--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/pccd/t_atadrv.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,529 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\pccd\t_atadrv.cpp
+// Test the Compact Flash card (ATA) media driver
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <e32uid.h>
+#include <hal.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+const TInt KAtaSectorSize=512;
+const TInt KAtaSectorShift=9;
+const TUint KAtaSectorMask=0xFFFFFE00;
+const TInt KSectBufSizeInSectors=8;
+const TInt KSectBufSizeInBytes=(KSectBufSizeInSectors<<KAtaSectorShift);
+const TInt KRdWrBufLen=(KSectBufSizeInBytes+KAtaSectorSize); // 4.5K - exceeds driver local buffer size
+const TInt KShortFormatInSectors=1;
+const TInt KShortFormatInBytes=(KShortFormatInSectors<<KAtaSectorShift);
+const TInt KLongFormatInSectors=KSectBufSizeInSectors+1; // 4.5K - exceeds driver local buffer size
+const TInt KLongFormatInBytes=(KLongFormatInSectors<<KAtaSectorShift);
+const TInt KHeapSize=0x4000;
+const TInt KAtaIdleCurrentInMilliAmps=1;
+#define PDD_NAME _L("MEDATA")
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_ATADRV"));
+LOCAL_D RTest nTest(_L("This thread doesn't disconnect"));
+LOCAL_D TBool ChangeFlag;
+LOCAL_D TBool SecThreadChangeFlag;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<KRdWrBufLen> wrBuf,rdBuf;
+LOCAL_D TInt DriveNumber;
+const TInt KSingSectorNo=1;
+void singleSectorRdWrTest(TBusLocalDrive &aDrv,TInt aSectorOffset,TInt aLen)
+// Perform a write / read test on a single sector (KSingSectorNo). Verify that the
+// write / read back is successful and that the rest of the sector is unchanged.
+ {
+ TBuf8<KAtaSectorSize> saveBuf;
+ test.Start(_L("Single sector write/read test"));
+ test(aSectorOffset+aLen<=KAtaSectorSize);
+ // Now save state of sector before we write to it
+ TInt secStart=(KSingSectorNo<<KAtaSectorShift);
+ test(aDrv.Read(secStart,KAtaSectorSize,saveBuf)==KErrNone);
+ // Write zero's to another sector altogether (to ensure drivers
+ // local buffer hasn't already got test pattern we expect).
+ wrBuf.Fill(0,KAtaSectorSize);
+ test(aDrv.Write((KSingSectorNo+4)<<KAtaSectorShift,wrBuf)==KErrNone);
+ // Write / read back sector in question
+ wrBuf.SetLength(aLen);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<aLen;i++)
+ wrBuf[i]=(TUint8)(0xFF-i);
+ test(aDrv.Write((secStart+aSectorOffset),wrBuf)==KErrNone);
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,aLen);
+ test(aDrv.Read((secStart+aSectorOffset),aLen,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ // Now check the rest of the sector is unchanged
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,KAtaSectorSize);
+ test(aDrv.Read(secStart,KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ saveBuf.Replace(aSectorOffset,aLen,wrBuf);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(saveBuf)==0);
+ test.End();
+ }
+const TInt KMultSectorNo=2;
+void MultipleSectorRdWrTest(TBusLocalDrive &aDrv,TInt aFirstSectorOffset,TInt aLen)
+// Perform a write / read test over multiple sectors (starting within sector KMultSectorNo).
+// Verify that the write / read back is successful and that the remainder of the first and
+// last sectors are not affected.
+ {
+ TBuf8<KAtaSectorSize> saveBuf1;
+ TBuf8<KAtaSectorSize> saveBuf2;
+ test.Start(_L("Multiple sector write/read test"));
+ test(aFirstSectorOffset<KAtaSectorSize&&aLen<=KRdWrBufLen);
+ // If not starting on sector boundary then save 1st sector to check rest of 1st sector is unchanged
+ TInt startSecPos=(KMultSectorNo<<KAtaSectorShift);
+ if (aFirstSectorOffset!=0)
+ test(aDrv.Read(startSecPos,KAtaSectorSize,saveBuf1)==KErrNone);
+ // If not ending on sector boundary then save last sector to check rest of last sector is unchanged
+ TInt endOffset=(aFirstSectorOffset+aLen)&(~KAtaSectorMask);
+ TInt endSecPos=((startSecPos+aFirstSectorOffset+aLen)&KAtaSectorMask);
+ if (endOffset)
+ test(aDrv.Read(endSecPos,KAtaSectorSize,saveBuf2)==KErrNone);
+ // Write zero's to another sector altogether (to ensure drivers
+ // local buffer hasn't already got test pattern we expect).
+ wrBuf.Fill(0,KSectBufSizeInBytes);
+ test(aDrv.Write((KMultSectorNo+20)<<KAtaSectorShift,wrBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(aLen);
+ for (TInt i=0;i<aLen;i++)
+ wrBuf[i]=(TUint8)(0xFF-i);
+ test(aDrv.Write((startSecPos+aFirstSectorOffset),wrBuf)==KErrNone);
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,aLen);
+ test(aDrv.Read((startSecPos+aFirstSectorOffset),aLen,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ // Check rest of first sector involved is unchanged (if offset specified)
+ if (aFirstSectorOffset!=0)
+ {
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,KAtaSectorSize);
+ test(aDrv.Read(startSecPos,KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(KAtaSectorSize-aFirstSectorOffset);
+ saveBuf1.Replace(aFirstSectorOffset,(KAtaSectorSize-aFirstSectorOffset),wrBuf);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(saveBuf1)==0);
+ }
+ // Check rest of last sector involved is unchanged (if not ending on sector boundary)
+ if (endOffset)
+ {
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,KAtaSectorSize);
+ test(aDrv.Read(endSecPos,KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(aLen);
+ wrBuf.Delete(0,aLen-endOffset);
+ saveBuf2.Replace(0,endOffset,wrBuf);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(saveBuf2)==0);
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt dontDisconnectThread(TAny*)
+ {
+ TBusLocalDrive anotherAtaDrive;
+ nTest.Title();
+ nTest.Start(_L("Connect to internal drive"));
+ anotherAtaDrive.Connect(DriveNumber,SecThreadChangeFlag);
+ nTest.Next(_L("Capabilities"));
+ TLocalDriveCapsV2 info;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV2> infoPckg(info);
+ nTest(anotherAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg)==KErrNone);
+ nTest(info.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+ nTest.End();
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ProgressBar(TInt aPos,TInt anEndPos,TInt anXPos)
+// Display progress of local drive operation on screen (1-16 dots)
+ {
+ static TInt prev;
+ TInt curr;
+ if ((curr=(aPos-1)/(anEndPos>>4))>prev)
+ { // Update progress bar
+ test.Console()->SetPos(anXPos);
+ for (TInt i=curr;i>=0;i--)
+ test.Printf(_L("."));
+ }
+ prev=curr;
+ }
+#pragma warning( disable : 4702 ) // unreachable code
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ TBuf<64> b;
+ TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
+ UserHal::DriveInfo(diBuf);
+ TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("Test the Compact Flash card (ATA) media drive"));
+ test.Printf(_L("DRIVES PRESENT :%d\r\n"),di.iTotalSupportedDrives);
+ test.Printf(_L("1ST DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[0]);
+ test.Printf(_L("2ND DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[1]);
+ test.Printf(_L("3RD DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[2]);
+ test.Printf(_L("4TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[3]);
+ test.Printf(_L("5TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[4]);
+ test.Printf(_L("6TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[5]);
+ test.Printf(_L("7TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[6]);
+ test.Printf(_L("8TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[7]);
+ test.Printf(_L("9TH DRIVE NAME :%- 16S\r\n"),&di.iDriveName[8]);
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\nWarning - all data on removable drive will be lost.\r\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("<<<Hit D to continue>>>\r\n"));
+ TChar c=(TUint)test.Getch();
+ c.UpperCase();
+ DriveNumber=((TUint)c)-'C';
+ test(DriveNumber >= 1 && DriveNumber < di.iTotalSupportedDrives);
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ // Connect to all the local drives first as will be the case in ARM
+ TBusLocalDrive Drive[KMaxLocalDrives];
+ TBool DriveFlag[KMaxLocalDrives];
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxLocalDrives;i++)
+ Drive[i].Connect(i,DriveFlag[i]);
+ test.Next(_L("Load ATA Media Driver"));
+ TInt r=User::LoadPhysicalDevice(PDD_NAME);
+ test(r==KErrNone||r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test.Next(_L("Read machine information"));
+ TInt mid;
+ r=HAL::Get(HAL::EMachineUid,mid);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TBool mediaChangeSupported=EFalse;
+ b.Format(_L("Connect to local drive (%c:)"),DriveNumber+'C');
+ test.Next(b);
+ TBusLocalDrive theAtaDrive;
+ ChangeFlag=EFalse;
+ test(theAtaDrive.Connect(DriveNumber,ChangeFlag)==KErrNone);
+ if (mediaChangeSupported)
+ {
+ theAtaDrive.ForceMediaChange(); // Generate media change to reset PC Card current consumption
+ User::After(300000); // Allow 0.3s after power down for controller to detect door closed.
+ }
+// TSupplyInfoV1Buf supply1;
+// test(UserHal::SupplyInfo(supply1)==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Capabilities"));
+ TInt diskSize;
+ TTime startTime;
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ TLocalDriveCapsV2 info;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV2> infoPckg(info);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg)==KErrNone);
+ diskSize=I64LOW(info.iSize);
+ test.Printf( _L("Check drive size: %d\r\n"),diskSize);
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ test.Printf(_L("Check hidden sectors (=0): %d\r\n"),info.iHiddenSectors);
+ test.Printf(_L("Check hidden sectors (=16/32): %d\r\n"),info.iHiddenSectors);
+ // test.Getch();
+ test(info.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+ test(info.iBattery==EBatNotSupported);
+ test(info.iDriveAtt==(TUint)(KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttRemovable));
+ test(info.iMediaAtt==KMediaAttFormattable);
+ test(info.iFileSystemId==KDriveFileSysFAT);
+// TSupplyInfoV1Buf supply2;
+// test(UserHal::SupplyInfo(supply2)==KErrNone);
+// if (mediaChangeSupported)
+// test(supply2().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps==supply1().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps+KAtaIdleCurrentInMilliAmps); // Snowball idle current is zero
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Sector RdWr(%d)"),KAtaSectorSize);
+ test.Next(b);
+ TInt len;
+ wrBuf.SetLength(KAtaSectorSize);
+ TUint *p=(TUint*)&wrBuf[0];
+ for (i=0;i<KAtaSectorSize;i++)
+ wrBuf[i]=(TUint8)i;
+ test.Printf(_L("Writing "));
+ for (i=0;i<diskSize;i+=len) // B - Sector wr/rd on sector boundary
+ {
+ ProgressBar(i,diskSize,11);
+ len=Min(KAtaSectorSize,(diskSize-i));
+ (*p)=(i/KAtaSectorSize);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(len);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Write(i,wrBuf)==KErrNone);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\nReading "));
+ for (i=0;i<diskSize;i+=len)
+ {
+ ProgressBar(i,diskSize,11);
+ len=Min(KAtaSectorSize,(diskSize-i));
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,len);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read(i,len,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ (*p)=(i/KAtaSectorSize);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(len);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Short RdWr(1) (%dbytes at %d)"),25,0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ singleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,25); // A - Sub-sector wr/rd at sector start
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Short RdWr(2) (%dbytes at %d)"),16,277);
+ test.Next(b);
+ singleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,277,16); // E - Sub-sector wr/rd in mid sector
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Short RdWr(3) (%dbytes at %d)"),100,412);
+ test.Next(b);
+ singleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,412,100); // F - Sub-sector wr/rd at sector end
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Long RdWr(1) (%dbytes at %d)"),KAtaSectorSize+15,0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,KAtaSectorSize+15); // C - Long wr/rd starting on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Long RdWr(2) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KAtaSectorSize<<1),0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,(KAtaSectorSize<<1)); // D - Long wr/rd starting/ending on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Long RdWr(3) (%dbytes at %d)"),KAtaSectorSize+3,509);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,509,KAtaSectorSize+3); // H - - Long wr/rd ending on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Long RdWr(4) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KAtaSectorSize<<1),508);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,508,(KAtaSectorSize<<1));
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Sector RdWr across sector boundary(%dbytes at %d)"),KAtaSectorSize,508);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,508,KAtaSectorSize); // G - Sector wr/rd over sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(1) (%dbytes at %d)"),KRdWrBufLen,0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,KRdWrBufLen); // Exceeds driver's buffer, starts/ends on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(2) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize+5),507);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,507,(KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize+5)); // Exceeds driver's buffer, ends on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(3) (%dbytes at %d)"),KRdWrBufLen,10);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,10,KRdWrBufLen); // Exceeds driver's buffer, starts/ends off sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(4) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KRdWrBufLen-3),0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,KRdWrBufLen-3); // Exceeds driver's buffer, starts on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(5) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize),27);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,27,(KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize)); // Exceeds driver's buffer (due to start offset), starts/ends off sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(6) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize-3),0);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,0,KRdWrBufLen-KAtaSectorSize-3); // Equals driver's buffer, starts on sector boundary
+ b.Format(_L("ATA drive: Very long RdWr(7) (%dbytes at %d)"),(KRdWrBufLen-3),3);
+ test.Next(b);
+ MultipleSectorRdWrTest(theAtaDrive,3,KRdWrBufLen-3); // Equals driver's buffer, ends on sector boundary
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Inter-thread RdWr"));
+ RThread dummyThread;
+ dummyThread.Duplicate(RThread());
+ TInt threadHandle=dummyThread.Handle();
+ wrBuf.SetLength(KAtaSectorSize);
+ for (i=0;i<KAtaSectorSize;i++)
+ wrBuf[i]=(TUint8)i;
+ test(theAtaDrive.Write(10,KAtaSectorSize,&wrBuf,threadHandle,0)==KErrNone);
+ rdBuf.Fill(0,KAtaSectorSize);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read(10,KAtaSectorSize,&rdBuf,threadHandle,0)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ dummyThread.Close();
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Format sectors (short)"));
+ TBuf8<KAtaSectorSize> savBuf1,savBuf2;
+ TInt fmtTestPos=(10<<KAtaSectorShift);
+ // Save sectors surrounding those which will be formatted
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos-KAtaSectorSize),KAtaSectorSize,savBuf1)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos+KShortFormatInBytes),KAtaSectorSize,savBuf2)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Format(fmtTestPos,KShortFormatInBytes)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read(fmtTestPos,KShortFormatInBytes,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.Fill(0xFF,KShortFormatInBytes);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ // Check that surrounding sectors unaffected
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos-KAtaSectorSize),KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(savBuf1)==0);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos+KShortFormatInBytes),KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(savBuf2)==0);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Format sectors (long)"));
+ fmtTestPos+=(4<<KAtaSectorShift);
+ // Save sectors surrounding those which will be formatted
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos-KAtaSectorSize),KAtaSectorSize,savBuf1)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos+KLongFormatInBytes),KAtaSectorSize,savBuf2)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Format(fmtTestPos,KLongFormatInBytes)==KErrNone);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read(fmtTestPos,KLongFormatInBytes,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.Fill(0xFF,KLongFormatInBytes);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ // Check that surrounding sectors unaffected
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos-KAtaSectorSize),KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(savBuf1)==0);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read((fmtTestPos+KLongFormatInBytes),KAtaSectorSize,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(savBuf2)==0);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Format entire disk"));
+ TFormatInfo fi;
+ test.Printf(_L("Formatting "));
+ TInt ret;
+ while((ret=theAtaDrive.Format(fi))!=KErrEof)
+ {
+ ProgressBar((fi.i512ByteSectorsFormatted<<9),diskSize,11);
+ test(ret==KErrNone);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\nReading "));
+ for (i=0;i<diskSize;i+=len)
+ {
+ ProgressBar(i,diskSize,11);
+ len=Min(KAtaSectorSize,(diskSize-i));
+ rdBuf.Fill(0x55,len);
+ test(theAtaDrive.Read(i,len,rdBuf)==KErrNone);
+ wrBuf.SetLength(len);
+ test(rdBuf.Compare(wrBuf)==0);
+ }
+ TTime endTime;
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds elapsed=endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ test.Printf(_L(" (Elapsed time: %dmS)\r\n"),(elapsed.Int64()/1000));
+ if (!mediaChangeSupported)
+ {
+ // Remainder of tests involve media change so stop now
+ test.End();
+ return(0);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Media change"));
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ test.Printf( _L("<<<Hit F5 - then any other key>>>\r\n"));
+ test.Printf( _L("<<<Generate Media change - then hit a key>>>\r\n"));
+ test.Getch();
+ User::After(300000); // Allow 0.3s after power down for controller to detect door closed.
