform hardware has support for checking whether
+ the voltage level of the PSU is within its expected voltage limit while turned on.
+ Such a mechanism could detect when a faulty card is drawing excessive current.
+ Set one or both of the bits KPsuChkWhileOn and KPsuChkOnPwrUp,
+ if there is support for voltage checking.
+ Set neither bit if there is no support for voltage checking.
+ @see KPsuChkWhileOn
+ @see KPsuChkOnPwrUp
+ */
+ TUint iVoltCheckInterval;
+ /**
+ Indicates the method used by the platform hardware for checking
+ the VCC voltage while on.
+ The method used is identified using the values of
+ the TPsuVoltChkMethod enum.
+ @see TPsuVoltChkMethod
+ @see DPBusPsuBase::DoCheckVoltage()
+ */
+ TPsuVoltChkMethod iVoltCheckMethod;
+ /**
+ Bus not locked timeout period, in seconds, when no clients are registered.
+ Set to 0 to disable the not locked timer.
+ */
+ TInt iNotLockedTimeOut;
+ /**
+ Bus inactivity timeout period, in seconds, when clients are registered.
+ Set to 0 to disable the inactivity timer.
+ */
+ TInt iInactivityTimeOut;
+ };
+typedef void (*PsuPwrDownCheckFn)(TAny*);
+Perherpial bus base class to control the power supply.
+This class is intended for derivation at both the media driver and variant layer,
+which respectively handle the media/variant specific functionality of the power supply.
+@see DMMCPsu
+class DPBusPsuBase : public DBase
+ {
+ /** Currently not in use. */
+ enum TResetMode {
+ /** Currently not in use.*/
+ ENormalAndRestorable,
+ /** Currently not in use.*/
+ EQuickButRestorable,
+ /** Currently not in use.*/
+ EQuickAndNotRestorable
+ };
+ DPBusPsuBase(TInt aPsuNum, TInt aMediaChangeNum);
+ IMPORT_C TInt SetState(TPBusPsuState aState);
+ TPBusPsuStatus Status();
+ TInt CheckVoltage(TUint aCheckStatus);
+ void Reset();
+ TInt Create();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt DoCreate();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoTickService();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TBool IsLocked();
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoSetState(TPBusPsuState aState)=0;
+ /**
+ Base abstract method.
+ Checks the voltage level of the PSU is as expected.
+ The result is returned by a call to DPBusPsuBase::ReceiveVoltageCheckResult(),
+ passing either KErrNone, KErrGeneral to indicate the pass/fail state or
+ KErrNotReady if the voltage check isn't complete.
+ Provided at the variant layer.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void DoCheckVoltage()=0;
+ /**
+ Fills in the supplied TPBusPsuInfo object with the characteristics of the platform.
+ Provided at the variant layer.
+ @param anInfo A reference to a TPBusPsuInfo to be filled in with the PSU characteristics.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C virtual void PsuInfo(TPBusPsuInfo &anInfo)=0;
+ IMPORT_C virtual void ReceiveVoltageCheckResult(TInt anError);
+ inline TUint VoltageSupported();
+ inline void SetCurrLimited();
+ inline TBool IsOff();
+ inline TInt MaxCurrentInMicroAmps();
+ inline void ResetInactivityTimer();
+ void PwrDownCheck();
+ static void DoPwrDownCheck(TAny* aPtr);
+ /** Unique power supply unit identification number.*/
+ TInt iPsuNum;
+ /** Currently not in use. */
+ TInt iMediaChangeNum;
+ /**
+ Indicates the method used by the platform hardware for checking
+ the VCC voltage while on.
+ The method used is identified using the values of
+ the TPsuVoltChkMethod enum.
+ @see TPsuVoltChkMethod
+ @see DPBusPsuBase::DoCheckVoltage()
+ */
+ TPsuVoltChkMethod iVoltCheckMethod;
+ /**
+ Current PSU State.
+ @see TPBusPsuState
+ */
+ TPBusPsuState iState;
+ /** PSU current is limited to a safe level. */
+ TBool iCurrLimited;
+ /** PSU Tick Timer */
+ TTickLink iTickLink;
+ /**
+ Indicates the voltage level, or range of voltages supported .
+ The voltage level, or range of voltages is reported as a bit mask
+ in the same format as defined for the OCR register.
+ If the PSU supports voltage adjustment, rather than a single fixed value,
+ then bit31 should be set to indicate this fact
+ as well as setting the appropriate bits to indicate the adjustable voltage
+ range supported.
+ */
+ TUint iVoltageSupported;
+ /** The maximum current (in microAmps) that the PSU is able to supply. */
+ TInt iMaxCurrentInMicroAmps;
+ /**
+ Indicates whether the platform hardware has support for checking whether
+ the voltage level of the PSU is within its expected voltage limit while turned on.
