--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/smr/aReadMe.txt Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+Shadow Memory Region (SMR) Manual Test Suite
+This folder contains the manual tests for the Shadow Memory Region feature
+that is part of the kernel bootstrap PIL. The reference test variant for this
+feature is the NaviEngine, NE1 PSL. This feature allows Loader software in a
+local media boot scenario to shadow data held in local media partition into
+RAM which is then reserved by the bootstrap for later access by kernel
+extensions. The feature was introduced frist during the development of the
+Hardware Configuration Repository component.
+The folder contains an overlay of 'os' tree source code that modifies
+several components to enable unit testing of this feature with existing NAND
+User Data partitions separately from the new tool support added to support
+SMR partitions.
+This unit test suite was initially developed in the depot @
+There are three main parts to the test suite which relate to individual MBC #
+files as follows:
+ smrtest_h4_production.mbc
+ Used to build ROMs for H4 to test SMR results in zero regressions.
+ Test cases S01.xx
+ smrtest_ne1_production.mbc
+ Used to build ROMs for NE1 to test for zero regressions when no SMRs
+ are shadowed.
+ Test cases S02.xx
+ smrtest_h4_production.mbc
+ Used to build ROMs for H4 to test SMR results in zero regressions.
+ Test cases S03.xx
+Test cases listed in spreadsheet "aTestCases.xls". The memory model used does
+not have a bearing on the testing of SMR as it is MM independent. Multiple
+Memory Model ROMs should be used for H4 and NE1 uni-core testing
+and Flexible Memory Model ROMs for NE1 multi-core SMP testing.
+Build & Execute Instructions Summary
+S01.xx tests
+ Build the Base tree and H4 variant tree
+ Build exports from the e32tests\smr\h4 project
+ Build H4 roms using smrtest_h4_production.mbc
+ Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
+S02.xx tests
+ Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
+ Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_production.mbc
+ Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
+S03.01.xx tests
+S03.02.xx tests
+ Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
+ Unzip the e32test\smr\os-patch.zip files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
+ Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
+ component (builds patched coreldr)
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
+ Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
+ Execute tests as explained in aTestCases.xls
+S03.03.xx test
+ Modify \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\config.inc to
+ define CFG_DebugBootRom & CFG_InitDebugPort to enable bootstrap tracing
+ Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
+ Unzip the e32test\smr\os-patch.zip files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
+ Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
+ component (builds patched coreldr)
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
+ Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
+ Execute test S03.03.01 as explained in aTestCases.xls
+ Modify \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\srca\xsr\util\ONBL2\ONBL2.CPP
+ to uncomment line 627 (comment line 626) in ShadowHCR() routine so that
+ it create an invalid sized SMRIB with 128 bytes, i.e. 8 entries but is
+ the 7 maximum so will lead to a fault in the bootstrap.
+ Re-build the CoreLdr component for NE1 non FMM
+ (\os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2)
+ Execute test S03.03.02 as explained in aTestCases.xls
+ Revert edits to Core Loader.
+ Revert edits to the NE1 config.inc source.
+S03.04.01 tests
+ Modify \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\config.inc to
+ define CFG_DebugBootRom & CFG_InitDebugPort to enable bootstrap tracing
+ Build the Base tree and NE1 variant tree
+ Unzip the e32test\smr\os-patch.zip files onto your os source tree (patches coreldr)
+ Clean and then re-build the \os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2
+ component (builds patched coreldr)
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1 project
+ Build exports and test binaries from the e32tests\smr\ne1\flex project
+ Build NE1 roms using smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc
+ Modify \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\drivers\unistore2\srca\xsr\util\ONBL2\ONBL2.CPP
+ to uncomment line 608 (comment line 607) in ShadowHCR() routine so that
+ it stores the size of the SMRs as not multiples of 4096bytes so will
+ lead to a fault in bootstrap.
+ Re-build the CoreLdr component for NE1 non FMM
+ (\os\boardsupport\naviengine\naviengineunistore2)
+ Execute test S03.04.01 as explained in aTestCases.xls
+ Revert edits to Core Loader source.
+ Revert edits to the NE1 config.inc source.
+Build SMR Test Projects
+ Build H4 Multiple Memory Model version:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\h4
+ bldmake -f=smr_h4bld.inf bldfiles
+ abld test build
+ Build NE1 Multiple Memory Model version:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1
+ bldmake -f=smr_ne1bld.inf bldfiles
+ abld test build
+ Build NE1 Flexible Memory Model / SMP version:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\flex
+ bldmake -f=smr_ne1smpbld.inf bldfiles
+ abld test build
+Build ROMs for Test Suite
+ Smoke test H4:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
+ metabld smrtest_h4_production.mbc > \logs\h4p.log 2>&1
+ scanlog \logs\h4p.log
+ Smoke test NE1:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
+ metabld smrtest_ne1_production.mbc > \logs\ne1p.log 2>&1
+ scanlog \logs\ne1p.log
+ Functional (+ve & -ve) tests for NE1:
+ cd \os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\rombuild
+ metabld smrtest_ne1_autotest.mbc > \logs\ne1at.log 2>&1
+ scanlog \logs\ne1at.log
+*** variant.mmh Files
+\os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\variant.mmh is a direct unmodified
+copy of the version in \os\boardsupport\naviengine\navienginebsp\ne1_tb\variant.mmh.
+Please ensure this is aligned before building NE1 tests. Same for
+\os\kernelhwsrv\kerneltest\e32test\smr\ne1\flex\variant.mmh which is a copy of