changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 4 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/resourcecontrol.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\resourcecontrol.h
+// WARNING: This file contains some APIs which are internal and are subject
+//          to change without notice. Such APIs should therefore not be used
+//          outside the Kernel and Hardware Services package.
+#include <nklib.h>
+#include <kernel/kernel.h>
+#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+#include <drivers/resource.h>
+#include <drivers/resource_extend.h>
+#include <drivers/resourceman.h>
+/** #defines for client bit masks */
+#define ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK 0x3FFF  /* bit 0 -13 */
+#define USER_SIDE_CLIENT_BIT_MASK 0x4000 //Bit 14
+#define CLIENT_THREAD_RELATIVE_BIT_MASK 0x80000000 //Bit 31
+#define INSTANCE_COUNT_BIT_MASK 0x1FFF //13 Bits
+/** Bit to indicate valid post boot level in resource */
+#define SET_VALID_POST_BOOT_LEVEL 0x8000 //Bit 15
+#define PRM_STATIC_RESOURCE					0x0
+#define PRM_DYNAMIC_RESOURCE				0x2	
+static const TInt KMaxResourceNameLength=0x20; //Maximum allowable resource length is 32 characters.
+static const TInt KMaxClientNameLength=0x20; //Maximum allowable client length is 32 characters.
+_LIT8(KPowerController, "PowerController");
+_LIT8(KDfcThread1Name, "DfcThread1");
+_LIT8(KDfcThread0Name, "DfcThread0");
+_LIT8(KNullThreadName, "Null");
+_LIT8(KNoClient, "NoClient");
+_LIT8(KParentResource, "ParentResource");
+/** Macro to check the context of client calling RM API.
+    Panics if it is called from ISR, IDFC, NULL thread or DFC thread1 */
+#define CHECK_CONTEXT(t)																\
+	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(NKern::CurrentContext() == NKern::EThread, Panic(ECalledFromIsr));	\
+	const TDesC8* pDfc1 = &KDfcThread1Name;												\
+	if(!pDfc1->Compare(*(TDesC8*)t.iName))												\
+		Panic(ECalledFromDfcThread1);													\
+    const TDesC8* pNull = &KNullThreadName;												\
+	if(!pNull->Compare(*(TDesC8*)t.iName))												\
+		Panic(ECalledFromNullThread);
+#define CHECK_CONTEXT(t)
+/** Macro to unlock and return */
+#define UNLOCK_RETURN(retval)       \
+    {                               \
+    UnLock();                       \
+    return(retval);                 \
+    }
+/** Macro to push the item into the specified list. Item are pushed to the head of the list. */
+#define LIST_PUSH(list,item,link)	\
+	{                               \
+	(item)->link = (list);			\
+	(list) = (item);                \
+	}
+/** Macro to pop the item from the specified list. Item are poped from the head of the list. */
+#define LIST_POP(list,item,link)	\
+	{                               \
+	(item) = (list);				\
+	if ((item))						\
+		{							\
+		(list) = (item)->link;		\
+		(item)->link = NULL;		\
+		}                           \
+	}
+/** Macro to remove the item from the list. */
+#define LIST_REMOVE(list,item,link,className)		\
+	if (list)										\
+		{											\
+		className* current = (list);				\
+		if (current==(item))						\
+			{										\
+			(list) = (item)->link;					\
+			(item)->link = NULL;					\
+			}										\
+		else										\
+			{										\
+			className* next = current->link;		\
+			while (next)							\
+				{									\
+				if ((item)==next)					\
+					{								\
+					current->link=next->link;		\
+					next->link = NULL;				\
+					break;							\
+					}								\
+				current = next;						\
+				next = next->link;					\
+				}									\
+			}										\
+		}
+/* Macro to add dynamic resource to appropriate containers. Used only in extended version */
+#define ADD_TO_RESOURCE_CONTAINER(list, res, resId, resIdCount)				\
+	{																		\
+	TUint16 growBy = (list).GrowBy();										\
+	if(!growBy)																\
+		(list).Initialise((TUint16)PRM_DYNAMIC_RESOURCE_INITIAL_SIZE);		\
+	if((list).Add(res, resId) == KErrNoMemory)								\
+		{																	\
+		TInt r = (list).ReSize(growBy);										\
+		if(r != KErrNone)													\
+			return r;														\
+		(list).Add(res, resId);												\
+		}																	\
+	res->iResourceId |= resId;												\
+	resId = res->iResourceId;												\
+	resIdCount++;															\
+	}
+/* Macro to get the resource from appropriate list. Used only in extended version */
+#define GET_RESOURCE_FROM_LIST(resId, res)														\
+	{																							\
+	switch((resId >> RESOURCE_BIT_IN_ID_CHECK) & 0x3)											\
+		{																						\
+		case PRM_STATIC_RESOURCE:																\
+			if(resId > iStaticResourceArrayEntries)												\
+				UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);													\
+			res = iStaticResourceArray[resId - 1];												\
+			if(!res)																			\
+				UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);													\
+			break;																				\
+			if((TUint16)(resId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK) > iStaticResDependencyCount)				\
+				UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);													\
+			res = iStaticResDependencyArray[(TUint16)(resId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)  - 1];			\
+			break;																				\
+		case PRM_DYNAMIC_RESOURCE:																\
+			res = iDynamicResourceList[(TUint16)(resId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];					\
+			if(!res)																			\
+				UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);													\
+			break;																				\
+			res = iDynamicResDependencyList[(TUint16)(resId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];				\
+			if(!res)																			\
+				UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);													\
+			break;																				\
+		default:																				\
+			UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrArgument);														\
+		}																						\
+	}
+/**Macro to get the client from appropriate client list based on bit 14 of client ID.
