--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfile/sf_fmt.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32\sfile\sf_fmt.cpp
+#include "sf_std.h"
+LOCAL_C CFormatCB* GetFormatFromHandle(TInt aHandle,CSessionFs* aSession)
+// Get the format control block from aHandle
+ {
+ return((CFormatCB*)(SessionObjectFromHandle(aHandle,Formats->UniqueID(),aSession)));
+ }
+Default constructor.
+EXPORT_C CFormatCB::CFormatCB()
+ {
+ }
+ Destructor.
+ Frees resources before destruction of the object.
+EXPORT_C CFormatCB::~CFormatCB()
+ {
+ if (iMount)
+ {
+ RemoveDiskAccess(*iMount);
+ iMount->Drive().SetChanged(ETrue);
+ iMount->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ Checks that the disk media is still mounted.
+ @return KErrNone if the media is still mounted; KErrDisMounted otherwise.
+EXPORT_C TInt CFormatCB::CheckMount()
+ {
+ TDrive& d=Drive();
+ TInt r=d.CheckMount();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return(r);
+ if (&Mount()!=&d.CurrentMount())
+ return(KErrDisMounted);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+void CFormatCB::InitL(TDrive* aDrive,TFormatMode aMode)
+ {
+ DoInitL(aDrive->DriveNumber());
+ iDrive=aDrive;
+ iMount=&iDrive->CurrentMount();
+ iMode=aMode;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMount->Open());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt CFormatCB::GetInterface(TInt /*aInterfaceId*/,TAny*& /*aInterface*/,TAny* /*aInput*/)
+ {
+ return(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ set volume formatting parameters, which are provided in TLDFormatInfo structure
+ @param apLDFormatInfo pointer to the parameters structure. If NULL, iSpecialInfo will be initialised
+void CFormatCB::SetFormatParameters(const TLDFormatInfo* apLDFormatInfo)
+ {
+ TLDFormatInfo& fmtInfo = iSpecialInfo();
+ if(!apLDFormatInfo)
+ {//-- special meaning; invalidate iSpecialInfo by setting its package size as 0
+ iSpecialInfo.SetLength(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Mem::Copy(&fmtInfo, apLDFormatInfo, sizeof(TLDFormatInfo));
+ }
+ }
+/** set volume formatting parameters, which are provided in TVolFormatParam structure */
+TInt CFormatCB::SetFormatParameters(const TVolFormatParam* apVolFormatParam)
+ {
+ ASSERT(apVolFormatParam);
+ TAny* dummy;
+ //-- push parameters to the particular implementation of the CFormatCB. Default behaviour: KErrNotSupported
+ return GetInterface(ESetFmtParameters, dummy, (TAny*)apVolFormatParam);
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ Debug helper method. Dumps names of opened files and directories on this drive
+ define DUMP_OPENED_OBJECTS to have it called
+static void DumpOpenedObjects(TDrive& aDrive)
+ {
+ {//-- 1. files
+ const TInt nFiles = Files->Count();
+ for(TInt i=0; i<nFiles; ++i)
+ {
+ CFileCB* pFile=(CFileCB*)(*Files)[i];
+ if(pFile->Drive().DriveNumber() == aDrive.DriveNumber())
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("FsFormatOpen() opened file:'%S'"), &pFile->FileName());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {//-- 2. directories; CDirCB doesn't have associated name.
+ const TInt nDirs = Dirs->Count();
+ TInt cntDirs = 0;
+ for(TInt i=0; i<nDirs; ++i)
+ {
+ CDirCB* pDir = (CDirCB*)(*Dirs)[i];
+ if(pDir->Drive().DriveNumber() == aDrive.DriveNumber())
+ {
+ ++cntDirs;
+ }
+ }
+ if(cntDirs)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("FsFormatOpen() opened directories:%d"), cntDirs);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Open a drive for formatting.
+TInt FsFormatOpen(CFsRequest* aRequest)
+ {
+ TDrive& drive = *aRequest->Drive();
+ __PRINT1(_L("FsFormatOpen() drv:%d"), drive.DriveNumber());
+ TInt nMountRes = drive.CheckMount();
+ //-- KErrNotReady means that there is no file system mounted on this drive
+ //-- KErrInUse means that there are some "disk access" objects, like RFormat or RRawDisk opened on the mount.
+ if(nMountRes == KErrNotReady || nMountRes == KErrInUse)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("FsFormatOpen() ChkMount:%d"), nMountRes);
+ return nMountRes;
+ }
+ const TFormatMode fmtMode = (TFormatMode)aRequest->Message().Int1();
+ TName buf;
+ TUint32 currFsNameHash = 0; //-- current file system name hash, 0 means "not set"; used during forced FS dismounting
+ if((nMountRes == KErrNone) && drive.CurrentMount().LockStatus() < 0)
+ {//-- the mount is locked, it has normal objects (files, directories) opened on it.
+ //-- if someone is interested in the list of opened files and number of opened directories, compile this code in.
+ DumpOpenedObjects(drive);
+ if(!(fmtMode & EForceFormat))
+ {
+ __PRINT(_L("FsFormatOpen() The mount is in use"));
+ return KErrInUse;
+ }
+ //-- there is a special flag that tells to force media dismounting even if it has files or dirs opened.
