changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/usbho/t_otgdi/inc/testcaseroot.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// @internalComponent
+#include <d32otgdi.h>	// OTGDI thunk headder (under test)
+#include "debugmacros.h"
+#include "testcasefactory.h"
+#include "testpolicy.h"
+#include "otgroot.h"		// otg driver facade
+#include "b2bwatchers.h"	// otg watchers server
+#define MINMAX_CLAMPVALUE(a,min,max) (a < min?a=min:(a>max?a=max:(int)0))
+// keyboard input, different from KErrNone and KErrCancel
+const TInt KTestCaseWatchdogTO		= 1025;
+const TInt KTestCaseFailureEventReceived = 1026;	//	Meaning that some specific undesired event occurred during a test step
+const TInt KB2BStepTimeoutDefaultMS 	= 5000;	// 5 seconds
+const TInt KB2BStepTimeoutShortMS		= 1000; // timeout for things that should happen virtually immediately
+const TInt KB2BStepRoleSustainB_MS		= 30000;	// B-device must stay in role for at least 30 seconds
+const TInt KB2BStepRoleSustainA_MS		= 35000;	// A-device must stay in role longer before it drops the bus
+// Prompts to the tester
+					// H4 width    ****************************
+_LIT(KAttachOETAsBDevice,		  "Attach OET, SW9 set as B-Device.\n");
+_LIT(KInsertAConnectorPrompt,	  "Please insert 'A'-connector now.\n");
+_LIT(KRemoveAConnectorPrompt,  	  "Please remove 'A'-connector now.\n");
+_LIT(KInsertBCablePrompt,	   	  "Please insert 'B'-cable end now.\n ");
+_LIT(KInsertACablePrompt,	  	  "Please insert 'A'-cable end now.\n ");
+_LIT(KInsertAIntoPC,              "Please insert 'A'-connector into PC\n ");
+_LIT(KRemoveAFromPC,              "Please remove 'A'-connector from PC\n ");
+_LIT(KPressAnyKeyToStart,		  "Press any key to start...");
+_LIT(KPressAnyKeyToContinue,	  "Press any key to proceed...");
+_LIT(KPressAnyKeyToEnd,			  "Press any key to end.");
+_LIT(KMsgErrorPreconditionFailed, "<Error>Test precondition not met!\n");
+_LIT(KMsgBPlugNotFound,			  "B plug not detected ERROR!\n");
+_LIT(KMsgAPlugNotFound,			  "A plug not detected ERROR!\n");
+_LIT(KMsgWaitingForSRPTimeout,    "Waiting for SRP timeout (32 s)\n");
+_LIT(KMsgWaitingForSRPInitiated,  "Waiting for SRP initiation\n");
+_LIT(KTestTypeB2BMsg, "== B2B connected test ==\n");
+_LIT(KRoleMasterMsg,  "== MASTER ==\n");
+_LIT(KRoleSlaveMsg,   "== SLAVE  ==\n");
+// CActive helper string
+_LIT(KMsgAlreadyActive, "Is already Active");		
+// name of the OTGDI ldd
+// names for the USBC ldd
+_LIT(KUsbcLddFileName, "eusbc");
+_LIT(KUsbDeviceName, "Usbc");
+const TInt KDelayDurationForUserActivityMS	= 15000;
+const TInt KDelayDurationForQEmpty			= 200;	// > 17 ms
+const TInt KDelayDurationForLocalTrigger	= 50;	// 50 ms (API call with a local side-effect)
+const TInt KDelayBeforeBusDropUs	= 50000;	// 50ms time after VBus rise before we may drop it - prevents
+											// ambiguous Vbus pulse signalling.
+const TInt KTestProductID 		= 0x2670;	// Symbian USB PID product-id 
+// Specification values
+const TInt KSpec_TA_SRP_RSPNS = 4900; 		// ms [OTG section 5.3.2] - NOTE: A device timeout=32 seconds
+const TInt KOperationRetriesMax = 3;	// # retries on various operations.
+const TInt KParameterTextLenMax = 80;	// command-line param length
+// map the number of times to re-run the OPEN/CLOSE tests to the command-line parameter
+// this parameter is also used for many other tests that allow itteration count control
+#define OPEN_REPEATS		gOpenIterations	
+#define OPEN_MAXREPEATS		1000
+// # times to repeat the steps
+#define OOMOPEN_REPEATS		gOOMIterations
+#define OOM_MINREPEATS		1
+#define OOM_MAXREPEATS		99
+// panics
+	{
+	EPanicAlreadyActive=1000,
+	EPanicPropertyDeleted = 1001,
+	EPanicWatchdogError = 1002
+	};
+/** Abstract base class to derive all tests from
+class CTestCaseRoot : public CActive, public COtgRoot
+    {
+	virtual ~CTestCaseRoot();
+	/** Provides us with a pointer to the test policy which instantiated this object
+	 in OTGDI, the policy does not do any policy making, it merely instantiates the test
+	 and provides parameters */
+	void SetTestPolicy(CBasicTestPolicy* aTestPolicy);
+	void DisplayTestCaseOptions();
+	virtual void DescribePreconditions() = 0;
+	virtual TInt GetStepIndex() = 0;
+	// Performs the test case
+	void PerformTestL();
+	virtual void ExecuteTestCaseL()=0; // override to implement	
+	// Provides to the caller the identity of this test case
+	// @return descriptor referrence to the test case identity
+	TDesC& TestCaseId();
+	// Retrieve the test result for the executed test case
+	// @return the test case result
+	TInt TestResult() const;	
+	TBool IsActiveOutstanding() {return(IsActive());}; 
+	/**
+	Constructor
+	@param aTestCaseId the identity that this test case is to represent
+	@param aHostFlag the flag for host role
+	*/
+	CTestCaseRoot(const TDesC& aTestCaseId, TBool aHost);
+	/**
+	Base class 2nd phase constructor
+	*/
+	void BaseConstructL();	 
+	/**
+	Called when Cancel is called (if active)
+	*/
+	virtual void DoCancel();
+	/**
+	Called when the this AO has been scheduled
+	*/
+	virtual void RunL();
+	/**
+	This default implementation just informs the test controller that this specific test case RunL
+	left with the error code so that the active scheduler will not Panic.  This indicates that the test case failed.
+	Derived test cases are expected to override for exact knowledge of error
+	@param aError the error from a derived test case execution
+	@return KErrNone
+	*/
+	virtual TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	/**
+	State that the test case has failed with the given error code
+	@param aFailResult the failure result for the test case
+	*/
+	void TestFailed(TInt aFailResult, const TDesC &aErrorDescription);
+	void TestFailed2(TInt aFailResult, const TDesC &aErrorDescription, TInt errorCode);
+	void AssertionFailed(TInt aFailResult, const TDesC &aErrorDescription) {TestFailed(aFailResult, aErrorDescription);};
+	void AssertionFailed2(TInt aFailResult, const TDesC &aErrorDescription, TInt errorCode) {TestFailed2(aFailResult, aErrorDescription, errorCode);}; 
+	virtual void PrintStepName(const TDesC &aStepName);
+	/**
+	Instruct the test case that it has passed
+	*/
+	void TestPassed();                  
+	void SelfComplete(TInt aError=KErrNone);
+	CBasicTestPolicy& TestPolicy();
+	// override this method in each test that needs KB input
+	virtual void ProcessKey(TKeyCode &aKey);
+	void ProcessEngineKey(TKeyCode &aKey);
+	// Issue request
+	void RequestCharacter();
+	virtual void RunStepL() =0;
+	virtual void PreRunStep();
+	virtual void PostRunStep();
+	/** bypass some manual steps, will skip preconditioning steps 
+		when you want to run the tests in the correct sequence (IE previous test leaves 
+		the external inputs in a state ready for this test).
+	*/
+	TBool iAutomated;	
+	/**
+	The timer resource for timeout of test actions
+	and possibly other uses
+	*/
+	RTimer iTimer;	
+	/**
+	The execution result for the test case
+	*/
+	TInt iTestResult;
+	// key input status to wait upon (wrap it in a method-call)
+	TKeyCode iKeyCodeInput;		
+	CConsoleBase* iConsole; // A console for reading from
+	TBool iDualRoleCase;	// True for tests with 2 roles (Master/Slave)
+	TBool iRequestedChar;
+    TTime iStartTime;  // time that the test started at
+    TBuf<KMaxName> iRootID; // test case name or step name
+	/**
+	*/
+	CBasicTestPolicy* iTestPolicy;
+	/**
+	The identity of the test case
+	*/
+	TBuf<KMaxName> iTestCaseId;
+    }; // CTestCaseRoot
+/* ***************************************************************************
+ * Abstract class for B2b test-cases adds B2B helpers and datas to the 
+ * CTestCaseRoot class. 
+ */
+class CTestCaseB2BRoot : public CTestCaseRoot
+	{
+	static CTestCaseB2BRoot* NewL(const TDesC& aTestCaseId, TBool aHost, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+	virtual ~CTestCaseB2BRoot(); 	
+	virtual void DescribePreconditions();
+	void 	CheckRoleConnections();
+	virtual void StepB2BPreconditions();
+	CTestCaseB2BRoot(const TDesC& aTestCaseId, TBool aHost, TRequestStatus &aStatus);
+	void ConstructL();
+	void PrintStepName(const TDesC &aStepName);
+	// the default B2B action is to clear the expected notification Q at the start of step, 
+	// and the received q as the step ends
+	void PreRunStep(); // from CTestCaseRoot
+	void PostRunStep(); // from CTestCaseRoot
+	CNotifyCollector	iCollector;
+	};