+   If the client is registered as thread relative, then check is made to make sure
+   it is called from the same thread. */
+#define VALIDATE_CLIENT(t)																						\
+	if(aClientId & USER_SIDE_CLIENT_BIT_MASK)																	\
+		pC = iUserSideClientList[(TUint16)(aClientId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];										\
+	else																										\
+		pC = iClientList[(TUint16)(aClientId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];												\
+	if(!pC)																										\
+		{																										\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client ID not Found"));											\
+		UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrAccessDenied);																		\
+		}																										\
+	if(pC->iClientId  != aClientId)																				\
+		{																										\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client ID does not match"));									\
+		UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrAccessDenied);																		\
+		}																										\
+	if(pC->iClientId & CLIENT_THREAD_RELATIVE_BIT_MASK)															\
+		{																										\
+		if(pC->iThreadId != t.iId)																				\
+			{																									\
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client not called from thread context(Thread Relative)"));	\
+			UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrAccessDenied);																	\
+			}																									\
+		}
+/** Macro to get the target client from appropriate client list based on bit 14 of client ID. */
+#define GET_TARGET_CLIENT()																				\
+	if(aTargetClientId & USER_SIDE_CLIENT_BIT_MASK) 													\
+		pC = iUserSideClientList[(TUint16)(aTargetClientId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];	    				\
+	else																								\
+		pC = iClientList[(TUint16)(aTargetClientId & ID_INDEX_BIT_MASK)];								\
+	if(!pC)																								\
+		{																								\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Target Client ID not found"));							\
+		UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);																	\
+		}																								\
+	if(pC->iClientId != aTargetClientId)																\
+		{																								\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KRESMANAGER, Kern::Printf("Client ID does not match"));							\
+		UNLOCK_RETURN(KErrNotFound);																	\
+		}
+/* Macro definition for entry point of Power Resource Controller */
+#define DECLARE_RESOURCE_MANAGER_EXTENSION(TheController)															\
+	static void ResourceInit(TAny* aController)																		\
+		{																											\
+		TInt aReason = NKern::EThread;																				\
+		PRM_BOOTING_TRACE																							\
+		((DPowerResourceController*)aController)->InitResources();													\
+		return;																										\
+		}																											\
+	void CreateController();																						\
+	GLDEF_C TInt KernelModuleEntry(TInt aReason)																	\
+		{																											\
+		if(aReason==KModuleEntryReasonVariantInit0)																	\
+			{																										\
+			__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT, Kern::Printf("Create Resource Controller"));										\
+			CreateController();																						\
+			return KErrNone;																						\
+			}																										\
+		if (aReason==KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit0)																\
+			return KExtensionMaximumPriority;																		\
+		if (aReason!=KModuleEntryReasonExtensionInit1)																\
+			return KErrArgument;																					\
+		PRM_BOOTING_TRACE																							\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT, Kern::Printf("Initialise Resource Controller"));										\
+		TInt r = KErrNone;																							\
+		r = DPowerResourceController::InitController();																\
+		if(r != KErrNone)																							\
+			return r;																								\
+		__KTRACE_OPT(KBOOT, Kern::Printf("Create PDD and queue ResourceInit DFC"));									\
+		DResConPddFactory* device = new DResConPddFactory;															\
+		if(!device)																									\
+			return KErrNoMemory;																					\
+		r = Kern::InstallPhysicalDevice(device);																	\
+		if(r != KErrNone)																							\
+			return r;																								\
+		TDfc* resourceInitDfc = new TDfc(&ResourceInit,(TAny*)&TheController,Kern::SvMsgQue(),KMaxDfcPriority-1);	\
+		if(!resourceInitDfc)																						\
+			return KErrNoMemory;																					\
+		resourceInitDfc->Enque();																					\
+       	return KErrNone;																							\
+		}																											\
+		GLDEF_C void CreateController()
+/* Macro defintion for handling dependency resource state change. This is used only in extended version */
+#define HANDLE_CHANGE_PROPAGATION(TheController, resourceTypePointer, traceEnabled, originatorId, originatorName)																	\
+	switch(aProp)																									\
+		{																											\
+		case EChangeStart:																							\
+			{																										\
+			if(!pDR->iDependencyList) /*No dependents so change state of the resource*/								\
+				{																									\
+				aRequest.ReturnCode() = pDR->DoRequest(aRequest);													\
+				if(aRequest.ReturnCode() == KErrNone)																\
