--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_localtime.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation of the t_localtime test. This tests functionality introduced
+// in CR1084 ie. That removable (in practice this means FAT) file systems
+// can be made to use local time for timestamps.
+ @file
+ @test
+#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include "t_localtime.h"
+#include "t_server.h"
+RTest test(KTestGroupName);
+Constructor for generic test.
+@param aTest The RTest handle to use.
+@param aDriveLetter The drive to be tested.
+@param aBuild Specifies whether tests or being run under UDEB or UREL
+CLocalTimeTest::CLocalTimeTest(RTest& aTest, const TDesC& aDriveLetter, TBuild aBuild)
+ :iDriveLetter(aDriveLetter), iTest(aTest), iBuild(aBuild), iOriginalUseLocalTimeFlag(EFalse)
+ {
+ }
+Factory function for test.
+@param aTest The RTest handle to use.
+@param aDriveLetter The drive to be tested.
+@param aBuild Specifies whether tests or being run under UDEB or UREL
+@return A test object
+CLocalTimeTest* CLocalTimeTest::NewLC(RTest& aTest, const TDesC& aDriveLetter, TBuild aBuild)
+ {
+ CLocalTimeTest* self = new(ELeave) CLocalTimeTest(aTest, aDriveLetter, aBuild);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+Connect the test to the File server
+void CLocalTimeTest::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs.Connect() );
+ iRFs.CharToDrive(iDriveLetter[0], iDrive);
+ SetTestTypeL();
+ if(iTestType !=ENoTest)
+ {
+ MakeTestPathL();
+ iTestFile = new (ELeave) CTestFile(KFile, &iRFs);
+ iTestFile->SetPath(iTestPath);
+ iTestFileRFs = new (ELeave) CTestFileRFs(KFile, &iRFs );
+ iTestFileRFs->SetPath(iTestPath);
+ iTestDirectory = new (ELeave) CTestDirectory(KDirectory, &iRFs);
+ iTestDirectory->SetPath(iTestPath);
+ if(iBuild==EUdeb)
+ iOriginalUseLocalTimeFlag=IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL(); //store initial setting
+ }
+ if(iTestType==EPositive)
+ iExpectedTimeStampOffset=KTimeOffset;
+ else
+ iExpectedTimeStampOffset=KNullTimeOffset;
+ }
+ {
+ if(iTestType!=ENoTest && iBuild==EUdeb) //restore flag to original value
+ {
+ TRAPD(err,
+ {
+ if(iOriginalUseLocalTimeFlag)
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ else
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL();
+ }
+ );
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(err==KErrNone, User::PanicUnexpectedLeave());
+ }
+ if(iTestFile)
+ delete iTestFile;
+ if(iTestFileRFs)
+ delete iTestFileRFs;
+ if(iTestDirectory)
+ delete iTestDirectory;
+ }
+Check that the test can read and modify the flag within
+the FAT or FAT32 plugin.
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestDebugInterfaceL()
+ {
+ iTest.Start(_L("Checking debug interface"));
+ TBool localTimeEnabled(EFalse);
+ localTimeEnabled = IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL();
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Use localtime enable intially? %d\n"), localTimeEnabled);
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL();
+ localTimeEnabled=IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL();
+ iTest.Next(_L("Disabling flag..."));
+ iTest(!localTimeEnabled);
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ localTimeEnabled=IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL();
+ iTest.Next(_L("Enabling flag..."));
+ iTest(localTimeEnabled);
+ iTest.End();
+ }
+Test that after creating a file or directory its creation time
+has been offset (or not) as expected.
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestReadCreationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry)
+ {
+ iTest.Next(_L("Read creation time"));
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on %S"), &aFsEntry->Name());
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ TTime now;
+ test_KErrNone(aFsEntry->DeleteCreate());
+ now.UniversalTime(); //hopefuly "now" will be within the 2-second error allowed.
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ TTime creationTimeLocal = aFsEntry->CreationTimeL();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Current UTC time"), now);
+ PrintExpectedOffset();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("creation time"), creationTimeLocal);
+ iTest(CLocalTimeTest::FuzzyTimeMatch(creationTimeLocal, now+iExpectedTimeStampOffset));
+ test.Printf(_L("Creation times cannot be accessed in release build\n"));
+ }
+Test that when reading a modification time it has been translated (or not)
+as expected.
+@param aFsEntry A file or directory to be tested
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestReadModificationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry)
+ {
+ TInt r= KErrNone;
+ iTest.Next(_L("Reading modification time - offset should be subtracted from timestamp "));
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on %S \n"), &aFsEntry->Name());
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL();
+ r = aFsEntry->DeleteCreate();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Current UTC time"), now);
+ //timestamp on disk will be UTC
+ r = aFsEntry->SetModificationTime(now);
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ r = aFsEntry->Open();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ TTime modTime = aFsEntry->ModificationTimeL();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ PrintExpectedOffset();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("modification time"), modTime);
+ iTest(CLocalTimeTest::FuzzyTimeMatch(modTime, now - iExpectedTimeStampOffset));
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ }
+Test that when setting a modification time it is modified as expected.
+@param aFsEntry A file or directory to be tested
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestSetModificationTimeL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry)
+ {
+ iTest.Next(_L("Setting modification time - offset should be added to timestamp"));
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on %S \n"), &aFsEntry->Name());
+ TTime now;
+ now.UniversalTime();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Modification time set"), now);
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ r = aFsEntry->DeleteCreate();
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ //timestamp on disk will be local
+ r = aFsEntry->SetModificationTime(now);
+ test_KErrNone(r);
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL();
+ aFsEntry->Open();
+ TTime modTime = aFsEntry->ModificationTimeL();
+ PrintExpectedOffset();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Modification time read"), modTime);
+ iTest(CLocalTimeTest::FuzzyTimeMatch(modTime, now+iExpectedTimeStampOffset));
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ }
+Check that modification times of copied files are preserved
+@param aFsEntry A file or directory to be tested
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestCopyL(CFileSystemEntry* aFsEntry)
+ {
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ iTest.Next(_L("Test copying"));
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on %S \n"), &aFsEntry->Name());
+ aFsEntry->DeleteCreate();
+ TTime mtime = aFsEntry->ModificationTimeL();
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Original mtime"), mtime);
+ CFileSystemEntry* file2 = aFsEntry->CopyL();
+ file2->Close();
+ CleanupStack::PushL(file2);
+ file2->Open();
+ TTime mtime2 = file2->ModificationTimeL();
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Modification times should be preserved\n"));
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Copy's mtime"), mtime2 );
+ iTest(FuzzyTimeMatch(mtime2, mtime) ); //mod time should always be preserved on copy
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(file2);
+ aFsEntry->Close();
+ }
+Check that modification times of copied directories are preserved
+void CLocalTimeTest::TestCopyDirL()
+ {
+ LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL();
+ iTest.Next(_L("Test copying directory - modtimes should be preserved"));
+ _LIT(KSubDir, "SubDir\\");
+ TPath parentDir(iTestPath);
+ parentDir+=KDirectory;
+ parentDir.Delete(parentDir.Length()-1, 1);
+ TPath subDir(parentDir);
+ subDir.Append(KPathDelimiter);
+ subDir+=KSubDir;
+ TPath destDir(iTestPath);
+ destDir+=_L("copyDir");
+ destDir.Append(KPathDelimiter);
+ iRFs.RmDir(subDir);
+ iRFs.MkDirAll(subDir);
+ TPath destSubDir(destDir);
+ destSubDir+=KSubDir;
+ iRFs.RmDir(destSubDir);
+ CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(iRFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fMan );
+ fMan->Copy(parentDir, destDir , CFileMan::EOverWrite|CFileMan::ERecurse);
+ TTime originalModtime;
+ TTime newDirModtime;
+ test_KErrNone(iRFs.Modified(subDir, originalModtime) );
+ test_KErrNone(iRFs.Modified(destSubDir, newDirModtime));
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Orginal modtime"), originalModtime);
+ PrintTimeL(_L("Copy's modtime"), newDirModtime);
+ iRFs.RmDir(subDir);
+ iRFs.RmDir(destSubDir);
+ iTest(FuzzyTimeMatch(originalModtime,newDirModtime) );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fMan);
+ }
+Checks whether two times match, to a certain tolerance. By default allow for a 2 second error.
+@param aTestTime One time
+@param aRefTime Second time.
+@return Whether the times matched.
+TBool CLocalTimeTest::FuzzyTimeMatch(const TTime& aTestTime, const TTime& aRefTime)
+ {
+ return(aTestTime>=(aRefTime-KModTimeThreshold) && aTestTime<=(aRefTime+KModTimeThreshold));
+ }
+If on UDEB will switch on the flag held in the CFatMountCB object to
+use localtimes on removable media.
+If on UREL will just set the UTC offset on.
+void CLocalTimeTest::LocalTimeForRemMediaOnL()
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs.ControlIo(iDrive, ELocalTimeForRemovableMediaOn,NULL ,NULL) );
+ User::SetUTCOffset(KTimeOffset);
+ }
+If on UDEB will switch off the flag held in the CFatMountCB object to
+use localtimes on removable media.
+If on UREL will just set the UTC offset to nothing,
+so that no time conversions are carried out.
+void CLocalTimeTest::LocalTimeForRemMediaOffL()
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs.ControlIo(iDrive, ELocalTimeForRemovableMediaOff,NULL ,NULL) );
+ User::SetUTCOffset(KNullTimeOffset);
+ }
+TBool CLocalTimeTest::IsLocalTimeOnRemMediaL()
+ {
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ TBool flag(EFalse);
+ TPckg<TBool> flagPckg(flag);
+ User::LeaveIfError( iRFs.ControlIo(iDrive, ELocalTimeUsedOnRemovableMedia, flagPckg) );
+ return flagPckg();
+ return( User::UTCOffset()==KTimeOffset );
+ }
+void CLocalTimeTest::SetTestTypeL()
+ {
+ TDriveInfo info;
+ TFSName fileSystem;
+ TInt err;
+ err = iRFs.FileSystemName(fileSystem, iDrive);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ //not currently testing on urel due to lack of support for configuration file/estart.txt managment
+ if(iBuild==EUrel)
+ {
+ iTestType=ENoTest;
+ return;
+ }
+ if(fileSystem != KFatFileSystem)
+ {
+ iTestType=ENoTest;
+ return;
+ }
+ err = iRFs.Drive(info, iDrive);
+ User::LeaveIfError(err);
+ if(info.iDriveAtt&KDriveAttRemovable)
+ {
+ iTestType=EPositive;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTestType=ENegative;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+@return Drive letter being tested
+const TDesC& CLocalTimeTest::DriveLetter() const
+ {
+ return iDriveLetter;
+ }
+@return Drive number of test.
+TInt CLocalTimeTest::DriveNumber() const
+ {
+ return iDrive;
+ }
+Print the drive number and letter of the test to the RTest console.
+void CLocalTimeTest::PrintDrive() const
+ {
+ TFSName fileSystem;
+ TInt err;
+ err = iRFs.FileSystemSubType(iDrive, fileSystem);
+ test_KErrNone(err);
+ test.Printf(_L("Using drive %d %S: Fs Type: %S\n"), DriveNumber(), &DriveLetter(), &fileSystem );
+ }
+void CLocalTimeTest::PrintExpectedOffset() const
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Expected offset: %d hours\n"), iExpectedTimeStampOffset.Int()/KSecondsPerHour);
+ }
+Create directories for the test if necessary.
+void CLocalTimeTest::MakeTestPathL()
+ {
+ iTestPath.Append(iDriveLetter);
+ iTestPath.Append(KDriveDelimiter);
+ iTestPath.Append(KPathDelimiter);
+ iTestPath.Append(KTestDir);
+ iTestPath.Append(KPathDelimiter);
+ TInt err=iRFs.MkDirAll(iTestPath);
+ if(err!=KErrNone && err!=KErrAlreadyExists)
+ User::Leave(err);
+ iRFs.SetSessionPath(iTestPath);
+ }
+void CLocalTimeTest::PrintTimeL(const TDesC& aMessg, const TTime& aTime) const
+ {
+ TBuf<32> timeBuf;
+ _LIT(KTimeFormat, "%F%H:%T:%S");
+ aTime.FormatL(timeBuf, KTimeFormat);
+ iTest.Printf(_L("%S: %S\n"), &aMessg, &timeBuf);
+ }
+A callback function passed into a TCleanupItem to restore the system's UTC offset at the end
+of the test.
+void RestoreOffset(TAny* aOffset)
+ {
+ User::SetUTCOffset(*static_cast<TTimeIntervalSeconds*>(aOffset) );
+ }
+@param aPath Name or full path for entry.
+@param aFs the RFs handle to be used.
+CFileSystemEntry::CFileSystemEntry(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs )
+ : iRFs(aFs), iFullPath(aPath)
+ {
+ }
+ {}
+Prepends a path to the existing name or path.
+@param aPath The path to use.
+void CFileSystemEntry::SetPath(const TDesC& aPath)
+ {
+ iFullPath.Insert(0, aPath);
+ }
+void CFileSystemEntry::SetFileServer(RFs* aFs)
+ {
+ iRFs = aFs;
+ }
+Close and delete the entry.
+@return An error code indicating success or failure.
+TInt CFileSystemEntry::Delete()
+ {
+ Close();
+ return iRFs->Delete(iFullPath);
+ }
+Delete and then make a new file/directory of the same name
+@return An error code indicating success or failure.
+TInt CFileSystemEntry::DeleteCreate()
+ {
+ Delete();
+ return Create();
+ }
+void CFileSystemEntry::Close()
+ {
+ }
+@return The creation time of the entry.
+TTime CFileSystemEntry::CreationTimeL()
+ {
+ TParsePtrC parse(iFullPath);
+ //check there is a drive specified
+ if(!parse.DrivePresent() )
+ User::Panic(KTestGroupName, KErrBadName);
+ TInt driveNumber(0);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs->CharToDrive(parse.Drive()[0], driveNumber) );
+ TBuf8<KMaxPath> narrowPath;
+ narrowPath.Copy(parse.Path() );
+ narrowPath.Append(parse.NameAndExt() );
+ //remove trailing slash if present
+ if(narrowPath[narrowPath.Length()-1]==KPathDelimiter)
+ narrowPath.Delete(narrowPath.Length()-1, 1);
+ TTime creationTime=0;
+ TPckg<TTime> timePckg(creationTime);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs->ControlIo(driveNumber, ECreationTime, narrowPath, timePckg) );
+ return timePckg();
+ }
+const TDesC& CFileSystemEntry::Name() const
+ {
+ return iName;
+ }
+CTestDirectory::CTestDirectory(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs)
+:CFileSystemEntry(aPath, aFs)
+ {
+ iName.Set(KTestDirectoryName);
+ }
+TInt CTestDirectory::Open()
+ {
+ return KErrNone; //directories can't be opened.
