--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/device/t_dtenot.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\device\t_dtenot.cpp
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <e32base_private.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32cons.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <d32comm.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+const TInt KUnit0=0;
+const TInt KUnit1=1;
+const TInt KUnit2=2;
+const TInt KUnit3=3;
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+#define PDD_NAME _L("ECDRV.PDD")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM.LDD")
+#define PDD_NAME _L("EUART")
+#define LDD_NAME _L("ECOMM")
+#define CHECK(r,v) {if ((r)!=(v)) {test.Printf(_L("Line %d Expected %08x Got %08x\n"),__LINE__,(v),(r)); test(0);}}
+// Our own comms object with synchronous writes
+class RComm : public RBusDevComm
+ {
+ TInt WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes);
+ TInt WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLength);
+ };
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_DTENOT"));
+RComm* theSerialPort;
+TCommCaps2 theCapsBuf;
+TCommCapsV02& theCaps=theCapsBuf();
+TInt RComm::WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes)
+// Syncronous write
+ {
+ return(WriteS(aDes,aDes.Length()));
+ }
+TInt RComm::WriteS(const TDesC8& aDes,TInt aLength)
+// Syncronous write
+ {
+ TRequestStatus s;
+ Write(s,aDes,aLength);
+ User::WaitForRequest(s);
+ return(s.Int());
+ }
+enum TSetClearOutSignal {ESetOutSignal,EClearOutSignal};
+enum TOutcomeExpected {EExpectNotify,EExpectTimeout};
+enum TSigChngNotifyType {ENotifyOnInSigOnly,ENotifyOnAnyChange};
+LOCAL_C void TestNotifySignalChange(TUint anOutSig,TSetClearOutSignal aSetClr,TUint anInSig,TOutcomeExpected anExpect,TSigChngNotifyType aType)
+// Change the state of the specified output signal and wait up to 2 seconds for
+// this to trigger a change notification.
+ {
+ RTimer tim;
+ tim.CreateLocal();
+ TRequestStatus notifStatus;
+ TRequestStatus timeStatus;
+ TUint signals=0;
+ if (aType==ENotifyOnAnyChange)
+ theSerialPort->NotifySignalChange(notifStatus,signals);
+ else
+ theSerialPort->NotifySignalChange(notifStatus,signals,anInSig);
+// CHECK(notifStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ const TUint KTimeOut=2000000;
+ tim.After(timeStatus,KTimeOut);
+ CHECK(timeStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ if (aSetClr==ESetOutSignal)
+ theSerialPort->SetSignals(anOutSig,0); // Set Out signal
+ else
+ theSerialPort->SetSignals(0,anOutSig); // Clear Out signal
+ User::WaitForRequest(notifStatus,timeStatus);
+ if (notifStatus!=KRequestPending)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("notifStatus=%08x\n"),notifStatus.Int());
+ tim.Cancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timeStatus);
+ if (anExpect==EExpectNotify)
+ {
+ // Got a notification as expected - but was it the correct notification?
+ TUint sigmask=(anInSig*KSignalChanged);
+ if (aSetClr==ESetOutSignal)
+ sigmask|=anInSig;
+ if (aType==ENotifyOnAnyChange)
+ {CHECK((signals&sigmask),sigmask);}
+ else
+ {CHECK(signals,sigmask);}
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Spurious notify %d %08x\n"),notifStatus.Int(),signals);
+ test(FALSE); // Unexpectedly got notification
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("timeStatus=%08x\n"),timeStatus.Int());
+ theSerialPort->NotifySignalChangeCancel();
+ User::WaitForRequest(notifStatus);
+ if (anExpect==EExpectNotify)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Timed Out!\n\r"));
+ test(FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ test(timeStatus==KErrNone); // Success
+ }
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test DTE serial driver change notification
+ {
+ test.SetLogged(EFalse); // Turn off serial port debugging!
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Check loopback connector"));
+ TBuf <0x100> cmd;
+ User::CommandLine(cmd);
+ TInt port=0;
+ if ((cmd.Length()>0) && (cmd[0]>='0' && cmd[0]<='9'))
+ port=(TInt)(cmd[0]-'0');
+ // Read machine name to determine handshake options required
+ TInt mid;
+ TInt r=HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid,mid);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TUint handshake=(KConfigFreeRTS|KConfigFreeDTR); // So we can control them ourselves
+ if (mid==HAL::EMachineUid_Brutus && port<3)
+ handshake=0; // Brutus can't support these option on ports 0-2
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\nThis test requires a loopback conector.\r\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("<<Hit a key to continue>>\r\n"));
+ test.Getch();
+ TInt muid=0;
+ test(HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid, muid)==KErrNone);
+ TBool isAssabet=(muid==HAL::EMachineUid_Assabet);
+ // Load Device Drivers
+ TBuf<10> pddName=PDD_NAME;
+ test.Next(_L("Load PDDs"));
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ const TInt KMaxPdds=0;
+ const TInt KMaxPdds=10;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=-1; i<KMaxPdds; ++i)
+ {
+ if (i==0)
+ pddName.Append(TChar('0'));
+ else if (i>0)
+ pddName[pddName.Length()-1]=TText('0'+i);
+ r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(pddName);
+ if (r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists)
+ test.Printf(_L("PDD %S loaded\n"),&pddName);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Load LDD"));
+ r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(LDD_NAME);
+ test.Printf(_L("Load LDD Return %d\n\r"),r);
+ test.Next(_L("Create RComm object"));
+ theSerialPort=new RComm;
+ test(theSerialPort!=NULL);
+ test.Next(_L("Open:"));
+ r=theSerialPort->Open(port);
+ test.Printf(_L("Open(%d)=%d\n\r"),port,r);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Get caps and configure port"));
+ theSerialPort->Caps(theCapsBuf);
+ CHECK(r,KErrNone);
+ test.Printf(_L("Signals(DTR-RTS-RI-DCD-DSR-CTS) %x\n\r"),theCaps.iSignals);
+ test.Printf(_L("Notifications %x\n\r"),theCaps.iNotificationCaps);
+ TCommConfig cBuf;
+ TCommConfigV01& c=cBuf();
+ theSerialPort->Config(cBuf);
+ c.iHandshake=handshake;
+ c.iDataBits=EData8;
+ c.iStopBits=EStop1;
+ c.iParity=EParityNone;
+ c.iRate=EBps9600;
+ r=theSerialPort->SetConfig(cBuf);
+ CHECK(r,KErrNone);
+ RTimer tim;
+ tim.CreateLocal();
+ TRequestStatus notifStatus;
+ TRequestStatus timeStatus;
+ test.Next(_L("Testing NotifySignalChange()"));
+ if (!(theCaps.iNotificationCaps & KNotifySignalsChangeSupported))
+ test.Printf(_L("WARNING - Signal change notification not supported on this platform\r\n"));
+ else
+ {
+ if ((theCaps.iSignals&(KCapsSignalCTSSupported|KCapsSignalRTSSupported))!=(KCapsSignalCTSSupported|KCapsSignalRTSSupported))
+ test.Printf(_L("WARNING - RTS/CTS not supported on this platform\r\n"));
+ else
+ {
+#ifndef __WINS__
+ TUint signals=0xffffffff;
+ theSerialPort->SetSignals(0,KSignalRTS); // Clear RTS
+ User::After(100000);
+ test.Next(_L("Initial notifier"));
+ theSerialPort->NotifySignalChange(notifStatus,signals);
+ User::WaitForRequest(notifStatus);
+ test(notifStatus==KErrNone); // goes off immediately the first time
+ test.Printf(_L("Signals %08x\n"),signals);
+ test((signals&(KSignalRTS|KSignalCTS))==0);
+ // Test with no signal mask set
+ isAssabet=0;
+ if (isAssabet)
+ {
+// test.Next(_L(" CTS(set) notify without mask set"));
+// TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+// (CF) Note: This test presents some problems: we specify notification on any signal but the test only
+// passes if the input signal specified (CTS) has changed. The test code makes a request for
+// notification on any signal (iSignalMask=0x3f) and THEN changes an output signal (RTS) that's
+// wired to the input signal specified (CTS). But changing an output signal launches the DFC
+// to complete the notification request reporting a change on the output signal NOT the input
+// signal. The only reason most platforms pass this test is because, on them, input signal changes
+// trigger interrupts: due to the loopback between output and input signals, when the output
+// signal changes so does the input signal and that triggers an interrupt which also launches
+// a DFC to complete the notification request reporting a change on the input signal.
+// The interrupt is serviced before the output signal notification DFC is scheduled and
+// the notification request is completed with the input signal change.
+// On Assabet Modem control signals are polled instead of generating interrupts (Intel's design
+// flaw) and therefore the output signal change will complete the notification (in error) before
+// the input signal change is notified.
+ test.Next(_L(" RTS(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalRTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" RTS(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,EClearOutSignal,KSignalRTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" CTS(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" CTS(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,EClearOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ // Test notification doesn't happen with signal mask set to some other signal
+ test.Next(_L(" No CTS(set) notify with mask set to other signal"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDSR,EExpectTimeout,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ // Test notification happens with mask set to this signal
+ test.Next(_L(" CTS(clear) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,EClearOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ test.Next(_L(" CTS(set) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalRTS,ESetOutSignal,KSignalCTS,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ }
+ if ((theCaps.iSignals&(KCapsSignalDSRSupported|KCapsSignalDTRSupported))!=(KCapsSignalDSRSupported|KCapsSignalDTRSupported))
+ test.Printf(_L("WARNING - DTR/DSR not supported on this platform\r\n"));
+ else
+ {
+ theSerialPort->SetSignals(0,KSignalDTR); // Clear DTR
+ User::After(100000);
+ // Test with no signal mask set
+ if (isAssabet)
+ {
+// (CF) See note above
+ test.Next(_L(" DTR(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDTR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" DTR(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDTR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" DSR(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDSR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" DSR(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDSR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ // Test notification happens with mask set to this signal
+ test.Next(_L(" DSR(set) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDSR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ test.Next(_L(" DSR(clear) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDSR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ }
+ if (mid==HAL::EMachineUid_Series5mx ||
+ (theCaps.iSignals&(KCapsSignalDCDSupported|KCapsSignalDTRSupported))!=(KCapsSignalDCDSupported|KCapsSignalDTRSupported))
+ test.Printf(_L("WARNING - DTR/DCD not supported on this platform\r\n"));
+ else
+ {
+ // Test with no signal mask set
+ if (isAssabet)
+ {
+// (CF) See note above
+ test.Next(_L(" DTR(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDTR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" DTR(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDTR,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Next(_L(" DCD(set) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDCD,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ test.Next(_L(" DCD(clear) notify without mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDCD,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnAnyChange);
+ }
+ // Test notification happens with mask set to this signal
+ test.Next(_L(" DCD(set) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,ESetOutSignal,KSignalDCD,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ test.Next(_L(" DCD(clear) notify with mask set"));
+ TestNotifySignalChange(KSignalDTR,EClearOutSignal,KSignalDCD,EExpectNotify,ENotifyOnInSigOnly);
+ }
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Testing NotifyReceiveDataAvailable()"));
+ if (!(theCaps.iNotificationCaps & KNotifyDataAvailableSupported))
+ test.Printf(_L("Data available notification not supported on this platform\r\n"));
+ else
+ {
+ TBuf8<0x10> buf1(0x10), buf2(0x10);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<0x10;i++) buf1[i]=(TUint8)i;
+ theSerialPort->ResetBuffers();
+ theSerialPort->NotifyReceiveDataAvailable(notifStatus);
+ CHECK(notifStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ const TUint KTimeOut=2000000;
+ tim.After(timeStatus,KTimeOut);
+ CHECK(timeStatus.Int(),KRequestPending);
+ theSerialPort->WriteS(buf1);
+ User::WaitForRequest(notifStatus,timeStatus);
+ if (notifStatus==KErrNone)
+ {
+ tim.Cancel();
+ CHECK(notifStatus.Int(),KErrNone);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Timed Out!\n\r"));
+ theSerialPort->NotifyReceiveDataAvailableCancel();
+ test(FALSE);
+ }
+ User::After(500000);
+ CHECK(theSerialPort->QueryReceiveBuffer(),0x10);
+ buf2.FillZ();
+ theSerialPort->Read(notifStatus,buf2,0x10);
+ User::WaitForRequest(notifStatus);
+ test(buf1.Compare(buf2)==0);
+ }
+ theSerialPort->Close();
+ test.Printf(_L("<<Hit a key to end>>\r\n"));
+ test.Getch();
+ test.End();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }