--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/math/t_gen.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\math\t_gen.cpp
+// Generates files to be used in testing whether arithmetic in TReal32 and TReal64 gives
+// exactly the same results using the MSDEV complier as on the rack.
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32svr.h>
+#include "../server/t_server.h"
+#include "t_math.h"
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_GEN"));
+LOCAL_D const TFileName pathName = _L("C:\\F32-TST\\E32-MATH\\");
+LOCAL_D TBuf<0x100> buf;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<0x100> buf8;
+LOCAL_D RFile fspw; // file for special values for WINS
+LOCAL_D RFile fspa; // file for special values for ARM
+LOCAL_D const TFileName fileNameWSp = _L("T_VALS.HWG");
+LOCAL_D const TFileName fileNameASp = _L("T_VALS.HAG");
+LOCAL_C void appendConstTI64(TPtrC aName,TReal64* aVal)
+ {
+ // for WINS
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TInt64 %S = TInt64(0x%x,0x%x);\n"),&aName,*(((TUint32*)aVal) + 1),*(TUint32*)aVal);
+ buf8.Copy(buf); // Unicode
+ fspw.Write(buf8);
+ // for ARM
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TInt64 %S = TInt64(0x%x,0x%x);\n"),&aName,*(TUint32*)aVal,*(((TUint32*)aVal) + 1));
+ buf8.Copy(buf);
+ fspa.Write(buf8);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendConstTI32x(TPtrC aName,TReal32* aVal)
+ {
+ // for WINS and ARM
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TInt32x %S = TInt32x(0x%x);\n"),&aName,*(TUint32*)aVal);
+ buf8.Copy(buf); // Unicode
+ fspw.Write(buf8);
+ fspa.Write(buf8);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendConstTR64(TPtrC aName,TPtrC aIntName)
+ {
+ // for WINS and ARM
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TReal64 %S = *(TReal64*)&%S;\n"),&aName,&aIntName);
+ buf8.Copy(buf); // Unicode
+ fspw.Write(buf8);
+ fspa.Write(buf8);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendConstTR32(TPtrC aName,TPtrC aIntName)
+ {
+ // for WINS and ARM
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TReal32 %S = *(TReal32*)&%S;\n"),&aName,&aIntName);
+ buf8.Copy(buf);
+ fspw.Write(buf8);
+ fspa.Write(buf8);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendConstTR(TPtrC aName,TPtrC a64Name)
+ {
+ // for WINS and ARM
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TReal %S = TReal(%S);\n"),&aName,&a64Name);
+ buf8.Copy(buf); // Unicode
+ fspw.Write(buf8);
+ fspa.Write(buf8);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendStart()
+ {
+ // for WINS
+ fspw.Write(_L8("/* Generated by \\E32\\TMATH\\T_GEN.MAK for WINS (little-endian doubles) */\n\n"));
+ fspw.Write(_L8("#include <e32std.h>\n\n"));
+ fspw.Write(_L8("class TInt32x\n{\npublic:\n"));
+ fspw.Write(_L8("TInt32x(TInt32 aInt) {iInt=aInt;}\n"));
+ fspw.Write(_L8("public:\nTInt32 iInt;\n};\n\n"));
+ // for ARM
+ fspa.Write(_L8("/* Generated by \\E32\\TMATH\\T_GEN.MAK for ARM (big-endian doubles)*/\n\n"));
+ fspa.Write(_L8("#include <e32std.h>\n\n"));
+ fspa.Write(_L8("class TInt32x\n{\npublic:\n"));
+ fspa.Write(_L8("TInt32x(TInt32 aInt) {iInt=aInt;}\n"));
+ fspa.Write(_L8("public:\nTInt32 iInt;\n};\n\n"));
+ }
+LOCAL_C void generateSpecialValues()
+// The following are to avoid the errors in the compiler in converting from string
+// to floating point
+// Initialise max/min values and square roots and write to header files
+ {
+ TReal64 minTReal32in64;
+ SReal64 *p64=(SReal64*)&minTReal32in64;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=0x381;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0;
+ TReal64 maxTReal32in64;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&maxTReal32in64;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=0x47E;
+ p64->msm=0xfffff;
+ p64->lsm=0xe0000000;
+ TReal64 sqrtMaxTReal64;
+ const TReal64 arg1=KMaxTReal64-1.0E+299; // Take off this to avoid overflow
+ TInt ret=Math::Sqrt(sqrtMaxTReal64,arg1);
+ TReal64 sqrtMinTReal64;
+ const TReal64 arg2=KMinTReal64;
+ ret=Math::Sqrt(sqrtMinTReal64,arg2);
+ TReal64 sqrtMaxTReal32in64,sqrtMinTReal32in64;
+ TReal64 negZeroTReal64;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&negZeroTReal64;
+ p64->sign=1;
+ p64->exp=0;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0;
+ TReal64 posInfTReal64;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&posInfTReal64;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=KTReal64SpecialExponent;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0;
+ TReal64 negInfTReal64;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&negInfTReal64;
+ p64->sign=1;
+ p64->exp=KTReal64SpecialExponent;
+ p64->msm=0;
+ p64->lsm=0;
+ TReal64 NaNTReal64;
+ p64=(SReal64*)&NaNTReal64;
+ p64->sign=0;
+ p64->exp=KTReal64SpecialExponent;
+ p64->msm=0xfffffu;
+ p64->lsm=0xffffffffu;
+ TReal32 sqrtMaxTReal32;
+ const TReal arg3=maxTReal32in64-1.0E+32f; // Take off this to avoid overflow
+ ret=Math::Sqrt(sqrtMaxTReal32in64,arg3);
+ sqrtMaxTReal32=TReal32(sqrtMaxTReal32in64);
+ TReal32 sqrtMinTReal32;
+ const TReal arg4=minTReal32in64;
+ ret=Math::Sqrt(sqrtMinTReal32in64,arg4);
+ sqrtMinTReal32=TReal32(sqrtMinTReal32in64);
+ TReal32 negZeroTReal32;
+ SReal32 *p32=(SReal32*)&negZeroTReal32;
+ p32->sign=1;
+ p32->exp=0;
+ p32->man=0;
+ appendStart();
+ appendConstTI64(_L("minTReal32in64"),&minTReal32in64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("maxTReal32in64"),&maxTReal32in64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("sqrtMaxTReal64"),&sqrtMaxTReal64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("sqrtMinTReal64"),&sqrtMinTReal64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("negZeroTReal64"),&negZeroTReal64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("posInfTReal64"),&posInfTReal64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("negInfTReal64"),&negInfTReal64);
+ appendConstTI64(_L("NaNTReal64"),&NaNTReal64);
+ appendConstTI32x(_L("sqrtMaxTReal32"),&sqrtMaxTReal32);
+ appendConstTI32x(_L("sqrtMinTReal32"),&sqrtMinTReal32);
+ appendConstTI32x(_L("negZeroTReal32"),&negZeroTReal32);
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KMinTReal32in64"),_L("minTReal32in64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KMaxTReal32in64"),_L("maxTReal32in64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KSqrtMaxTReal64"),_L("sqrtMaxTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KSqrtMinTReal64"),_L("sqrtMinTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KNegZeroTReal64"),_L("negZeroTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KPosInfTReal64"),_L("posInfTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KNegInfTReal64"),_L("negInfTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR64(_L("KNaNTReal64"),_L("NaNTReal64"));
+ appendConstTR32(_L("KSqrtMaxTReal32"),_L("sqrtMaxTReal32"));
+ appendConstTR32(_L("KSqrtMinTReal32"),_L("sqrtMinTReal32"));
+ appendConstTR32(_L("KNegZeroTReal32"),_L("negZeroTReal32"));
+ appendConstTR(_L("KMinTReal32inTReal"),_L("KMinTReal32in64"));
+ appendConstTR(_L("KMaxTReal32inTReal"),_L("KMaxTReal32in64"));
+ appendConstTR(_L("KNegZeroTReal"),_L("KNegZeroTReal64"));
+ }
+//#define __GENERATE_TR64
+#ifdef __GENERATE_TR64
+// Data for tests from T_R64DTA.cpp
+GLREF_D TReal64 addInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 subInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 multInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 divInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 unaryInput[];
+GLREF_D TReal64 incDecInput[];
+GLREF_D TInt sizeAdd;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeSub;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeMult;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeDiv;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeUnary;
+GLREF_D TInt sizeIncDec;
+LOCAL_D RFile fw; // file for WINS
+LOCAL_D RFile fa; // file for ARM
+LOCAL_D const TFileName fileNameW64 = _L("T_REAL64.HWG");
+LOCAL_D const TFileName fileNameA64 = _L("T_REAL64.HAG");
+LOCAL_C void appendArrayName64(TDesC& aName)
+ {
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L("const TInt64 %S[] = \n{\n"),&aName);
+ fw.Write(buf);
+ fa.Write(buf);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendValue64(TReal64* aVal)
+ {
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L(" TInt64(0x%x,0x%x),\n"),*(((TUint32*)aVal) + 1),*(TUint32*)aVal);
+ fw.Write(buf);
+ buf=_L("");
+ buf.AppendFormat(_L(" TInt64(0x%x,0x%x),\n"),*(TUint32*)aVal,*(((TUint32*)aVal) + 1));
+ fa.Write(buf);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void appendArrayTerm()
+ {
+ buf=_L("};\n\n");
+ fw.Write(buf);
+ fa.Write(buf);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createAddArray()
+// Writes an array of results of additions to the header file
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 ff;
+ appendArrayName64(_L("addArray"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeAdd-1; ii++)
+ {
+ ff=addInput[ii]+addInput[ii+1];
+ appendValue64(&ff);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createSubArray()
+// Writes an array of results of subtractions to the header file
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 ff;
+ appendArrayName64(_L("subArray"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeSub-1; ii++)
+ {
+ ff=subInput[ii]-subInput[ii+1];
+ appendValue64(&ff);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createMultArray()
+// Writes an array of results of multiplications to the header file
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 ff;
+ appendArrayName64(_L("multArray"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeMult-1; ii++)
+ {
+ ff=multInput[ii]*multInput[ii+1];
+ appendValue64(&ff);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createDivArray()
+// Writes an array of results of divisions to the header file
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 ff;
+ appendArrayName64(_L("divArray"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeDiv-1; ii++)
+ {
+ if (divInput[ii+1]!=0)
+ {
+ ff=divInput[ii]/divInput[ii+1];
+ appendValue64(&ff);
+ }
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createUnaryArray()
+// Writes an array of results of unary operations to the header file
+ {
+ TReal64 f;
+ appendArrayName64(_L("unaryArray"));
+ for (TInt ii=0; ii<sizeUnary; ii++)
+ {
+ f=-unaryInput[ii];
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createIncDecArrays()
+// Writes an array of results of pre and post increment and decrement operations to the
+// header file
+ {
+ TInt ii;
+ TReal64 f;
+ // Generate arrays for exact tests
+ appendArrayName64(_L("preIncArray1"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ ++f;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("preIncArray2"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ ++f;
+ ++f;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("preDecArray1"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ --f;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("preDecArray2"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ --f;
+ --f;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("postIncArray1"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ f++;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("postIncArray2"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ f++;
+ f++;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("postDecArray1"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ f--;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ appendArrayName64(_L("postDecArray2"));
+ for (ii=0; ii<sizeIncDec; ii++)
+ {
+ f=incDecInput[ii];
+ f--;
+ f--;
+ appendValue64(&f);
+ }
+ appendArrayTerm();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void createArrays()
+// Create and append to header file all arrays required for T_R64.CPP tests
+ {
+ createAddArray();
+ createSubArray();
+ createMultArray();
+ createDivArray();
+ createUnaryArray();
+ createIncDecArrays();
+ }
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsL(void)
+// Generate TReal64s (and special values if required) and write to header files
+ {
+ test.Title();
+#ifdef __GENERATE_TR64
+ TFileName msg;
+ msg=_L("Generating Maths constants to header files:\n ");
+ msg+=pathName;
+ msg+=fileNameW64;
+ msg+=_L(" and ");
+ msg+=fileNameA64;
+ test.Start(msg);
+ TInt r=TheFs.MkDirAll(pathName);
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test(TheFs.SetSessionPath(pathName)==KErrNone);
+#ifdef __GENERATE_TR64
+ test(fw.Replace(TheFs,fileNameW64,EFileWrite)==KErrNone);
+ test(fa.Replace(TheFs,fileNameA64,EFileWrite)==KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Generating TReal64s"));
+ fw.Write(_L("// Generated by \\E32\\TMATH\\T_GEN.MAK for WINS (little-endian doubles)\n\n"));
+ fa.Write(_L("// Generated by \\E32\\TMATH\\T_GEN.MAK for ARM (big-endian doubles)\n\n"));
+ createArrays();
+ fw.Close();
+ fa.Close();
+ test(fspw.Replace(TheFs,fileNameWSp,EFileWrite)==KErrNone);
+ test(fspa.Replace(TheFs,fileNameASp,EFileWrite)==KErrNone);
+ test.Start(_L("Generate header file of special values for use in maths testing"));
+ generateSpecialValues();
+ test.Next(_L("Done - now closing files"));
+ fspw.Close();
+ fspa.Close();
+ test.End();
+ return;
+ }