+					{																								\
+					iCachedLevel = aRequest.Level();																\
+					iLevelOwnerId = aRequest.ClientId();															\
+					if(iIdleListEntry)																				\
+						{																							\
+						iIdleListEntry->iCurrentLevel = aRequest.Level();											\
+						iIdleListEntry->iLevelOwnerId = aRequest.ClientId();										\
+						}																							\
+					TheController->CompleteNotifications(aRequest.ClientId(), pDR,									\
+							aRequest.Level(), aRequest.ReturnCode(), aRequest.ClientId());							\
+					}																								\
+					break;																							\
+				}																									\
+			depRequest.ResourceId() = aRequest.ResourceId();														\
+			depRequest.ClientId() = aRequest.ResourceId();															\
+			depRequest.Level() = aRequest.Level();																	\
+			depRequest.Resource() = pDR;																			\
+			result = pDR->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest, ECheckChangeAllowed, originatorId, originatorName);	\
+			if(result != KErrNone)																					\
+				return result;																						\
+			/*Adjust resource client level*/																		\
+			if(clientLevelCount)																					\
+				{																									\
+				result = TheController->ReserveClientLevelPoolCount(clientLevelCount);								\
+				if(result != KErrNone)																				\
+					return result;																					\
+				}																									\
+			/*Resource change of dependents */																		\
+			pDR->HandleChangePropagation(aRequest, ERequestStateChange, originatorId, originatorName);				\
+			/*Notification to dependents */																			\
+			pDR->HandleChangePropagation(aRequest, EIssueNotifications, originatorId, originatorName);				\
+			break;																									\
+			}																										\
+		case ECheckChangeAllowed:																					\
+			{																										\
+			TChangePropagationStatus status;																		\
+			for(SNode* depNode = pDR->iDependencyList; depNode != NULL; depNode = depNode->iNext)					\
+				{																									\
+				pDepRes = (resourceTypePointer)depNode->iResource;													\
+				if((aRequest.ClientId() & KIdMaskResourceWithDependencies) &&										\
+						(pDepRes->iResourceId == (TUint)aRequest.ClientId()))										\
+					continue;																						\
+				/*Resource need not change if it is already in that state, so continue with							\
+						another dependent state.*/																	\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					status = ((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->TranslateDependentState(aRequest.ResourceId(),		\
+																				aRequest.Level(), resState);		\
+				else																								\
+					status = ((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->TranslateDependentState(aRequest.ResourceId(),		\
+																					aRequest.Level(), resState);	\
+				if((status == ENoChange) || (pDepRes->iCachedLevel == resState))									\
+					{																								\
+					depNode->iRequiresChange = EFalse;																\
+					continue;																						\
+					}																								\
+				if(status == EChangeNotAccepted)																	\
+					return KErrPermissionDenied;																	\
+				depRequest.ResourceId() = pDepRes->iResourceId;														\
+				depRequest.ClientId() = aRequest.ResourceId(); /*ID of the dependent resource */					\
+				depRequest.Level() = resState;																		\
+				depRequest.Resource() = pDepRes;																	\
+				/*Check resource client list and resource list to see whether change is allowed.*/					\
+				if(pDepRes->Sense() == DStaticPowerResource::ECustom)												\
+					{																								\
+					/*Call custom function to check whether change is allowed.*/									\
+					if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)														\
+						depRequest.RequiresChange() = ((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iDepCustomFunction(depRequest.ClientId(),	\
+							originatorName, depRequest.ResourceId(), EClientChangeLevel, depRequest.Level(), (TAny*)&pDepRes->iClientList,		\
+									(TAny*)&((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList, NULL);				\
+					else																							\
+						depRequest.RequiresChange() = ((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iDepCustomFunction(depRequest.ClientId(),		\
+							originatorName, depRequest.ResourceId(), EClientChangeLevel, depRequest.Level(), (TAny*)&pDepRes->iClientList,		\
+									(TAny*)&((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList, NULL);				\
+					if(!depRequest.RequiresChange())																\
+						return KErrPermissionDenied;																\
+					}																								\
+				SPowerResourceClientLevel*pN=NULL;																	\
+				for(SDblQueLink* pNL=pDepRes->iClientList.First();pNL!=&pDepRes->iClientList.iA; pNL=pNL->iNext)	\
+					{																								\
+					pN = (SPowerResourceClientLevel*)pNL;															\
+					if(pDepRes->Sense() == DStaticPowerResource::EPositive)											\
+						{																							\
+						if(pN->iLevel > depRequest.Level())															\
+							return KErrPermissionDenied;															\
+						}																							\
+					else if(pDepRes->Sense() == DStaticPowerResource::ENegative)									\
+						{																							\
+						if(pN->iLevel < depRequest.Level())															\
+							return KErrPermissionDenied;															\
+						}																							\
+					}																								\
+																													\
+				/*check through the resource client level */														\
+				SPowerResourceClientLevel*pCL = NULL;																\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					pCL = ((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList;									\
+				else																								\
+					pCL = ((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList;									\
+				for(; pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)															\
+					{																								\
+					if(pCL->iClientId == pDR->iResourceId)															\
+						break;																						\
+					}																								\
+				if(!pCL)																							\
+					clientLevelCount++;																				\
+				/*check dependent resource client list & resource list to see whether change is allowed */			\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					result = ((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest,				\
+																ECheckChangeAllowed, originatorId, originatorName);	\
+				else																								\
+					result = ((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest,					\
+											ECheckChangeAllowed, originatorId, originatorName);						\
+				if(result != KErrNone)																				\
+					return result;																					\
+				depNode->iPropagatedLevel = resState;																\
+				depNode->iRequiresChange = ETrue;																	\
+				}																									\
+			break;																									\
+			}																										\
+		case ERequestStateChange:																					\
+			{																										\
+			SPowerResourceClientLevel* pCL = NULL;																	\
+			for(SNode* depNode = pDR->iDependencyList; depNode != NULL; depNode = depNode->iNext)					\
+				{																									\
+				pDepRes = (resourceTypePointer)depNode->iResource;													\
+				if((!depNode->iRequiresChange) || (pDepRes->iResourceId == (TUint)aRequest.ClientId()))				\
+					continue;																						\
+				depRequest.ResourceId() = pDepRes->iResourceId;														\
+				depRequest.ClientId() = aRequest.ResourceId();														\
+				depRequest.Level() = depNode->iPropagatedLevel;														\
+				depRequest.Resource() = pDepRes;																	\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest, ERequestStateChange,	\
+																					originatorId, originatorName);	\
+				else																								\
+					((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest, ERequestStateChange,		\
+																					originatorId, originatorName);	\
+				/*Update level if resource client level is already present for this resource.*/						\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					pCL = ((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList;									\
+				else																								\
+					pCL = ((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList;									\
+				for(; pCL != NULL; pCL = pCL->iNextInList)															\
+					{																								\
+					if(pCL->iClientId == pDR->iResourceId)															\
+						{																							\
+						pCL->iLevel = depNode->iPropagatedLevel;													\
+						break;																						\
+						}																							\
+					}																								\
+				if(!pCL) /*Create a new resource client level*/														\
+					{																								\
+					TheController->RemoveClientLevelFromPool(pCL);													\
+					pCL->iClientId = pDR->iResourceId;																\
+					pCL->iResourceId = pDepRes->iResourceId;														\
+					pCL->iLevel = depNode->iPropagatedLevel;														\
+					if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)														\
+						{																							\
+						LIST_PUSH(((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList, pCL, iNextInList);		\
+						}																							\
+					else																							\
+						{																							\
+						LIST_PUSH(((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->iResourceClientList, pCL, iNextInList);		\
+						}																							\
+					clientLevelCount--;																				\
+					}																								\
+				}																									\
+			if(traceEnabled && (aRequest.ClientId() & KIdMaskResourceWithDependencies))								\
+				{																									\
+				SPowerResourceClient res;																			\
+				SPowerResourceClient* pC = &res;																	\
+				pC->iClientId = aRequest.ClientId();																\
+				pC->iName = &KParentResource;																		\
+				DStaticPowerResource*pR = (DStaticPowerResource*)pDR;												\
+				TUint aResourceId = pDR->iResourceId;																\
+				TInt aNewState = aRequest.Level();																	\
+				}																									\
+			DoRequest(aRequest);																					\
+			if(traceEnabled && (aRequest.ClientId() & KIdMaskResourceWithDependencies))								\
+				{																									\
+				SPowerResourceClient res;																			\
+				SPowerResourceClient* pC = &res;																	\
+				pC->iClientId = aRequest.ClientId();																\
+				pC->iName = &KParentResource;																		\
+				DStaticPowerResource*pR = (DStaticPowerResource*)pDR;												\
