--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/lffs/tf_write.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1185 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "randgen.h"
+#include "user_config.h"
+#include "tf_write.h"
+_LIT( KTestName, "TF_WRITE" );
+RTest test( KTestName );
+const TInt64 KRandomSeed1(MAKE_TINT64(0x3e000111,0xAFCBDF0F));
+GLDEF_C void Panic( TPanicNo aPanic )
+ {
+ User::Panic( KTestName, aPanic );
+ }
+// **********************************************************************
+// Implementation of the writer classes
+TWriteBase::TWriteBase( CWriteTest& aOwner )
+ : iOwner( aOwner )
+ {
+ }
+void TWriteBase::CheckedWrite(TInt aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
+ {
+ Write( aPos, aSrc );
+ test( iOwner.CompareAgainstFlash( aPos, aSrc ) );
+ }
+TSimpleWrite::TSimpleWrite( CWriteTest& aOwner )
+ : TWriteBase( aOwner ), iDrive( aOwner.Drive() )
+ {
+ }
+void TSimpleWrite::Write(TInt aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
+ {
+ TInt64 pos( aPos );
+// test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aSrc ) );
+ TInt rv = iDrive.Write( pos, aSrc );
+ if( KErrNone != rv )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("TBusLocalDrive::Write returned %d"), rv );
+ test( EFalse );
+ }
+ }
+TThreadWrite::TThreadWrite( CWriteTest& aOwner )
+ : TWriteBase( aOwner ), iDrive( aOwner.Drive() ),
+ iThreadHandle( aOwner.DummyThreadHandle() )
+ {
+ }
+void TThreadWrite::Write(TInt aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc)
+ {
+ TInt64 pos( aPos );
+#if 0
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aSrc.Length(), &aSrc, iThreadHandle, 0 ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aSrc.Length(), &aSrc, KLocalMessageHandle, 0 ) );
+ }
+void TThreadWrite::CheckedThreadWrite(TInt aPos, TInt aLength, const TDesC8& aSrc, TInt aDescOffset )
+ {
+ TInt64 pos( aPos );
+#if 0
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aLength, &aSrc, iThreadHandle, aDescOffset ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aLength, &aSrc, KLocalMessageHandle, aDescOffset ) );
+ test( iOwner.CompareAgainstFlash( aPos, aLength, aSrc, aDescOffset ) );
+ }
+void TThreadWrite::CurrentThreadCheckedThreadWrite(TInt aPos, TInt aLength, const TDesC8& aSrc, TInt aDescOffset )
+ {
+ TInt64 pos( aPos );
+#if 0
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aLength, &aSrc, RThread().Handle(), aDescOffset ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( pos, aLength, &aSrc, KLocalMessageHandle, aDescOffset ) );
+ test( iOwner.CompareAgainstFlash( aPos, aLength, aSrc, aDescOffset ) );
+ }
+// **********************************************************************
+// Implementation of CBlockManager
+CBlockManager::CBlockManager( TBusLocalDrive& aDrive, CWriteTest& aOwner )
+ : iDrive( aDrive ), iOwner( aOwner )
+ {
+ }
+ {
+ delete[] iEraseArray;
+ }
+void CBlockManager::CreateL()
+ {
+ //
+ // Get size of Flash drive
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Reading block info...") );
+ TLocalDriveCapsV2Buf info;
+ iDrive.Caps(info);
+ TUint flashSize = I64LOW(info().iSize);
+ test( 0 == I64HIGH(info().iSize));
+ iBlockSize = info().iEraseBlockSize;
+ test( 0 == (iBlockSize & 3) );
+ iBlockCount = flashSize / iBlockSize;
+ test( 0 != iBlockCount );
+ test.Printf( _L("Flash block size=0x%x; block count=%d\n"), iBlockSize, iBlockCount );
+ iEraseArray = new(ELeave) TEraseStatus[iBlockCount];
+ test.Printf( _L("Erase status array created") );
+ }
+void CBlockManager::EraseBlock( TInt aBlockNumber )
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aBlockNumber < iBlockCount, Panic( EPanicEraseBlockOOR ) );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aBlockNumber < iBlockCount, Panic( EPanicEraseBlockNeg ) );
