--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/mmu/t_pages.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\mmu\t_pages.cpp
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32std_private.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include "d_shadow.h"
+RShadow Shadow;
+LOCAL_D TUint Read(TUint anAddr)
+ {
+ return Shadow.Read(anAddr);
+ }
+TUint PageTables = 0;
+TCpu Cpu = ECpuUnknown;
+TInt CpuArc = 0;
+TInt CpuSpecial = 0;
+TUint ControlReg = 0;
+const TUint KXPbitM = 0x800000;
+LOCAL_C void ProcessCBTEX(TDes& aDes, TUint aCb, TUint aTex)
+ {
+ const TPtrC KTEXCB[9] = {_L("StOr"),_L("ShDv"),_L("WTRA"),_L("WBRA"),_L("NoCa"),_L("Resv"),_L("ImpD"),_L("WBWA"),_L("NSDv")};
+ const TPtrC KCacheP[4] = {_L("NoCa"),_L("WBWA"),_L("WTRA"),_L("WBRA")};
+ aCb = aCb >> 2;
+ TUint texCB = aCb | ((aTex&7) << 2);
+ if ((texCB<9) && (CpuArc>5))
+ aDes.Append(KTEXCB[texCB]);
+ else if ((aTex&4) && (CpuArc>5))
+ {
+ aDes.Append(KCacheP[aTex&3]);
+ aDes.Append(TChar('/'));
+ aDes.Append(KCacheP[aCb]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (CpuArc>5)
+ {
+ if (aTex&4)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('1'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('0'));
+ if (aTex&2)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('1'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('0'));
+ if (aTex&1)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('1'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('0'));
+ }
+ else if (CpuSpecial == 2)
+ {
+ if (aTex==1)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('X'));
+ else if (aTex==0)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('_'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('?'));
+ }
+ if (aCb & 2)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('C'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('_'));
+ if (aCb & 1)
+ aDes.Append(TChar('B'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('_'));
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProcessXNnGS(TDes& aDes, TUint anGS, TUint aXN)
+ {
+ if ((ControlReg & KXPbitM))
+ {
+ aDes.Append(TChar(' '));
+ if (aXN )
+ aDes.Append(_L("XN "));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(_L("__ "));
+ if (anGS&2 )
+ aDes.Append(_L("nG "));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(_L("__ "));
+ if (anGS&1 )
+ aDes.Append(TChar('S'));
+ else
+ aDes.Append(TChar('_'));
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProcessAP(TDes& aDes, TUint aAp)
+ {
+ const TPtrC KAccessP[7] = {_L(" RWNO"),_L(" RWRO"),_L(" RWRW"),_L(" Rsv0"),_L(" RONO"),_L(" RORO"),_L(" Rsv1")};
+ const TPtrC KAccZrP[4] = {_L(" NONO"), _L(" RONO"), _L(" RORO"), _L(" Rsv2")};
+ TUint access = aAp & 3;
+ TUint apx = (aAp >> 3) & 4;
+ if (((ControlReg & 0x300) !=0) && apx)
+ {
+ aDes.Append(_L(" Rsv3"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((ControlReg & KXPbitM))
+ access |= apx;
+ if (access==0)
+ aDes.Append(KAccZrP[(ControlReg >> 8) & 3]);
+ else
+ aDes.Append(KAccessP[access-1]);
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProcessPteSE(TUint aPte, TUint anAddr)
+ {
+ TUint type=aPte&3;
+ TBuf<36> buf;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // not present
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // large page
+ TUint phys=aPte & 0xffff0000;
+ TUint ap0=(aPte>>4)&3;
+ TUint ap1=(aPte>>6)&3;
+ TUint ap2=(aPte>>8)&3;
+ TUint ap3=(aPte>>10)&3;
+ TUint tex=(aPte>>12)&0xf;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPte&0xc,tex);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap0);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap1);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap2);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap3);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\t%08x Lpage: phys=%08x, %S"),anAddr,phys,&buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ // small page
+ TUint phys=aPte & 0xfffff000;
+ TUint ap0=(aPte>>4)&3;
+ TUint ap1=(aPte>>6)&3;
+ TUint ap2=(aPte>>8)&3;
+ TUint ap3=(aPte>>10)&3;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPte&0xc,0);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap0);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap1);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap2);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap3);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\t%08x Spage: phys=%08x, %S"),anAddr,phys,&buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ // extended small page
+ TUint phys=aPte & 0xfffff000;
+ TUint ap=(aPte>>4)&3;
+ TUint tex=(aPte>>6)&0xf;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPte&0xc,tex);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\t%08x XSpage: phys=%08x, %S"),anAddr,phys,&buf);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProcessPteSD(TUint aPte, TUint anAddr)
+ {
+ if ((aPte&3) != 0)
+ {
+ TBuf<36> buf;
+ TUint ap=(aPte>>4)&23;
+ if (aPte&2) // XS-Page
+ {
+ // extended small page
+ TUint phys=aPte & 0xfffff000;
+ TUint tex=(aPte>>6)&0x7;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPte&0xc,tex);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap);
+ ProcessXNnGS(buf, (aPte>>10)&3, aPte &1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\t%08x XSpage: phys=%08x, %S"),anAddr,phys,&buf);
+ }
+ else // L-Page
+ {
+ // large page
+ TUint phys=aPte & 0xffff0000;
+ TUint tex=(aPte>>12)&0x7;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPte&0xc,tex);
+ ProcessAP(buf,ap);
+ ProcessXNnGS(buf, (aPte>>10)&3, (aPte >> 15) &1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\t%08x Lpage: phys=%08x, %S"),anAddr,phys,&buf);
+ }
+ }// Else "Fault" - Not Present
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProcessPde(TUint aPde, TUint anAddr)
+ {
+ TUint type=aPde&3;
+ TBuf<24> buf;
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // not present
+ if (aPde)
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" Not Present\n"));
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ {
+ // page table
+ TUint ptphys=aPde & 0xfffffc00;
+ TUint domain=(aPde>>5)&15;
+ TUint P=(aPde&0x200);
+ TUint ptpgphys=ptphys & 0xfffff000;
+ TUint ptlin=0;
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<256; i++)
+ {
+ if ((Read(PageTables+i*4)&0xfffff000)==ptpgphys)
+ {
+ if (ptlin==0)
+ ptlin=PageTables+(i<<12)+(ptphys & 0xc00);
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("WARNING Multiple page tables found! alt = %08x\n"), PageTables+(i<<12)+(ptphys & 0xc00));
+ }
+ }
+ if (ptlin)
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%08x page table: phys=%08x, domain %2d, %s, page table lin=%08x"),anAddr,ptphys,domain,P?L"ECC":L"No ECC",ptlin);
+ for (i=0; i<256; i++)
+ {
+ TUint addr=anAddr+(i<<12);
+ TUint pte=Read(ptlin+i*4);
+ if (ControlReg & KXPbitM)
+ ProcessPteSD(pte,addr);
+ else
+ ProcessPteSE(pte,addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%08x page table: phys=%08x, domain %2d, %s, page table not found"),anAddr,ptphys,domain,P?L"ECC":L"No ECC");
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ // section
+ TUint phys=aPde & 0xfff00000;
+ TUint perm=(aPde>>10)&0x23;
+ TUint P=(aPde&0x200);
+ TUint domain=(aPde>>5)&15;
+ ProcessCBTEX(buf,aPde&0xc,(aPde>>12)&0xf); // tex is bigger on xscale, but bit is masked off later.
+ ProcessAP(buf,perm);
+ ProcessXNnGS(buf, (aPde>>16)&3, (aPde>>4)&1);
+ if ((ControlReg & KXPbitM) && (aPde & 0x40000))
+ {
+ domain = (domain << 4) | ((aPde >> 20) &15);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%08x Supersectn: phys=%08x, base %4d, %s, %S"),anAddr,phys,domain,P?L"ECC":L"No ECC",&buf);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L("%08x section : phys=%08x, domain %2d, %s, %S"),anAddr,phys,domain,P?L"ECC":L"No ECC",&buf);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // invalid
+ RDebug::Print(_L("PDE for %08x invalid, value %08x"),anAddr,aPde);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+const TInt KNotInInvalid = -2;
+TInt StartInvalid=KNotInInvalid;
+TInt StartInvalidBase=0;
+TInt EndInvalidBase=0;
+void DisplayNotPresent(TInt aCurrentPd)
+ {
+ aCurrentPd--;
+ if (StartInvalid!=KNotInInvalid) // Display any Invalid ranges.
+ {
+ if (StartInvalid == aCurrentPd)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nPage Directory 0x%x: Base=0x%x - Not Present.\n"), StartInvalid, StartInvalidBase);
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nPage Directorys 0x%x-0x%x: Bases=0x%x-0x%x - Not Present.\n"), StartInvalid, aCurrentPd, StartInvalidBase, EndInvalidBase);
+ StartInvalid=KNotInInvalid;
+ }
+ }
+void ProcessPd(TUint aPd)
+ {
+ TUint i;
+ TUint pdSize;
+ TUint pdBase;
+ TUint offset;
+ TInt err = Shadow.GetPdInfo(aPd, pdSize, pdBase, offset);
+ if (err==KErrNone)
+ {
+ DisplayNotPresent(aPd);
+ if (aPd==KGlobalPageDirectory)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("Global Page Directory: Base=0x%x, Entries=0x%x, Start index=0x%x\n"), pdBase, pdSize, offset);
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nPage Directory 0x%x: Base=0x%x, Entries=0x%x %x\n"), aPd, pdBase, pdSize, offset);
+ if (Cpu == ECpuArm)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<pdSize; i++)
+ {
+ TUint addr=(i+offset)<<20;
+ TUint pde=Read(pdBase+i*4);
+ ProcessPde(pde,addr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("Cannot display pde for this CPU"));
+ }
+ else
+ { // Dont list all invalid PDs - there are too many.