+ test(ChangeFlag);
+// test(UserHal::SupplyInfo(supply2)==KErrNone);
+// test(supply2().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps==supply1().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Caps following media change"));
+ test(theAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg)==KErrNone);
+ test(info.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+// test(UserHal::SupplyInfo(supply2)==KErrNone);
+// test(supply2().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps==supply1().iCurrentConsumptionMilliAmps+KAtaIdleCurrentInMilliAmps);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Caps while OOM"));
+ TInt err=KErrNoMemory;
+ test.Printf(_L("Mount returns:"));
+ for (TInt j=1; err!=KErrNone && j<16; j++)
+ {
+ theAtaDrive.ForceMediaChange(); // Generate media change
+ User::After(300000); // Allow 0.3s after power down for controller to detect door closed.
+ __KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic,j);
+ err=theAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg);
+ test.Printf(_L("(%d)"),err);
+ test(err==KErrNoMemory || err==KErrNone);
+// __KHEAP_MARKEND; // fails because card functions only released by media change or power down
+ }
+ test(err==KErrNone);
+ test.Printf(_L("\r\n"));
+ theAtaDrive.ForceMediaChange(); // Generate media change
+ User::After(300000); // Allow 0.3s after power down for controller to detect door closed.
+ __KHEAP_MARKEND; // test memory released after media change
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Caps before power off"));
+ test(theAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg)==KErrNone);
+ test(info.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Machine power-off."));
+ ChangeFlag=EFalse;
+ RTimer timer;
+ test(timer.CreateLocal()==KErrNone);
+ TRequestStatus timerStat;
+ TTime tim;
+ tim.HomeTime();
+ tim+=TTimeIntervalSeconds(8);
+ timer.At(timerStat,tim);
+ UserHal::SwitchOff();
+ User::WaitForRequest(timerStat);
+ test(!ChangeFlag); // ie machine power off hasn't updated it
+ timer.Close();
+// __KHEAP_MARKEND; // test memory released on power off
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: Caps following power off"));
+ test(theAtaDrive.Caps(infoPckg)==KErrNone);
+ test(info.iType==EMediaHardDisk);
+ test.Next(_L("Starting 2nd thread"));
+ SecThreadChangeFlag=EFalse;
+ RThread thread;
+ TRequestStatus stat;
+ test(thread.Create(_L("Thread"),dontDisconnectThread,KDefaultStackSize,KHeapSize,KHeapSize,NULL)==KErrNone);
+ thread.Logon(stat);
+ thread.Resume();
+ User::WaitForRequest(stat);
+ test(stat==KErrNone);
+ CLOSE_AND_WAIT(thread);
+ test.Next(_L("ATA drive: 2nd media change"));
+ theAtaDrive.ForceMediaChange(); // Generate media change
+ test(ChangeFlag);
+ test(!SecThreadChangeFlag); // Closed 2nd thread so shouldn't have been updated
+ b.Format(_L("Disconnect from local drive (%c:)"),DriveNumber+'C');
+ test.Next(b);
+ theAtaDrive.Disconnect();
+ test.End();
+#if defined (__WINS__)
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxLocalDrives;i++)
+ Drive[i].Disconnect();
+ return(0);
+ }