changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/usbho/t_usbdi/inc/endpointwriter.h	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+* @file endpointwriter.h
+* @internalComponent
+#include <d32usbc.h>
+namespace NUnitTesting_USBDI
+	{
+This class describes a generic writer of data to host endpoints
+class CEndpointWriter : public CActive
+	{
+	/**
+	Constructor, build an endpoint writer
+	@param aClientDriver a referrence to a channel to the client USB driver
+	@param aEndpoint the endpoint number to write to
+	*/
+	CEndpointWriter(RDevUsbcClient& aClientDriver,TEndpointNumber aEndpoint);
+	/**
+	Destructor
+	*/
+	virtual ~CEndpointWriter();
+	/**
+	Get numebr of bytes writtenat an instant in time if doing a multiple asynchronous 'Write' 
+	*/
+	TUint NumBytesWrittenSoFar();
+	/**
+	Write the supplied data to through the endpoint to the host
+	@param aData the byte data to write to the host
+	@param aUseZLP send a zero length packet if appropriate
+	@param aCreateBuffer reallocate this object's 'iBuffer' and copy the data into it (required for aData is transient)
+	*/
+	void Write(const TDesC8& aData, TBool aUseZLP, TBool aCreateBuffer = ETrue);
+	/**
+	Write the supplied data to through the endpoint to the host and wait for completion
+	@param aData the byte data to write to the host
+	@return error
+	*/
+	TInt WriteSynchronous(const TDesC8& aData, TBool aUseZLP);
+	/**
+	Write 'aNumBytes' bytes of data using 'aDataPattern' through the endpoint to the host
+	@param aDataPattern the byte data pattern to use when writing to the host
+	@param aNumBytes the number of bytes to write to the host
+	@param aUseZLP use a zero lengt packet if last write packet conatins max packet's worth of data 
+	*/
+	void WriteSynchronousUsingPatternL(const TDesC8& aDataPattern, const TUint aNumBytesconst, TBool aUseZLP);
+	/**
+	Write 'aNumBytes' bytes of data using 'aDataPattern' through the endpoint to the host
+	and wait for completion.
+	@param aDataPattern the byte data pattern to use when writing to the host
+	@param aNumBytes the number of bytes to write to the host
+	*/
+	void WriteSynchronousUsingPatternL(const TDesC8& aDataPattern, const TUint aNumBytes);
+	/**
+	Write 'aNumBytes' bytes of data using 'aDataPattern' through the endpoint to the host, 
+	and then halt the endpoint.
+	@param aDataPattern the byte data pattern to use when writing to the host
+	@param aNumBytes the number of bytes to write to the host
+	*/
+	void WriteSynchronousUsingPatternAndHaltL(const TDesC8& aDataPattern, const TUint aNumBytes);
+	/**
+	Kick off a 'Write' of 'aNumBytes' bytes of data using 'aDataPattern' through the endpoint to the host.
+	@param aData the byte data to write to the host
+	@param aNumRepeats the number of times to repeat in the buffer to be used when sending	
+	*/
+	void WriteUsingPatternL(const TDesC8& aData, const TUint aNumBytes, const TBool aUseZLP);
+	/**
+	Kick off a sequence of 'Writes' which in total will write 'aNumBytes' bytes of data using 'aDataPattern' 
+	through the endpoint to the host.
+	@param aNumBytesPerWrite the number of bytes of data to write to the host per call to USB client 'Write'
+	@param aTotalNumBytes the total number of bytes of data to write to the host
+	@param aNumRepeats the number of times to repeat in the buffer to be used when sending	
+	*/
+	void WriteInPartsUsingPatternL(const TDesC8& aData, const TUint aNumBytesPerWrite, TUint aTotalNumBytes, const TBool aUseZLP);
+private: // From CActive
+	/**
+	*/
+	void DoCancel();
+	/**
+	*/
+	void RunL();
+	/**
+	*/
+	TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	/**
+	*/
+	void CreateBigBuffer(const TDesC8& aData, const TUint aRepeats);
+	/**
+	The channel to the USB client driver
+	*/
+	RDevUsbcClient& iClientDriver;
+	/**
+	The endpoint number that this writer will write to
+	*/
+	TEndpointNumber iEndpoint;	
+	/**
+	The total number of bytes in a repeated 'Write'
+	*/
+	TUint iTotalNumBytes;	
+	/**
+	The number of bytes currently writte in a repeated write
+	*/
+	TUint iNumBytesWritten;	
+	/**
+	The number of bytes to write at each successive a 'Write'
+	*/
+	TUint iNumBytesOnCurrentWrite;	
+	/**
+	The length of the data pattern in a repeated write
+	*/
+	TUint iDataPatternLength;	
+	/**
+	Is a ZLP required for the last 'Write' in a successive 'Write'
+	*/
+	TUint iUseZLP;	
+	/**
+	Buffer for WriteInOne
+	*/
+	HBufC8* iBuffer;
+	/**
+	Ptr to buffer for WriteInOne
+	*/ 
+	TPtr8 iBufPtr;
+	};
+	}
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