--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kernel/eka/include/ws_std.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32\include\ws_std.h
+ @file
+ @internalTechnology
+#ifndef __WS_STD_H__
+#define __WS_STD_H__
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32base_private.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32twin.h>
+#include <e32ver.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <twintnotifier.h>
+const TInt KW32MajorVersionNumber=1;
+const TInt KW32MinorVersionNumber=0;
+const TInt KMessageSlots=3;
+typedef TUint8 TColorIndex;
+enum TConsolePanic
+ {
+ EConsServerFailed,
+ EConsNotSupportedYet
+ };
+enum TWsPanic
+ {
+ EPrematureOperation,
+ ETooManyWindowsOpen,
+ EWindowTooWide,
+ EWindowTooThin,
+ EWindowTooHigh,
+ EWindowTooShort,
+ EWindowOutOfMemory,
+ EDoubleReadRequest,
+ };
+enum TWsFault
+ {
+ ECreateScheduler,
+ ECreateServer,
+ EStartServer,
+ ECreateEvent,
+ ECreateShell,
+ ESchedulerError,
+ EWindowsInitialisation,
+ ENoKeyboardTranslator,
+ ECreateNotifierSemaphore,
+ ECreateNotifierThread,
+ ELocaleDll,
+ EChangeLocale,
+ };
+struct SWsKey
+ {
+ TKeyData iKeyData;
+ TInt iType;
+ TPoint iMousePos;
+ TSglQueLink iLink;
+ };
+struct ColorInformation
+ {
+ TColorIndex iFg;
+ TColorIndex iBg;
+ };
+class CScreenDriver;
+class CWsWindow : public CBase
+ {
+ friend class CEvent;
+ friend class CWsSession;
+ friend class CNotifierSession;
+ friend class CKeyRepeat;
+ enum
+ {
+ EBackgroundNumber=0,
+ EMaxOpenWindows=64,
+ ENormalAttribute=7,
+ EMouseCharacter=219,
+ ECursorPeriodicPriority=2000
+ };
+ CWsWindow();
+ static void New();
+ inline static void WaitOnService() {ServiceMutex.Wait();}
+ inline static void SignalService() {ServiceMutex.Signal();}
+ static TBool RawEventMode();
+ static void QueueRawEvent(TRawEvent& anEvent);
+ void CreateL(const TSize &aSize);
+ ~CWsWindow();
+ void Display();
+ TBool IsTop() const;
+ void MakeTopWindow();
+ void SetClip();
+ void Clear();
+ void WriteCharacter(const TText *aCharacter);
+ void CarriageReturn();
+ void LineFeed();
+ void Write(const TDesC &aBuffer);
+ void Refresh();
+ void SaveEdges();
+ void RestoreEdges();
+ void SetWiew();
+ TBool IsInClippedTextArea(const TPoint& aPoint) const;
+ void SetCursor();
+ static void TextFill(TText *aBuffer, TInt aLength, const TText *aValue);
+ static TInt Offset(const TPoint &aPosition,const TSize &aSize);
+ static void RotateWindowsForwards();
+ static void RotateWindowsBackwards();
+ static void BeginUpdateScreen();
+ static void EndUpdateScreen();
+ static void DrainAllReadRequests();
+ static void ControlInformAllMouse(TBool anIndicator);
+#if defined(_UNICODE)
+ static TInt IsHankaku(const TText aCode);
+ static TInt FitInWidth(TText* aDest,TInt aWidth,TInt aAsciiCol,TText aCode);
+ static TInt OffsetHZa(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize,TInt& aX);
+ static TInt OffsetHZwP(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize,TPoint& aP);
+ static TInt OffsetHZ(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize);
+ static TText GetCharFromOffset(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize);
+ static TText *GetCpFromOffset(const TText* aDest,const TPoint& aPosition,const TSize& aSize);
+ void ScrollUp();
+ void Left();
+ void Right();
+ void FormFeed();
+ void BackSpace();
+ void HorizontalTab();
+ TBool IsRectVisible(TRect& aRect) const;
+ void SetFrame();
+ void DrainReadRequest();
+ TBool EnqueReadRequest(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ void DequeReadRequest();
+ void InformMouse(TPoint aPos);
+ void QueueWindowKey(TKeyData &aKeystroke);
+ void DoMouseLeftButton();
+ void ControlMaximised(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlOnTop(TBool anIndicator);
+ static void Delete();
+ static CWsWindow *TopWindow();
+ static CWsWindow *BottomWindow();
+ static TInt8 NewNumberL();
+ static void ReleaseNumber(TInt8 aNumber);
+ static void Redraw();
+ static void KeyPress(TKeyData& aKeystroke);
+ static void QueueTopWindowKey(TKeyData& aKeystroke);
+ static void InformTopMouse(TPoint aPos);
+ static TInt ChangeTopWindowSize(TSize aGrowth);
+ static TInt SlideTopWindowRelative(TPoint aDirection);
+ static TInt MoveTopWindowRelative(TPoint aDirection);
+ static void ControlTopWindowMaximised(TBool anIndicator);
+ static TInt FlashCursor(TAny *aParameter);
+ static void ResetVisibilityMap();
+ static void UpdateScreen(TPoint &aPosition,TInt aLength,TInt8 aNumber,TText *aTextBuffer,ColorInformation *anAttributeBuffer);
+ static void Background();
+ static void TurnMouseOff();
+ static void TurnMouseOn();
+ static void MouseMove(TPoint aGraphicsPosition);
+ static void MouseLeftButton();
+ static void MouseLeftButtonUp();
+ static CWsWindow *MouseWindow();
+ static void ChangeUIColors();
+ static TInt SetMode(TVideoMode aMode);
+ TSize Size();
+ TPoint CursorPosition();
+ void WriteDone();
+ void SetView();
+ void SetFull();
+ void ClearToEndOfLine();
+ void NewLine();
+ void SetCursorHeight(TInt aPercentage);
+ void SetTitle(const TDesC &aName);
+ void SetSize(const TSize &aSize);
+ void SetWindowPosAbs(const TPoint &aPosition);
+ void SetCursorPosAbs(const TPoint &aPosition);
+ void SetCursorPosRel(const TPoint &aPosition);
+ void ControlScrollBars(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlWrapLock(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlPointerEvents(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlScrollLock(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlVisibility(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlAllowResize(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlCursorRequired(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlNewLineMode(TBool anIndicator);
+ void ControlRawEventMode(TBool anIndicator);
+ void QueueWindowRawEvent(TRawEvent& anEvent);
+ void MouseSlide();
+ void SetTextAttribute(TTextAttribute anAttribute);
+ TInt8 iNumber;
+ TSize iCurrentSize;
+ TSize iClippedSize;
+ TBool iIsVisible;
+ TPoint iViewOrigin;
+ TSize iViewSize;
+ TPoint iCurrentOffset;
+ TText *iTextBuffer;
+ ColorInformation *iAttributeBuffer;
+ TUint8 iFillAttribute;
+ TBool iCursorRequired;
+ TBool iCursorIsOn;
+ TPoint iCursorPos;
+ TPoint iLastCursorPos;
+ TText iCursor;
+ TBool iScrollLock;
+ TBool iWrapLock;
+ TBool iNewLineMode;
+ TBool iOnTop;
+ TBool iAllowResize;
+ TBool iAllowSlide;
+ TBool iReadIsValid;
+ TDblQueLink iLink;
+ static TSize ScreenSize;
+ static CScreenDriver *ScreenDriver;
+ static TDblQue<CWsWindow> WQueue;
+ static TInt8 *VisibilityMap;
+ static TPoint MousePos;
+ static TSize FontSize;
+ static CBitMapAllocator *Numbers;
+ static CPeriodic *CursorPeriodic;
+ static TText *BlankLineText;
+ static ColorInformation *BlankLineAttributes;
+ static TBool MouseIsCaptured;
+ static RMutex MouseMutex;
+ static RMutex ServiceMutex;
+ static TInt Count;
+ static const TText Cursors[101];
+ static CWsWindow* RawEventWindow;
+ static TPoint ScrollWithMouse;
+ static TPoint MoveWithMouse;
+ static TPoint ResizeWithMouse;
+ static TInt ScrollSpeed;
+ static TColorIndex ScreenColor;
+ static TColorIndex WindowBgColor;
+ static TColorIndex BorderColor;
+ static TColorIndex IndexOf[8];
+ TSglQue<SWsKey> iKQueue;
+ RMessage2 iReadRequest;
+ TPoint iMaximumOrigin;
+ TSize iMaximumSize;
+ TPoint iMinimumOrigin;
+ TSize iMinimumSize;
+ TBool iHasScrollBars;
+ TBool iPointerEvents;
+ TFileName iTitle;
+ RMessage2 iMessage;
+ TColorIndex iFgColor;
+ TColorIndex iBgColor;
+ };
+class CWsSession : public CSession2
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ EConsoleCreate,
+ EConsoleSet,
+ EConsoleClearScreen,
+ EConsoleClearToEndOfLine,
+ EConsoleSetWindowPosAbs,
+ EConsoleSetCursorHeight,
+ EConsoleSetCursorPosAbs,
+ EConsoleSetCursorPosRel,
+ EConsoleCursorPos,
+ EConsoleControl,
+ EConsoleWrite,
+ EConsoleRead,
+ EConsoleReadCancel,
+ EConsoleDestroy,
+ EConsoleSetTitle,
+ EConsoleSetSize,
+ EConsoleSize,
+ EConsoleScreenSize,
+ EConsoleSetMode,
+ EConsoleSetPaletteEntry,
+ EConsoleGetPaletteEntry,
+ EConsoleSetTextColors,
+ EConsoleSetUIColors,
+ EConsoleSetTextAttribute
+ };
+ CWsSession();
+ ~CWsSession();
+ void Attach(CWsWindow* aWindow);
+ virtual void ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage);
+ virtual void ServiceError(const RMessage2& aMessage,TInt aError);
+ CWsWindow* iWindow;
+ RMessagePtr2 iCurMsg;
+ TInt iTestFast;
+ };
+class CWsServer : public CServer2
+ {
+ enum {EPriority=1000};
+ static void New();
+ ~CWsServer();
+ virtual CSession2* NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion,const RMessage2& aMessage) const;
+ CWsServer(TInt aPriority);
+ };
+class CKeyRepeat : public CTimer
+ {
+ enum { EKeyRepeatPriority=1990 };
+ CKeyRepeat(TInt aPriority);
+ void ConstructL();
+ void Request(TKeyData& aKeyData);
+ virtual void RunL();
+ void SetRepeatTime(TInt aDelay,TInt aRate);
+ void RepeatTime(TInt& aDelay,TInt& aRate);
+ TKeyData iKeyData;
+ enum { EDefaultKeyRepeatDelay=500000, EDefaultKeyRepeatRate=30000 };
+ TInt iDelay;
+ TInt iRate;
+ };
+class CEvent : public CActive
+ {
+ enum {EPriority=2000};
+ static void New();
+ ~CEvent();
+ void Request();
+ virtual void DoCancel();
+ virtual void RunL();
+ CEvent(TInt aPriority);
+ TRawEventBuf iEvent;
+ static CCaptureKeys *CaptureKeys;
+ TInt iRepeatScanCode;
+ };
+class CWsActiveScheduler : public CActiveScheduler
+ {
+ static void New();
+ virtual void Error(TInt anError) const;
+ };
+#include "w32disp.h"
+GLREF_C TInt WindowServerThread(TAny *anArg);
+GLREF_C void Panic(TWsPanic aPanic);
+GLREF_C void Fault(TWsFault aFault);
+IMPORT_C void Panic(TConsolePanic aPanic);
+#endif // __WS_STD_H__