changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 21 e7d2d738d3c2
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/filesystem/fat/t_scn32dr1.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2390 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\scndrv\t_scn32dr1.cpp
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "t_server.h"
+#include "fat_utils.h"
+using namespace Fat_Test_Utils;
+#ifdef __VC32__
+    // Solve compilation problem caused by non-English locale
+    #pragma setlocale("english")
+T_testscndrv tests the scandrive utility. Errors in this test will be
+introduced using the RRawdDisk class.  The correct fixup is tested by rereading
+the disk.  Drives tested are the default path(epoc) and X: (wins). This test
+returns immediately if used on the internal ram drive
+  The initial FAT12 directory structure (with cluster number in brackets) is as follows:
+  |
+   - scndrv (2)
+        |
+        - dir1 (3-4)
+        |   |
+        |   <a very long file name (19 entries)> (5)
+        |
+        - dir2 (6)
+            |
+            - full (7)
+            |   |
+            |   |
+            |   - <seven 2*32 bytes entries> (11-17)
+            |
+            - somedirwith3entries (8)
+            |
+            - somedir2with3entries (9)
+            |
+            - almostfull(10)
+                |
+                - <two lots of 6*32 bytes entries> (18+19)
+  The initial FAT32 directory structure (with cluster number in brackets is as follows):
+  |
+   - scndrv (3)
+        |
+        - dir1 (4)
+        |   |
+        |   <a very long file name (19 entries)> (5)
+        |
+        - dir2 (6)
+            |
+            - full (7)
+            |   |
+            |   |
+            |   - <seven 2*32 bytes entries> (11-17)
+            |
+            - somedirwith3entries (8)
+            |
+            - somedir2with3entries (9)
+            |
+            - almostfull(10)
+                |
+                - <two lots of 6*32 bytes entries> (18+19)
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_SCN32DR1"));
+LOCAL_D const TInt KMaxFatEntries  = 2048;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KMaxFatSize     = KMaxFatEntries * 4;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrReadOnly  = 0x01;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrHidden    = 0x02;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrSystem    = 0x04;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrVolumeId  = 0x08;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrDirectory = 0x10;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrArchive   = 0x20;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrLongName  = KDirAttrReadOnly | KDirAttrHidden | KDirAttrSystem | KDirAttrVolumeId;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirAttrLongMask  = KDirAttrLongName | KDirAttrDirectory | KDirAttrArchive;
+LOCAL_D const TInt KDirLastLongEntry = 0x40;
+LOCAL_D RRawDisk TheRawDisk;
+LOCAL_D TFatBootSector BootSector;
+LOCAL_D TFileName TheDrive=_L("?:\\");
+LOCAL_D HBufC8* FatBufPtr = NULL;
+LOCAL_D HBufC8* DirBufPtr = NULL;
+LOCAL_D HBufC8* ExtBufPtr = NULL;
+LOCAL_D TInt32  ExtBufAdd = 0;
+LOCAL_D TInt32  ExtBufLen = 0;
+LOCAL_D HBufC8* FatDiskPtr = NULL;
+LOCAL_D HBufC8* DirDiskPtr = NULL;
+static TFatType gDiskType = EInvalid;
+LOCAL_D TInt gDriveNumber;
+LOCAL_D TInt gBytesPerCluster;
+LOCAL_D TInt gEntriesPerCluster;
+LOCAL_D TInt gRootDirSectors;
+LOCAL_D TInt gRootDirEntries;
+LOCAL_D TInt gRootDirStart;      // in bytes
+LOCAL_D TInt gRootSector;
+LOCAL_D TInt gFatStartBytes;
+LOCAL_D TInt gFatTestSize;       // in bytes
+LOCAL_D TInt gFatTestEntries;
+LOCAL_D TInt gFatSizeSectors;
+LOCAL_D TInt gFirstDataSector;
+LOCAL_D TInt gMaxDataCluster;
+LOCAL_D TInt gDataStartBytes;
+LOCAL_D TInt gEndOfChain;        // for FAT12/16/32
+// cluster numbers in 1 and >1 sector per cluster modes
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterRootDir;        //  2    2
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterScnDrv;         //  3    3
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir1;           //  4    4
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir1ext;        //  5    4
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir2;           //  7    6
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir2_Full;      //  8    7
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir2_SD3E;      //  9    8
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir2_SD23E;     // 10    9
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterDir2_AFull;     // 11   10
+LOCAL_D TInt gClusterEndMaxDepth;    // 147   146
+LOCAL_D TFileName LastInFull;
+class TEntryInfo
+    {
+    TEntryInfo(TInt aBytePos,TInt aLength):iBytePos(aBytePos),iLength(aLength){}
+    TEntryInfo(){}
+    TInt iBytePos;
+    TInt iLength;
+    };
+LOCAL_C TInt DirBufferSize()
+// returns size in bytes nec for buffer to store relevant disk data
+    {
+    return(gMaxDataCluster*gBytesPerCluster);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt PosInBytes(TInt aFatIndex)
+// Return number of bytes into the FAT
+    {
+    TInt fatPosInBytes = -1;
+    switch (gDiskType)
+        {
+        case EFat32:
+            fatPosInBytes=aFatIndex<<2;
+            break;
+        case EFat16:
+            fatPosInBytes=aFatIndex<<1;
+            break;
+        case EFat12:
+            fatPosInBytes=(aFatIndex*3>>1);
+            break;
+        default:
+            test(0);
+        }
+    return(fatPosInBytes);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TUint32 MaxClusters()
+// Return the number of data clusters on the disk
+    {
+    TUint32 totSec = (BootSector.TotalSectors() ? BootSector.TotalSectors() : BootSector.HugeSectors());
+    TUint32 numSec = totSec - gFirstDataSector;
+    return numSec / BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt ClusterToByte(TInt aCluster)
+// converts cluster number to byte offset on disk
+    {
+    TInt pos;
+    if (aCluster < 2)
+        pos = gRootDirStart;
+    else
+        pos = (aCluster - 2) * gBytesPerCluster + gFirstDataSector * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    return pos;
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt ByteToCluster(TInt aBytePos)
+// Converts byte offset from root dir buffer to cluster number
+    {
+    if (aBytePos < gRootDirStart)
+        return -1;
+    if (aBytePos < gDataStartBytes)
+        return 0;
+    return (aBytePos - gDataStartBytes) / gBytesPerCluster + 2;
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt ClusterEntryToBytes(TInt aCluster,TInt aEntry)
+// converts position in cluster and entry number to byte pos from root directory
+    {
+    TInt pos;
+    pos = ClusterToByte(aCluster) - gRootDirStart + aEntry*KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+    return pos;
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt FindUnMatch(const TUint8* aBuf, const TUint8* aCmp, TInt aLen, TInt aStart=0)
+// Return position in buffers which doesn't match, or -1 if it matches
+    {
+    for (TInt i = aStart; i < aStart + aLen; i++)
+        if (aBuf[i] != aCmp[i])
+            return i;
+    return -1;
+    }
+LOCAL_C TUint32 GetFatEntry(TUint32 aIndex, const TUint8* aFat=NULL)
+// Read a single FAT entry from disk or FAT copy and return it
+    {
+    TInt pos = PosInBytes(aIndex);
+    TUint8  data[4];
+    TUint8* ptr = data;
+    if (aFat)
+        ptr = (TUint8*)aFat + pos;
+    else
+        {
+        pos += BootSector.ReservedSectors() * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+        TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TPtr8 buf(&data[0], 4);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(pos, buf);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TheRawDisk.Close();
+        }
+    TUint32 val = 0;
+    switch (gDiskType)
+        {
+        case EFat32:
+            val = ptr[0] + (ptr[1] << 8) + (ptr[2] << 16) + (ptr[3] << 24);
+            break;
+        case EFat16:
+            val = ptr[0] + (ptr[1] << 8);
+            break;
+        case EFat12:
+            val = ptr[0] + (ptr[1] << 8);
+            if (aIndex & 1)
+                    val >>= 4;
+            val &= 0xFFF;
+            break;
+        default:
+            test(0);
+        }
+    return val;
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteFat(TInt aFatIndex,TInt aValue,const TUint8* aFat)
+// Write a value to both fats starting at aFat
+    {
+    TUint8* p=(TUint8*)(aFat+PosInBytes(aFatIndex));
+    switch (gDiskType)
+        {
+        case EFat32:
+            p[0] = (TUint8) (aValue);
+            p[1] = (TUint8) (aValue >> 8);
+            p[2] = (TUint8) (aValue >> 16);
+            p[3] = (TUint8) (aValue >> 24);
+            break;
+        case EFat16:
+            p[0] = (TUint8) (aValue);
+            p[1] = (TUint8) (aValue >> 8);
+            break;
+        case EFat12:
+            {
+            TUint8 mask=0x0F;
+            TBool odd=(aFatIndex)&1;
+            TUint8 fatVal;
+            TInt value=aValue;
+            if(odd)
+                {
+                mask<<=4;
+                value<<=4;
+                fatVal=p[0];
+                fatVal&=~mask;
+                fatVal|=(TUint8)(value&0xFF);
+                p[0]=fatVal;
+                p[1]=(TUint8)(value>>8);
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                p[0]=(TUint8)(value&0xFF);
