changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 43 c1f20ce4abcf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/fsstress/t_remote.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\fsstress\t_remote.cpp
+#if !defined(__F32FILE_H__)
+#include <f32file.h>
+#if !defined(__E32TEST_H__)
+#include <e32test.h>
+#if !defined(__T_STD_H__)
+#include "t_std.h"
+#if !defined(__T_REMFSY_H__)
+#include "t_remfsy.h"
+GLDEF_D RTest testx(_L("X Drive (WINS) <-> D Drive (MARM)"));
+GLDEF_D RTest testy(_L("Y Drive (WINS) <-> C Drive (MARM)"));
+GLDEF_D RTest testq(_L("REMOTE Q Drive"));
+LOCAL_D TFileName gBatchFile;
+LOCAL_D TBool gRunByBatch=EFalse;
+GLDEF_D TFileName gExeFileName(RProcess().FileName());
+INFORMATION - What this test is all about
+T_REMOTE tests the asynchronous remote file system implementation, introduced in
+F32 release 110 and refined in release 112.  The test sets up and mounts four drives,
+the default drive (usually C on WINS and MARM), a remote drive (Q) and two others, on
+MARM these are C and D, on WINS these are X and Y.  The remote filesystem is the only
+system treated asynchronously by F32.  
+The test sets up a thread for each drive and runs a number of tests on each drive.
+In the remote filesystem case, a dummy filesystem has been implemented, this is built
+as T_REMFSY.fsy.  The tests are designed to stress a number of fileserver API
+functions.  The test MultipleSessions() is adapted from another F32 test T_SESSION.
+It sets up an array of fileserver connections and then uses each connection to run
+a number of tests - alternating between connections to stress F32 as it does so.  The
+test should therefore be testing multiple fileserver connections on multiple drives -
+the remote filesystem running concurrently with the other drives.  There should be
+no failure or confusion between fileserver sessions.  Each drive has a separate test
+console which should complete successfully.
+LOCAL_C void Test0(RTest& aTest)
+//	Scan for open files - no sessions
+	{
+	aTest.Next(_L("Scan for open files with no sessions open"));
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (list==NULL)
+		return;
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	if (count==1)
+		{
+		gRunByBatch=ETrue;
+		gBatchFile=(*list)[0].iName;
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		if (list==NULL)
+			return;
+		count=list->Count();
+		}
+	while (count--)
+		{
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[count];
+		aTest.Printf(_L("%d) EntryName = %S\n"),count,&entry.iName);
+		}
+	//aTest.Printf(_L("Test will fail unless files are closed.\n"));
+	//aTest.Printf(_L("Press any key ...\n"));
+	//aTest.Getch();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Test1()	
+//	This test is only called by default drive
+//	Test OpenFileScan			
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Scan for open files - one session only"));
+	RFile file1,file2,file3;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	TInt r=file1.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (gRunByBatch)
+		{
+		test(list!=NULL);
+		test(list->Count()==1);
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+		test(entry.iName.FindF(_L(".BAT"))>=0);
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		}
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	TThreadId threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	RThread current;
+	TThreadId currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list==NULL);
+	file1.Close();
+	file2.Close();
+	file3.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Test2()
+// Test openfilescan - empty, full, empty.
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Scan for open files - empty sessions"));
+	RFs fs1,fs2,fs3,fs4;
+	TInt r=fs1.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs2.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs3.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs4.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RFile file1,file2,file3;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file1.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (gRunByBatch)
+		{
+		test(list!=NULL);
+		test(list->Count()==1);
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+		test(entry.iName.FindF(_L(".BAT"))>=0);
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		}
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	TThreadId threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	RThread current;
+	TThreadId currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list==NULL);
+	file1.Close();
+	file2.Close();
+	file3.Close();
+	fs1.Close();
+	fs2.Close();
+	fs3.Close();
+	fs4.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Test3()
+// Test openfilescan - empty, full, empty full
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Scan for open files - multiple sessions"));
+	RFs fs1,fs2,fs3,fs4;
+	TInt r=fs1.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs2.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs3.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs4.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RFile file1,file2,file3;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file1.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=file1.Open(fs4,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(fs4,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(fs4,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (gRunByBatch)
+		{
+		test(list!=NULL);
+		test(list->Count()==1);
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+		test(entry.iName.FindF(_L(".BAT"))>=0);
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		}
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	TThreadId threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	RThread current;
+	TThreadId currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list==NULL);
+	file1.Close();
+	file2.Close();
+	file3.Close();
+	fs1.Close();
+	fs2.Close();
+	fs3.Close();
+	fs4.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Test4()
+// Test openfilescan - rdirs, empty, full, empty rdirs.
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Scan for open files - check RDir sessions are ignored"));
+	RFs fs1,fs2,fs3,fs4;
+	TFileName fn;
+	TInt r=fs1.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs2.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs3.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=fs4.Connect();
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RDir dir1,dir2,dir3,dir4;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\*.XDE");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=dir1.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir2.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir3.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir4.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RFile file1,file2,file3;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file1.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(fs2,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RDir dir5,dir6,dir7,dir8;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\*.XDE");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=dir5.Open(fs4,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir6.Open(fs4,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir7.Open(fs4,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir8.Open(fs4,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (gRunByBatch)
+		{
+		test(list!=NULL);
+		test(list->Count()==1);
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+		test(entry.iName.FindF(_L(".BAT"))>=0);
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		}
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	TThreadId threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	RThread current;
+	TThreadId currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list==NULL);
+	file1.Close();
+	file2.Close();
+	file3.Close();
+	dir1.Close();	dir2.Close();
+	dir3.Close();	dir4.Close();
+	dir5.Close();	dir6.Close();
+	dir7.Close();	dir8.Close();
+	fs1.Close();	fs2.Close();
+	fs3.Close();	fs4.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void Test5()
+// Test OpenFileScan
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Scan for open files - mixed RDirs and RFiles"));
+	RFile file1,file2,file3;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	TInt r=file1.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FILE.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file2.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=file3.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	RDir dir1,dir2,dir3,dir4;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\*.XDE");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	r=dir1.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir2.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir3.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	r=dir4.Open(TheFs,fn,KEntryAttMaskSupported);
+	test(r==KErrNone);
+	CFileList* list;
+	TOpenFileScan fileScan(TheFs);
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	if (gRunByBatch)
+		{
+		test(list!=NULL);
+		test(list->Count()==1);
+		TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+		test(entry.iName.FindF(_L(".BAT"))>=0);
+		delete list;
+		fileScan.NextL(list);
+		}
+	test(list!=NULL);
+	TInt count=list->Count();
+	test(count==3);
+	TEntry entry=(*list)[0];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[1];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FILE.CPP"))>=0);
+	entry=(*list)[2];
+	test(entry.iName.FindF(_L("T_FSRV.CPP"))>=0);
+	TThreadId threadId=fileScan.ThreadId();
+	RThread current;
+	TThreadId currentId=current.Id();
+	test(threadId==currentId);
+	delete list;
+	fileScan.NextL(list);
+	test(list==NULL);
+	file1.Close();
+	file2.Close();
+	file3.Close();
+	dir1.Close();
+	dir2.Close();
+	dir3.Close();
+	dir4.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void MultipleSessions(TInt aDrive, RTest& aTest)
+//	Create an array of fileserver sessions
+//	Create an array of TMultipleSessionTest objects 
+	{
+#if defined(UNICODE)
+	const TInt maxNumberSessions=10;	
+	const TInt maxNumberSessions=20;
+	RFs session[maxNumberSessions];
+	TMultipleSessionTest testObject[maxNumberSessions];
+	TInt i=0;
+	TInt r;
+	for (; i<maxNumberSessions; i++)
+		{
+		r=session[i].Connect();
+		test(r==KErrNone);
+		testObject[i].Initialise(session[i]);
+		testObject[i].SetSessionPath(aDrive);
+		testObject[i].RunTests(aTest);		//	Run the set of tests for each session
+		}									//	Leave each session open
+	for (i=0; i<(maxNumberSessions-1); i++)
+		{
+	//	Alternate tests between open sessions
+		testObject[i].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testDriveList(aTest);
+		testObject[i].MakeAndDeleteFiles(aTest);
+	//	Close session[i] and check that session[i+1] is OK	
+		session[i].Close();	
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testDriveList(aTest);
+	//	Reconnect session[i]	
+		r=session[i].Connect();
+		test(r==KErrNone);
+		testObject[i].Initialise(session[i]);
+		testObject[i].SetSessionPath(aDrive);
+		testObject[i].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testDriveList(aTest);
+	//	Close session[i+1] and check that session[i] is OK
+		session[i+1].Close();	
+		testObject[i].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testDriveList(aTest);
+	//	Reconnect session[i+1]	
+		r=session[i+1].Connect();
+		test(r==KErrNone);
+		testObject[i+1].Initialise(session[i+1]);
+		testObject[i+1].SetSessionPath(aDrive);
+		testObject[i].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+	//	Close session[i] and check that session[i+1] is OK	
+		session[i].Close();	
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testSetVolume(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testInitialisation(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testSubst(aTest);
+		testObject[i+1].testDriveList(aTest);
+		if (i==maxNumberSessions-1)	//	Tidy up by closing remaining open session
+			{
+			session[i+1].Close();	
+			}
+		}
+	}
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsDefaultL(TInt aDrive)
+// Call tests that may leave
+	{
+	Test0(test);
+	Test1();		
+	Test2();
+	Test3();
+	Test4();
+	Test5();
+	MultipleSessions(aDrive,test);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsXL(TInt aDrive)
+// Call tests for drive X
+	{
+	Test0(testx);
+	RFile file1;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	TInt r=file1.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	testx(r==KErrNone);
+	file1.Close();
+	MultipleSessions(aDrive,testx);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsYL(TInt aDrive)
+// Call tests for drive Y
+	{
+	Test0(testy);
+	RFile file1;
+	TFileName fn;
+	fn = _L("Z:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP");
+	fn[0] = gExeFileName[0];
+	TInt r=file1.Open(TheFs,fn,EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	testy(r==KErrNone);
+	file1.Close();
+	MultipleSessions(aDrive,testy);
+	}
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsQL(TInt aDrive)
+// Call tests for remote drive
+	{
+	Test0(testq);
+	testq.Printf(_L("This may take some time.  Please be patient...\n"));
+	testq.Next(_L("Test remote drive with multiple sessions"));
+	MultipleSessions(aDrive,testq);
+	const TInt numberOfTests=10;
+	TPtrC record[numberOfTests];
+	TInt i=0;
+	for (;i<numberOfTests;i++)
+		{
+		if (i%2)
+			record[i].Set(_L("Hubble_Bubble"));
+		else
+			record[i].Set(_L("Toil_and_Trouble"));
+		}
+	testq.Next(_L("Create a file 'TEXTFILE.TXT' on the remote drive"));
+	RFile f;
+	TInt r=f.Replace(TheFs,_L("TEXTFILE.TXT"),0);
+	testq(r==KErrNone);
+	TFileText textFile;
+	textFile.Set(f);
+	testq.Next(_L("Write to 'TEXTFILE.TXT'"));
+	for (i=0;i<numberOfTests;i++)
+		{
+		r=textFile.Write(record[i]);
+		testq(r==KErrNone);
+		testq.Printf(_L("Write %d completed OK\n"),i+1);
+		}
+	f.Close();
+	RFile file1;
+	r=file1.Open(TheFs,_L("Q:\\TEST\\T_FSRV.CPP"),EFileRead|EFileShareReadersOnly);
+	testq(r==KErrNone);
+	file1.Close();	
+	}