--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/drivers/soundsc.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,621 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\drivers\soundsc.h
+// Kernel side definitions for the shared chunk sound driver.
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+ @prototype
+#ifndef __SOUNDSC_H__
+#define __SOUNDSC_H__
+#include <d32soundsc.h>
+#include <platform.h>
+#include <kernel/kpower.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+/** The maximum number of client transfer requests which may be outstanding in a particular direction at any time. */
+const TInt KMaxSndScRequestsPending=8;
+A bit-mask value for the sound configuration status variable DSoundScLdd::iSoundConfigFlags. This being set signifies
+that the sound configuration has been set in hardware by the driver.
+const TUint KSndScSoundConfigIsSetup=0x00000001;
+A bit-mask value for the sound configuration status variable DSoundScLdd::iSoundConfigFlags. This being set signifies
+that the record level / play volume has been set in hardware by the driver.
+const TUint KSndScVolumeIsSetup=0x00000002;
+// Bit-mask values used when testing the driver
+const TUint KSoundScTest_StartTransferError=0x01;
+const TUint KSoundScTest_TransferDataError=0x02;
+const TUint KSoundScTest_TransferTimeout=0x04;
+// Forward declarations
+class TAudioBuffer;
+class DBufferManager;
+class DSoundScLdd;
+class TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig : public TSharedChunkBufConfigBase
+ {
+ /** The first entry of the buffer offset list. This list holds the offset from the start of the chunk
+ for each buffer. This list is only valid if the flag KScFlagBufOffsetListInUse is set in
+ TSharedChunkBufConfigBase::iFlags. */
+ TInt iBufferOffsetListStart;
+ };
+The sound driver power handler class.
+class DSoundScPowerHandler : public DPowerHandler
+ {
+ DSoundScPowerHandler(DSoundScLdd* aChannel);
+ // Inherited from DPowerHandler
+ void PowerUp();
+ void PowerDown(TPowerState aPowerState);
+ DSoundScLdd* iChannel;
+ };
+An object encapsulating an audio data transfer - either record or playback.
+class TSndScTransfer
+ {
+ enum TTfState
+ {
+ /** None of the data for this transfer has been queued on the device. */
+ ETfNotStarted,
+ /** Some of the data for this transfer has been queued on the device - but there is more that needs queuing. */
+ ETfPartlyStarted,
+ /** All the data for this transfer has been queued on the device - but transfer is not complete. */
+ ETfFullyStarted,
+ /** All the data for this transfer has been transferred. */
+ ETfDone
+ };
+ TSndScTransfer();
+ void Init(TUint aId,TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aLength,TAudioBuffer* anAudioBuffer);
+ inline TInt GetNotStartedLen();
+ inline TInt GetStartOffset();
+ inline TInt GetLengthTransferred();
+ void SetStarted(TInt aLength);
+ TBool SetCompleted(TInt aLength);
+ /** A value which uniquely identifies a particular audio data transfer. */
+ TUint iId;
+ /** The status of this transfer. */
+ TTfState iTfState;
+ /** The audio buffer associated with this transfer. */
+ TAudioBuffer* iAudioBuffer;
+ /** An offset within the shared chunk indicating the progress of the transfer. Data between the initial offset
+ and this value has either been successfully been transferred or has been queued for transfer. */
+ TUint iStartedOffset;
+ /** An offset within the shared chunk indicating the end of the data to be transferred. */
+ TUint iEndOffset;
+ /** This holds the count of the number of bytes which have been successfully transferred. */
+ TInt iLengthTransferred;
+ /** This holds the count of the number of transfer fragments which are currently in progress for this transfer. */
+ TInt iTransfersInProgress;
+ };
+An object encapsulating an audio request from the client - either record or playback.
+class TSoundScRequest : public SDblQueLink
+ {
+ inline TSoundScRequest();
+ virtual ~TSoundScRequest();
+ virtual TInt Construct();
+ /** The thread which issued the request and which supplied the request status. */
+ DThread* iOwningThread;
+ /** The client request completion object
+ This is the base class and may be constructed as a derived type*/
+ TClientRequest* iClientRequest;
+ };
+A play request object.