+				TUint aResourceId = pDR->iResourceId;																\
+				TInt aNewState = aRequest.Level();																	\
+				TInt r = KErrNone;																					\
+				PRM_CLIENT_CHANGE_STATE_END_TRACE																	\
+				}																									\
+			pDR->iCachedLevel = aRequest.Level();																	\
+			pDR->iLevelOwnerId = aRequest.ClientId();																\
+			if(pDR->iIdleListEntry)																					\
+				{																									\
+				pDR->iIdleListEntry->iCurrentLevel = aRequest.Level();												\
+				pDR->iIdleListEntry->iLevelOwnerId = aRequest.ClientId();											\
+				}																									\
+			break;																									\
+			}																										\
+		case EIssueNotifications:																					\
+			{																										\
+			for(SNode* depNode = pDR->iDependencyList; depNode != NULL; depNode = depNode->iNext)					\
+				{																									\
+				pDepRes = (resourceTypePointer)depNode->iResource;													\
+				if((!depNode->iRequiresChange) || (pDepRes->iResourceId == (TUint)aRequest.ClientId()))				\
+					continue;																						\
+				depRequest.ResourceId() = pDepRes->iResourceId;														\
+				depRequest.ClientId() = pDepRes->iLevelOwnerId;														\
+				depRequest.Level() = pDepRes->iCachedLevel;															\
+				depRequest.Resource() = pDepRes;																	\
+				if(pDepRes->iResourceId & KIdMaskDynamic)															\
+					((DDynamicPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest, EIssueNotifications,	\
+																					originatorId, originatorName);	\
+				else																								\
+					((DStaticPowerResourceD*)pDepRes)->HandleChangePropagation(depRequest, EIssueNotifications,		\
+																					originatorId, originatorName);	\
+				}																									\
+			TheController->CompleteNotifications(aRequest.ClientId(), pDR, aRequest.Level(), KErrNone,				\
+																					aRequest.ClientId());			\
+			break;																									\
+			}																										\
+		default:																									\
+			return KErrNotSupported;																				\
+		}																											\
+		return result;
+struct SPowerResourceClient;
+struct TPowerRequest;
+struct SPowerRequest;
+struct SPowerResourceClientLevel;
+struct SIdleResourceInfo;
+class DPowerResourceController;
+@prototype 9.5
+Interface class for Resource Manager
+Functions from PowerResourceManager calls corresponding functions of this 
+class which in turn calls Powercontroller functions.
+class TInterface
+	{
+    static TInt RegisterClient(TUint& aClientId, const TDesC8& aName, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
+    static TInt DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId);
+    static TInt GetClientName(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TDes8& aName);
+    static TInt GetClientId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aClientName, TUint& aTargetClientId);
+    static TInt GetResourceId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aResourceName, TUint& aResourceId);
+    static TInt GetResourceInfo(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TAny* aInfo);
+    static TInt GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TUint& aNumResources);
+    static TInt GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TUint& aNumResources, TAny* aInfo);
+    static TInt GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients);
+    static TInt GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients, TAny* aInfo);
+    static TInt AllocReserve(TUint aClientId, TUint8 aNumCl, TUint8 aNumRm);
+    static TInt ChangeResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TInt aNewState, TPowerResourceCb* aCb=NULL);
+    static TInt GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TInt& aState, TInt& aLevelOwnerId);
+    static TInt GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TPowerResourceCb& aCb);
+    static TInt CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TPowerResourceCb& aCb);
+    static TInt RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN);
+    static TInt RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN, TInt aThreshold, TBool aDirection);
+    static TInt CancelNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN);
+	static TInt DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId);
+    static DPowerResourceController* GetPowerResourceController(void);
+    static TInt ControlIO(TUint aClientId, TUint aFunction, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, TAny* aParam3);
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+Container class to create containers of pointers to clients.
+template <class T>
+class DResourceCon : public DBase
+	{
+    inline TInt Initialise(TUint16 aInitialSize);
+    inline void Delete();
+    inline T*  operator[](TUint16 aIndex);
+    inline TInt Remove(T* aObj, TUint16 aIndex);
+    inline TInt Add(T* aObj, TUint &aId);
+    inline TInt Find(T*& anEntry, TDesC& aName);
+    inline TInt ReSize(TUint16 aGrowBy);
+    inline TUint16 Count() {return iCount;}
+    inline TUint16 Allocd() {return iAllocated;}
+	inline TUint16 GrowBy() {return iGrowBy;}
+    TUint16 iGrowBy; //Size to grow the size of the array.
+    TUint16 iAllocated;  //Size of the array
+    TUint16 iCount; //Valid entries in the array
+    TUint16 iInstanceCount; //FreeCounter incremented whenever an entry is added.
+    TUint16 iFreeLoc; //Cached free location in the array
+    TUint16 iSpare;
+    T** iArray;
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+Factory class for physical device 
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(DResConPddFactory) : public DPhysicalDevice
+	{
+	/**
+	Structure for holding PDD capabilities information
+	*/
+	class TCaps
+		{
+	public:
+		TVersion iVersion;
+		};
+    DResConPddFactory();
+    virtual TInt Install();
+    virtual TInt Create(DBase*& aChannel, TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+    virtual TInt Validate(TInt aUint, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+    virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const;
+    inline static TVersion VersionRequired();
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+Interface class for user side resource controller proxy. For each user side channel opened an object of 
+this class is created in heap and pointer to resource controller is stored in iController member variable. 
+User side resource controller proxy calls the resource controller API's by deferencing the pointer. 
+This class is required as when the channel is closed the device driver framework tries to delete 
+the object stored in ipdd, because of which it is not possible to pass the controller pointer directly.
+class DUserSideProxyInterface: public DBase
+	{
+	public:
+	DPowerResourceController *iController;
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+resource manager implementation base class
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS (DPowerResourceController) : public DBase
+	{
+    TInt RegisterClient(TUint& aClientId, const TDesC8& aName, TOwnerType aType=EOwnerProcess);
+    TInt DeRegisterClient(TUint aClientId);
+    virtual TInt GetClientName(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TDes8& aName);
+    virtual TInt GetClientId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aClientName, TUint& aTargetClientId);
+    virtual TInt GetResourceId(TUint aClientId, TDesC8& aResourceName, TUint& aResourceId);
+    virtual TInt GetResourceInfo(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TAny* aInfo);
+    virtual TInt GetNumResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TUint& aNumResources);
+    virtual TInt GetInfoOnResourcesInUseByClient(TUint aClientId, TUint aTargetClientId, TUint& aNumResources, TAny* aInfo);
+    virtual TInt GetNumClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients);
+    virtual TInt GetInfoOnClientsUsingResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TUint& aNumClients, TAny* aInfo);
+    virtual TInt AllocReserve(TUint aClientId, TUint8 aNumCl, TUint8 aNumRm);
+    virtual TInt ChangeResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TInt aNewState, TPowerResourceCb* aCb=NULL);
+    virtual TInt GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TInt& aState, TInt& aLevelOwnerId);
+    virtual TInt GetResourceState(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TBool aCached, TPowerResourceCb& aCb);
+    virtual TInt CancelAsyncRequestCallBack(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, TPowerResourceCb& aCb);
+    virtual TInt RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN);
+    virtual TInt RequestNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN, TInt aThreshold, TBool aDirection);
+    virtual TInt CancelNotification(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId, DPowerResourceNotification& aN);
+    virtual TInt DeRegisterClientLevelFromResource(TUint aClientId, TUint aResourceId);
+	enum TResConPanic
+		{
+		ECalledFromDfcThread0 = 0,
+		ECalledFromIsr = 1,
+		ECalledFromNullThread = 2,
+		ECalledFromDfcThread1 = 3,
+		EClientHasPendingAsyncRequest = 4,
+		EClientHasNotificationObject = 5,
+		EControllerAlreadyExists = 6,
+		ECustomFunctionNotSet = 7,
+		EClientIdNotInClientLevelList = 8,
+		ENoMemToCreatePowerControllerClient = 9,
+		EResourceNameExceedsLimit = 10, 
+		EObjectNotFoundInList = 11 
+		};
+	enum TExtendedResConPanic
+		{
+		EClosedLoopDependencies = EObjectNotFoundInList + 2, //13
+		ERegisteringNonDependentStaticResource = 14,
+		EClientHasDynamicResourceRegistered = 15,
+		EDynamicResourceStillRegistered = 16,
+		ERegisteringDependentStaticResourceWithHoles = 17
+		};
+	enum TResConStartSequence
+		{
+		EResConCreated,
+		EResConInitialised,
+		EResConStartupCompleted
+		};
+    //early initialization
+    IMPORT_C static TInt InitController();
+    TInt InitResources();
+    //request a post-boot level for the resource
+    IMPORT_C static TInt PostBootLevel(TUint aResId, TInt aLevel);
+    //request registration of static resource
+    IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterStaticResource(TUint aClientId, DStaticPowerResource* pR);
+	//request registration of group/array of static resources
+	IMPORT_C static TInt RegisterArrayOfStaticResources(TUint aClientId, DStaticPowerResource**& aStaticResourceArray, TUint aResCount);
+    //registration for proxy client
+    virtual TInt RegisterProxyClient(TUint& aProxyId, const TDesC8& aName);
+    virtual TInt DeregisterProxyClient(TUint aClientId);
+    //register list of resources whose state matter to Idle
+    virtual TInt RegisterResourcesForIdle(TInt aPowerControllerId, TUint aNumResources, TPtr* aBuf);
+    static void Panic(TUint8 aPanic);
+    virtual TInt GetInterface(TUint aClientId, TUint aInterfaceId, TAny* aParam1, TAny* aParam2, TAny* aParam3);
+	virtual ~DPowerResourceController();
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	void CompleteNotifications(TInt aClientId, DStaticPowerResource* aResource, TInt aState, TInt aReturnCode, TInt aLevelOwnerId, TBool aLock = ETrue);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	TInt ReserveClientLevelPoolCount(TUint16 aCount);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	void RemoveClientLevelFromPool(SPowerResourceClientLevel *&aLevelPtr);
+    //generic layer function to be called by the PSL
+    DPowerResourceController();
+    void SetDfcQ(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+    void SetDfcQDependency(TDfcQue* aDfcQ);
+	#endif
+    TInt InitPools(TUint16 aKClients, TUint16 aUClients, TUint16 aNClientLevels, TUint16 aNRequests);
+	/* Lock the resource controller mutex */
+	inline void Lock()	{ NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
+						  Kern::MutexWait(*iResourceMutex); }
+	inline void UnLock()	{ Kern::MutexSignal(*iResourceMutex);
+							  NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();}
+	//Default implementation, PSL re-implements these if features supported
+	virtual TInt DoRegisterStaticResourcesDependency(DStaticPowerResourceD**& aStaticResourceDArray, TUint16& aStaticResourceDCount);
+    // pure virtual implemented by PSL - to be called by PIL
+    virtual TInt DoInitController()=0;
+    virtual TInt DoRegisterStaticResources(DStaticPowerResource**& aStaticResourceArray, TUint16& aStaticResourceCount)=0;
+    /**@internalComponent*/
+    TInt CheckLevelAndAddClient(SPowerResourceClient* pC, TPowerRequest* Request);
+    static void MsgQFunc(TAny* aPtr);
+    static void MsgQDependencyFunc(TAny* aPtr);
+    #endif
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	void ResourceStateChangeOfClientLevels(SPowerResourceClient* pC);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+    void HandleMsg(TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+    /**@internalComponent*/
+    void HandleDependencyMsg(TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+	#endif
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+    void CompleteRequest(TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+    void MoveRequestToFreePool(TPowerRequest *aReq);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	TInt HandleReservationOfObjects(TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	TInt HandleClientRegistration(TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+	TInt RegisterDynamicResource(SPowerResourceClient* aClientPtr, DDynamicPowerResource* aPDRes, TUint* aDynamicResourceId);
+	TInt DeregisterDynamicResource(SPowerResourceClient* aClientPtr, TUint aDynamicResourceId, TInt* aPDefLevel);
+	TInt RegisterResourceDependency(SPowerResourceClient* aClientPtr, SResourceDependencyInfo* aInfo1, SResourceDependencyInfo* aInfo2);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	void CheckForDependencyLoop(DStaticPowerResourceD* pR, TUint aParentResId, TUint aTargetResId);
+	TInt DeregisterResourceDependency(SPowerResourceClient* aClientPtr, TUint aResId1, TUint aResId2);
+	/**@internalComponent*/
+	TInt HandleDependencyResourceStateChange(SPowerResourceClient* pC, TPowerRequest& aRequest);
+	TInt GetNumDependentsForResource(TUint aResourceId, TUint* aNumResources);
+	TInt GetDependentsIdForResource(TUint aResourceId, TAny* aInfo, TUint* aNumDepResources);
+	TInt HandleResourceRegistration(TPowerRequest& aReq);
+	DMutex* iResourceMutex;
+    TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
+    TMessageQue *iMsgQ;
+	TDfcQue* iDfcQDependency;
+	TMessageQue* iMsgQDependency;
+	TBool iDfcQDependencyLock;
+    DStaticPowerResource** iStaticResourceArray;
+    DResourceCon<SPowerResourceClient> iClientList;
+    DResourceCon<SPowerResourceClient> iUserSideClientList;
+    SPowerResourceClient* iClientPool;
+    SPowerRequest* iRequestPool;
+    SPowerResourceClientLevel* iClientLevelPool;
+	TUint iPowerControllerId; //Stores the ID allocated to PowerController
+    SIdleResourceInfo* iListForIdle;
+    TUint iInitialised;
+    TUint16 iClientCount;
+    TUint16 iUserSideClientCount;
+    TUint16 iClientLevelPoolCount;
+    TUint16 iClientLevelPoolGrowBy;
+    TUint16 iRequestPoolCount;
+    TUint16 iRequestPoolGrowBy;
+    TUint16 iStaticResourceArrayEntries; //Number of entries in the array including holes if any.
+	TUint16 iStaticResourceCount;  //Actual number of static resources registered (valid entries).
+	TUint	iReserved2; //Reserved for future use
+	DResourceCon<DDynamicPowerResource> iDynamicResourceList;
+	DResourceCon<DDynamicPowerResourceD> iDynamicResDependencyList;
+	DStaticPowerResourceD** iStaticResDependencyArray;
+	SPowerResourceClientLevel* iResourceLevelPool;
+	TUint16 iResourceLevelPoolCount;
+	TUint16 iStaticResDependencyCount;
+	TUint16 iDynamicResourceCount;
+	TUint8 iDynamicResDependencyCount;
+	TUint8 iSpare2;
+	TUint  iReserved3; //Reserved for future use.
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+power level of client in a shared resource
+struct SPowerResourceClientLevel : public SDblQueLink
+	{
+    TUint iClientId;
+    TUint iResourceId;
+    TInt iLevel;
+    SPowerResourceClientLevel* iNextInList;
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+respresent client in resource manager
+struct SPowerResourceClient
+	{
+    TUint iClientId;
+    const TDesC8* iName;
+    SPowerResourceClient* iNextInList;
+    SPowerResourceClientLevel* iLevelList;
+    DPowerResourceNotification* iNotificationList;
+    TUint8 iReservedCl;
+    TUint8 iReservedRm;
+    TUint8 iPendingReqCount;
+    TUint8 iUnderFlowRmCount;
+    TUint8 iUnderFlowClCount;
+	TUint8 iDynamicResCount; //Counter for dynamic resource registered by the client. Used only in extended version
+	TUint8 iSpare1;
+	TUint8 iSpare2;
+    union
+       {
+       TUint iThreadId;
+       TAny* iSpare3;
+       };
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+represents a request inside the resource manager
+struct TPowerRequest : public TThreadMessage
+	{
+    /** requests can either be to get the resource value or to change the resource value*/
+    enum TReqType {EGet, EChange, ESetDefaultLevel, ERegisterKernelClient, ERegisterUsersideClient, EAllocReserve,
+					ERegisterDynamicResource	};
+    /** @return thread's own message and turn into a power request. Used for sync/instant calls*/
+    inline static TPowerRequest& Get()
+            {return (TPowerRequest&)Kern::Message();}
+    /** @return type of request get or set */
+    inline TReqType& ReqType()		// one of TReqType
+            {return *(TReqType*)&iValue;}
+    /** @return resource id which is being requested*/
+    inline TUint& ResourceId()
+            {return *(TUint*)&iArg[0];}
+    /** @return id of client making request (only valid on change requests)*/
+    inline TInt& ClientId()
+            {return *(TInt*)&iArg[1];}
+	/**
+	    On resource state change operations the PIL sets this field with the required level before 
+		invoking the DoRequest(..) function; on return from DoRequest(..) function the PSL sets this field
+		with the real state of the resource to be cached by the PIL.On resource state read operations PSL
+		sets it with the level read.
+	*/
+	inline TInt& Level()		
+            {return *(TInt*)&iArg[2];}
+    /** @return pointer the resource being requested */
+    inline DStaticPowerResource*& Resource()
+            {return *(DStaticPowerResource**)&iArg[3];}
+    /** @return pointer to resource callback structure, used for async requests */
+    inline TPowerResourceCb*& ResourceCb()
+            {return *(TPowerResourceCb**)&iArg[4];}
+    /** @return return code of resource's DoRequest function when request has been processed */
+    inline TInt& ReturnCode()
+            {return *(TInt*)&iArg[5];}
+    /** @return return ETrue if a change is required on a shared resource */
+    inline TBool& RequiresChange()
+            {return *(TInt*)&iArg[6];}
+	/** @return number of client level objects requested by a client to reserve */
+	inline TInt& ClientLevelCount()
+			{return *(TInt*)&iArg[7];}
+	/** @return number of request objects requested by a client to reserve */
+	inline TInt& RequestCount()
+			{return *(TInt*)&iArg[8];}
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+struct SPowerRequest
+	{
+    TPowerRequest iRequest;
+    SPowerRequest* iNext;
+	};
+@prototype 9.5
+Structure representing resource information used for Idle power management
+struct SIdleResourceInfo
+	{
+    TUint iResourceId; 
+    TInt iLevelOwnerId; //Owner of the resource.  
+    TInt iCurrentLevel; //Cached resource state
+	TInt iReserved1;	//Reserved for future use.
+	TInt iReserved2;	//Reserved for future use.
+	TInt iReserved3;	//Reserved for future use.
+	};
+#include <drivers/resourcecontrol.inl>