+                fatVal=p[1];
+                fatVal&=~mask;
+                fatVal|=(TUint8)(value>>8);
+                p[1]=fatVal;
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        default:
+            test(0);
+        }
+    return;
+    }
+static void DoReadBootSector()
+    {
+    TInt nRes = ReadBootSector(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), KBootSectorNum<<KDefaultSectorLog2, BootSector);
+    test(nRes == KErrNone);
+    if(!BootSector.IsValid())
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Wrong bootsector! Dump:\n"));
+        BootSector.PrintDebugInfo();
+        test(0);
+        }
+    // Calculate derived variables (fixed for a particular disk format)
+    if (BootSector.RootDirEntries() == 0)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Disk is FAT32\n"));
+        gDiskType = EFat32;
+        gEndOfChain = 0x0FFFFFFF;
+        }
+    else if (BootSector.FatType() == EFat16)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Disk is FAT16\n"));
+        gDiskType = EFat16;
+        gEndOfChain = 0xFFFF;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Disk is FAT12\n"));
+        gDiskType = EFat12;
+        gEndOfChain = 0x0FFF;
+        }
+    gBytesPerCluster   = BootSector.BytesPerSector() * BootSector.SectorsPerCluster();
+    gFatStartBytes     = BootSector.ReservedSectors() * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    gEntriesPerCluster = gBytesPerCluster / KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+    TBool big = (BootSector.SectorsPerCluster() > 1);
+    switch (gDiskType)
+        {
+        case EFat12:
+        case EFat16:
+            gRootDirEntries     = BootSector.RootDirEntries();
+            gRootDirSectors     = ((gRootDirEntries * KSizeOfFatDirEntry + BootSector.BytesPerSector() - 1) / BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+            gFatSizeSectors     = BootSector.FatSectors();
+            gRootSector         = BootSector.ReservedSectors() + BootSector.NumberOfFats() * gFatSizeSectors;
+            gFirstDataSector    = gRootSector + gRootDirSectors;
+            gDataStartBytes     = gFirstDataSector * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+            gRootDirStart       = gRootSector * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+            gClusterRootDir     = (big ?   0 :   0);
+            gClusterScnDrv      = (big ?   2 :   2);
+            gClusterDir1        = (big ?   3 :   3);
+            gClusterDir1ext     = (big ?   3 :   4);
+            gClusterDir2        = (big ?   5 :   6);
+            gClusterDir2_Full   = (big ?   6 :   7);
+            gClusterDir2_SD3E   = (big ?   7 :   8);
+            gClusterDir2_SD23E  = (big ?   8 :   9);
+            gClusterDir2_AFull  = (big ?   9 :  10);
+            gClusterEndMaxDepth = (big ? 145 : 146);
+            break;
+        case EFat32:
+            //
+            // FAT32 will alway pre-allocate a single cluster for the root directory
+            //
+            //  - The following calculations may look wierd (as the spec says that the FAT32 root dir
+            //    is not fixed) but for the purposes of this test we assume that root dir is only
+            //    one cluster in size, so we don't fill up the disk trying to fill up the root dir.
+            //
+            gRootDirEntries     = gBytesPerCluster * 1 / KSizeOfFatDirEntry;    // Maximum entries within default FAT32 root directory (before extension)
+            gRootDirSectors     = 0;                                            // FAT32 has no fixed root directory sectors over which to skip
+            gFatSizeSectors     = BootSector.FatSectors32();
+            gRootSector         = BootSector.ReservedSectors() + BootSector.NumberOfFats() * gFatSizeSectors;
+            gFirstDataSector    = gRootSector;
+            gDataStartBytes     = gFirstDataSector * BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+            gRootDirStart       = (BootSector.RootClusterNum() - 2) * gBytesPerCluster + gDataStartBytes;
+            gClusterRootDir     = (big ?   2 :   2);
+            gClusterScnDrv      = (big ?   3 :   3);
+            gClusterDir1        = (big ?   4 :   4);
+            gClusterDir1ext     = (big ?   4 :   5);
+            gClusterDir2        = (big ?   6 :   7);
+            gClusterDir2_Full   = (big ?   7 :   8);
+            gClusterDir2_SD3E   = (big ?   8 :   9);
+            gClusterDir2_SD23E  = (big ?   9 :  10);
+            gClusterDir2_AFull  = (big ?  10 :  11);
+            gClusterEndMaxDepth = (big ? 146 : 147);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    gMaxDataCluster = gClusterDir2_AFull + 2 + (gFirstDataSector / BootSector.SectorsPerCluster() + 1);
+    gFatTestEntries = MaxClusters();
+    if (gFatTestEntries > KMaxFatSize)
+        gFatTestEntries = KMaxFatSize;
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpBootSector()
+// Display (in log) TFatBootSector structure
+    {
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iBytesPerSector    = %8d"), BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iSectorsPerCluster = %8d"), BootSector.SectorsPerCluster());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iReservedSectors   = %8d"), BootSector.ReservedSectors());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iNumberOfFats      = %8d"), BootSector.NumberOfFats());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iRootDirEntries    = %8d"), BootSector.RootDirEntries());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iTotalSectors      = %8d"), BootSector.TotalSectors());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iMediaDescriptor   = %8d"), BootSector.MediaDescriptor());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iFatSectors        = %8d"), BootSector.FatSectors());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iSectorsPerTrack   = %8d"), BootSector.SectorsPerTrack());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iNumberOfHeads     = %8d"), BootSector.NumberOfHeads());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iHiddenSectors     = %8d"), BootSector.HiddenSectors());
+    RDebug::Print(_L("iHugeSectors       = %8d"), BootSector.HugeSectors());
+    if (gDiskType == EFat32)
+        {
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iFatSectors32      = %8d"), BootSector.FatSectors32());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iFATFlags          = %8d"), BootSector.FATFlags());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iVersionNumber     = %8d"), BootSector.VersionNumber());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iRootClusterNum    = %8d (0x%08X)"), BootSector.RootClusterNum(), gRootDirStart);
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iFSInfoSectorNum   = %8d (0x%08X)"), BootSector.FSInfoSectorNum(), BootSector.FSInfoSectorNum() * BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("iBkBootRecSector   = %8d (0x%08X)"), BootSector.BkBootRecSector(), BootSector.BkBootRecSector() * BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpFat(const TUint8* aFat=NULL)
+// Dump to the log all those FAT entries which are non-zero
+    {
+    TInt32 max = MaxClusters();
+    if (max > KMaxFatEntries)
+        max = KMaxFatEntries;
+    RDebug::Print(_L("---------------- DUMP OF FAT ---------------"));
+    for (TInt32 i = 0; i < max; i++)
+        {
+        TInt32 val = GetFatEntry(i, aFat);
+        TInt32 msk = 0x0FFFFFFF;
+        switch (gDiskType)
+            {
+            case EFat32:
+                msk = 0x0FFFFFFF;
+                break;
+            case EFat16:
+                msk = 0xFFFF;
+                break;
+            case EFat12:
+                msk = 0x0FFF;
+                break;
+            default:
+                test(0);
+            }
+        if ((val & msk) == (0x0FFFFFFF & msk))
+            RDebug::Print(_L("    %8d -> EOC"), i);
+        else if ((val & msk) == (0x0FFFFFF8 & msk))
+            RDebug::Print(_L("    %8d -> Media"), i);
+        else if ((val & msk) == (0x0FFFFFF7 & msk))
+            RDebug::Print(_L("    %8d -> BAD"), i);
+        else if (val > max)
+            RDebug::Print(_L("    %8d -> 0x%08X"), i, val);
+        else if (val != 0)
+            RDebug::Print(_L("    %8d -> %d"), i, val);
+        }
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--------------------------------------------"));
+    }
+GLDEF_C TDes* DirAttributes(TInt aAttrib)
+// Return a pointer to a local buffer containing the attribute letters.
+    {
+    LOCAL_D TBuf<6> str;
+    LOCAL_D char*   atr = "RHSVDA";
+    str.Fill(TText('-'), 6);
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+        if ((aAttrib >> i) & 1)
+            str[i] = atr[i];
+    return &str;
+    }
+GLDEF_C TBool IsValidDirEntry(TFatDirEntry* aDir)
+// Test whether buffer is a valid normal directory entry
+    {
+    // first character must be 0x05 or greater than space
+    if (aDir->iData[0] < 0x21 && aDir->iData[0] != 0x05)
+        return EFalse;
+    // other characters must be not less than space
+    for (TInt i = 1; i < 11; i++)
+        if (aDir->iData[i] < 0x20)
+            return EFalse;
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+GLDEF_C void GetLongNamePart(TDes16& aName, const TUint8* aEntry, TInt aPos, TInt aOffset, TInt aLength)
+// Extract part of a long name entry into the name buffer.
+// @param aName   buffer to put name
+// @param aEntry  directory entry raw data
+// @param aPos    character in buffer to start name segment
+// @param aOffset offset in directory entry of the segment
+// @param aLength number of characters in the segment
+    {
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aLength; i++)
+        {
+        TInt at = i * 2 + aOffset;
+        TInt ch = aEntry[at] + aEntry[at+1] * 256;
+        aName[aPos++] = TText(ch);
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void ExtractNameString(TDes16& aName, const TUint8* aEntry)
+// Extract a long name part from a directory entry, truncate it at the first
+// NUL (0) character and put quotes round it.
+    {
+    aName.SetLength(15);
+    TInt len = aName.Length() - 1;
+    TText qu = '\'';
+    aName[0] = qu;
+    GetLongNamePart(aName, aEntry,  1,  1, 5);
+    GetLongNamePart(aName, aEntry,  6, 14, 6);
+    GetLongNamePart(aName, aEntry, 12, 28, 2);
+    TInt i;
+    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+        if (aName[i] == 0)
+            break;
+    aName[i++] = qu;
+    aName.SetLength(i);
+    }
+GLDEF_C TBool DumpDirEntry(TInt aNum, const TUint8* aEntry)
+// Dump a single directory entry to the log.  Return false if it was end of
+// directory or an invalid entry (and don't display it).
+    {
+    TFatDirEntry* d = (TFatDirEntry*)aEntry;
+    if (d->IsErased())
+        {
+        //RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: ERASED"), aNum);
+        }
+    else if (d->IsEndOfDirectory())
+        {
+        if (aNum > 0)
+            RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: ------------- end of directory"), aNum);
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    else if ((d->Attributes() & KDirAttrLongMask) == KDirAttrLongName)
+        {
+        TBuf16<15> name;
+        ExtractNameString(name, aEntry);
+        TInt ord = aEntry[0];
+        if (ord & KDirLastLongEntry)
+            RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: %-15S #%-2d LAST"), aNum, &name, ord & ~KDirLastLongEntry);
+        else
+            RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: %-15S #%-2d"), aNum, &name, ord & ~KDirLastLongEntry);
+        }
+    else if (!IsValidDirEntry(d))
+        {
+        if (aNum > 0)
+            RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: ============= INVALID ENTRY"), aNum);
+        return EFalse;
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        TBuf<11> name;
+        name.Copy(d->Name());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("%5d: '%S'   %S  start %-5d size %d"),
+                      aNum, &name, DirAttributes(d->Attributes()), d->StartCluster(), d->Size());
+        }
+    return ETrue;
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpDirCluster(const TUint8* aData, TInt aCluster=0)
+// Dump directory entries until end of cluster or invalid/end entry found.
+    {
+    if (aCluster > 2)
+        aData += (aCluster-2) * gBytesPerCluster;
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < gBytesPerCluster; i += KSizeOfFatDirEntry)
+        {
+        if (DumpDirEntry(i/KSizeOfFatDirEntry, aData))
+            aData += KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+        else
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpRootDir(const TUint8* aData)
+// Dump the data area buffer, trying to interpret directory clusters (only look
+// at clusters which are marked as 'used' in the FAT).
+    {
+    RDebug::Print(_L("Root dir @ 0x%08X:"), gRootDirStart);
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < BootSector.RootDirEntries(); i++)
+        {
+        if (DumpDirEntry(i, aData))
+            aData += KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+        else
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpData(const TUint8* aFat, const TUint8* aDir)
+// Dump the data area buffer, trying to interpret directory clusters (only look
+// at clusters which are marked as 'used' in the FAT).
+    {
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--------------- DATA AREA ------------------"));
+    if (gDiskType != EFat32)
+        {
+        DumpRootDir(aDir);
+        }
+    TInt max = (gFatTestEntries < gMaxDataCluster ? gFatTestEntries : gMaxDataCluster);
+    for (TInt cluster = 2; cluster < max; cluster++)
+        {
+        if (GetFatEntry(cluster, aFat) != 0)
+            {
+            RDebug::Print(_L("Cluster %d @ 0x%08X:"), cluster, ClusterToByte(cluster));
+            DumpDirCluster(aDir+gDataStartBytes-gRootDirStart, cluster);
+            }
+        }
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--------------------------------------------"));
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpData(const TUint8* aFat, TInt aStart, TInt aEnd = -1)
+// Dump clusters from disk (allows dumping of clusters not in our buffers).
+// Only look at clusters marked as 'used' in the FAT.  Note that if aFat is
+// NULL the FAT entries will also be read from disk (slower but allows for ones
+// outside our copy in memory).
+    {
+    if (aStart > gFatTestEntries)
+        return;
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--------------- DATA AREA ------------------"));
+    if (aEnd > gFatTestEntries)
+        aEnd = gFatTestEntries;
+    if (aEnd < 0)
+        aEnd = aStart + 1;
+    if (aStart < 2 && gDiskType != EFat32)
+        {
+        HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::New(BootSector.RootDirEntries() * KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+        test(buf != NULL);
+        TPtr8 ptr=buf->Des();
+        TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(gRootDirStart, ptr);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TheRawDisk.Close();
+        DumpRootDir(buf->Ptr());
+        delete(buf);
+        aStart = 2;
+        }
+    for (TInt cluster = aStart; cluster < aEnd; cluster++)
+        {
+        if (GetFatEntry(cluster, aFat) != 0)
+            {
+            HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::New(gBytesPerCluster);
+            test(buf!=NULL);
+            TPtr8 ptr=buf->Des();
+            TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+            test(r==KErrNone);
+            r=TheRawDisk.Read(ClusterToByte(cluster), ptr);
+            test(r==KErrNone);
+            TheRawDisk.Close();
+            RDebug::Print(_L("Cluster %d @ 0x%08X:"), cluster, ClusterToByte(cluster));
+            DumpDirCluster(ptr.Ptr());
+            delete buf;
+            }
+        }
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--------------------------------------------"));
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpHex(const TUint8* aData, TInt aLen, TInt aBase=0)
+// Dump a block of memory to the log in hex.
+    {
+    for (TInt base = 0; base < aLen; base += 16)
+        {
+        TBuf<16*3+3+16+1> buf;
+        TInt off;
+        for (off = base; off < aLen && off < base + 16; off++)
+            {
+            buf.Append(TText(' '));
+            buf.AppendNumFixedWidth(aData[off], EHex, 2);
+            }
+        buf.Append(_L("  |"));
+        for (off = base; off < aLen && off < base + 16; off++)
+            {
+            TUint8 ch = aData[off];
+            buf.Append(ch < 0x20 || ch > 0x7E ? TText('_') : TText(ch));
+            }
+        buf.Append(_L("|"));
+        RDebug::Print(_L("%04X: %S"), base+aBase, &buf);
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpHex(const TPtrC8& aData, TInt aLen, TInt aBase=0)
+// Dump a block of memory to the log in hex.
+    {
+    DumpHex(aData.Ptr(), aLen, aBase);
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DumpHex(TInt aPos, TInt aLen, TInt aBase=0)
+// Dump a block of memory to the log in hex.
+    {
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    DumpHex(dirBuf.Ptr()+aPos, aLen, aBase);
+    }
+GLDEF_C void Dump(TEntryInfo& aEntry)
+// Dump an entry description to the log in hex
+    {
+    RDebug::Print(_L("--- TEntryInfo 0x%08X, %d"), aEntry.iBytePos, aEntry.iLength);
+    TInt len = aEntry.iLength*KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+    DumpHex(aEntry.iBytePos, len, aEntry.iBytePos);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TInt GetStartCluster(TInt aCluster, TInt aEntry)
+// Get the start cluster pertaining to a directory entry in a specific
+// directory cluster, return -1 if not available (invalid entry).
+    {
+    HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::New(gBytesPerCluster*2);
+    test(buf!=NULL);
+    TPtr8 ptr=buf->Des();
+    TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheRawDisk.Read(ClusterToByte(aCluster), ptr);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TheRawDisk.Close();
+    RDebug::Print(_L("Cluster %d @ 0x%08X:"), aCluster, ClusterToByte(aCluster));
+    TFatDirEntry* d = (TFatDirEntry*)ptr.Ptr() + aEntry;
+    while ((d->Attributes() & KDirAttrLongMask) == KDirAttrLongName && aEntry < gEntriesPerCluster)
+        {
+        if (d->IsErased() || d->IsEndOfDirectory())
+            break;
+        ++aEntry;
+        d = (TFatDirEntry*)ptr.Ptr() + aEntry;
+        }
+    TInt start = d->StartCluster();
+    if (d->IsErased())
+        start = -1;
+    else if (d->IsEndOfDirectory())
+        start = -1;
+    else if ((d->Attributes() & KDirAttrLongMask) == KDirAttrLongName)
+        start = -1;
+    else if (!IsValidDirEntry(d))
+        start = -1;
+    delete buf;
+    return start;
+    }
+LOCAL_C void Format()
+    {
+    TInt nRes;
+#if 0
+    TFatFormatParam fmt;
+    fmt.iFatType = EFat32;
+    fmt.iSecPerCluster = 1;
+    nRes = FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), ETrue, &fmt);
+    nRes = FormatFatDrive(TheFs, CurrentDrive(), ETrue);
+    test(nRes == KErrNone);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreateDeepDir(TFileName& aDir,TInt aDepth)
+// Increase directory strucutre by aDepth starting with aDir.