+ Such a mechanism could detect when a faulty card is drawing excessive current.
+ Set one or both of the bits KPsuChkWhileOn and KPsuChkOnPwrUp,
+ if there is support for voltage checking.
+ Set neither bit if there is no support for voltage checking.
+ @see KPsuChkWhileOn
+ @see KPsuChkOnPwrUp
+ */
+ TUint iVoltCheckInterval;
+ /** Bus inactivity counter. */
+ TInt iInactivityCount;
+ /** Bus not locked counter. */
+ TInt iNotLockedCount;
+ /** Bus inactivity timeout period, in seconds, when clients are registered. */
+ TInt iInactivityTimeout;
+ /** Bus not locked timeout period, in seconds, when no clients are registered. */
+ TInt iNotLockedTimeout;
+ /** DPBusSocket which the PSU powers. */
+ DPBusSocket* iSocket; // for the moment assume a PSU only powers one socket
+ /**
+ DFC to handle PSU Tick.
+ @see DPBusPsuBase::DoTickService()
+ @see TDfc
+ */
+ TDfc iPsuDfc;
+ /** Power Down Function to be utilised, default is PwrDownCheck */
+ PsuPwrDownCheckFn iPwrDownCheckFn;
+ TUint32 reserved[4];
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DPBusPowerHandler) : public DPowerHandler
+ {
+ DPBusPowerHandler(DPBusSocket* aSocket);
+public: // from DPowerHandler
+ // signals from manager to client
+ void PowerUp();
+ void PowerDown(TPowerState);
+ DPBusSocket* iSocket;
+ };
+/** Abstract base class for a PBUS socket.
+ DPBusSocket derived class object oversees the power supply and media change functionality with the socket.
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DPBusSocket) : public DBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Panic codes to handle the invalid powerup and powerdown state of the PBUS.
+ @see TPBusState
+ */
+ enum TPanic
+ {
+ /**
+ Indicates the invalid door close state.
+ */
+ EDoorCloseInvalidState=0,
+ /**
+ Indicates the invalid powerup state of PBUS, considered as invalid if iState is other than TPBusState while powering up.
+ */
+ EPowerUpInvalidState=1,
+ /** Indicates invalid handler state corresponding to powerup event */
+ EPowerUpInvalidHandlerState=2,
+ /** Invalid return code corresponding to powerup event */
+ EPowerUpInvalidReturnCode=3,
+ /**
+ Indicates the invalid powerdown state of the media device,
+ considered as invalid if iState is other than TPBusState while powering down.
+ */
+ EEmergencyPowerDownInvalidState=4,
+ /**
+ Indicates the invalid powerup state of the media device,
+ considered as invalid if iState is not in (EPBusCardAbsent,EPBusOff and EPBusPowerUpPending) while on transition from standby.
+ */
+ EMcPowerUpInvalidState=5,
+ };
+ /**
+ The purpose of this enumeration is to handle the postponed events corresponding to media change and power down event.
+ */
+ enum TPostponedEvent
+ {
+ /** Handles the postponed media change event */
+ EMediaChange=1,
+ /** Handles the postponed power down event */
+ EPowerDown=2,
+ };
+ /**
+ Enumeration for handling debug functionality.
+ */
+ enum TPBusDebugFunction
+ {
+ /** Media state used for simulation purposes */
+ EControlMediaState
+ };
+ /**
+ PBUS simulated media states.
+ */
+ enum TPBusSimulateMediaState
+ {
+ /** Normal State */
+ EPeriphBusMediaNormal=0,
+ /** Simulated door open */
+ EPeriphBusDoorOpen=1,
+ /** Simulated door close with media absent */
+ EPeriphBusMediaRemoved=2,
+ /** Simulated door close with media present */
+ EPeriphBusMediaPresent=3,
+ /** Simulate two consecutive door open interrupts */
+ EPeriphBusMediaDoubleDoorOpen=4
+ };
+ DPBusSocket(TInt aSocketNumber);
+ IMPORT_C static DPBusSocket* SocketFromId(TInt anId);
+ IMPORT_C static void Panic(DPBusSocket::TPanic aPanic);
+ virtual TInt Create(const TDesC* aName);
+ virtual TInt Init();
+ /**
+ Initiates a power up sequence on the stack. This method should be implemented by the derived class.
+ The implementation should call PowerUpSequenceComplete() to notify the status on completion of power up sequence.
+ @see DMMCSocket::InitiatePowerUpSequence()
+ @see DMMCStack::PowerUpStack()
+ */
+ virtual void InitiatePowerUpSequence()=0;
+ /**
+ Indicates the presence of a card. This method should be implemented by the derived class.
+ The implementation should use variant specific implementation of CardDetect() method to detect the card presence.
+ @return ETrue if a card is present, else EFalse
+ @see DMMCStack::CardDetect()
+ */
+ virtual TBool CardIsPresent()=0;
+ /**
+ Resets the socket. This method should be implemented by the derived class.
+ The implementation should cancel powerup timer and DFC queue if any of this request is outstanding,
+ Power down the stack.
+ @see DMMCSocket::Reset1()
+ */
+ virtual void Reset1()=0;
+ /**
+ Resets the socket on media change event.This method should be implemented by the derived class.
+ The implementation should remove any allocated memory following a media change event.
+ */
+ virtual void Reset2()=0;
+ inline TInt State();
+ inline TDfcQue* DfcQ();
+ inline TMediaState MediaState();
+ IMPORT_C void Add(TPBusCallBack* aCallBack);
+ IMPORT_C TInt PowerUp();
+ IMPORT_C void ForceMediaChange();
+ IMPORT_C TInt InCritical();
+ IMPORT_C void EndInCritical();
+ IMPORT_C void DeltaCurrentConsumption(TInt aDelta);
+ IMPORT_C void PowerUpSequenceComplete(TInt anError);
+ void PsuFault(TInt anError);
+ void PsuTimeout();
+ void ResetSocket(TBool aFullReset);
+ void ChangeState(TInt aState, TInt anError);
+ void MediaChangeEvent(TBool aDoorOpened);
+ void DoorOpenEvent();
+ void DoorCloseEvent();
+ void Isr(TInt anId);
+ void DoPowerUp();
+ void DoPowerDown();
+ IMPORT_C void PowerDownComplete();
+ IMPORT_C void RequestAsyncPowerDown();
+ IMPORT_C virtual TInt ControlIO(TInt aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2);
+ /**
+ Current PBus type.
+ @see TPBusType
+ */
+ TPBusType iType;
+ /**
+ Current socket number.
+ */
+ TInt iSocketNumber;
+ /**
+ Name of the socket.
+ */
+ const TDesC* iName;
+ /**
+ Current state of Peripheral bus controller.
+ @see TPBusState
+ */
+ TInt iState;
+ /**
+ Counter to keep track of postponed events.
+ */
+ TInt iPostponeCount;
+ /**
+ Current postponed events.
+ @see TPostponedEvent
+ */
+ TUint16 iPostponedEvents;
+ /**
+ Current simulated state of the Media.
+ @see TPBusSimulateMediaState
+ */
+ TUint16 iSimulatedMediaState;
+ /**
+ The call back functions queue.
+ @see SDblQue
+ */
+ SDblQue iCallBackQ;
+ /**
+ Pointer to DPBusPowerController object.
+ @see DPBusPowerHandler
+ */
+ DPBusPowerHandler* iPowerHandler;
+ /**
+ Holds media change number.
+ @see MediaChangeFromSocket
+ */
+ TInt iMediaChangeNumber;
+ /**
+ Pointer to DMediaChangeBase object.
+ @see DMediaChangeBase
+ */
+ DMediaChangeBase* iMediaChange;
+ /**
+ Holds the state of media door.
+ Updated when there is change in media event corresponing to Door open.
+ @see DMediaChangeBase::DoorOpenService()
+ @see TMediaState
+ */
+ TBool iDoorOpened;
+ /**
+ Pointer to DPBusPsuBase object.
+ @see DPBusPsuBase
+ */
+ DPBusPsuBase* iVcc;
+ /**
+ Indicates the device is in standby state (i.e. Sets to ETrue when the device is in standby state).
+ */
+ TBool iStandby;
+ /**
+ DFC to handle media change events like (DoorOpen,DoorClose).
+ @see DMediaChangeBase::AcknowledgeEvent
+ @see TDfc
+ */
+ TDfc iMediaChangeDfc;
+ /**
+ DFC to handle powering up of the device.
+ @see TDfc
+ */
+ TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
+ /**
+ DFC to handle powerdown state of the device.
+ @see TDfc
+ */
+ TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
+ /**
+ DFC to handle PSU Tick.
+ @see DPBusPsuBase::DoTickService()
+ @see TDfc
+ */
+ TDfc iPsuDfc;
+ /**
+ The DFC queue used for driver functions.
+ @see TDfcQue
+ */
+ TDfcQue iDfcQ;
+ /**
+ Used when there is request for power down of the device from client.
+ */
+ TInt iRequestPowerDownCount;
+ };
+GLREF_D DMediaChangeBase* TheMediaChanges[KMaxMediaChanges];
+GLREF_D DPBusSocket* TheSockets[KMaxPBusSockets];
+GLREF_D DPBusPsuBase* TheVccs[KMaxPBusVccs];
+GLREF_D DPBusPsuBase* TheVccCores[KMaxPBusVccs];
+#include <drivers/pbus.inl>