changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32utils/d_exc/	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+if (@ARGV<1)
+	{
+	print <<USAGE_EOF;
+ d_exc_nnn [romimage.symbol]
+Given the output of D_EXC, a file d_exc_nnn.txt and d_exc_nnn.stk, it 
+uses the other information to try to put symbolic information against 
+the stack image.
+	exit 1;
+	}
+sub add_object
+	{
+	my ($base, $max, $name) = @_;
+	$address{$base} = [ $base, $max, $name ];
+	my $key=$base>>20;
+	my $maxkey=$max>>20;
+	while ($key <= $maxkey)		# allowing for objects that span the boundary
+		{
+		push @{$addresslist{$key}}, $base;
+		$key+=1;
+		}
+	}
+my $RomBase = 0xF8000000;
+my $RomLimit = 0xFFF00000;
+add_object($RomBase,$RomLimit, "ROM");
+# Handle a MAKSYM.LOG file for a ROM
+sub read_rom_symbols
+	{
+	my ($romimage)=@_;
+	open ROMSYMBOLS, $romimage or print "Can't open $romimage\n" and return;
+	my $a;
+	my $b;
+	while (my $line = <ROMSYMBOLS>)
+		{
+		if(!($line =~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}/))
+			{
+			next;
+			}
+		# 8 bytes for the address
+		$a = substr $line,0,8;
+		if(!($a =~ /[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}/))
+			{
+			next;
+			}
+		# 4 bytes for the length
+		$b = substr $line,12,4;
+		if(!($b =~ /[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}/))
+			{
+			next;
+			}
+		# rest of line is symbol
+		my $symbol = substr $line,20;
+		chomp $symbol;
+		my $base=hex($a);
+		my $length=hex($b);
+		if ($base < 0x50000000) 
+			{
+			next;	# skip this line
+			}
+		if ($length==0xffffffff)
+			{
+			$length=100;	# MAKSYM bug? choose a rational length
+			}
+		add_object($base, $base+$length-1, $symbol);
+		}
+	print "ROM Symbols from $romimage\n";
+	}
+# Handle MAP file for a non execute-in-place binary
+sub read_map_symbols
+	{
+	my ($binary, $binbase)=@_;
+	$binary =~ /([^\\]+)$/;
+	my $basename=$1;
+	if (not open MAPFILE, "$")
+		{
+		print "Can't open map file for \n$\n";		
+		return;
+		}
+	my @maplines;
+	while (<MAPFILE>) 
+		{
+		push @maplines, $_;
+		}
+	close MAPFILE;
+# See if we're dealing with the RVCT output
+	if ($maplines[0] =~ /^ARM Linker/) 
+		{
+		# scroll down to the global symbols
+		while ($_ = shift @maplines) 
+			{
+			if (/Global Symbols/) 
+				{
+				last;
+				}
+			}
+		# .text gets linked at 0x00008000		
+		$imgtext=hex(8000);#start of the text section during linking
+		foreach (@maplines) 
+			{
+			# name address ignore size section
+			if (/^\s*(.+)\s*(0x\S+)\s+[^\d]*(\d+)\s+(.*)$/) 
+				{
+				my $symbol  = $1;
+				my $addr = hex($2);
+				my $size = $3;
+				if ($size > 0)#symbols of the 0 size contain some auxillary information, ignore them
+					{
+	            			add_object($addr-$imgtext+$binbase,#relocated address of the current symbol 
+						$addr-$imgtext+$binbase+$size,#relocated address of the current symbol + size of the current symbol
+						"$binary $symbol");
+					}
+				}
+			}			      
+		}
+	else 
+#we are dealing with GCC output
+		{
+		my $imgtext;
+		# Find text section
+		while (($_ = shift @maplines) && !(/^\.text\s+/)) 
+			{
+			}
+		/^\.text\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/
+			or die "ERROR: Can't get .text section info for \"$file\"\n";
+		$imgtext=hex($1);#start of the text section during linking
+		$binbase-=$imgtext;
+		foreach (@maplines) 
+			{
+			if (/___CTOR_LIST__/)
+				{
+				last;	# end of text section
+				}
+			if (/^\s(\.text)?\s+(0x\w+)\s+(0x\w+)\s+(.*)$/io) 
+				{		    
+				$textlimit = hex($2)+$binbase+hex($3)-1;			
+				next;
+				}
+			if (/^\s+(\w+)\s\s+([a-zA-Z_].+)/o) 			
+				{				    
+				my $addr = hex($1);
+				my $symbol = $2;
+				add_object($addr+$binbase,#relocated address of the current symbol
+					$textlimit,#limit of the current object section
+					"$binary $symbol");
+				next;
+				}
+			}						
+		}
+#end of GCC output parsing		
+	}
+# Handle a matched pair of D_EXC output files (.txt and .stk)
+sub read_d_exc
+	{
+	my ($name)=@_;
+	$stackbase = 0;
+	open D_EXC, "$name.txt" or die "Can't open $name.txt\n";
+	binmode D_EXC;
+	read D_EXC, $data, 16;
+	close D_EXC;
+	if ($data =~ /^(..)*.\0.\0/)
+		{
+		# Assuming Unicode
+		close D_EXC;
+		# Charconv won't convert STDIN or write to STDOUT
+		# so we generate an intermediate UTF8 file 
+		system "charconv -little -input=unicode $name.txt -output=utf8 $name.utf8.txt";
+		open D_EXC, "$name.utf8.txt" or die "Can't open $name.utf8.txt\n";
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		# Assuming ASCII
+		open D_EXC, "$name.txt" or die "Can't open $name.txt\n";
+		}
+	my $is_eka2_log = 0;
+	while (my $line = <D_EXC>)
+		{
+		if ($line =~ /^EKA2 USER CRASH LOG$/)
+			{
+			$is_eka2_log = 1;
+			next;
+			}
+		# code=1 PC=500f7ff8 FAR=00000042 FSR=e8820013
+		if ($line =~ /^code=\d PC=(.{8})/)
+			{
+			$is_exc = 1;
+			$fault_pc = hex($1);
+			next;
+			};
+		# R13svc=81719fc0 R14svc=50031da0 SPSRsvc=60000010
+		if ($line =~ /^R13svc=(.{8}) R14svc=(.{8}) SPSRsvc=(.{8})/)
+			{
+			$fault_lr = hex($2);
+			next;
+			}
+		# r00=fffffff8 00000000 80000718 80000003
+		if ($line =~ /^r(\d\d)=(.{8}) (.{8}) (.{8}) (.{8})/)
+			{
+			$registers{$1} = $line;
+			if ($1 == 12)
+				{
+				$activesp = hex($3);
+				$user_pc = hex($5);
+				$user_lr = hex($4);
+				}
+			next;
+			}
+		# User Stack 03900000-03905ffb
+		# EKA1 format deliberately broken (was /^Stack.*/) to catch version problems
+		if ($line =~ /^User Stack (.{8})-(.{8})/)
+			{
+			$stackbase = hex($1);
+			add_object($stackbase,hex($2), "Stack");
+			next;
+			}
+		# fff00000-fff00fff C:\foo\bar.dll
+		if ($line =~ /^(.{8})-(.{8}) (.+)/)
+			{
+			next if ($RomBase <= hex($1) && hex($1) < $RomLimit); # skip ROM XIP binaries
+			add_object(hex($1), hex($2), $3);
+			read_map_symbols($3, hex($1));
+			}
+		}
+	close D_EXC;
+	die "$name.txt is not a valid EKA2 crash log" unless $is_eka2_log;
+	if ($stackbase == 0)
+		{
+		die "couldn't find stack information in $name.txt\n";
+		}
+	die "couldn't find stack pointer in  $name.txt\n" unless $activesp != 0;
+	$activesp -= $stackbase;
+	# Read in the binary dump of the stack
+	open STACK, "$name.stk" or die "Can't open $name.stk\n";
+	print "Stack Data from $name.stk\n";
+	binmode STACK;
+	while (read STACK, $data, 4)
+		{
+		unshift @stack, (unpack "V", $data);
+		}
+	$stackptr = 0;
+	}
+# Handle the captured text output from the Kernel debugger
+sub read_debugger
+	{
+	my ($name)=@_;
+	open DEBUGFILE, "$name" or die "Can't open $name\n";
+	print "Kernel Debugger session from $name\n";
+	# stuff which should be inferred from "$name"
+	$stackbase = 0x81C00000;
+	$stackmax  = 0x81C01DC0;
+	$activesp = 0x81c01bc4-$stackbase;
+	add_object($stackbase,0x81C01FFF, "Stack");
+	while (my $line = <DEBUGFILE>)
+		{
+		if ($line =~ /^(\w{8}): ((\w\w ){16})/)
+			{
+			my $addr = hex($1);
+			if ($addr < $stackbase || $addr > $stackmax)
+				{
+				next;
+				}
+			if (@stack == 0)
+				{
+				if ($addr != $stackbase)
+					{
+					printf "Missing stack data for %x-%x - fill with 0x29\n", $stackbase, $addr-1;
+					@stack = (0x29292929) x (($addr-$stackbase)/4);
+					}
+				}
+			unshift @stack, reverse (unpack "V4", (pack "H2"x16, (split / /,$2)));
+			}
+		}
+		$stackptr = 0;
+	}
+if (@ARGV>1)
+	{
+	read_rom_symbols(@ARGV[1]);
+	}
+# We've accumulated the ranges of objects indexed by start address,
+# with a companion list of addresses subdivided by the leading byte
+# Now sort them numerically...
+sub numerically { $a <=> $b }
+foreach my $key (keys %addresslist)
+	{
+	@{$addresslist{$key}} = sort numerically @{$addresslist{$key}};
+	}
+# Off we go, reading the stack!
+sub skip_unused 
+	{
+	my $skipped=0;
+	while (@stack)
+		{
+		my $word=(pop @stack);
+		if ($word!=0x29292929)
+			{ 
+			push @stack, $word;
+			last;
+			}
+		$skipped += 4;
+		}
+	$stackptr += $skipped;
+	return $skipped;
+	}
+sub lookup_addr
+	my ($word) = @_;
+	# Optimization - try looking up the address directly
+	my $base;
+	my $max;
+	my $name;
+	if(defined $address{$word}) {
+		($base, $max, $name) = @{$address{$word}};
+	}
+	if (!(defined $base))
+		{
+		my $key=$word>>20;
+		my $regionbase;
+		foreach $base (@{$addresslist{$key}})
+			{
+			if ($base <= $word)
+				{
+				$regionbase = $base;
+				next;
+				}
+			if ($base > $word)
+				{
+				last;
+				}
+			}
+		if(defined $regionbase)
+			{
+			($base, $max, $name) = @{$address{$regionbase}};
+			}
+		}
+	if (defined $base && defined $max && $base <= $word && $max >= $word)
+		{
+		my $data = pack "V", $word;
+		$data =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
+		return sprintf "%08x %4s  %s + 0x%x", $word, $data, $name, $word - $base;
+		}
+	return "";
+sub match_addr
+# Try matching one of the named areas in the addresslist
+	my $word = (pop @stack);
+	if ($word < 1024*1024)
+		{
+		push @stack, $word;
+		return 0;
+		}
+	my $result = lookup_addr($word);
+	if ($result ne "")
+		{
+		print "$result\n";
+		$stackptr+=4;
+		return 1;
+		}
+	push @stack, $word;
+	return 0;
+	}
+sub match_tbuf8
+# Try matching a TBuf8
+#	0x3000LLLL 0x0000MMMM data
+	{
+	if (scalar @stack <3)
+		{
+		return 0;	# too short
+		}
+	my $word = (pop @stack);
+	my $maxlen = (pop @stack);
+	my $len = $word & 0x0ffff;
+	my $type = ($word >> 16) & 0x0ffff;
+	if ( $type != 0x3000 || $maxlen <= $len || $maxlen > 4* scalar @stack 
+		|| ($stackptr < $activesp && $stackptr + $maxlen + 8 > $activesp))
+		{
+		push @stack, $maxlen;
+		push @stack, $word;
+		return 0;		# wrong type, or invalid looking sizes, or out of date
+		}
+	printf "TBuf8<%d>, length %d\n", $maxlen, $len;
+	$stackptr += 8;
+	my $string="";
+	while ($maxlen > 0)
+		{
+		$string .= pack "V", pop @stack;
+		$maxlen -= 4;
+		$stackptr += 4;
+		}
+	if ($len==0)
+		{
+		print "\n";
+		return 1;
+		}
+	my $line = substr($string,0,$len);
+	my @buf = unpack "C*", $line;
+	$line =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
+	printf "\n  %s", $line;
+	while ($len > 0)
+		{
+		my $datalen = 16;
+		if ($datalen > $len)
+			{
+			$datalen = $len;
+			}
+		$len -= $datalen;
+		printf "\n  ";
+		while ($datalen > 0)
+			{
+			my $char = shift @buf;
+			printf "%02x ", $char;
+			$datalen -= 1;
+			}
+		}
+	printf "\n\n";
+	return 1;
+	}
+# Skip the unused part of the stack
+printf "High watermark = %04x\n", $stackptr;
+# process the interesting bit!
+my $printed_current_sp = 0;
+while (@stack)
+	{
+	if (!$printed_current_sp && $stackptr >= $activesp)
+		{
+		printf "\n >>>> current user stack pointer >>>>\n\n";
+		print $registers{"00"};
+		print $registers{"04"};
+		print $registers{"08"};
+		print $registers{"12"};
+		if ($is_exc && $user_pc != $fault_pc)
+			{
+			print "\nWARNING: A kernel-side exception occured but this script\n";
+			print "is currently limited to user stack analysis. Sorry.\n";
+			my $result = lookup_addr($fault_pc);
+			if ($result ne "")
+				{
+				print "Kernel PC = $result\n";
+				}
+			$result = lookup_addr($fault_lr);
+			if ($result ne "")
+				{
+				print "Kernel LR = $result\n";
+				}
+			print "\n";
+			}
+		my $result = lookup_addr($user_pc);
+		if ($result ne "")
+			{
+			print "User PC = $result\n";
+			}
+		$result = lookup_addr($user_lr);
+		if ($result ne "")
+			{
+			print "User LR = $result\n";
+			}
+		printf "\n >>>> current user stack pointer >>>>\n\n";
+		$printed_current_sp = 1;
+		}
+	printf "%04x  ", $stackptr;
+	match_tbuf8() and next;
+	match_addr() and next;
+	$word = pop @stack;
+	$data = pack "V", $word;
+	$data =~ tr [\040-\177]/./c;
+	printf "%08x %4s  ", $word, $data;
+	$stackptr += 4;
+	if ($word == 0x29292929)
+		{
+		$skipped = skip_unused;
+		if ($skipped != 0)
+			{
+			printf "\n....";
+			}
+		printf "\n";
+		next;
+		}
+	# Try matching $word against the known addresses of things
+	printf "\n";
+	}