--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/e32hashtab.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1748 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32/include/e32hashtab.h
+#ifndef __E32HASHTAB_H__
+#define __E32HASHTAB_H__
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+Defines a function type used by a THashFunction32 object.
+A function of this type implements an algorithm for producing a 32 bit hash
+value from a key.
+@see THashFunction32
+typedef TUint32 (*TGeneralHashFunction32)(const TAny*);
+A templated class which packages a function that calculates a 32 bit hash
+value from a key of templated type.
+A THashFunction32<T> object is constructed and passed as a parameter to
+member functions of the hash table classes RHashSet<T>, RPtrHashSet<T>,
+RHashMap<T,V> and RPtrHashMap<T,V>.
+@see RHashSet
+@see RPtrHashSet
+@see RHashMap
+@see RPtrHashMap
+template <class T>
+class THashFunction32
+ {
+ inline THashFunction32( TUint32 (*aHashFunc)(const T&) )
+ { iHashFunction = (TGeneralHashFunction32)aHashFunc; }
+ inline operator TGeneralHashFunction32() const
+ { return iHashFunction; }
+ inline TUint32 Hash(const T& aKey) const
+ { return (*iHashFunction)(&aKey); }
+ TGeneralHashFunction32 iHashFunction;
+ };
+A set of common hashing functions for frequently occurring types.
+@see RHashSet
+@see RPtrHashSet
+@see RHashMap
+@see RPtrHashMap
+class DefaultHash
+ {
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 Integer(const TInt&);
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des8(const TDesC8&);
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des16(const TDesC16&);
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 IntegerPtr(TInt* const &);
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des8Ptr(TDesC8* const &);
+ IMPORT_C static TUint32 Des16Ptr(TDesC16* const &);
+ };
+class THashTableIterBase;
+Base class used in the derivation of RHashSet<T>, RPtrHashSet<T>,
+RHashMap<K,V> and RPtrHashMap<K,V>.
+This class provides a general hash table implementation using probe sequences
+generated by pseudo-double hashing.
+The class is internal and is not intended for use.
+class RHashTableBase
+ {
+ enum TDefaultSpecifier
+ {
+ EDefaultSpecifier_Normal,
+ };
+ template<class K, TDefaultSpecifier S>
+ class Defaults
+ {
+ public:
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+ enum TElementState
+ {
+ EEmpty=0, // entry is vacant
+ EDeleted=1, // entry has been deleted
+ EGen0=2, // entry is occupied, generation number 0
+ EGen1=3, // entry is occupied, generation number 1
+ EStateMask=3,
+ EOccupiedMask=2,
+ };
+ struct SElement
+ {
+ inline void SetEmpty() {iHash=EEmpty;}
+ inline void SetDeleted() {iHash=EDeleted;}
+ inline TBool IsEmpty() const {return (iHash&EStateMask)==EEmpty;}
+ inline TBool IsDeleted() const {return (iHash&EStateMask)==EDeleted;}
+ inline TBool IsEmptyOrDeleted() const {return !(iHash&EOccupiedMask);}
+ TUint32 iHash; // bits 2-31 = 30 bit hash value, bits 0,1 = state
+ };
+ IMPORT_C RHashTableBase(TGeneralHashFunction32, TGeneralIdentityRelation, TInt aElementSize, TInt aKeyOffset);
+ IMPORT_C void Close();
+ IMPORT_C TAny* Find(const TAny* aKey, TInt aOffset=0) const;
+ IMPORT_C TAny* FindL(const TAny* aKey, TInt aOffset=0) const;
+ TInt Insert(const TAny* aKey, TAny*& aElement);
+ IMPORT_C TInt PtrInsert(const TAny* aKey, const TAny* aValue);
+ IMPORT_C void PtrInsertL(const TAny* aKey, const TAny* aValue);
+ IMPORT_C TInt ValueInsert(const TAny* aKey, TInt aKeySize, const TAny* aValue, TInt aValueOffset, TInt aValueSize);
+ IMPORT_C void ValueInsertL(const TAny* aKey, TInt aKeySize, const TAny* aValue, TInt aValueOffset, TInt aValueSize);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Remove(const TAny* aKey);
+ IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
+ IMPORT_C TInt Reserve(TInt aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void ReserveL(TInt aCount);
+ IMPORT_C void ConsistencyCheck(TUint32* aDeleted=0, TUint32* aComparisons=0, TUint32 aChainLimit=0, TUint32* aChainInfo=0);
+ void SetThresholds();
+ TInt ExpandTable(TInt aNewIndexBits);
+ void ShrinkTable();
+ void ReformTable(TUint aNewIndexBits);
+ void VerifyReform();
+ inline SElement* Element(TInt aIndex)
+ {return (SElement*)(((TUint8*)iElements) + aIndex*iElementSize);}
+ inline const SElement* ElementC(TInt aIndex) const
+ {return (const SElement*)(((TUint8*)iElements) + aIndex*iElementSize);}
+ inline TAny* GetKey(const SElement* aElement) const
+ {return iKeyOffset ? ((TUint8*)aElement + iKeyOffset) : (TAny*)((TUint32*)aElement)[1];}
+ TGeneralHashFunction32 iHashFunc; // generates the hash from a given key
+ TGeneralIdentityRelation iIdFunc; // compare two keys for equality
+ TUint8 iIndexBits; // number of bits used to index the table
+ TUint8 iGeneration; // 2 or 3, generation number used when traversing entire table
+ TUint8 iKeyOffset; // offset to key
+ TUint8 iPad0;
+ TAny* iElements;
+ TUint32 iCount; // number of valid entries
+ TUint32 iEmptyCount; // number of empty entries
+ TUint32 iLowerThreshold; // shrink if count drops below this
+ TUint32 iUpperThreshold; // expand if count rises above this
+ TUint32 iCleanThreshold; // clean table if count of empty entries falls below this
+ TInt iElementSize;
+ TInt iPad1; // expansion room
+ TInt iPad2;
+ friend struct RHashTableBase::SElement;
+ friend class THashTableIterBase;
+ friend class HashTest;
+ };
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::IntegerPtr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::IntegerPtr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des8Ptr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des8Ptr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des16Ptr;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16*, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des16Ptr;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TInt32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Integer;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TUint32, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Integer;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des8;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC8, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des8;}
+TEMPLATE_SPECIALIZATION class RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>
+ {
+ inline static TGeneralHashFunction32 Hash();
+ inline static TGeneralIdentityRelation Id();
+ };
+inline TGeneralHashFunction32 RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash()
+ {return (TGeneralHashFunction32)&DefaultHash::Des16;}
+inline TGeneralIdentityRelation RHashTableBase::Defaults<TDesC16, RHashTableBase::EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id()
+ {return (TGeneralIdentityRelation)&DefaultIdentity::Des16;}
+Base class used in the derivation of THashSetIter<T>, TPtrHashSetIter<T>,
+THashMapIter<K,V> and TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>.
+This class provides iteration capability for the hash table classes derived
+from RHashTableBase.
+The class is internal and is not intended for use.
+class THashTableIterBase
+ {
+ IMPORT_C THashTableIterBase(const RHashTableBase& aTable);
+ IMPORT_C void Reset();
+ IMPORT_C const TAny* Next(TInt aOffset=0);
+ IMPORT_C const TAny* Current(TInt aOffset=0) const;
+ IMPORT_C void RemoveCurrent();
+ const RHashTableBase& iTbl;
+ TInt iIndex;
+ TInt iPad1; // expansion room
+ TInt iPad2;
+ };
+template <class T> class THashSetIter;
+A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of
+type T using a probe-sequence hash table. The objects are copied into the set
+when they are added. A bitwise binary copy is used here, so the type T must
+not implement a nontrivial copy constructor.
+template <class T>
+class RHashSet : public RHashTableBase
+ {
+ friend class THashSetIter<T>;
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ T iT;
+ };
+A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet<T> class.
+The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see THashSetIter<T>
+ typedef THashSetIter<T> TIter;
+Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
+The set is initially empty.
+@param aHash The hash function used to hash the objects of type T.
+@param aIdentity The identity relation used to determine if two objects of type T
+ should be considered identical.
+ inline RHashSet(const THashFunction32<T>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<T>& aIdentity)
+ : RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iT))
+ {}
+Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.
+The set is initially empty.
+ inline RHashSet()
+ : RHashTableBase(Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iT))
+ {}
+Free all memory used by this set.
+Returns the set to the same state it had following construction.
+ inline void Close()
+ { RHashTableBase::Close(); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A pointer to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
+ exists. The object may not be modified via this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline const T* Find(const T& aKey) const
+ { return (const T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A reference to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
+ exists. The object may not be modified via this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline const T& FindL(const T& aKey) const
+ { return *(const T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A pointer to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
+ exists. The object may be modified via this pointer. Care should
+ be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
+ either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
+ If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
+ malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
+ NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline T* Find(const T& aKey)
+ { return (T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A reference to the copy of the specified object in the set, if it
+ exists. The object may be modified via this reference. Care should
+ be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
+ either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
+ If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
+ malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline T& FindL(const T& aKey)
+ { return *(T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Insert an element into the set.
+If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a copy of the
+object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing copy
+of the object is replaced by the provided object and KErrNone is
+In both cases the object is copied bitwise into the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to add to the set.
+@return KErrNone if the object was added successfully.
+ KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
+ the copy of aKey.
+ inline TInt Insert(const T& aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::ValueInsert(&aKey, sizeof(T), 0, 0, 0); }
+Insert an element into the set.
+If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a copy of the
+object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing copy
+of the object is replaced by the provided object and KErrNone is
+In both cases the object is copied bitwise into the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to add to the set.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
+ the copy of aKey.
+ inline void InsertL(const T& aKey)
+ { RHashTableBase::ValueInsertL(&aKey, sizeof(T), 0, 0, 0); }
+Remove an element from the set.
+@param aKey The object to be removed.
+@return KErrNone if the object was removed successfully.
+ KErrNotFound if the object was not present in the set.
+ inline TInt Remove(const T& aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Remove(&aKey); }
+Query the number of elements in the set.
+@return The number of elements currently in the set.
+ inline TInt Count() const
+ { return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
+Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
+@return KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
+@return KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
+Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
+ { RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
+ };
+A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashSet<T>
+The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see RHashSet<T>
+template <class T>
+class THashSetIter : public THashTableIterBase
+ {
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ T iT;
+ };
+Construct an iterator over the specified set.
+The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
+being iterated.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline THashSetIter(const RHashSet<T>& aSet)
+ : THashTableIterBase(aSet)
+ {}
+Reset the iterator to its initial state.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline void Reset()
+ { THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
+Return the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the set member corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline const T* Current() const
+ { return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position.
+@return A pointer to the set member corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available set elements.
+ inline const T* Next()
+ { return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
+If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
+Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
+element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call Current() on the iterator
+after calling Remove() - the only legal operations are Reset() and Next().
+ inline void RemoveCurrent()
+ { THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
+ };
+template <class T> class TPtrHashSetIter;
+A templated class which implements an unordered extensional set of objects of
+type T using a probe-sequence hash table. The objects are not copied into the set
+when they are added; rather the set stores pointers to the contained objects.
+template <class T>
+class RPtrHashSet : public RHashTableBase
+ {
+ friend class TPtrHashSetIter<T>;
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ T* iT;
+ };
+A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet<T> class.
+The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see TPtrHashSetIter<T>
+ typedef TPtrHashSetIter<T> TIter;
+Construct a set of objects of type T using a specified hash function and identity relation.
+The set is initially empty.
+@param aHash The hash function used to hash the objects of type T.
+@param aIdentity The identity relation used to determine if two objects of type T
+ should be considered identical.
+ inline RPtrHashSet(const THashFunction32<T>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<T>& aIdentity)
+ : RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
+ {}
+Construct a set of objects of type T using a default hash function and identity relation.
+The set is initially empty.
+ inline RPtrHashSet()
+ : RHashTableBase(Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<T,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
+ {}
+Free all memory used by this set.
+Returns the set to the same state it had following construction.
+ inline void Close()
+ { RHashTableBase::Close(); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A pointer to the specified object, if it is in the set.
+ The object may not be modified via this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline const T* Find(const T& aKey) const
+ { return (const T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A reference to the specified object, if it is in the set.
+ The object may not be modified via this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline const T& FindL(const T& aKey) const
+ { return *(const T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A pointer to the specified object, if it is in the set.
+ The object may be modified via this pointer. Care should
+ be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
+ either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
+ If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
+ malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
+ NULL if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline T* Find(const T& aKey)
+ { return (T*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Locate a specified element in the set.
+@param aKey The object of type T to search for.
+@return A reference to the specified object, if it is in the set.
+ The object may be modified via this reference. Care should
+ be taken not to modify any parts of the object which are used by
+ either the hash function or the identity relation for this set.
+ If this is done the set may become inconsistent, resulting in
+ malfunctions and/or panics at a later time.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified object is not a member of this set.
+ inline T& FindL(const T& aKey)
+ { return *(T*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Insert an element into the set.
+If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a pointer to the
+object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing pointer
+to the object is replaced by the provided pointer and KErrNone is
+In both cases only a pointer to the object is stored - the object is never copied.
+@param aKey A pointer to the object of type T to add to the set.
+@return KErrNone if the object was added successfully.
+ KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
+ the pointer to the new object.
+ inline TInt Insert(const T* aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::PtrInsert(aKey, 0); }
+Insert an element into the set.
+If the specified object is not currently a member of the set, a pointer to the
+object is added to the set and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified object is currently a member of the set, the existing pointer
+to the object is replaced by the provided pointer and KErrNone is
+In both cases only a pointer to the object is stored - the object is never copied.
+@param aKey A pointer to the object of type T to add to the set.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the pointer to the new object.
+ inline void InsertL(const T* aKey)
+ { RHashTableBase::PtrInsertL(aKey, 0); }
+Remove an element from the set.
+@param aKey A pointer to the object to be removed.
+@return KErrNone if the object was removed successfully.
+ KErrNotFound if the object was not present in the set.
+ inline TInt Remove(const T* aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Remove(aKey); }
+Query the number of elements in the set.
+@return The number of elements currently in the set.
+ inline TInt Count() const
+ { return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
+Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
+@return KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
+@return KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
+Expand the set to accommodate a specified number of elements.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of elements for which space should be allocated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
+ { RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
+ void ResetAndDestroy();
+ };
+A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashSet<T>
+The set being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see RPtrHashSet<T>
+template <class T>
+class TPtrHashSetIter : public THashTableIterBase
+ {
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ T* iT;
+ };
+Construct an iterator over the specified set.
+The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
+being iterated.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline TPtrHashSetIter(const RPtrHashSet<T>& aSet)
+ : THashTableIterBase(aSet)
+ {}
+Reset the iterator to its initial state.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline void Reset()
+ { THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
+Return the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the set member corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline const T* Current() const
+ { return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position.
+@return A pointer to the set member corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available set elements.
+ inline const T* Next()
+ { return (const T*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iT)); }
+Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
+If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
+Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
+element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call Current() on the iterator
+after calling Remove() - the only legal operations are Reset() and Next().
+ inline void RemoveCurrent()
+ { THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
+ };
+template <class K, class V> class THashMapIter;
+A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V,
+using a probe-sequence hash table. Both the key and value objects are copied into the
+table when they are added. A bitwise binary copy is used here, so neither of the types
+K and V may implement a nontrivial copy constructor.
+template <class K, class V>
+class RHashMap : public RHashTableBase
+ {
+ friend class THashMapIter<K,V>;
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ K iK;
+ V iV;
+ };
+A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap<K,V> class.
+The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see THashMapIter<K,V>
+ typedef THashMapIter<K,V> TIter;
+Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
+specified hash function and identity relation.
+The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
+@param aHash The hash function used to hash the key objects of type K.
+@param aIdentity The identity relation used to determine if two key objects
+ of type K should be considered identical.
+ inline RHashMap(const THashFunction32<K>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<K>& aIdentity)
+ : RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iK))
+ {}
+Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
+default hash function and identity relation.
+The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
+ inline RHashMap()
+ : RHashTableBase(Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), _FOFF(SFullElement,iK))
+ {}
+Free all memory used by this array.
+Returns the array to the same state it had following construction.
+ inline void Close()
+ { RHashTableBase::Close(); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A pointer to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
+ array, if the specified key object was found.
+ The value object may not be modified via this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline const V* Find(const K& aKey) const
+ { return (const V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A reference to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
+ array, if the specified key object was found.
+ The value object may not be modified via this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline const V& FindL(const K& aKey) const
+ { return *(const V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A pointer to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
+ array, if the specified key object was found.
+ The value object may be modified via this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline V* Find(const K& aKey)
+ { return (V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A reference to the copy of the corresponding value object in the
+ array, if the specified key object was found.
+ The value object may be modified via this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline V& FindL(const K& aKey)
+ { return *(V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Insert a key-value pair into the array.
+If the specified key object is not found in the array, a copy of the
+key object along with a copy of the value object are added to the array
+and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing copies
+of both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided objects
+and KErrNone is returned.
+In both cases the objects are copied bitwise into the array.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to add to the array.
+@param aValue The value object of type V to associate with aKey.
+@return KErrNone if the key-value pair was added successfully.
+ KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
+ the copies of aKey and aValue.
+ inline TInt Insert(const K& aKey, const V& aValue)
+ { return RHashTableBase::ValueInsert(&aKey, sizeof(K), &aValue, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV), sizeof(V)); }
+Insert a key-value pair into the array.
+If the specified key object is not found in the array, a copy of the
+key object along with a copy of the value object are added to the array
+and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing copies
+of both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided objects
+and KErrNone is returned.
+In both cases the objects are copied bitwise into the array.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to add to the array.
+@param aValue The value object of type V to associate with aKey.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the copies of aKey and aValue.
+ inline void InsertL(const K& aKey, const V& aValue)
+ { RHashTableBase::ValueInsertL(&aKey, sizeof(K), &aValue, _FOFF(SFullElement,iV), sizeof(V)); }
+Remove a key-value pair from the array.
+@param aKey The key to be removed.
+@return KErrNone if the key object and corresponding value object were
+ removed successfully.
+ KErrNotFound if the key object was not present in the array.
+ inline TInt Remove(const K& aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Remove(&aKey); }
+Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
+@return The number of key-value pairs currently in the array.
+ inline TInt Count() const
+ { return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
+Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
+@return KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
+@return KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
+Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
+ { RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
+ };
+A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RHashMap<K,V>
+The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see RHashMap<K,V>
+template <class K, class V>
+class THashMapIter : public THashTableIterBase
+ {
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ K iK;
+ V iV;
+ };
+Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.
+The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
+being iterated.
+@param aMap The array to be iterated over.
+ inline THashMapIter(const RHashMap<K,V>& aMap)
+ : THashTableIterBase(aMap)
+ {}
+Reset the iterator to its initial state.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline void Reset()
+ { THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
+Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the key object corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline const K* CurrentKey() const
+ { return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
+@return A pointer to the key object corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
+ inline const K* NextKey()
+ { return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
+Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the value object corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline V* CurrentValue()
+ { return (V*)THashTableIterBase::Current(_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
+@return A pointer to the value object corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
+ inline const V* NextValue()
+ { return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Next(_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
+If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
+Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
+element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call either CurrentKey() or
+CurrentValue() on the iterator after calling Remove() - the only legal
+operations are Reset(), NextKey() or NextValue().
+ inline void RemoveCurrent()
+ { THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
+ };
+template <class K, class V> class TPtrHashMapIter;
+A templated class which implements an associative array with key type K and value type V,
+using a probe-sequence hash table. Neither the key nor value objects are copied into the
+table when they are added - only pointers are stored.
+template <class K, class V>
+class RPtrHashMap : public RHashTableBase
+ {
+ friend class TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>;
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ K* iK;
+ V* iV;
+ };
+A class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap<K,V> class.
+The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see TPtrHashMapIter<K,V>
+ typedef TPtrHashMapIter<K,V> TIter;
+Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
+specified hash function and identity relation.
+The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
+@param aHash The hash function used to hash the key objects of type K.
+@param aIdentity The identity relation used to determine if two key objects
+ of type K should be considered identical.
+ inline RPtrHashMap(const THashFunction32<K>& aHash, const TIdentityRelation<K>& aIdentity)
+ : RHashTableBase(aHash, aIdentity, sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
+ {}
+Construct an associative array of key-value pairs of type (K,V) using a
+default hash function and identity relation.
+The array initially contains no key-value pairs.
+ inline RPtrHashMap()
+ : RHashTableBase(Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Hash(), Defaults<K,EDefaultSpecifier_Normal>::Id(), sizeof(SFullElement), 0)
+ {}
+Free all memory used by this array.
+Returns the array to the same state it had following construction.
+ inline void Close()
+ { RHashTableBase::Close(); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A pointer to corresponding value object if the specified key
+ object was found. The value object may not be modified via
+ this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline const V* Find(const K& aKey) const
+ { return (const V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A reference to corresponding value object if the specified key
+ object was found. The value object may not be modified via
+ this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline const V& FindL(const K& aKey) const
+ { return *(const V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A pointer to corresponding value object if the specified key
+ object was found. The value object may be modified via
+ this pointer.
+ NULL if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline V* Find(const K& aKey)
+ { return (V*)RHashTableBase::Find(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Look up a specified key in the associative array and return a pointer to the
+corresponding value.
+@param aKey The key object of type K to look up.
+@return A reference to corresponding value object if the specified key
+ object was found. The value object may be modified via
+ this reference.
+@leave KErrNotFound if the specified key object was not found.
+ inline V& FindL(const K& aKey)
+ { return *(V*)RHashTableBase::FindL(&aKey, -_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Insert a key-value pair into the array.
+If the specified key object is not found in the array, a pointer to the
+key object along with a pointer to the value object are added to the array
+and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing pointers
+to both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided pointers
+and KErrNone is returned.
+In both cases only pointers are stored in the array - the objects themselves
+are not copied.
+@param aKey A pointer to the key object of type K to add to the array.
+@param aValue A pointer to the value object of type V to associate with aKey.
+@return KErrNone if the key-value pair was added successfully.
+ KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store
+ the pointers aKey and aValue.
+ inline TInt Insert(const K* aKey, const V* aValue)
+ { return RHashTableBase::PtrInsert(aKey, aValue); }
+Insert a key-value pair into the array.
+If the specified key object is not found in the array, a pointer to the
+key object along with a pointer to the value object are added to the array
+and KErrNone is returned.
+If the specified key object is found in the array, the existing pointers
+to both the key and value objects are replaced by the provided pointers
+and KErrNone is returned.
+In both cases only pointers are stored in the array - the objects themselves
+are not copied.
+@param aKey A pointer to the key object of type K to add to the array.
+@param aValue A pointer to the value object of type V to associate with aKey.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if memory could not be allocated to store the pointers aKey and aValue.
+ inline void InsertL(const K* aKey, const V* aValue)
+ { RHashTableBase::PtrInsertL(aKey, aValue); }
+Remove a key-value pair from the array.
+@param aKey A pointer to the key to be removed.
+@return KErrNone if the pointers to the key object and corresponding
+ value object were removed successfully.
+ KErrNotFound if the key object was not present in the array.
+ inline TInt Remove(const K* aKey)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Remove(aKey); }
+Query the number of key-value pairs in the array.
+@return The number of key-value pairs currently in the array.
+ inline TInt Count() const
+ { return RHashTableBase::Count(); }
+Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
+@return KErrNone if the operation completed successfully.
+@return KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline TInt Reserve(TInt aCount)
+ { return RHashTableBase::Reserve(aCount); }
+Expand the array to accommodate a specified number of key-value pairs.
+If the set already has enough space for the specified number of elements, no
+action is taken. Any elements already in the set are retained.
+@param aCount The number of key-value pairs for which space should be allocated.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if sufficient memory could not be allocated.
+ inline void ReserveL(TInt aCount)
+ { RHashTableBase::ReserveL(aCount); }
+ void ResetAndDestroy();
+ };
+A templated class which allows iteration over the elements of a RPtrHashMap<K,V>
+The array being iterated over may not be modified while an iteration is in progress
+or the iteration operations may malfunction or panic.
+@see RPtrHashMap<K,V>
+template <class K, class V>
+class TPtrHashMapIter : public THashTableIterBase
+ {
+ struct SFullElement
+ {
+ TUint32 iHash;
+ K* iK;
+ V* iV;
+ };
+Construct an iterator over the specified associative array.
+The iterator starts at conceptual position one before the beginning of the list
+being iterated.
+@param aMap The array to be iterated over.
+ inline TPtrHashMapIter(const RPtrHashMap<K,V>& aMap)
+ : THashTableIterBase(aMap)
+ {}
+Reset the iterator to its initial state.
+@param aSet The set to be iterated over.
+ inline void Reset()
+ { THashTableIterBase::Reset(); }
+Return the key corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the key object corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline const K* CurrentKey() const
+ { return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding key.
+@return A pointer to the key object corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
+ inline const K* NextKey()
+ { return (const K*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iK)); }
+Return the value corresponding to the current position of the iterator.
+@return A pointer to the value object corresponding to the current position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has just been constructed or reset, or if it has
+ previously reached the end of an iteration.
+ inline const V* CurrentValue() const
+ { return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Current(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Steps the iterator to the next position and returns the corresponding value.
+@return A pointer to the value object corresponding to the next position of the
+ iterator.
+ NULL if the iterator has exhausted all the available key-value pairs.
+ inline const V* NextValue()
+ { return (const V*)THashTableIterBase::Next(-_FOFF(SFullElement,iV)); }
+Removes the element at the current iterator position from the hash table.
+If the iterator does not currently point to a valid element, no action is taken.
+Note that the iterator position is not altered so it no longer points to a valid
+element following the Remove(). It is illegal to call either CurrentKey() or
+CurrentValue() on the iterator after calling Remove() - the only legal
+operations are Reset(), NextKey() or NextValue().
+ inline void RemoveCurrent()
+ { THashTableIterBase::RemoveCurrent(); }
+ };
+Deletes all the objects of type T to which pointers are stored in this set.
+Then frees all the memory used by the set and returns the set to the same state
+as immediately following construction.
+template <class T>
+void RPtrHashSet<T>::ResetAndDestroy()
+ {
+ TPtrHashSetIter<T> iter(*this);
+ T* p;
+ do {
+ p = (T*)iter.Next();
+ delete p;
+ } while(p);
+ Close();
+ }
+Deletes all the key objects of type K and corresponding value objects of type V
+to which pointers are stored in this array.
+Then frees all the memory used by the array and returns the array to the same
+state as immediately following construction.
+template <class K, class V>
+void RPtrHashMap<K,V>::ResetAndDestroy()
+ {
+ TPtrHashMapIter<K,V> iter(*this);
+ K* p;
+ V* q;
+ do {
+ p = (K*)iter.NextKey();
+ q = (V*)iter.CurrentValue();
+ delete p;
+ delete q;
+ } while(p);
+ Close();
+ }