--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_fsy2k.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,649 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\server\t_fsy2k.cpp
+#include <f32file.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "t_server.h"
+#include <e32hal.h>
+#include <e32math.h>
+#include <f32dbg.h>
+GLDEF_D RTest test(_L("T_FSY2K"));
+GLDEF_D TBuf<128> gDateBuf;
+const TInt KMaxValidDateTimes=25;
+const TInt KMaxInvalidDateTimes=7;
+static void testRFsSetEntry(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime, TBool validDate)
+// Test RFs::SetEntry() and RFs::Entry() functions on both a file and a directory
+ {
+ MakeFile(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ TInt r=TheFs.SetEntry(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),*aTime,KEntryAttHidden,KEntryAttArchive);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TEntry entry;
+ r=TheFs.Entry(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),entry);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TDateTime checkDateTime=(entry.iModified).DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ (entry.iModified).FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ MakeDir(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"));
+ r=TheFs.SetEntry(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"),*aTime,KEntryAttHidden,KEntryAttArchive);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=TheFs.Entry(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"),entry);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ checkDateTime=(entry.iModified).DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ (entry.iModified).FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+static void testRFsSetModified(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime, TBool validDate)
+// Test RFs::SetModified() and RFs::Modified() functions on both a file and a directory
+ {
+ MakeFile(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ TInt r=TheFs.SetModified(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),*aTime);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TTime check;
+ r=TheFs.Modified(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),check);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TDateTime checkDateTime=check.DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ check.FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ MakeDir(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"));
+ r=TheFs.SetModified(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"),*aTime);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=TheFs.Modified(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"),check);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ checkDateTime=check.DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ check.FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\Y2KTEST\\"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ }
+static void testRFileSet(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime, TBool validDate)
+// Test RFile::Set() and RFile::Modified()
+ {
+ RFile file;
+ TInt r=file.Replace(TheFs,_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),0);
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrPathNotFound);
+ r=file.Set(*aTime,KEntryAttHidden,KEntryAttNormal);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ file.Close();
+ TTime check;
+ file.Open(TheFs,_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),EFileWrite);
+ r=file.Modified(check);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ file.Close();
+ test.Printf(_L("Date set to "));
+ test.Printf(_L("Day %d "),aDateTime->Day());
+ test.Printf(_L("Month %d "),aDateTime->Month());
+ test.Printf(_L("Year %d \n"),aDateTime->Year());
+ TDateTime checkDateTime=check.DateTime();
+ if (checkDateTime.Year()!=aDateTime->Year())
+ {
+ // Failure occurs for F32 releases before 111 - due to a problem
+ // in SFILE/SF_FILE DoFsFileSet() in which the TTime parameter
+ // was being incorrectly obtained. Not a year 2000 issue.
+ test.Printf(_L("ERROR!\n"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Actually set to "));
+ test.Printf(_L("Day %d "),checkDateTime.Day());
+ test.Printf(_L("Month %d "),checkDateTime.Month());
+ test.Printf(_L("Year %d \n"),checkDateTime.Year());
+ // test.Printf(_L("Press any key to continue \n"));
+ // test.Getch();
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ check.FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ }
+static void testRFileSetModified(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime, TBool validDate)
+// Test RFile::SetModified() and RFile::Modified()
+ {
+ RFile file;
+ TInt r=file.Replace(TheFs,_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),0);
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrPathNotFound);
+ r=file.SetModified(*aTime);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ file.Close();
+ TTime check;
+ file.Open(TheFs,_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),EFileWrite);
+ r=file.Modified(check);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ file.Close();
+ TDateTime checkDateTime=check.DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ check.FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ }
+static void testCFileManAttribsL(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime, TBool validDate)
+// Test CFileMan::Attribs()
+ {
+ MakeFile(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ CFileMan* fileMan=CFileMan::NewL(TheFs);
+ TInt r=fileMan->Attribs(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),KEntryAttHidden,KEntryAttNormal,*aTime);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TEntry entry;
+ r=TheFs.Entry(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"),entry);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TTime check=entry.iModified;
+ TDateTime checkDateTime=check.DateTime();
+ test(checkDateTime.Year()==aDateTime->Year());
+ if (validDate)
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month());
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==aDateTime->Day());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(checkDateTime.Month()==aDateTime->Month()+1);
+ test(checkDateTime.Day()==0);
+ }
+ check.FormatL(gDateBuf,_L("%*D%X%N%Y %1 %2 %3"));
+ test.Printf(_L("Valid date: %S\n"),&gDateBuf);
+ r=TheFs.Delete(_L("Y2KTEST.tst"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ delete fileMan;
+ }
+// Valid dates to be tested for year 2000 compliance
+// Times are always set at 11.11.00
+LOCAL_D TInt testYearValid[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ 1998, // December 31 1998
+ 1999, // January 01 1999
+ 1999, // February 27 1999
+ 1999, // February 28 1999
+ 1999, // March 01 1999
+ 1999, // August 31 1999
+ 1999, // September 01 1999
+ 1999, // September 08 1999
+ 1999, // September 09 1999
+ 1999, // September 09 1999
+ 1999, // December 31 1999
+ 2000, // January 01 2000
+ 2000, // February 27 2000
+ 2000, // February 28 2000
+ 2000, // February 29 2000
+ 2000, // March 01 2000
+ 2000, // December 31 2000
+ 2001, // January 01 2001
+ 2001, // February 28 2001
+ 2001, // March 01 2001
+ 2004, // February 28 2004
+ 2004, // February 29 2004
+ 2004, // March 01 2004
+ 2098, // January 01 2098
+ 2099 // January 01 2099
+ };
+LOCAL_D TMonth testMonthValid[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ EDecember, // December 31 1998
+ EJanuary, // January 01 1999
+ EFebruary, // February 27 1999
+ EFebruary, // February 28 1999
+ EMarch, // March 01 1999
+ EAugust, // August 31 1999
+ ESeptember, // September 01 1999
+ ESeptember, // September 08 1999
+ ESeptember, // September 09 1999
+ ESeptember, // September 10 1999
+ EDecember, // December 31 1999
+ EJanuary, // January 01 2000
+ EFebruary, // February 27 2000
+ EFebruary, // February 28 2000
+ EFebruary, // February 29 2000
+ EMarch, // March 01 2000
+ EDecember, // December 31 2000
+ EJanuary, // January 01 2001
+ EFebruary, // February 28 2001
+ EMarch, // March 01 2001
+ EFebruary, // February 28 2004
+ EFebruary, // February 29 2004
+ EMarch, // March 01 2004
+ EJanuary, // January 01 2098
+ EJanuary // January 01 2099
+ };
+LOCAL_D TInt testDayValid[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ 30, // December 31 1998
+ 0, // January 01 1999
+ 26, // February 27 1999
+ 27, // February 28 1999
+ 0, // March 01 1999
+ 30, // August 31 1999
+ 0, // September 01 1999
+ 7, // September 08 1999
+ 8, // September 09 1999
+ 8, // September 09 1999
+ 30, // December 31 1999
+ 0, // January 01 2000
+ 26, // February 27 2000
+ 27, // February 28 2000
+ 28, // February 29 2000
+ 0, // March 01 2000
+ 30, // December 31 2000
+ 0, // January 01 2001
+ 27, // February 28 2001
+ 0, // March 01 2001
+ 27, // February 28 2004
+ 28, // February 29 2004
+ 0, // March 01 2004
+ 0, // January 01 2098
+ 0 // January 01 2099
+ };
+// Invalid dates to be tested for year 2000 compliance
+// Times are always set at 11.11.00
+LOCAL_D TInt testYearInvalid[KMaxInvalidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ 1998, // April 31 1998
+ 1999, // February 29 1999
+ 2000, // February 30 2000
+ 2001, // February 29 2001
+ 2002, // February 29 2002
+ 2003, // February 29 2003
+ 2004, // February 30 2004
+ };
+LOCAL_D TMonth testMonthInvalid[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ EApril, // April 31 1998
+ EFebruary, // February 29 1999
+ EFebruary, // February 30 2000
+ EFebruary, // February 29 2001
+ EFebruary, // February 29 2002
+ EFebruary, // February 29 2003
+ EFebruary, // February 30 2004
+ };
+LOCAL_D TInt testDayInvalid[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ 30, // April 31 1998
+ 28, // February 29 1999
+ 29, // February 30 2000
+ 28, // February 29 2001
+ 28, // February 29 2002
+ 28, // February 29 2003
+ 29, // February 30 2004
+ };
+LOCAL_D TPtrC invalidDates[KMaxValidDateTimes] =
+ {
+ _L("31st April 1998"),
+ _L("29th February 1999"),
+ _L("30th February 2000"),
+ _L("29th February 2001"),
+ _L("29th February 2002"),
+ _L("29th February 2003"),
+ _L("30th February 2004"),
+ };
+static void TestValidDates(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime)
+// Test an array of valid dates for year 2000 compliance
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFs::SetEntry() and RFs::Entry()"));
+ TDateTime* tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ TTime* tempTime=aTime;
