--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/f32test/server/t_pwstr.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2008 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32test\server\t_pwstr.cpp
+// Tests peripheral bus controller password store.
+//#include <p32mmc.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <f32fsys.h>
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32def_private.h>
+// define this macro to autodetect card re-insertion
+const TUint KMMCCIDLength=16;
+class TCID
+ {
+ inline TCID() {} // Default constructor
+ inline TCID(const TUint8*);
+ inline TCID& operator=(const TCID&);
+ inline TCID& operator=(const TUint8*);
+ inline TBool operator==(const TCID&) const;
+ inline TBool operator==(const TUint8*) const;
+ inline void Copy(TUint8*) const; // Copies big endian 16 bytes CID
+ inline TUint8 At(TUint anIndex) const; // Byte from CID at anIndex
+ TUint8 iData[KMMCCIDLength]; // Big endian 128 bit bitfield representing CID
+ };
+class TMMC
+ {
+ static inline TUint32 BigEndian32(const TUint8*);
+ static inline void BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal);
+ };
+// -------- class TCID --------
+inline TCID::TCID(const TUint8* aPtr)
+ {memcpy(&iData[0], aPtr, KMMCCIDLength);}
+inline TCID& TCID::operator=(const TCID& aCID)
+ {memcpy(&iData[0], &aCID.iData[0], KMMCCIDLength); return(*this);}
+inline TCID& TCID::operator=(const TUint8* aPtr)
+ {memcpy(&iData[0], aPtr, KMMCCIDLength); return(*this);}
+inline TBool TCID::operator==(const TCID& aCID) const
+ {return(memcompare(&iData[0],KMMCCIDLength,&aCID.iData[0],KMMCCIDLength)==0);}
+inline TBool TCID::operator==(const TUint8* aPtr) const
+ {return(memcompare(&iData[0],KMMCCIDLength,aPtr,KMMCCIDLength)==0);}
+inline void TCID::Copy(TUint8* aPtr) const
+ {memcpy(aPtr, &iData[0], KMMCCIDLength);}
+inline TUint8 TCID::At(TUint anIndex) const
+ {return(iData[KMMCCIDLength-1-anIndex]);}
+inline TUint32 TMMC::BigEndian32(const TUint8* aPtr)
+ {return( (aPtr[0]<<24) | (aPtr[1]<<16) | (aPtr[2]<<8) | (aPtr[3]) );}
+inline void TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(TUint8* aPtr, TUint32 aVal)
+ {
+ aPtr[0] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[1] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[2] = (TUint8)((aVal >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ aPtr[3] = (TUint8)(aVal & 0xFF);
+ }
+// Static data.
+LOCAL_D RTest test(_L("T_PWSTR"));
+LOCAL_D TBusLocalDrive TBLD;
+LOCAL_D TBool TBLDChangedFlag;
+LOCAL_D TInt TBLDNum = -1; // Change this to specify the drive under test
+ // e.g. for the lm_pana board when fitted to the
+ // integrator, TBLDNum should be set to 3.
+LOCAL_D TInt RFsDNum = -1; // File Server Drive number
+struct TTestMapping
+ {
+ TInt iCIDIdx; // index in CID
+ TInt iPWDIdx; // index in PWD
+ };
+const TInt KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping = KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + KMaxMediaPassword;
+// EMaxPasswordLength is max size of the password store descriptor
+// (which actually contains multiple mappings of CID and passwords)
+const TInt KMaxNumOfStoreEntries= TPasswordStore::EMaxPasswordLength/KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping;
+const TInt KPWDCnt(4);
+LOCAL_C TMediaPassword *PWDs[KPWDCnt];
+//Allocate enough unique CIDs to be able to overflow the store
+const TInt KCIDCnt(KMaxNumOfStoreEntries+1);
+//Let the descriptor be one mapping longer than allowed by the password
+//store to test overflowing it.
+const TInt KMaxPersistentStore(TPasswordStore::EMaxPasswordLength+KMaxLengthOfStoreMapping);
+typedef TBuf8<KMaxPersistentStore> TPersistentStore;
+LOCAL_C TInt mapSizes[KCIDCnt][KPWDCnt];
+// Static function prototypes.
+LOCAL_C void AllocateTestData();
+LOCAL_C void DeleteTestData();
+LOCAL_C void AllocateCIDs();
+LOCAL_C void DeleteCIDs();
+LOCAL_C void AllocatePasswords();
+LOCAL_C void DeletePasswords();
+LOCAL_C void SetUpMapSizes();
+LOCAL_C void AddMapping(TDes8 &aSt, const TCID *aCID, const TMediaPassword *aPWD);
+LOCAL_C void DumpStore(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC8 &aSt);
+LOCAL_C TBool StoresEqual(const TDesC8 &aSt0, const TDesC8 &aSt1);
+LOCAL_C TBool IsStoreValid(const TDesC8 &aSt);
+LOCAL_C void PrintCID(const TCID &aCID);
+LOCAL_C void ParseStore(const TDesC8 &aStore, CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *aMP);
+LOCAL_C void TestStaticStore();
+LOCAL_C void RemountMedia();
+LOCAL_C void AttemptToUnlock(TMediaPassword &aPWD, TBool aStore = EFalse);
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock();
+LOCAL_C void TestElidePasswords();
+LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords();
+LOCAL_C void TestControllerStore();
+LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk();
+LOCAL_C void TestAutoUnlock();
+LOCAL_C void RunTests();
+// Test data
+LOCAL_C void AllocateCIDs()
+// Allocates a set of static global media identifiers on the heap.
+// The identifiers are all exactly 128 bits.
+// Because the test uses only one card, CIDs 1 through 3 can be arbitrary
+// (they are just used to construct store data.)
+// Format is "CIDXccccccccccc#", where X is the ASCII digit for the index.
+// The CID is stored internally in big endian format.
+// TCID::At(TInt i) returns the i'th byte, i.e. cid >> (i * 8) & 0xff, which
+// is the opposite order to the way they are stored in the array.
+// CIDs are formed in the same way in pp_mmc.cpp, the WINS ASSP layer.
+// For actual card tests, CIDs[0] must correspond to the card's actual CID.
+ {
+#if 1
+ static TUint8 ht0[KMMCCIDLength] = // CID0
+ {
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31,
+ 0x36, 0x4d, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x20, 0x00, 0xb4, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x63, 0xd9
+ };
+ static TUint8 ht0[KMMCCIDLength] = // BPC2
+ {
+ 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x31,
+ 0x36, 0x4d, 0x20, 0x20,
+ 0x20, 0x00, 0x89, 0xff,
+ 0xff, 0xff, 0x63, 0xa7
+ };
+ test.Start(_L("AllocateCIDs"));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
+ {
+ TUint8 bf[KMMCCIDLength];
+ TUint j;
+ bf[0] = 'C';
+ bf[1] = 'I';
+ bf[2] = 'D';
+ bf[3] = TUint8('0' + i);
+ for (j = 4; j < KMMCCIDLength - 1; j++)
+ bf[j] = 'c';
+ bf[KMMCCIDLength - 1] = '#';
+ if (i == 0)
+ {
+ TUint cidIdx = 0;
+ TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);
+ if(TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ // V5 of TLocalDriveCapsV5 now contains a serial number
+ // which for MMC cards is defined to be the unique CID
+ if(driveCaps.iSerialNumLength == KMMCCIDLength)
+ {
+ for(cidIdx=0; cidIdx<KMMCCIDLength; cidIdx++)
+ {
+ bf[cidIdx] = driveCaps.iSerialNum[KMMCCIDLength-cidIdx-1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(cidIdx == KMMCCIDLength)
+ {
+ test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef __WINS__
+ test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);
+ test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(ht0)) != NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test((CIDs[i] = new TCID(bf)) != NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteCIDs()
+// Deletes static global media identifiers from the heap.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("DeleteCIDs"));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
+ delete CIDs[i];
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void AllocatePasswords()
+// Allocates a set of static global TMediaPassword objects on the heap.
+// The passwords range from zero to 16 bytes in length.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("AllocatePasswords"));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KPWDCnt; i++)
+ {
+ test((PWDs[i] = new TMediaPassword) != NULL);
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = 0; j < i * 2; j++)
+ PWDs[i]->Append(TChar('a' + i + j));
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DeletePasswords()
+// Deletes static global TMediaPassword objects from the heap.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("DeletePasswords"));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KPWDCnt; i++)
+ delete PWDs[i];
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void SetUpMapSizes()
+// Initializes static global mapSizes[,] with the persistent store mapping
+// sizes of each CID and password.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("SetUpMapSizes"));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
+ {
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = 0; j < KPWDCnt; j++)
+ mapSizes[i][j] = KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + PWDs[j]->Length();
+ }
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void AllocateTestData()
+// Allocates all test data objects on the heap.
+ {
+ AllocateCIDs();
+ AllocatePasswords();
+ SetUpMapSizes();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DeleteTestData()
+// Frees all test data objects on the heap.
+ {
+ DeletePasswords();
+ DeleteCIDs();
+ }
+// Test functions.
+LOCAL_C void TestStaticStore()
+// Tests the non card specific virtual functions in DPeriphBusController.
+// TInt ReadPasswordData(TDes8 &aBuf);
+// TInt WritePasswordData(const TDesC8 &aBuf);
+// TInt PasswordStoreLengthInBytes();
+// store is reset at start of DMMCController::WritePasswordData().
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestStore"));
+ // TBuf8<KMaxPersistentStore> is 4 + 4 + 256 bytes, so allocate on heap.
+ TPersistentStore *pwStore;
+ test((pwStore = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &wStore = *pwStore;
+ TPersistentStore *prStore;
+ test((prStore = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &rStore = *prStore;
+ // WritePasswordData()
+ test.Next(_L("WritePasswordData()"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);// empty
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[1], PWDs[1]); // exactly one entry
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == mapSizes[1][1]);
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[2], PWDs[2]); // exactly two entries
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == mapSizes[1][1] + mapSizes[2][2]);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < wStore.Length(); i++) // corrupt (partial)
+ {
+ wStore.SetLength(i);
+ TInt r(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore));
+ if (i == 0 || i == mapSizes[0][0] || i == mapSizes[0][0] + mapSizes[1][1])
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ else
+ test(r == KErrCorrupt && TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Exceeding password store size"));
+ wStore.Zero(); // empty password store
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ test.Printf(_L("Adding mappings...\n"));
+ const TMediaPassword password(_L8("abcdefghijklmnop")); //Need a max length password (KMaxMediaPassword)
+ for(TInt n=0; n<KCIDCnt; ++n)
+ {
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[n], &password);
+ test.Printf(_L("Mapping:%d store size: %d bytes\n"),n , wStore.Length() );
+ const TInt r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore);
+ test.Printf(_L("WritePasswordData() --> ret=%d\n"), r);
+ if(n==KMaxNumOfStoreEntries)
+ test(r == KErrOverflow);
+ else
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ }
+ // ReadPasswordData().
+ test.Next(_L("ReadPasswordData()"));
+ wStore.Zero(); // empty
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(rStore.Length() == 0);
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[1], PWDs[1]); // exactly one entry
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ rStore.SetLength(0); // lt store len
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(rStore.Length() == TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes());
+ // gt store len
+ rStore.SetLength(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() + 4);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == 0);
+ test(rStore.Length() == TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes());
+ TBuf8<2> srStore; // max lt store len
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(srStore) == KErrOverflow);
+ // Stress test high turnover with memory failure.
+ test.Next(_L("Memory test"));
+ TInt r; // error code
+ TInt m;
+ for (m = 1; m < 100; m++)
+ {
+ __KHEAP_SETFAIL(RHeap::EDeterministic, m);
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = 1; j < KCIDCnt - 1; j++)
+ {
+ TInt k;
+ for (k = 1; k < KPWDCnt - 1; k++)
+ {
+ wStore.Zero();
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[j], PWDs[k]);
+ AddMapping(wStore, CIDs[j + 1], PWDs[k + 1]);
+ if ((r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore)) != KErrNone)
+ {
+ test(r == KErrNoMemory);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(rStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(IsStoreValid(rStore) && StoresEqual(rStore, wStore));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // for (m = 1; m < 16; m++)
+ // Clear the store for subsequent tests.
