changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 4 56f325a607ea
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/usb/t_usb_win/scripts/massstorage/	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# USBperformance - write file to / read file from
+# a USB Mass Storage device,
+# measure the time taken,
+# and display the data rate achieved.
+use strict;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Copy;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+# Check if Time::HiRes package is installed
+my $TimeHiRes = 1;
+	{
+	require Time::HiRes;
+	};
+if ($@)
+	{
+	# Not installed
+	$TimeHiRes = 0;
+	}
+pod2usage("$0: Specify at least a target drive.\n")  if (@ARGV < 1);
+my $help = 0;
+my $drive = "";
+my $size = 400;
+my $reading = 0;
+my $logfile = "";
+my $local_file = "gobble.dat";
+# Error codes
+my $KErrNone = 0;			# No error - Test passed
+my $KErrLogFile = -1;		# Can't open log file
+my $KErrWriteFile = -2;		# Can't open file for writing
+my $KErrReadFile = -3;		# Can't open file for reading
+my $KErrRmFile = -4;		# Can't remove file
+my $KErrRmDir = -5;			# Can't remove directory
+my $KErrCmp = -6;			# File comparison failed
+my $KErrOther = -7;			# Other
+my $returncode = $KErrNone;
+my %opts = ('help' => \$help,
+			'drive=s' 	=> \$drive,
+			'size=s' => \$size,
+			'read=s' => \$reading,
+			'logfile=s'=> \$logfile);
+GetOptions(%opts) || pod2usage(2);
+pod2usage(-exitval => 1, -verbose => 2) if $help;
+$size = 1 if $size < 1;
+# Check OS
+# ME : "Windows" "4.90"
+# 2k : "Windows NT" "5.0"
+# XP : "Windows NT" "5.1"
+# Mac: "Darwin" "7.4.1"
+LogPrint("START -\n");
+LogPrint("drive=$drive size=$size read=$reading\n");
+LogPrint((uname)[0] . " v" . (uname)[2] . ":" . (uname)[3] . "\n");
+if (not $TimeHiRes)
+	{
+	LogPrint("!WARNING! Package Time::HiRes is not installed\n");
+	}
+my $remote_file = "$drive$local_file";
+# If set to nonzero $¦ forces a flush right away and after every write or print
+# on the currently selected output channel.
+$¦ = 1;
+if ($reading == 0)
+	LogPrint("Writing a $size MB file to the remote directory.\n");
+	LogPrint("Creating source file \"$local_file\"...\n");
+	create_gobblefile();
+	LogPrint("Writing target file \"$remote_file\"...\n");
+	my $write_time = writefile();
+	LogPrint("File write took $write_time ms.\n");
+	LogPrint("Reading file from a remote directory.\n");
+	if (not -e $remote_file)
+		{
+		LogPrint("Remote file \"$remote_file\" doesn't seem to exist\n");
+		Leave($KErrReadFile);
+		}
+	if (-z $remote_file)
+		{
+		LogPrint("Remote file \"$remote_file\" seems to be empty\n");
+		Leave($KErrReadFile);
+		}
+	my $size_bytes = -s $remote_file;
+	$size = $size_bytes / 1024 / 1024;
+	LogPrint("Reading source file \"$remote_file\" ($size_bytes bytes = $size MB)...\n");
+	my $read_time = readfile();
+	LogPrint("File read took $read_time ms.\n");
+	unlink $local_file;
+exit $KErrOther;
+# --- subs
+sub Leave
+	{
+	my ($errcode) = @_;
+	LogPrint("END - - return code:$errcode\n");
+	exit $errcode
+	}
+sub LogPrint
+	{
+	if ($logfile ne "")
+		{
+		open LOGFILE, ">>$logfile" or exit $KErrLogFile;
+		print LOGFILE @_;
+		close LOGFILE;
+		}
+	print @_;
+	}
+sub writefile
+	my ($start, $end, $duration);
+	if ($TimeHiRes)
+		{
+		$start = Time::HiRes::time();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$start = time();
+		}
+	move($local_file, $remote_file) or Leave($KErrWriteFile);
+	if ($TimeHiRes)
+		{
+		$end = Time::HiRes::time();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$end = time();
+		}
+	# Duration in ms
+	$duration = int(1000 * ($end - $start));
+	return ($duration);
+sub readfile
+	{
+	my ($start, $end, $duration);
+	if ($TimeHiRes)
+		{
+		$start = Time::HiRes::time();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$start = time();
+		}
+	move($remote_file, $local_file) or Leave($KErrReadFile);
+	if ($TimeHiRes)
+		{
+		$end = Time::HiRes::time();
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		$end = time();
+		}
+	# Duration in ms
+	$duration = int(1000 * ($end - $start));
+	return ($duration);
+	}
+sub create_gobblefile
+	if (not open FILE, ">$local_file ")
+		{
+		LogPrint "Can't create file: $!";
+		Leave($KErrWriteFile);
+	 	}
+	my $realsize = ($size * 1024);
+	my $i = 0;
+	while ($i++ < $realsize)
+	{
+		# Add a 1024-byte block
+		if (not print FILE '012345ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'x32)
+			{
+			LogPrint("Write error: $!\n");
+			Leave($KErrWriteFile);
+			}
+	}
+	close FILE;
+=head1 NAME
+ - Create a large file and write it to a Mass Storage device, or
+	read it back.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Usage: [options]
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 3
+=item --help
+Displays this help.
+=item --drive=<drive>
+The path to / drive letter of the USB Mass Storage device.
+=item --size=<size>
+The size of the file to be created to measure the speed connection.
+Size is expected in MB. Default value if no option given is 400 MB.
+=item --read=<0/1>
+0 to write
+1 to read
+Default value if no option given is 0 (write).
+Ensure the card/device has been ejected and thus flushed before you do the
+reading test after the writing case, otherwise the content will be cached by
+the local OS and the time measured won't be realistic.
+'Write' will leave the transferred file on the remote disk, but 'Read' will
+delete it (moving it to the local PC). So a practical test order is:
+'Write' test, then disconnect/re-connect USB drive, then 'Read' test.
+This sequence will start and finish with an empty USB disk.
+=item --logfile=<file>
+Append test output to specified file.
+This is a simple utility to create a file on a mass storage unit and measure
+the performance in MB / seconds of the USB connection.
+=head2 Test Case Specification
+ TestCaseID:	PBASE-PREQ709-0045-Performance
+ TestType: 	IT
+ TestCaseDesc:  Test Mass Storage performance on different platforms
+	        (Windows 2000/XP/ME, MacOS) (Manual test)
+ TestActions:
+Build a ROM with usbmsapp.exe on it. Connect the board to the PC with an USB
+cable. Execute usbmsapp.exe on the device to map the mass storage unit (MMC/SD
+card) onto the PC. Execute this script on the PC, and make sure the card has
+free space for the file that is going to be created. The default size is 400
+Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.