changeset 0 a41df078684a
child 41 0ffb4e86fcc9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_filecache.cpp	Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1813 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\server\t_filecache.cpp
+#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <e32svr.h> 
+#include <f32dbg.h>
+#include "t_server.h"
+#include <e32twin.h>
+#include <e32rom.h>
+//! @SYMTestCaseID      PBASE-T_FILECACHE-0189
+//! @SYMTestType        UT
+//! @SYMPREQ            PREQ914
+//! @SYMTestCaseDesc    Unit tests for fair scheduling, read caching and lazy writing
+//! @SYMTestActions     0   setup the environment to execute the tests 
+//!						1 	Reads a file with different blocksizes
+//!						2	Write a file with different blocksizes
+//!						3	Small reads while controlling the cache 
+//!						4	Read operations with and without read ahead
+//!						5 	Write operations with write buffer
+//! @SYMTestExpectedResults finishes if the implementation of PREQ914 behaves as expected, panics otherwise
+//! @SYMTestPriority        High
+//! @SYMTestStatus          Critical
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_FILECACHE"));
+GLDEF_D TChar gDriveToTest;
+GLDEF_D TInt gDrive;
+GLDEF_D TFileName gSessionPath;
+GLDEF_D TVolumeInfo gVolInfo;	// volume info for current drive
+GLDEF_D TFileCacheFlags gDriveCacheFlags = TFileCacheFlags(0);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+static TFileCacheConfig gFileCacheConfig;
+static TBool gDisplayCacheFlags = EFalse;
+static TBool gWriteCacheFlags = EFalse;
+static TBool gRomPaged = EFalse;
+static TBool gRunTests = ETrue;
+static TBool gRunUnitTests = ETrue;
+static TBool gRunPerformanceTests = EFalse;
+static TBool gRunManualTests = EFalse;
+LOCAL_D TInt KMaxFileSize = 768 * 1024;
+// Chosing a file size of 128K ensures entire file will be cached
+//LOCAL_D TInt KMaxFileSize = 128 * 1024;
+LOCAL_D TBuf8<256*1024> DataBuf;
+const TInt KBufSize = 513 * 1024 - 16;
+HBufC8* gBuf = NULL;
+LOCAL_D TPtr8 gBufPtr(NULL, 0);
+const TReal KOneK = 1024;
+const TReal KOneMeg = 1024 * KOneK;
+const TInt KSegmentSize = 4096;
+const TInt KSegmentSizeMask = (4096-1);
+GLDEF_D template <class C>
+GLDEF_C TInt controlIo(RFs &fs, TInt drv, TInt fkn, C &c)
+    TPtr8 ptrC((TUint8 *)&c, sizeof(C), sizeof(C));
+    TInt r = fs.ControlIo(drv, fkn, ptrC);
+    return r;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+void PrintFileCacheStats(TFileCacheStats& fileCacheStats, TBool aDisplay = ETrue)
+	{
+	TInt r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	if (!aDisplay)
+		return;
+	test.Printf(_L("File cache: Cachelines (free %d, used %d), Segments(allocated %d locked %d). Closed files(%d) Holes %d Failures (commit %d Lock %d)\n"), 
+		fileCacheStats.iFreeCount, fileCacheStats.iUsedCount, fileCacheStats.iAllocatedSegmentCount,fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount,fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue, fileCacheStats.iHoleCount, fileCacheStats.iCommitFailureCount, fileCacheStats.iLockFailureCount);
+	test.Printf(_L("File cache: iUncachedPacketsRead %d iUncachedBytesRead %d iUncachedPacketsWritten %d iUncachedBytesWritten %d\n"), 
+		fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead,
+		fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead,
+		fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsWritten,
+		fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesWritten);
+	}
+void PrintFileCacheConfig(TFileCacheConfig& aFileCacheConfig, TBool aDisplay = ETrue)
+	{
+	TInt r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheConfig, aFileCacheConfig);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	if (!aDisplay)
+		return;
+	test.Printf(_L("File cache:\nDrive %c\nFlags %08X\nFileCacheReadAsync %d\nFairSchedulingLen %d\nCacheSize %d\nMaxReadAheadLen %d\nClosedFileKeepAliveTime %d\nDirtyDataFlushTime %d"), 
+		aFileCacheConfig.iDrive + 'A',
+		aFileCacheConfig.iFlags,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iFileCacheReadAsync,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iFairSchedulingLen,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iCacheSize,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iMaxReadAheadLen,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iClosedFileKeepAliveTime,
+		aFileCacheConfig.iDirtyDataFlushTime);
+	}
+void TestDirtyDataWrittenToDisk(TFileCacheStats& fileCacheStats)
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("test dirty data has been written to disk"));
+	// wait a maximum of double KDefaultDirtyDataFlushTime for dirty data to be flushed
+	const TInt KWaitTime = 250;	// 250 milisecs
+	for (TInt n=0; n<(gFileCacheConfig.iDirtyDataFlushTime/1000)<<1 ; n+= KWaitTime)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("After %d milisecs : "), n );
+		PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+		User::After(KWaitTime * 1000);		// wait 100 ms
+		if (fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount == 0)
+			break;
+		}
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test(fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount == 0);
+	}
+void TestsInit()
+	{
+	gBuf = HBufC8::NewL(KBufSize);
+	test(gBuf!=NULL);
+	gBufPtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+	}
+void TestsEnd()
+	{
+	delete gBuf;
+	gBuf = NULL;
+	}
+LOCAL_C void SetSessionPath(TInt aDrive)
+	{
+	gSessionPath=_L("?:\\F32-TST\\");
+	TChar driveLetter;
+	TInt r=TheFs.DriveToChar(aDrive,driveLetter);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	gSessionPath[0]=(TText)driveLetter;
+	r=TheFs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	}
+LOCAL_C void PrintFileMode(TUint aFileMode)
+	{
+	TBuf<80> buf;
+	buf.Format(_L("FileMode = %08X"), aFileMode);
+	if (aFileMode & EFileWriteBuffered)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileWriteBuffered"));
+	if (aFileMode & EFileWriteDirectIO)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileWriteDirectIO"));
+	if (aFileMode & EFileReadBuffered)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileReadBuffered"));
+	if (aFileMode & EFileReadDirectIO)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileReadDirectIO"));
+	if (aFileMode & EFileReadAheadOn)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileReadAheadOn"));
+	if (aFileMode & EFileReadAheadOff)
+		buf.Append(_L(", EFileReadAheadOff"));
+	buf.Append(_L("\n"));
+	test.Printf(buf);
+	}
+void FillBuffer(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aLength)
+	{
+	test (aBuffer.MaxLength() >= aLength);
+	for(TInt i=0; i<aLength; i+=2)
+		{
+		aBuffer[i]=(TUint8) (i >> 8);
+		aBuffer[i+1]=(TUint8) i;
+		}
+	}
+void TestBufferFail(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
+	{
+	test.Printf(_L("TestBuffer failed at pos %d len %d\n"), aPos, aLength);
+	#define PRINTCH(ch) ((ch >= 0x20 && ch < 0x7F)?ch:' ')
+	TInt startPos = Max(0, aPos - 64);
+	TInt endPos = startPos + 64;
+	for(TInt n=startPos; n<=endPos; n+=16)
+		RDebug::Print(_L("%08X: %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X %02X  [%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c]"), 
+			//&aBuffer[aPos+n],
+			n,
+			aBuffer[n+0], aBuffer[n+1], aBuffer[n+2], aBuffer[n+3], aBuffer[n+4], aBuffer[n+5], aBuffer[n+6], aBuffer[n+7], aBuffer[n+8], aBuffer[n+9], aBuffer[n+10], aBuffer[n+11], aBuffer[n+12], aBuffer[n+13], aBuffer[n+14], aBuffer[n+15],
+			PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+0]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+1]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+2]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+3]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+4]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+5]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+6]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+7]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+8]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+9]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+10]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+11]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+12]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+13]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+14]), PRINTCH(aBuffer[n+15]));
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		TInt x;
+		TInt r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheDump, x);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+	test (0);
+	}
+void TestBuffer(TDes8& aBuffer, TInt aPos, TInt aLength)
+	{
+	TInt pos = aPos;
+	for(TInt i=0; i<aLength; i++, pos++)
+		{
+		if (pos & 1)
+			{
+			if (aBuffer[pos] != (TUint8) pos-1)
+				TestBufferFail(aBuffer, pos, aLength);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if (aBuffer[pos] != (TUint8) (pos >> 8))
+				TestBufferFail(aBuffer, pos, aLength);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void UnitTests()
+// Test read file handling.
+	{
+	test.Start(_L("File cache read and write unit tests"));
+	RFile f;
+	TInt r;
+	TInt pos;
+	TInt len;
+	TInt testNum;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	TBool simulatelockFailureMode;
+	TFileCacheStats fileCacheStats;
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("Number of files on closed queue=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue);
+	test(fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue == 0);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	// turn OFF lock failure mode 
+	simulatelockFailureMode = EFalse;
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode, simulatelockFailureMode);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	TFileName testFile   = _L("TEST.BIN");
+	//**********************************
+	// Test Read-Modify-Write
+	//**********************************
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write"));
+	gBufPtr.SetLength(KBufSize);
+	FillBuffer(gBufPtr, KBufSize);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, 0,KBufSize);
+	TPtrC8 writePtr;
+	TPtr8 readPtr(gBuf->Des());
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	TInt uncachedBytesRead;
+	TInt uncachedPacketsRead;
+	// create an empty file, so that any writes overlapping segemt boundaries
+	// need a read first
+	// create a test file using directIO and then re-open it in buffered mode, 
+	// so that any writes overlapping segemt boundaries need a read first
+	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileWrite | EFileWriteDirectIO);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+	r = f.Write(0, writePtr);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	f.Close();
+	r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileReadBuffered | EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TInt cacheLineLen = 128*1024;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	// write 1 partial segment at offset 0 to 7 in segment
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write #1"));
+	pos = cacheLineLen*0 + KSegmentSize*2 + 0;
+	len = 7;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back & verify whole segment
+	pos&= ~KSegmentSizeMask; len = (len + KSegmentSize-1) & ~KSegmentSizeMask;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	readPtr.FillZ();
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead - uncachedBytesRead == KSegmentSize);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead - uncachedPacketsRead == 1);
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	// write 1 partial segment at offset 7 to 4096 in segment
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write #2"));
+	pos = cacheLineLen*0 + KSegmentSize*3 + 7;
+	len = KSegmentSize - 7;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back & verify whole segment
+	pos&= ~KSegmentSizeMask; len = (len + KSegmentSize-1) & ~KSegmentSizeMask;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	readPtr.FillZ();
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead - uncachedBytesRead == KSegmentSize);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead - uncachedPacketsRead == 1);
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	// write 1 partial segment at offset 7 to 37 in segment
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write #3"));
+	pos = cacheLineLen*0 + KSegmentSize*4 + 7;
+	len = 30;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back & verify whole segment
+	pos&= ~KSegmentSizeMask; len = (len + KSegmentSize-1) & ~KSegmentSizeMask;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	readPtr.FillZ();
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead - uncachedBytesRead == KSegmentSize);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead - uncachedPacketsRead == 1);
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	// write 2 segments, first and last both partial
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write #4"));
+	pos = cacheLineLen*1 + KSegmentSize*2 + 3;
+	len = KSegmentSize * 1;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back & verify whole segment
+	pos&= ~KSegmentSizeMask; len = (len + KSegmentSize-1) & ~KSegmentSizeMask;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	readPtr.FillZ();