+ wStore.Zero();
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(wStore) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ delete prStore;
+ delete pwStore;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void AddMapping(TDes8 &aSt, const TCID *aCID, const TMediaPassword *aPWD)
+// Adds aCID |-> aPWD mapping to persistent file's store contents.
+ {
+ aSt.SetLength(aSt.Length() + KMMCCIDLength);
+ aCID->Copy(&aSt[aSt.Length() - KMMCCIDLength]);
+ TUint8 lenBuf[sizeof(TInt32)]; // TInt32, big endian
+ TMMC::BigEndian4Bytes(lenBuf, TInt32(aPWD->Length()));
+ aSt.Append(&lenBuf[0], sizeof(TInt32));
+ aSt.Append(*aPWD);
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool IsStoreValid(const TDesC8 &aSt)
+// Checks the integrity of the supplied buffer.
+ {
+ TInt iBIdx; // buffer index
+ TBool corrupt(EFalse); // abort flag
+ for (iBIdx = 0; iBIdx < aSt.Length(); /* nop */)
+ {
+ // Enough raw data for CID, PWD_LEN and 1 byte of PWD.
+ corrupt = TUint(aSt.Length() - iBIdx) < KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + 1;
+ if (corrupt)
+ break;
+ // PWD_LEN is valid and enough raw data left for PWD.
+ iBIdx += KMMCCIDLength;
+ const TInt32 pwd_len(TMMC::BigEndian32(aSt.Mid(iBIdx).TDesC8::Ptr()));
+ corrupt = !(
+ (pwd_len <= KMaxMediaPassword)
+ && aSt.Length() - iBIdx >= TInt(sizeof(TInt32)) + pwd_len );
+ if (corrupt)
+ break;
+ // skip over PWD_LEN and PWD to next entry.
+ iBIdx += sizeof(TInt32) + pwd_len;
+ }
+ if (corrupt)
+ DumpStore(_L("invalid"), aSt);
+ return ! corrupt;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void PrintCID(const TCID &aCID)
+// Prints the 128 bit CID in big endian format.
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("CID: "));
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < TInt(KMMCCIDLength); i += 4)
+ {
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = i; j < i + 4; ++j)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("%02x: %02x "), j, aCID.At(KMMCCIDLength - j - 1));
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void ParseStore(const TDesC8 &aSt, CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *aMP)
+// Fills aMP with the mappings in aSt.
+ {
+ TInt iBIdx; // buffer index
+ TInt r(KErrNone); // exit code
+ for (iBIdx = 0; r == KErrNone && iBIdx < aSt.Length(); /* nop */)
+ {
+ // Calculate index for CID.
+ TPtrC8 pCID(aSt.Mid(iBIdx, KMMCCIDLength)); // CID
+ const TCID cid(pCID.Ptr());
+ TInt cidIdx;
+ for (cidIdx = 0; cidIdx < KCIDCnt && !(*(CIDs[cidIdx]) == cid); cidIdx++)
+ { /* empty. */ }
+ // If invalid CID then print CID with valid CIDs.
+ if (!(cidIdx < KCIDCnt))
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("ParseStore: invalid CID\n"));
+ PrintCID(cid);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < KCIDCnt; i++)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("ParseStore: valid CID %d\n"), i);
+ PrintCID(*CIDs[i]);
+ }
+ test(EFalse);
+ }
+ const TInt32 pwd_len(TMMC::BigEndian32(&aSt[iBIdx + KMMCCIDLength]));
+ // Calculate index for PWD.
+ TMediaPassword pwd;
+ pwd.Copy(&aSt[iBIdx + KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32)], pwd_len);
+ TInt pwdIdx;
+ for (pwdIdx = 0; pwdIdx < KPWDCnt && *PWDs[pwdIdx] != pwd; pwdIdx++)
+ { /* empty. */ }
+ test(pwdIdx < KPWDCnt);
+ TTestMapping mp;
+ mp.iCIDIdx = cidIdx;
+ mp.iPWDIdx = pwdIdx;
+ TRAP(r, aMP->InsertL(0, mp));
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ iBIdx += KMMCCIDLength + sizeof(TInt32) + pwd_len;
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void DumpStore(const TDesC &aName, const TDesC8 &aSt)
+// Prints the contents of the supplied store.
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("\nstore %S: len = %d\n"), &aName, aSt.Length());
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; i < aSt.Length(); i += 8)
+ {
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = i; j < Min(aSt.Length(), i + 8); j++)
+ test.Printf(_L("%02d: %03d : %02x : %c \n "), j, aSt[j], aSt[j], aSt[j]);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool StoresEqual(const TDesC8 &aSt0, const TDesC8 &aSt1)
+// Compares aSt1 with aSt2. Return value indicates whether or not the
+// stores contain exactly the same mappings, but not necessarily in the
+// same order.
+ {
+ TBool same(EFalse);
+ CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping> *ramp0, *ramp1;
+ test((ramp0 = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping>(2)) != NULL);
+ test((ramp1 = new(ELeave) CArrayFixSeg<TTestMapping>(2)) != NULL);
+ test(IsStoreValid(aSt0));
+ test(IsStoreValid(aSt1));
+ ParseStore(aSt0, ramp0);
+ ParseStore(aSt1, ramp1);
+ TArray<TTestMapping> a0(ramp0->Array());
+ TArray<TTestMapping> a1(ramp1->Array());
+ if (a0.Count() == a1.Count())
+ // if #a0 == #a1 and a0 <= a1 then a0 == a1.
+ {
+ TBool allInA1(ETrue);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = 0; allInA1 && i < a0.Count(); i++)
+ {
+ TBool found(EFalse);
+ TInt j;
+ for (j = 0; ! found && j < a0.Count(); j++)
+ {
+ found = (
+ a0[i].iCIDIdx == a1[j].iCIDIdx
+ && a0[i].iPWDIdx == a1[j].iPWDIdx );
+ }
+ allInA1 = found;
+ }
+ same = allInA1;
+ }
+ delete ramp1;
+ delete ramp0;
+ if (! same)
+ {
+ DumpStore(_L("0"), aSt0);
+ DumpStore(_L("1"), aSt1);
+ }
+ return same;
+ }
+LOCAL_C void RemountMedia()
+// Forces a media remount and waits for it to take effect. If the card has a
+// password, it will become locked the next time that it is powered up.
+ {
+//#ifdef __WINS__
+// TBLD.ForceMediaChange();
+// UserSvr::ForceRemountMedia(ERemovableMedia0);
+// User::After(1 * 1000 * 1000);
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card.."));
+ TInt r;
+ do
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
+ TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();
+ fs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, status, driveName);
+ test(status == KRequestPending);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ test.Printf(_L("\rAccessing card... \r"));
+ r = AccessDisk();
+ if (r == KErrNotReady)
+ test.Printf(_L("\rRemove and re-insert card.."));
+ if (r != KErrNone && r != KErrNotReady && r != KErrLocked)
+ test.Printf(_L("AccessDisk() returned %d"), r);
+ }
+ while (r == KErrNotReady);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ fs.Close();
+ // Power down the card so that it is locked the next time it is powered up.
+ test.Printf(_L("Remove and re-insert card. Press \'z\' when finished.\n"));
+ while (test.Getch() != 'z')
+ { /* empty. */ }
+ }
+LOCAL_C void AttemptToUnlock(TMediaPassword &aPWD, TBool aStore)
+// Tests that the card is locked and then tries to unlock it.
+ {
+ TInt r = AccessDisk();
+ if (r != KErrLocked)
+ test.Printf(_L("AccessDisk() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test(r == KErrLocked);
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(aPWD, aStore) == KErrNone);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestLockUnlock()
+// Tests TBusLocalDrive functions for locking / unlocking individual cards.
+// Lock() currently means set password only. The media must be remounted before it
+// can really be locked.
+// EPbPswdUnlock EPbPswdLock EPbPswdClear
+// right wrong right wrong right wrong
+// locked None AccDen AccDec AccDen AccDen AccDen
+// unlocked AldExst AldExst None AccDec None AccDen
+// Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestLockUnlock"));
+ TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
+ TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
+ TMediaPassword arb2(*PWDs[2]);
+ // Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ // Give the card an arbitrary password
+ test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ test.Next(_L("lock locked card"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock locked wrong
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock locked right
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked card"));
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // unlock locked wrong
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1);
+ test.Next(_L("unlock unlocked card"));
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(arb1, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists); // unlock unlocked right
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, EFalse) == KErrAlreadyExists); // unlock unlocked wrong
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked card"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, EFalse) == KErrAccessDenied); // lock unlocked wrong
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // lock unlocked right
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked card"));
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear unlocked wrong
+ //!!! If clear with wrong password, cannot clear with right password in same
+ // power session (H).
+ RemountMedia();
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // give test password
+ RemountMedia(); // make inaccessible
+ test.Next(_L("clear locked card"));
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear locked wrong
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrAccessDenied); // clear locked right
+ // Clear password for subsequent tests.
+ test.Next(_L("clear password"));
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.End();
+ }
+ * Because MultiMediaCards cannot distinguish where the current password ends
+ * and the new password begins, test the media driver can abort those operations
+ * that would end up giving the user unexpected passwords.
+ *
+ * The stores are directly compared with buffers because they only use one password
+ * and the passwords are not part of the standard test data.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void TestElidePasswords()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestElidePasswords"));
+ TMediaPassword a((const TUint8*) "a"); TMediaPassword bcxyz((const TUint8*) "bcxyz");
+ TMediaPassword ab((const TUint8*) "ab"); TMediaPassword cxyz((const TUint8*) "cxyz");
+ TMediaPassword abc((const TUint8*) "abc"); TMediaPassword xyz((const TUint8*) "xyz");
+ TPersistentStore* pstoreAB;
+ test((pstoreAB = new TPersistentStore) != 0);
+ TPersistentStore& storeAB = *pstoreAB;
+ AddMapping(storeAB, CIDs[0], &ab);
+ TPersistentStore* pstoreCXYZ;
+ test((pstoreCXYZ = new TPersistentStore) != 0);
+ TPersistentStore& storeCXYZ = *pstoreCXYZ;
+ AddMapping(storeCXYZ, CIDs[0], &cxyz);
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreRd; // scratch for reading
+ test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore& storeRd = *pstoreRd;
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nulSt, ab, ETrue) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(storeRd == storeAB);
+ test.Next(_L("current password too short"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(a, bcxyz, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(storeRd == storeAB);
+ test.Next(_L("current password too long"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(abc, xyz, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(storeRd == storeAB);
+ test.Next(_L("current password exactly right"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(ab, cxyz, ETrue) == KErrNone);
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(storeRd == storeCXYZ);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ test(TBLD.Clear(cxyz) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ delete pstoreRd;
+ delete pstoreCXYZ;
+ delete pstoreAB;
+ test.End();
+ }
+ * test the special cases where null passwords are used. These are all failed with
+ * KErrAccessDenied by the controller.
+ */
+LOCAL_C void TestNullPasswords()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestNullPasswords"));
+ TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
+ TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
+ test.Next(_L("card has no password"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, nul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(nul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(nul) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test.Next(_L("card has password and is unlocked"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, nul, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(nul, ETrue) == KErrAlreadyExists);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(nul) == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestControllerStore()
+// Performs standard password functions but stores the mappings in the controller store.
+// + mapping added to store (if not exists)
+// - mapping removed from store (if exists)
+// EPbPswdUnlock EPbPswdLock EPbPswdClear
+// right wrong right wrong right wrong
+// locked None1 AccDen- AccDec AccDen AccDen AccDen
+// unlocked AccDen AccDen None+ AccDec- None- AccDen-
+// Locked means inaccessible, not just has password.
+// When the user supplies a password, the mapping in the password store is not used.
+// 1. A locked card with the right mapping in the store cannot happen because of the
+// automatic unlocking mechanism.
+// Tests start with an unlocked card that has no password.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestControllerStore"));
+ test.Next(_L("allocate test data"));
+ TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
+ TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
+ TMediaPassword arb2(*PWDs[2]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreDef; // { 3 |-> 3 }
+ test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
+ AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstore0_1; // { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 1 }
+ test((pstore0_1 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &store0_1 = *pstore0_1;
+ AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[0], PWDs[1]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstore0_2; // { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 2 }
+ test((pstore0_2 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &store0_2 = *pstore0_2;
+ AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[0], PWDs[2]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreRd; // temp for reading
+ test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &storeRd = *pstoreRd;
+ // Give card arbitrary password but do not lock or store.
+ test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone);
+ // Lock
+ // Lock unlocked right out.
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked right out"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone); // + (0 |-> 1)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
+ // Lock unlocked right in (different to make sure store modified.)
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked right in"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb1, arb2, ETrue) == KErrNone); // - (0 |-> 1) + (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_2));
+ // Lock unlocked wrong out.
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked wrong out"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrNone); // restore to arb1
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied); // not add (0 |-> 1)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Lock unlocked wrong in.
+ test.Next(_L("lock unlocked wrong in"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(arb2, arb1, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied); // - (0 |-> 1)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
+ // Unlock
+ // Unlock locked right out.
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked right out"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // make inaccessible
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1, ETrue); // + (0 |-> 1)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
+ // Unlock locked right in - see note 1.
+ // Unlock locked wrong in.
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked wrong in"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // make inaccessible
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied); // - (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Unlock locked wrong out.
+ test.Next(_L("unlock locked wrong out"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // make inaccessible
+ test(TBLD.Unlock(arb2, ETrue) == KErrAccessDenied); // not add (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Clear
+ // Clear unlocked right out.
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked right out"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1); // make accessible
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone); // not add (0 |-> 1)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Clear unlocked right in.
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked right in"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // give password
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone); // - (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Clear unlocked wrong out.
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked wrong out"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // give password
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied); // not add (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Clear unlocked wrong in.
+ test.Next(_L("clear unlocked wrong in"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb2) == KErrAccessDenied); // - (0 |-> 2)
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
+ // Clear password for subsequent tests.
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("free test data"));
+ delete pstoreRd;
+ delete pstore0_2;
+ delete pstore0_1;
+ delete pstoreDef;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TInt AccessDisk()
+// Attempts to read the first sector of the removable media to determine whether
+// it is locked.
+ {
+ const TInt KSectSize = 512;
+ TBuf8<KSectSize> sect; // 8 + 512
+ return TBLD.Read(0, KSectSize, sect);
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestAutoUnlock()
+// Tests controller internal store unlocking mechanism.
+// A locked card should be transparently unlocked after the peripheral bus is
+// powered up.
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("TestAutoUnlock"));
+ test.Next(_L("allocate test data"));
+ TMediaPassword nul(*PWDs[0]);
+ TMediaPassword arb1(*PWDs[1]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreDef; // { 3 |-> 3 }
+ test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
+ AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstore0_1; // { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 1 }
+ test((pstore0_1 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &store0_1 = *pstore0_1;
+ AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ AddMapping(store0_1, CIDs[0], PWDs[1]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstore0_2; // { 3 |-> 3, 0 |-> 2 }
+ test((pstore0_2 = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &store0_2 = *pstore0_2;
+ AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[3], PWDs[3]);
+ AddMapping(store0_2, CIDs[0], PWDs[2]);
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreRd; // temp for reading
+ test((pstoreRd = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &storeRd = *pstoreRd;
+ test.Next(_L("assign password"));
+ test(TBLD.SetPassword(nul, arb1, EFalse) == KErrNone); // give password
+ // No mapping in store.
+ test.Next(_L("no mapping in store"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrLocked);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Right mapping in store.
+ test.Next(_L("right mapping in store"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_1) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, store0_1));
+ // Wrong mapping in store - mapping should be removed.
+ test.Next(_L("wrong mapping in store"));
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrLocked);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ // Redundant mapping in store.
+ test.Next(_L("redundant mapping in store"));
+ AttemptToUnlock(arb1);
+ test(TBLD.Clear(arb1) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(store0_2) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test(AccessDisk() == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.ReadPasswordData(storeRd) == KErrNone);
+ test(StoresEqual(storeRd, storeDef));
+ test.Next(_L("clean up for following tests"));
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("free test data"));
+ delete pstoreRd;
+ delete pstore0_2;
+ delete pstore0_1;
+ delete pstoreDef;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestPasswordFile()
+// Additional test added for INC066636
+// Tests that the MMC password file is created in the correct place on the disk
+// as defined by KMediaPWrdFile in f32fsys.h
+// The following test cases are checked:
+// o Card can be locked
+// o Cannot lock the card or change its password if the wrong password is
+// specified
+// o Password can be changed
+// o Password can be removed
+ {
+ const TInt KDriveNum = RFsDNum;
+ TInt error = KErrNone;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing password file"));
+ test.Next(_L("open connection"));
+ RFs theFs;
+ test(theFs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ // Now set the first password that we will use
+ test.Next(_L("lock the media card"));
+ TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
+ TMediaPassword& oldPWrd = *PWDs[1];
+ error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, nulPWrd, oldPWrd, ETrue);
+ test(KErrNone == error);
+ // Verify that the password file does exist and is in the correct place
+ test.Next(_L("check password file exists"));
+ TEntry theEntry;
+ TBuf<sizeof(KMediaPWrdFile)> mediaPWrdFile(KMediaPWrdFile);
+ mediaPWrdFile[0] = (TUint8) RFs::GetSystemDriveChar();
+ error = theFs.Entry(mediaPWrdFile, theEntry);
+ test (KErrNone == error);
+ // Attempt to set a new password without specifying the current one
+ test.Next(_L("change password failure"));
+ TMediaPassword& newPWrd = *PWDs[2];
+ error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, nulPWrd, newPWrd, ETrue);
+ test(KErrAccessDenied == error);
+ // Change the password for a new one...
+ test.Next(_L("change password success"));
+ error = theFs.LockDrive(KDriveNum, oldPWrd, newPWrd, ETrue);
+ test(KErrNone == error);
+ // Clear the password
+ test.Next(_L("clear the password"));
+ error = theFs.ClearPassword(KDriveNum, newPWrd);
+ test(KErrNone == error);
+ // Check that the password has been removed from the file
+ // (KMediaPWrdFile should now be zero bytes in size)
+ test.Next(_L("check password removal"));
+ error = theFs.Entry(mediaPWrdFile, theEntry);
+ test (KErrNone == error);
+ test (0 == theEntry.iSize);
+ // Remove the password file
+ test.Next(_L("tidy up"));
+ error = theFs.Delete(mediaPWrdFile);
+ test (KErrNone == error);
+ theFs.Close();
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestFormatErase()
+// Additional test added for DEF067976 - MR1: Force Erase of MMC lock UI until complete
+// Tests that a card can be locked & then force-erased using the new format switch
+// Test modified for INC073653 - RFormat::Open returns KErrNone, even if card is locked
+// RFormat:Open now returns KErrLocked if media is locked (previously this wasn't returned
+// until calling RFormat::Next
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing force erase"));
+ test.Next(_L("open connection"));
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ // Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
+ TBuf8<1> nulSt;
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulSt) == KErrNone);// empty
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card"));
+ // Now set the first password that we will use
+ TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
+ TMediaPassword& oldPWrd = *PWDs[1];
+ r = fs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, nulPWrd, oldPWrd, EFalse);
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ test.Printf(_L("RFs::LockDrive() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ RFormat fmt;
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> stepPkg;
+ TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
+ TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();
+ test.Next(_L("format locked card"));
+ r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity, stepPkg());
+ if (r != KErrLocked)
+ test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Next() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test(r == KErrLocked);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ fmt.Close();
+ _LIT(KLitStars,"********************");
+ test.Next(_L("force erase locked card"));
+ r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity | EForceErase, stepPkg());
+ if (r != KErrNone)
+ test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Open() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ while (stepPkg() > 0)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ fmt.Next(stepPkg, status);
+ test (status == KRequestPending || status == KErrNone);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ TInt length=(100-stepPkg())/5;
+ length=Min(length,20);
+ TPtrC stars=KLitStars().Left(length);
+ test.Printf(_L("\r%S"),&stars);
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ fmt.Close();
+ fs.Close();
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestWriteToPasswordStoreUnlocksCard()
+// Additional test added for INC096612 - Writing to password store should unlock the card
+// Tests that a card can be auto-unlocked just by writing to the password store (as this is what
+// estart does)
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing writing to password store unlocks the card"));
+ test.Next(_L("open connection"));
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ // Clear the password store for when function run on its own.
+ TMediaPassword& nulPWrd = *PWDs[0];
+ TMediaPassword testPassword((const TUint8*) "xyz");
+ test(TBLD.WritePasswordData(nulPWrd) == KErrNone);// empty
+ test(TBLD.PasswordStoreLengthInBytes() == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("lock card"));
+ test.Next(_L("assign test password"));
+ r = TBLD.SetPassword(nulPWrd, testPassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia(); // card is now locked
+ // test Caps() reports that card is locked
+ test.Next(_L("test card is locked"));
+ TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) != 0);
+ // Write correct password to store
+ test.Next(_L("write correct password to store"));
+ TPersistentStore *pstoreDef;
+ test((pstoreDef = new TPersistentStore) != NULL);
+ TPersistentStore &storeDef = *pstoreDef;
+ AddMapping(storeDef, CIDs[0], &testPassword);
+ r = TBLD.WritePasswordData(storeDef);
+ test.Printf(_L("WritePasswordData() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ // test Caps() reports that card is unlocked
+ test.Next(_L("test card is unlocked"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ // Clear the password, remount and test card is unlocked
+ test.Next(_L("clear password, remount & test card is unlocked"));
+ test.Next(_L("clear the password"));
+ test(TBLD.Clear(testPassword) == KErrNone);
+ RemountMedia();
+ test.Next(_L("test card is unlocked"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("Caps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ delete pstoreDef;
+ pstoreDef = NULL;
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool SetupDrivesForPlatform(TInt& aDrive, TInt &aRFsDriveNum)
+ * Finds a suitable drive for the password store test
+ *
+ * @param aDrive The number of the local drive to test
+ * @return TBool ETrue if a suitable drive is found, EFalse otherwise.
+ */
+ {
+ TDriveInfoV1Buf diBuf;
+ UserHal::DriveInfo(diBuf);
+ TDriveInfoV1 &di=diBuf();
+ test.Printf(_L(" iRegisteredDriveBitmask 0x%08X"), di.iRegisteredDriveBitmask);
+ aDrive = -1;
+ TLocalDriveCapsV5Buf capsBuf;
+ TBusLocalDrive TBLD;
+ TLocalDriveCapsV5& caps = capsBuf();
+ TPtrC8 localSerialNum;
+ TInt registeredDriveNum = 0;
+ for(aDrive=0; aDrive < KMaxLocalDrives; aDrive++)
+ {
+ TInt driveNumberMask = 1 << aDrive;
+ if ((di.iRegisteredDriveBitmask & driveNumberMask) == 0)
+ continue;
+ test.Printf(_L(" Drive %d - %S\r\n"), aDrive, &di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum]);
+ // check that the card is readable (so we can ignore for empty card slots)
+ if ((di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum].MatchF(_L("MultiMediaCard0")) == KErrNone) ||
+ (di.iDriveName[registeredDriveNum].MatchF(_L("SDIOCard0")) == KErrNone))
+ {
+ TBool TBLDChangedFlag;
+ TInt r = TBLD.Connect(aDrive, TBLDChangedFlag);
+//test.Printf(_L(" Connect returned %d\n"), r);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = TBLD.Caps(capsBuf);
+ localSerialNum.Set(caps.iSerialNum, caps.iSerialNumLength);
+ const TInt KSectSize = 512;
+ TBuf8<KSectSize> sect;
+ r = TBLD.Read(0, KSectSize, sect);
+//test.Printf(_L(" Read returned %d\n"), r);
+ TBLD.Disconnect();
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ registeredDriveNum++;
+ }
+ if(aDrive == KMaxLocalDrives)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L(" MMC Drive Not Found\r\n"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ // Work out the file server drive number (which isn't necessarily the same
+ // as the TBusLocalDrive drive number)
+ RFs theFs;
+ test(theFs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ TInt i;
+ for (i = EDriveA; i < EDriveZ; i++)
+ {
+ TMediaSerialNumber serialNum;
+ TInt r = theFs.GetMediaSerialNumber(serialNum, i);
+ TInt len = serialNum.Length();
+ TInt n;
+ for (n=0; n<len; n+=16)
+ {
+ TBuf16<16*3 +1> buf;
+ for (TInt m=n; m<n+16; m++)
+ {
+ TBuf16<3> hexBuf;
+ hexBuf.Format(_L("%02X "),serialNum[m]);
+ buf.Append(hexBuf);
+ }
+ buf.Append(_L("\n"));
+ test.Printf(buf);
+ }
+ if (serialNum.Compare(localSerialNum) == 0)
+ {
+ TVolumeInfo vi;
+ r = theFs.Volume(vi, i);
+ TBool sizeMatch = (vi.iSize < caps.iSize);
+ if (sizeMatch)
+ {
+ aRFsDriveNum = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i == EDriveZ)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L(" RFs MMC Drive Not Found\r\n"));
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ theFs.Close();
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TInt TestLockCard(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword &aOldPassword, TMediaPassword& aNewPassword, TBool aStore)
+ {
+ TMediaPassword newPassWord;
+ TMediaPassword oldPassWord;
+ TInt err=0;
+ TDriveInfo dInfo;
+ aFs.Drive(dInfo, RFsDNum);
+ newPassWord.Append(aNewPassword);
+ oldPassWord.Append(aOldPassword);
+ test (dInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLockable);
+ err=aFs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, oldPassWord, newPassWord, aStore );
+ aFs.Drive(dInfo, aTheMemoryCardDrive);
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt TestUnlockCard(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword& aPassword, TBool aStore)
+ {
+ TMediaPassword oldPw;
+ oldPw.Append(aPassword);
+ TInt err = aFs.UnlockDrive( aTheMemoryCardDrive, oldPw, aStore);
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt TestClearPassword(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive, TMediaPassword& aPassword)
+ {
+ TMediaPassword oldPwd = aPassword;
+ TInt err = aFs.ClearPassword( aTheMemoryCardDrive, oldPwd );
+ return err;
+ }
+TInt ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
+ {
+ TInt err = aFs.ErasePassword( aTheMemoryCardDrive );
+ return err;
+ }
+TBool TestLocked(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
+ {
+ TDriveInfo info;
+ TInt r = aFs.Drive(info, aTheMemoryCardDrive);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ return (info.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked)?(TBool)ETrue:(TBool)EFalse;
+ }
+void WaitForPowerDownLock(RFs& aFs, TInt aTheMemoryCardDrive)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Waiting for stack to power down...\n"));
+ TInt n;
+ for (n=0; n<30 && !TestLocked(aFs, aTheMemoryCardDrive); n++)
+ {
+ User::After(1000000);
+ }
+ test(n < 30);
+ test(TestLocked(aFs, aTheMemoryCardDrive)); // should now be locked
+ }
+void WaitForPowerDownUnlock(RFs& /*aFs*/, TInt /*aTheMemoryCardDrive*/)
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Allow some time for stack to power down"));
+ for (TUint i=0; i < 80; ++i)
+ {
+ User::After(100000);
+ test.Printf(_L("."));
+ }
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ }
+The MMC Media drivers do not power up the MMC Stack to retrieve card status,
+the following tests ensure that the 'lock status' is correctly returned after a
+stack power down.
+LOCAL_C void TestPowerDownStatus()
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ TLocalDriveCapsV5 driveCaps;
+ TPckg<TLocalDriveCapsV5> driveCapsPkg(driveCaps);
+ TMediaPassword password = (TUint8*) "salasana";
+ TMediaPassword oldpassword;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing Power Down Status Reporting"));
+ test.Next(_L("Open Connection"));
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+// Lock card (with password stored)
+ test.Next(_L("Locking Card - Password Stored"));
+ test.Next(_L("Locking card (Successful)")) ;
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, password, ETrue);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - before PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ WaitForPowerDownUnlock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test.Next(_L("Check card reports unlocked - after PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("Clear password (Successful)"));
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, password);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+// Lock card (without password in store)
+ test.Next(_L("Locking card - Password NOT Stored"));
+ test.Next(_L("Locking card (Successful)"));
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, password, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("Card is reports Unlocked - before PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test.Next(_L("Card reports Locked - after PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) != 0);
+// Unlock card
+ test.Next(_L("Unlock 'locked' Card - Password Stored"));
+ test.Next(_L("Unlocking card (Successful)")) ;
+ r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, password, ETrue);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test (!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - before PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ WaitForPowerDownUnlock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test.Next(_L("Card reports unlocked - after PowerDown"));
+ r = TBLD.Caps(driveCapsPkg);
+ test.Printf(_L("\tCaps() returned %d , iMediaAtt %08x\n"), r, driveCaps.iMediaAtt);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ test ((driveCaps.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked) == 0);
+ test.Next(_L("Clearing Password (Successful)"));
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, password);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ fs.Close();
+ test.End();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void TestFsLockUnlock()
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ test.Start(_L("Testing RFs APIs"));
+ test.Next(_L("open connection"));
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("test locking card"));
+ TMediaPassword oldpassword;
+ TMediaPassword newpassword = (TUint8*) "salasana";
+ TMediaPassword wrongpwd = (TUint8*) "failtest";
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails if still powered up"));
+ r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrAlreadyExists); // already unlocked (as stack won't have powered down yet)
+ test (!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
+ test.Next(_L("test clearing succeeds if still powered up"));
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
+ test.Next(_L("test locking card again"));
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ // DEF111681: CheckDisk is returning bad error code when run on locked SD card
+ // RFs::CheckDisk() should return KErrNone or KErrLocked (not KErrCorrupt) if the card is locked and the
+ // stack powers down
+ // NB For FAT16 cards, the FAT will be entirely cached so CheckDisk will not actually access the media
+ // so KErrNone will be returned. For FAT32 cards, KErrLocked will be returned.