+ }
+TInt CTestDirectory::Create()
+ {
+ return iRFs->MkDir(iFullPath);
+ }
+TInt CTestDirectory::Delete()
+ {
+ return iRFs->RmDir(iFullPath );
+ }
+TTime CTestDirectory::ModificationTimeL()
+ {
+ TTime time;
+ User::LeaveIfError( iRFs->Modified(iFullPath, time) );
+ return time;
+ }
+TInt CTestDirectory::SetModificationTime(const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ return iRFs->SetModified(iFullPath, aTime);
+ }
+CFileSystemEntry* CTestDirectory::CopyL()
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+CTestFile::CTestFile(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs)
+:CFileSystemEntry(aPath, aFs)
+ {
+ iName.Set(KTestFileRFile);
+ }
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+TInt CTestFile::Open()
+ {
+ return iRFile.Open(*iRFs, iFullPath, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+ }
+TInt CTestFile::Create()
+ {
+ return iRFile.Replace(*iRFs, iFullPath, EFileShareExclusive|EFileWrite);
+ }
+void CTestFile::Close()
+ {
+ iRFile.Close();
+ }
+TTime CTestFile::ModificationTimeL()
+ {
+ TTime time;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFile.Modified(time) );
+ return time;
+ }
+TInt CTestFile::SetModificationTime(const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ return iRFile.SetModified(aTime);
+ }
+CFileSystemEntry* CTestFile::CopyL()
+ {
+ CFileMan* fMan = CFileMan::NewL(*iRFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(fMan);
+ TFileName newName(iFullPath);
+ newName.Append(_L("~"));
+ CFileSystemEntry* copy= new(ELeave) CTestFile(newName, iRFs);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(copy);
+ copy->Delete(); //delete anything at the path already
+ Close();
+ User::LeaveIfError(fMan->Copy(iFullPath,newName) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop(copy);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fMan);
+ return copy;
+ }
+CTestFileRFs::CTestFileRFs(const TDesC& aPath, RFs* aFs) : CTestFile(aPath, aFs)
+ {
+ iName.Set(KTestFileRFs);
+ }
+TTime CTestFileRFs::ModificationTimeL()
+ {
+ TBool isOpen=KErrNone;
+ test_KErrNone(iRFs->IsFileOpen(iFullPath, isOpen));
+ if(isOpen)
+ Close();
+ TTime time;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRFs->Modified(iFullPath,time) );
+ if(isOpen)
+ Open();
+ return time;
+ }
+TInt CTestFileRFs::SetModificationTime(const TTime& aTime)
+ {
+ TBool isOpen=KErrNone;
+ test_KErrNone(iRFs->IsFileOpen(iFullPath, isOpen));
+ if(isOpen)
+ Close();
+ TInt err = iRFs->SetModified(iFullPath, aTime);
+ if(isOpen)
+ Open();
+ return err;
+ }
+ {
+ Close();
+ }
+//////////Entry point and main//////////////////////
+Construct and run the various tests.
+void CallTestsL()
+ {
+ test.Start(KTestGroupName);
+#if defined(_DEBUG)
+ CLocalTimeTest::TBuild build = CLocalTimeTest::EUdeb;
+ CLocalTimeTest::TBuild build = CLocalTimeTest::EUrel;
+ TPtrC drive((TUint16*)&gDriveToTest, 1);
+ CLocalTimeTest* timeTest= CLocalTimeTest::NewLC(test, drive , build);
+ timeTest->RunTestsL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(timeTest);
+ test.End();
+ }
+void CLocalTimeTest::RunTestsL()
+ {
+ PrintDrive();
+ if(iTestType==ENoTest)
+ {
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Not runnning tests on this drive\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ iTest.Start(_L("Running tests"));
+ //Be able to restore to original timezone after test
+ TTimeIntervalSeconds savedUTCOffset = User::UTCOffset();
+ TCleanupItem restoreOffset(RestoreOffset, &savedUTCOffset);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(restoreOffset);
+ //This functionallity must be tested with a non-zero GMT offset.
+ test.Printf(_L("Setting UTC offset to %d hours\n"), KHoursOffset);
+ User::SetUTCOffset(KTimeOffset);
+ if(iBuild==EUdeb)
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on UDEB build\n"));
+ else if(iBuild==EUrel)
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Testing on UREL build\n"));
+ if(iTestType==EPositive)
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Drive is removable, running positive tests\n"));
+ else if(iTestType==ENegative)
+ iTest.Printf(_L("Drive is non-removable, running negative tests\n"));
+ if(iBuild==EUdeb) //these tests cannot be used without ControlIO
+ {
+ TestDebugInterfaceL();
+ TestReadCreationTimeL(iTestFile);
+ TestReadCreationTimeL(iTestFileRFs);
+ TestReadCreationTimeL(iTestDirectory);
+ }
+ TestReadModificationTimeL(iTestFile);
+ TestReadModificationTimeL(iTestFileRFs);
+ TestReadModificationTimeL(iTestDirectory);
+ TestSetModificationTimeL(iTestFile);
+ TestSetModificationTimeL(iTestFileRFs);
+ TestSetModificationTimeL(iTestDirectory);
+ TestCopyL(iTestFile);
+ TestCopyL(iTestFileRFs);
+ TestCopyDirL();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&savedUTCOffset);
+ iTest.End();
+ }