changeset 0 a41df078684a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/filesystem/fat/t_fatcache_bm.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,954 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\server\t_mount.cpp
+// Testing FAT cache performance
+ @file
+#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <e32property.h>
+#include "t_server.h"
+//#include "t_std.h"
+#include "fat_utils.h"
+using namespace Fat_Test_Utils;
+#ifdef __VC32__
+    // Solve compilation problem caused by non-English locale
+    #pragma setlocale("english")
+RTest test(_L("T_FAT_Cache_BM"));
+//-- note that this test disables all FAT mount enhancements, like asynchronous mounting and using FSInfo sector.
+static void WaitForFatBkGndActivityEnd();
+//-- debug bit flags that may be set in the property which controls FAT volume mounting
+const TUid KThisTestSID={0x10210EB3}; ///< this EXE SID
+//const TUint32 KMntProp_EnableALL    = 0x00000000; //-- enable all operations
+const TUint32 KMntProp_DisableALL   = 0xFFFFFFFF; //-- disable all operations
+//const TUint32 KMntProp_Disable_FsInfo       = 0x00000001; //-- mask for disabling/enabling FSInfo information
+//const TUint32 KMntProp_Disable_FatBkGndScan = 0x00000002; //-- mask for disabling/enabling FAT background scanner
+static TInt     gDriveNum=-1; ///< drive number we are dealing with
+static TInt64   gRndSeed;
+static TFatBootSector gBootSector;
+static void DoRemountFS(TInt aDrive);
+//-- Array of integer file tars. Tags are used to identify files (the file name is generated by KFnTemplate template)
+typedef CArrayFixFlat<TInt> CFileTagsArray;
+static CFileTagsArray *pFTagArray = NULL;
+const TInt KMaxFiles = 1000; //-- maximal number of files to create
+//-- number of unfragmented files that will be left, other files will be merged to bigger ones.
+const TInt KUnfragmentedFilesLeave = KMaxFiles/10;
+_LIT(KDirName, "\\DIR1\\");  //-- directory name we a working with (FAT12/16 won't allow KMaxFiles in the root dir.)
+_LIT(KFirstFileName, "\\First_file_1.nul"); //-- the name of the first file on the volume
+    Make a file name by its numeric tag
+    @param aDes here will be a file name
+    @param aFileNameTag numeric tag for the file name generation
+void MakeFileName(TDes& aDes, TInt aFileNameTag)
+    _LIT(KFnTemplate, "F%d.NUL");//-- file name template, use 8.3 names here in order not to stress dir. cache much.
+    aDes.Copy(KDirName);
+    aDes.AppendFormat(KFnTemplate, aFileNameTag);
+    format the volume and read the boot sector
+static void FormatVolume(TBool aQuickFormat)
+    (void)aQuickFormat;
+    #ifndef  __EPOC32__
+    test.Printf(_L("This is emulator configuration!!!!\n"));
+    //-- FAT32 SPC:1; for the FAT32 testing on the emulator
+    //TFatFormatParam fp;
+    //fp.iFatType = EFat32;
+    //fp.iSecPerCluster = 1;
+    //FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), ETrue, &fp); //-- always quick; doesn't matter for the emulator
+    aQuickFormat = ETrue;
+    #endif
+    FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), aQuickFormat);
+    TInt nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, 0x00, gBootSector);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    Helper method. Does one iteration of merging test files into one fragmented one.
+    See DoMergeFiles()
+    @param  aFTagArray  reference to the file tags array
+    @param  aBigFileNo  a sequential number of the result file to be merged from random number of smaller ones (names are taken from the tag array)
+    @param  aTimeTaken_us  on return will contain time taken to this operation, in microseconds
+    @return number of files merged into one.
+TInt DoMergeTestFiles(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray, TInt aBigFileNo, TInt64&  aTimeTaken_us)
+    aTimeTaken_us = 0;
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    //-- merged files' names start with this number
+    const TInt KMergedFileFnThreshold = 20000;
+    const TInt KMaxMergedFiles = 20;
+    const TInt nFilesToMerge = Max((Math::Rand(gRndSeed) % KMaxMergedFiles), 2); //-- how many files to merge into one
+    test(aFTagArray.Count() > KMaxMergedFiles);
+    TInt selectedFTags[KMaxMergedFiles]; //-- here we will store file tags to be merged to one large fragmented file
+    TInt i;
+    TInt nRes;
+    i=0;
+    do
+    {
+        //-- randomly select a file tag from the global array
+        const TInt index = (TUint)Math::Rand(gRndSeed) % aFTagArray.Count();
+        const TInt fnTag = aFTagArray[index];
+        if(fnTag < 0 || //-- no such file, already deleted
+           fnTag >= KMergedFileFnThreshold) //-- this is a big, already merged file
+           continue;
+        selectedFTags[i] = fnTag;
+        aFTagArray.Delete(index);
+        ++i;
+    }while(i<nFilesToMerge);
+    //-- here we have file tags in selectedFNumbers array. delete these files and create one big file
+    //-- with the equal size. This file will be perfectly fragmented.
+    //-- search for FAT entries had priority to the right, so delete files in reverse order.
+    TUint32 newFileSize = 0;
+    TBuf<128> buf;
+    RFile file;
+    timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+    for(i=0; i<nFilesToMerge; ++i)
+    {
+        MakeFileName(buf, selectedFTags[nFilesToMerge-1-i]);
+        nRes=file.Open(TheFs, buf, EFileRead);
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+        TInt nSize;
+        nRes = file.Size(nSize);
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+        file.Close();
+        newFileSize+=(TUint32)nSize; //-- this will be the size of the new file
+        //-- delete small file
+        nRes = TheFs.Delete(buf);
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    }
+    //-- create a large file taking the place of few smaller. It will be framented.
+    const TInt bigFileTag = aBigFileNo+KMergedFileFnThreshold;
+    MakeFileName(buf, bigFileTag);
+    nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, buf, newFileSize);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+    aTimeTaken_us = (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+    //-- put new big file name tag to the global array in order not to forget it for later use.
+    aFTagArray.AppendL(bigFileTag);
+    return nFilesToMerge;
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0689
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    randomly deletes small files and creates larger. Measures time taken by this FAT fragmentation
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   delete a random number of small files
+//!                     1   create a random number of larger files, measure time taken
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful files deletion/creation
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+    precondition: We have a lot of (KMaxFiles) files of the same size on the volume. They occupy almost all FAT.
+    This method randomly selects several files on the volume, deletes them and creates a bigger file that occupies space from the
+    deleted files. So that we got a fragmented big file. Repeat this until we have KUnfragmentedFilesLeave initial files left on the
+    volume.
+void DoMergeFiles(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray)
+    test.Next(_L("Merging small files to larger creating FAT fragmentation...\n"));
+    TInt64  usTotalTime=0;
+    TInt64  usCurrTime;
+    TInt nUnfragmentedLeft = aFTagArray.Count();
+    for(TInt i=0; nUnfragmentedLeft > KUnfragmentedFilesLeave; ++i)
+    {
+        nUnfragmentedLeft -= DoMergeTestFiles(aFTagArray, i, usCurrTime);
+        usTotalTime += usCurrTime;
+    }
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> Merging files :%d ms\n"), (TUint32)usTotalTime/K1mSec);
+    Randomly shuffles entries in file name tags array.
+void ShuffleArray(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray)
+    const TInt KSwapIterations = 500;
+    const TInt arrSize = aFTagArray.Count();
+    for(TInt i = 0; i<KSwapIterations; ++i)
+    {//-- randomly swap 2 elements in the array
+        const TInt idx1 = (TUint)Math::Rand(gRndSeed) % arrSize;
+        const TInt idx2 = (TUint)Math::Rand(gRndSeed) % arrSize;
+        TInt tmp = aFTagArray[idx1];
+        aFTagArray[idx1] = aFTagArray[idx2];;
+        aFTagArray[idx2] = tmp;
+    }
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0690
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Measure open and seek time for all files that have tags in aFTagArray.