+ test.Next(_L("test CheckDisk() returns KErrLocked if the card is locked and the stack powered down"));
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ TFileName sessionPath;
+ sessionPath=_L("?:\\");
+ TChar driveLetter;
+ r = fs.DriveToChar(RFsDNum,driveLetter);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ sessionPath[0]=(TText)driveLetter;
+ r = fs.CheckDisk(sessionPath);
+ test(r == KErrNone || r == KErrLocked);
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ // DEF111700: Formatting a locked SD/MMC leaves it in a bad state (causes panics later)
+ // This was caused by format calling TDrive::MountMedia(ETrue) and then not dismounting
+ r = fs.RemountDrive(RFsDNum);
+ test (r == KErrNone);
+ RFormat fmt;
+ TPckgBuf<TInt> stepPkg;
+ TDriveUnit driveUnit(RFsDNum);
+ TDriveName driveName = driveUnit.Name();
+ test.Next(_L("format locked card"));
+ r = fmt.Open(fs, driveName, EHighDensity, stepPkg());
+ if (r != KErrLocked)
+ test.Printf(_L("RFormat::Next() returned %d\n"), r);
+ test(r == KErrLocked);
+ test.Printf(_L("\n"));
+ fmt.Close();
+ r = fs.CheckDisk(sessionPath);
+ test(r == KErrLocked);
+ test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails after powered down & unlocked with wrong password"));
+ r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrAccessDenied); // unlocked should now fail
+ test.Next(_L("test unlocking succeeds for correct password after powered down & locked"));
+ r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone); // unlocked should now succeed
+ test.Next(_L("test unlocking fails after successful unlock"));
+ r = TestUnlockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrAlreadyExists); // unlocked should now succeed
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("test locking card with new password (with wrong password as old password)"));
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("test locking card with new password (with right password as old password)"));
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword, wrongpwd, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test.Next(_L("test clearing fails with wrong password if powered down & locked"));
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newpassword); // Note: we have set the wrong password as the new password
+ test(r == KErrAccessDenied);
+ test(TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
+ test.Next(_L("test clearing succeeds with right password if powered down & locked"));
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, wrongpwd);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
+ test.Next(_L("test locking card again"));
+ r = TestLockCard(fs, RFsDNum, oldpassword, newpassword, EFalse);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum)); // not locked yet as stack hasn't powered down
+ test.Next(_L("test forced erase fails if still powered up"));
+ r = ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test(r == KErrAccessDenied); // fails because card is not yet locked
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test.Next(_L("test forced erase succeeds if powered down & locked"));
+ r = ExecuteForcedEraseTestL(fs, RFsDNum);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ fs.Close();
+ test.End();
+ }
+PDEF104639: Phone automatically reboots when inserting memory card with password.
+Testing that TheFs.UnlockDrive() results in a notification - and doesn't crash the file server (!)
+void TestUnlockDriveNotifyChange()
+ {
+ RFs fs;
+ test(fs.Connect() == KErrNone);
+ TFileName sessionPath;
+ sessionPath=_L("?:\\");
+ TChar driveLetter;
+ TInt r=fs.DriveToChar(RFsDNum,driveLetter);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ sessionPath[0]=(TText)driveLetter;
+ r=fs.SetSessionPath(sessionPath);
+ test(r==KErrNone);
+ TInt nRes;
+ TDriveInfo dInfo;
+ nRes = fs.Drive(dInfo, RFsDNum);
+ test(nRes == KErrNone);
+ if (!(dInfo.iMediaAtt & KMediaAttLockable))
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("Drive %d is not lockable %d\n"), RFsDNum);
+ fs.Close();
+ return;
+ }
+ // attempt to lock the drive
+ TMediaPassword oldPassword;
+ TMediaPassword newPassword = (TUint8*) "salasana";
+ nRes = fs.LockDrive(RFsDNum, oldPassword, newPassword, EFalse );
+ test(nRes == KErrNone);
+ WaitForPowerDownLock(fs, RFsDNum);
+ TRequestStatus reqStatNotify1(KRequestPending);
+ //-- set up notifier
+ fs.NotifyChange(ENotifyAll, reqStatNotify1, sessionPath);
+ test(reqStatNotify1.Int() == KRequestPending);
+ //-- unlock the drive
+ nRes = fs.UnlockDrive(RFsDNum, newPassword, EFalse);
+ test.Printf(_L("UnlockDrive() %d reqStatNotify1 %d\n"), nRes, reqStatNotify1.Int());
+ //-- check that the notifier worked
+ User::WaitForRequest(reqStatNotify1);
+ test(reqStatNotify1.Int() == KErrNone);
+ r = TestClearPassword(fs, RFsDNum, newPassword);
+ test(r == KErrNone);
+ test(!TestLocked(fs, RFsDNum));
+ fs.Close();
+ }
+LOCAL_C void RunTests()
+// Main test routine. Calls other test functions.
+ {
+ if(TBLDNum == -1)
+ {
+ if(!SetupDrivesForPlatform(TBLDNum, RFsDNum))
+ {
+ test.Printf(_L("MMC Drive Not Found - Skipping test\r\n"));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ test.Next(_L("Connecting TBLD"));
+ test(TBLD.Connect(TBLDNum, TBLDChangedFlag) == KErrNone);
+ test.Next(_L("Allocating test data"));
+ AllocateTestData();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing locking / unlocking using file server APIs"));
+ TestFsLockUnlock();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing Power Down Status Reporting using file server APIs"));
+ TestPowerDownStatus();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing RFs::NotifyChange() with RFs::UnlockDrive()"));
+ TestUnlockDriveNotifyChange();
+ test.Next(_L("Forced Erase"));
+ TestFormatErase();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing store management"));
+ TestStaticStore();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing locking functions"));
+ TestLockUnlock();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing Elide Passwords"));
+ TestElidePasswords();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing Null Passwords"));
+ TestNullPasswords();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing controller store"));
+ TestControllerStore();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing auto unlock"));
+ TestAutoUnlock();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing password file"));
+ TestPasswordFile();
+ test.Next(_L("Testing writing a valid password to store unlocks card"));
+ TestWriteToPasswordStoreUnlocksCard();
+ test.Next(_L("Disconnecting TBLD"));
+ TBLD.Disconnect();
+ test.Next(_L("Deleting test data"));
+ DeleteTestData();
+ }
+TInt E32Main()
+ {
+ test.Title();
+ test.Start(_L("E32Main"));
+ RunTests();
+ test.End();
+ test.Close();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }