--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/nkern/d_implicit.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\nkern\d_implicit.cpp
+// LDD for testing nanokernel implicit system lock
+#include "platform.h"
+#include "nk_priv.h"
+#include "d_implicit.h"
+#ifndef __SMP__
+#include "../misc/prbs.h"
+const TInt KMajorVersionNumber=0;
+const TInt KMinorVersionNumber=1;
+const TInt KBuildVersionNumber=1;
+const TInt KStackSize=1024;
+inline NThreadBase::NThreadBase()
+ {
+ }
+class DImpSysTestFactory : public DLogicalDevice
+// Implicit system lock test LDD factory
+ {
+ DImpSysTestFactory();
+ virtual TInt Install(); //overriding pure virtual
+ virtual void GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const; //overriding pure virtual
+ virtual TInt Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel); //overriding pure virtual
+ };
+class DImpSysTest : public DLogicalChannelBase
+// Implicit system lock test LDD channel
+ {
+ DImpSysTest();
+ virtual TInt Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny* a2);
+ virtual TInt DoCreate(TInt aUnit, const TDesC8* anInfo, const TVersion& aVer);
+ TInt CreateThread(TInt);
+ TInt Start(TInt aTest);
+ TInt Stop(SStats& aStats);
+ static void Thread1(TAny*);
+ static void Thread2(TAny*);
+ static void Thread3(TAny*);
+ TInt iFailCount;
+ TInt iCount1;
+ TInt iCount2;
+ TInt iCount3;
+ TInt iTestNum;
+ NFastMutex iMutex;
+ NThread iThread1; // holds fast mutex, imp sys
+ NThread iThread2; // holds system lock, not imp sys
+ NThread iThread3; // random stuff
+ TUint32 iStack1[KStackSize/sizeof(TUint32)];
+ TUint32 iStack2[KStackSize/sizeof(TUint32)];
+ TUint32 iStack3[KStackSize/sizeof(TUint32)];
+ };
+TInt DImpSysTest::CreateThread(TInt a)
+ {
+ SNThreadCreateInfo info;
+ info.iStackSize=KStackSize;
+ info.iPriority=(a==3)?16:12;
+ info.iTimeslice=-1;
+ info.iAttributes=(TUint8)((a==1)?KThreadAttImplicitSystemLock:0);
+ info.iHandlers=NULL;
+ info.iFastExecTable=NULL;
+ info.iSlowExecTable=NULL;
+ info.iParameterBlock=(const TUint32*)this;
+ info.iParameterBlockSize=0;
+ NThread* pT=NULL;
+ switch (a)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ pT=&iThread1;
+ info.iFunction=&Thread1;
+ info.iStackBase=iStack1;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ pT=&iThread2;
+ info.iFunction=&Thread2;
+ info.iStackBase=iStack2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ pT=&iThread3;
+ info.iFunction=&Thread3;
+ info.iStackBase=iStack3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ return NKern::ThreadCreate(pT,info);
+ }
+void DImpSysTest::Thread1(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DImpSysTest& d=*(DImpSysTest*)aPtr;
+ TScheduler* pS=TScheduler::Ptr();
+ NFastMutex& m=pS->iLock;
+ TUint seed[2];
+ seed[0]=1;
+ seed[1]=0;
+ {
+ NKern::FMWait(&d.iMutex);
+ Kern::NanoWait(1300000); // spin for 1.3ms
+ TInt c = NKern::CurrentContext();
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c == NKern::EThread);
+ NKern::FMSignal(&d.iMutex);
+ if (m.iHoldingThread)
+ ++d.iFailCount;
+ TInt x=Random(seed)&3;
+ if (x)
+ NKern::Sleep(x);
+ ++d.iCount1;
+ }
+ }
+void DImpSysTest::Thread2(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DImpSysTest& d=*(DImpSysTest*)aPtr;
+ TUint seed[2];
+ seed[0]=2;
+ seed[1]=0;
+ {
+ TInt c = NKern::CurrentContext();
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c == NKern::EThread);
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ Kern::NanoWait(1100000); // spin for 1.1ms
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ TInt x=Random(seed)&3;
+ if (x)
+ NKern::Sleep(x);
+ ++d.iCount2;
+ }
+ }
+void DImpSysTest::Thread3(TAny* aPtr)
+ {
+ DImpSysTest& d=*(DImpSysTest*)aPtr;
+ TUint seed[2];
+ seed[0]=3;
+ seed[1]=0;
+ if (d.iTestNum==RImpSysTest::ETestPriority)
+ {
+ {
+ TInt c = NKern::CurrentContext();
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c == NKern::EThread);
+ TInt x=Random(seed)&15;
+ NKern::Sleep(x+1);
+ x=Random(seed)&1;
+ TInt p=10+Random(seed)&3;
+ if (x)
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&d.iThread1,p);
+ else
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&d.iThread2,p);
+ ++d.iCount3;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (d.iTestNum==RImpSysTest::ETestRoundRobin)
+ {
+ {
+ TInt c = NKern::CurrentContext();
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c == NKern::EThread);
+ TInt x=Random(seed)&15;
+ NKern::Sleep(x+1);
+ NKern::RotateReadyList(12);
+ ++d.iCount3;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (d.iTestNum==RImpSysTest::ETestDummy)
+ {
+ {
+ TInt c = NKern::CurrentContext();
+ __NK_ASSERT_ALWAYS(c == NKern::EThread);
+ TInt x=Random(seed)&15;
+ NKern::Sleep(x+1);
+ x=Random(seed)&255;
+ TInt p=10+Random(seed)&3;
+ if (x<85)
+ {
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&d.iThread1,p);
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ }
+ else if (x<170)
+ {
+ NKern::LockSystem();
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&d.iThread2,p);
+ NKern::UnlockSystem();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ NKern::FMWait(&d.iMutex);
+ NKern::FMSignal(&d.iMutex);
+ }
+ ++d.iCount3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTest::Start(TInt aTest)
+ {
+ if (iTestNum>=0)
+ return KErrInUse;
+ iTestNum=aTest;
+ iFailCount=0;
+ iCount1=0;
+ iCount2=0;
+ iCount3=0;
+ new (&iMutex) NFastMutex;
+ TInt r=CreateThread(1);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r=CreateThread(2);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r=CreateThread(3);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ NKern::ThreadResume(&iThread3);
+ NKern::ThreadResume(&iThread1);
+ NKern::ThreadResume(&iThread2);
+ }
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ iTestNum=-1;
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTest::Stop(SStats& a)
+ {
+ NKern::ThreadKill(&iThread1);
+ NKern::ThreadKill(&iThread2);
+ NKern::ThreadKill(&iThread3);
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&iThread1,16);
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&iThread2,16);
+ NKern::ThreadSetPriority(&iThread3,16);
+ while (iThread1.iNState!=NThread::EDead || iThread2.iNState!=NThread::EDead || iThread3.iNState!=NThread::EDead)
+ NKern::Sleep(10);
+ TInt size=3*(sizeof(NThread)+KStackSize)+sizeof(NFastMutex);
+ memset(&iMutex,0xbb,size);
+ a.iFailCount=iFailCount;
+ a.iCount1=iCount1;
+ a.iCount2=iCount2;
+ a.iCount3=iCount3;
+ iTestNum=-1;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// Constructor
+ {
+ iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
+ //iParseMask=0;//No units, no info, no PDD
+ //iUnitsMask=0;//Only one thing
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTestFactory::Create(DLogicalChannelBase*& aChannel)
+// Create a new DImpSysTest on this logical device
+ {
+ aChannel=new DImpSysTest;
+ return aChannel?KErrNone:KErrNoMemory;
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTestFactory::Install()
+// Install the LDD - overriding pure virtual
+ {
+ return SetName(&KLddName);
+ }
+void DImpSysTestFactory::GetCaps(TDes8& aDes) const
+// Get capabilities - overriding pure virtual
+ {
+ TCapsImpSysTestV01 b;
+ b.iVersion=TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber);
+ Kern::InfoCopy(aDes,(TUint8*)&b,sizeof(b));
+ }
+// Constructor
+ : iTestNum(-1)
+ {
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTest::DoCreate(TInt /*aUnit*/, const TDesC8* /*anInfo*/, const TVersion& aVer)
+// Create channel
+ {
+ if (!Kern::QueryVersionSupported(TVersion(KMajorVersionNumber,KMinorVersionNumber,KBuildVersionNumber),aVer))
+ return KErrNotSupported;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt DImpSysTest::Request(TInt aReqNo, TAny* a1, TAny*)
+ {
+ SStats s;
+ TInt r=KErrNotSupported;
+ switch (aReqNo)
+ {
+ case RImpSysTest::EControlStart:
+ r=Start((TInt)a1);
+ break;
+ case RImpSysTest::EControlStop:
+ {
+ r=Stop(s);
+ kumemput32(a1,&s,sizeof(s));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ {
+#ifdef __SMP__
+ return 0; // not used on SMP
+ return new DImpSysTestFactory;
+ }