+ __PRINT(_L("FsFormatOpen() The mount is in use, forcing dismounting!"));
+ //-- record currently mounted FS name hash, it may be used after forced dismounting
+ drive.CurrentMount().FileSystemName(buf); //-- the iCurrentMount is alive
+ currFsNameHash = TVolFormatParam::CalcFSNameHash(buf);
+ //-- kill the current mount
+ FsThreadManager::LockDrive(drive.DriveNumber());
+ TInt nRes = drive.ForceUnmountFileSystemForFormatting();
+ FsThreadManager::UnlockDrive(drive.DriveNumber());
+ switch(nRes)
+ {
+ case KErrInUse:
+ __PRINT(_L("FsFormatOpen() The mount has clamps! Can't force dismount"));
+ return KErrInUse; //-- there are clamps on this drive - can't dismount
+ case KErrNone:
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0); //-- unexpected error code
+ return nRes;
+ };
+ if(fmtMode & EQuickFormat)
+ {//-- quick format may require the normally mounted FS, make the best effrot to mount it
+ nMountRes = drive.CheckMount();
+ }
+ else
+ {//-- this will make the FS mounted by force; for full format it will be quicker
+ nMountRes = KErrCorrupt;
+ }
+ }
+ //-- if True, we will need mount (probably specific) file system by force because normal mounting has failed
+ TBool bNeedForceMount = (nMountRes != KErrNone);
+ //-- find out if we have optional data structure that describes format parameter
+ TUint32 newFsNameHash = 0; //-- file system name hash, may be used for selecting which file system to put onto the volume. 0 means "not specified"
+ const TLDFormatInfo* pLDFormatInfo = NULL;
+ const TVolFormatParam* pVolFormatParam = NULL;
+ __ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(TVolFormatParam) >= sizeof(TLDFormatInfo));
+ TBuf8<sizeof(TVolFormatParam)> paramBuf;
+ if(fmtMode & ESpecialFormat)
+ {
+ //-- the user has provided format parameters structure.
+ //-- IPC argument #2 contains a structure: <TUint32>[optional package descriptor]
+ //-- where 1st mandatory TUint32 is a pointer to format counter and the optional additional package is a data structure passed to the filesystem by the client of RFormat
+ const TInt desLen = aRequest->GetDesLength(KMsgPtr2);
+ ASSERT((TUint32)desLen >= sizeof(TUint32));
+ const TInt dataPckgLen = desLen - sizeof(TUint32);
+ if((TUint32)dataPckgLen > sizeof(TUint32))
+ {
+ aRequest->ReadL(KMsgPtr2, paramBuf);
+ }
+ if(dataPckgLen == sizeof(TLDFormatInfo))
+ {//-- the user has provided formatting parameters via TLDFormatInfo structure.
+ pLDFormatInfo = (const TLDFormatInfo*)(paramBuf.Ptr() + sizeof(TUint32));
+ }
+ else if(dataPckgLen == sizeof(TVolFormatParam))
+ {//-- it's likely to be TVolFormatParam, need to check UId to be sure.
+ pVolFormatParam = (const TVolFormatParam*)(const TVolFormatParam*)(paramBuf.Ptr() + sizeof(TUint32));
+ if(pVolFormatParam->iUId == TVolFormatParam::KUId) //-- check the class UID
+ {//-- this is the real TVolFormatParam object passed
+ newFsNameHash = pVolFormatParam->FSNameHash();
+ }
+ }
+ else if(dataPckgLen >0)
+ {//-- parameters data structure has strange length
+ return KErrArgument;
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------
+ if(!newFsNameHash && currFsNameHash)
+ {//-- new file system name isn't specified (default formatting), but the volume had been forcedly dismounted.
+ //-- restore the original file system
+ newFsNameHash = currFsNameHash;
+ }
+ if(newFsNameHash)
+ {//-- check if the specified FS is already mounted on the volume
+ if(!bNeedForceMount)
+ {
+ drive.CurrentMount().FileSystemName(buf); //-- the iCurrentMount is alive
+ }
+ else
+ { //-- the iCurrentMount can be NULL, use the iFsys - the real file system associated with this drive
+ buf = drive.GetFSys()->Name();
+ }
+ const TUint32 currFSNameHash = TVolFormatParam::CalcFSNameHash(buf);
+ if(currFSNameHash == newFsNameHash)
+ {//-- no need to do anything, the required FS is already mounted
+ newFsNameHash = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(newFsNameHash)
+ {
+ //-- the user has specified some filesystem to be mounted on the volume. Check if this FS is supported at all.
+ //-- if it is supported, but some other FS is currently mounted, it will be dismounted and the new one will be forced.
+ TInt nRes;
+ for(TInt cntFS=0; ;++cntFS)
+ {
+ nRes = drive.FSys().GetSupportedFileSystemName(cntFS, buf); //-- enumerate possible child file systems
+ if(nRes != KErrNone)
+ return KErrNotSupported; //-- the filesystem with the given name (fsNameHash) is not supported.
+ if(newFsNameHash == TVolFormatParam::CalcFSNameHash(buf))
+ {//-- the filesystem with the given name (fsNameHash) is supported, but some other filesystem can be already mounted
+ drive.Dismount();
+ bNeedForceMount = ETrue; //-- this will force the desired FS to be mounted
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }//if(fsNameHash)
+ //-- try force mounting the desired file system if it is required
+ if(bNeedForceMount)
+ {
+ const TInt KMaxRetries = 3;
+ for(TInt cnt=0; ; ++cnt)
+ {
+ drive.MountFileSystem(ETrue, newFsNameHash);
+ nMountRes = drive.GetReason();
+ if(nMountRes == KErrNone || nMountRes == KErrLocked)
+ break;
+ drive.Dismount(); //-- will reset mount retries counter
+ if(cnt >= KMaxRetries)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("FsFormatOpen() can't mount FS! res:%d"), nMountRes);
+ return nMountRes;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ASSERT(nMountRes == KErrNone || nMountRes == KErrLocked);
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(drive.CurrentMount().LockStatus()==0, Fault(ESvrFormatOpenFailed));
+ TDriveInfo dInfo;
+ drive.DriveInfo(dInfo);
+ const TInt mediaAtt = dInfo.iMediaAtt;
+#if defined(_LOCKABLE_MEDIA)
+ if (!(fmtMode & EForceErase) && (mediaAtt & KMediaAttLocked))
+ {
+ // if attempting to format a locked drive, dismount otherwise subsequent
+ // requests will operate on a mount that has been forcibly mounted (a few lines above)
+ CMountCB* pM = &drive.CurrentMount();
+ if(pM)
+ pM->Close();
+ drive.MountFileSystem(EFalse); // clear iCurrentMount
+ return KErrLocked;
+ }
+ if (!(mediaAtt & KMediaAttFormattable) || (mediaAtt & KMediaAttWriteProtected))
+ {
+ CMountCB* pM = &drive.CurrentMount();
+ if(pM)
+ pM->Close();
+ drive.MountFileSystem(EFalse);
+ return KErrAccessDenied;
+ }
+ //-- instantinate and open CFormatCB object for this drive
+ CFormatCB* formatCB=NULL;
+ TInt fmtHandle;
+ TRAPD(ret, formatCB = drive.FormatOpenL(aRequest, fmtHandle, fmtMode, pLDFormatInfo, pVolFormatParam ));
+ if (ret!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ if(formatCB)
+ formatCB->Close();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ TPtrC8 pH((TUint8*)&fmtHandle,sizeof(TInt));
+ aRequest->WriteL(KMsgPtr3,pH);
+ TInt count=100;
+ TPtrC8 pCount((TUint8*)&count,sizeof(TInt));
+ aRequest->WriteL(KMsgPtr2,pCount);
+ aRequest->Session()->IncResourceCount();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt TFsFormatOpen::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
+// Open a drive for formatting.
+ {
+ // Can not format if any files are clamped
+ TInt r=FsFormatOpen(aRequest);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt TFsFormatOpen::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
+ {
+ TInt r;
+ if (!KCapFsFormatOpen.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Format Open")))
+ return KErrPermissionDenied;
+ r=ParseNoWildSubstPtr0(aRequest,aRequest->Src());
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return(r);
+ if (aRequest->Src().NameOrExtPresent())
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ if (aRequest->SubstedDrive())
+ return(KErrAccessDenied);
+ return(r);
+ }
+TInt TFsFormatNext::DoRequestL(CFsRequest* aRequest)
+// Format the next part of the media.
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("TFsFormatNext::DoRequestL() drv:%d"), aRequest->DriveNumber());
+ CFormatCB* format=(CFormatCB*)aRequest->ScratchValue();
+ TInt r=format->CheckMount();
+ if (r!=KErrNone && r!=KErrInUse)
+ {
+ __PRINT1(_L("TFsFormatNext::DoRequestL() err:%d"), r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ TPtr8 pStep((TUint8*)&format->CurrentStep(),sizeof(TInt));
+ aRequest->ReadL(KMsgPtr0,pStep);
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleFileSys::ECFormatCBDoFormatStepL, EF32TraceUidFileSys, format);
+ TRAP(r,format->DoFormatStepL());
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleFileSys::ECFormatCBDoFormatStepLRet, EF32TraceUidFileSys, r, format->CurrentStep());
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ aRequest->WriteL(KMsgPtr0,pStep);
+ if (r==KErrNone && format->CurrentStep()==0)
+ {
+ FsNotify::DiskChange(aRequest->DriveNumber());
+ }
+ return(r);
+ }
+TInt TFsFormatNext::Initialise(CFsRequest* aRequest)
+ {
+ if (!KCapFsFormatNext.CheckPolicy(aRequest->Message(), __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Format Next")))
+ return KErrPermissionDenied;
+ CFormatCB* format;
+ format=GetFormatFromHandle(aRequest->Message().Int3(), aRequest->Session());
+ if(!format)
+ return(KErrBadHandle);
+ aRequest->SetDrive(&format->Drive());
+ aRequest->SetScratchValue((TUint)format);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }