--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/buffer/t_match.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2612 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\buffer\t_match.cpp
+// Overview:
+// Test the match methods of TPtrC8 and TPtrC16 objects and the
+// TCharIterator TCombiningCharIterator, TCollationValueIterator
+// and TCollationRawValueIterator classes.
+// API Information:
+// TPtrC8, TPtrC16, TCharIterator, TCombiningCharIterator,
+// TCollationValueIterator, TCollationRawValueIterator
+// Details:
+// - Test and verify the results of TPtrC8 Match and MatchF methods
+// on a variety of constant strings. Verify both match and mismatch
+// conditions.
+// - Test and verify the results of TPtrC16 Match and MatchF methods
+// on a variety of constant strings. Verify both match and mismatch
+// conditions.
+// - For a TCharIterator object, test and verify:
+// - basic character handling
+// - ability to reset the iterator correctly
+// - combining characters works as expected
+// - ability to jump into the middle of combined characters
+// - full-width variants are not modified
+// - narrow strings work as expected
+// - surrogate pairs work as expected
+// - Using a TCombiningCharIterator object with a variety of character
+// strings as input, verify that the output is as expected.
+// - Using TCollationValueIterator and TCollationRawValueIterator objects:
+// - test the raw iterator
+// - test starting at different points in the iteration and verify capitals
+// are ignored at level 0
+// - verify capitals are ignored at level 1
+// - verify capitals do not match at level 2
+// - check the TCollationValueIterator Restart method
+// - test collation keys, when they success and when they fail halfway
+// - exhaust the internal cache, verify object still works
+// - test different decompositions at level 3
+// - verify results are as expected
+// - Test and verify the results of the TUnicodeFold::FindWildcardMatchFolded()
+// method on a variety of constant strings: find a string within another
+// string, verify the offset into the candidate string if it is present, or
+// KErrNotFound if it is not.
+// - Test and verify the results of the TUnicodeFold::FindFolded() method on
+// a variety of constant strings: compare two strings, verify return value.
+// - Test and verify results of UnicodeFoldCase() on a variety of characters.
+// - Test and verify results of MatchLeadingWildcards() on a variety of strings.
+// - Test and verify results of MatchesHereFoldedWithPrefixTest() on a variety
+// of strings.
+// - Test and verify results of LocateFolded() on a variety of strings.
+// - Test and verify results of FindFoldedWithWildcard() and FindMatchFolded()
+// on a variety of strings.
+// - Test and verify results of TDesc.CompareF() on a variety of strings.
+// Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
+// All
+// Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
+// Failures and causes:
+// Base Port information:
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <collate.h>
+#include "collateimp.h"
+#include "CompareImp.h"
+#include "u32std.h"
+static inline TBool IsSupplementary(TUint aChar)
+@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
+@return True, if aChar is supplementary character; false, otherwise.
+ {
+ return (aChar > 0xFFFF);
+ }
+static inline TText16 GetHighSurrogate(TUint aChar)
+Retrieve the high surrogate of a supplementary character.
+@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
+@return High surrogate of aChar, if aChar is a supplementary character;
+ aChar itself, if aChar is not a supplementary character.
+@see TChar::GetLowSurrogate
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xD7C0 + (aChar >> 10));
+ }
+static inline TText16 GetLowSurrogate(TUint aChar)
+Retrieve the low surrogate of a supplementary character.
+@param aChar The 32-bit code point value of a Unicode character.
+@return Low surrogate of aChar, if aChar is a supplementary character;
+ zero, if aChar is not a supplementary character.
+@see TChar::GetHighSurrogate
+ {
+ return STATIC_CAST(TText16, 0xDC00 | (aChar & 0x3FF));
+ }
+///***************** copied from locale euser source code ***********************
+static const TCollationMethod TheCollationMethod[] =
+ {
+ {
+ KUidBasicCollationMethod, // this is the standard unlocalised method
+ NULL, // null means use the standard table
+ NULL, // there's no override table
+ 0 // the flags are standard
+ }
+ };
+static const TCollationDataSet TheCollationDataSet =
+ {
+ TheCollationMethod,
+ 1
+ };
+const LCharSet TheCharSet =
+ {
+ &TheCollationDataSet
+ };
+const LCharSet* GetLocaleCharSet()
+ {
+ return &TheCharSet;
+ }
+#ifdef __VC32__
+ // Solve compilation problem caused by non-English locale
+ #pragma setlocale("english")
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(ar) (sizeof(ar) / (sizeof(ar[0])))
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_MATCH"));
+_LIT(KUnicodeTestDataFile, "z:\\Test\\UnicodeData.txt");
+static const TUint32 TheDevanagariKey[] =
+ {
+ 0x22a010b,0x22b010b,0x285010b,0xb109,0xb209,0xb309,0xb409,0xb509,
+ 0x6c5e609,0x6c6e609,0x6c7e609,0x6c8e609,0x6c9e609,0x6cae609,0x6cbe609,0x6cce609,
+ 0x6cde609,0x6cee609,0xba40109,0xba50109,0xba60109,0xba70109,0xba80109,0xba90109,
+ 0xbaa0109,0xbab0109,0xbac0109,0xbad0109,0xbae0109,0xbaf0109,0xbb00109,0xbb10109,
+ 0xbb20109,0xbb30109,0xbb40109,0xbb50109,0xbb60109,0xbb70109,0xbb80109,0xbb90109,
+ 0xbb9b109,0xbba0109,0xbbab109,0xbbb0109,0xbbbb109,0xbbc0109,0xbbd0109,0xbbe0109,
+ 0xbbf0109,0xbc00109,0xbc0b109,0xbc10109,0xbc20109,0xbc30109,0xbc40109,0xbc50109,
+ 0xbc5b109,0xbc60109,0xbc6b109,0xbc70109,0xbc80109,0xbc90109,0xbca0109,0xbcb0109,
+ 0xbcc0109,0xbccb109,0xbcd0109,0xbce0109,0xbceb109,0xbcf0109,0xbd00109,0xbd10109,
+ 0xbd20109,0xbd2b109,0xbd30109,0xbd3b109,0xbd40109,0xbd50109,0xbd5b109,0xbd60109,
+ 0xbd70109,0xbd80109,0xbd90109,0xbda0109,0xbdb0109,0xbdc0109,0xbdd0109,0xbde0109,
+ 0xbdf0109,0xbe00109,0xbe10109,0xbe20109,0xbe30109,0xbe40109,0xbe50109,0xbe60109,
+ 0xbe70109,0xbe80109,0xbe90109,0xbea0109,0xbeb0109,0xbec0109,0xbed0109,
+ };
+static const TUint32 TheDevanagariIndex[] =
+ {
+ 0x9010012,0x9020013,0x9030014,0x9050015,0x9060016,0x9070017,0x9080018,0x9090019,
+ 0x90a001a,0x90b001b,0x90c001d,0x90d001f,0x90e0020,0x90f0021,0x9100022,0x9110023,
+ 0x9120024,0x9130025,0x9140026,0x9150027,0x9160029,0x917002b,0x918002d,0x919002e,
+ 0x91a002f,0x91b0030,0x91c0031,0x91d0033,0x91e0034,0x91f0035,0x9200036,0x9210037,
+ 0x9220039,0x923003b,0x924003c,0x925003d,0x926003e,0x927003f,0x9280040,0x9290041,
+ 0x92a0042,0x92b0043,0x92c0045,0x92d0046,0x92e0047,0x92f0048,0x930004a,0x931004b,
+ 0x932004c,0x933004d,0x934004e,0x935004f,0x9360050,0x9370051,0x9380052,0x9390053,
+ 0x93c0003,0x93d0054,0x93e0055,0x93f0056,0x9400057,0x9410058,0x9420059,0x943005a,
+ 0x944005b,0x945005e,0x946005f,0x9470060,0x9480061,0x9490062,0x94a0063,0x94b0064,
+ 0x94c0065,0x94d0066,0x9510004,0x9520005,0x9530006,0x9540007,0x9580028,0x959002a,
+ 0x95a002c,0x95b0032,0x95c0038,0x95d003a,0x95e0044,0x95f0049,0x960001c,0x961001e,
+ 0x962005c,0x963005d,0x9640000,0x9650001,0x9660008,0x9670009,0x968000a,0x969000b,
+ 0x96a000c,0x96b000d,0x96c000e,0x96d000f,0x96e0010,0x96f0011,0x9700002,
+ };
+static const TCollationKeyTable TheDevanagariTable =
+ { TheDevanagariKey, TheDevanagariIndex, 103, 0, 0, 0 };
+static const TCollationMethod TheDevanagariMethod =
+ { 0, 0, &TheDevanagariTable, 0 };
+static const TCollationMethod TheDevanagariIgnoreCombiningMethod =
+ { 0, 0, &TheDevanagariTable, TCollationMethod::EIgnoreCombining };
+static const TUint32 TheSwedishKey[] =
+ {
+ 0x8f60109,0x8f70109,0x8f80109,0x8f60121,0x8f70121,0x8f80121,0x8dd0109,0x8dd0121,
+ 0x8c50121,0x8c50109,
+ };
+static const TUint32 TheSwedishIndex[] =
+ {
+ 0x570008,0x770009,
+ };
+static const TUint16 TheSwedishStringElement[] =
+ {
+ 0x2,0x61,0x30a,0x2,0x61,0x308,0x2,0x6f,
+ 0x308,0x2,0x41,0x30a,0x2,0x41,0x308,0x2,
+ 0x4f,0x308,0x2,0x75,0x308,0x2,0x55,0x308,
+ };
+static const TUint32 TheSwedishStringIndex[] =
+ {
+ 0xc0004,0x90003,0xf0005,0x150007,0x30001,0x0,0x60002,0x120006,
+ };
+static const TCollationKeyTable TheSwedishTable =
+ { TheSwedishKey, TheSwedishIndex, 2, TheSwedishStringElement, TheSwedishStringIndex, 8 };
+static const TCollationMethod TheSwedishMethod =
+ { 0, 0, &TheSwedishTable, TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone };
+static const TCollationMethod TheIgnoreNoneMethod =
+ { 0, 0, 0, TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone };
+void TestPrintCaption(const TDesC& aTestName, const TText16 aStr[], TInt aLen)
+ {
+ test.Next(aTestName);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("Char seq: "));
+ for(TInt i=0;i<aLen;++i)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), aStr[i]);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nOutput: "));
+ }
+TInt MatchC(const TDesC16& aCandidate, const TDesC16& aSearchTerm,
+ const TCollationMethod* aMethod, TInt aLevel)
+ {
+ TCollate method(0);
+ if (aMethod)
+ {
+ TCollate m(*aMethod);
+ method = m;
+ }
+ return method.Match(aCandidate.Ptr(), aCandidate.Length(),
+ aSearchTerm.Ptr(), aSearchTerm.Length(), aLevel);
+ }
+_LIT(KCand1, "baot");
+_LIT(KCand2, "ba\x308o\x308t");
+_LIT(KCand3, "b\xe4\xf6t");
+_LIT(KSearch1, "BAOT");
+_LIT(KSearch2, "?AO?");
+_LIT(KSearch3, "?\xe4o?");
+_LIT(KSearch4, "*o*");
+_LIT(KSearch5, "*ao*");
+_LIT(KSearch6, "*b\x308*");
+_LIT(KSearch7, "ba\x308*");
+_LIT(KSearch8, "ba*");
+void TestMatchC()
+ {
+ // MatchC should be working at level 0, let us test that this is so.
+ test(0 == KCand1().MatchC(KSearch1));
+ test(0 == KCand1().MatchC(KCand2));
+ test(1 == KCand1().MatchC(KSearch5));
+ test(1 == KCand2().MatchC(KSearch5));
+ test(0 <= KCand1().MatchC(KSearch2));
+ // Test the internals at level 0: It must fail to match Swedish accents
+ // with the Swedish collation algorithm.
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch1, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch1, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch1, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch1, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch1, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch1, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 <= MatchC(KCand1, KSearch2, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 <= MatchC(KCand1, KSearch2, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 <= MatchC(KCand2, KSearch2, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch2, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 <= MatchC(KCand3, KSearch2, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch2, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 <= MatchC(KCand2, KSearch3, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch2, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(3 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch4, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch4, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(1 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch5, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch5, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch6, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch6, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch7, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch7, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch8, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand1, KSearch8, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch7, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch7, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch8, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand2, KSearch8, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch7, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch7, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ test(0 == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch8, &TheIgnoreNoneMethod, 0));
+ test(KErrNotFound == MatchC(KCand3, KSearch8, &TheSwedishMethod, 0));
+ _LIT(KCandidate1, "axyz");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr1, "a*z");
+ test(0 == KCandidate1().MatchC(KSearchStr1()));
+ _LIT(KCandidate2, "azzz");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr2, "a*z");
+ test(0 == KCandidate2().MatchC(KSearchStr2()));
+ // Added tests for INC105311...
+ _LIT(KCandJpg1, "jpg_jjg.jpg");
+ _LIT(KCandJpg2, "jpgAjjg.jpg");
+ _LIT(KCandJpg3, "jpg@jjg.jpg");
+ _LIT(KCandJpg4, "hpg&jjg.jpg");
+ _LIT(KCandJpg5, "hpg&jpg.jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearchJpg1, "*jp?");
+ _LIT(KSearchJpg2, "*jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearchJpg3, "*jpg*");
+ _LIT(KSearchJpg4, "*jpg*jpg");
+ test(8 == KCandJpg1().MatchC(KSearchJpg1));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg2().MatchC(KSearchJpg1));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg3().MatchC(KSearchJpg1));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg4().MatchC(KSearchJpg1));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg5().MatchC(KSearchJpg1));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg1().MatchC(KSearchJpg2));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg2().MatchC(KSearchJpg2));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg3().MatchC(KSearchJpg2));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg4().MatchC(KSearchJpg2));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg5().MatchC(KSearchJpg2));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg1().MatchC(KSearchJpg3));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg2().MatchC(KSearchJpg3));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg3().MatchC(KSearchJpg3));
+ test(8 == KCandJpg4().MatchC(KSearchJpg3));
+ test(4 == KCandJpg5().MatchC(KSearchJpg3));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg1().MatchC(KSearchJpg4));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg2().MatchC(KSearchJpg4));
+ test(0 == KCandJpg3().MatchC(KSearchJpg4));
+ test(KErrNotFound == KCandJpg4().MatchC(KSearchJpg4));
+ test(4 == KCandJpg5().MatchC(KSearchJpg4));
+ _LIT(KCand4, "abcxaxaxa");
+ _LIT(KSearch9, "*xaxa");
+ test(5 == KCand4().MatchC(KSearch9));
+ _LIT(KCand6, "abxa");
+ _LIT(KSearch10, "*x?");
+ test(2 == KCand6().MatchC(KSearch10));
+ _LIT(KCand7, "xab");
+ _LIT(KSearch11, "x?");
+ test(KErrNotFound == KCand7().MatchC(KSearch11));
+ _LIT(KCand8, "xa");
+ _LIT(KSearch12, "x?");
+ test(0 == KCand8().MatchC(KSearch12));
+ _LIT(KCand9, "xaxa");
+ _LIT(KSearch13, "*x?");
+ test(2 == KCand9().MatchC(KSearch13));
+ _LIT(KCand10, "abjpgcjig.jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearch14, "*jp?");
+ test(10 == KCand10().MatchC(KSearch14));
+ _LIT(KCand11, "abjpg_jig.jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearch15, "*jp?");
+ test(10 == KCand11().MatchC(KSearch15));
+ _LIT(KCand12, "jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearch16, "*jp?");
+ test(0 == KCand12().MatchC(KSearch16));
+ _LIT(KCand13, "abjpgig.jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearch17, "*jp?");
+ test(8 == KCand13().MatchC(KSearch17));
+ _LIT(KCand14, "abjcgig.jpg");
+ _LIT(KSearch18, "jp?");
+ test(KErrNotFound == KCand14().MatchC(KSearch18));
+ _LIT(KCand15, "xax\xE2");
+ _LIT(KSearch19, "*xa\x302");
+ test(2 == KCand15().MatchC(KSearch19));
+ _LIT(KCand5, "blahblahblah\xE2");
+ _LIT(KSearch20, "*a\x302");
+ test(12 == KCand5().MatchC(KSearch20));
+ _LIT(KCand16, "bl\xE2hblahblaha\x302");
+ _LIT(KSearch21, "*a\x302*\xE2");
+ test(2 == KCand16().MatchC(KSearch21));
+ _LIT(KCand17, "abcxaxaxa");
+ _LIT(KSearch22, "*x?x?");
+ test(5 == KCand17().MatchC(KSearch22));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Various tests for the new TDesC16::MatchC() method. Testing that the new method works with
+ different wild card characters and different escape characters.
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Test for TDesC16::MatchC(const TDesC16 &aPattern, TInt aMaxLevel, TInt aWildChar, TInt aWildSequenceChar, TInt aEscapeChar, const TCollationMethod* aCollationMethod = NULL).
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+void TestMatchC2()
+ {
+ _LIT(KCandidate1, "ab/cRRRdef__grt");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr1, "ab//c%def/_/_grt");
+ TInt rc = KCandidate1().MatchC(KSearchStr1(), '_', '%', '/', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate2, "_*");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr2, "/_/*");
+ rc = KCandidate2().MatchC(KSearchStr2(), '_', '*', '/', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate3, "aa");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr3, "aaaa");
+ rc = KCandidate3().MatchC(KSearchStr3(), '_', '%', 'a', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate4, "\\4%3=1");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr4, "\\\\4_3%");
+ rc = KCandidate4().MatchC(KSearchStr4(), '_', '%', '\\', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate5, "abcd&efgh");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr5, "----!&efgh");
+ rc = KCandidate5().MatchC(KSearchStr5(), '-', '&', '!', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate6, "abc#1234:5678#xyz");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr6, "#!#1234!:56::!##z");
+ rc = KCandidate6().MatchC(KSearchStr6(), ':', '#', '!', 0);
+ test(rc == 3);
+ _LIT(KCandidate7, "abc#1234:5678#zzz");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr7, "#!#1234!:56::!##z");
+ rc = KCandidate7().MatchC(KSearchStr7(), ':', '#', '!', 0);
+ test(rc == 3);
+ _LIT(KCandidate8, "abc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr8, "a_c");
+ rc = KCandidate8().MatchC(KSearchStr8(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate9, "abc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr9, "A_C");
+ rc = KCandidate9().MatchC(KSearchStr9(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate10, "a_c");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr10, "a7_c");
+ rc = KCandidate10().MatchC(KSearchStr10(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate11, "a_c");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr11, "A7_C");
+ rc = KCandidate11().MatchC(KSearchStr11(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate12, "abc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr12, "a7_c");
+ rc = KCandidate12().MatchC(KSearchStr12(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate13, "abc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr13, "A7_C");
+ rc = KCandidate13().MatchC(KSearchStr13(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate14, "a7Xc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr14, "a7_c");
+ rc = KCandidate14().MatchC(KSearchStr14(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate15, "a7Xc");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr15, "A7_C");
+ rc = KCandidate15().MatchC(KSearchStr15(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate16, "abcde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr16, "a%e");
+ rc = KCandidate16().MatchC(KSearchStr16(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate17, "abcde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr17, "A%E");
+ rc = KCandidate17().MatchC(KSearchStr17(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate18, "abcde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr18, "a7%e");
+ rc = KCandidate18().MatchC(KSearchStr18(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate19, "abcde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr19, "A7%E");
+ rc = KCandidate19().MatchC(KSearchStr19(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate20, "a7cde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr20, "a7%e");
+ rc = KCandidate20().MatchC(KSearchStr20(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate21, "a7cde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr21, "A7%E");
+ rc = KCandidate21().MatchC(KSearchStr21(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate22, "a7cde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr22, "a77%e");
+ rc = KCandidate22().MatchC(KSearchStr22(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate23, "a7cde");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr23, "A77%E");
+ rc = KCandidate23().MatchC(KSearchStr23(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate24, "abc7");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr24, "a%77");
+ rc = KCandidate24().MatchC(KSearchStr24(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate25, "abc7");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr25, "A%77");
+ rc = KCandidate25().MatchC(KSearchStr25(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate26, "abc_");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr26, "a%7_");
+ rc = KCandidate26().MatchC(KSearchStr26(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate27, "abc_");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr27, "A%7_");
+ rc = KCandidate27().MatchC(KSearchStr27(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KCandidate28, "abc7");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr28, "a%7_");
+ rc = KCandidate28().MatchC(KSearchStr28(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate29, "abc7");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr29, "A%7_");
+ rc = KCandidate29().MatchC(KSearchStr29(), '_', '%', '7', 0);
+ test(rc == KErrNotFound);
+ _LIT(KCandidate30, "ba\x308o\x308t");
+ _LIT(KSearchStr30, "-b\x308-");
+ rc = KCandidate30().MatchC(KSearchStr30(), '%', '-', 0, 0);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ rc = KCandidate30().MatchC(KSearchStr30(), '%', '-', 0, 0, &TheSwedishMethod);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ _LIT(KSearchStr31, "ba\x308*");
+ rc = KCandidate30().MatchC(KSearchStr31(), '%', '*', 0, 0, &TheSwedishMethod);
+ test(rc == 0);
+ }
+void DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(const TDesC& aTest, const TDesC& aCanonical)
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator i(aTest.Ptr(), aTest.Ptr() + aTest.Length());
+ TCanonicalDecompositionIterator cci;
+ cci.Set(i);
+ TInt index = 0;
+ while (!cci.AtEnd())
+ {
+ test(index != aCanonical.Length());
+ TChar ch1 = aCanonical[index];
+ TChar ch2 = cci.Current();
+ test(ch1 == ch2);
+ ++index;
+ cci.Next();
+ }
+ test(index == aCanonical.Length());
+ }
+// exciting combining characters include:
+// U+0327 cedilla, class = 202
+// U+031B horn, class = 216
+// U+0316 grave below, class = 220
+// U+0300 grave above, class = 230
+// U+031A left angle above, class = 232
+// U+0360 double tilde, class = 234
+// U+0345 ypogegrameni, class = 240
+_LIT(KAllOnce, "\x327\x31b\x316\x300\x31a\x360\x345xyz");
+_LIT(KBackwards, "\x345\x360\x31a\x300\x316\x31b\x327xyz");
+_LIT(KRandom, "\x300\x316\x31b\x327\x31a\x345\x360xyz");
+_LIT(KAllOnceThenAcute, "\x327\x31b\x316\x300\x301\x31a\x360\x345");
+_LIT(KBackwardsThenAcute, "\x345\x360\x31a\x300\x301\x316\x31b\x327");
+_LIT(KRandomThenAcute, "\x300\x316\x31b\x327\x31a\x301\x345\x360");
+_LIT(KAllSame, "\x300\x301\x302\x303\x304\x306\x307\x308\x30b\x30c\x30f");
+_LIT(KLotsSameCanonical, "\x327\x31b\x316\x300\x301\x302\x303\x304\x306\x307\x308\x30b\x30c\x30f\x31a\x360\x345xyz");
+_LIT(KLotsSameNotCanonical, "\x31b\x300\x345\x301\x302\x316\x303\x304\x31a\x306\x307\x327\x308\x30b\x30c\x30f\x360xyz");
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TCanonicalDecompositionIterator test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TCanonicalDecompositionIterator test
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestCanonicalDecompositionIterator()
+ {
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KAllOnce, KAllOnce);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KBackwards, KAllOnce);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KRandom, KAllOnce);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KBackwardsThenAcute, KAllOnceThenAcute);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KRandomThenAcute, KAllOnceThenAcute);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KAllSame, KAllSame);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KLotsSameCanonical, KLotsSameCanonical);
+ DoTestCanonicalDecompositionIterator(KLotsSameNotCanonical, KLotsSameCanonical);
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc Test latest MatchC override that has the advanced TCollationMethod flag input
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Test matching of combined characters with simple character.
+Note- this action only applies to certain classes of combining characters
+@SYMTestExpectedResults Old MatchC character against character + combining character
+will not match but new MatchC with same characters and flag set will match.
+@SYMINC092513: RR S60: Variant testing: Searching does not work properly in contacts
+void TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(const TDesC16 &aLeft, const TDesC16 &aRight)
+ {
+ //Without flag, characters combine to make new character not matched by search
+ test(KErrNotFound ==aLeft.MatchC(aRight,&TheDevanagariMethod));
+ //With flag, combining character check is disabled so that search is matched
+ test(KErrNone ==aLeft.MatchC(aRight,&TheDevanagariIgnoreCombiningMethod));
+ }
+void TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheck()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("INC092513"));
+ TBuf<2> search, target;
+ //All Devanagari dependant vowels are in the following range
+ for(TInt dependantVowel=0x93e; dependantVowel<=0x94c; dependantVowel++)
+ {
+ //Most of the Devanagari consonants are in the following range
+ for(TInt consonant=0x915; consonant<=0x939; consonant++)
+ {
+ target.Format(_L("%c%c"),consonant,dependantVowel);
+ search.Format(_L("%c*"),consonant);
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(target, search);
+ }
+ }
+ //Test same situation but where consonants decompose to consonant + dependant vowel
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x929"), _L("\x928*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x931"), _L("\x930*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x934"), _L("\x933*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x958"), _L("\x915*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x959"), _L("\x916*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95a"), _L("\x917*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95b"), _L("\x91c*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95c"), _L("\x921*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95d"), _L("\x922*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95e"), _L("\x92b*"));
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheckFlag(_L("\x95f"), _L("\x92f*"));
+ }
+_LIT(KHelloT, "Hello");
+_LIT(KLatin1AccentsC, "\xE0\xD2p\xE2\xEB\xED\xF1\xC7");
+_LIT(KLatin1AccentsD, "a\x300O\x300pa\x302\x65\x308i\x301n\x303\x43\x327");
+// four alpha + psili + varia + ypogegrameni
+_LIT(KGreekAccentsC, "\x1f82\x1f82\x1f82\x1f82");
+// decomposed in four different ways
+_LIT(KGreekAccentsS, "\x1f82\x1f02\x345\x1f00\x300\x345\x3b1\x313\x300\x345");
+// completely decomposed
+_LIT(KGreekAccentsD, "\x3b1\x313\x300\x345\x3b1\x313\x300\x345\x3b1\x313\x300\x345\x3b1\x313\x300\x345");
+// full-width variants
+_LIT(KFullWidth, "\xFF21\xFF42\xFF43");
+// surrogate pair, unpaired low surrogate, unpaired high surrogate, unpaired
+// high surrogate at end of string
+_LIT(KSurrogates, "\xD965\xDEF0\xDF12\xDB10\xDA4E");
+_LIT(KSurrogatesTest, "\xD965\xDEF0");
+void TestIteratorOutput(TDecompositionIterator& aIt, const TDesC& aCheck)
+ {
+ TBool unpairedHighSurrogate = EFalse;
+ for(TInt i = 0; i != aCheck.Length(); aIt.Next())
+ {
+ if (aIt.AtEnd())
+ {
+ test(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ TInt c = aIt.Current();
+ // test that we are not looking at an unpaired low surrogate that
+ // follows an unpaired high surrogate: this is not possible.
+ test((c & 0xFC00) != 0xDC00 || !unpairedHighSurrogate);
+ unpairedHighSurrogate = (c & 0xFC00) == 0xD800? (TBool)ETrue : (TBool)EFalse;
+ if (c < 0x10000)
+ {
+ test(c == aCheck[i]);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt sp = ((aCheck[i] - 0xD7F7) << 10) + aCheck[i + 1];
+ test(c == sp);
+ i += 2;
+ }
+ }
+ test(aIt.AtEnd());
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TUTF32Iterator functionality tested on 2 character sequences:
+ (1) single character
+ (2) surrogate pair
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TUTF32Iterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestUTF32Iterator()
+ {
+ //Single character
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x01D5};
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator it(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStr[0]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ //Surrogate pair
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates"), KSurrogatesTest().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == 0x696F0);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0x10000
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest2, "\xd800\xdc00" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates2"), KSurrogatesTest2().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest2().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest2().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest2().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest2().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == 0x10000);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0x20000
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest3, "\xd840\xdc00" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates3"), KSurrogatesTest3().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest3().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest3().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest3().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest3().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == 0x20000);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0x2ffff
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest4, "\xD87F\xDFFF" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates4"), KSurrogatesTest4().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest4().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest4().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest4().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest4().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == 0x2ffff);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ //test(itCount == 1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0xd800
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest5, "\xD800" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates5"), KSurrogatesTest5().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest5().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest5().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest5().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest5().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 0);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0xdc00
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest6, "\xDc00" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates6"), KSurrogatesTest6().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest6().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest6().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest6().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest6().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 0);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // surrogate 0xdfff
+ _LIT( KSurrogatesTest7, "\xDfff" );
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TUTF32Iterator-surrogates7"), KSurrogatesTest7().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest7().Length());
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KSurrogatesTest7().Ptr(), KSurrogatesTest7().Ptr() + KSurrogatesTest7().Length());
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%06X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == 0);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TFoldedDecompIterator functionality tested on 2 character sequences.
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TFoldedDecompIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestFoldedDecompIterator()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1:
+ //Decompositions:
+ //(1) 0x095E decomposed to: 0x092B 0x093C
+ //(2) 0x01D5 decomposed to: 0x00DC 0x0304
+ // 0x00DC decomposed to: 0x0055 0x0308
+ // 0x0055 decomposed to: 0x0075
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x095E, 0x01D5};
+ const TText16 KStrOut[] = {0x092B, 0x093C, 0x0075, 0x0308, 0x0304};
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TFoldedDecompIterator-1"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TFoldedDecompIterator it(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ if(!it.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ it.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ }
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ //Character sequence 2:
+ //(5) HEBREW POINT TSERE - 0x05B5
+ //Decompositions:
+ //(1) 0x0392 decomposed to: 0x03B2
+ //(2) 0x0300 decomposed to: 0x0300
+ //(3) 0x0316 decomposed to: 0x0316
+ //(4) 0x0393 decomposed to: 0x03B3
+ //(5) 0x05B5 decomposed to: 0x05B5
+ //(6) 0x0F84 decomposed to: 0x0F84
+ const TText16 KStr2[] = {0x0392, 0x0300, 0x0316, 0x0393, 0x05B5, 0x0F84};
+ const TText16 KStrOut2[] = {0x03B2, 0x0300, 0x0316, 0x03B3, 0x05B5, 0x0F84};
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TFoldedDecompIterator-2"), KStr2, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr2));
+ itSrc = TUTF32Iterator(KStr2, KStr2 + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr2));
+ it = TFoldedDecompIterator(itSrc);
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ if(!it.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ it.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ }
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut2[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut2));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ //Character sequence 3:
+ //(1) MUSICAL SYMBOL EIGHTH NOTE - 0x1D161 (D834, DD61)
+ //Decompositions:
+ //(1) 0x1D161 decomposed to: 0x1D15F 0x1D16F
+ // 0x1D15F decomposed to: 0x1D158 0x1D165
+ const TText16 KStr3[] = {0xD834, 0xDD61};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut3[] = {0x1D158, 0x1D165, 0x1D16F};
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TFoldedDecompIterator-3"), KStr3, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr3));
+ itSrc = TUTF32Iterator(KStr3, KStr3 + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr3));
+ it = TFoldedDecompIterator(itSrc);
+ for(itCount=0;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ if(!it.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ it.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ }
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut3[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut3));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TFoldedSortedDecompIterator functionality tested on 1 character sequence.
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TFoldedSortedDecompIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestFoldedSortedDecompIterator()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1:
+ //(1) GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA - 0x0392 (fold: 0x3B2, ccc=0)
+ //(2) COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT - 0x0300 (no fold, ccc=230)
+ //(3) COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT BELOW - 0x0316 (no fold, ccc=220)
+ //(4) GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA - 0x0393 (fold: 0x3B3, ccc=0)
+ //(5) HEBREW POINT TSERE - 0x05B5 (no fold, ccc=15)
+ //(6) 0x10A39 (no fold, ccc=1)
+ //(7) TIBETAN MARK HALANTA - 0x0F84 (no fold, ccc=9)
+ //(8) 0x10400 (fold: 0x10428, ccc=0)
+ //(9) 0x10A38 (no fold, ccc=230)
+ //(10) 0xFB1E (no fold, ccc=26)
+ //Decompositions:
+ //0x03B2 Class 0
+ //0x0316 Class 220
+ //0x0300 Class 230
+ //0x03B3 Class 0
+ //0x10A39 Class 1
+ //0x0F84 Class 9
+ //0x05B5 Class 15
+ //0x10428 Class 0
+ //0xFB1E Class 26
+ //0x10A38 Class 230
+ //const TText16 KStr[] = {0x0392, 0x0300, 0x0316, 0x0393, 0x05B5, 0x0F84};
+ //const TText16 KStrOut[] = {0x03B2, 0x0316, 0x0300, 0x03B3, 0x0F84, 0x05B5};
+ //const TInt KClass[] = {0, 220, 230, 0, 9, 15};
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x0392, 0x0300, 0x0316, 0x0393, 0x05B5, 0xD802, 0xDE39, 0x0F84, 0xD801, 0xDC00, 0xD802, 0xDE38, 0xFB1E};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut[] = {0x03B2, 0x0316, 0x0300, 0x03B3, 0x10A39, 0x0F84, 0x05B5, 0x10428, 0xFB1E, 0x10A38};
+ const TInt KClass[] = {0, 220, 230, 0, 1, 9, 15, 0, 26, 230};
+ ::TestPrintCaption(_L("TFoldedSortedDecompIterator"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TFoldedDecompIterator itDecomp(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ while(!itDecomp.AtEnd())
+ {
+ if(!itDecomp.IsInFoldedSequence())
+ {
+ itDecomp.EnterFoldedSequence();
+ }
+ if(itDecomp.Current().GetCombiningClass() == 0)
+ {
+ TChar ch = itDecomp.Current();
+ TInt clss = itDecomp.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("BaseCh %04X Class %d\n"), (TUint)ch, clss);
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ test(clss == KClass[itCount]);
+ itDecomp.Next();
+ ++itCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TFoldedSortedDecompIterator it;
+ it.Set(itDecomp);
+ while(!it.AtEnd())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ TInt clss = it.Current().GetCombiningClass();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CombCh %08X Class %d\n"), (TUint)ch, clss);
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ test(clss == KClass[itCount]);
+ it.Next();
+ ++itCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TFoldedCanonicalIterator functionality tested on 1 character sequence.
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TFoldedCanonicalIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestFoldedCanonicalIterator()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1:
+ //(5) HEBREW POINT TSERE - 0x05B5
+ //(7) MUSICAL SYMBOL EIGHTH NOTE - 0x1D161 (D834, DD61)
+ //Decompositions:
+ //0x0392 to 0x03B2
+ //0x0316 to 0x0316
+ //0x0300 to 0x0300
+ //0x0393 to 0x03B3
+ //0x0F84 to 0x0F84
+ //0x05B5 to 0x05B5
+ //0x1D161 to 0x1D158 0x1D165 0x1D16F
+ //0x01D5 to 0x0075 0x0308 0x0304
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x0392, 0x0300, 0x0316, 0x0393, 0x05B5, 0x0F84, 0xD834, 0xDD61, 0x01D5};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut[] = {0x03B2, 0x0316, 0x0300, 0x03B3, 0x0F84, 0x05B5, 0x1D158, 0x1D165, 0x1D16F, 0x0075, 0x0308, 0x0304};
+ TestPrintCaption(_L("TFoldedCanonicalIterator"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TFoldedCanonicalIterator it(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ const TUnicodeDataSet* charDataSet = GetLocaleCharSet()->iCharDataSet;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next(charDataSet))
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ //10400
+ //103ff
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TDecompositionIterator functionality tested on 1 character sequence
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TDecompositionIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestDecompositionIterator2()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1
+ //Decomposition:
+ //0x01D5 to: 0x0055 0x0308 0x0304
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x01D5};
+ const TText16 KStrOut[] = {0x0055, 0x0308, 0x0304};
+ TestPrintCaption(_L("TDecompositionIterator"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TDecompositionIterator it;
+ it.Set(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd(); ++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ // Character sequence 2
+ // Decomposition:
+ // 0x1D162 to: 0x1D15F 0x1D170, then to: 0x1D158 0x1D165 0x1D170
+ const TText16 KStr2[] = {0xD834, 0xDD62};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut2[] = {0x1D158, 0x1D165, 0x1D170};
+ TestPrintCaption(_L("TDecompositionIterator"), KStr2, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr2));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc2(KStr2, KStr2 + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr2));
+ TDecompositionIterator it2;
+ it2.Set(itSrc2);
+ TInt itCount2 = 0;
+ for(;!it2.AtEnd(); ++itCount2, it2.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it2.Current();
+ //test.Printf(_L(" expect = %08X, result = %08X\n"), KStrOut2[itCount2], ch);
+ test(ch == KStrOut2[itCount2]);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount2 == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut2));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TCanonicalDecompositionIterator functionality tested on 1 character sequence
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TCanonicalDecompositionIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestCanonicalDecompositionIterator2()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1
+ //Decomposition:
+ //0x01D5 to: 0x0055 0x0308 0x0304
+ //0x1D162 to: 0x1D15F 0x1D170, then to: 0x1D158 0x1D165 0x1D170
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x01D5, 0xD834, 0xDD62};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut[] = {0x0055, 0x0308, 0x0304, 0x1D158, 0x1D165, 0x1D170};
+ TestPrintCaption(_L("TCanonicalDecompositionIterator"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TCanonicalDecompositionIterator it;
+ it.Set(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next())
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Current();
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached functionality tested on 1 character sequence
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached()
+ {
+ //Character sequence 1
+ //Decomposition:
+ //0x01D5 to: 0x0055 0x0308 0x0304
+ //0x1D162 to: 0x1D15F 0x1D170, then to: 0x1D158 0x1D165 0x1D170
+ const TText16 KStr[] = {0x01D5, 0xD834, 0xDD62};
+ const TUint32 KStrOut[] = {0x0055, 0x0308, 0x0304, 0x1D158, 0x1D165, 0x1D170};
+ TestPrintCaption(_L("TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached"), KStr, ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TUTF32Iterator itSrc(KStr, KStr + ARRAY_SIZE(KStr));
+ TCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached it;
+ it.Set(itSrc);
+ TInt itCount = 0;
+ for(;!it.AtEnd();++itCount, it.Next(1))
+ {
+ TChar ch = it.Get(0);
+ test(ch == static_cast <TUint> (KStrOut[itCount]));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%04X "), (TUint)ch);
+ }
+ test(itCount == ARRAY_SIZE(KStrOut));
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\n"));
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TDecompositionIterator test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TDecompositionIterator test.
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestDecompositionIterator()
+ {
+ TDecompositionIterator i;
+ // test basic character handling
+ TUTF32Iterator i1(KHelloT().Ptr(), KHelloT().Ptr() + KHelloT().Length());
+ i.Set(i1);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KHelloT);
+ TUTF32Iterator i2(KHelloT().Ptr() + 3, KHelloT().Ptr() + KHelloT().Length());
+ i.Set(i2);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KHelloT().Mid(3));
+ // test combining characters
+ TUTF32Iterator i3(KLatin1AccentsC().Ptr(), KLatin1AccentsC().Ptr() + KLatin1AccentsC().Length());
+ i.Set(i3);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KLatin1AccentsD);
+ TUTF32Iterator i4(KGreekAccentsC().Ptr(), KGreekAccentsC().Ptr() + KGreekAccentsC().Length());
+ i.Set(i4);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KGreekAccentsD);
+ TUTF32Iterator i5(KGreekAccentsS().Ptr(), KGreekAccentsS().Ptr() + KGreekAccentsS().Length());
+ i.Set(i5);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KGreekAccentsD);
+ // test that full-width variants are not fiddled with
+ TUTF32Iterator i6(KFullWidth().Ptr(), KFullWidth().Ptr() + KFullWidth().Length());
+ i.Set(i6);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KFullWidth);
+ TUTF32Iterator i7(KSurrogates().Ptr(), KSurrogates().Ptr() + KSurrogates().Length());
+ i.Set(i7);
+ TestIteratorOutput(i, KSurrogatesTest);
+ }
+//The function collects collation keys at the specified level aLevel from aIt iterator
+//and stores them in aBuf output parameter.
+//aExpectedNumKeys value specifies the count of expected collation keys.
+void GetKeys(TCollationValueIterator& aIt, TUint32* aBuf, TInt aLevel, TInt aExpectedNumKeys)
+ {
+ //Zero the output parameter
+ Mem::FillZ(aBuf, sizeof(TUint32) * aExpectedNumKeys);
+ //Get the keys
+ TInt i = 0;
+ for(;i!=aExpectedNumKeys;++i)
+ {
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ (void)aIt.GetCurrentKey(aLevel, aBuf[i]);
+ test(aIt.Increment());
+ if(aBuf[i] != 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //The rest of the keys at that level should have 0 value.
+ for(;aIt.Increment();)
+ {
+ TUint32 key = 0;
+ (void)aIt.GetCurrentKey(aLevel, key);
+ test(key == 0);
+ }
+ }
+//The function collects the raw keys from aIt iterator and stores them in aBuf output parameter.
+//aExpectedNumKeys value specifies the count of expected raw collation keys.
+void GetRawKeys(TCollationValueIterator& aIt, TCollationKey* aBuf, TInt aExpectedNumKeys)
+ {
+ //Zero the output parameter
+ Mem::FillZ(aBuf, sizeof(TCollationKey) * aExpectedNumKeys);
+ //Get the keys
+ for(TInt i=0;i!=aExpectedNumKeys;++i)
+ {
+ test(aIt.GetCurrentKey(aBuf[i]));
+ aIt.Increment();
+ }
+ //One additional GetCurrentKey() call. Because there shouldn't be more raw keys than
+ //aExpectedNumKeys, the call should fail returning EFalse.
+ TCollationKey dummy;
+ test(!aIt.GetCurrentKey(dummy));
+ }
+//The function gets a sequence of raw collation keys in aBuf parameter and a character number
+//aCharNo in the original string.
+//It returns the position in aBuf where raw collation key sequence for aCharNo starts.
+TInt CharNo2CollKeyPos(const TCollationKey* aBuf, TInt aBufLen, TInt aCharNo)
+ {
+ TInt starterCnt = 0;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if(aBuf[pos].IsStarter())
+ {
+ ++starterCnt;
+ }
+ } while(starterCnt!=(aCharNo+1) && ++pos!=aBufLen);
+ test(pos != aBufLen);
+ return pos;
+ }
+//The function compares aBuf1 and aBuf2 and returns how many elements in aBuf1 differ
+//from the elements in aBuf2 at the same position.
+TInt CountDiscrepancies(TUint32* aBuf1, TUint32* aBuf2, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TInt discrepancies = 0;
+ for (; aCount; --aCount)
+ {
+ if (*aBuf1++ != *aBuf2++)
+ ++discrepancies;
+ }
+ return discrepancies;
+ }
+TInt CountDiscrepancies(TCollationKey* aBuf1, TCollationKey* aBuf2, TInt aCount)
+ {
+ TInt discrepancies = 0;
+ for (; aCount; --aCount)
+ {
+ if (aBuf1->iHigh != aBuf2->iHigh || aBuf1->iLow != aBuf2->iLow)
+ ++discrepancies;
+ ++aBuf1;
+ ++aBuf2;
+ }
+ return discrepancies;
+ }
+_LIT(KAYZAccentsAbove, "\xE0\x301y\x302z\x303\x304");
+_LIT(KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove, "A\x300\x301Y\x302Z\x303\x304");
+_LIT(KCapitalYAYZAccentsAbove, "a\x300\x301Y\x302z\x303\x304");
+_LIT(KABCRuleTest, "abcwabkakb");
+_LIT(KABCRuleExpected, "eeabkakb");
+//_LIT(KExhaustCaches, "0123456789ABCDEFexhausted");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY1, "\x1f82");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY2, "\x1f02\x345");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY3, "\x1f00\x300\x345");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY4, "\x3b1\x313\x300\x345");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY5, "\x3b1\x313\x345\x300");
+_LIT(KGreekOPVY6, "\x3b1\x345\x313\x300");
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TCollationValueIterator test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions TCollationValueIterator tests
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void TestCollationValueIterator()
+ {
+ // a funny pair of extra collation rules: w and abc both collate as e.
+ TUint32 abcWTLKey[] = {0/* key for 'e' will go here */,
+ 0x8ff00101, 0x8ff10101, 0x8ff20101, 0x8ff30101,
+ 0x8ff40101, 0x8ff50101, 0x8ff60101};
+ const TUint32 overrideIndex[] = {0x00770000, 0x0E010001, 0x0E400002, 0x0E440003,
+ 0x0E810004, 0x0EC10005, 0x0EC20006, 0xEC30007};
+ const TUint16 abcString[4] = {0x0003, 0x0061, 0x0062, 0x0063};
+ const TUint32 abcStringIndex = 0;
+ TCollationMethod method;
+ method.iId = 0;
+ method.iMainTable = StandardCollationMethod();
+ method.iFlags = TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
+ TInt charindex;
+ for (charindex = 0; method.iMainTable->iIndex[charindex] >> 16 != 'e'; ++charindex)
+ {
+ }
+ abcWTLKey[0] = method.iMainTable->iKey[method.iMainTable->iIndex[charindex] & 0xFFFF];
+ TCollationKeyTable overrideTable = {abcWTLKey, overrideIndex, sizeof(abcWTLKey)/4, abcString, &abcStringIndex, 1};
+ method.iOverrideTable = &overrideTable;
+ TCollationValueIterator v(method);
+ TCollationValueIterator rv(method);
+ TUint32 buf1[32];
+ TUint32 buf2[32];
+ TCollationKey raw1[32];
+ TCollationKey raw2[32];
+ const TInt KRawKeyCnt = 8;//Raw collation key count produced from KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ //Get the raw key sequence for the whole KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ TUTF32Iterator it(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ rv.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetRawKeys(rv, raw1, KRawKeyCnt);
+ //KAYZAccentsAbove related constants
+ const TInt KBaseCharCnt = 3;//The number of base characters (A, y, z) in KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ const TInt KOrgPosA = 0;//A position in KAYZAccentsAbove
+ const TInt KOrgPosY = 2;//y position in KAYZAccentsAbove
+ const TInt KOrgPosZ = 4;//z position in KAYZAccentsAbove
+ //Find where the collation key sequences start for A, y, z characters in KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ const TInt KCollKeyPosA = ::CharNo2CollKeyPos(raw1, KRawKeyCnt, 0);
+ const TInt KCollKeyPosY = ::CharNo2CollKeyPos(raw1, KRawKeyCnt, 1);
+ const TInt KCollKeyPosZ = ::CharNo2CollKeyPos(raw1, KRawKeyCnt, 2);
+ //Get the raw key sequence for character A in KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosA, KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ rv.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetRawKeys(rv, raw2 + KCollKeyPosA, KRawKeyCnt - KCollKeyPosA);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(raw1, raw2, KRawKeyCnt));
+ //Get the raw key sequence for character Y in KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosY, KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ rv.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetRawKeys(rv, raw2 + KCollKeyPosY, KRawKeyCnt - KCollKeyPosY);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(raw1, raw2, KRawKeyCnt));
+ //Get the raw key sequence for character Z in KAYZAccentsAbove string.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosZ, KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ rv.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetRawKeys(rv, raw2 + KCollKeyPosZ, KRawKeyCnt - KCollKeyPosZ);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(raw1, raw2, KRawKeyCnt));
+ //Test starting at different points in the iteration
+ //Level 0
+ //The whole string
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf1, 0, KBaseCharCnt);
+ //String from Y pos.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosY, KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 0, KBaseCharCnt - 1);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1 + 1, buf2, KBaseCharCnt - 1));
+ //String from Z pos.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosZ, KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 0, KBaseCharCnt - 2);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1 + 2, buf2, KBaseCharCnt - 2));
+ //Level 1
+ //KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove is used in this test.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetRawKeys(v, raw1, 8);
+ const TInt KOrgPosY2 = 3;//Y position in KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove
+ const TInt KCollKeyPosY2 = ::CharNo2CollKeyPos(raw1, KRawKeyCnt, 1);
+ //The whole string
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf1, 1, 8);
+ //String from Y pos.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KOrgPosY2, KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KCapitalAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 1, 8 - KCollKeyPosY2);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1 + KCollKeyPosY2, buf2, 8 - KCollKeyPosY2));
+ //Level 2
+ //Capitals do not match at level 2
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf1, 2, 8);
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KCapitalYAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr(), KCapitalYAYZAccentsAbove().Ptr() + KCapitalYAYZAccentsAbove().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 2, 8);
+ //
+ test(1 == CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 8));
+ test(buf1[3] != buf2[3]);
+ //Test funny collation keys, when they succeed and when they fail half way.
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KABCRuleTest().Ptr(), KABCRuleTest().Ptr() + KABCRuleTest().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf1, 0, 8);
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KABCRuleExpected().Ptr(), KABCRuleExpected().Ptr() + KABCRuleExpected().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 0, 8);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 8));
+ //Test different decompositions at level 3
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY1().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY1().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY1().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf1, 3, 4);
+ //
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY2().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY2().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY2().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 3, 4);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 4));
+ //
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY3().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY3().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY3().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 3, 4);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 4));
+ //
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY4().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY4().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY4().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 3, 4);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 4));
+ //
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY5().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY5().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY5().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 3, 4);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 4));
+ //
+ it = TUTF32Iterator(KGreekOPVY6().Ptr(), KGreekOPVY6().Ptr() + KGreekOPVY6().Length());
+ v.SetSourceIt(it);
+ ::GetKeys(v, buf2, 3, 4);
+ //
+ test(0 == ::CountDiscrepancies(buf1, buf2, 4));
+ }
+// folding tests
+// equivalence classes: all codes that fold to the same letter (which must be present
+// in the list). The lists are separated by -1. The end is marked with two -1s.
+// Each list must be in increasing order.
+TInt FoldingEquivalenceClasses[] =
+ {
+ 'A', 'a', -1, 'Z', 'z', -1, '@', -1, '[', -1, '{', -1, 127, -1, 'I', 'i', 0x131, -1, 0, -1,
+ ' ', 0xA0, -1,
+ 0x300, -1, 0x301, -1,
+ 0x141, 0x142, -1,
+ 0x1c4, 0x1c5, 0x1c6, -1, 0x1c7, 0x1c8, 0x1c9, -1, 0x1ca, 0x1cb, 0x1cc, -1,
+ 0x1f1, 0x1f2, 0x1f3, -1, 0x3a3, 0x3c2, 0x3c3, 0x3f2, -1,
+ 0x402, 0x452, -1, 0x40F, 0x45F, -1, 0x460, 0x461, -1, 0x480, 0x481, -1, 0x482, -1,
+ 0x410, 0x430, -1, 0x42F, 0x44f, -1, 0x48C, 0x48D, -1, 0x4e8, 0x4e9, -1,
+ 0x531, 0x561, -1, 0x556, 0x586, -1, 0x559, -1, 0x55f, -1, -1
+ };
+//_LIT(KMatchLeadingCandidate1, "\xE1\x65\x300\x301\x302\x303pqa\x301");
+//_LIT(KNoQMs, "a???");
+//_LIT(KOneQM, "?a");
+//_LIT(KTwoQMs, "??");
+//_LIT(KThreeQMs, "???*?");
+//Constructs TUTF32Iterator iterator from aStr
+TUTF32Iterator UTF32It(const TDesC16& aStr)
+ {
+ return TUTF32Iterator(aStr.Ptr(), aStr.Ptr() + aStr.Length());
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc MatchSectionFolded test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions MatchSectionFolded test
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMPREQ814 Optimise folded string comparisons.
+void MatchSectionFoldedTest()
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator candidateIt, searchTermIt;
+ candidateIt = UTF32It(_L16("\xE1"));
+ searchTermIt = UTF32It(_L16("a"));
+ test(!MatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ candidateIt = UTF32It(_L16("a"));
+ searchTermIt = UTF32It(_L16("\xE1"));
+ test(!MatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ candidateIt = UTF32It(_L16("abca\xE1\x62\x62\x61\x61\x61\x62\x63\x62\x61"));
+ searchTermIt = UTF32It(_L16("aBc"));
+ test(MatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ test(searchTermIt.AtEnd());
+ TPtrC16 p1(_L16("a\xE1\x62\x62\x61\x61\x61\x62\x63\x62\x61"));
+ TPtrC16 p2(candidateIt.CurrentPosition(), 11);
+ test(p1 == p2);
+ candidateIt = UTF32It(_L16("aaaacdeiooo"));
+ searchTermIt = UTF32It(_L16("acde"));
+ test(!MatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ }
+//FindMatchSectionFolded test
+void DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(const TDesC16& aCandidate, const TDesC16& aSearchTerm, TInt aPos)
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator candidateIt, searchTermIt;
+ candidateIt = UTF32It(aCandidate);
+ searchTermIt = UTF32It(aSearchTerm);
+ if(aPos >= 0)
+ {
+ test(FindMatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ test(searchTermIt.AtEnd());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(!FindMatchSectionFolded(candidateIt, searchTermIt));
+ }
+ }
+//This class is used for reading lines from the unicode data file.
+class RUnicodeTestDataFile
+ {
+ RUnicodeTestDataFile();
+ void OpenLC();
+ void Close();
+ TBool NextStmt(TPtrC8& aStmt);
+ HBufC8* iFileData;
+ TInt iStartPos;
+ };
+RUnicodeTestDataFile::RUnicodeTestDataFile() :
+ iFileData(NULL),
+ iStartPos(0)
+ {
+ }
+void RUnicodeTestDataFile::OpenLC()
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(!iFileData && !iStartPos, User::Invariant());
+ iFileData = NULL;
+ iStartPos = 0;
+ CleanupClosePushL(*this);
+ RFs fileSess;
+ CleanupClosePushL(fileSess);
+ User::LeaveIfError(fileSess.Connect());
+ RFile file;
+ CleanupClosePushL(file);
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Open(fileSess, KUnicodeTestDataFile, EFileRead));
+ TInt fileSize;
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Size(fileSize));
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(fileSize > 0, User::Invariant());
+ iFileData = HBufC8::NewL(fileSize + 1);
+ TPtr8 p = iFileData->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(file.Read(p));
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &fileSess);
+ }
+void RUnicodeTestDataFile::Close()
+ {
+ delete iFileData;
+ iFileData = NULL;
+ iStartPos = 0;
+ }
+TBool RUnicodeTestDataFile::NextStmt(TPtrC8& aStmt)
+ {
+ aStmt.Set(NULL, 0);
+ if(iStartPos < iFileData->Length())
+ {
+ const TUint8* pStart = iFileData->Des().Ptr() + iStartPos;
+ const TUint8* pEnd = pStart;
+ while(*pEnd++ != 0x0A)
+ {
+ }
+ iStartPos += pEnd - pStart;
+ aStmt.Set(pStart, pEnd - pStart - 1);
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+//Get a field "aFieldNo" from "aStr" statement containing encoded unicode character data
+TPtrC8 GetUnicodeDataField(const TPtrC8& aStr, TInt aFieldNo)
+ {
+ const TUint8* pStart = aStr.Ptr();
+ //Find the beginning of the field
+ TInt count = 0;
+ while(count < aFieldNo)
+ {
+ if(*pStart++ == ';')
+ {
+ ++count;
+ }
+ }
+ //Find the end of the field
+ const TUint8* pEnd = pStart;
+ while(*pEnd++ != ';')
+ {
+ }
+ //Construct a string from the field data
+ TPtrC8 ptr(pStart, pEnd - pStart - 1);
+ return ptr;
+ }
+//Construct a string "aStr" with the extracted hex codes from "aUnicodeData"
+//The extracted unicodes are placed not from position 0, because some of
+//the decomposable unicode characters are combining characters. If "aStr" is a search
+//string, then the searching algorithm will not work.
+void FillStringL(TDes16& aStr, const TDesC8& aUnicodeData)
+ {
+ aStr.SetLength(aStr.MaxLength());
+ TLex8 lex(aUnicodeData);
+ TInt len = 0;
+ for(len=0;!lex.Eos();++len)
+ {
+ TUint32 code;
+ User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(code, EHex));
+ lex.Assign(lex.NextToken());
+ if (!IsSupplementary(code))
+ {
+ aStr[1+len] = (TUint16)code;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aStr[1+len] = GetHighSurrogate(code);
+ ++len;
+ aStr[1+len] = GetLowSurrogate(code);
+ }
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(len > 0, User::Invariant());
+ aStr.SetLength(1 + len);
+ }
+//Get the character unicode, which is at position 0
+TUint32 GetChCodeL(const TDesC8& aStr)
+ {
+ TLex8 lex(aStr);
+ TUint32 chCode;
+ User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(chCode, EHex));
+ return chCode;
+ }
+//Simple unicode folding tests
+void FindMatchSectionFoldedTestSimple()
+ {
+ _LIT16(KCandidate, "abca\xE1\x62\x62\x61\x61\x61\x62\x63\x62\x61");
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("abc"), 0);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("abb"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("caa"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("abcb"), 9);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("\xE1"), 4);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("a\x301"), 4);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("A\xC1\x42\x42"), 3);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("a\x301\x42\x42"), 4);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("a?BB"), 3);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L(""), 0);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("?"), 0);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("??????????????"), 0);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("???????????????"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("????a?????????"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("???a??????????"), 0);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("caa?"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("abcb?"), 9);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("abcb??"), -1);
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(KCandidate, _L("b?aa"), 5);
+ }
+//Extended tests - all characters, having non-zero "character decomposition mapping" field
+//or non-zero "upper case mapping" field
+void FindMatchSectionFoldedTestComplexL()
+ {
+ TBuf16<10> candidate;
+ candidate.Copy(_L16("abcdefghij"));
+ TBuf16<10> searchTerm;
+ searchTerm.Copy(_L16("eeeeefghij"));
+ const TInt KChPos = 5;
+ //Read and parse each line from the unicode data file.
+ RUnicodeTestDataFile unicodeTestDataFile;
+ unicodeTestDataFile.OpenLC();
+ TPtrC8 stmt;
+ while(unicodeTestDataFile.NextStmt(stmt) && stmt.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ //Get the character code
+ TUint32 chCode = GetChCodeL(stmt);
+ //"LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE" - the searching algorithm does not work with it.
+ if(chCode == (TUint32)0x0130)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!IsSupplementary(chCode))
+ {
+ candidate[KChPos] = (TUint16)chCode;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ candidate[KChPos] = GetHighSurrogate(chCode);
+ candidate[KChPos+1] = GetLowSurrogate(chCode);
+ }
+ //"Character decomposition mapping" is the 5th field, starting from 0.
+ TPtrC8 decomp(GetUnicodeDataField(stmt, 5));
+ if(decomp.Length() > 1 && decomp[0] != '<')
+ {
+ //This character has valid decomposition mapping - test it.
+ //Construct the search string
+ FillStringL(searchTerm, decomp);
+ //Test
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(candidate, searchTerm, KChPos);
+ }
+ //"Uppercase mapping" is the 12th field, starting from 0.
+ TPtrC8 upperc(GetUnicodeDataField(stmt, 12));
+ if(upperc.Length() > 1)
+ {
+ //This character has valid uppercase mapping - test it.
+ //Construct the search string
+ FillStringL(searchTerm, upperc);
+ //Test
+ DoFindMatchSectionFoldedTest(candidate, searchTerm, KChPos);
+ }
+ }//end of "while" - for each file statement
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&unicodeTestDataFile);
+ }
+//MatchStringFolded test
+void MatchStringFoldedTestL()
+ {
+ TBuf16<3> candidate;
+ candidate.Copy(_L16("aa"));
+ TBuf16<10> searchTerm;
+ searchTerm.Copy(_L16("aaaaaaaaaa"));
+ const TInt KChPos = 1;
+ //Read and parse each line from the unicode data file.
+ RUnicodeTestDataFile unicodeTestDataFile;
+ unicodeTestDataFile.OpenLC();
+ TPtrC8 stmt;
+ while(unicodeTestDataFile.NextStmt(stmt) && stmt.Length() > 0)
+ {
+ //Get the character code
+ TUint32 chCode = GetChCodeL(stmt);
+ //"LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE" - the searching algorithm does not work with it.
+ if(chCode == (TUint32)0x0130)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!IsSupplementary(chCode))
+ {
+ candidate[KChPos] = (TUint16)chCode;
+ candidate.SetLength(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ candidate[KChPos] = GetHighSurrogate(chCode);
+ candidate.SetLength(3);
+ candidate[KChPos+1] = GetLowSurrogate(chCode);
+ }
+ //"Character decomposition mapping" is the 5th field, starting from 0.
+ TPtrC8 decomp(GetUnicodeDataField(stmt, 5));
+ if(decomp.Length() > 1 && decomp[0] != '<')
+ {
+ //This character has valid decomposition mapping - test it.
+ //Construct the search string
+ FillStringL(searchTerm, decomp);
+ //Test
+ test(MatchStringFolded(candidate.Ptr(), candidate.Ptr() + candidate.Length(),
+ searchTerm.Ptr(), searchTerm.Ptr() + searchTerm.Length()));
+ }
+ //"Uppercase mapping" is the 12th field, starting from 0.
+ TPtrC8 upperc(GetUnicodeDataField(stmt, 12));
+ if(upperc.Length() > 1)
+ {
+ //This character has valid uppercase mapping - test it.
+ //Construct the search string
+ FillStringL(searchTerm, upperc);
+ //Test
+ test(MatchStringFolded(candidate.Ptr(), candidate.Ptr() + candidate.Length(),
+ searchTerm.Ptr(), searchTerm.Ptr() + searchTerm.Length()));
+ }
+ }//end of "while" - for each file statement
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&unicodeTestDataFile);
+ }
+void FindMatchSectionFoldedTestL()
+ {
+ FindMatchSectionFoldedTestSimple();
+ FindMatchSectionFoldedTestComplexL();
+ }
+void TestFindMatchFoldedL()
+ {
+ MatchSectionFoldedTest();
+ FindMatchSectionFoldedTestL();
+ MatchStringFoldedTestL();
+ }
+void TestCompareFoldedEqual(const TDesC& a, const TDesC& b)
+ {
+ test(a.CompareF(b) == 0);
+ test(b.CompareF(a) == 0);
+ }
+void TestCompareFolded()
+ {
+ // Latin Extended A
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x100"), _L("\x101"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x100"), _L("A\x304"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x100"), _L("a\x304"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x104"), _L("\x105"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x104"), _L("a\x328"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x107"), _L("C\x301"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x10F"), _L("\x10E"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x10F"), _L("D\x30C"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x110"), _L("\x111"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x123"), _L("G\x327"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x132"), _L("\x133"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x131"), _L("i"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x131"), _L("I"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("i"), _L("I"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x13F"), _L("\x140"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x141"), _L("\x142"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x14A"), _L("\x14B"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x150"), _L("\x151"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x150"), _L("o\x30B"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x152"), _L("\x153"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x17D"), _L("\x17E"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x17D"), _L("z\x30C"));
+ // Latin Extended B
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x182"), _L("\x183"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x184"), _L("\x185"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x187"), _L("\x188"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x18A"), _L("\x257"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x194"), _L("\x263"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x195"), _L("\x1F6"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x196"), _L("\x269"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1A2"), _L("\x1A3"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1A6"), _L("\x280"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1BF"), _L("\x1F7"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1DC"), _L("\x1DB"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1DC"), _L("u\x308\x300"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1DD"), _L("\x18E"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1EC"), _L("\x1ED"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x1FC"), _L("\x1FD"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x200"), _L("\x201"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x216"), _L("u\x311"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x21B"), _L("T\x326"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x21C"), _L("\x21D"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x229"), _L("E\x327"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x22A"), _L("\x22B"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x22A"), _L("O\x308\x304"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x22A"), _L("\xF6\x304"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x233"), _L("y\x304"));
+ TestCompareFoldedEqual(_L("\x233"), _L("\x232"));
+ }
+void TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(TDesC& a, TDesC& b, TInt aValue)
+ {
+ test(a.CompareF(b) == aValue);
+ }
+static void TestCompareFoldedAdditional()
+ {
+ const TText16 UnicodeTextOne16[] = {'a', 0};
+ const TText16 ErrUnicodeTextOne16[] = {'[', 0};
+ const TText16 UnicodeTextTwo16[] = {0x00EA, 0x0323, 0};
+ const TText16 ErrUnicodeTextTwo16[] = {0x00EA, 't', 0};
+ const TText16 UnicodeTextThree16[] = {0x00EA, 0x03B1, 0};
+ const TText16 ErrUnicodeTextThree16[] = {0x00EA, 0x0323, 0};
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(UnicodeTextOne16) - 1> oriUnicodeSmallTextOne(UnicodeTextOne16);
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(ErrUnicodeTextOne16) - 1> nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextOne(ErrUnicodeTextOne16);
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(UnicodeTextTwo16) - 1> oriUnicodeSmallTextTwo(UnicodeTextTwo16);
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(ErrUnicodeTextTwo16) - 1> nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextTwo(ErrUnicodeTextTwo16);
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(UnicodeTextThree16) - 1> oriUnicodeSmallTextThree(UnicodeTextThree16);
+ TBufC16<ARRAY_SIZE(ErrUnicodeTextThree16) - 1> nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextThree(ErrUnicodeTextThree16);
+ const TText16 AsciiText16[] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 0};
+ TBufC16<5> oriAsciiSmallText(_L("ABCDE"));
+ // Check that characters are non matching with return value as stated
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(oriUnicodeSmallTextOne, nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextOne, 6);
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(oriUnicodeSmallTextTwo, nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextTwo, 33);
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(oriUnicodeSmallTextThree, nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextThree, -33);
+ // Try other way around...
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextOne, oriUnicodeSmallTextOne, -6);
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextTwo, oriUnicodeSmallTextTwo, -33);
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(nonMatchUnicodeSmallTextThree, oriUnicodeSmallTextThree, 33);
+ // Declare a TPtrC16 which is base from AsciiText16...
+ TPtrC16 AsciiSmallText;
+ AsciiSmallText.Set(AsciiText16, 4);
+ // Check the boundary case
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(oriAsciiSmallText, AsciiSmallText, 1);
+ // Try other way around...
+ TestCompareFoldedNotEqual(AsciiSmallText, oriAsciiSmallText, -1);
+ }
+void TestFoldingL()
+ {
+ TestFindMatchFoldedL();
+ TestCompareFolded();
+ TestCompareFoldedAdditional();
+ }
+// collation tests
+_LIT(KCandidateString1, "abcdefg");
+_LIT(KCandidateString2, "\x1f82\x1f02\x345\x1f00\x300\x345\x3b1\x313\x300\x345");
+_LIT(KCandidateString3, "abcabcdababc");
+_LIT(KCandidateString4, "xyzxyxyzxyxyyxyzxyy");
+_LIT(KMatch1, "abc");
+_LIT(KMatch2, "abc*");
+_LIT(KMatch3, "*abc*");
+_LIT(KMatch4, "abc*def");
+_LIT(KMatch5, "abc*def*g*");
+_LIT(KMatch6, "*def");
+_LIT(KMatch7, "**d?f?");
+_LIT(KMatch8, "*d?f??");
+_LIT(KMatch9, "***d?f??*");
+_LIT(KMatch10, "a*c*g");
+_LIT(KMatch11, "*c*g");
+_LIT(KMatch12, "*\x1f82");
+_LIT(KMatch13, "*\x1f82*");
+//_LIT(KMatch14, "*\x3b1*");
+_LIT(KMatch15, "*\x313*");
+_LIT(KMatch16, "*\x300*");
+//_LIT(KMatch17, "*\x345*");
+//_LIT(KMatch18, "*\x3b1\x313*");
+//_LIT(KMatch19, "*\x3b1\x313\x300*");
+_LIT(KMatch20, "*\x1f82*\x1f82*\x1f82\x1f82");
+_LIT(KMatch21, "*\x1f82*\x1f82*\x1f82\x1f82*\x1f82*");
+_LIT(KMatch22, "*aba*");
+_LIT(KMatch23, "*abc");
+_LIT(KMatch24, "a*abc");
+_LIT(KMatch25, "a*ab");
+_LIT(KMatch26, "*ca*abc");
+_LIT(KMatch27, "*ca*??c");
+_LIT(KMatch28, "*??c");
+_LIT(KMatch29, "a*babc");
+_LIT(KMatch30, "*xyy");
+_LIT(KFoo1, "foo");
+_LIT(KPeach, "pe\x302\x63he");
+_LIT(KFooMatch1, "fo*");
+_LIT(KFooMatch2, "*Fo*");
+_LIT(KFooMatch3, "*f*O*o");
+_LIT(KFooMatch4, "*f*o*o*");
+_LIT(KFooMatch5, "*o");
+_LIT(KFooMatch6, "???");
+_LIT(KFooMatch7, "*?o?*");
+_LIT(KFooMatch8, "*?");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch1, "oo*");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch2, "??");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch3, "????");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch4, "*?f*");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch5, "*f*f*");
+_LIT(KFooNonMatch6, "*?*f*");
+_LIT(KPeachMatch1, "p?che");
+_LIT(KPeachNonMatch1, "peche");
+_LIT(KPeachNonMatch2, "pe?che");
+_LIT(KPeachNonMatch3, "pe?he");
+_LIT(KPeachNonMatch4, "pe*");
+void TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(const TDesC& aCandidate, const TDesC& aSearchTerm, TInt aExpectedResult)
+ {
+ const TText16* candidateStart = aCandidate.Ptr();
+ const TText16* candidateEnd = candidateStart + aCandidate.Length();
+ const TText16* searchTermStart = aSearchTerm.Ptr();
+ const TText16* searchTermEnd = searchTermStart + aSearchTerm.Length();
+ TInt pos = ::LocateMatchStringFolded(candidateStart, candidateEnd, searchTermStart, searchTermEnd);
+ test(aExpectedResult == pos);
+ }
+void TestMatchIdentifiers()
+ {
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch1, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch2, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch3, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch4, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch5, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch6, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch7, 3);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch8, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch9, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch10, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString1, KMatch11, 2);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch12, 6);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch13, 0);
+ //The next test does not pass with the new optimised methods
+ //TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch14, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch15, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch16, KErrNotFound);
+ // I have taken this test out: it tests that combining ypogegrammeni is not
+ // found on its own: but with case folding it can become a non-combining
+ // character (iota), so this test is not relevant.
+ // TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch17, KErrNotFound);
+ //The next tests do not pass with the new optimised methods
+ //TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch18, KErrNotFound);
+ //TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch19, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch20, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString2, KMatch21, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch22, 7);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch23, 9);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch24, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch25, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch26, 2);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch27, 2);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch28, 9);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString3, KMatch29, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KCandidateString4, KMatch30, 16);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFoo1, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch1, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch2, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch3, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch4, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch5, 2);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch6, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch7, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooMatch8, 2);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch1, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch2, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch3, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch4, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch5, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KFoo1, KFooNonMatch6, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KPeach, KPeachMatch1, 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KPeach, KPeachNonMatch1, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KPeach, KPeachNonMatch2, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KPeach, KPeachNonMatch3, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(KPeach, KPeachNonMatch4, KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(_L(""), _L(""), 0);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(_L("a"), _L(""), KErrNotFound);
+ TestMatchIdentifiersTDesC(_L(""), _L("*"), 0);
+ }
+void TestFindIdentifierTDesC(const TDesC& aCandidateString, const TDesC& aSearchTerm, TInt /*aExpectedResult*/)
+ {
+ TUTF32Iterator candidateIt(aCandidateString.Ptr(), aCandidateString.Ptr() + aCandidateString.Length());
+ TUTF32Iterator searchIt(aSearchTerm.Ptr(), aSearchTerm.Ptr() + aSearchTerm.Length());
+ /*aExpectedResult = */::FindFolded(candidateIt, searchIt);
+ }
+//INC057641 - NTT Functional BC break in 8.1a: string comparison changed
+static void INC057641L()
+ {
+ _LIT16(KEmptyText, "");
+ HBufC16* str = HBufC16::NewLC(4);
+ str->Des().Copy(_L("****"));
+ TInt res = str->CompareC(KEmptyText);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(str);
+ test(res == 1);
+ }
+_LIT(KFind1, "abc");
+_LIT(KFind2, "def");
+_LIT(KFind3, "efg");
+_LIT(KFind4, "fga");
+_LIT(KFind5, "acd");
+_LIT(KFind6, "\x1f82");
+_LIT(KFind7, "\x3b1\x313\x300\x345");
+_LIT(KFind8, "\x3b1");
+_LIT(KFind9, "aba");
+_LIT(KFind10, "abc");
+void TestFindIdentifier()
+ {
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, TPtrC(), 0);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, KFind1, 0);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, KFind2, 3);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, KFind3, 4);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, KFind4, KErrNotFound);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString1, KFind5, KErrNotFound);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString2, KFind6, 0);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString2, KFind7, 0);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString2, KFind8, KErrNotFound);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString3, KFind9, 7);
+ TestFindIdentifierTDesC(KCandidateString3, KFind10, 0);
+ }
+struct TestMatch8
+ {
+ TText8 const* iLeft;
+ TText8 const* iRight;
+ TInt iResult;
+ };
+TestMatch8 const Tests8[]=
+ {
+ {_S8(""),_S8(""),0},
+ {_S8(""),_S8("?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8(""),_S8("*"),0},
+ {_S8(""),_S8("**"),0},
+ {_S8(""),_S8("*x*"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8(""),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("?"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("*"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("**"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("**?"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("?**"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("**?*"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("x"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("xx"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("?x"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("x*"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("*x"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("*x*"),0},
+ {_S8("x"),_S8("**x*"),0},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8(""),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("?*"),0},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*?"),2},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*?*?"),0},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*a*"),0},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*b*"),1},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*c*"),2},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*c"),2},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*?c"),1},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("??c"),0},
+ {_S8("abc"),_S8("*b?"),1},
+ };
+struct TestMatch16
+ {
+ TText16 const* iLeft;
+ TText16 const* iRight;
+ TInt iResult;
+ };
+TestMatch16 const Tests16[]=
+ {
+ {_S16(""),_S16(""),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("**"),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("*x*"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16(""),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**?"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?**"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**?*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("x"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("xx"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?x"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("x*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*x"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*x*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**x*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16(""),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("?*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?*?"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*a*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*b*"),1},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*c*"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*c"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?c"),1},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("??c"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*b?"),1},
+ {_S16("\x0100"),_S16("\x0100"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0100"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0100"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0100"),_S16("*\x0100"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0100"),_S16("*\x0100?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("\x0101"),_S16("\x0101"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0101"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0101"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0101"),_S16("*\x0101"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0101"),_S16("*\x0101?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("\x0ffe"),_S16("\x0ffe"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0ffe"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0ffe"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0ffe"),_S16("*\x0ffe"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0ffe"),_S16("*\x0ffe?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("\x0fff"),_S16("\x0fff"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0fff"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0fff"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0fff"),_S16("*\x0fff"),0},
+ {_S16("\x0fff"),_S16("*\x0fff?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("\x1000"),_S16("\x1000"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1000"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1000"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1000"),_S16("*\x1000"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1000"),_S16("*\x1000?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("\x1001"),_S16("\x1001"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1001"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1001"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1001"),_S16("*\x1001"),0},
+ {_S16("\x1001"),_S16("*\x1001?"),KErrNotFound},
+ // fffe, ffff is special
+ //{_S16("\xfffe"),_S16("\xfffe"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xfffe"),_S16("*"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xfffe"),_S16("?"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xfffe"),_S16("*\xfffe"),0}, //reserved
+ //{_S16("\xfffe"),_S16("*\xfffe?"),KErrNotFound},
+ //{_S16("\xffff"),_S16("\xffff"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xffff"),_S16("*"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xffff"),_S16("?"),0},
+ //{_S16("\xffff"),_S16("*\xffff?"),KErrNotFound},
+ //{_S16("\x0101\xffff\x0ffe"),_S16("*\xffff"),0},
+ //{_S16("\x0101\xffff\x0ffe"),_S16("*\xffff"),0},
+ //{_S16("\x0101\xfffe\x0ffe"),_S16("\xffff?"),0},
+ //{_S16("\x0101\xfffe\x0ffe"),_S16("*\xffff?"),0},
+ {_S16("\x04fa"),_S16("*"),0},
+ };
+TInt KTests=sizeof(Tests8)/sizeof(Tests8[0]);
+TInt KTests16=sizeof(Tests16)/sizeof(Tests16[0]);
+TestMatch16 const TestsSurrogate[]=
+ {
+ // not duplicate, test MatchSurrogate here
+ {_S16(""),_S16(""),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("?"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("**"),0},
+ {_S16(""),_S16("*x*"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16(""),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**?"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?**"),0}, // 10
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**?*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("x"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("xx"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("?x"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("x*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*x"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("*x*"),0},
+ {_S16("x"),_S16("**x*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16(""),KErrNotFound}, // 20
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("?*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?*?"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*a*"),0},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*b*"),1},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*c*"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*a"),KErrNotFound},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*c"),2},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*?c"),1},
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("??c"),0}, // 30
+ {_S16("abc"),_S16("*b?"),1},
+ // ones containing supplementary characters
+ {_S16("ab\xD840\xDDAD"),_S16("*b*"),1},
+ {_S16("ab\xD840\xDDAD"),_S16("*b?"),1},
+ {_S16("a\xD840\xDDAD\x0063"),_S16("*c*"),3},
+ {_S16("a\xD840\xDDAD\x0063"),_S16("*\xD840\xDDAD*"),1},
+ {_S16("a\xD840\xDDAB\xD830\xDDAC\xD840\xDDAC\x0063"),_S16("*\xD840\xDDAC*"),5},
+ {_S16("\xD840\xDDAB\xD840\xDDAC\x0063"),_S16("?\xD840\xDDAC*"),0},
+ {_S16("\xD840\xDDAB\xD840\xDDAC\x0063"),_S16("\xD840\xDDAB*"),0},
+ {_S16("\xD840\xDDAB\xD840\xDDAC\x0063"),_S16("*?\xD840\xDDAC*"),0},
+ {_S16("\xD840\xDDAB\xD840\xDDAC\xD840\xDDAD\x0063"),_S16("*?\xD840\xDDAD*"),2}, // 40
+ };
+TInt KTestsSurrogate=sizeof(TestsSurrogate)/sizeof(TestsSurrogate[0]);
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TDes16 Collation conversion function test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions Testing the three collation conversion function
+ in TDesC16::GetNormalizedDecomposedFormL,
+ TDesC16::GetFoldedDecomposedFormL,
+ TDesC16::GetCollationKeysL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ 6178 Add several new Unicode utility functions
+static void TestDes16CollationFunctionL()
+ {
+ /**----------------Test TDesC16::GetNormalizedDecomposedFormL------------------*/
+ HBufC16* outputBuffer=NULL;
+ _LIT16(KTestString1,"abc") ;
+ _LIT16(KTestString2,"\x1E84\x0061\x1ED7\x1F86");
+ _LIT16(KTestStringNDF2,"\x0057\x0308\x0061\x006F\x0302\x0303\x03B1\x0313\x0342\x0345");
+ outputBuffer=KTestString1().GetNormalizedDecomposedFormL();
+ test(outputBuffer->Compare(KTestString1())==0);
+ delete outputBuffer;
+ outputBuffer=KTestString2().GetNormalizedDecomposedFormL();
+ test(outputBuffer->Compare(KTestStringNDF2())==0);
+ delete outputBuffer;
+ /**----------------Test TDesC16::GetFoldedDecomposedFormL------------------*/
+ _LIT16(KTestString6,"AbC");
+ _LIT16(KTestStringFolded6,"abc");
+ _LIT16(KTestString7,"\x1F48\x1E3F\x1ED4");
+ _LIT16(KTestStringFolded7,"\x03BF\x0313\x006D\x0301\x006F\x0302\x0309");
+ outputBuffer=KTestString6().GetFoldedDecomposedFormL();
+ test(outputBuffer->Compare(KTestStringFolded6())==0);
+ delete outputBuffer;
+ outputBuffer=KTestString7().GetFoldedDecomposedFormL();
+ test(outputBuffer->Compare(KTestStringFolded7())==0);
+ delete outputBuffer;
+ /**----------------Test TDesC16::GetCollationKeysL------------------*/
+ TCollationMethod method;
+ method.iId = 0;
+ //purposely set the maintable to NULL, this will result in the DefaultTable being used
+ method.iMainTable = 0;
+ method.iOverrideTable = 0;
+ method.iFlags = TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
+ //---------------Test key generation functionality----------------
+ /**
+ Collation keys for
+ x=08b90108-00000078
+ y=08bd0108-00000079
+ z=08c90108-0000007a
+ */
+ _LIT(KInputString1,"xyz");
+ HBufC8* outbuf=NULL;
+ //Max Level 0 keys
+ _LIT8(KMaxLevel0Key,"\x08\xb9\x08\xbd\x08\xc9");
+ outbuf=KInputString1().GetCollationKeysL(0,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KMaxLevel0Key())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //Max Level 1 keys
+ _LIT8(KMaxLevel1Key,"\x08\xb9\x08\xbd\x08\xc9\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01");
+ outbuf=KInputString1().GetCollationKeysL(1,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KMaxLevel1Key())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //Max Level 2 keys
+ _LIT8(KMaxLevel2Key,"\x08\xb9\x08\xbd\x08\xc9\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x08\x08\x08");
+ outbuf=KInputString1().GetCollationKeysL(2,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KMaxLevel2Key())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //Max Level 3 keys
+ _LIT8(KMaxLevel3Key,"\x08\xb9\x08\xbd\x08\xc9\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x00\x08\x08\x08\x00\x00\x00\x78\x00\x00\x79\x00\x00\x7A");
+ outbuf=KInputString1().GetCollationKeysL(3,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KMaxLevel3Key())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ /**
+ Decomposition for 1F70
+ 1F70=03B1 0300
+ Collation keys for
+ \x03B1 =09360108-000003B1
+ \x0300 =00001609-00000300
+ y =08bd0108-00000079
+ */
+ _LIT(KInputString2,"\x1F70y");
+ //Max Level 2 keys
+ _LIT8(KCollationString22,"\x09\x36\x08\xBD\x00\x00\x01\x16\x01\x00\x08\x08\x08");
+ outbuf=KInputString2().GetCollationKeysL(2,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString22())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //Max Level 3 keys
+ _LIT8(KCollationString23,"\x09\x36\x08\xBD\x00\x00\x01\x16\x01\x00\x08\x08\x08\x00\x00\x03\xB1\x00\x03\x00\x00\x00\x79");
+ outbuf=KInputString2().GetCollationKeysL(3,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString23())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ /**
+ Decomposition for 1EAC
+ 1EAC= 1EA0 0302 = 0041 0323 0302
+ Collation keys for
+ \x0041 =06CF0121-00000041
+ \x0323 =FF800104-00000001,83230105-00000000(2 keys for one character)
+ \x0302 =00001D09-00000302
+ */
+ _LIT(KInputString3,"\x1EAC");
+ //Max Level 0 keys
+ _LIT8(KCollationString30,"\x06\xCF\xFF\x80\x83\x23");
+ //Max Level 1 keys
+ _LIT8(KCollationString31,"\x06\xCF\xFF\x80\x83\x23\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x1d");
+ outbuf=KInputString3().GetCollationKeysL(1,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString31())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //Max Level 3 keys
+ _LIT8(KCollationString33,"\x06\xCF\xFF\x80\x83\x23\x00\x00\x01\x01\x01\x1d\x00\x20\x04\x04\x08\x00\x00\x00\x41\x00\x00\x01\x00\x03\x02");
+ outbuf=KInputString3().GetCollationKeysL(3,&method);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString33())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //--------------Test using NULL collationMethod-----------------------
+ outbuf=KInputString3().GetCollationKeysL(3,NULL);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString33())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ //--------------Test using out of limit level-------------------------
+ outbuf=KInputString3().GetCollationKeysL(6,NULL);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString33())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ outbuf=KInputString3().GetCollationKeysL(-1,NULL);
+ test(outbuf->Compare(KCollationString30())==0);
+ delete outbuf;
+ }
+@SYMTestCaseDesc TDes16 Collation conversion function OOM test
+@SYMTestPriority High
+@SYMTestActions OOM Testing the three collation conversion function
+ in TDesC16::GetNormalizedDecomposedFormL,
+ TDesC16::GetFoldedDecomposedFormL,
+ TDesC16::GetCollationKeysL
+@SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail.
+@SYMREQ 6178 Add several new Unicode utility functions
+static void TestDes16CollationFunctionOOM()
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("TestDes16CollationFunctionOOM"));
+ TInt err, tryCount = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ // find out the number of open handles
+ TInt startProcessHandleCount;
+ TInt startThreadHandleCount;
+ RThread().HandleCount(startProcessHandleCount, startThreadHandleCount);
+ // Setting Heap failure for OOM test
+ __UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, ++tryCount);
+ TRAP(err,TestDes16CollationFunctionL() );
+ __UHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::ENone, 0);
+ // check that no handles have leaked
+ TInt endProcessHandleCount;
+ TInt endThreadHandleCount;
+ RThread().HandleCount(endProcessHandleCount, endThreadHandleCount);
+ test(startProcessHandleCount == endProcessHandleCount);
+ test(startThreadHandleCount == endThreadHandleCount);
+ } while(err == KErrNoMemory);
+ test(err == KErrNone);
+ test.Printf(_L("- TestDes16CollationFunctionOOM succeeded at heap failure rate of %i\n"), tryCount);
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// entry point
+ {
+ CTrapCleanup* trapCleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
+ test(trapCleanup != NULL);
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Match8"));
+ TInt ii;
+ for (ii=0;ii<KTests;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt r=TPtrC8(Tests8[ii].iLeft).Match(TPtrC8(Tests8[ii].iRight));
+ test (r==Tests8[ii].iResult);
+ r=TPtrC8(Tests8[ii].iLeft).MatchF(TPtrC8(Tests8[ii].iRight));
+ test (r==Tests8[ii].iResult);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Match16"));
+ for (ii=0;ii<KTests16;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt r=TPtrC16(Tests16[ii].iLeft).Match(TPtrC16(Tests16[ii].iRight));
+ test (r==Tests16[ii].iResult);
+ r=TPtrC16(Tests16[ii].iLeft).MatchF(TPtrC16(Tests16[ii].iRight));
+ test (r==Tests16[ii].iResult);
+ }
+ // check code points with upper case
+ test.Next( _L("Check characters with upper case") );
+ //039c: lower 03bc, folded 03bc
+ //00b5: upper 039c, folded 03bc
+ _LIT( K00b5, "\x00b5" );
+ _LIT( K039c, "\x039c" );
+ _LIT( K03bc, "\x03bc" );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K00b5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K039c() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K00b5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K00b5() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K00b5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K039c() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K00b5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K03bc() ) ) );
+ TBuf<20> buf00b5;
+ buf00b5.Copy( K00b5() );
+ buf00b5.UpperCase();
+ test( 0 == buf00b5.Find( K039c() ) );
+ test( 0 == buf00b5.MatchF( K039c() ) );
+ // check code points with both upper and lower cases
+ test.Next( _L("Check characters with upper and lower cases") );
+ // 01C5: upper 01C4, folded 01C6
+ _LIT( K01c5, "\x01c5" );
+ _LIT( K01c4, "\x01c4" );
+ _LIT( K01c6, "\x01c6" );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K01c5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K01c6() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K01c5() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K01c4() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K01c4() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K01c5() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( K01c4() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( K01c6() ) ) );
+ TBuf<20> buf01c5;
+ buf01c5.Copy( K01c5() );
+ buf01c5.UpperCase();
+ test( 0 == buf01c5.Find( K01c4() ) );
+ test( 0 == buf01c5.MatchF( K01c6() ) );
+ test.Next(_L("MatchSurrogate"));
+ for (ii=0;ii<KTestsSurrogate;++ii)
+ {
+ TInt r=TPtrC16(TestsSurrogate[ii].iLeft).MatchF(TPtrC16(TestsSurrogate[ii].iRight));
+ test (r==TestsSurrogate[ii].iResult);
+ }
+ _LIT( KD800, "\xd800" );
+ _LIT( KQuestion, "?" );
+ _LIT( KDC00, "\xdc00" );
+ _LIT( KDFFF, "\xdfff" );
+ test( KErrNotFound == TPtrC16( KD800() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( KQuestion() ) ) );
+ test( 0 == TPtrC16( KD800() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( KD800() ) ) );
+ test( KErrNotFound == TPtrC16( KDC00() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( KQuestion() ) ) );
+ test( KErrNotFound == TPtrC16( KDFFF() ).MatchF( TPtrC16( KQuestion() ) ) );
+ test.Next(_L("Iterator tests"));
+ ::TestUTF32Iterator();
+ ::TestFoldedDecompIterator();
+ ::TestFoldedSortedDecompIterator();
+ ::TestFoldedCanonicalIterator();
+ ::TestDecompositionIterator2();
+ ::TestCanonicalDecompositionIterator2();
+ ::TestCanonicalDecompositionIteratorCached();
+ test.Next(_L("Unit tests"));
+ TestDecompositionIterator();
+ TestCanonicalDecompositionIterator();
+ TestCollationValueIterator();
+ TestMatchIdentifiers();
+ TestFindIdentifier();
+ TRAPD(err, TestFoldingL());
+ test(err == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("INC057641"));
+ TRAP(err, INC057641L());
+ test(err == KErrNone);
+ TestMatchC();
+ TestMatchC2();
+ test.Next(_L("TestDes16CollationFunctionL"));
+ TRAP(err,TestDes16CollationFunctionL());
+ test(err==KErrNone);
+ ::TestDes16CollationFunctionOOM();
+ TestDisableCombiningCharacterCheck();
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ delete trapCleanup;
+ return 0;
+ }