+ _LIT( KEraseMsg, "Erasing block %d" );
+ test.Printf( KEraseMsg, aBlockNumber );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Format( BlockAddress( aBlockNumber ), iBlockSize ) );
+ VerifyErased( aBlockNumber );
+ iEraseArray[ aBlockNumber ] = EErased;
+ }
+void CBlockManager::EraseAllBlocks()
+ {
+ _LIT( KEraseMsg, "Erasing all blocks" );
+ test.Printf( KEraseMsg );
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < iBlockCount; i++ )
+ {
+ EraseBlock( i );
+ }
+ }
+void CBlockManager::VerifyErased( TInt aBlockNumber )
+ {
+ TUint offset = aBlockNumber * iBlockSize;
+ TBool failed = EFalse;
+ const TInt readBufLen = iReadBuffer.MaxLength();
+ for( TInt remaining = iBlockSize; remaining > 0 && !failed ;)
+ {
+ TInt r = iDrive.Read( offset, readBufLen, iReadBuffer );
+ if( r != KErrNone )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: read failed (%d) at offset 0x%x\n"), r, offset );
+ test( KErrNone == r );
+ }
+ test( iReadBuffer.Length() == readBufLen );
+ const TUint32* p = (const TUint32*)iReadBuffer.Ptr();
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < readBufLen; i += 4 )
+ {
+ if( 0xFFFFFFFF != *p )
+ {
+ failed = ETrue;
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAILED: byte @ offs=0x%x, read=0x%x, expected=0xFF\n"),
+ offset+i, p[0] );
+ test(EFalse);
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ offset += readBufLen;
+ remaining -= readBufLen;
+ }
+ }
+void CBlockManager::InitialiseSequentialBlockAllocator()
+ //
+ // Clears the erase status and resets to block zero
+ //
+ {
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < iBlockCount; i++ )
+ {
+ iEraseArray[i] = ENotErased;
+ }
+ iNextBlock = 0;
+ }
+TInt CBlockManager::NextErasedBlock()
+ {
+ if( iNextBlock >= iBlockCount )
+ {
+ iNextBlock = 0;
+ }
+ if( ENotErased == iEraseArray[iNextBlock] )
+ {
+ EraseBlock( iNextBlock );
+ }
+ iEraseArray[iNextBlock] = ENotErased; // assume it is going to be used
+ return iNextBlock;
+ }
+void CBlockManager::InitialiseDataChunkAllocator()
+ {
+ iDataBlock = NextErasedBlock();
+ iDataOffset = 0;
+ }
+TUint CBlockManager::NextErasedDataChunk( TInt aRequiredLength, TInt aMultiple )
+ //
+ // Request a chunk of erased flash of size aRequiredLength bytes on a
+ // boundary of aMultiple bytes. E,g, to allocate a buffer on 12 bytes length
+ // on a 32-byte boundary, aRequiredLength = 12, aMultiple=12
+ //
+ // The byte count is rounded up to a multiple of 4 bytes
+ //
+ {
+ aRequiredLength = (aRequiredLength + 3) & ~0x3;
+ TUint chunkBase = ((iDataOffset + aMultiple - 1) / aMultiple) * aMultiple;
+ if( chunkBase > (TUint)iBlockSize || chunkBase + aRequiredLength > (TUint)iBlockSize )
+ {
+ iDataBlock = NextErasedBlock();
+ chunkBase = 0;
+ }
+ iDataOffset = ( chunkBase + aRequiredLength + 3) & ~0x3;
+ return BlockAddress( iDataBlock ) + chunkBase;
+ }
+inline TInt CBlockManager::BlockCount() const
+ {
+ return iBlockCount;
+ }
+inline TInt CBlockManager::BlockSize() const
+ {
+ return iBlockSize;
+ }
+inline TInt CBlockManager::FlashSize() const
+ {
+ return iBlockSize * iBlockCount;
+ }
+inline TUint CBlockManager::BlockAddress( TInt aBlockNumber ) const
+ {
+ return (TUint)aBlockNumber * (TUint)iBlockSize;
+ }
+// **********************************************************************
+// Implementation of CWriteTest
+ {
+ if( iDriveOpened )
+ {
+ iDrive.Disconnect();
+ }
+ delete iBlocks;
+ delete iSimpleWriter;
+ delete iThreadWriter;
+ }
+void CWriteTest::CreateL()
+ {
+ //
+ // Load the device drivers
+ //
+ TInt r;
+#ifndef SKIP_PDD_LOAD
+ test.Printf( _L("Loading %S\n"), &KLfsDriverName );
+ r = User::LoadPhysicalDevice( KLfsDriverName );
+ test( KErrNone == r || KErrAlreadyExists == r );
+ RFs fs;
+ test( KErrNone == fs.Connect() );
+#if 0
+ // XXX - not EKA2
+ test( KErrNone == fs.SetDefaultPath( _L("Z:\\") ) );
+ TFullName name;
+ fs.FileSystemName( name, KLffsLogicalDriveNumber );
+ if( name.Length() > 0 )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("Unmounting drive") );
+ test( KErrNone == fs.DismountFileSystem( _L("Lffs"), KLffsLogicalDriveNumber) );
+ User::After( 2000000 );
+ test.Printf( _L("Drive unmounted") );
+ }
+ fs.Close();
+ //
+ // Open a TBusLogicalDevice to it
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Opening media channel\n") );
+ TBool changedFlag = EFalse;
+ r = iDrive.Connect( KDriveNumber, changedFlag );
+ User::LeaveIfError( r );
+ iDriveOpened = ETrue;
+ //
+ // Initialise the block manager
+ //
+ iBlocks = new(ELeave) CBlockManager( iDrive, *this );
+ iBlocks->CreateL();
+ //
+ // Create a dummy thread that we can use to force
+ // other-thread write operations
+ //
+#if 0
+ test( KErrNone == iDummyThread.Create( _L("DUMMY"), DummyThread, 256, KMinHeapSize, KMinHeapSize, NULL ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDummyThread.Create( _L("DUMMY"), DummyThread, KDefaultStackSize, KMinHeapSize, KMinHeapSize, NULL ) );
+ test.Printf( _L("Main thread handle=%d; dummy thread handle=%d"),
+ RThread().Handle(), DummyThreadHandle() );
+ //
+ // Create the writer classes
+ //
+ iSimpleWriter = new(ELeave) TSimpleWrite( *this );
+ iThreadWriter = new(ELeave) TThreadWrite( *this );
+ //
+ // Seed the pseudo-random number generator
+ //
+ iRandom.SetSeed( KRandomSeed1 );
+ test.Printf( _L("CWriteTest::CreateL complete\n") );
+ }
+TInt CWriteTest::DummyThread( TAny* /* aParam */ )
+ //
+ // Thread does nothing at all
+ //
+ {
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ User::WaitForAnyRequest(); // just block
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::CreateRandomData( TDes8& aDestBuf, TInt aLength )
+ //
+ // Fills supplied descriptor with aLength bytes of pseudo-random test data
+ //
+ {
+ aDestBuf.SetLength( aLength );
+ TUint32* p = (TUint32*)aDestBuf.Ptr();
+ for( TInt j = aLength/4; j > 0 ; j-- )
+ {
+ *p++ = iRandom.Next();
+ }
+ if( aLength & 0x3 )
+ {
+ TUint8* q = (TUint8*)p;
+ for( TInt k = aLength & 3; k > 0; k-- )
+ {
+ *q++ = (TUint8)iRandom.Next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TBool CWriteTest::CheckOnes( TUint aFlashOffset, TInt aLength )
+ //
+ // Checks that aLength bytes of data from offset aFlashOffset
+ // all contain 0xFF
+ //
+ {
+ TUint offset = aFlashOffset;
+ TBool failed = EFalse;
+ const TInt readBufLen = iReadBuffer.MaxLength();
+ for( TInt remaining = aLength; remaining > 0 && !failed ;)
+ {
+ TInt readLen = Min( remaining, readBufLen );
+ TInt r = iDrive.Read( offset, readLen, iReadBuffer );
+ if( r != KErrNone )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: read failed (%d) at offset 0x%x\n"), r, offset );
+ test( KErrNone == r );
+ }
+ test( iReadBuffer.Length() == readLen );
+ const TUint8* p = iReadBuffer.Ptr();
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < readLen; ++i )
+ {
+ if( 0xFF != *p )
+ {
+ failed = ETrue;
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAILED: byte @ offs=0x%x, read=0x%x, expected=0xFF\n"),
+ offset+i, p[0] );
+ break;
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ offset += readLen;
+ remaining -= readLen;
+ }
+ return !failed;
+ }
+TBool CWriteTest::CompareAgainstFlash( TInt aFlashOffset, TInt aLength, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aDescOffset )
+ //
+ // Checks that the data in aDes matches that in the Flash at position
+ // aFlashOffset.
+ // The test starts at offset aDescOffset in aSampleData. aLength bytes
+ // are tested.
+ //
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aDescOffset + aLength <= aDes.Length(), Panic( EPanicCompareDescOverflow ) );
+ TInt dataLength = aLength;
+ const TUint8* srcPtr = aDes.Ptr() + aDescOffset;
+ TUint offset = aFlashOffset;
+ TBool failed = EFalse;
+ const TInt readBufLen = iReadBuffer.MaxLength();
+ while( (dataLength > 0) && !failed )
+ {
+ TInt len = Min( dataLength, readBufLen );
+ TInt r = iDrive.Read( offset, len, iReadBuffer );
+ if( r != KErrNone )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: read failed (%d) at offset 0x%x\n"), r, offset );
+ test( KErrNone == r );
+ }
+ test( iReadBuffer.Length() == len );
+ if( 0 != Mem::Compare( srcPtr, len, iReadBuffer.Ptr(), len ) )
+ {
+ test.Printf( _L("... FAIL: mismatch around offset 0x%x\n"), offset );
+ failed = ETrue;
+ }
+ offset += len;
+ dataLength -= len;
+ srcPtr += len;
+ }
+ return !failed;
+ }
+TBool CWriteTest::CompareAgainstFlash( TInt aFlashOffset, const TDesC8& aDes )
+ //
+ // Checks that the data in aDes matches that in the Flash at position
+ // aFlashOffset.
+ // aDes->Length() bytes are tested.
+ //
+ {
+ return CompareAgainstFlash( aFlashOffset, aDes.Length(), aDes, 0 );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::SimpleWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Simple write test, simple write function") );
+ DoSimpleWriteTest( *iSimpleWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::SimpleThreadWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Simple write test, thread write function") );
+ DoSimpleWriteTest( *iThreadWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::DoSimpleWriteTest( MGeneralizedWrite& aWriter )
+ //
+ // Writes some random test data to the start of a block, checks that
+ // it is written correctly and that the source data isn't modified
+ //
+ {
+ TInt blockNo = iBlocks->NextErasedBlock();
+ TUint blockBase = iBlocks->BlockAddress( blockNo );
+ TBuf8<512> randomData;
+ CreateRandomData( randomData, randomData.MaxLength() );
+ TBuf8<512> randomDataDuplicate;
+ randomDataDuplicate.Copy( randomData );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ TBuf8<sizeof(TPtr)> ptrCopy; // used to take copies of descriptors
+ //
+ // Write using a constant descriptor TPtrC
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Write using TPtrC") );
+ TPtrC8 ptrC( randomData );
+ ptrCopy.Copy( (TUint8*)&ptrC, sizeof(ptrC) );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( blockBase + 0, ptrC );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check descriptor not modified by write function") );
+ test( 0 == Mem::Compare( (TUint8*)&ptrC, sizeof(ptrC), ptrCopy.Ptr(), sizeof(ptrC) ) );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check data not modified by write function") );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ //
+ // Write using a modifiable descriptor TPtr
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Write using TPtr") );
+ TPtr8 ptr( (TUint8*)randomData.Ptr(), randomData.Length(), randomData.Length() );
+ ptrCopy.Copy( (TUint8*)&ptr, sizeof(ptr) );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( blockBase + 1024, ptr );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check descriptor not modified by write function") );
+ test( 0 == Mem::Compare( (TUint8*)&ptr, sizeof(ptr), ptrCopy.Ptr(), sizeof(ptr) ) );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check data not modified by write function") );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ //
+ // Write using a modifiable descriptor TBuf
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Write using TBuf") );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( blockBase + 2048, randomData );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check descriptor not modified by write function") );
+ test( ptrC.Ptr() == randomData.Ptr() );
+ test( 512 == randomData.Length() );
+ test( 512 == randomData.MaxLength() );
+ test.Printf( _L("Check data not modified by write function") );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ //
+ // Read the data back and check it matches
+ //
+ test.Printf( _L("Reading data back with TBusLocalDrive::Read") );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Read( blockBase + 0, 512, randomDataDuplicate ) );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Read( blockBase + 1024, 512, randomDataDuplicate ) );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Read( blockBase + 2048, 512, randomDataDuplicate ) );
+ test( randomDataDuplicate == randomData );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::AlignedWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Aligned write test, simple write function") );
+ DoAlignedWriteTest( *iSimpleWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::AlignedThreadWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Aligned write test, thread write function") );
+ DoAlignedWriteTest( *iThreadWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::DoAlignedWriteTest( MGeneralizedWrite& aWriter )
+ //
+ // Writes data of various lengths to word-aligned addresses
+ //
+ {
+ iBlocks->InitialiseDataChunkAllocator();
+ TBuf8<512> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing %d bytes @0x%x" );
+ test.Printf( _L("Testing small writes") );
+ for( TInt length = 1; length < 16; length++ )
+ {
+ CreateRandomData( data, length );
+ // get a 32-byte data chunk on a word boundary
+ TUint offset = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 32, 4 );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, length, offset );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( offset, data );
+ // check that the section after the data still contains all ones
+ test( CheckOnes( offset + length, 32 - length ) );
+ }
+ test.Printf( _L("Testing large writes") );
+ for( TInt length = 512-32; length <= 512 ; length++ )
+ {
+ CreateRandomData( data, length );
+ // get a 544-byte data chunk on a word boundary
+ TUint offset = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 544, 4 );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, length, offset );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( offset, data );
+ // check that the section after the data still contains all ones
+ test( CheckOnes( offset + length, 544 - length ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::UnalignedWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Unaligned write test, simple write function") );
+ DoUnalignedWriteTest( *iSimpleWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::UnalignedThreadWriteTest()
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Unaligned write test, thread write function") );
+ DoUnalignedWriteTest( *iThreadWriter );
+ }
+void CWriteTest::DoUnalignedWriteTest( MGeneralizedWrite& aWriter )
+ //
+ // Tests writing to unaligned addresses. "Unaligned" here means
+ // addresses that are not on a word boundary.
+ //
+ {
+ TBuf8<32> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing 32 bytes @0x%x" );
+ for( TInt offset = 1; offset < 32; offset++ )
+ {
+ CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ //
+ // get a 64-byte data chunk on a 256-byte boundary, then
+ // start the write at <offset> bytes into this buffer
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 64, 256 );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, dataChunk + offset );
+ aWriter.CheckedWrite( dataChunk + offset, data );
+ _LIT( KBeforeMsg, " checking unused portion before data" );
+ test.Printf( KBeforeMsg );
+ test( CheckOnes( dataChunk, offset ) );
+ // check that the section after the data still contains all ones
+ _LIT( KAfterMsg, " checking unused portion after data" );
+ test.Printf( KAfterMsg );
+ test( CheckOnes( dataChunk + offset + data.Length(), 64 - offset - data.Length() ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::OffsetDescriptorAlignedWriteTest()
+ //
+ // Tests writing using an offset into the source data buffer. Writes
+ // are done to word-aligned destination addresses.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Offset-desc write test, aligned dest address") );
+ TBuf8<64> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing 32 bytes from offset %d to @0x%x" );
+// CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ data.SetLength(64);
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
+ {
+ data[i] = i;
+ }
+ for( TInt descOffset = 1; descOffset < 32; descOffset++ )
+ {
+ //
+ // Get a 32-byte data chunk on a word boundary.
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 32, 4 );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, descOffset, dataChunk );
+ iThreadWriter->CheckedThreadWrite( dataChunk, 32, data, descOffset );
+ //
+ // Read the data back out and check it matches
+ //
+ _LIT( KReadBackMsg, "Reading back data" );
+ test.Printf( KReadBackMsg );
+ TBuf8<32> readData;
+ iDrive.Read( dataChunk, 32, readData );
+ TPtrC8 ptr( data.Ptr() + descOffset, 32 );
+ test( ptr == readData );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::OffsetDescriptorUnalignedWriteTest()
+ //
+ // This is a variation of OffsetDescriptorAlignedWriteTest that
+ // also writes to non-word-aligned destionation addresses.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Offset-desc write test, unaligned dest address") );
+ TBuf8<64> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing 32 bytes from offset %d to @0x%x" );
+ CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ for( TInt descOffset = 1; descOffset < 32; descOffset++ )
+ {
+ for( TInt unalign = 1; unalign < 4; unalign++ )
+ {
+ //
+ // Get a 40-byte data chunk on a word boundary.
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 40, 4 );
+ TUint destOffset = dataChunk + unalign;
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, descOffset, destOffset );
+ iThreadWriter->CheckedThreadWrite( destOffset, 32, data, descOffset );
+ //
+ // Read the data back out and check it matches
+ //
+ _LIT( KReadBackMsg, "Reading back data" );
+ test.Printf( KReadBackMsg );
+ TBuf8<32> readData;
+ iDrive.Read( destOffset, 32, readData );
+ TPtrC8 ptr( data.Ptr() + descOffset, 32 );
+ test( ptr == readData );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::OffsetDescriptorCurrentThreadAlignedWriteTest()
+ //
+ // Tests writing using an offset into the source data buffer. Writes
+ // are done to word-aligned destination addresses. This uses the
+ // thread variant of the write function but passes the handle
+ // of this thread.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Offset-desc write test, current thread, aligned dest address") );
+ TBuf8<64> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing 32 bytes from offset %d to @0x%x" );
+// CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ data.SetLength(64);
+ for( TInt i = 0; i < 64; i++ )
+ {
+ data[i] = i;
+ }
+ for( TInt descOffset = 1; descOffset < 32; descOffset++ )
+ {
+ //
+ // Get a 32-byte data chunk on a word boundary.
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 32, 4 );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, descOffset, dataChunk );
+ iThreadWriter->CurrentThreadCheckedThreadWrite( dataChunk, 32, data, descOffset );
+ //
+ // Read the data back out and check it matches
+ //
+ _LIT( KReadBackMsg, "Reading back data" );
+ test.Printf( KReadBackMsg );
+ TBuf8<32> readData;
+ iDrive.Read( dataChunk, 32, readData );
+ TPtrC8 ptr( data.Ptr() + descOffset, 32 );
+ test( ptr == readData );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::OffsetDescriptorCurrentThreadUnalignedWriteTest()
+ //
+ // This is a variation of OffsetDescriptorCurrentThreadAlignedWriteTest
+ // that also writes to non-word-aligned destionation addresses.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Offset-desc write test, current thread, unaligned dest address") );
+ TBuf8<64> data;
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing 32 bytes from offset %d to @0x%x" );
+ CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ for( TInt descOffset = 1; descOffset < 32; descOffset++ )
+ {
+ for( TInt unalign = 1; unalign < 4; unalign++ )
+ {
+ //
+ // Get a 40-byte data chunk on a word boundary.
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 40, 4 );
+ TUint destOffset = dataChunk + unalign;
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, descOffset, destOffset );
+ iThreadWriter->CurrentThreadCheckedThreadWrite( destOffset, 32, data, descOffset );
+ //
+ // Read the data back out and check it matches
+ //
+ _LIT( KReadBackMsg, "Reading back data" );
+ test.Printf( KReadBackMsg );
+ TBuf8<32> readData;
+ iDrive.Read( destOffset, 32, readData );
+ TPtrC8 ptr( data.Ptr() + descOffset, 32 );
+ test( ptr == readData );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::JoinedWriteTest()
+ //
+ // Makes two consecutive writes. Checks that the complete
+ // data block was written correctly. The data is written within
+ // a 64-byte window and the join position is moved along to each
+ // possible location
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Joined write test, simple writes") );
+ //
+ // Reinitialise the chunk allocator
+ //
+ iBlocks->InitialiseDataChunkAllocator();
+ for( TInt join = 1; join < 63; join++ )
+ {
+ TBuf8<64> fullData;
+ CreateRandomData( fullData, fullData.MaxLength() );
+ //
+ // Create two TPtrC8s to the two parts of the data
+ //
+ TPtrC8 first( fullData.Ptr(), join );
+ TPtrC8 second( fullData.Ptr() + join, fullData.MaxLength() - join );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS( first.Length() + second.Length() == 64, Panic( EPanicJoinMaths ) );
+ //
+ // Get a location in the Flash to write to
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 64, 64 );
+ //
+ // Write the two halves of the data
+ //
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing %d bytes @ 0x%x and %d bytes @ 0x%x" );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, first.Length(), dataChunk,
+ second.Length(), dataChunk + first.Length() );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk, first ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk + first.Length(), second ) );
+ //
+ // Compare the data
+ //
+ _LIT( KCompareMsg, " comparing data against Flash" );
+ test.Printf( KCompareMsg );
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( dataChunk, fullData ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::JoinedThreadWriteTest()
+ //
+ // Makes two consecutive writes. Checks that the complete
+ // data block was written correctly. The data is written within
+ // a 64-byte window and the join position is moved along to each
+ // possible location
+ //
+ // This is similar to JoinedWriteTest except that the thread write
+ // function is used with a descriptor offset to chop up the
+ // source data
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Joined write test, thread writes") );
+ //
+ // Reinitialise the chunk allocator
+ //
+ iBlocks->InitialiseDataChunkAllocator();
+ for( TInt join = 1; join < 63; join++ )
+ {
+ TBuf8<64> fullData;
+ CreateRandomData( fullData, fullData.MaxLength() );
+ //
+ // Get a location in the Flash to write to
+ //
+ TUint dataChunk = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 64, 64 );
+ //
+ // Write the two halves of the data
+ //
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, " writing %d bytes @ 0x%x and %d bytes @ 0x%x" );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, join, dataChunk, 64 - join, dataChunk + join );
+#if 0
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk, join, &fullData, DummyThreadHandle(), 0 ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk + join, 64-join, &fullData, DummyThreadHandle(), join ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk, join, &fullData, KLocalMessageHandle, 0 ) );
+ test( KErrNone == iDrive.Write( dataChunk + join, 64-join, &fullData, KLocalMessageHandle, join ) );
+ //
+ // Compare the data
+ //
+ _LIT( KCompareMsg, " comparing data against Flash" );
+ test.Printf( KCompareMsg );
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( dataChunk, fullData ) );
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::SingleBitOverwriteTest()
+ //
+ // Tests overwriting single bits within a byte. a 32-byte
+ // section of Flash is filled with data, with one byte initially
+ // 0xFF. A bit is then written to zero and the whole data block
+ // is verified.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Single bit overwrite test") );
+ iBlocks->InitialiseDataChunkAllocator();
+ for( TInt testByteOffset = 0; testByteOffset < 32; testByteOffset++ )
+ {
+ for( TInt testBitNumber = 0; testBitNumber < 8; testBitNumber++ )
+ {
+ TBuf8<32> data;
+ CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ data[ testByteOffset ] = 0xFF; // force test byte to 0xFF
+ TUint flashOffset = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 32, 32 );
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, "writing test data @0x%x, test byte offset=%d; test bit #%d");
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, flashOffset, testByteOffset, testBitNumber );
+ iSimpleWriter->CheckedWrite( flashOffset, data );
+ // clear the test bit
+ TBuf8<1> byte;
+ byte.SetLength(1);
+ byte[0] = ~(1 << testBitNumber);
+ data[ testByteOffset ] = byte[0];
+ iSimpleWriter->CheckedWrite( flashOffset + testByteOffset, byte );
+ // check that the contents of the Flash matches the buffer
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( flashOffset, data ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::TwoBitOverwriteTest()
+ //
+ // Tests overwriting two bits within a byte. a 32-byte
+ // section of Flash is filled with data, with one byte initially
+ // 0xFF. Two bits are then written to zero and the whole data block
+ // is verified.
+ //
+ {
+ static const TUint pattConv[16] =
+ {
+ // used to create a string representation of binary value
+ 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0010, 0x0011, 0x0100, 0x0101, 0x0110, 0x0111,
+ 0x1000, 0x1001, 0x1010, 0x1011, 0x1100, 0x1101, 0x1110, 0x1111
+ };
+ test.Next( _L("Two bit overwrite test") );
+ for( TInt testByteOffset = 0; testByteOffset < 32; testByteOffset++ )
+ {
+ for( TInt testBitJ = 0; testBitJ < 7; testBitJ++ )
+ {
+ for( TInt testBitK = testBitJ+1; testBitK < 8; testBitK++ )
+ {
+ TBuf8<32> data;
+ CreateRandomData( data, data.MaxLength() );
+ data[ testByteOffset ] = 0xFF; // force test byte to 0xFF
+ TUint flashOffset = iBlocks->NextErasedDataChunk( 32, 32 );
+ TUint8 testPattern = ~((1 << testBitJ) | (1 << testBitK));
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, "writing test data @0x%x, test byte offset=%d; test pattern = %04x%04x");
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, flashOffset, testByteOffset,
+ pattConv[ testPattern >> 4 ], pattConv[ testPattern&0xF ] );
+ iSimpleWriter->CheckedWrite( flashOffset, data );
+ TBuf8<1> byte;
+ byte.SetLength(1);
+ byte[0] = testPattern;
+ data[ testByteOffset ] = testPattern;
+ iSimpleWriter->CheckedWrite( flashOffset + testByteOffset, byte );
+ // check that the contents of the Flash matches the buffer
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( flashOffset, data ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::RunSimulationTest()
+ //
+ // A simulation of the way the LFFS filesystem will use a Flash block
+ // Alternately writes 24 bytes to bottom of block, 512 bytes to top,
+ // clears a bit in the 24-byte block. Repeats until block is full.
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Simulation test") );
+ TUint blockBase = iBlocks->BlockAddress( iBlocks->NextErasedBlock() );
+ TUint lowAddress = blockBase;
+ TUint highAddress = blockBase + iBlocks->BlockSize() - 512;
+ TBuf8<24> lowData;
+ TBuf8<512> highData;
+ TPtrC8 overwritePtr( lowData.Ptr(), 1 );
+ while( lowAddress + 24 < highAddress )
+ {
+ CreateRandomData( lowData, lowData.MaxLength() );
+ CreateRandomData( highData, highData.MaxLength() );
+ lowData[0] = 0xE7; // just some non-0xFF value
+ _LIT( KWriteMsg, "Writing block size 24 @ 0x%x; block size 512 @ 0x%x" );
+ test.Printf( KWriteMsg, lowAddress, highAddress );
+ iSimpleWriter->CheckedWrite( lowAddress, lowData );
+ iSimpleWriter->Write( highAddress, highData );
+ // Overwrite the byte
+ lowData[0] = 0xA7;
+ iSimpleWriter->Write( lowAddress, overwritePtr );
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( lowAddress, lowData ) );
+ test( CompareAgainstFlash( highAddress, highData ) );
+ lowAddress += lowData.Length();
+ highAddress -= highData.Length();
+ }
+ }
+void CWriteTest::DoTests()
+ //
+ // Main test dispatcher
+ //
+ {
+ test.Next( _L("Erasing all blocks") );
+ iBlocks->InitialiseSequentialBlockAllocator();
+ iBlocks->EraseAllBlocks();
+ //
+ // Basic tests that we can write data correctly without corrupting
+ // the source buffer
+ //
+ SimpleWriteTest();
+ SimpleThreadWriteTest();
+ //
+ // Test aligned writes of various lengths
+ //
+ AlignedWriteTest();
+ AlignedThreadWriteTest();
+ //
+ // Test writing to unaligned locations
+ //
+ UnalignedWriteTest();
+ UnalignedThreadWriteTest();
+ //
+ // Test writes with offset into source desriptor
+ //
+ OffsetDescriptorCurrentThreadAlignedWriteTest();
+ OffsetDescriptorCurrentThreadUnalignedWriteTest();
+ OffsetDescriptorAlignedWriteTest();
+ OffsetDescriptorUnalignedWriteTest();
+ //
+ // Test two consecutive writes
+ //
+ JoinedWriteTest();
+ JoinedThreadWriteTest();
+ //
+ // Test that we can overwrite bits
+ //
+ SingleBitOverwriteTest();
+ TwoBitOverwriteTest();
+ //
+ // A simulation test of LFFS usage
+ //
+ RunSimulationTest();
+ }
+TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Testing media read operations"));
+ CWriteTest writeTest;
+ TRAPD( ret, writeTest.CreateL() );
+ test( KErrNone == ret );
+ writeTest.DoTests();
+ test.End();
+ return 0;
+ }