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   remount FS
+//!                     1   open all files, that have tags in aFTagArray, measure time taken
+//!                     2   seek to the each file end, measure time taken
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful files open/seek
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+void MeasureSeekTime(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray)
+    test.Next(_L("Measuring seek time...\n"));
+    TInt nRes;
+    RFile file;
+    TBuf<128> buf;
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTotalTimeSeek=0;
+    TInt64  usTotalTimeOpen=0;
+    const TInt KNumRepetitions = 10;
+    for(TInt repCnt=0; repCnt<KNumRepetitions; ++repCnt)
+    {
+        //-- remount file system, reset caches
+        DoRemountFS(gDriveNum);
+        for(TInt i = 0; i<aFTagArray.Count(); ++i)
+        {
+            MakeFileName(buf, aFTagArray[i]);
+            //-- 1. open the file
+            timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+                nRes = file.Open(TheFs, buf, EFileRead);
+            timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+            usTotalTimeOpen += (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+            test_KErrNone(nRes);
+            //-- 2. goto the end of the file. This operation shall traverse whole file's cluster chain in FAT
+            timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+                TInt seekPos = 0;
+                nRes = file.Seek(ESeekEnd, seekPos);
+            timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+            usTotalTimeSeek += (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+            test_KErrNone(nRes);
+            file.Close();
+        }
+    }
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> Total open time for %d files is %d ms\n"), aFTagArray.Count(), (TUint32)usTotalTimeOpen/(K1mSec*KNumRepetitions));
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> Total seek time for %d files is %d ms\n"), aFTagArray.Count(), (TUint32)usTotalTimeSeek/(K1mSec*KNumRepetitions));
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0692
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Detetes all files that have name tags in name tags array and measures time taken.
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   remount the FS
+//!                     1   delete files and measure time taken.
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful creating files
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+void DeleteAllFiles(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray)
+    TInt nRes;
+    TBuf<128> buf;
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTotalTime=0;
+    test.Next(_L("Deleting all files...\n"));
+    //-- remount file system, reset caches
+    DoRemountFS(gDriveNum);
+    for(TInt i = 0; i<aFTagArray.Count(); ++i)
+    {
+        MakeFileName(buf, aFTagArray[i]);
+        timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+        nRes = TheFs.Delete(buf);
+        timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+        usTotalTime += (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    }
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> Deleted %d files in %d ms\n"), aFTagArray.Count(), (TUint32)usTotalTime/K1mSec);
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0687
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Create KMaxFiles files to fill in space in FAT table and measure time taken.
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   Create KMaxFiles files and measure time taken.
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful creating files
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+    Create KMaxFiles files to fill in space in FAT table and measure time taken.
+    @return EFalse if it is impossible to create test files
+TBool DoCreateFiles(CFileTagsArray& aFTagArray)
+    TInt nRes;
+    TBuf<128> buf;
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTotalTime=0;
+    test.Next(_L("Creating many files\n"));
+    test.Printf(_L("Number of files:%d\n"), KMaxFiles);
+    aFTagArray.Reset();
+    TVolumeInfo volInfo;
+    nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    test(gBootSector.IsValid());
+    const TUint32 clustSz = gBootSector.SectorsPerCluster() * gBootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    const TUint32 maxClusters = (TUint32)(volInfo.iFree / clustSz);
+    if(KMaxFiles > 0.8 * maxClusters)
+    {
+        test.Printf(_L("Can't create %d files; skipping the test!\n"), KMaxFiles);
+        return EFalse;
+    }
+    //-- adjust file size for very small volumes
+    TUint32 fillFileSz = (maxClusters/KMaxFiles)*clustSz;
+    if(fillFileSz*KMaxFiles >= 0.8*volInfo.iFree) //-- take into account the size of the directory with 1000 files.
+    {
+        if(fillFileSz <= clustSz)
+        {
+            test.Printf(_L("Can't create %d files; skipping the test!\n"), KMaxFiles);
+            return EFalse;
+        }
+        fillFileSz -= clustSz;
+    }
+    //-- create the first file on the volume. It will be deleted then in order to create 1 free FAT entry
+    //-- in the very beginnng of the FAT. So, the size of this file shan't be more that 1 sector/cluster.
+    nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KFirstFileName, 100);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    //-- to avoid affected timings in UREL mode.
+    WaitForFatBkGndActivityEnd();
+    //-- disable FAT test utils print out, it affects measured time when we create empty files
+    EnablePrintOutput(EFalse);
+    //-- create KMaxFiles files on the volume
+    for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxFiles; ++i)
+    {
+        //-- create empty file
+        MakeFileName(buf, i);
+        timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+        nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, buf, fillFileSz);
+        timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+        usTotalTime += (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+        //-- put its id number to the array.
+        aFTagArray.AppendL(i);
+        if((i % 100) == 0)
+            test.Printf(_L("*"));
+    }
+    EnablePrintOutput(ETrue); //-- Enable FAT test utils print out
+    test.Printf(_L("\n#--> Created %d files in %d ms\n"), KMaxFiles, (TUint32)usTotalTime/K1mSec);
+    return ETrue;
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0691
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Check that all FAT copies are the same.
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   read all available FAT copies and compare them
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults all FAT copies on the vollume must be the same.
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+void CheckFatCopies()
+    test.Next(_L("Comparing FATs...\n"));
+    TFatBootSector bootSec;
+    TInt nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, gDriveNum, 0x00, bootSec);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    const TInt numFATs = bootSec.NumberOfFats();
+    if(numFATs < 2)
+    {//-- only one FAT, nothing to compare with.
+        test.Printf(_L("The volume has only 1 FAT. Nothing to do.\n"));
+        return;
+    }
+    const TUint32 bytesPerSec = bootSec.BytesPerSector();
+    const TUint32 posFat1Start =  bootSec.FirstFatSector() * bytesPerSec;
+    const TUint32 fatSize = bootSec.TotalFatSectors() * bytesPerSec;
+    RBuf8 fatBuf1;
+    RBuf8 fatBuf2;
+    nRes = fatBuf1.CreateMax(bytesPerSec);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    nRes = fatBuf2.CreateMax(bytesPerSec);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    //-- read FAT sector by sector comparing all copies
+    TUint32 currPos = posFat1Start;
+    for(TUint cntSectors=0; cntSectors<bootSec.TotalFatSectors(); ++cntSectors)
+    {
+        //-- read a sector of FAT#0
+        nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, currPos, bytesPerSec, fatBuf1);
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+        //-- read the same sector from other copies of FAT and compare with FAT#0
+        for(TInt currFat=1; currFat<numFATs; ++currFat)
+        {
+            nRes = MediaRawRead(TheFs, gDriveNum, (currFat*fatSize + currPos), bytesPerSec, fatBuf2);
+            test_KErrNone(nRes);
+            //-- compare the buffer to FAT#0
+            if(fatBuf1.CompareF(fatBuf2) !=0)
+            {//-- current FAT is different from FAT0
+             test.Printf(_L("FAT#%d differs from FAT#0! FAT sector:%d, media Sector:%d\n"), currFat, cntSectors, cntSectors+bootSec.FirstFatSector());
+             test(0);
+            }
+        }
+        currPos+=bytesPerSec;
+    }
+    fatBuf1.Close();
+    fatBuf2.Close();
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0688
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Create the file whose FAT entries will go to the end of the FAT table and measure the time taken.
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   delete a file in the very beginning of the FAT
+//!                     1   remount file system
+//!                     2   create a larger file finishing at the end of FAT, measure time taken
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful files creation
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+    Create the file whose FAT entries will go to the end of the FAT table and measure the time taken.
+    preconditions:
+    1. The FAT table must be almost full already. This is done previously in DoCreateFiles().
+    2. There shall be a small file in the very beginning of the FAT which this test deletes and remounts the FS.
+       this will cause "the last known free cluster"  in the FAT to be set to the beginning of the FAT.
+    Then when we create a larger file, whole occupied FAT region will be scanned for the free cluster.
+void CreateLastFile()
+    test.Next(_L("Create a file in the end of FAT\n"));
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTotalTime=0;
+    TInt nRes;
+    //-- 1. delete the first file on the volume (see KFirstFileName & DoCreateFiles()
+    //-- it will create free FAT entry in the very beginning.
+    nRes = TheFs.Delete(KFirstFileName);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    //-- 2. remount file system, reset caches etc. The first known free cluster will be number 2 or 3, because of the point 1.
+    //-- the rest of the FAT is filled, because we've created plenty of files in the DoCreateFiles()
+    DoRemountFS(gDriveNum);
+    //-- 3. create a file that will occupy more that 2 clusters; the 1st cluster of it will be in the very beginning of the FAT,
+    //-- and the rest will be in the very end of the FAT. Measure the time taken to walk all FAT when searching free entry.
+    _LIT(KLastFn, "\\last-last.file");
+    test(gBootSector.IsValid());
+    const TUint32 clustSz = gBootSector.SectorsPerCluster() * gBootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    //-- disable FAT test utils print out, it affects measured time
+    EnablePrintOutput(EFalse);
+    timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+    //-- create an empty file, it is supposed to be placed in the very end of FAT (FAT table is almost full because of the
+    //-- previous test)
+    nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KLastFn, 7*clustSz);
+    timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+    usTotalTime = (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> file at the end of FAT created in %d ms\n"), (TUint32)usTotalTime/K1mSec);
+    //-- delete the file
+    nRes = TheFs.Delete(KLastFn);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    EnablePrintOutput(ETrue); //-- Enable FAT test utils print out
+    Create 100 directories in the root and measure time
+void DoCreateDirsInRoot()
+    test.Next(_L("Measure time to create many directories in the Root.\n"));
+    if(!Is_Fat32(TheFs, gDriveNum))
+    {
+        test.Printf(_L("This test requires FAT32, skipping\n"));
+        return;
+    }
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTotalTime=0;
+    TFileName dirName;
+    //-- remount file system, reset caches etc. The first known free cluster will be number 2 or 3
+    DoRemountFS(gDriveNum);
+    //-- disable FAT test utils print out, it affects measured time
+    EnablePrintOutput(EFalse);
+    timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+    //-- create some subdirectories in the root dir and measure time
+    const TInt KMaxDirs = 100;
+    for(TInt i=0; i<KMaxDirs; ++i)
+    {
+        dirName.Format(_L("\\directory%04d\\"), i);
+        TInt nRes = TheFs.MkDir(dirName);
+        test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    }
+    timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+    usTotalTime = (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> %d Dirs. created in %d ms\n"), KMaxDirs, (TUint32)usTotalTime/K1mSec);
+    EnablePrintOutput(ETrue); //-- Enable FAT test utils print out
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FATCACHE_BM-0693
+//! @SYMTestType        PT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ1721
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Create a large file (2G max) and measure the time. Then delete this file and measure time taken
+//! @SYMTestActions
+//!                     0   quick format the volume
+//!                     1   create emply file that takes either 80% of the volume of 2G max, masure time taken
+//!                     2   remount FS
+//!                     3   delete this file and measure time taken
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults successful files creation/deletion
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Implemented
+static void CreateLargeFile()
+    test.Next(_L("Create a large file and measure time\n"));
+    FormatVolume(ETrue); //-- quick format the volume.
+    _LIT(KBigFileName, "\\BigFile.big");
+    test(gBootSector.IsValid());
+    //-- calculate the size of the file, it shall be max 2G or take almost all volume
+    TVolumeInfo volInfo;
+    TInt nRes;
+    nRes = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDriveNum);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    const TUint32 clustSz = gBootSector.SectorsPerCluster() * gBootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    const TUint32 maxClusters = (TUint32)(volInfo.iFree / clustSz);
+    const TUint32 clustersPer1G = K1GigaByte / clustSz;
+    const TUint32 clustersPer2G = 2*clustersPer1G;
+    TUint32 fileClusters=0;
+    if(maxClusters*0.8 < clustersPer2G)
+        fileClusters = (TUint32)(maxClusters*0.8);
+    else
+        fileClusters = (TUint32)(clustersPer2G*0.8);
+    const TUint32 fileSize = fileClusters*clustSz;
+    //-- create empty file and measure time
+    TTime   timeStart;
+    TTime   timeEnd;
+    TInt64  usTimeCreate=0;
+    TInt64  usTimeDelete=0;
+    timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+    nRes = CreateEmptyFile(TheFs, KBigFileName, fileSize);
+    timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    usTimeCreate = (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+    //-- remount file system, reset caches etc.
+    DoRemountFS(gDriveNum);
+    //-- delete the file
+    timeStart.UniversalTime(); //-- take start time
+    nRes = TheFs.Delete(KBigFileName);
+    timeEnd.UniversalTime(); //-- take end time
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    usTimeDelete = (timeEnd.MicroSecondsFrom(timeStart)).Int64();
+    test.Printf(_L("#--> Big file sz:%u created:%d ms, deleted:%d ms\n"), fileSize, (TUint32)(usTimeCreate/K1mSec) , (TUint32)(usTimeDelete/K1mSec));
+    Start tests.
+void RunTest()
+    test.Printf(_L("Prepare the volume for BM testing...\n"));
+    test(pFTagArray != NULL);
+    CFileTagsArray &fTagArray = *pFTagArray;
+    fTagArray.Reset();
+    //-- full format the drive
+    FormatVolume(EFalse);
+    test.Printf(_L("\n#--> t_fatcache_bm\n"));
+    //-- create test directory.
+    MakeDir(KDirName);
+    //-- 1. create KMaxFiles files to fill in space in FAT table.
+    if(!DoCreateFiles(fTagArray))
+        return; //-- test is inconsistent
+    //-- 1.1 create a file in the very end of the full volume (FAT table is almost full). Measure time taken
+    CreateLastFile();
+    //-- 1.2 create multiple directories in the root and measure time
+//    DoCreateDirsInRoot();
+    //-- 2. randomly merge some small files to bigger ones that will be fragmented
+    DoMergeFiles(fTagArray);
+    //-- 3. randomly shuffle file tags in the array
+    ShuffleArray(fTagArray);
+    //-- 4. measure file open and seek time
+    MeasureSeekTime(fTagArray);
+    //-- 4.5 Check that all copies of FAT are the same.
+    CheckFatCopies();
+    //-- 5. delete all files and print out time taken
+    DeleteAllFiles(fTagArray);
+    //-- 6. Create a large file (2G max) and measure the time
+    //!!!!
+    CreateLargeFile();
+static void WaitForFatBkGndActivityEnd()
+    //-- if we work in release mode, we need to use a hardcore solution to wait until possible FAT background activity finishes
+    //-- because transient FAT threads can affect timings (e.g. creating a file may need waiting to FAT background thread to
+    //-- parse some portion of FAT) etc.
+    //-- for debug mode background FAT activity is disabled in InitGlobals() and timings are not precise anyway
+    //-- for release mode we just need to wait some time
+    #ifndef _DEBUG
+    const TInt KWaitTimeSec = 10;
+    test.Printf(_L("waiting %d sec...\n"), KWaitTimeSec);
+    User::After(KWaitTimeSec*K1Sec);
+    #endif
+    Dismounts and mounts the FS on a drive aDrive
+    This will cause resetting "last known free cluster number" value in the FAT table implementation in FSY.
+    (Mounting enhancements are disabled.) Empty the caches etc.
+static void DoRemountFS(TInt aDrive)
+    TInt nRes = RemountFS(TheFs, aDrive);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+    //-- get volume info, this is a trick that can help avoiding asynchronous FAT mount in UREL mode
+    //TVolumeInfo v;
+    //nRes = TheFs.Volume(v);
+    //-- to avoid affected timings in UREL mode.
+    WaitForFatBkGndActivityEnd();
+/** initialise test global objects */
+static void InitGlobals()
+    //-- initialise random generator
+    gRndSeed = 0x67fc1a9;
+    //-- construct file numbers array
+    pFTagArray = new CFileTagsArray(KMaxFiles);
+    test(pFTagArray != NULL);
+    pFTagArray->SetReserveL(KMaxFiles);
+    //-- define a propery which will control mount process in the fsy.
+    //-- The property key is a drive number being tested
+    TInt nRes = RProperty::Define(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum, RProperty::EInt, KTestPropPolicy, KTestPropPolicy);
+    test(nRes == KErrNone || nRes == KErrAlreadyExists);
+    //-- disable all volume mount enhancements, like asynch mount and FSInfo.
+    //-- this works only in debug mode.
+    nRes = RProperty::Set(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum, (TInt)KMntProp_DisableALL);
+    test_KErrNone(nRes);
+/** destroy test global objects */
+static void DestroyGlobals()
+    delete pFTagArray;
+    //-- delete test property
+    RProperty::Delete(KThisTestSID, gDriveNum);
+void CallTestsL()
+    {
+    //-- set up console output
+    Fat_Test_Utils::SetConsole(test.Console());
+    TInt nRes=TheFs.CharToDrive(gDriveToTest, gDriveNum);
+    test(nRes==KErrNone);
+    //-- check if this is FAT
+    if(!Is_Fat(TheFs, gDriveNum))
+    {
+        test.Printf(_L("Skipping. This test requires FAT drive.\n"));
+        return;
+    }
+    //-- check this is not the internal ram drive
+    TVolumeInfo v;
+    nRes = TheFs.Volume(v);
+    test(nRes==KErrNone);
+    if(v.iDrive.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttVariableSize)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Skipping. Internal ram drive not tested.\n"));
+        return;
+        }
+    //-------------------------------------
+    PrintDrvInfo(TheFs, gDriveNum);
+    InitGlobals();
+    RunTest();
+    //-------------------------------------
+    DestroyGlobals();
+    }