--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/bench/t_fcachebm.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test/bench/t_fcachebm.cpp
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include "t_select.h"
+#include "t_benchmain.h"
+//! @SYMTestCaseID PBASE-T_RCACHE-0192
+//! @SYMTestType CIT
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc This test case is testing performance of the File Server Cache.
+//! @SYMTestActions 0 setup the environment to execute the tests
+//! 1 small random reads/writes
+//! 2 large sequential reads/writes
+//! 3 streaming test (100, 200 and 500 kbps)
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults Finishes if the system behaves as expected, panics otherwise
+//! @SYMTestPriority High
+//! @SYMTestStatus Implemented
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("File Cache BM"));
+LOCAL_D RSemaphore client;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KHeapSize = 0x4000;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KTobps = 1000;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KByte = 8;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KOneSec = 1000000; // One second in microseconds
+// Tests setup
+LOCAL_D const TInt KSmallRow = 11;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KSmallCol = 7;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KSmallThreshold = 64;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KSeveralTimes = 10;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KLargeRow = 19;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KLargeCol = 3;
+LOCAL_D TInt gCurrentSpeed = 0;
+LOCAL_D TInt gCurrentBS = 0;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<4096> buf;
+LOCAL_D TDriveList gDriveList;
+// Concurrent thread
+RThread gSpeedy;
+RThread gSpeedyII;
+TBuf16<25> gBaseFile;
+TBuf16<25> gFileA;
+TBuf16<25> gFileB;
+TBuf16<25> gStreamFile;
+TInt64 gMediaSize;
+HBufC8* gBuf = NULL;
+TPtr8 gBufReadPtr(NULL, 0);
+HBufC8* gBufSec = NULL;
+TPtr8 gBufWritePtr(NULL, 0);
+HBufC8* gBufB = NULL;
+TPtr8 gBufReadBPtr(NULL, 0);
+TBool gWriting = EFalse;
+LOCAL_D TInt ThreadCount=0;
+enum TTestState
+ {
+ ENoThreads, // No threads
+ ETwoThreadsDif, // Accessing to different files
+ ETwoThreadsDifDif, // Accessing to different files, different blocksizes
+ ETwoThreadsSame // Accessing the same file
+ };
+/** 2 ^ b
+ @param b Power
+LOCAL_C TInt Pow(TInt b)
+ return 1 << b;
+/** Pseudo-random number generator, random enough for the purpose
+ @param aMax Upper limit of the number. The interval of generated numbers is [0,aMax)
+LOCAL_C TInt Rand(TInt aMax)
+ return (Math::Random() % aMax);
+/** Fills a buffer with character aC, aC+1, aC+2, ..., aC+32, aC, etc
+ @param aBuffer Buffer to fill out
+ @param aLength Length to be filled with characters
+ @param aC Base character to fill the buffer
+LOCAL_C void FillBuffer(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aLength, TChar aC)
+ {
+ test (aBuffer.MaxLength() >= aLength);
+ for(TInt i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
+ {
+ aBuffer.Append((i%32)+aC);
+ }
+ }
+/** Send content through the RDebug for trgtest
+ not to hung, when the test is not writing
+LOCAL_C TInt noise(TAny* )
+ {
+ User::After(2147483647); // max value, 35 minutes, 47 seconds
+ if(!gWriting)
+ RDebug::Print(_L("."));
+ }
+/** Delete content of directory
+ @param aDir Directory to be emptied
+LOCAL_C TInt DeleteAll(TDes16& aDir)
+ {
+ TBuf16<100> dir;
+ CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
+ TInt r = 0;
+ dir = aDir;
+ dir.Append(_L("F*.*"));
+ r = fMan->Delete(dir);
+ delete fMan;
+ return r;
+ }
+/** Creates a file of aSize KBytes
+ @param aFile File name
+ @param aSize Size of the file to be created
+LOCAL_C void CreateFile(TDes16& aFile, TInt aSize)
+ TInt r = 0;
+ RFile file;
+ r = file.Replace(TheFs, aFile, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ TInt j = 0;
+ while(j <= aSize)
+ {
+ r = file.Write(gBufWritePtr, KOneK);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += KOneK;
+ }
+ file.Close();
+/** Kills the concurrent session
+LOCAL_C void DoTestKill()
+ TInt r = 0;
+ gSpeedy.Kill(KErrNone);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Close();
+ gSpeedyII.Kill(KErrNone);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedyII.Close();
+/** Read aSize KBs from aFile file in blocks of aBlockSize bytes
+ @param aFile Name of the file
+ @param aPos Position from where the read starts within the file
+ @param aBlockSize Block size for the I/O operation
+ @param aSize
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadFromFile(TDes16& aFile, TInt aPos, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aSize)
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TTime startTime;
+ TTime endTime;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt size = aSize * KOneK;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ r = file.Open(TheFs,aFile,EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, aPos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ while(j <= size)
+ {
+ r = file.Read(gBufReadPtr, aBlockSize);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += aBlockSize;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ file.Close();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ return I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit);
+/** Read aSize KBs from aFile file in blocks of aBlockSize bytes several times
+ @param aFile Name of the file
+ @param ayMax Maximum for the position
+ @param aBlockSize Block size for the I/O operation
+ @param aSize Size of the file in KB
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadFromFileSeveralTimes(TDes16& aFile, TInt ayMax, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aSize)
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TTime startTime;
+ TTime endTime;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt j = 0, i, pos;
+ TInt size = aSize * KOneK;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ TInt64 time = 0;
+ r = file.Open(TheFs, aFile, EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < KSeveralTimes )
+ {
+ pos = Rand(Pow(ayMax - 1));
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j = 0;
+ while(j <= size)
+ {
+ r = file.Read(gBufReadPtr, aBlockSize);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += aBlockSize;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ time += I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64());
+ i++;
+ }
+ file.Close();
+ return I64LOW((time / gTimeUnit) / KSeveralTimes); // Overflow not expected here, since the number is not big enough
+/** Write aSize KBs to aFile file in blocks of aBlockSize bytes
+ @param aFile Name of the file
+ @param aPos Position from where the read starts within the file
+ @param aBlockSize Block size for the I/O operation
+ @param aSize Size of the file in KB
+LOCAL_C TInt WriteToFile(TDes16& aFile, TInt aPos, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aSize)
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TTime startTime;
+ TTime endTime;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt size = aSize * KOneK;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ r = file.Open(TheFs, aFile, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, aPos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ while(j <= size)
+ {
+ r = file.Write(gBufWritePtr, aBlockSize);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += aBlockSize;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ file.Close();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ return I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64() / gTimeUnit);
+/** Write aSize KBs to aFile file in blocks of aBlockSize bytes several times
+ @param aFile Name of the file
+ @param ayMax Maximum for the position
+ @param aBlockSize Block size for the I/O operation
+ @param aSize Size of the file in KB
+LOCAL_C TInt WriteToFileSeveralTimes(TDes16& aFile, TInt ayMax, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aSize)
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TTime startTime;
+ TTime endTime;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt i, j = 0, pos;
+ TInt size = aSize * KOneK;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ TInt64 time = 0;
+ r = file.Open(TheFs, aFile, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ i = 0;
+ while( i < KSeveralTimes )
+ {
+ pos = Rand(Pow(ayMax - 1));
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j = 0;
+ while(j <= size)
+ {
+ r = file.Write(gBufWritePtr, aBlockSize);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += aBlockSize;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ time += I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64());
+ i++;
+ }
+ file.Close();
+ return I64LOW((time / gTimeUnit) / KSeveralTimes); // Overflow not expected here, since the number is not big enough
+/** Read small blocks in the gBaseFile
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadSmallBase(TAny* )
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TBuf8<1024> dummy(1024);
+ TInt blockSize = 0;
+ TInt randPos = 0;
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs, gBaseFile, EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ randPos = Rand(64) * KOneK ;
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, randPos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ blockSize = i;
+ r = file.Read(dummy, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ if(i >= 1023) i = 0;
+ else i++;
+ }
+/** Read small blocks in gFileA
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadSmallA(TAny* )
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt blockSize = 0;
+ TInt randPos = 0;
+ TBuf8<1024> dummy(1024);
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs,gFileA,EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ randPos = Rand(64) * KOneK ;
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, randPos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ blockSize = i;
+ r = file.Read(dummy, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ FailIfError(r);
+ if(i >= 1023) i = 0;
+ else i++;
+ }
+/** Read small blocks in gFileB
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadSmallB(TAny* )
+ {
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TBuf8<1024> dummy(1024);
+ TInt blockSize = 0;
+ TInt randPos = 0;
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs, gFileB, EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ randPos = Rand(64) * KOneK ;
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, randPos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ blockSize = i;
+ r = file.Read(dummy, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ FailIfError(r);
+ if(i >= 1023) i = 0;
+ else i++;
+ }
+/** Read large blocks in gBaseFile
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadLargeBase(TAny* )
+ {
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TInt blockSize = 128 * KOneK;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs,gBaseFile,EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ r = file.Read(gBufReadBPtr, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ FailIfError(r);
+ }
+/** Read large blocks in gFileA
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadLargeA(TAny* )
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt blockSize = 128 * KOneK;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs,gFileA,EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ r = file.Read(gBufReadBPtr, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ FailIfError(r);
+ }
+/** Read large blocks in gFileB
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadLargeB(TAny* )
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt blockSize = 128 * KOneK;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TInt r=fs.Connect();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs,gFileB,EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ r = file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ r = file.Read(gBufReadBPtr, blockSize); // Sync operation
+ FailIfError(r);
+ }
+/** Small reads from a file
+ @param xMax Maximum position on the x axe
+ @param yMax Maximum position on the y axe
+ @param aCase Type of test. Possible values:
+ - ENoThreads : isolated
+ - ETwoThreadsSame : with two threads accessing same file
+ - ETwoThreadsDif : with two threads accessing dif. files
+LOCAL_C void smallReads(TInt xMax, TInt yMax, TTestState aCase)
+ {
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TInt timeRes = 0;
+ CreateFile(gBaseFile, Pow(yMax-1));
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsSame)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing the same file
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadSmallBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsDif)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing different files
+ CreateFile(gFileA, Pow(yMax-1));
+ CreateFile(gFileB, Pow(yMax-1));
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadSmallA, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallB, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ while(i < xMax)
+ { // Actual accesses and timing to the main file
+ j = 0;
+ PrintResult(i + 1, j + 1, Pow(i));
+ while(j < yMax)
+ {
+ if(Pow(i) < KSmallThreshold)
+ {
+ timeRes = ReadFromFile(gBaseFile, Rand(Pow(yMax - 1)), Pow(i), Pow(j));
+ }
+ else
+ { // Too small for only one time measure
+ timeRes = ReadFromFileSeveralTimes(gBaseFile, yMax, Pow(i), Pow(j));
+ }
+ gWriting = ETrue;
+ User::After(1000000);
+ PrintResultTime(i + 1, j + 2, timeRes);
+ gWriting = EFalse;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if((aCase == ETwoThreadsSame) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDif))
+ { // Finish the threads
+ DoTestKill();
+ }
+ }
+/** Large reads from a file
+ @param xMax Maximum position on the x axe
+ @param yMax Maximum position on the y axe
+ @param aCase Type of test. Possible values:
+ - ENoThreads : isolated
+ - ETwoThreadsSame : with two threads accessing same file
+ - ETwoThreadsDif : with two threads accessing dif. files
+ - ETwoThreadsDifDif : with two threads accessing dif. files, different block sizes (big/small)
+LOCAL_C void largeReads(TInt xMax, TInt yMax, TTestState aCase)
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TInt timeRes = 0;
+ CreateFile(gBaseFile, 10 * KOneK * KOneK); // 10 Mb
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsSame)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing the same file
+ TRAPD(res, gBufB = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBufB != NULL);
+ gBufReadBPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadLargeBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadLargeBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsDif)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing different files
+ CreateFile(gFileA, KOneK * KOneK);
+ CreateFile(gFileB, KOneK * KOneK);
+ TRAPD(res, gBufB = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBufB != NULL);
+ gBufReadBPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadLargeA, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadLargeB, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsDifDif)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing different files
+ CreateFile(gFileA, KOneK * KOneK);
+ CreateFile(gFileB, KOneK * KOneK);
+ TRAPD(res,gBufB = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBufB != NULL);
+ gBufReadBPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TBuf<20> buf=_L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadLargeA, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallB, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ i = 11;
+ while(i < xMax )
+ { // Actual accesses and timing to the main file
+ j = 0;
+ PrintResult(i - 10, j + 1, Pow(i));
+ while(j < yMax)
+ {
+ TInt size=0;
+ if(j == 0) size = 100 ; // 100 Kb
+ if(j == 1) size = KOneK ; // 1 Mb
+ if(j == 2) size = 10 * KOneK ; // 10 Mb
+ timeRes = ReadFromFile(gBaseFile, 0, Pow(i), size);
+ gWriting = ETrue;
+ User::After(1000000);
+ PrintResultTime(i - 10, j + 2, timeRes);
+ gWriting = EFalse;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if((aCase == ETwoThreadsSame) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDif) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDifDif))
+ { // Finish the threads
+ DoTestKill();
+ delete gBufB;
+ }
+/** Large writes to a file
+ @param xMax Maximum position on the x axe
+ @param yMax Maximum position on the y axe
+ @param aCase Type of test. Possible values:
+ - ENoThreads : isolated
+ - ETwoThreadsSame : with two threads accessing same file
+ - ETwoThreadsDif : with two threads accessing dif. files
+LOCAL_C void largeWrites(TInt xMax, TInt yMax, TTestState aCase)
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TInt timeRes = 0;
+ CreateFile(gBaseFile, 10 * KOneK * KOneK); // 10 Mb
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsSame)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing the same file
+ TRAPD(res, gBufB = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBufB != NULL);
+ gBufReadBPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadLargeBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadLargeBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsDif)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing different files
+ CreateFile(gFileA, KOneK * KOneK);
+ CreateFile(gFileB, KOneK * KOneK);
+ TRAPD(res, gBufB = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBufB != NULL);
+ gBufReadBPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadLargeA, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadLargeB, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ i = 11;
+ while(i < xMax )
+ { // Actual accesses and timing to the main file
+ j = 0;
+ PrintResult(i - 10 , j + 1, Pow(i));
+ while(j < yMax)
+ {
+ TInt size=0;
+ if(j == 0) size = 100 ; // 100 Kb
+ if(j == 1) size = KOneK ; // 1 Mb
+ if(j == 2) size = 10 * KOneK ; // 10 Mb
+ timeRes = WriteToFile(gBaseFile, 0, Pow(i), size);
+ gWriting = ETrue;
+ User::After(1000000);
+ PrintResultTime(i - 10, j + 2, timeRes);
+ gWriting = EFalse;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if((aCase == ETwoThreadsSame) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDif) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDifDif))
+ { // Finish the threads
+ DoTestKill();
+ delete gBufB;
+ }
+/** Small writes to a file
+ @param xMax Maximum position on the x axe
+ @param yMax Maximum position on the y axe
+ @param aCase Type of test. Possible values:
+ - ENoThreads : isolated
+ - ETwoThreadsSame : with two threads accessing same file
+ - ETwoThreadsDif : with two threads accessing dif. files
+LOCAL_C void smallWrites(TInt xMax, TInt yMax, TTestState aCase)
+ TInt i = 0;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TInt r = 0;
+ TInt timeRes = 0;
+ CreateFile(gBaseFile, Pow(yMax-1));
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsSame)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing the same file
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadSmallBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ if(aCase == ETwoThreadsDif)
+ { // Start two different threads accessing different files
+ CreateFile(gFileA, Pow(yMax-1));
+ CreateFile(gFileB, Pow(yMax-1));
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadSmallA, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallB, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ client.Wait();
+ }
+ while(i < xMax)
+ {
+ j = 0;
+ PrintResult(i + 1, j + 1, Pow(i));
+ while(j < yMax)
+ {
+ if(Pow(i) < KSmallThreshold)
+ {
+ timeRes = WriteToFile(gBaseFile, Rand(Pow(yMax-1)), Pow(i), Pow(j));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ timeRes = WriteToFileSeveralTimes(gBaseFile, yMax, Pow(i), Pow(j));
+ }
+ gWriting = ETrue;
+ User::After(1000000);
+ PrintResultTime(i + 1, j + 2, timeRes);
+ gWriting = EFalse;
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ if((aCase == ETwoThreadsSame) || (aCase == ETwoThreadsDif))
+ { // Finish the threads
+ DoTestKill();
+ }
+/** This test benchmarks small random r/w (e.g. database access)
+ @param aSelector Selection array for manual tests
+LOCAL_C TInt TestSmall(TAny* aSelector)
+ Validate(aSelector);
+ // Each test case of the suite has an identifyer for parsing purposes of the results
+ gTestHarness = 7;
+ gTestCase = 1;
+ gTimeUnit = 1;
+ PrintHeaders(4, _L("t_fcachebm. Small Random r/w"));
+ // Small reads
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Small reads, no threads \n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallReads(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ENoThreads);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Small reads, threads accessing same file \n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallReads(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ETwoThreadsSame);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Small reads, threads accessing dif files \n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallReads(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ETwoThreadsDif);
+ gTestCase++;
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ // Small writes test case
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Test small writes\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallWrites(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ENoThreads);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Small writes, threads accessing same file \n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallWrites(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ETwoThreadsSame);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Small writes, threads accessing dif files \n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ smallWrites(KSmallRow, KSmallCol, ETwoThreadsDif);
+ gTestCase++;
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TestEnd_%d\n"), gTestHarness);
+ return(KErrNone);
+/** This test benchmarks large sequential r/w (e.g. MM)
+ @param aSelector Selection array for manual tests
+LOCAL_C TInt TestLarge(TAny* aSelector)
+ Validate(aSelector);
+ // Each test case of the suite has an identifyer for parsing purposes of the results
+ gTestHarness = 8;
+ gTestCase = 1;
+ gTimeUnit = 1000;
+ PrintHeaders(3, _L("t_fcachebm. Large sequential r/w"));
+ // Large reads
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential reads\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeReads(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ENoThreads);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential reads, threads accessing same file\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeReads(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ETwoThreadsSame);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential reads, threads accessing dif files\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeReads(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ETwoThreadsDif);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential reads, threads accessing dif files some big some small blocks\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeReads(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ETwoThreadsDifDif);
+ gTestCase++;
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ // Large writings
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential writes\n"), gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeWrites(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ENoThreads);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential writes, threads accessing same file\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeWrites(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ETwoThreadsSame);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Large sequential writes, threads accessing dif files\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ largeWrites(KLargeRow, KLargeCol, ETwoThreadsDif);
+ gTestCase++;
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TestEnd_%d\n"), gTestHarness);
+ return(KErrNone);
+/** Writes aSize bytes of data in aBlockSize during aTime seconds
+ if the aSize bps is not met, it fails
+ @param f File to write to
+ @param aSize Size in bytes of data to be written
+ @param aBlockSize Block size to be used
+ @param aTime Time during which the write has to happen in seconds
+LOCAL_C TBool writeStr( RFile f, TInt aSize, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aTime)
+ TInt r = 0, j = 0;
+ TTime startTime, endTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timeLeft(0);
+ TBool onTarget = ETrue;
+ TInt time;
+ TInt i = 0;
+ while((i < aTime) && onTarget)
+ {
+ // If measuring the CPU time
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ j = 0;
+ while(j < aSize)
+ {
+ r = f.Write(gBufWritePtr, aBlockSize);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += aBlockSize;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ time = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64());
+ if(time > KOneSec)
+ {
+ onTarget = EFalse;
+ }
+ timeLeft = KOneSec - time;
+ if(timeLeft.Int() >= 0)
+ {
+ User::After(timeLeft);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return onTarget;
+/** Reads streaming
+LOCAL_C TInt ReadStream(TAny*)
+ RTest test(_L("test 2"));
+ RFs fs;
+ RFile file;
+ TInt j = 0;
+ TTime startTime, endTime;
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds timeTaken(0);
+ TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 timeLeft(0);
+ TInt time;
+ TInt size , currentPos = 0;
+ TInt r = fs.Connect();
+ fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+ r = file.Open(fs, gStreamFile, EFileShareAny|EFileRead);
+ client.Signal();
+ FailIfError(r);
+ r = file.Size(size);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ {
+ startTime.HomeTime();
+ j = 0;
+ while(j < (gCurrentSpeed * KOneK))
+ {
+ r=file.Read(gBufReadPtr,gCurrentBS);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ j += gCurrentBS;
+ }
+ endTime.HomeTime();
+ timeTaken = endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime);
+ time = I64LOW(timeTaken.Int64());
+ if(time > KOneSec)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Background Thread: Speed failed to be achieved: %d kbps\n"), gCurrentSpeed);
+ }
+ timeLeft = KOneSec - time;
+ User::After(timeLeft);
+ currentPos += (gCurrentSpeed * KOneK);
+ r = file.Size(size);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ if(currentPos > size )
+ {
+ currentPos = 0;
+ file.Seek(ESeekStart, currentPos);
+ }
+ }
+/** Test case layout, read/write at aSpeed during aWtime and aRTime
+ @param aSpeed Target speed in kbps
+ @param aBlockSize Block size for the I/O operation
+ @param aWTime Writing time
+ @param aRTime Reading time
+LOCAL_C void streamIt ( TInt aSpeed, TInt aBlockSize, TInt aWTime, TInt aRTime, TInt aStep)
+ TInt iSize = (aSpeed * KTobps) / KByte; // Size in bytes
+ RFile file;
+ TInt pos = 0;
+ TInt r = 0;
+ PrintResult(aStep, 1, aBlockSize);
+ r = file.Replace(TheFs, gStreamFile, EFileShareAny|EFileWrite);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ // Streaming to the media during aWTime seconds
+ if(writeStr(file, iSize, aBlockSize, aWTime))
+ { //Pass (1)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 2, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ { //Fail (0)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 2, 0);
+ }
+ // Create a different thread for reading from the beginning during aRTime
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ gCurrentSpeed = aSpeed;
+ gCurrentBS = aBlockSize;
+ r = gSpeedy.Create(buf, ReadStream, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ // Keep writing during the time the other thread is reading
+ if(writeStr(file, iSize, aBlockSize, aRTime))
+ { //Pass (1)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 3, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ { //Fail (0)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 3, 0);
+ }
+ // Writing from the beginning again
+ file.Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
+ if(writeStr(file, iSize, aBlockSize, aRTime))
+ { //Pass (1)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 4, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ { //Fail (0)
+ PrintResult(aStep, 4, 0);
+ }
+ // Kill the thread for reading
+ gSpeedy.Kill(KErrNone);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedy.Close();
+ file.Close();
+/** Iterating through different blocksizes
+ @param aSpeed Speed at which the test happens
+LOCAL_C void streaming(TInt aSpeed)
+ TInt i = 9; // Pow(i) = 512 bytes
+ TInt blockSize = 0;
+ TInt testStep = 1;
+ while( i < 15 ) // Pow(i) = 16 Kb
+ {
+ blockSize = Pow(i) ;
+ streamIt(aSpeed, blockSize, 5 * 60, 15, testStep++); // 5 minutes writing , then 15 secs reading
+ i++;
+ }
+/** High level test routine. Different test cases executed
+ @param aSelector Test case configuration in case of manual execution
+LOCAL_C TInt TestStreaming(TAny* aSelector)
+ Validate(aSelector);
+ // Each test case of the suite has an identifyer for parsing purposes of the results
+ gTestHarness = 9;
+ gTestCase = 1;
+ PrintHeaders(5, _L("t_fcachebm. Streaming"));
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 100 kbps\n"),
+ gTestHarness, gTestCase);
+ streaming(100);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 200 kbps\n"),
+ gTestHarness, ++gTestCase);
+ streaming(200);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 500 kbps\n"),
+ gTestHarness, ++gTestCase);
+ streaming(500);
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ // Start the small random reads in the background
+ CreateFile(gBaseFile, Pow(KSmallCol-1));
+ TBuf<20> buf=_L("Speedy");
+ buf.AppendNum(ThreadCount++);
+ TInt r = gSpeedyII.Create(buf, ReadSmallBase, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedyII.Resume();
+ client.Wait();
+ // Measure the throughput with background activity
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 100 kbps, while small reads\n"),
+ gTestHarness, ++gTestCase);
+ streaming(100);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 200 kbps, while small reads\n"),
+ gTestHarness, ++gTestCase);
+ streaming(200);
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TS_Title_%d,%d: Writing / reading at 500 kbps, while small reads\n"),
+ gTestHarness, ++gTestCase);
+ streaming(500);
+ // Kill the small random reads and writes
+ gSpeedyII.Kill(KErrNone);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gSpeedyII.Close();
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ gTestCase++;
+ test.Printf(_L("#~TestEnd_%d\n"), gTestHarness);
+ return(KErrNone);
+/** It goes automatically through all the options
+ @param aSelector Configuration in case of manual execution
+LOCAL_C TInt TestAll(TAny* aSelector)
+ TestSmall(aSelector);
+ TestLarge(aSelector);
+ TestStreaming(aSelector);
+ return(KErrNone);
+/** Call all tests
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsL()
+ TBuf16<25> temp;
+ TInt r=client.CreateLocal(0);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ // Setting up the environment and creating the needed files
+ gSessionPath = _L("?:\\F32-TST\\");
+ gSessionPath[0] = (TText) gDriveToTest;
+ FileNamesGeneration(temp, 8, 0, 1);
+ gBaseFile = gSessionPath;
+ gBaseFile.Append(temp);
+ FileNamesGeneration(temp, 8, 1, 1);
+ gFileA = gSessionPath;
+ gFileA.Append(temp);
+ FileNamesGeneration(temp, 8, 2, 1);
+ gFileB = gSessionPath;
+ gFileB.Append(temp);
+ FileNamesGeneration(temp, 8, 3, 1);
+ gStreamFile = gSessionPath;
+ gStreamFile.Append(temp);
+ TRAPD(res,gBuf = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res == KErrNone && gBuf != NULL);
+ gBufWritePtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+ FillBuffer(gBufWritePtr, 256 * KOneK, 'A');
+ TRAPD(res2, gBufSec = HBufC8::NewL(256 * KOneK));
+ test(res2 == KErrNone && gBufSec != NULL);
+ gBufReadPtr.Set(gBufSec->Des());
+ TVolumeInfo volInfo;
+ TInt drive;
+ r = TheFs.CharToDrive(gDriveToTest,drive);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ r = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, drive);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ gMediaSize = volInfo.iSize;
+ FormatFat(gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+ TheFs.MkDirAll(gSessionPath);
+ RThread noisy;
+ TBuf<20> buf = _L("Noisy");
+ r = noisy.Create(buf, noise, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, NULL);
+ FailIfError(r);
+ noisy.Resume();
+ CSelectionBox* TheSelector=CSelectionBox::NewL(test.Console());
+ if(gMode == 0)
+ { // Manual
+ gSessionPath=_L("?:\\");
+ TCallBack smallOps(TestSmall, TheSelector);
+ TCallBack largeOps(TestLarge, TheSelector);
+ TCallBack simulOps(TestStreaming, TheSelector);
+ TCallBack tAll(TestAll, TheSelector);
+ TheSelector->AddDriveSelectorL(TheFs);
+ TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Small random r/w"), smallOps);
+ TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Large conseq r/w"), largeOps);
+ TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Streaming"), simulOps);
+ TheSelector->AddLineL(_L("Execute all options"), tAll);
+ TheSelector->Run();
+ }
+ else
+ { // Automatic
+ TestAll(TheSelector);
+ }
+ DeleteAll(gSessionPath);
+ client.Close();
+ delete TheSelector;
+ delete gBuf;
+ delete gBufSec;
+ noisy.Kill(KErrNone);
+ noisy.Close();