+ if (StartInvalid==KNotInInvalid)
+ {
+ StartInvalidBase = pdBase;
+ StartInvalid = aPd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EndInvalidBase=pdBase;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ TUint mmuId=0;
+ TUint cacheType=0;
+ TInt r=User::LoadLogicalDevice(_L("D_SHADOW"));
+ if ((r!=KErrNone) && (r!=KErrAlreadyExists))
+ User::Panic(_L("T_PAGES0"),r);
+ r=Shadow.Open();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ User::Panic(_L("T_PAGES1"),r);
+ Shadow.GetMemoryArchitecture(Cpu, ControlReg);
+ switch (Cpu)
+ {
+ case ECpuArm:
+ {
+ mmuId=Shadow.MmuId();
+ TUint implementor= (mmuId>>24);
+ if (implementor==0x44)
+ CpuSpecial = 1;
+ switch ((mmuId>>12)&15)
+ {
+ case 0: // Pre-ARM7
+ if ((mmuId>>4)==0x4156030)
+ CpuArc = 2;
+ else if ((mmuId>>8)==0x415606)
+ CpuArc = 3;
+ break;
+ case 7: // Mid-ARM7
+ CpuArc = 3;
+ default:// Post-ARM7
+ TUint arc = (mmuId >>16) &15;
+ if (arc<3)
+ {
+ CpuArc = 4;
+ if ((implementor==0x69) && (arc==4))
+ CpuSpecial=1;
+ }
+ else if (arc<7)
+ {
+ CpuArc = 5;
+ if ((implementor==0x69) && (arc==5))
+ CpuSpecial=2;
+ }
+ else if (arc==7)
+ CpuArc = 6;
+ else
+ CpuArc = arc;
+ }
+ switch (CpuSpecial)
+ {
+ case 1:RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = ARMv%d (StrongArm), ControlRegister = 0x%x "),CpuArc, ControlReg);
+ break;
+ case 2:RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = ARMv%d (XScale), ControlRegister = 0x%x "),CpuArc, ControlReg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (CpuArc<7)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = ARMv%d, ControlRegister = 0x%x "),CpuArc, ControlReg);
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = ARM (#%d), ControlRegister = 0x%x "),CpuArc, ControlReg);
+ }
+ RDebug::Print(_L("(MMU=%d, Alignment Checking=%d, Write Buffer=%d, System Protection=%d, "),
+ ControlReg & 1,(ControlReg>>1)&1,(ControlReg>>3)&1, (ControlReg>>8)&1);
+ if (ControlReg & KXPbitM)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("ROM Protection=%d, Subpages Disabled, Exception Endian=%d)\n"), (ControlReg>>9)&1, (ControlReg>>25)&1);
+ else
+ RDebug::Print(_L("ROM Protection=%d, Subpages Enabled, Exception Endian=%d)\n"), (ControlReg>>9)&1, (ControlReg>>25)&1);
+ RDebug::Print(_L("MMU ID=%08X"),mmuId);
+ cacheType=Shadow.CacheType();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("CACHE TYPE=%08X"),cacheType);
+ break;
+ }
+ case ECpuX86:
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = x86\n"));
+ break;
+ case ECpuUnknown:
+ default:
+ RDebug::Print(_L("\nCPU = Unknown, Flags = 0x%x\n"), ControlReg);
+ }
+ TUint numPages = 0;
+ TMemModel memModel = Shadow.GetMemModelInfo(PageTables, numPages);
+ switch (memModel)
+ {
+ case EMemModelMoving: RDebug::Print(_L("Moving Memory Model.\n"));
+ break;
+ case EMemModelMultiple : RDebug::Print(_L("Multiple Memory Model.\nMax number of PageDirectorys=0x%x.\n"), numPages);
+ break;
+ case EMemModelFlexible : RDebug::Print(_L("Flexible Memory Model.\nMax number of PageDirectorys=0x%x.\n"), numPages);
+ break;
+ default:
+ RDebug::Print(_L("Unknown Memory Model.\n"));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ ProcessPd(KGlobalPageDirectory);
+ if (memModel==2)
+ {
+ TUint i;
+ for (i=0; i<numPages; i++)
+ {
+ ProcessPd(i);
+ }
+ DisplayNotPresent(numPages);
+ }
+ Shadow.Close();
+ User::FreeLogicalDevice(_L("Shadow"));
+ return KErrNone;
+ }