+class TSoundScPlayRequest : public TSoundScRequest
+ {
+ TSoundScPlayRequest();
+ inline void SetFail(TInt aCompletionReason);
+ inline void UpdateProgress(TInt aLength);
+ TInt Construct();
+ /** The transfer information associated with this play request. */
+ TSndScTransfer iTf;
+ /** The play request flags which were supplied by the client for this request - see KSndFlagLastSample. */
+ TUint iFlags;
+ /** The error value to be returned when completing the request. */
+ TInt iCompletionReason;
+ };
+An object encapsulating a queue of audio requests from the client.
+class TSoundScRequestQueue
+ {
+ TSoundScRequestQueue(DSoundScLdd* aLdd);
+ virtual ~TSoundScRequestQueue();
+ virtual TInt Create();
+ TSoundScRequest* NextFree();
+ void Add(TSoundScRequest* aReq);
+ TSoundScRequest* Remove();
+ TSoundScRequest* Remove(TSoundScRequest* aReq);
+ TSoundScRequest* Find(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
+ void Free(TSoundScRequest* aReq);
+ inline TBool IsEmpty();
+ inline TBool IsAnchor(TSoundScRequest* aReq);
+ void CompleteAll(TInt aCompletionReason,NFastMutex* aMutex=NULL);
+ /** The queue of pending audio requests. */
+ SDblQue iPendRequestQ;
+ /** The queue of unused audio requests. */
+ SDblQue iUnusedRequestQ;
+ /** The actual array of request objects. */
+ TSoundScRequest* iRequest[KMaxSndScRequestsPending];
+ /** Mutex used to protect the unused queue from corruption */
+ NFastMutex iUnusedRequestQLock;
+ /** The owning LDD object. */
+ DSoundScLdd* iLdd;
+ };
+An object encapsulating a queue of play requests from the client.
+class TSoundScPlayRequestQueue : public TSoundScRequestQueue
+ {
+ TSoundScPlayRequestQueue(DSoundScLdd* aLdd);
+ virtual TInt Create();
+ TSoundScPlayRequest* NextRequestForTransfer();
+ TSoundScPlayRequest* Find(TUint aTransferID,TBool& aIsNextToComplete);
+ };
+The buffer manager base class.
+class DBufferManager : public DBase
+ {
+ enum TFlushOp
+ {
+ /** Flush before a DMA write. */
+ EFlushBeforeDmaWrite,
+ /** Flush before a DMA read. */
+ EFlushBeforeDmaRead,
+ /** Flush after a DMA read. */
+ EFlushAfterDmaRead
+ };
+ DBufferManager(DSoundScLdd* aLdd);
+ ~DBufferManager();
+ TInt Create(TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig* aBufConfig);
+ TInt Create(TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig& aBufConfig,TInt aChunkHandle,DThread* anOwningThread);
+ void FlushData(TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aLength,TFlushOp aFlushOp);
+ TInt ValidateBufferOffsets(TInt* aBufferOffsetList,TInt aNumBuffers,TInt aBufferSizeInBytes);
+ TInt ValidateRegion(TUint aChunkOffset,TUint aLength,TAudioBuffer*& anAudioBuffer);
+ TInt CreateBufferLists(TInt aNumBuffers);
+ TInt CommitMemoryForBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aSize,TBool& aIsContiguous);
+ void GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo);
+ /** The owning LDD object. */
+ DSoundScLdd* iLdd;
+ /** The chunk which contains the buffers. */
+ DChunk* iChunk;
+ /** The linear address in kernel process for the start of the chunk. */
+ TLinAddr iChunkBase;
+ /** MMU mapping attributes that the chunk has actually been mapped with. */
+ TUint32 iChunkMapAttr;
+ /** The number of buffers. */
+ TInt iNumBuffers;
+ /** The actual array of buffer objects. */
+ TAudioBuffer* iAudioBuffers;
+ /** The maximum transfer length that the owning audio channel can support in a single data transfer. */
+ TInt iMaxTransferLen;
+ friend class DSoundScLdd;
+ friend class TAudioBuffer;
+ };
+The record buffer manager class.
+class DRecordBufferManager : public DBufferManager
+ {
+ DRecordBufferManager(DSoundScLdd* aLdd);
+ void Reset();
+ inline TAudioBuffer* GetCurrentRecordBuffer();
+ inline TAudioBuffer* GetNextRecordBuffer();
+ TAudioBuffer* GetBufferForClient();
+ TAudioBuffer* SetBufferFilled(TInt aBytesAdded,TInt aTransferResult);
+ TAudioBuffer* ReleaseBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset);
+ /** The buffer currently being filled with record data. (Not in any list). */
+ TAudioBuffer* iCurrentBuffer;
+ /** The next buffer to use to capture record data. (Not in any list). */
+ TAudioBuffer* iNextBuffer;
+ /** A queue of those buffers which are currently free. */
+ SDblQue iFreeBufferQ;
+ /** A queue of those buffers which currently contain record data (and which aren't being used by the client). */
+ SDblQue iCompletedBufferQ;
+ /** A queue of those buffers which are currently being used by the client. */
+ SDblQue iInUseBufferQ;
+ /** A flag set within SetBufferFilled() each time it is necessary to use a buffer from the completed list rather
+ than the free list as the next buffer for capture (i.e. 'iNextBuffer'). */
+ TBool iBufOverflow;
+ friend class DSoundScLdd;
+ };
+The class representing a single record/play buffer.
+class TAudioBuffer : public SDblQueLink
+ {
+ TAudioBuffer();
+ ~TAudioBuffer();
+ TInt Create(DChunk* aChunk,TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aSize,TBool aIsContiguous,DBufferManager* aBufManager);
+ TInt GetFragmentLength(TInt aChunkOffset,TInt aLengthRemaining,TPhysAddr& aPhysAddr);
+ void Flush(DBufferManager::TFlushOp aFlushOp);
+ /** The owning buffer manager. */
+ DBufferManager* iBufManager;
+ /** The offset, in bytes, of the start of the buffer within the chunk. */
+ TInt iChunkOffset;
+ /** The size of the buffer in bytes. */
+ TInt iSize;
+ /** The physical address of the start of the buffer. KPhysAddrInvalid if the buffer is not physically contiguous. */
+ TPhysAddr iPhysicalAddress;
+ /** A list of physical addresses for buffer pages. 0 if the buffer is physically contiguous. */
+ TPhysAddr* iPhysicalPages;
+ /** Used for record only this is the number of bytes added into this buffer during recording. */
+ TInt iBytesAdded;
+ /** Used for record only this is the result of the transfer into this buffer. */
+ TInt iResult;
+ };
+The physical device driver (PDD) base class for the sound driver - for either playback or record.
+class DSoundScPdd : public DBase
+ {
+ /**
+ Return the DFC queue to be used by this device.
+ @param aUnit The record or playback unit for which to return the DFC queue. This is for use by
+ SMP optimised drivers to return different DFC queues for different units that can
+ then run on separate CPU cores.
+ @return The DFC queue to use.
+ */
+ virtual TDfcQue* DfcQ(TInt aUnit)=0;
+ /**
+ Return the shared chunk create information to be used by this device.
+ @param aChunkCreateInfo A chunk create info. object to be to be filled with the settings
+ required for this device.
+ */
+ virtual void GetChunkCreateInfo(TChunkCreateInfo& aChunkCreateInfo)=0;
+ /**
+ Return the capabilities of this audio device.
+ This includes information on the direction of the device (i.e. play or record), the number of audio channels
+ supported (mono, stereo etc), the encoding formats and sample rates supported and so on.
+ @param aCapsBuf A packaged TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 object to be filled with the capabilities
+ of this device. This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+ @see TSoundFormatsSupportedV02.
+ */
+ virtual void Caps(TDes8& aCapsBuf) const=0;
+ /**
+ Return the maximum transfer length in bytes that this device can support in a single data transfer.
+ (If the device is using the Symbian DMA framework to handle data transfers then the framework handles data
+ transfers which exceed the maximum transfer length for the platform. However, some PDD implementations
+ may not use the DMA framework).
+ @return The maximum transfer length in bytes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt MaxTransferLen() const=0;
+ /**
+ Configure or reconfigure the device using the configuration supplied.
+ @param aConfigBuf A packaged TCurrentSoundFormatV02 object which contains the new configuration settings.
+ This descriptor is in kernel memory and can be accessed directly.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ @see TCurrentSoundFormatV02.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetConfig(const TDesC8& aConfigBuf)=0;
+ /**
+ Set the volume or record level.
+ @param aVolume The play volume or record level to be set - a value in the range 0 to 255. The value 255
+ equates to the maximum volume and each value below this equates to a 0.5dB step below it.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume)=0;
+ /**
+ Prepare the audio device for data transfer.
+ This may be preparing it either for record or playback - depending on the direction of the channel.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt StartTransfer()=0;
+ /**
+ Initiate the transfer of a portion of data from/to the audio device.
+ This may be to either record or playback the data - depending on the direction of the channel. When the transfer is
+ complete, the PDD should signal this event using the LDD function PlayCallback() or RecordCallback() as appropriate.
+ @param aTransferID A value assigned by the LDD to allow it to uniquely identify a particular transfer fragment.
+ @param aLinAddr A linear address within the shared chunk. For playback this is the address of the start of the data
+ to be transferred. For record, this is the start address for storing the recorded data.
+ @param aPhysAddr The physical address within the shared chunk that corresponds to the linear address: aLinAddr.
+ @param aNumBytes The number of bytes to be transferred.
+ @return KErrNone if the transfer has been initiated successfully;
+ KErrNotReady if the device is unable to accept the transfer for the moment;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt TransferData(TUint aTransferID,TLinAddr aLinAddr,TPhysAddr aPhysAddr,TInt aNumBytes)=0;
+ /**
+ Terminate the transfer of a data to/from the device and to release any resources necessary for transfer.
+ In the case of playback, this is called soon after the last pending play request from the client has been completed.
+ In the case of record, the LDD will leave the audio device capturing record data even when there are no record
+ requests pending from the client. Transfer will only be terminated when the client either issues
+ RSoundSc::CancelRecordData() or closes the channel. Once this function had been called, the LDD will not issue
+ any further TransferData() commands without first issueing a StartTransfer() command.
+ */
+ virtual void StopTransfer()=0;
+ /**
+ Halt the transfer of data to/from the sound device but don't release any resources necessary for transfer.
+ In the case of playback, if possible, any active transfer should be suspended in such a way that it can be
+ resumed later - starting from next sample following the one last played.
+ In the case of record, any active transfer should be aborted. When recording is halted the PDD should signal this event
+ with a single call of the LDD function RecordCallback() - reporting back any partial data already received. In this
+ case, if transfer is resumed later, the LDD will issue a new TransferData() request to re-commence data transfer.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt PauseTransfer()=0;
+ /**
+ Resume the transfer of data to/from the sound device following a request to halt the transfer.
+ In the case of playback, if possible, any transfer which was active when the device was halted should be resumed -
+ starting from next sample following the one last played. Once complete, it should be reported using PlayCallback()
+ as normal.
+ In the case of record, any active transfer would have been aborted when the device was halted so its just a case
+ of re-creating the same setup achieved following StartTransfer().
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt ResumeTransfer()=0;
+ /**
+ Power up the sound device. This is called when the channel is first opened and if ever the phone is brought out
+ of standby mode.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt PowerUp()=0;
+ /**
+ Power down the sound device. This is called when the channel is closed and just before the phone powers down when
+ being turned off or going into standby.
+ */
+ virtual void PowerDown()=0;
+ /**
+ Handle a custom configuration request.
+ @param aFunction A number identifying the request.
+ @param aParam A 32-bit value passed to the driver. Its meaning depends on the request.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt CustomConfig(TInt aFunction,TAny* aParam)=0;
+ /**
+ Calculates and returns the number of microseconds of data transferred since the start of transfer.
+ @param aTime A reference to a variable into which to place the number of microseconds played or recorded.
+ @param aState The current state of the transfer (from TSoundScLdd::TState). Included so that paused
+ and Active transfers can be treated differently.
+ @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ */
+ virtual TInt TimeTransferred(TInt64& aTime, TInt aState);
+ inline DSoundScLdd* Ldd();
+ DSoundScLdd* iLdd;
+ friend class DSoundScLdd;
+ };
+The logical device (factory class) for the sound driver.
+class DSoundScLddFactory : public DLogicalDevice
+ {
+ DSoundScLddFactory();
+ virtual TInt Install();
+ virtual void GetCaps(TDes8 &aDes) const;
+ virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel);
+ TBool IsUnitOpen(TInt aUnit);
+ TInt SetUnitOpen(TInt aUnit,TBool aIsOpenSetting);
+ /** Mask to keep track of which units have a channel open on them. */
+ TUint iUnitsOpenMask;
+ /** A mutex to protect access to the unit info. mask. */
+ NFastMutex iUnitInfoMutex;
+ };
+The logical channel class for the sound driver.
+class DSoundScLdd : public DLogicalChannel
+ {
+ enum TState
+ {
+ /** Channel is open - but not configured. */
+ EOpen,
+ /** Channel is configured - but inactive. */
+ EConfigured,
+ /** Channel is active - recording or playing data. */
+ EActive,
+ /** Channel is paused - recording or playing has been suspended. */
+ EPaused
+ };
+ DSoundScLdd();
+ virtual ~DSoundScLdd();
+ // Inherited from DLogicalChannel
+ virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ virtual TInt Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+ virtual TInt SendMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+ virtual void HandleMsg(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+ void Shutdown();
+ // Functions used by the PDD
+ virtual void PlayCallback(TUint aTransferID,TInt aTransferResult,TInt aBytesPlayed);
+ virtual void RecordCallback(TUint aTransferID,TInt aTransferResult,TInt aBytesRecorded);
+ virtual void NotifyChangeOfHwConfigCallback(TBool aHeadsetPresent);
+ virtual TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig* BufConfig();
+ virtual TLinAddr ChunkBase();
+ // Implementations for the different kinds of requests
+ TInt DoControl(TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2,DThread* aThread);
+ TInt DoRequest(TInt aFunction, TRequestStatus* aStatus, TAny* a1, TAny* a2,DThread* aThread);
+ TInt DoCancel(TUint aMask);
+ TInt SetBufferConfig(DThread* aThread);
+ TInt SetBufferConfig(TInt aChunkHandle,DThread* aThread);
+ TInt SetSoundConfig();
+ TInt DoSetSoundConfig(const TCurrentSoundFormatV02& aSoundConfig);
+ TInt SetVolume(TInt aVolume);
+ TInt PlayData(TRequestStatus* aStatus,TSoundScPlayRequest* aRequest,DThread* aThread);
+ TInt RecordData(TRequestStatus* aStatus,TInt* aLengthPtr,DThread* aThread);
+ TInt StartRecord();
+ TInt ReleaseBuffer(TInt aChunkOffset);
+ TInt CustomConfig(TInt aFunction,TAny* aParam);
+ TInt ValidateConfig(const TCurrentSoundFormatV02& aConfig);
+ TInt ReAllocBufferConfigInfo(TInt aNumBuffers);
+ void StartNextPlayTransfers();
+ inline void CompletePlayRequest(TSoundScPlayRequest* aReq,TInt aResult);
+ void DoCompletePlayRequest(TSoundScPlayRequest* aReq);
+ void CompleteAllDonePlayRequests(TSoundScPlayRequest* aReq);
+ void HandleCurrentRecordBufferDone(TInt aTransferResult);
+ void CompleteRequest(DThread* aThread,TRequestStatus* aStatus,TInt aReason,TClientRequest* aClientRequest=NULL);
+ TInt StartNextRecordTransfers();
+ void StartPlayEofTimer();
+ void CancelPlayEofTimer();
+ inline DSoundScPdd* Pdd();
+ static void PlayEofTimerExpired(TAny* aChannel);
+ static void PlayEofTimerDfc(TAny* aChannel);
+ static void PowerUpDfc(TAny* aChannel);
+ static void PowerDownDfc(TAny* aChannel);
+ TInt PrePlay(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+ TInt PreSetBufferChunkCreateOrOpen(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+ TInt PreSetSoundConfig(TMessageBase* aMsg);
+ /** The handle to the chunk that is returned to the user side code. */
+ TInt iChunkHandle;
+ /** The handle of the thread that created the chunk referenced by iChunkHandle */
+ DThread* iChunkHandleThread;
+ /** The unit number of this channel. */
+ TInt iUnit;
+ /** The data transfer direction for this unit: play or record. */
+ TSoundDirection iDirection;
+ /** The operating state of the channel. */
+ TState iState;
+ /** Spare. */
+ TInt iSpare;
+ /** The buffer manager - managing the shared chunk and the record/play buffers within this. */
+ DBufferManager* iBufManager;
+ /** A mutex to protect access to the buffer lists and the pending request list. */
+ NFastMutex iMutex;
+ /** The transfer status of the record buffer currently being filled. */
+ TSndScTransfer iCurrentRecBufTf;
+ /** The transfer status of the record buffer which is next to be filled. */
+ TSndScTransfer iNextRecBufTf;
+ /** The current buffer configuration in the play/record chunk. */
+ TSoundSharedChunkBufConfig* iBufConfig;
+ /** The size in bytes of the play/record buffer configuration info. structure. */
+ TInt iBufConfigSize;
+ /** The sound driver power handler. */
+ DSoundScPowerHandler* iPowerHandler;
+ /** DFC used to handle power down requests from the power manager before a transition into system shutdown/standby. */
+ TDfc iPowerDownDfc;
+ /** DFC used to handle power up requests from the power manager following a transition out of system standby. */
+ TDfc iPowerUpDfc;
+ /** The capabilities of this device. */
+ TSoundFormatsSupportedV02 iCaps;
+ /** The current audio configuration of the driver. */
+ TCurrentSoundFormatV02 iSoundConfig;
+ /** The requested audio configuration of the driver before validation. */
+ TCurrentSoundFormatV02 iTempSoundConfig;
+ /** A bitmask holding sound configuration status information. */
+ TUint32 iSoundConfigFlags;
+ /** The current setting for the record level / play volume. */
+ TInt iVolume;
+ /** The queue of pending play or record requests. */
+ TSoundScRequestQueue* iReqQueue;
+ /** Used to complete the change of hardware notification. */
+ TClientDataRequest<TBool>* iNotifyChangeOfHwClientRequest;
+ /** The thread which has registered for the hardware configuration change notifier. */
+ DThread* iChangeOfHwConfigThread;
+ /** A pointer to the headset present boolean variable in client memory which is updated on a notification. */
+ TBool* iHeadsetPresentStatPtr;
+ /** To keep track of the number of bytes transferred. */
+ TInt iBytesTransferred;
+ /** Count of the number of times the PDD completes a record transfer fragment just after being paused. */
+ TInt iCompletesWhilePausedCount;
+ /** A timer used to delay exiting play transfer mode at EOF. */
+ NTimer iEofTimer;
+ /** DFC used to delay exiting play transfer mode at EOF. */
+ TDfc iPlayEofDfc;
+ /** Used for testing and debugging. */
+ TUint iTestSettings;
+ /** A flag to indicate whether the play EOF timer is active. */
+ TBool iPlayEofTimerActive;
+ /** Used in debug builds to track that all calls to DThread::Open() are balanced with a close before the driver closes. */
+ TInt iThreadOpenCount;
+ /** Used to complete requests in the DFC thread. */
+ TClientRequest** iClientRequests;
+ friend class DBufferManager;
+ friend class DSoundScPowerHandler;
+ friend class TSoundScRequestQueue;
+ };
+#include <drivers/soundsc.inl>
+#endif // __SOUNDSC_H__