--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/iic/t_iic.h Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\iic\t_iic.h
+#ifndef __T_IIC_H__
+#define __T_IIC_H__
+const TInt KIicClientMajorVersionNumber = 1;
+const TInt KIicClientMinorVersionNumber = 0;
+const TInt KIicClientBuildVersionNumber = KE32BuildVersionNumber;
+const TInt KPriorityTestNum = 6; // 1 blocking transaction + 5 test transactions
+// For IIC,
+// If bit 31 is set and bit 30 cleared it is used to extend the Master-Slave channel;
+// if bit 31 is cleared and bit 30 is set, it extends the Master channel;
+// if both bits 31 and 30 are cleared it extends the Slave channel interface.
+// However,
+// since the kernel-side proxy clients interpret the msb being set as indicative of an
+// asynchronous request, the values here will have the static extension pattern represented
+// in bits 30 and 29, instead. In addition, to support communication with the slave-side proxy,
+// the Slave extension value will be represented as bits 30 and 29 set, so that it can be distinguished
+// from 'normal' synchronous operations.
+const TUint KTestControlIoMask = 0x60000000;
+const TUint KTestMasterControlIo = 0x20000000;
+const TUint KTestSlaveControlIo = 0x60000000;
+const TUint KTestMasterSlaveControlIo = 0x40000000;
+const TUint KTestControlIoPilOffset = 0x00000002; // Corresponds to 1 higher than the number used by PIL
+const TUint KTestControlUnitTestOffset = 0x10000000;
+// Enumerations TReqType and TBusType defined in kernel-side class TIicBusTransfer
+// The user-side test, and the kernel-side proxy client require access to this
+enum TReqType
+ {
+ EMasterRead,
+ EMasterWrite
+ };
+enum TBusType
+ {
+ EI2c = 0,
+ ESpi = 0x01,
+ EMicrowire = 0x02,
+ ECci = 0x03,
+ ESccb = 0x04,
+ EInvalidBus
+ };
+#define MAX_TRANS_LENGTH 20
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// For convenience, selected kernel-side information is replicated here
+// to allow the user-side test to populate buffers accordingly
+// Bus-specific configuration
+enum TEndianness
+ {
+ EBigEndian,
+ ELittleEndian
+ };
+enum TBitOrder
+ {
+ ELsbFirst,
+ EMsbFirst
+ };
+// Bus-specific configuration for SPI bus
+enum TSpiWordWidth
+ {
+ ESpiWordWidth_8,
+ ESpiWordWidth_10,
+ ESpiWordWidth_12,
+ ESpiWordWidth_16
+ };
+enum TSpiClkMode
+ {
+ ESpiPolarityLowRisingEdge, // Active high, odd edges
+ ESpiPolarityLowFallingEdge, // Active high, even edges
+ ESpiPolarityHighFallingEdge, // Active low, odd edges
+ ESpiPolarityHighRisingEdge // Active low, even edges
+ };
+enum TSpiSsPinMode
+ {
+ ESpiCSPinActiveLow, // Active low
+ ESpiCSPinActiveHigh // Active high
+ };
+class TConfigSpiV01
+ {
+ TSpiWordWidth iWordWidth;
+ TInt32 iClkSpeedHz;
+ TSpiClkMode iClkMode;
+ TInt32 iTimeoutPeriod;
+ TEndianness iEndianness;
+ TBitOrder iBitOrder;
+ TUint iTransactionWaitCycles;
+ TSpiSsPinMode iSSPinActiveMode;
+ };
+typedef TPckgBuf <TConfigSpiV01> TConfigSpiBufV01;
+// Bus-specific configuration for I2C bus
+enum TI2cAddrType
+ {
+ EI2cAddr7Bit,
+ EI2cAddr10Bit
+ };
+class TConfigI2cV01
+ {
+ public:
+ TI2cAddrType iAddrType; // 7 or 10-bit addressing
+ TInt32 iClkSpeedHz;
+ TEndianness iEndianness;
+ TInt32 iTimeoutPeriod;
+ };
+typedef TPckgBuf <TConfigI2cV01> TConfigI2cBufV01;
+inline static TInt CreateSpiBuf(TConfigSpiBufV01*& aBuf,
+ TSpiWordWidth aWordWidth,
+ TInt32 aClkSpeedHz,
+ TSpiClkMode aClkMode,
+ TInt32 aTimeoutPeriod,
+ TEndianness aEndianness,
+ TBitOrder aBitOrder,
+ TUint aTransactionWaitCycles,
+ TSpiSsPinMode aSSPinActiveMode)
+// Utility function to create a buffer for the SPI bus
+ {
+ aBuf = new TConfigSpiBufV01();
+ if(aBuf==NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TConfigSpiV01 *buf = &((*aBuf)());
+ buf->iWordWidth = aWordWidth;
+ buf->iClkSpeedHz = aClkSpeedHz;
+ buf->iClkMode = aClkMode;
+ buf->iTimeoutPeriod = aTimeoutPeriod;
+ buf->iEndianness = aEndianness;
+ buf->iBitOrder = aBitOrder;
+ buf->iTransactionWaitCycles = aTransactionWaitCycles;
+ buf->iSSPinActiveMode = aSSPinActiveMode;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+inline static TInt CreateI2cBuf(TConfigI2cBufV01*& aBuf,
+ TI2cAddrType aAddrType,
+ TInt32 aClkSpeedHz,
+ TEndianness aEndianness,
+ TInt32 aTimeoutPeriod)
+// Utility function to create a buffer for the I2C bus
+ {
+ aBuf = new TConfigI2cBufV01();
+ if(aBuf==NULL)
+ return KErrNoMemory;
+ TConfigI2cV01 *buf = &((*aBuf)());
+ buf->iAddrType = aAddrType;
+ buf->iClkSpeedHz = aClkSpeedHz;
+ buf->iEndianness = aEndianness;
+ buf->iTimeoutPeriod = aTimeoutPeriod;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Enumerations for channel type and channel duplex defined in kernel-side class DIicBusChannel
+// duplicated for temporary test
+enum TChannelType
+ {
+ EMaster = 0,
+ ESlave = 0x01,
+ EMasterSlave = 0x02,
+ EInvalidType
+ };
+enum TChannelDuplex
+ {
+ EHalfDuplex = 0, // supports only half duplex transactions (even if bus spec supports full duplex)
+ EFullDuplex = 0x1, // supports full duplex transactions (queud transactions may still be half duplex)
+ EInvalidDuplex
+ };
+// Bus realisation configuration
+// 31 30 29 28 | 27 26 25 24 | 23 22 21 20 | 19 18 17 16 | 15 14 13 12 | 11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 0
+// 31:29 - HS Master address (I2C only)
+// 28 - HS address valid bit
+// 27:23 - Reserved
+// 22:20 - Bus type
+// 19:15 - Channel number
+// 14:10 - Transaction speed
+// 9:0 - Slave address
+#define HS_MASTER_ADDR_MASK 0x7
+#define HS_ADDR_VALID_MASK 0x1
+#define BUS_TYPE_SHIFT 20
+#define BUS_TYPE_MASK 0x7
+#define CHANNEL_NO_SHIFT 15
+#define CHANNEL_NO_MASK 0x1F
+#define TRANS_SPEED_MASK 0x1F
+#define SLAVE_ADDR_MASK 0x3FF
+// Macros to access fields within Bus Realisation Configuration data, used on a per-transaction basis with IIC
+#define SET_CONFIG_FIELD(aBusId,aField,aMask,aShift) aBusId=(aBusId&~(aMask<<aShift))|((aField&aMask)<<aShift);
+#define GET_CONFIG_FIELD(aBusId,aMask,aShift) (((aBusId)>>(aShift))&(aMask))
+static const TUint8 KTransactionWithPreamble = 0x80;
+static const TUint8 KTransactionWithMultiTransc = 0x40;
+enum TIicBusSlaveTrigger
+ {
+ ERxAllBytes = 0x01,
+ ERxUnderrun = 0x02,
+ ERxOverrun = 0x04,
+ ETxAllBytes = 0x08,
+ ETxUnderrun = 0x10,
+ ETxOverrun = 0x20,
+ EGeneralBusError = 0x40,
+ EAsyncCaptChan = 0x80
+ };
+#endif // #ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// User-Side abbreviation of kernel side classes TIicBusTransfer and TIicBusTransaction
+struct TUsideTferDesc
+ {
+ TInt8 iType; // as one of TReqType
+ TInt8 iBufGranularity; // width of a transfer word in bits
+ TDes8* iBuffer; // the data for this transfer (packed into 8-bit words with padding)
+ TUsideTferDesc* iNext;
+ };
+struct TUsideTracnDesc
+ {
+ TBusType iType;
+ TDes8* iHeader;
+ TUsideTferDesc* iHalfDuplexTrans;
+ TUsideTferDesc* iFullDuplexTrans;
+ TUint8 iFlags; // used to indicate if it supports a preamble
+ TAny* iPreambleArg; // used for preamble argument
+ TAny* iMultiTranscArg; // used for multi transc argument
+ };
+class RBusDevIicClient : public RBusLogicalChannel
+ {
+ public:
+ enum TControl
+ {
+// Master mode operations
+ EQTransSync=1, /**< Queue Transaction (Synchronous version) */
+// Slave mode operations
+ EInitSlaveClient, /**< Instigate Slave initialisation required to support testing */
+ ECaptureChanSync, /**< Capture Channel (Synchronous version) */
+ EReleaseChan, /**< ReleaseChannel */
+ ERegisterRxBuffer, /**< Register a buffer for receiving data */
+ ERegisterTxBuffer, /**< Register a buffer for transmitting data */
+ ESetNotifTrigger /**< Set the notification triggers */
+ };
+ enum TStaticExt
+ {
+ ECtlIoNone = 0,
+ ECtlIoDumpChan = 1, // KCtrlIoDumpChan - defined only for UDEB
+// ControlIO codes for Master follow
+ ECtlIoBlockReqCompletion=(KTestMasterControlIo+KTestControlIoPilOffset),
+ ECtlIoUnblockReqCompletion,
+ ECtlIoDeRegChan,
+ ECtlIoTracnOne,
+ ECtlIoPriorityTest,
+ EGetTestResult,
+ ECtlIoSetTimeOutFlag,
+ ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans,
+// ControlIO codes for Slave follow
+ ECtrlIoRxWords=(KTestSlaveControlIo+KTestControlIoPilOffset),
+ ECtrlIoTxWords,
+ ECtrlIoRxTxWords,
+ ECtrlIoTxChkBuf,
+ ECtlIoBusError,
+ ECtrlIoBlockNotification,
+ ECtrlIoUnblockNotification,
+ ECtrlIoUpdTimeout,
+ ECtrlIoNotifNoTrigger
+ };
+ enum TTestFullDuplexTrans
+ {
+ ETestValidFullDuplexTrans=1,
+ ETestInvalidFullDuplexTrans1,
+ ETestInvalidFullDuplexTrans2,
+ ETestLastNodeFullDuplexTrans,
+ ETestDiffNodeNoFullDuplexTrans,
+ ETestNone
+ };
+ enum TRequest
+ {
+// Master mode operations
+ EQTransAsync=1, /**< Queue Transaction (Asynchronous version) */
+ ECtrlIoTestBufReUse,
+// Slave mode operations
+ ECaptureChanAsync, /**< Capture Channel (Asynchronous version) */
+ ECtrlIoOvUndRunRxTx
+ };
+ enum TTestMessages
+ {
+ ETestIicChannelInlineFunc=KTestControlUnitTestOffset
+ };
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ public:
+ inline TInt TestIiicChannelInlineFunc(){return DoControl (ETestIicChannelInlineFunc, NULL, NULL);}
+ // Master mode functions
+ inline TInt Open(TDesC& aProxyName) {return (DoCreate(aProxyName,TVersion(KIicClientMajorVersionNumber,KIicClientMinorVersionNumber,KIicClientBuildVersionNumber),-1,NULL,NULL,EOwnerThread));}
+ inline TInt QueueTransaction(TInt aBusId, TUsideTracnDesc* aTransaction) {return(DoControl(EQTransSync,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aTransaction));}
+ inline void QueueTransaction(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TInt aBusId, TUsideTracnDesc* aTransaction) {DoRequest(EQTransAsync,aStatus,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aTransaction);}
+ inline void CancelAsyncOperation(TRequestStatus* aStatus, TInt aBusId) {TInt* parms[2]; parms[0]=(TInt*)aStatus; parms[1]=(TInt*)aBusId;DoCancel((TInt)&parms[0]);}
+ // Slave mode functions
+ inline TInt InitSlaveClient() {return(DoControl(EInitSlaveClient,NULL,NULL));}
+ inline TInt CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TInt& aChannelId) {TInt* parms[2]; parms[0]=(TInt*)aBusId; parms[1]=&aChannelId;return(DoControl(ECaptureChanSync,(TAny*)aConfigHdr,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));}
+ inline TInt CaptureChannel(TInt aBusId, TDes8* aConfigHdr, TInt& aChannelId, TRequestStatus& aStatus) {TInt* parms[2]; parms[0]=(TInt*)aBusId; parms[1]=&aChannelId;DoRequest(ECaptureChanAsync,aStatus,(TAny*)aConfigHdr,(TAny*)(&parms[0]));return KErrNone;}
+ inline TInt ReleaseChannel(TInt aChannelId){return(DoControl(EReleaseChan,(TAny*)aChannelId,NULL));};
+ inline TInt RegisterRxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset){TInt8 parms[3]; parms[0]=aBufGranularity; parms[1]=aNumWords; parms[2]=aOffset;return(DoControl(ERegisterRxBuffer,(TAny*)aChannelId,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ inline TInt RegisterTxBuffer(TInt aChannelId, TInt8 aBufGranularity, TInt8 aNumWords, TInt8 aOffset){TInt8 parms[3]; parms[0]=aBufGranularity; parms[1]=aNumWords; parms[2]=aOffset;return(DoControl(ERegisterTxBuffer,(TAny*)aChannelId,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ inline TInt SetNotificationTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger, TRequestStatus* aStatus){TInt parms[2]; parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aTrigger;return(DoControl(ESetNotifTrigger,(TAny*)aStatus,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ // ControlIO functions follow
+ inline TInt BlockReqCompletion(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoBlockReqCompletion,(TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt UnblockReqCompletion(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoUnblockReqCompletion,(TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt DeRegisterChan(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoDeRegChan,(TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt TestTracnOne(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTracnOne, (TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt SetTimeOutFlag(TInt aBusId){return(DoControl(ECtlIoSetTimeOutFlag,(TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt CancelTimeOutFlag(TInt aBusId){return(DoControl(ECtlIoNone,(TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt TestPriority(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoPriorityTest, (TAny*)aBusId));}
+ inline TInt TestValidFullDuplexTrans(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans, (TAny*)aBusId, (TAny*)ETestValidFullDuplexTrans));}
+ inline TInt TestInvalidFullDuplexTrans1(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans, (TAny*)aBusId, (TAny*)ETestInvalidFullDuplexTrans1));}
+ inline TInt TestInvalidFullDuplexTrans2(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans, (TAny*)aBusId, (TAny*)ETestInvalidFullDuplexTrans2));}
+ inline TInt TestLastNodeFullDuplexTrans(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans, (TAny*)aBusId, (TAny*)ETestLastNodeFullDuplexTrans));}
+ inline TInt TestDiffNodeNumFullDuplexTrans(TInt aBusId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoTestFullDuplexTrans, (TAny*)aBusId, (TAny*)ETestDiffNodeNoFullDuplexTrans));}
+ inline void TestBufferReUse(TInt aBusId, TRequestStatus& aStatus) {DoRequest(ECtrlIoTestBufReUse,aStatus,(TAny*)aBusId,NULL);}
+ inline TInt SimulateRxNWords(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId, TInt aNumWords){TInt parms[2]; parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumWords;return(DoControl(ECtrlIoRxWords,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ inline TInt SimulateTxNWords(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId, TInt aNumWords){TInt parms[2]; parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumWords;return(DoControl(ECtrlIoTxWords,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ inline TInt SimulateRxTxNWords(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId, TInt aNumRxWords, TInt aNumTxWords){TInt parms[3]; parms[0]=aChannelId; parms[1]=aNumRxWords; parms[2]=aNumTxWords;return(DoControl(ECtrlIoRxTxWords,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)(&parms[0])));};
+ inline TInt SimulateBusErr(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId) {return(DoControl(ECtlIoBusError,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aChannelId));}
+ inline TInt BlockNotification(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId) {return(DoControl(ECtrlIoBlockNotification,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aChannelId));}
+ inline TInt UnblockNotification(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId) {return(DoControl(ECtrlIoUnblockNotification,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aChannelId));}
+ inline TInt UpdateTimeoutValues(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId) {return(DoControl(ECtrlIoUpdTimeout,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aChannelId));}
+ inline TInt SetNotifNoTrigger(TInt aChannelId, TInt aTrigger){return(DoControl(ECtrlIoNotifNoTrigger,(TAny*)aChannelId,(TAny*)aTrigger));};
+ inline void TestOverrunUnderrun(TInt aBusId, TInt aChannelId, TRequestStatus& aStatus) {DoRequest(ECtrlIoOvUndRunRxTx,aStatus,(TAny*)aBusId,(TAny*)aChannelId);}
+ };
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+// Definition of function prototype for a callback function provided by the PSL
+// to be invoked when the part played by the hardware in processing a transfer
+// has completed.
+typedef void (*THwDoneCbFn)(TAny* );
+// Data used to support tests
+// Transaction One
+const TUint8 KTransOneTferOne[21] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20};
+const TUint8 KTransOneTferTwo[8] = {17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24};
+const TUint8 KTransOneTferThree[6] = {87,85,83,81,79,77};
+const TUint8 KPriorityTestHeader[6] = {0,1,2,3,4,10};
+const TInt KPriorityTestPrio[6] = {1,2,3,4,5,0};
+const TInt KRxBufSizeInBytes = 64;
+const TInt KTxBufSizeInBytes = 64;