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead - uncachedBytesRead == KSegmentSize*2);
+	// should read both segments in one read as they are contiguous
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead - uncachedPacketsRead == 1);	
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	// write 3 segments, first and last both partial
+	test.Next(_L("Test read-modify-write #5"));
+	pos = cacheLineLen*2 + KSegmentSize*2 + 7;
+	len = KSegmentSize * 2;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back & verify whole segment
+	pos&= ~KSegmentSizeMask; len = (len + KSegmentSize-1) & ~KSegmentSizeMask;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	readPtr.FillZ();
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead - uncachedBytesRead == KSegmentSize*2);
+	test (fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead - uncachedPacketsRead == 2);
+	uncachedBytesRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedBytesRead;
+	uncachedPacketsRead = fileCacheStats.iUncachedPacketsRead;
+	f.Close();
+	//**************************************************************
+	// Test dirty data NOT written to disk if continuously writing to a file which fits in tke cache
+	//**************************************************************
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	test.Printf(_L("Test dirty data NOT written to disk if continuously writing to a file which fits in tke cache...\n"));
+	// flush closed files queue to empty cache 
+	test.Printf(_L("Flushing close queue to empty cache...\n"));
+	r = TheFs.ControlIo(gDrive, KControlIoFlushClosedFiles);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileReadBuffered | EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	RTimer timer;
+	timer.CreateLocal();
+	TRequestStatus reqStat;
+	timer.After(reqStat,gFileCacheConfig.iClosedFileKeepAliveTime*3); // write 3 times the flush timer
+	pos = 0;
+	TInt bufLen = 7;
+	TInt maxLockedSegmentCount = 0;
+	while (reqStat == KRequestPending)
+		{
+		bufLen = (bufLen + 1023) & 0x3FFF;
+		len = Min(bufLen, KBufSize - pos);
+		len = Min(len, gFileCacheConfig.iCacheSize-pos);
+		TPtrC8 writePtr = gBuf->Mid(pos, len);
+		r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		pos+= len;
+		TInt r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		// test the locked (i.e. dirty) count always goes up & never down (down would indicate a flush)
+		if (fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount != maxLockedSegmentCount)
+			test.Printf(_L("iLockedSegmentCount %d...\n"), fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount);
+		test(fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount >= maxLockedSegmentCount);
+		maxLockedSegmentCount = Max(maxLockedSegmentCount, fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount);
+		// wrap to start of file
+		if (pos >= gFileCacheConfig.iCacheSize)	
+			pos = 0;
+		}
+	timer.Close();
+	test(fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount > 0);
+	if (gDriveCacheFlags & (EFileCacheWriteEnabled | EFileCacheWriteOn))
+		TestDirtyDataWrittenToDisk(fileCacheStats);
+	f.Close();
+	//**************************************************************
+	// Test dirty data written to disk
+	//**************************************************************
+	enum {ETestDataWrittenAfterTimeout, ETestDataWrittenAfterFileClose, ETestDataWrittenAfterSessionClose, ETestEnd};
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	for (testNum = 0; testNum < ETestEnd; testNum++)
+	for (testNum = 0; testNum < 1; testNum++)
+		{
+		switch(testNum)
+			{
+			case ETestDataWrittenAfterTimeout		: test.Next(_L("ETestDataWrittenAfterTimeout"));		break;
+			case ETestDataWrittenAfterFileClose		: test.Next(_L("ETestDataWrittenAfterFileClose"));		break;
+			case ETestDataWrittenAfterSessionClose	: test.Next(_L("ETestDataWrittenAfterSessionClose"));	break;
+			};
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		// flush closed files queue to empty cache 
+		test.Printf(_L("Flushing close queue to empty cache...\n"));
+		r = TheFs.ControlIo(gDrive, KControlIoFlushClosedFiles);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileReadBuffered | EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		gBufPtr.SetLength(KBufSize);
+		test.Printf(_L("writing file in small blocks to test write caching...\n"));
+		FillBuffer(gBufPtr, KBufSize);
+		TestBuffer(gBufPtr, 0,KBufSize);
+		pos = 0;
+		TInt bufLen = 7;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		TInt maxLockedSegmentCount = 0;
+		TInt maxUsedCount = 0;
+		while (pos < KBufSize) 
+			{
+			bufLen = (bufLen + 1023) & 0x3FFF;
+			len = Min(bufLen, KBufSize - pos);
+//RDebug::Print(_L("write len %d"), len);
+			TPtrC8 writePtr = gBuf->Mid(pos, len);
+			r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+			pos+= len;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+//			PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+			TInt r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+			maxLockedSegmentCount = Max(maxLockedSegmentCount, fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount);
+			maxUsedCount = Max(maxUsedCount, fileCacheStats.iUsedCount);
+			}
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		test.Next(_L("Test maxiimum locked page and cacheline count is reasonable"));
+		test.Printf(_L("maxLockedSegmentCount %d maxUsedCount %d"), maxLockedSegmentCount, maxUsedCount);
+		test (maxLockedSegmentCount > 0 && maxLockedSegmentCount <= (gFileCacheConfig.iCacheSize * 2) / KSegmentSize );
+		test (maxUsedCount > 0 && maxUsedCount <= 5);
+		if (testNum == ETestDataWrittenAfterTimeout)
+			{
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+			if (gDriveCacheFlags & (EFileCacheWriteEnabled | EFileCacheWriteOn))
+				TestDirtyDataWrittenToDisk(fileCacheStats);
+			f.Close();
+			}
+		if (testNum == ETestDataWrittenAfterFileClose)
+			{
+			f.Close();
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+			test.Next(_L("test dirty data has been written to disk after file close"));
+			PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+			test(fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount == 0);
+			}
+		if (testNum == ETestDataWrittenAfterSessionClose)
+			{
+			// verify that closing the file server session (i.e. not the file)
+			// flushes the data to disk...
+			// *** NB This is likely to complete sometime AFTER returning from RFs::Close()
+			// *** as  the file server doesn't wait for the disconnect thread to complete !!! 
+			TheFs.Close();
+			TheFs.Connect();
+			SetSessionPath(gDrive);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+			test.Next(_L("Test dirty data is eventually written to disk after session close"));
+			TestDirtyDataWrittenToDisk(fileCacheStats);
+			test(fileCacheStats.iLockedSegmentCount == 0);
+			}
+		}	// for (TInt testNum = 0; testNum < ETestEnd; testNum++)
+//#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+//	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	// flush closed files queue to empty cache 
+	test.Printf(_L("Flushing close queue to empty cache...\n"));
+	r = TheFs.ControlIo(gDrive, KControlIoFlushClosedFiles);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileRead | EFileReadBuffered | EFileWrite);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TInt size;
+	r = f.Size(size);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	test (size = KBufSize);
+	readPtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	// Allocate full cachelines - so we can enable hole testing
+	TBool allocateAllSegmentsInCacheLine = ETrue;
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoAllocateMaxSegments, allocateAllSegmentsInCacheLine);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats, EFalse);
+	TInt holesDetected = fileCacheStats.iHoleCount;
+	TInt lockFailures = fileCacheStats.iCommitFailureCount + fileCacheStats.iLockFailureCount;
+	test.Next(_L("Test reading a partially filled cacheline"));
+	// create a cacheline with only the first segment filled
+	TInt startPos = KSegmentSize;
+	pos = startPos;
+	len = KSegmentSize;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read from first & second segments
+	pos = startPos;
+	len = 8192;
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test.Next(_L("Test reading an empty segment towards the end of a partially filled cacheline (hole test)"));
+	// read from segment #4 and beyond end of cacheline into next
+	pos = startPos + KSegmentSize * 4;
+	len = KSegmentSize * 33;	// 132 K
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test.Next(_L("Test writing to an empty segment towards the end of a partially filled cacheline (hole test)"));
+	// create a cacheline with only the first segment filled
+	startPos = 256 * 1024;			
+	pos = startPos;
+	len = KSegmentSize;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// write into segment 3, 4 & 5
+	pos = startPos + KSegmentSize * 2;
+	len = KSegmentSize * 3;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Mid(pos, len));
+	r = f.Write(pos, writePtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	// read back whole cacheline & verify
+	pos = startPos;
+	len = KSegmentSize * 32;	// 128 K
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	if (fileCacheStats.iCommitFailureCount + fileCacheStats.iLockFailureCount != lockFailures)
+		{
+		if (gRomPaged)
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("Lock failures detected on paged ROM, abandoning hole test"));
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			test.Printf(_L("Unexpected lock failures detected on unpaged ROM!!!"));
+			test(0);
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		test(fileCacheStats.iHoleCount > holesDetected);
+		}
+	// Don't allocate full cachelines any more
+	allocateAllSegmentsInCacheLine = EFalse;
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoAllocateMaxSegments, allocateAllSegmentsInCacheLine);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	gBufPtr.FillZ();
+	gBufPtr.SetLength(KBufSize);
+	readPtr.SetLength(0);
+	// read from middle of fifth sector to half way thru seventh
+	test.Next(_L("Test read that spans two pages"));
+	pos = 512*4 + 16;
+	len = 512*2;
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	// read to end of file
+	test.Next(_L("Test reading past end of file"));
+    pos = KBufSize - 0x100;			// 0xfb05;
+	len = KBufSize - pos;
+//	pos = KBufSize - 16;
+//	len = 512;;
+//	len = Min(len, KBufSize-pos);
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len/* + 0x67*/);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	test.Next(_L("Test async reads"));
+	// issue 2 async reads
+	pos = KSegmentSize*7 + 16;
+	len = KSegmentSize;
+	RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	TInt pos2 = pos + len;
+	TInt len2 = KSegmentSize;
+	TPtr8 readPtr2 = gBuf->Des();
+	readPtr2.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos2, len2));
+	readPtr2.SetLength(len2);
+	TRequestStatus status1(KRequestPending);
+	TRequestStatus status2(KRequestPending);
+	f.Read(pos, readPtr, len, status1);
+	f.Read(readPtr2, len2, status2);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status1);
+	User::WaitForRequest(status2);
+	test.Printf(_L("status1 %d status2 %d\n"), status1.Int(), status2.Int());
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos2, len2);
+	test.Next(_L("Read entire file"));
+	for (pos = 0, len = 1; len <= 1024 && pos < KBufSize; len = (len+1) & 0x3FF)
+		{
+		len = Min(len, KBufSize-pos);
+//		RDebug::Print(_L("+%x, %x\n"), pos, len);
+		readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+		readPtr.SetLength(len);
+		r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		pos+= len;
+		}
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, 0, KBufSize);
+	// read from position zero to ensure it's cached
+	pos = 0;
+	len = 512;
+	readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+	readPtr.SetLength(len);
+	r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	f.Close();
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("Number of files on closed queue=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue);
+	test(fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue == 1);
+	//
+	//**************************************************************
+	// Test closed file queue 
+	//**************************************************************
+	enum 
+		{
+		ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterTimeout, 
+		ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterOpenWithDirectIo, 
+		ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterDelete, 
+		ETestCloseEnd};
+	for (testNum = 0; testNum < ETestCloseEnd; testNum++)
+		{
+		test.Next(_L("Reopen file & verify closed queue is empty"));
+		r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileRead | EFileReadBuffered);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		pos = 0;
+		len = 512;
+		readPtr.Set(gBufPtr.MidTPtr(pos, len));
+		readPtr.SetLength(len);
+		r = f.Read(pos, readPtr, len);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		TestBuffer(gBufPtr, pos, len);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		test.Printf(_L("Number of files on closed queue=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue);
+		test(fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue == 0);
+		f.Close();
+		test.Next(_L("close & verify file is back on close queue"));
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		test.Printf(_L("Number of files on closed queue=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue);
+		test(fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue == 1);
+		if (testNum == ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterDelete)
+			{
+			test.Next(_L("delete file and verify closed queue is empty"));
+			r = TheFs.Delete(testFile);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+			}
+		if (testNum == ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterTimeout)
+			{
+			test.Next(_L("wait for a while and verify closed queue is empty"));
+			// wait for closed file queue to empty
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+			User::After(gFileCacheConfig.iClosedFileKeepAliveTime + 1000000);
+			}
+		if (testNum == ETestCloseQueueEmptyAfterOpenWithDirectIo)
+			{
+			test.Next(_L("Re-open file in directIo mode and then close and verify closed queue is empty"));
+			r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileRead | EFileReadDirectIO);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+			f.Close();
+			}
+	#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		test.Printf(_L("Number of files on closed queue=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue);
+		test(fileCacheStats.iFilesOnClosedQueue == 0);
+	#endif
+		}
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	// turn lock failure mode back ON (if enabled)
+	simulatelockFailureMode = ETrue;
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode, simulatelockFailureMode);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	//**************************************************************
+	// Test opening a file with a silly open mode flags combinations 
+	//**************************************************************
+	test.Next(_L("Open file with illegal cache on/off bits"));
+	r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileRead | EFileReadBuffered | EFileReadDirectIO);
+	test_Value(r, r==KErrArgument);
+	r = f.Open(TheFs, testFile, EFileRead | EFileWriteBuffered | EFileWriteDirectIO);
+	test_Value(r, r==KErrArgument);
+	//**********************************
+	// Test that continuously appending to a file yields the correct size...
+	// NB: Must have lock failure more ON in debug mode for this test to pass
+	//**********************************
+	test.Next(_L("Test appending to a file & checking the file size..."));
+	gBufPtr.SetLength(KBufSize);
+	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	const TInt KWriteLen = KSegmentSize+1;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Des().Ptr(), KWriteLen);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	test.Printf(_L("Number of Write-throughs with dirty data=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iWriteThroughWithDirtyDataCount);
+	TInt writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountOld = fileCacheStats.iWriteThroughWithDirtyDataCount;
+	TInt writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountNew = writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountOld;
+	TInt fileSize = 0;
+	for (TInt i=0; i<4; i++)
+		{
+		fileSize = 0;
+		r = f.SetSize(fileSize);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		for (pos = 0; pos < KMaxFileSize; )
+			{
+			r = f.Write(pos, writePtr);
+			if (r != KErrNone)
+				{
+				test.Printf(_L("Iter #%d, write pos %d size %d, Write() returned %d"), i, pos, fileSize, r);
+				r = f.Flush();
+				test.Printf(_L("Flush returned %d"), r);
+				test(0);
+				}
+			test(r == KErrNone);
+			pos+= writePtr.Length();
+			r = f.Size(fileSize);
+			test (r == KErrNone);
+			if (fileSize != pos)
+				{
+				test.Printf(_L("Iter #%d, write pos %d != size %d"), i, pos, fileSize);
+				r = f.Flush();
+				test.Printf(_L("Flush returned %d"), r);
+				test(0);
+				}
+			test (fileSize == pos);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+			r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheStats, fileCacheStats);
+			test (r == KErrNone);
+			writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountNew = fileCacheStats.iWriteThroughWithDirtyDataCount;
+			if (writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountNew > writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountOld)
+				{
+				test.Printf(_L("Iter #%d, write pos %d size %d"), i, pos, fileSize);
+				test.Printf(_L("Number of Write-throughs with dirty data=%d\n"),fileCacheStats.iWriteThroughWithDirtyDataCount);
+				i = 4;
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	test(writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountNew > writeThroughWithDirtyDataCountOld);
+	f.Close();
+	test.End();
+	}
+// This thread is used to test what happens if requests are sent to the file server
+// while the drive thread is hung in the critical notifier server. The requests should
+// complete immediately with KErrNotReady
+TInt ReaderThread(TAny* aFileName)
+	{
+	RTest test(_L("T_FILECACHE, ReaderThread"));
+	TDesC& fileName = *(TDesC*) aFileName;
+	RFs fs;
+	TInt r = fs.Connect();
+	test (r==KErrNone);
+	r = fs.SetSessionPath(gSessionPath);
+	test (r==KErrNone);
+	RFile file;
+	r = file.Open(fs, fileName, EFileRead | EFileReadBuffered | EFileShareReadersOrWriters);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	RTimer timer;
+	timer.CreateLocal();
+	TRequestStatus reqStat;
+	timer.After(reqStat,10000000); // Read for 10 secs
+	TInt pos=0;
+	TInt KReadLen = 32768;
+	TInt retCode = KErrNone;
+	for (TInt i=0; reqStat == KRequestPending; i++)
+		{
+		r = file.Read(pos, DataBuf, KReadLen);
+		test_Value(r, r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotReady);
+		//test.Printf(_L("ReaderThread: iter %d, read at %d ret %d\n"), i, pos, r);
+		if (r == KErrNotReady)
+			retCode = r;
+		else if (r == KErrNone)
+			pos = DataBuf.Length() == 0 ? 0: pos + DataBuf.Length();
+		if (retCode == KErrNotReady)
+			test.Printf(_L("ReaderThread: iter %d, read at %d ret %d \n"), i, pos, r);
+		}
+	timer.Close();
+	file.Close();
+	fs.Close();
+	return retCode;
+	}
+void ManualTests()
+	{
+	RFile f;
+	TInt r;
+	gBufPtr.SetLength(KBufSize);
+	FillBuffer(gBufPtr, KBufSize);
+	TestBuffer(gBufPtr, 0,KBufSize);
+	TPtrC8 writePtr;
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+	TFileName testFile   = _L("TEST.BIN");
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+	test.Next(_L("Testing writing and then closing with an immediate simulated card eject"));
+	test.Printf(_L("**********************************************************\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("When critical notifier message appears, PRESS RETRY\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("**********************************************************\n"));
+	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered | EFileShareReadersOrWriters);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	test.Printf(_L("Writing...."));
+	r = f.Write(0, writePtr);
+	test.Printf(_L("Write returned %d\n"), r);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	r=TheFs.ControlIo(gDrive, KControlIoSimulateFileCacheWriteFailure);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	f.Close();
+	TEntry entry;
+	// wait for re-insertion....
+	do
+		{
+		r = TheFs.Entry(testFile, entry);
+		User::After(500000);
+		}
+	while (r == KErrNotReady);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	test.Printf(_L("FileSize %d expected %d\n"), entry.iSize, writePtr.Length());
+	// test all data is written to disk 
+	test (entry.iSize == writePtr.Length());
+	test.Next(_L("Testing writing and then ejecting card"));
+//	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileWrite | EFileWriteDirectIO);
+	r = f.Replace(TheFs, testFile, EFileWrite | EFileWriteBuffered | EFileShareReadersOrWriters);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	writePtr.Set(gBuf->Des());
+	// set the file size first so that the cluster chain already exists
+	r = f.SetSize(writePtr.Length());
+	test.Printf(_L("SetSize returned %d"));
+	// Create another thread which will attempt to issue reads while this thread is suspended
+	// These reads should complete with KErrNotReady
+	const TInt KHeapSize = 32768;
+	test.Printf(_L("Creating file-reading thread\n"));
+	RThread readerThread;
+	readerThread.Create(_L("FileReaderThread"), ReaderThread, KDefaultStackSize, KHeapSize, KHeapSize, &testFile);
+	test.Printf(_L("Writing...."));
+	r = f.Write(0, writePtr);
+	test.Printf(_L("Write returned %d\n"), r);
+	test.Printf(_L("Waiting 5 seconds.\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("**********************************************************\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("Please press a key, EJECT MEDIA BEFORE WRITE TIMER EXPIRES,\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("wait for critical notifier, replace media and retry\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("**********************************************************\n"));
+//	test.Printf(_L("press any key..."));
+	test.Getch();
+	test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+	test.Printf(_L("Writing...."));
+	r = f.Write(0, writePtr);
+	test.Printf(_L("Write returned %d\n"), r);
+	readerThread.Resume();
+	User::After(5000000);
+	do
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("Flushing....\n"));
+		r = f.Flush();
+		test.Printf(_L("Flush returned %d\n"), r);
+		if (r != KErrNone)
+			User::After(5000000);
+		}
+	while (r != KErrNone);
+//	r = f.Write(0, writePtr);
+//	test.Printf(_L("Write returned %d"));
+//	test_KErrNone(r);
+	test.Next(_L("Testing reader thread completed with KErrNotReady"));
+	TRequestStatus status;
+	readerThread.Logon(status);
+	readerThread.Resume();
+	User::WaitForRequest(status);
+	test.Printf(_L("ReaderThread status  %d\n"), status.Int());
+	test (status.Int() == KErrNotReady);
+	readerThread.Close();
+	test.Printf(_L("press any key..."));
+	test.Getch();
+	test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+	f.Close();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void DoTestFileRead(TUint aFileMode, TInt aReadBlockSize)
+// Do Read Test
+	{
+	RFile file;
+	TInt r=file.Open(TheFs,_L("READTEST.XXX"),EFileStream | aFileMode);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TInt maxReadCount=KMaxFileSize/aReadBlockSize;
+	TInt loopCount=0;
+	TTime startTime;
+	TTime endTime;
+	RTimer timer;
+	timer.CreateLocal();
+	TRequestStatus reqStat;
+	timer.After(reqStat,10000000); // After 10 secs
+	startTime.HomeTime();
+		{
+		TInt pos=0;
+		file.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+		for(TInt ii=0;ii<maxReadCount;ii++)
+			{
+			r = file.Read(DataBuf,aReadBlockSize);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+			for(TInt jj=0;jj<DataBuf.Size();jj++)
+				{
+				if (DataBuf[jj] != ((jj+ii*aReadBlockSize)%256))
+					{
+					test.Printf(_L("len %d size %d jj %d ii %d"), DataBuf.Length(), DataBuf.Size(), jj, ii);
+					test(0);
+					}
+//				test(DataBuf[jj] == ((jj+ii*aReadBlockSize)%256) );
+				}
+			if (reqStat!=KRequestPending)
+				{
+				endTime.HomeTime();
+				TInt functionCalls=loopCount*maxReadCount+ii;
+//				TReal rate = ( TReal32(functionCalls) * TReal32(aReadBlockSize) ) / 10;
+//				test.Printf(_L("Read %5d byte blocks:\t%11.3f KBytes/s\n"), aReadBlockSize, rate / (KOneK));
+				TReal transferRate = 
+					(TReal32(functionCalls) * TReal32(aReadBlockSize)) / 
+					TReal(endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64()) * TReal(KOneMeg) / TReal(KOneK);
+				test.Printf(_L("Read %5d byte blocks:\t%11.3f KBytes/s\n"), aReadBlockSize,transferRate);
+				timer.Close();
+				file.Close();
+				return;
+				}
+			}
+		loopCount++;
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void DoTestFileWrite(TUint aFileMode, TInt aWriteBlockSize)
+// Do Write benchmark
+	{
+	DataBuf.SetLength(aWriteBlockSize);
+	TInt maxWriteCount=KMaxFileSize/aWriteBlockSize;
+	TInt loopCount=0;
+	RFile file;
+	TInt r = file.Replace(TheFs,_L("WRITETST"),EFileStream | aFileMode);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	TTime startTime;
+	TTime endTime;
+	RTimer timer;
+	timer.CreateLocal();
+	TRequestStatus reqStat;
+	timer.After(reqStat,10000000); // After 10 secs
+	startTime.HomeTime();
+		{
+		TInt pos=0;
+		file.Seek(ESeekStart,pos);
+		for(TInt ii=0;ii<maxWriteCount;ii++)
+			{
+			r = file.Write(DataBuf);
+			test_KErrNone(r);
+			if (reqStat!=KRequestPending)
+				{
+//				TReal rate = (TReal32(functionCalls) * TReal32(aWriteBlockSize)) / 10;
+//				test.Printf(_L("Write %5d byte blocks:\t%11.3f KBytes/s\n"), aWriteBlockSize, rate / (KOneK));
+				r = file.Flush();
+				test_KErrNone(r);
+				endTime.HomeTime();
+				TInt functionCalls=loopCount*maxWriteCount+ii;
+				TReal transferRate = 
+					(TReal32(functionCalls) * TReal32(aWriteBlockSize)) / 
+					TReal(endTime.MicroSecondsFrom(startTime).Int64()) * TReal(KOneMeg) / TReal(KOneK);
+				test.Printf(_L("Write %5d byte blocks:\t%11.3f KBytes/s\n"), aWriteBlockSize,transferRate);
+				file.Close();
+				timer.Close();
+				TInt r=TheFs.Delete(_L("WRITETST"));
+				test_KErrNone(r);
+				return;
+				}
+			}
+		loopCount++;
+		}
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestFileRead(TUint aFileMode)
+// Benchmark read method
+	{
+//	ClearSessionDirectory();
+	test.Next(_L("Benchmark read method"));
+//	test.Printf(_L("aFileMode %08X\n"), aFileMode);
+	PrintFileMode(aFileMode);
+// Create test data
+	TBuf8<1024> testdata(1024);
+	for (TInt i=0;i<testdata.MaxSize();i++)
+		testdata[i]=TText8(i%256);		
+	// create & fill the file
+	RFile file;
+	TInt r=file.Replace(TheFs,_L("READTEST.XXX"),EFileStream | aFileMode);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	test.Printf(_L("Creating test file....."));
+	TInt count=KMaxFileSize/testdata.Length();
+	while (count--)
+		file.Write(testdata);
+	file.Close();
+	test.Printf(_L("done.\n"));
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 1);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 2);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 4);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 8);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 16);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 32);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 64);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 128);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 256);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 512);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 1024);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 2048);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 4096);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 8192);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 16384);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 32768);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 65536);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 131072);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 1);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 16);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 512);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 4 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 32 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 64 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 128 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileRead(aFileMode, 256 * 1024);
+	r=TheFs.Delete(_L("READTEST.XXX"));
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	}
+LOCAL_C void TestFileWrite(TUint aFileMode)
+// Benchmark write method
+	{
+//	ClearSessionDirectory();
+	test.Next(_L("Benchmark write method"));
+//	test.Printf(_L("aFileMode %08X\n"), aFileMode);
+	PrintFileMode(aFileMode);
+//	RFile file;
+//	TInt r = file.Replace(TheFs,_L("WRITETST"),EFileStream | aFileMode);
+//	test_KErrNone(r);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 1);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 2);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 4);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 8);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 16);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 32);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 64);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 128);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 256);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 512);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 1024);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 2048);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 4096);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 8192);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 16384);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 32768);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 65536);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 131072);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 1);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 16);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 512);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 4 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 32 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 64 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 128 * 1024);
+	DoTestFileWrite(aFileMode, 256 * 1024);
+	}
+enum CommandId {
+    CMD_HELP,
+class CommandLineOption { 
+    CommandLineOption(const TPtrC &s, CommandId i) : str(s), id(i) { }
+    const TPtrC str;
+    CommandId   id;
+    CommandLineOption() { }
+// Lists of command line options
+static const CommandLineOption commandList[] = {
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-help"), CMD_HELP),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-h"), CMD_HELP),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-?"), CMD_HELP),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("/?"), CMD_HELP),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-d"), CMD_DISPLAY_CACHE_FLAGS),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-w"), CMD_WRITE_CACHE_FLAGS),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-p"), CMD_PERFORMANCE_TEST),
+    CommandLineOption(_L("-m"), CMD_MANUAL_TEST),
+LOCAL_C void printHelp() {
+    test.Printf(_L("Option          Explanation\r\n"));
+    test.Printf(_L("-help           Print this text\r\n"));
+    test.Printf(_L("-d				Display cache flags\n"));
+    test.Printf(_L("-p				Performance test\n"));
+// Function: 
+//		bool parseCommandLine()
+// Parameters:
+//		-
+// Return value:
+//		true if command line options was correct, false if any command was
+//      invalid
+// Purpose:
+//		Parses the command line
+//TBuf<512> commandLine;
+LOCAL_C bool ParseCommandLine( const TDesC& aCommand )
+	{
+    TLex lex(aCommand);
+    TInt tokenCount = 0;
+	gDriveToTest='C';		
+	gRunTests = ETrue;
+    for (TPtrC token=lex.NextToken(); token.Length() != 0;token.Set(lex.NextToken()))
+		{
+        tokenCount++;
+        //
+        // Search the list of commands for a match.
+        //
+        CommandId commandId = CMD_NO_COMMAND;
+        for (TUint i = 0; i < sizeof commandList / sizeof commandList[0]; i++) 
+			{
+            if (token.CompareF(commandList[i].str) == 0) 
+				{
+                //
+                // Found a matching string
+                //
+                commandId = commandList[i].id;
+                break;
+				}
+			}
+        switch (commandId) 
+			{
+			case CMD_NO_COMMAND:
+				{
+				TFileName thisfile=RProcess().FileName();
+				if (token.MatchF(thisfile)==0)
+					{
+					token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+					}
+				test.Printf(_L("CLP=%S\n"),&token);
+				TChar ch = token[0];
+				if (ch.IsAlpha())
+					{
+					if(token.Length()!=0)		
+						{
+						gDriveToTest=token[0];
+						gDriveToTest.UpperCase();
+						}
+					else						
+						gDriveToTest='C';		
+					lex.NextToken();
+					}
+				}
+				break;
+			case CMD_HELP:
+				printHelp();
+				gRunTests = EFalse;
+				break;
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+				{         
+					token.Set(lex.NextToken());
+					if (token.Length() == 0) {
+						printHelp();
+						return false;
+					}
+					//
+					// Extract flags (in hex) from next token.
+					//
+					TPtrC numStr(token);
+					TUint val;
+					TInt r = TLex(numStr).Val(val, EHex);
+					if (r != KErrNone) {
+						printHelp();
+						return false;
+					}
+					gDriveCacheFlags = TFileCacheFlags(val);
+					gWriteCacheFlags = ETrue;
+					gRunTests = EFalse;
+					break;
+				}
+				gDisplayCacheFlags = ETrue;
+				gRunTests = EFalse;
+				break;
+				gRunPerformanceTests = ETrue;
+				gRunUnitTests = EFalse;
+				break;
+				gRunManualTests = ETrue;
+				gRunUnitTests = EFalse;
+				break;
+			default:
+				test.Printf(_L("Sorry, command option '%S' not implemented\n"),
+					&token);
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+    return true;
+LOCAL_C TBool parseCommandLine() {
+    //
+    // Loop through all tokens in the command line
+    //
+	TInt cmdLineLen = User::CommandLineLength();
+	HBufC* cmdLineBuf = HBufC::New( cmdLineLen );
+    if( !cmdLineBuf )
+		{
+		return false;
+		}
+	TPtr ptr = cmdLineBuf->Des();
+	User::CommandLine(ptr);
+	bool err = ParseCommandLine( *cmdLineBuf );
+	delete cmdLineBuf;
+	return err;
+	}
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsL()
+// Do tests relative to the session path
+	{
+	TestsInit();
+	TVolumeInfo volInfo;
+	TInt r = TheFs.Volume(volInfo, gDrive);
+	test (r == KErrNone);
+	TFullName extName;
+	r = TheFs.ExtensionName(extName,gDrive, 0);
+	if (r == KErrNone)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("File system extension present (%S)\n"), &extName);
+		}
+	if ((volInfo.iDrive.iType == EMediaRam) ||
+		((gDriveCacheFlags & (EFileCacheReadEnabled | EFileCacheReadOn)) == 0))
+		{
+		if (gRunPerformanceTests)
+			{
+			TestFileRead(EFileReadDirectIO);
+			TestFileWrite(EFileWriteDirectIO);
+			}
+		TestsEnd();
+		return;
+		}
+	if (gRunUnitTests)
+		UnitTests();
+	if (gRunManualTests)
+		{		
+		ManualTests();
+		}
+	if (gRunPerformanceTests)
+		{
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		// turn OFF lock failure mode
+		TBool simulatelockFailureMode = EFalse;
+		r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode, simulatelockFailureMode);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		TestFileRead(EFileReadDirectIO);
+		if (gDriveCacheFlags & (EFileCacheReadEnabled | EFileCacheReadOn))
+			{
+			TestFileRead(EFileReadBuffered | EFileReadAheadOff);
+			TestFileRead(EFileReadBuffered | EFileReadAheadOn);
+			}
+		TestFileWrite(EFileWriteDirectIO);
+		if (gDriveCacheFlags & (EFileCacheWriteEnabled | EFileCacheWriteOn))
+			TestFileWrite(EFileWriteBuffered);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+		// turn lock failure mode back ON (if enabled)
+		simulatelockFailureMode = ETrue;
+		r = controlIo(TheFs, gDrive, KControlIoSimulateLockFailureMode, simulatelockFailureMode);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		}	// if (gRunPerformanceTests)
+	TestsEnd();
+	}
+LOCAL_C void DoTests(TInt aDrive)
+// Do testing on aDrive
+	{
+	SetSessionPath(aDrive);
+// !!! Disable platform security tests until we get the new APIs
+//	if(User::Capability() & KCapabilityRoot)
+//		CheckMountLFFS(TheFs,driveLetter);
+	User::After(1000000);
+	TInt r=TheFs.MkDirAll(gSessionPath);
+	test_Value(r, r == KErrNone || r == KErrAlreadyExists);
+	TheFs.ResourceCountMarkStart();
+	TRAP(r,CallTestsL());
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	TheFs.ResourceCountMarkEnd();
+	}
+void Format(TInt aDrive)
+// Format current drive
+	{
+	test.Next(_L("Format"));
+	TBuf<4> driveBuf=_L("?:\\");
+	driveBuf[0]=(TText)(aDrive+'A');
+	RFormat format;
+	TInt count;
+	TInt r=format.Open(TheFs,driveBuf,EQuickFormat,count);
+	//TInt r=format.Open(TheFs,driveBuf,EFullFormat,count);
+	test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Open() returned %d\n"), r);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	while(count)
+		{
+		TInt r=format.Next(count);
+		test_KErrNone(r);
+		}
+	format.Close();
+	}
+GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
+// Test with drive nearly full
+	{
+	CTrapCleanup* cleanup;
+	cleanup=CTrapCleanup::New();
+	TBool parseOk = parseCommandLine();
+	if (!parseOk)
+		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	TInt r = TheFs.Connect();
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	r=TheFs.CharToDrive(gDriveToTest,gDrive);
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+#if !defined(__WINS__)
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	test.Start(_L("Check that the rom is paged"));
+	TRomHeader* romHeader = (TRomHeader*)UserSvr::RomHeaderAddress();
+	if (romHeader->iPageableRomStart != NULL)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("ROM is paged\n"));
+		gRomPaged = ETrue;
+		}
+	// Get the TFileCacheFlags for this drive
+	r = TheFs.Volume(gVolInfo, gDrive);
+	if (r == KErrNotReady)
+		{
+		TDriveInfo info;
+		TInt err = TheFs.Drive(info,gDrive);
+		test_KErrNone(err);
+		if (info.iType == EMediaNotPresent)
+			test.Printf(_L("%c: Medium not present - cannot perform test.\n"), (TUint)gDriveToTest);
+		else
+			test.Printf(_L("medium found (type %d) but drive %c: not ready\nPrevious test may have hung; else, check hardware.\n"), (TInt)info.iType, (TUint)gDriveToTest);
+		}
+	else if (r == KErrCorrupt)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("%c: Media corruption; previous test may have aborted; else, check hardware\n"), (TUint)gDriveToTest);
+		}
+	test_KErrNone(r);
+	gDriveCacheFlags = gVolInfo.iFileCacheFlags;
+	test.Printf(_L("DriveCacheFlags for drive %C = %08X\n"), (TInt) gDriveToTest, gDriveCacheFlags);
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	PrintFileCacheConfig(gFileCacheConfig, gDrive);
+	if (gDisplayCacheFlags)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("Press any key...\n"));
+		test.Getch();
+		}
+	if (gWriteCacheFlags)
+		{
+		test.Printf(_L("Writing DriveCacheFlags for drive %C = %08X\n"), (TInt) gDriveToTest, gDriveCacheFlags);
+		r = controlIo(TheFs,gDrive, KControlIoFileCacheFlagsWrite, gDriveCacheFlags);
+		test (r == KErrNone);
+		}
+	if (gRunTests)
+		{
+		test.Title();
+		test.Start(_L("Starting tests..."));
+		if ((gVolInfo.iDrive.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttFormattable))
+			Format(gDrive);
+			DoTests(gDrive);
+			test.End();
+//			}
+		}
+#if defined(_DEBUG) || defined(_DEBUG_RELEASE)
+	TFileCacheStats fileCacheStats;
+	PrintFileCacheStats(fileCacheStats);
+	TheFs.Close();
+	test.Close();
+	delete cleanup;
+	return(KErrNone);
+    }