--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/device/t_firco.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\device\t_firco.cpp
+#include "t_fir.h"
+#if defined(__VC32__) && _MSC_VER==1100
+// Disable MSVC++ 5.0 aggressive warnings about non-expansion of inline functions.
+#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // function '...' not expanded
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ #include <es_sock.h>
+ RSocketServ ss;
+TBuf8<2060> WriteBuf;
+TBuf8<2060> ReadBuf;
+TInt iTimeDelay=1000000;
+TInt iBufSz=2000;
+CActiveConsole::CActiveConsole(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
+ : CActive(EPriorityNormal)
+ {
+ iConsole=aConsole;
+ iInit1 =EFalse;
+ iInit2 =EFalse;
+ iInit3 =EFalse;
+ }
+CActiveConsole* CActiveConsole::NewLC(CConsoleBase* aConsole)
+ {
+ CActiveConsole* self = new (ELeave) CActiveConsole(aConsole);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::ConstructL ()
+ {
+ TFirCaps aCapsBuf;
+ TFirCapsV01& aCaps=aCapsBuf();
+ TFirConfig aConfigBuf;
+ TFirConfigV01& aConfig=aConfigBuf();
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this); // Add to active scheduler
+ // Load Driver
+ TInt ret=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(_L("Difir"));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on loading Fir PDD\r\n"),ret);
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Successfully loaded Fir PDD\r\n"));
+ ret=User::LoadLogicalDevice(_L("Efir"));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on loading Fir LDD\r\n"),ret);
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Successfully loaded Fir LDD\r\n"));
+ SetUpBuffers();
+ ret=iPort.Open(0);
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on opening Fastir port\r\n"),ret);
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Successfully opened Fastir port\r\n"));
+ ret=iPort.Caps(aCapsBuf);
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on getting caps\r\n"),ret);
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Fir Caps: %d\r\n"),aCaps.iRate);
+/* ret=iPort.Config(aConfigBuf);
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d getting config\r\n"),ret);
+ else
+ {
+ if(aConfig.iRate==EBps4000000)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Fir config is 4Mbps\r\n"));
+ }
+ aConfig.iRate=EBps4000000;
+ ret=iPort.SetConfig(aConfigBuf);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on SetConfig\r\n"),ret);*/
+ iWriter=CActiveWriter::NewL(iConsole,&iPort);
+ if(iWriter)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Have created writer\r\n"));
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Failed to create writer\r\n"));
+ iReader=CActiveReader::NewL(iConsole,&iPort);
+ if(iReader)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Have created reader\r\n"));
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Failed to create reader\r\n"));
+ }
+ {
+ // Make sure we're cancelled
+ Cancel();
+ if(iWriter)
+ delete iWriter;
+ if(iReader)
+ delete iReader;
+ iPort.Close();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iConsole->ReadCancel();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::RunL()
+ {
+ ProcessKeyPressL(TChar(iConsole->KeyCode()));
+// iConsole->Printf(_L("CActiveConsole - Completed with code %d\r\n\r\n"), iStatus.Int ());
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::RequestCharacter()
+ {
+ if(!iInit1)
+ {
+ Options1();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!iInit2)
+ {
+ Options2();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!iInit3)
+ {
+ Options3();
+ return;
+ }
+ // A request is issued to the CConsoleBase to accept a
+ // character from the keyboard.
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("*********************************\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press Escape to quit\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '1'/'2' to start/stop reader\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '3'/'4' to start/stop writer\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '8' to show FIR regs\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '9' to show Dma reader regs\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '0' to show Dma writer regs\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press 'a' to show TxBuf info\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press 'b' to show RxBuf info\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press 'c' to show Chunk info\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press 'd' to show misc info\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Read(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::Options1()
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("*****Choose Delay*****\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '1' 576000 baud\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '2' 1152000 baud\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '3' 4000000 baud\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Read(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::Options2()
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("*****Choose Delay*****\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '1' 1.00 sec delay\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '2' 0.10 sec delay\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '3' 0.01 sec delay\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '4' 0.00 sec delay\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Read(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::Options3()
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("****Choose Buf Sz*****\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '1' 1 byte \r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '2' 4 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '3' 16 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '4' 64 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '5' 128 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '6' 2000 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("press '7' 2051 bytes\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Read(iStatus);
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::ProcessKeyPressL(TChar aChar)
+ {
+ if (aChar == EKeyEscape)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!iInit1)
+ {
+ switch(aChar)
+ {
+ case '1':
+ iBaudRate=EBps576000;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ iBaudRate=EBps1152000;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ iBaudRate=EBps4000000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iBaudRate=EBps4000000;
+ break;
+ }
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Baud rate: %d\r\n"),iBaudRate);
+ iInit1=ETrue;
+ TFirConfig aConfigBuf;
+ TFirConfigV01& aConfig=aConfigBuf();
+ aConfig.iRate=iBaudRate;
+ TInt ret=iPort.SetConfig(aConfigBuf);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on SetConfig\r\n"),ret);
+ RequestCharacter();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!iInit2)
+ {
+ switch(aChar)
+ {
+ case '1'://1 sec
+ iTimeDelay=1000000;
+ break;
+ case '2'://0.1 sec
+ iTimeDelay=100000;
+ break;
+ case '3'://0.01 sec
+ iTimeDelay=10000;
+ break;
+ case '4'://0 sec
+ iTimeDelay=0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iTimeDelay=1000000;
+ break;
+ }
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Time Delay: %d\r\n"),iTimeDelay);
+ iInit2=ETrue;
+ RequestCharacter();
+ return;
+ }
+ if(!iInit3)
+ {
+ switch(aChar)
+ {
+ case '1':
+ iBufSz=1;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ iBufSz=4;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ iBufSz=16;
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ iBufSz=64;
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ iBufSz=128;
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ iBufSz=2000;
+ break;
+ case '7':
+ iBufSz=2052;
+ break;
+ default:
+ iBufSz=2000;
+ break;
+ }
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Buffer size: %d\r\n"),iBufSz);
+ iInit3=ETrue;
+ RequestCharacter();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aChar)
+ {
+ case '1'://start reader
+ iReader->Start();
+ break;
+ case '2'://stop reader
+ iReader->Stop();
+ break;
+ case '3'://start writer
+ iWriter->Start();
+ break;
+ case '4'://stop writer
+ iWriter->Stop();
+ break;
+ case '8'://get fir regs
+ GetFirRegs();
+ break;
+ case '9'://get dma reader regs
+ GetDmaReaderRegs();
+ break;
+ case '0'://get dma writer regs
+ GetDmaWriterRegs();
+ break;
+ case 'a'://get TxBuf info
+ GetWriteBufInfo();
+ break;
+ case 'b'://get RxBuf info
+ GetReadBufInfo();
+ break;
+ case 'c'://get RxBuf info
+ GetChunkInfo();
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ GetMiscInfo();
+ break;
+ default:
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\nUnknown Command\r\n\r\n"));
+ break;
+ }
+ RequestCharacter ();
+ return;
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetFirRegs()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugFirRegs FirRegs;
+ r=iPort.GetFirRegs(FirRegs);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("RxFrameStatus : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.RxFrameStatus);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("RxBufferEmpty : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.RxBufferEmpty);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("RxError : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.RxError);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("RxOverrun : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.RxOverrun);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("CrcError : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.CrcError);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("TxFrameStatus : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.TxFrameStatus);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("TxBufferEmpty : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.TxBufferEmpty);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("TxBufferSz : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.TxBufferSz);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("TxOverrun : 0x%x\r\n"),FirRegs.TxOverrun);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetDmaReaderRegs()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugDmaChannelRegs DmaRxRegs;
+ r=iPort.GetDmaRxRegs(DmaRxRegs);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx Chan : %d\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaRxChannel);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaMode : %d "),DmaRxRegs.DmaMode);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaState : %d "),DmaRxRegs.DmaState);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaBuffer : %x\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaBuffer);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmGauge : %d\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaGauge);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaSrcAddr : %x "),DmaRxRegs.DmaSrcAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaSrcInc : %d\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaSrcInc);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaDestAddr: %x "),DmaRxRegs.DmaDestAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaDestInc : %d\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaDestInc);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx DmaCount : %d\n"),DmaRxRegs.DmaCount);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx MatchClear : %x\n"),DmaRxRegs.MatchClear);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx MatchSet : %x\n"),DmaRxRegs.MatchSet);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetDmaWriterRegs()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugDmaChannelRegs DmaTxRegs;
+ r=iPort.GetDmaTxRegs(DmaTxRegs);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx Chan : %d\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaTxChannel);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaMode : %d"),DmaTxRegs.DmaMode);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaState : %d"),DmaTxRegs.DmaState);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaBuffer : %x\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaBuffer);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmGauge : %d\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaGauge);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaSrcAddr : %x"),DmaTxRegs.DmaSrcAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaSrcInc : %d\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaSrcInc);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaDestAddr: %x"),DmaTxRegs.DmaDestAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaDestInc : %d\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaDestInc);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx DmaCount : %d\n"),DmaTxRegs.DmaCount);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx MatchClear : %x\n"),DmaTxRegs.MatchClear);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx MatchSet : %x\n"),DmaTxRegs.MatchSet);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetReadBufInfo()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugBufInfo RxBufInfo;
+ r=iPort.GetRxBufInfo(RxBufInfo);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx no frames: %d\r\n"),RxBufInfo.iNoFrames);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx insert pt: %d "),RxBufInfo.iInsertPt);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx remove pt: %d\r\n"),RxBufInfo.iRemovePt);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx head : %d "),RxBufInfo.iHead);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx tail : %d\r\n"),RxBufInfo.iTail);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx active : %x "),RxBufInfo.iActive);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Rx cancelled: %x\r\n"),RxBufInfo.iCancelled);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Client read pending: %d\r\n"),RxBufInfo.iClientPending);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetWriteBufInfo()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugBufInfo TxBufInfo;
+ r=iPort.GetTxBufInfo(TxBufInfo);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx no frames: %d\r\n"),TxBufInfo.iNoFrames);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx insert pt: %d "),TxBufInfo.iInsertPt);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx remove pt: %d\r\n"),TxBufInfo.iRemovePt);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx head : %d "),TxBufInfo.iHead);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx tail : %d\r\n"),TxBufInfo.iTail);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx active : %x "),TxBufInfo.iActive);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Tx cancelled: %x\r\n"),TxBufInfo.iCancelled);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Client write pending: %d\r\n"),TxBufInfo.iClientPending);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetChunkInfo()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugDmaChunkInfo DmaChunkInfo;
+ r=iPort.GetDmaChunkInfo(DmaChunkInfo);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Write Chunk Phys Addr: 0x%x\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iWriteChunkPhysAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Write Chunk Lin Addr: 0x%x\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iWriteChunkLinAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Read Chunk Phys Addr: 0x%x\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iReadChunkPhysAddr);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Read Chunk Lin Addr: 0x%x\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iReadChunkLinAddr);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("No pages in read chunk : %d\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iReaderNoPages);
+ //iConsole->Printf(_L("no pages in write chunk : %d\r\n"),DmaChunkInfo.iWriterNoPages);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::GetMiscInfo()
+ {
+/* TInt r=0;
+ TDebugInterruptInfo IntInfo;
+ r=iPort.GetInterruptsInfo(IntInfo);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoRxDmaInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoRxDmaInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoTxDmaInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoTxDmaInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoRxBusyInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoRxBusyInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoRxIdleInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoRxIdleInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoRxInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoRxInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoTxIdleInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoTxIdleInts);
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("NoTxInts : %d\r\n"),IntInfo.NoTxInts);*/
+ }
+void CActiveConsole::SetUpBuffers()
+ {
+ TInt i=0;
+ WriteBuf.SetLength(2060);
+ ReadBuf.SetLength(2060);
+ for(i=0;i<2050;i++)
+ {
+ //WriteBuf[i]='W';
+ ReadBuf[i] ='R';
+ }
+ TInt j=0;
+ while(j<2050-16)
+ {
+ WriteBuf[j ]='0';
+ WriteBuf[j+1]='1';
+ WriteBuf[j+2]='2';
+ WriteBuf[j+3]='3';
+ WriteBuf[j+4]='4';
+ WriteBuf[j+5]='5';
+ WriteBuf[j+6]='6';
+ WriteBuf[j+7]='7';
+ WriteBuf[j+8 ]='8';
+ WriteBuf[j+9 ]='9';
+ WriteBuf[j+10]='A';
+ WriteBuf[j+11]='B';
+ WriteBuf[j+12]='C';
+ WriteBuf[j+13]='D';
+ WriteBuf[j+14]='E';
+ WriteBuf[j+15]='F';
+ j=j+16;
+ }
+ WriteBuf.SetLength(2000);
+ }
+// class CActiveWriter
+CActiveWriter::CActiveWriter(CConsoleBase* aConsole,RDevFir* aPort)
+ : CActive (EPriorityNormal)
+ {
+ iConsole = aConsole;
+ iPort=aPort;
+ iLength=0;
+ }
+CActiveWriter* CActiveWriter::NewL(CConsoleBase* aConsole,RDevFir* aPort)
+ {
+ CActiveWriter* self = new (ELeave) CActiveWriter(aConsole,aPort);
+ CleanupStack::PushL (self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Add (self);
+ CleanupStack::Pop ();
+ return (self);
+ }
+void CActiveWriter::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveWriter::RunL ()
+ {
+ if (iStatus != KErrNone)
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d on write completion\r\n"),iStatus.Int());
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("W :%d "),WriteBuf.Length());
+ if(iTimeDelay)
+ User::After(iTimeDelay);
+ iLength=(iLength+1)%10;
+ WriteBuf.SetLength(iBufSz+iLength);
+ iPort->Write(iStatus, WriteBuf, WriteBuf.Length());
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveWriter::Start()
+ {
+ if(IsActive())
+ return;
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Starting writer.....\r\n"));
+ iPort->Write(iStatus, WriteBuf, WriteBuf.Length());
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveWriter::Stop()
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Stopping writer.....\r\n"));
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveWriter::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iPort->WriteCancel();
+ }
+// class CActiveReader
+CActiveReader::CActiveReader(CConsoleBase* aConsole,RDevFir* aPort)
+ : CActive (EPriorityNormal)//EPriorityMore)
+ {
+ iConsole=aConsole;
+ iPort =aPort;
+ }
+CActiveReader* CActiveReader::NewL(CConsoleBase* aConsole,RDevFir* aPort)
+ {
+ CActiveReader* self = new (ELeave) CActiveReader(aConsole,aPort);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CActiveScheduler::Add (self);
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return (self);
+ }
+void CActiveReader::ConstructL()
+ {
+ }
+CActiveReader::~CActiveReader ()
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveReader::Start()
+ {
+ if(IsActive())
+ return;
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Starting reader.....\r\n"));
+ ReadBuf.SetLength(2052);
+ iPort->Read(iStatus, ReadBuf, ReadBuf.Length());
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveReader::Stop()
+ {
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Stopping reader.....\r\n"));
+ Cancel();
+ }
+void CActiveReader::RunL ()
+ {
+ if (iStatus != KErrNone)
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Error %d\r\n"),iStatus.Int());
+ else
+ {
+ if(!CompareBuffers(ReadBuf.Length()))
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("Buffers dont compare!\r\n"));
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("R:%d\r\n"),ReadBuf.Length());
+/* TInt len=ReadBuf.Length();
+ for(TInt i=0;i<10;i++)
+ {
+ for (TInt j=0;j<16;j++)//print 16 bytes
+ {
+ if ((i*16)+j<len)
+ {
+ TInt v=ReadBuf[(i*16)+j];
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("%02x "),v);
+ }
+ else
+ iConsole->Printf(_L(" "));
+ }
+ iConsole->Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ }*/
+ }
+ ResetReadBuffer();
+ if(iTimeDelay)
+ User::After(iTimeDelay);
+ iPort->Read(iStatus, ReadBuf, ReadBuf.Length());
+ SetActive();
+ }
+void CActiveReader::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iPort->ReadCancel();
+ }
+void CActiveReader::ResetReadBuffer()
+ {
+ TInt i=0;
+ ReadBuf.SetLength(2060);
+ for(i=0;i<2052;i++)
+ ReadBuf[i] ='R';
+ }
+TBool CActiveReader::CompareBuffers(TInt aLen)
+ {
+ TInt i=0;
+ while(i<aLen)
+ {
+ if(ReadBuf[i]!=WriteBuf[i])
+ return EFalse;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+#pragma warning (default:4710)