+    {
+    TFileName num;
+    num.Num(1);
+    num+=_L("\\");
+    TInt r;
+    while(aDepth--)
+        {
+        num[0] = TText(aDepth % 26 + 'A');
+        aDir+=num;
+        r=TheFs.MkDir(aDir);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteDeepDir(TFileName& aDir,TInt aDepth)
+// Delete dir structure.
+    {
+    TInt r;
+    while(aDepth--)
+        {
+        r=TheFs.RmDir(aDir);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        aDir.SetLength(aDir.Length()-2);
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreateMaxDepthDir(TFileName& aDir1,TFileName& aDir2)
+// Create directory structure with max possible depth-1.
+// Achieved by using dir names of one character.
+    {
+    //create dir structure with depth of 25
+    CreateDeepDir(aDir1,25);
+    // split dir structure
+    aDir2=aDir1;
+    aDir2+=_L("a\\");
+    TInt r=TheFs.MkDir(aDir2);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // create dir with depth of 126 directories - one short of max depth
+    CreateDeepDir(aDir1,101);
+    // create dir with depth of 90
+    CreateDeepDir(aDir2,64);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteMaxDepthDir(TFileName&aDir1,TFileName&aDir2)
+// Deletes max depth dir structure.
+    {
+    DeleteDeepDir(aDir2,64);
+    TInt r=TheFs.RmDir(aDir2);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    aDir2.SetLength(aDir2.Length()-2);
+    DeleteDeepDir(aDir1,102);
+    DeleteDeepDir(aDir1,24);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void MakeVeryLongName(TFileName& aLong)
+// appends a very long file name to aLong
+    {
+    // create a name to take up 18 vfat entries - (1 sector + 2 entries)
+    for(TInt i=0;i<234;++i)
+        {
+        TInt c='a'+i%26;
+        aLong.Append(c);
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void CreateLongNames(TFileName& aLong, TInt aClusters)
+// Creates entries to fill up the number of directory clusters
+    {
+    TInt len = aLong.Length(); // length of directory prefix
+    MakeVeryLongName(aLong);
+    TInt count = 0;
+    RFile temp;
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aClusters * gEntriesPerCluster; i += 19)
+        {
+        aLong[len+0] = TText(count/26 + 'A');
+        aLong[len+1] = TText(count%26 + 'A');
+        count++;
+        TInt r=temp.Create(TheFs,aLong,EFileShareAny);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        temp.Close();
+        }
+    }
+GLDEF_C void DeleteLongNames(TFileName& aLong, TInt aClusters)
+// Deletes entries created by CreateLongNames()
+    {
+    TInt len = aLong.Length(); // length of directory prefix
+    MakeVeryLongName(aLong);
+    TInt count = 0;
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < aClusters * gEntriesPerCluster; i += 19)
+        {
+        aLong[len+0] = TText(count/26 + 'A');
+        aLong[len+1] = TText(count%26 + 'A');
+        count++;
+        TInt r=TheFs.Delete(aLong);
+        test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteRootDir(TInt aNum=0)
+// Delete all entries in the root directory up to the last - aNum
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Delete Root Directory Entries"));
+    TInt maxRootEntries = gRootDirEntries;
+    TFileName name=_L("\\???xxx");
+    TInt count=0;
+    TInt entriesSoFar=2;
+    TInt r;
+    count = 0;
+    for (entriesSoFar=0; entriesSoFar<maxRootEntries - aNum; entriesSoFar+=2)
+        {
+        name[1]=(TUint16)(count/26/26+'a');
+        name[2]=(TUint16)(count/26%26+'a');
+        name[3]=(TUint16)(count%26+'a');
+        r=TheFs.Delete(name);
+        test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
+        ++count;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreateRootDir()
+// fill up root directory to 1 clusters by creating entries and then deleting
+// them except the last.
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Create Root Directory Entries"));
+    TInt maxRootEntries = gRootDirEntries;
+    TFileName name=_L("\\???xxx");
+    TInt count=0;
+    TInt entriesSoFar=2;
+    TInt r;
+    RFile f;
+    for (entriesSoFar=0; entriesSoFar<maxRootEntries; entriesSoFar+=2)
+        {
+        name[1]=(TUint16)(count/26/26+'a');
+        name[2]=(TUint16)(count/26%26+'a');
+        name[3]=(TUint16)(count%26+'a');
+        r=f.Create(TheFs, name, EFileWrite);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        f.Close();
+        ++count;
+        }
+    DeleteRootDir(1);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void FillUpRootDir(TInt aFree=0)
+// fill up root directory
+    {
+    TInt maxRootEntries = gRootDirEntries - aFree;
+    TFileName dir=_L("\\??\\");
+    TInt count=0;
+    TInt entriesSoFar=2;
+    TInt r;
+    while(entriesSoFar<maxRootEntries)
+        {
+        dir[1]=(TUint16)(count/26+'a');
+        dir[2]=(TUint16)(count%26+'a');
+        r=TheFs.MkDir(dir);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        entriesSoFar+=2;
+        ++count;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void UnFillUpRootDir(TInt aFree=0)
+// reverse changes from FillUpRootDir()
+    {
+    TFileName dir=_L("\\??\\");
+    TInt entriesSoFar=gRootDirEntries-aFree;
+    TInt count=0;
+    TInt r;
+    while(entriesSoFar>2)
+        {
+        dir[1]=TUint16(count/26+'a');
+        dir[2]=TUint16(count%26+'a');
+        r=TheFs.RmDir(dir);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        entriesSoFar-=2;
+        ++count;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteDirectoryStructure()
+// deletes the directory structure
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Delete Directory Structure"));
+    TInt r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\almostfull\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TInt entriesNeeded=(gEntriesPerCluster-2) / 2;  //7*2entries + . + .. = full sector
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < entriesNeeded; i++)
+        {
+        TFileName file=_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\__a");
+        file.AppendNum(i);
+        r=TheFs.Delete(file);
+        test(r==KErrNone||r==KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TFileName veryLongName=(_L("\\scndrv\\dir1\\"));
+    MakeVeryLongName(veryLongName);
+    r=TheFs.Delete(veryLongName);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir1\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreateDirectoryStructure()
+// creates the directory structure
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Create Directory Structure"));
+    // cluster 3 (root dir is cluster 2)
+    TInt r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 4
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir1\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TFileName veryLongName=(_L("\\scndrv\\dir1\\"));
+    MakeVeryLongName(veryLongName);
+    RFile f;
+    // cluster 5
+    r=f.Create(TheFs,veryLongName,EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=f.SetSize(512);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    f.Close();
+    // cluster 6
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 7
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 8
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedirwith3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 9
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedir2with3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 10
+    r=TheFs.MkDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\almostfull\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // cluster 11-17
+    TInt entriesNeeded=(gEntriesPerCluster-2) / 2;  //7*2entries + . + .. = full sector
+    for (TInt i = 0; i < entriesNeeded; i++)
+        {
+        TFileName file=_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\__a");
+        file.AppendNum(i);
+        LastInFull = file;
+        r=f.Create(TheFs,file,EFileShareAny);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        if (i < 7)
+            {
+            r=f.SetSize(512);
+            test(r==KErrNone);
+            }
+        f.Close();
+        }
+    // cluster 18-19
+    TInt charLength=13*4+1; // name to take up 6 entries
+    TFileName file1=_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\almostfull\\");
+    while(charLength--)
+        {
+        TInt c='A'+charLength%26;
+        file1.Append(c);
+        }
+    TFileName file2=file1;
+    file1.AppendNum(1);
+    file2.AppendNum(2);
+    r=f.Create(TheFs,file1,EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=f.SetSize(512);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    f.Close();
+    r=f.Create(TheFs,file2,EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=f.SetSize(512);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    f.Close();
+    }
+LOCAL_C TUint8* DirPtr(TInt aOffset)
+// Return a pointer to the offset in the dir buffer, or in the special
+// extension buffer if the dir buffer isn't large enough.  If the extension
+// buffer is needed, it is read from disk when it is created (2 clusters, to
+// allow for entries spanning cluster boundaries).  Errors will occur if
+// another cluster is needed before the extension has been released.
+// Note that if an extension buffer is allocated then writing a dir buffer to
+// disk will also write the extension buffer and any changes made in it.
+    {
+    // if the offset is in store, return its byte address
+    if (aOffset < DirBufPtr->Des().MaxLength())
+        return (TUint8*)DirBufPtr->Ptr() + aOffset;
+    // not in main buffer, see if extension is allocated already
+    if (!ExtBufPtr)
+        {
+        // allocate buffer for 2 clusters, starting at the cluster which
+        // contains aOffset
+        ExtBufLen = 2 * gBytesPerCluster;
+        ExtBufPtr = HBufC8::New(ExtBufLen);
+        test(ExtBufPtr != NULL);
+        // read the clusters in
+        ExtBufAdd = aOffset - aOffset % gBytesPerCluster;
+        TInt clust = (ExtBufAdd - (gDataStartBytes - gRootDirStart)) /gBytesPerCluster + 2;
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Extension buffer for cluster %d allocated"), clust);
+        TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TPtr8 des(ExtBufPtr->Des());
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(gRootDirStart + ExtBufAdd, des);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TheRawDisk.Close();
+        }
+    // convert to offset in the extension buffer
+    aOffset -= ExtBufAdd;
+    if (aOffset >= ExtBufLen)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("*** ERROR: tried to access cluster %d not in store\n"),
+                    (aOffset + ExtBufAdd) / gBytesPerCluster + 2);
+        test(0);
+        }
+    return (TUint8*)ExtBufPtr->Ptr() + aOffset;
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DirPtrFree()
+// Free the extension buffer and zero the references to it.
+    {
+    if (ExtBufPtr)
+        {
+        TInt clust = (ExtBufAdd - (gDataStartBytes - gRootDirStart)) /gBytesPerCluster + 2;
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Extension buffer for cluster %d deleted"), clust);
+        delete ExtBufPtr;
+        ExtBufPtr = NULL;
+        ExtBufAdd = 0;
+        ExtBufLen = 0;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void ReadDirDisk(TDes8& aDirBuf, TInt aCluster = -1)
+// reads directory section of disk into buffer
+    {
+    test(aCluster != 1);
+    TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    if (aCluster == -1) // all clusters ?
+        {
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(gRootDirStart, aDirBuf);
+        }
+    else if (aCluster == 0) // root directory cluster
+        {
+        TPtr8 dirPtr = aDirBuf.MidTPtr(0, gBytesPerCluster);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(gRootDirStart, dirPtr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // directory buffer starts at root directory, so
+        // calculate offset from there.
+        TInt pos = ((aCluster - 2) * gBytesPerCluster) +
+            (gRootDirSectors * BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+        TPtr8 dirPtr = aDirBuf.MidTPtr(pos, gBytesPerCluster);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(gRootDirStart + pos, dirPtr);
+        }
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TheRawDisk.Close();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void ReadFatDisk(TDes8& aFatBuf)
+// reads fat section of disk info buffer
+    {
+    TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheRawDisk.Read(gFatStartBytes, aFatBuf);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TheRawDisk.Close();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteDirDisk(TDes8& aDirBuf, TInt aCluster = -1)
+// writes dir buffer to disk
+    {
+    test(aCluster != 1);
+    TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    if (aCluster == -1)
+        {
+        r=TheRawDisk.Write(gRootDirStart, aDirBuf);
+        }
+    else if (aCluster == 0) // root directory cluster
+        {
+        TPtr8 dirPtr = aDirBuf.MidTPtr(0, gBytesPerCluster);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Write(gRootDirStart, dirPtr);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        // directory buffer starts at root directory, so
+        // calculate offset from there.
+        TInt pos = ((aCluster - 2) * gBytesPerCluster) +
+            (gRootDirSectors * BootSector.BytesPerSector());
+        TPtr8 dirPtr = aDirBuf.MidTPtr(pos, gBytesPerCluster);
+        r=TheRawDisk.Write(gRootDirStart + pos, dirPtr);
+        }
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    if (ExtBufPtr)
+        {
+        TPtr8 des(ExtBufPtr->Des());
+        r=TheRawDisk.Write(gRootDirStart + ExtBufAdd, des);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        }
+    TheRawDisk.Close();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteFatDisk(TDes8& aFatBuf, TInt aStart=0)
+// writes fat buffer to disk
+    {
+    TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TInt fatCount=BootSector.NumberOfFats() - aStart;
+    TInt pos = gFatStartBytes + aStart * gFatSizeSectors*BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+    while(fatCount--)
+        {
+        r=TheRawDisk.Write(pos, aFatBuf);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        pos += gFatSizeSectors*BootSector.BytesPerSector();
+        }
+    TheRawDisk.Close();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteReservedId(TInt aBytePos)
+// write reserved id to byte 19 of entry starting at aBytePos
+    {
+    TUint8* pEntry=DirPtr(aBytePos);
+    pEntry[19]=1;
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteEndOfDir(TInt aBytePos)
+// write end of directory marker to entry starting at aBytePos
+    {
+    TUint8* pEntry=DirPtr(aBytePos);
+    Mem::FillZ(pEntry,KFatDirNameSize);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteDelete(TInt aBytePos,TInt aNum)
+// writes 0xe5 to entries starting at aBytePos
+    {
+    TUint8* pEntry=DirPtr(aBytePos);
+    while(aNum--)
+        {
+        pEntry[0]=0xE5;
+        pEntry+=KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteCopyDir(TInt aSrc, TInt aDst)
+// Copy one directory entry over another
+    {
+    TUint8* pSrc=DirPtr(aSrc);
+    TUint8* pDst=DirPtr(aDst);
+    Mem::Copy(pDst, pSrc, KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void InitialiseBuffers()
+// reads disk into buffers
+    {
+    gFatTestEntries = MaxClusters();
+    if (gFatTestEntries > KMaxFatSize)
+        gFatTestEntries = KMaxFatSize;
+    gFatTestSize = PosInBytes(gFatTestEntries);
+    FatBufPtr=HBufC8::New(gFatTestSize);
+    test(FatBufPtr!=NULL);
+    DirBufPtr=HBufC8::New(DirBufferSize());
+    test(DirBufPtr!=NULL);
+    // Buffers for reading from disk
+    FatDiskPtr=HBufC8::New(gFatTestSize);
+    test(FatDiskPtr!=NULL);
+    DirDiskPtr=HBufC8::New(DirBufferSize());
+    test(DirDiskPtr!=NULL);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TBool IsSameAsDrive(const TDes8& aFatBuf,const TDes8& aDirBuf)
+// compares the two bufs passed in with those on disk
+    {
+    TPtr8 fatDisk=FatDiskPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirDisk=DirDiskPtr->Des();
+    ReadDirDisk(dirDisk);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatDisk);
+    TBool fatOk = (aFatBuf.Compare(fatDisk)==0);
+    TBool dirOk = (aDirBuf.Compare(dirDisk)==0);
+    if (!fatOk)
+        {
+        TInt i = FindUnMatch(aFatBuf.Ptr(), fatDisk.Ptr(), fatDisk.Length());
+        switch (gDiskType)
+            {
+            case EFat32:
+                i /= 4;
+                if(i == 1)
+                {//-- mismatch in FAT[1] for FAT16/FAT32 it is OK because FAT[1] is used by volume finalisation
+                 //-- to store Volume Clean Shutdown flag
+                    fatOk = ETrue;
+                }
+                break;
+            case EFat16:
+                i /= 2;
+                if(i == 1)
+                {//-- mismatch in FAT[1] for FAT16/FAT32  it is OK because FAT[1] is used by volume finalisation
+                 //-- to store Volume Clean Shutdown flag
+                    fatOk = ETrue;
+                }
+                break;
+            case EFat12:
+                i = i*2 / 3;
+                if (GetFatEntry(i, aFatBuf.Ptr()) == GetFatEntry(i, fatDisk.Ptr()))
+                    ++i;
+                break;
+            default:
+                test(0);
+            }
+        if(fatOk && i==1)
+            {
+            test.Printf(_L("Skipping FAT[1] entry for FAT16/32 \n"), i);
+            }
+        else
+            {
+        test.Printf(_L("FAT entry %d different from expected\n"), i);
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Expected:\n"));
+        DumpFat(aFatBuf.Ptr());
+        RDebug::Print(_L("Actual:\n"));
+        DumpFat(fatDisk.Ptr());
+        }
+        }
+    if (!dirOk)
+        {
+        TInt i = FindUnMatch(aDirBuf.Ptr(), dirDisk.Ptr(), dirDisk.Length());
+        TInt clust = ByteToCluster(i);
+        TInt entry = i % gBytesPerCluster / KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+        test.Printf(_L("DIR different from expected\n"));
+        test.Printf(_L("  at pos %d sector %d cluster %d entry %d:\n"), i, i / BootSector.BytesPerSector(), clust, entry);
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Expected:\n"));
+		DumpHex(aDirBuf.Ptr() + i, 32);
+		RDebug::Print(_L("-------------"));
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Actual:\n"));
+		DumpHex(dirDisk.Ptr() + i, 32);
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Expected:\n"));
+		DumpData(aFatBuf.Ptr(), aDirBuf.Ptr());
+		RDebug::Print(_L("Actual:\n"));
+		DumpData(fatDisk.Ptr(), dirDisk.Ptr());
+        }
+    else if (ExtBufPtr)
+        {
+        HBufC8* extPtr = HBufC8::New(ExtBufLen);
+        test(extPtr != NULL);
+        TInt r=TheRawDisk.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TPtr8 des(extPtr->Des());
+        r=TheRawDisk.Read(ExtBufAdd+gRootDirStart, des);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        TheRawDisk.Close();
+        TInt i = FindUnMatch(ExtBufPtr->Ptr(), extPtr->Ptr(), ExtBufLen);
+        if (i >= 0)
+            {
+            TInt extcl = (ExtBufAdd - (gDataStartBytes-gRootDirStart)) / gBytesPerCluster + 2;
+            TInt clust = i / gBytesPerCluster;
+            TInt entry = i % gBytesPerCluster / KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+            test.Printf(_L("DIR different from expected\n"));
+            test.Printf(_L("  at cluster %d entry %d:\n"), extcl+clust, entry);
+            DumpHex(ExtBufPtr->Ptr() + clust * gBytesPerCluster + entry * KSizeOfFatDirEntry, 32);
+            RDebug::Print(_L("-------------"));
+            DumpHex(extPtr->Ptr() + clust * gBytesPerCluster + entry * KSizeOfFatDirEntry, 32);
+            // RDebug::Print(_L("Expected:\n"));
+            // DumpData(aFatBuf.Ptr(), aDirBuf.Ptr());
+            // RDebug::Print(_L("Actual:\n"));
+            // DumpData(fatDisk.Ptr(), dirDisk.Ptr());
+            dirOk = EFalse;
+            }
+        delete extPtr;
+        }
+    return(fatOk && dirOk);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void WriteErased(TEntryInfo aTrg,TInt aToDelete)
+// writes erased marker, starting at dos entry and working backwards
+// used to simulate a part entry40*BootSector.BytesPerSector()
+    {
+    TInt toStart=aTrg.iBytePos+(aTrg.iLength-1)*KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    while(aToDelete--)
+        {
+        dirBuf[toStart]=0xE5;
+        toStart-=KSizeOfFatDirEntry;
+        }
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreatePartialEntry(TEntryInfo aTrg,TInt aToDelete,TBool aAddEOfDir)
+// creates a partial entry
+    {
+    WriteErased(aTrg,aToDelete);
+    if(aAddEOfDir)
+        WriteEndOfDir(aTrg.iBytePos+aTrg.iLength*KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TBool TestPartialEntry(TEntryInfo aEntry)
+// tests that scandrive deals with a partial entry and returns the result
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("TestPartialEntry"));
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    WriteDelete(aEntry.iBytePos,aEntry.iLength);
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    return(res);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void CreateMatchingEntry(TEntryInfo aTrg,TEntryInfo aSrc,TBool aAddEOfDir)
+// creates matching entry
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Create entry with start cluster already used"));
+    TUint8* src = DirPtr(aSrc.iBytePos);
+    TUint8* dst = DirPtr(aTrg.iBytePos);
+    Mem::Copy(dst, src, aSrc.iLength*KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+    WriteReservedId(aTrg.iBytePos+(aTrg.iLength-1)*KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+    if(aAddEOfDir)
+        WriteEndOfDir(aTrg.iBytePos+aTrg.iLength*KSizeOfFatDirEntry);
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    }
+LOCAL_C TBool TestMatchingEntry(TEntryInfo aToDelete)
+// tests that scandrive deals with matching entries correctly
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("TestMatchingEntries"));
+    WriteDelete(aToDelete.iBytePos,aToDelete.iLength);
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    DirPtrFree();
+    return(res);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void TestExtendedChars()
+// tests that extended characters corresponding to ISO Latin 1
+// characters 128-255 are recognised as valid by scandrive
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("TestExtendedChars()"));
+    Format();
+    _LIT(KRoot,"\\");
+    CDir* dirs;
+    // check no entries in the root directory
+    TInt r=TheFs.GetDir(KRoot,KEntryAttMaskSupported,ESortNone,dirs);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    test(dirs->Count()==0);
+    delete(dirs);
+    dirs=NULL;
+    // create file
+    _LIT(KOrigShortName,"P_SSI.TXT");
+    //_LIT(KTestFile,"\\p\xE4ssi.txt"); //-- this causes problems for VC6 and default locale different from English
+    TBuf<64> TestFileName(_L("\\p$ssi.txt"));
+    TestFileName[2] = 0xe4; //-- replace '$' with this code
+    //_LIT(KExtShortName,"P\xC4SSI.TXT"); //-- this causes problems for VC6 and default locale different from English
+    TBuf<64> ExtShortName(_L("P$SSI.TXT"));
+    ExtShortName[1] = 0xC4; //-- replace '$' with this code
+    RFile file;
+    r=file.Replace(TheFs,TestFileName,EFileShareExclusive);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    file.Close();
+    // get short name
+    TFileName shortName;
+    r=TheFs.GetShortName(TestFileName,shortName);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    test(shortName==KOrigShortName);
+    // must be first entry in root, modify to read like
+    // a windows-generated short name (ie. contains extended character)
+    DumpData(NULL, 0, 20);
+    TInt bytePos=ClusterEntryToBytes(0,1);
+    RRawDisk raw;
+    r=raw.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBuf8<1> buf(1);
+    //-- change 2nd character in the short name (Fat DOS entry)
+    buf[0]=(TUint8)'\xC4';
+    r=raw.Write(gRootDirStart+bytePos+1,buf);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    //-- fix the fiddled short name checksum in the corresponding VFat entry
+    bytePos=ClusterEntryToBytes(0,0);
+    buf[0]=(TUint8)0x2f;
+    r=raw.Write(gRootDirStart+bytePos+13,buf);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // retrieve short name from media.
+    // Note: do not use RFs::GetShortName() as its behaviours are code page dependent.
+    bytePos=ClusterEntryToBytes(0,1);
+    TBuf8<11> shortNameBuf8;
+    r=raw.Read(gRootDirStart+bytePos,shortNameBuf8);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    shortNameBuf8 = DosNameFromStdFormat(shortNameBuf8);
+    shortName.Copy(shortNameBuf8);
+    raw.Close();
+    test(shortName==ExtShortName);
+    DumpData(NULL, 0, 20);
+    //TheFs.SetDebugRegister(KFSYS);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    TheFs.SetDebugRegister(0);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    DumpData(NULL, 0, 20);
+    // retrieve short name from media.
+    r=raw.Open(TheFs,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    bytePos=ClusterEntryToBytes(0,1);
+    r=raw.Read(gRootDirStart+bytePos,shortNameBuf8);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    shortNameBuf8 = DosNameFromStdFormat(shortNameBuf8);
+    shortName.Copy(shortNameBuf8);
+    raw.Close();
+    test(shortName==ExtShortName);
+    // delete file
+    r=TheFs.Delete(TestFileName);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void TestMountAndScan()
+// test MountFileSystemAndScan()
+    {
+    TFullName extName;
+    TBool primaryExtensionExists = EFalse;
+    test.Next(_L("TestMountAndScan"));
+    HBufC8* newFat=HBufC8::New(gFatTestSize);
+    test(newFat!=NULL);
+    TPtr8 fat=newFat->Des();
+    TPtr8 origFat=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 origDir=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    // set cluster of \scndrv\dir1\ to a hanging cluster
+    ReadFatDisk(fat);
+    WriteFat(gClusterDir1ext,35,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(35,36,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    // set the default path to something other than the current drive
+    TFileName fsName;
+    TInt r=TheFs.FileSystemName(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TFileName origDefPath, newDefPath;
+    r=TheFs.SessionPath(origDefPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    newDefPath=origDefPath;
+    newDefPath[0]=(TText)'z';
+    r=TheFs.SetSessionPath(newDefPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r = TheFs.ExtensionName(extName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',0);
+    if (r == KErrNone)
+        {
+        primaryExtensionExists = ETrue;
+        }
+    r=TheFs.DismountFileSystem(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // mount file system and check scandrive corrects error
+    TBool isMount;
+    if (primaryExtensionExists)
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,extName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    else
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    test(isMount && r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    r=TheFs.SetSessionPath(origDefPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    delete newFat;
+    }
+LOCAL_C void TestConsecutiveMountAndScans()
+// test fix for DEF093072: [codebase]MountFileSystemAndScan returns err -21 but ok flag
+    {
+    TFullName extName;
+    TBool primaryExtensionExists = EFalse;
+    TFileName fsName;
+    TInt r=TheFs.FileSystemName(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r = TheFs.ExtensionName(extName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',0);
+    if (r == KErrNone)
+        {
+        primaryExtensionExists = ETrue;
+        }
+    r=TheFs.DismountFileSystem(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A');
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // RFs::MountFileSystemAndScan twice consecutively
+    // first time
+    TBool isMount;
+    if (primaryExtensionExists)
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,extName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    else
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    test(isMount && r==KErrNone);
+    // and a second time
+    if (primaryExtensionExists)
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,extName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    else
+        r=TheFs.MountFileSystemAndScan(fsName,gSessionPath[0]-'A',isMount);
+    test(!isMount && r==KErrAccessDenied);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoHangingClusters()
+// Tests that scandrive removes hanging clusters
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check Hanging clusters"));
+    HBufC8* newFat=HBufC8::New(gFatTestSize);
+    test(newFat!=NULL);
+    TPtr8 fat=newFat->Des();
+    TPtr8 origFat=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 origDir=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    // set cluster of \scndrv\dir1\ to a hanging cluster
+    test.Start(_L("Test hanging cluster in \\scndrv\\dir1\\"));
+    ReadFatDisk(fat);
+    WriteFat(gClusterDir1ext,35,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(35,36,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    // set  cluster chain of first entry of \scndrv\dir1\ to
+    // larger size than file size
+    test.Next(_L("Test hanging cluster in first entry"));
+    ReadFatDisk(fat);
+    WriteFat(gClusterDir1ext,39,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(39,500,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(500,gEndOfChain,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    // set cluster of \scndrv\ to a hanging cluster
+    test.Next(_L("Test hanging cluster of \\scndrv\\"));
+    ReadFatDisk(fat);
+    WriteFat(gClusterScnDrv,511,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    delete newFat;
+    test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoLostClusters()
+// Tests that scandrive removes lost clusters
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check lost clusters"));
+    HBufC8* newFat=HBufC8::New(gFatTestSize);
+    test(newFat!=NULL);
+    TPtr8 fat=newFat->Des();
+    TPtr8 origFat=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 origDir=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    ReadFatDisk(origFat);
+    ReadDirDisk(origDir);
+    // write cluster chain
+    test.Start(_L("Test removal of lost cluster chain"));
+    ReadFatDisk(fat);
+    for(TInt i=25;i<35;++i)
+        WriteFat(i,i+1,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(35,gEndOfChain,fat.Ptr());
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    // write semi-random changes to first fat
+    test.Next(_L("Test semi-random changes to first fat"));
+    for(TInt j=1;j<gFatTestSize/BootSector.BytesPerSector();++j)
+        {
+        TInt off = j*BootSector.BytesPerSector()+j*7%512;
+        fat[off]=1;
+        }
+    WriteFatDisk(fat);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    // write semi-random changes to second fat
+    test.Next(_L("Test semi-random changes to second fat"));
+    WriteFatDisk(fat, 1);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(origFat,origDir);
+    test(res);
+    delete newFat;
+    test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoPartEntries()
+// Tests that scandrive detects/corrects partial entries
+    {
+    RFile temp;
+    TInt last;
+    TBool res;
+    test.Start(_L("Check partial entries"));
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    TInt r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedirwith3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound || KErrPathNotFound);
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedir2with3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound || KErrPathNotFound);
+    if (BootSector.RootDirEntries() != 0)
+        {
+        // Can only do this on FAT12/16, FAT32 root directory is extensible
+        // partial entry that fills up the root dir
+        test.Next(_L("Partial entry at end of rootdir"));
+        FillUpRootDir(2);
+        r=temp.Create(TheFs,_L("\\temp"),EFileShareAny);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        temp.Close();
+        ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+        ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+        TEntryInfo partial1(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterRootDir,BootSector.RootDirEntries()-2),2);
+        CreatePartialEntry(partial1,1,EFalse);
+        res=TestPartialEntry(partial1);
+        test(res);
+        UnFillUpRootDir(2);
+        ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+        ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+        }
+    // use first entry \scndrv\dir2\almostfull\ 
+    test.Next(_L("Partial entry in middle of subdir"));
+    last = GetStartCluster(gClusterDir2_AFull,7);
+    TEntryInfo partial2(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,2),6);
+    CreatePartialEntry(partial2,3,EFalse);
+    // entry has been allocated a cluster which scandrive should delete along with partial entry
+    if (last > 0)
+        WriteFat(last,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+    res=TestPartialEntry(partial2);
+    test(res);
+    // reduce size of \scndrv\dir2\full\ 
+    test.Next(_L("Test directory reclaim"));
+    last = GetStartCluster(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2);
+    WriteEndOfDir(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2));
+    WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    TInt entry = GetFatEntry(gClusterDir2_Full, fatBuf.Ptr());
+    WriteFat(gClusterDir2_Full,gEndOfChain,fatBuf.Ptr());
+    while (entry && (entry & gEndOfChain) != gEndOfChain)
+        {
+        TInt next = GetFatEntry(entry, fatBuf.Ptr());
+        WriteFat(entry,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+        entry = next;
+        }
+    if (last > 0)
+        WriteFat(last,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    test(res);
+    // use last entry of first cluster in \scndrv\dir2\full\ 
+    test.Next(_L("Partial entry at end of subdir"));
+    r=temp.Create(TheFs,_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\temp"),EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    temp.Close();
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    TEntryInfo partial3(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2),2);
+    CreatePartialEntry(partial3,1,EFalse);
+    res=TestPartialEntry(partial3);
+    test(res);
+    // use entry in \scndrv\dir2\almostfull\ 
+    test.Next(_L("Partial entry preceeding end-of-dir marker"));
+    last = GetStartCluster(gClusterDir2_AFull,14);
+    if (last > 0)
+        WriteFat(last,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+    last = GetStartCluster(gClusterDir2_AFull,8);
+    if (last > 0)
+        WriteFat(last,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+    WriteEndOfDir(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,14));
+    WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    TEntryInfo partial4(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,8),6);
+    CreatePartialEntry(partial4,4,EFalse);
+    res=TestPartialEntry(partial4);
+    test(res);
+	// NOTE:
+	// Following test case is not valid anymore after fixing of
+	//	PDEF128576: Unicode name file deleted after Scandrive
+	// In the fixes, we decided to discard file name checking in ScanDrive,
+	//	as it is impossible for ScanDrive to judge if the illegal byte is part of a legal
+	//	DBCS charater.
+	// create entry in \scndrv\dir2\almostfull\ 
+//	test.Next(_L("Partial entry with invalid dos name"));
+//	r=temp.Create(TheFs,_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\almostfull\\Dodgy file name"),EFileShareAny);
+//	test(r==KErrNone);
+//	temp.Close();
+//	ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+//	TInt dosStart=ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,4);
+//	dirBuf[dosStart+4]=0x1;
+//	WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+//	r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+//	test(r==KErrNone);
+//	WriteDelete(dosStart-2*32,3);
+//	res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+//	test(res);
+    if (BootSector.SectorsPerCluster() == 1)
+        {
+        // use entry created in \scndrv\dir2\ 
+        test.Next(_L("Partial entry spanning more than two clusters"));
+        last = GetStartCluster(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-1);
+        WriteEndOfDir(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2));
+        WriteEndOfDir(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-1));
+        WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+        TFileName longFile=_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\");
+        MakeVeryLongName(longFile);
+        r=temp.Create(TheFs,longFile,EFileShareAny);
+        test(r==KErrNone);
+        temp.Close();
+        ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+        WriteFat(gClusterDir2_Full,gClusterDir2_SD3E,fatBuf.Ptr());
+        WriteFat(gClusterDir2_SD3E,gClusterDir2_SD23E,fatBuf.Ptr());
+        WriteFat(gClusterDir2_SD23E,gEndOfChain,fatBuf.Ptr());
+        if (last > 0)
+            WriteFat(last,0,fatBuf.Ptr());
+        TEntryInfo partial5(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2),19);
+        CreatePartialEntry(partial5,7,EFalse);
+        res=TestPartialEntry(partial5);
+        test(res);
+        r=TheFs.Delete(longFile);
+        test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
+        r=TheFs.Delete(_L("\\temp"));
+        test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrNotFound);
+        }
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoMatchingEntries()
+// Tests that scandrive detects/corrects entries with the same start cluster
+// Copies entry to new location - replicates start cluster
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check matching entries"));
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    // first entry in \scndrv\almostfull\ + root dir
+    test.Start(_L("matching entries in subdir + root dir"));
+    TEntryInfo from1(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,2),6);
+    TEntryInfo to1(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterRootDir,2),6);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to1,from1,EFalse);
+    TBool res=TestMatchingEntry(to1);
+    test(res);
+    // matching entries between 2 subdirs, one which has a full cluster
+    // first entry in \scndrv\dir2\full\ + end of \scndrv\dir2\almostfull\ 
+    test.Next(_L("matching entries between 2 subdirs"));
+    TEntryInfo from2(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,2),2);
+    TEntryInfo to2(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,14),2);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to2,from2,EFalse);
+    res=TestMatchingEntry(to2);
+    test(res);
+    // matching entries between two subdirs - one with end of dir marker next
+    // \scndrv\dir2\somedirwith3entries to \scndrv\ 
+    test.Next(_L("matching entries between two subdirs"));
+    TEntryInfo from3(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2,4),3);
+    TEntryInfo to3(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterScnDrv,6),3);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to3,from3,ETrue);
+    res=TestMatchingEntry(to3);
+    test(res);
+    // matching entries in same subdir, one in new cluster - irrelevant if matching names
+    // 1st and last entries in \scndrv\dir2\full\ 
+    test.Next(_L("matching entries in same subdir"));
+    // delete entries to allow contiguous clusters in \scndrv\dir2\full directory
+    TInt r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedirwith3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedir2with3entries\\"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    // ensure directory is expanded
+    RFile temp;
+    r=temp.Create(TheFs,_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\temp"),EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    temp.Close();
+    r=TheFs.Delete(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\temp"));
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    TEntryInfo from4(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,4),2);
+    TEntryInfo to4(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full+1,0),2);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to4,from4,ETrue);
+    res=TestMatchingEntry(to4);
+    test(res);
+    // \scndrv\dir1\very long name to \\scndrv\dir2\full\ 
+    test.Next(_L("matching entries in diff dirs + new cluster"));
+    // delete last entry in directory
+    r=TheFs.Delete(LastInFull);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TFileName veryLongName=_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\full\\");
+    MakeVeryLongName(veryLongName);
+    r=temp.Create(TheFs,veryLongName,EFileShareAny);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    temp.Close();
+    r=TheFs.Delete(veryLongName);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    TEntryInfo from5(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir1,2),19);
+    TEntryInfo to5(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_Full,gEntriesPerCluster-2),19);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to5,from5,EFalse);
+    res=TestMatchingEntry(to5);
+    test(res);
+    test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoMaxDepth()
+// Test directory structure with max possible depth
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check max directory depth"));
+    test.Start(_L("Using single character names"));
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    // Create dir structure
+    TFileName dir1=_L("\\");
+    TFileName dir2;
+    CreateMaxDepthDir(dir1,dir2);
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    // run scandisk and compare
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    test(res);
+    // Create a entry with matching start cluster and check fixed up
+    TEntryInfo from(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterDir2_AFull,2),6);
+    TEntryInfo to(ClusterEntryToBytes(gClusterEndMaxDepth,2),6);
+    CreateMatchingEntry(to,from,ETrue);
+    res=TestMatchingEntry(to);
+    test(res);
+    // DeleteMaxDepthStructure
+    DeleteMaxDepthDir(dir1,dir2);
+    test.End();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoRootDir()
+// Check that a full root directory is searched OK
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check a full root directory"));
+    FillUpRootDir();
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    TInt r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    test(res);
+    UnFillUpRootDir();
+    }
+LOCAL_C void TestNonVfatNames(const TPtrC& aDirName, TInt aDirCluster, TInt aEntry=2)
+// Check that files without 'long' entries are kept intact.  Creates files with
+// a DOS type name, and for each one created except the last deletes the VFAT
+// entry by copying the DOS entry over it and writing end of directory.  This
+// leaves a VFAT entry at the end of the directory, except when there is only
+// room for one file.
+// The layout, for 1 sector per cluster, is thus like:
+//    0 .
+//    1 ..
+//    2 TEMPFILE.000
+//    3 TEMPFILE.001
+//      ...
+//   14 tempfile.012 VFAT
+//   15 TEMPFILE.012
+// or for an almost full directory
+//    0 .
+//    1 ..
+//      whatever...
+//   14 TEMPFILE.000
+//   15 end of directory
+    {
+    test.Printf(_L("Test cluster %2d, aEntry %d: %S\n"), aDirCluster, aEntry, &aDirName);
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    TInt cluster = aDirCluster;
+    TInt maxEntry = gEntriesPerCluster;
+    if (aDirName.Compare(_L("\\")) == KErrNone)
+        maxEntry = Min(gRootDirEntries, gEntriesPerCluster);
+    TInt entry = aEntry;
+    TInt r = KErrNone;
+    TInt i;
+    while (entry > gEntriesPerCluster)
+        {
+        entry -= gEntriesPerCluster;
+        cluster++;
+        }
+    TInt nFiles = maxEntry - entry - 1;
+    TInt startEntry = entry;
+    test.Printf(_L("cluster %d, entry %d maxEntry %d, nFiles %d\n"), cluster, entry, maxEntry, nFiles);
+    TBuf8<256> buf;
+    buf.Fill('*', 256);
+    // Set up files, ignoring used slots
+    TInt filesThisTime = nFiles;
+    TInt totalFilesCreated = 0;
+        {
+        //
+        // Create a number of VFat entries
+        //
+        //  - We create as many as we can fit in the cluster in one go.
+        //    This is faster than creating a single entry then copying, as writing the
+        //    entries one at a time using RRawDisk causes a remount of the file system,
+        //    which can take a very long time on a large disk.
+        //
+        filesThisTime = (nFiles - totalFilesCreated) >> 1;
+        if(filesThisTime == 0)
+            {
+            if(nFiles == totalFilesCreated)
+                {
+                test.Printf(_L("Created all Non-VFAT entries\n"));
+                break;
+                }
+            //...creating the final entry
+            filesThisTime = 1;
+            }
+        for (i = 0; i < filesThisTime; i++)
+            {
+            TFileName name(aDirName);
+            name.Append(_L("tempfile."));
+            name.AppendNumFixedWidth(i+totalFilesCreated, EHex, 3);
+            RFile f;
+            r = f.Create(TheFs, name, EFileShareAny);
+            test(r == KErrNone);
+            r = f.Write(buf);
+            test(r == KErrNone);
+            f.Close();
+            }
+        //
+        // Move DOS FAT entries up using RRawDisk, deleting the original VFAT entries
+        //
+        ReadDirDisk(dirBuf, cluster);
+        TInt dosEntry = entry + 1;
+        for (i = 0; i < filesThisTime; i++)
+            {
+            // Copy VFAT to Non-VFAT entries
+            if (entry+2 < maxEntry || nFiles < 2)
+                {
+                TInt posVFAT = ClusterEntryToBytes(cluster, entry);
+                TInt posEOD = ClusterEntryToBytes(cluster, entry+1);
+                TInt posDOS = ClusterEntryToBytes(cluster, dosEntry);
+                WriteCopyDir(posDOS, posVFAT);  // Copy the DOS entry
+                WriteDelete(posDOS,2);          // Delete the original entry
+                WriteEndOfDir(posEOD);          // Write End Of Directory
+                entry += 1;
+                dosEntry += 2;
+                }
+            else
+                {
+                // last entry has VFAT intact, to fill cluster
+                entry += 2;
+                }
+            }
+        WriteDirDisk(dirBuf, cluster);
+        totalFilesCreated += filesThisTime;
+        test.Printf(_L("   created %d entries\n"), totalFilesCreated);
+        }
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    DumpData(NULL, aDirCluster, cluster+1);
+    test.Printf(_L("Running ScanDrive\n"), filesThisTime);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    TBool res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    test(res);
+    test.Printf(_L("Deleting %d files\n"), nFiles);
+    for (i = 0; i < nFiles; i++)
+        {
+        TFileName name(aDirName);
+        name.Append(_L("tempfile."));
+        name.AppendNumFixedWidth(i, EHex, 3);
+        r = TheFs.Delete(name);
+        test(r == KErrNone);
+        }
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    WriteEndOfDir(ClusterEntryToBytes(cluster, startEntry));
+    WriteDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    test.Printf(_L("Running ScanDrive\n"), filesThisTime);
+    r=TheFs.ScanDrive(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    res=IsSameAsDrive(fatBuf,dirBuf);
+    test(res);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoNonVfatNames()
+// Check that files without 'long' entries are kept intact
+    {
+    test.Next(_L("Check non-VFAT file names"));
+    TestNonVfatNames(_L("\\"), gClusterRootDir, 2);
+    TestNonVfatNames(_L("\\scndrv\\dir1\\"), gClusterDir1, 2+19);
+    TestNonVfatNames(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\somedirwith3entries\\"), gClusterDir2_SD3E, 2);
+    TestNonVfatNames(_L("\\scndrv\\dir2\\almostfull\\"), gClusterDir2_AFull, 14);
+    }
+LOCAL_C void DoTests()
+    {
+    Format();
+    DoReadBootSector();
+    DumpBootSector();
+    InitialiseBuffers();
+    CreateRootDir();
+    CreateDirectoryStructure();
+    TPtr8 fatBuf=FatBufPtr->Des();
+    TPtr8 dirBuf=DirBufPtr->Des();
+    ReadDirDisk(dirBuf);
+    ReadFatDisk(fatBuf);
+    DumpFat();
+    DumpData(NULL, DirBufPtr->Ptr());
+    DoNonVfatNames();
+    DoRootDir();
+    DoMaxDepth();
+    DoMatchingEntries();
+    DoPartEntries();
+    DoLostClusters();
+    DoHangingClusters();
+    TestMountAndScan();
+    TestConsecutiveMountAndScans();
+    DeleteDirectoryStructure();
+    DeleteRootDir();
+    TestExtendedChars();
+    DumpBootSector();
+    DumpFat();
+    DumpData(NULL, 0, 200);
+    delete FatDiskPtr;
+    delete DirDiskPtr;
+    delete FatBufPtr;
+    delete DirBufPtr;
+    }
+void CallTestsL()
+    {
+    TInt r;
+    r = TheFs.CharToDrive(gSessionPath[0], gDriveNumber);
+    test( KErrNone == r );
+    //-- set up console output
+    Fat_Test_Utils::SetConsole(test.Console());
+    //-- print drive information
+    PrintDrvInfo(TheFs, gDriveNumber);
+    if (!Is_Fat(TheFs, gDriveNumber))
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("CallTestsL: Skipped: test requires FAT filesystem\n"));
+        return;
+        }
+    // check this is not the internal ram drive
+    TVolumeInfo v;
+    r=TheFs.Volume(v);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    if(v.iDrive.iMediaAtt&KMediaAttVariableSize)
+        {
+        test.Printf(_L("Error: Internal ram drive not tested\n"));
+        return;
+        }
+    r=TheFs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+    test(r==KErrNone);
+    DoTests();
+    return;
+    }