+ TInt i=0;
+ for (;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ testRFsSetEntry(tempDateTime, tempTime, ETrue);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFs::SetModified() and RFs::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ testRFsSetModified(tempDateTime, tempTime, ETrue);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFile::Set() and RFile::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ testRFileSet(tempDateTime, tempTime, ETrue);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFile::SetModified() and RFile::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ testRFileSetModified(tempDateTime, tempTime, ETrue);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test CFileMan::Attribs()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ TRAPD(error,testCFileManAttribsL(tempDateTime, tempTime, ETrue));
+ test(error==KErrNone);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ }
+static void TestInvalidDates(TDateTime* aDateTime, TTime* aTime)
+// Test an array of invalid dates for year 2000 compliance
+// aDateTime is set as one day less than the desired invalid
+// date, because TDateTime correctly prevents us setting invalid dates
+// aTime is set to TDateTime + 1 day, which should be the next
+// correct date after TDateTime, NOT the desired invalid date
+ {
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFs::SetEntry() and RFs::Entry()"));
+ TDateTime* tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ TTime* tempTime=aTime;
+ TInt i=0;
+ for (;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Invalid date: %S\n"),&invalidDates[i]);
+ testRFsSetEntry(tempDateTime, tempTime, EFalse);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFs::SetModified() and RFs::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Invalid date: %S\n"),&invalidDates[i]);
+ testRFsSetModified(tempDateTime, tempTime, EFalse);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFile::Set() and RFile::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Invalid date: %S\n"),&invalidDates[i]);
+ testRFileSet(tempDateTime, tempTime, EFalse);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test RFile::SetModified() and RFile::Modified()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Invalid date: %S\n"),&invalidDates[i]);
+ testRFileSetModified(tempDateTime, tempTime, EFalse);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Test CFileMan::Attribs()"));
+ tempDateTime=aDateTime;
+ tempTime=aTime;
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Invalid date: %S\n"),&invalidDates[i]);
+ TRAPD(error,testCFileManAttribsL(tempDateTime, tempTime, EFalse));
+ test(error==KErrNone);
+ tempDateTime++;
+ tempTime++;
+ }
+ }
+static void CallTests()
+// Do tests relative to session path
+ {
+// Set up an array of valid TDateTimes and TTimes to be tested for Y2K compliance
+ TDateTime validDateTime[KMaxValidDateTimes];
+ TTime validTime[KMaxValidDateTimes];
+ TInt r;
+ TInt i=0;
+ for (;i<KMaxValidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ // Dummy time is used to initialise validDateTime[i] before calling SetX()
+ r=validDateTime[i].Set(1998,EJune,23,11,11,11,0);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=validDateTime[i].SetYear(testYearValid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=validDateTime[i].SetMonth(testMonthValid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=validDateTime[i].SetDay(testDayValid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ validTime[i]=validDateTime[i];
+ }
+// Set up an array of invalid TDateTimes and TTimes to be tested for Y2K compliance
+ TDateTime invalidDateTime[KMaxInvalidDateTimes];
+ TTime invalidTime[KMaxInvalidDateTimes];
+ TTimeIntervalDays extraDay(1);
+ for (i=0;i<KMaxInvalidDateTimes;i++)
+ {
+ // Dummy time is used to initialise validDateTime[i] before calling SetX()
+ r=invalidDateTime[i].Set(1998,EJune,22,11,11,11,0);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=invalidDateTime[i].SetYear(testYearInvalid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=invalidDateTime[i].SetMonth(testMonthInvalid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ r=invalidDateTime[i].SetDay(testDayInvalid[i]);
+ test(r==KErrGeneral); // This will fail because it is an invalid date
+ r=invalidDateTime[i].SetDay(testDayInvalid[i]-1);
+ test(r==KErrNone); // Set it one day less
+ invalidTime[i]=invalidDateTime[i];
+ invalidTime[i]+=extraDay; // Add on an extra day. This should bump the
+ } // date onto the next month, NOT set the day
+ // to the invalid date in invalidDateTime[i]
+ TestValidDates(&validDateTime[0],&validTime[0]);
+ TestInvalidDates(&invalidDateTime[0],&invalidTime[0]);
+ }
+GLDEF_C void CallTestsL(void)
+// Do testing on aDrive
+ {
+ TInt r=TheFs.MkDirAll(_L("\\F32-TST\\YEAR 2000 TESTS\\"));
+ test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
+ TRAP(r,CallTests());
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ TheFs.ResourceCountMarkEnd();
+ else
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Error: Leave %d\n"),r);
+ test(0);
+ }
+ r=TheFs.RmDir(_L("\\F32-TST\\YEAR 2000 TESTS\\"));
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ }