--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_cli.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3846 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32\sfsrv\cl_cli.cpp
+#include "cl_std.h"
+#include <f32fsys.h>
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::IsValidDrive(TInt aDrive)
+Tests whether the specified drive number is valid.
+A valid drive number is any number between 0 and (KMaxDrives-1) inclusive,
+or the specific value KDefaultDrive (implying the session default drive).
+@param aDrive The drive number.
+@return True if the drive is valid; false if not.
+@see TDriveNumber
+ {
+ return((aDrive>=0 && aDrive<KMaxDrives) || aDrive==KDefaultDrive);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::CharToDrive(TChar aChar,TInt& aDrive)
+Maps a drive character to a drive number.
+The drive character must be in the range A to Z or a to z. For example, drive A (or a)
+corresponds to zero, drive B (or b) corresponds to 1 etc. For the drive number
+enumeration, see TDriveNumber.
+@param aChar The drive character.
+@param aDrive On return, contains the drive number.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if the drive character is not in the range A to Z or a to z.
+@see TDriveNumber
+ {
+ aChar.UpperCase();
+ if (aChar>='A' && aChar<='Z')
+ {
+ aDrive=(TInt)aChar-'A';
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ return(KErrArgument);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DriveToChar(TInt aDrive,TChar& aChar)
+Maps a drive number to the corresponding character.
+The drive number must be in the range 0 to (KMaxDrives-1). For example, drive
+number zero (EDriveA) corresponds to drive A, one (EDriveB)
+corresponds to drive B. For the drive number enumeration, see TDriveNumber.
+The drive number can also be KDefaultDrive, implying the default drive. In this
+case the current drive is taken and converted.
+@param aDrive The drive number.
+@param aChar On return, contains the drive character.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrArgument, if the drive number is invalid;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ if (aDrive==KDefaultDrive)
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveToChar, MODULEUID, aDrive);
+ RFs fs;
+ TFileName path;
+ TInt r=fs.Connect();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return(r);
+ r=fs.SessionPath(path);
+ fs.Close();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ return(r);
+ aChar=path[0];
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveToCharReturn, MODULEUID, KErrNone, aChar);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ if (!IsValidDrive(aDrive))
+ return(KErrArgument);
+ aChar=aDrive+'A';
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::IsRomAddress(TAny *aPtr)
+Tests whether the specified address is in ROM.
+@param aPtr The address.
+@return True, if the address is in ROM; false, if not.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsRomAddress, MODULEUID, aPtr);
+ TBool res;
+ TInt r=User::IsRomAddress(res,aPtr); // Only returns error on WINS
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ res=EFalse;
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsRomAddressReturn, MODULEUID, res);
+ return(res);
+ }
+Obtain the system drive number.
+The System Drive is a defined drive on the device which is:
+ - Read/Writeable
+ - Internal: Always available and not removable from the device
+ - Non-Volatile (e.g. Flash memory, battery-backed RAM)
+ - Only Accessible via Rfs (e.g. not available via USB mass storage)
+The System drive is utilised as:
+ - Storage for Persistent settings from system and application software
+ - Storage for Localisation resources
+ - A Default Drive for user data
+ - A Target Drive for Software installations
+It the system drive is not set previously (see RFs::SetSystemDrive) EDriveC is returned by default.
+@see RFs::GetSystemDriveChar
+@see RFs::SetSystemDrive
+@see TDriveNumber
+@return TDriveNumber contains the drive number of the system drive.
+ */
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TDriveNumber RFs::GetSystemDrive()
+ {
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetSystemDrive, MODULEUID);
+ TInt drive;
+ TInt err = RProperty::Get(TSecureId(KFileServerUidValue), KSystemDriveKey, drive);
+ if(err==KErrNone)
+ {
+ if((drive>=EDriveA) && (drive<=EDriveZ))
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetSystemDriveReturn, MODULEUID, drive);
+ return static_cast<TDriveNumber>(drive);
+ }
+ }
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetSystemDriveReturn, MODULEUID, EDriveC);
+ return EDriveC;
+ }
+This is a wrapper around GetSystemDrive() function. It returns the character corresponding to the system drive.
+@parameter aDriveChar On return, contains the system drive character
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+@see RFs::GetSystemDrive
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TChar RFs::GetSystemDriveChar()
+ {
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetSystemDriveChar, MODULEUID);
+ TInt r = 'A' + GetSystemDrive();
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetSystemDriveCharReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Set a specified drive as a "System Drive", see RFs::GetSystemDrive().
+The "System Drive" can be set only once, any subsequent calls will result in the error 'KErrAlreadyExists'.
+The media type for the system drive shall be one of the: EMediaHardDisk, EMediaFlash, EMediaNANDFlash, EMediaRam
+Required drive attributes: KDriveAttLocal, KDriveAttInternal
+Prohibited drive attributes: KDriveAttRom,KDriveAttRedirected,KDriveAttSubsted,KDriveAttRemovable
+@param aSystemDrive specifies the drive number to be set as System Drive
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+@capability TCB
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetSystemDrive(TDriveNumber aSystemDrive)
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSystemDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aSystemDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetSystemDrive, TIpcArgs(aSystemDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSystemDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Connect(TInt aMessageSlots)
+Connects a client to the file server.
+To end the file server session, use Close().
+@param aMessageSlots The number of message slots required. The default value of
+ KFileServerDefaultMessageSlots indicates that message
+ slots will be acquired dynamically from the system
+ wide pool. Override this value with a fixed number, if
+ a fixed number of slots are to be allocated to the session.
+ If overriding, note that the number of message slots
+ represents the number of operations, such as reads
+ and writes, that can be outstanding at once;
+ always remember to provide a spare slot for
+ the cancel operation.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsConnect, MODULEUID, aMessageSlots);
+ _LIT(KFileServerName,"!FileServer");
+ TInt r = CreateSession(KFileServerName,Version(),aMessageSlots);
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsConnectReturn, MODULEUID, r, Handle());
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetSessionToPrivate(TInt aDrive)
+Sets the session path to point to the private path on the specified drive.
+The private directory does not need to exist at this point.
+The private path for a process has the form: \\Private\\13579BDF\\
+where 13579BDF is the identity of the process.
+@param aDrive The drive for which information is requested.
+ Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives
+ A to Z respectively.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSessionToPrivate, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSessionToPrivate,TIpcArgs(aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSessionToPrivateReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::PrivatePath(TDes& aPath)
+Creates the text defining the private path for a process.
+The private path for a process has the form: \\Private\\13579BDF\\
+where 13579BDF is the identity of the process.
+@param aPath On successful return, contains the private path for a process.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsPrivatePath, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsPrivatePath,TIpcArgs(&aPath));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsPrivatePathReturn, MODULEUID, r, aPath);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::CreatePrivatePath(TInt aDrive)
+Creates the private path for a process on the specified drive.
+The private path for a process has the form: \\Private\\13579BDF\\
+where 13579BDF is the identity of the process.
+@param aDrive The drive for which the private path is to be created.
+ Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives
+ A to Z respectively.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsCreatePrivatePath, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsCreatePrivatePath,TIpcArgs(aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsCreatePrivatePathReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TVersion RFs::Version() const
+Gets the client side version number.
+@return The client side version number.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVersion, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TVersion r = TVersion(KF32MajorVersionNumber,KF32MinorVersionNumber,KF32BuildVersionNumber);
+ TRACERET3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVersionReturn, MODULEUID, r.iMajor, r.iMinor, r.iBuild);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::AddFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileName) const
+Adds a file system to the file server.
+After calling this function, use MountFileSystem() to mount the file system
+on a drive.
+@param aFileName The name of the file system .FSY to install. Its full path can
+ be specified.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::MountFileSystem
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddFileSystem, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ RLoader loader;
+ TInt r = loader.Connect();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = loader.SendReceive(ELoadFileSystem, TIpcArgs(0, &aFileName, 0));
+ loader.Close();
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddFileSystemReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RemoveFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName) const
+Removes the specified file system.
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from
+ a call to FileSystemName(), to be removed.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotFound, if aFileSystemName is not found;
+ otrherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemoveFileSystem, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsRemoveFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemoveFileSystemReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,TInt aDrive) const
+Mounts a file system on a drive.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server using AddFileSystem().
+The drive is mounted as asynchronous, i.e operations on it don't block the file server and other drives;
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aDrive The drive on which the file system is to be mounted; this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,NULL,EFalse));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem1Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,TInt aDrive, TBool aIsSync) const
+Mounts a file system on a specified drive.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server using AddFileSystem().
+Depending on the aIsSync parameter, the drive can be mounted as synchronous or asynchronous.
+Asynchronous drive has its own processing thread, i.e operations on it don't block the file server and other drives;
+Synchronous drives' requests are being processed by the main file server thread and there is a possibility to block it along with
+all operations on other drives. Mounting a drive as synch. makes a sense if the operations on such drive are very fast e.g. this is an
+internal RAM or ROFS drive.
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aDrive The drive number on which the file system is to be mounted; this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@param aIsSync if ETrue the drive will be mounted as synchronous one;
+ if EFalse the drive will be mounted as Asynchronous.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aDrive, aIsSync);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,NULL,aIsSync));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem2Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,const TDesC& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive)
+Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server using AddFileSystem().
+The drive is mounted as asynchronous, i.e operations on it don't block the file server and other drives;
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aExtensionName The filename of the extension.
+@param aDrive The drive on which the file system is to be mounted; this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem3, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aExtensionName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,&aExtensionName,EFalse));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem3Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,const TDesC& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive, TBool aIsSync)
+Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server using AddFileSystem().
+Depending on the aIsSync parameter, the drive can be mounted as synchronous or asynchronous.
+Asynchronous drive has its own processing thread, i.e operations on it don't block the file server and other drives;
+Synchronous drives' requests are being processed by the main file server thread and there is a possibility to block it along with
+all operations on other drives. Mounting a drive as synch. makes sense if the operations on such drive are very fast e.g. this is an
+internal RAM or ROFS drive.
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aExtensionName The filename of the extension.
+@param aDrive The drive on which the file system is to be mounted; this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@param aIsSync if ETrue the drive will be mounted as synchronous one;
+ if EFalse the drive will be mounted as Asynchronous.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem4, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aExtensionName, aDrive, aIsSync);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,&aExtensionName,aIsSync));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystem4Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystemAndScan(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,TInt aDrive,TBool& aIsMountSuccess) const
+Mounts a file system on a drive, and performs a scan on that drive.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server using AddFileSystem().
+Note that the scan is done only if the mount is successful.
+The drive is mounted as asynchronous, i.e operations on it don't block the file server and other drives;
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aDrive The drive on which the file system is to be mounted; this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@param aIsMountSuccess On return, set to: ETrue, if the if the mount is successful, set to EFalse otherwise.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes, reflecting the failure of the mount operation.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::TDriveNumber
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystemAndScan1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aDrive);
+ aIsMountSuccess=EFalse;
+ TPckg<TInt> pckg(aIsMountSuccess);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystemScan,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,NULL,&pckg));
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystemAndScan1Return, MODULEUID, r, aIsMountSuccess);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountFileSystemAndScan(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,const TDesC& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive,TBool& aIsMountSuccess) const
+Mounts a file system on a drive, and the specified extension and performs a scan on that drive.
+The file system must first have been added to the file server,
+using AddFileSystem().
+Note that the scan is done only if the mount is successful.
+The operation is asynchronous, i.e other concurrent file server operations can continue.
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from
+ a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aExtensionName The filename of the extension.
+@param aDrive The drive on which the file system is to be mounted;
+ this can be one of the values defined by TDriveNumber.
+@param aIsMountSuccess On return, set to: ETrue, if the if the mount
+ is successful, set to EFalse otherwise.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes, reflecting the failure of the mount operation.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::TDriveNumber
+@see RFs::AddFileSystem
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystemAndScan2, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aFileSystemName, aExtensionName, aDrive, aIsMountSuccess);
+ aIsMountSuccess=EFalse;
+ TPckg<TInt> pckg(aIsMountSuccess);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountFileSystemScan,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive,&aExtensionName,&pckg));
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountFileSystemAndScan2Return, MODULEUID, r, aIsMountSuccess);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DismountFileSystem(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,TInt aDrive) const
+Dismounts the file system from the specified drive.
+@param aFileSystemName The fullname of the file system, as returned from
+ a call to FileSystemName().
+@param aDrive The drive from which the file system is to be dismounted.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotFound, if aFileSystemName is not found;
+ KErrNotReady, if the drive does not have a file system mounted on it;
+ KErrInUse, if the drive has a resource open on it;
+ KErrAccessDenied, if there is an attempt to dismount a ROM file system,
+ a substituted drive, or the drive which is the default drive;
+ KErrArgument, if the specified drive value is outsdide of the valid range.
+ KErrPermissionDenied, if the client does not have the necessary capabilities
+ to dismount the file system.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::FileSystemName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDismountFileSystem, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileSystemName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDismountFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDismountFileSystemReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ Gets the name of the file system mounted on the specified drive.
+ The function can be called before calling DismountFileSystem().
+ @param aName On successful return, contains the name of the file system.
+ @param aDrive The drive for which the file system name is required.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotFound if aFileSystemName is not found, or the drive does not have a file system mounted on it;
+ KErrArgument, if the drive value is outside the valid range, i.e. zero to KMaxDrives-1 inclusive.
+ @see RFs::DismountFileSystem
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::FileSystemName(TDes& aName,TInt aDrive) const
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ //-- ipc argument "-1" here is to indicate legacy FileSystemName() API
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsFileSystemName,TIpcArgs(&aName, aDrive, -1));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aName);
+ return r;
+ }
+ Get one of the supported file system names on a specified drive. This API can be used for enumerating
+ file systems that can be recognised and mounted automatically, without user's interaction.
+ If the automatic recognition and mountng some known file systems is supported on the specified drive, there
+ shall be at least 2 names in the list. For example "FAT" and "exFAT".
+ If "automatic file system recognising" feature is not supported, the list will consist of just one name, and
+ this will be the name returned by RFs::FileSystemName() API.
+ @param aName On successful return, contains the name of the file system that correspond to the aFsEnumerator value.
+ m@param aDrive The drive number
+ @param aFsEnumerator The supported file system enumerator. can be:
+ KRootFileSystem a special value; in this case the returned name will be the same as obtained by FileSystemName()
+ 0,1,2... integer values specifying the sequential number of supported filesystem. See the return error code.
+ @return KErrNone success, aName contains a valid name for the supported file system number "aFsEnumerator" on this drive.
+ KErrNotFound the end of the supported file names list; "aFsEnumerator-1" was the last correct value
+ KErrArgument incorrect arguments
+ @see FileSystemName()
+ @see KRootFileSystem
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SupportedFileSystemName(TDes& aName, TInt aDrive, TInt aFsEnumerator) const
+ {
+ if(aFsEnumerator < 0)
+ return KErrArgument; //-- see RFs::FileSystemName(). "-1" is a reserved value
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsFileSystemName,TIpcArgs(&aName, aDrive, aFsEnumerator));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aName);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::AddExtension(const TDesC& aFileName)
+Loads the specified extension.
+@param aFileName The file name of the extension
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddExtension, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ RLoader loader;
+ TInt r = loader.Connect();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = loader.SendReceive(ELoadFSExtension, TIpcArgs(0, &aFileName, 0));
+ loader.Close();
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddExtensionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MountExtension(const TDesC& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive)
+Mounts the the specified extension.
+The extension must first have been loaded using AddExtension().
+@param aExtensionName The fullname of the extension, as returned from
+ a call to ExtensionName().
+@param aDrive The drive on which the extension is to be mounted;
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotFound, if the extension cannot be found;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@see RFs::ExtensionName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountExtension, MODULEUID, Handle(), aExtensionName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMountExtension,TIpcArgs(&aExtensionName,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMountExtensionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Dismounts the specified extension.
+@param aExtensionName The fullname of the extension, as returned from a call to ExtensionName().
+@param aDrive The drive this extension is to be dismounted from.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotFound if the extension cannot be found;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@see RFs::ExtensionName
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DismountExtension(const TDesC& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive)
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDismountExtension, MODULEUID, Handle(), aExtensionName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDismountExtension,TIpcArgs(&aExtensionName,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDismountExtensionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RemoveExtension(const TDesC& aExtensionName)
+Removes the specified extension.
+@param aExtensionName The fullname of the extension, as returned from
+ a call to ExtensionName().
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotFound, if aExtensionName is not found;
+ otrherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemoveExtension, MODULEUID, Handle(), aExtensionName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsRemoveExtension,TIpcArgs(&aExtensionName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemoveExtensionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ExtensionName(TDes& aExtensionName,TInt aDrive,TInt aPos)
+Gets the name of the extension on the specified drive at the specified position
+in the extension hierarchy.
+@param aExtensionName On successful return, contains the name of the extension.
+@param aDrive The drive for which the extension name is required.
+@param aPos The position of the extension in the extension hierarchy.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotFound if the extension name is not found;
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsExtensionName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aExtensionName, aDrive, aPos);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsExtensionName,TIpcArgs(&aExtensionName,aDrive,aPos));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsExtensionNameReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RemountDrive(TInt aDrive,const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TUint aFlags)
+Forces a remount of the specified drive.
+@param aDrive The drive for which a remount is to be forced.
+@param aMountInfo Information passed down to the media driver. The meaning of
+ this information depends on the media driver, for example,
+ keys for secure areas.
+@param aFlags When the flag is set to
+ 0x00000001 - Used to simulate ejecting and re-inserting the media.
+ 0x80000000 - used to force the media driver for the specified logical
+ drive to be closed and reopened.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of
+ the other system wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemountDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aMountInfo, aFlags);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsRemountDrive,TIpcArgs(aDrive,aMountInfo,aFlags));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRemountDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyChange(TNotifyType aType,TRequestStatus& aStat)
+Requests a notification of change to files or directories.
+Changes are notified either:
+1. following any change in the file system
+2. only following the addition or deletion of a directory entry, or after
+ a disk has been formatted or changed.
+Such notification is useful for programs that maintain displays
+of file lists which must be dynamically updated. The alternative is to do
+no updating, or to perform periodic monitoring for change, which
+is inefficient.
+This is an asynchronous request and, as such, results in precisely one signal
+to the request status passed as a parameter. To avoid missing any change, this
+request should be issued before the first file list is constructed. When
+the request completes, a new request should be issued before the next file
+list is constructed. When the file server session is
+closed, this request is implicitly cancelled.
+Call NotifyChangeCancel() to explicitly cancel a notification request.
+@param aType Indicates the kind of change that should result in notification.
+ For example:
+ ENotifyEntry causes notification only when an entry is added or
+ deleted, or when a disk is formatted or changed;
+ ENotifyAll causes notification following any type of change, such
+ as when a file is written to, or when a file's attributes
+ are changed.
+@param aStat The request status.
+ This is set to KErrNone on completion, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChange1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aType, &aStat);
+ aStat=KRequestPending;
+ // for backward compatibility
+ TNotifyType type = (aType == 0 ? ENotifyEntry : aType);
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsNotifyChange, TIpcArgs(type,&aStat) , aStat );
+ //This call is to synchronise with the file server when this functions stack varibles can go out of scope
+ SendReceive(EFsSynchroniseDriveThread, TIpcArgs(-1));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChange1Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyChange(TNotifyType aType,TRequestStatus& aStat,const TDesC& aPathName)
+Requests a notification of change to files or directories, allowing
+a directory/file path to be specified.
+Changes are notified either:
+1. following any change in the file system
+2. only following the addition or deletion of a directory entry, or after
+ a disk has been formatted or changed.
+Such notification is useful for programs that maintain displays
+of file lists which must be dynamically updated. The alternative is to do
+no updating, or to perform periodic monitoring for change, which
+is inefficient.
+This is an asynchronous request and, as such, results in precisely one signal
+to the request status passed as a parameter. To avoid missing any change, this
+request should be issued before the first file list is constructed. When
+the request completes, a new request should be issued before the next file
+list is constructed. When the file server session is
+closed, this request is implicitly cancelled.
+Call NotifyChangeCancel() to explicitly cancel a notification request.
+@param aType Indicates the kind of change that should result in
+ notification. For example:
+ ENotifyEntry causes notification only when an entry is added
+ or deleted, or when a disk is formatted or changed;
+ ENotifyAll causes notification following any type of change,
+ such as when a file is written to, or when a file's attributes
+ are changed.
+@param aStat The request status.
+ This is set to KErrNone on completion, otherwise one of
+ the other system-wide error codes.
+@param aPathName The directory or file for which notification is required. By
+ specifying a drive as a wildcard, for example
+ "?:\\Resource\\apps\\", or
+ "*:\\Resource\\apps\\", a client can ask to be notified of changes
+ to a given directory on any drive.
+ As with all directory paths aPathName must be terminated with '\\',
+ Please refer to "Structure of paths and filenames" section in the
+ Symbian OS Library.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChange2, MODULEUID, Handle(), (TUint) aType, (TUint) &aStat, aPathName);
+ aStat=KRequestPending;
+ // for backward compatibility
+ TNotifyType type = (aType == 0 ? ENotifyEntry : aType);
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsNotifyChangeEx,TIpcArgs(type,&aPathName,&aStat),aStat);
+ //This call is to synchronise with the file server when this functions stack varibles can go out of scope
+ SendReceive(EFsSynchroniseDriveThread, TIpcArgs(-1));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChange2Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyChangeCancel()
+Cancels all outstanding requests for notification of change
+to files or directories.
+All outstanding requests complete with KErrCancel.
+Note that this is a synchronous function.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChangeCancel1, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsNotifyChangeCancel);
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChangeCancel1Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyChangeCancel(TRequestStatus& aStat)
+Cancels the specific request for notification of change
+to files or directories.
+The outstanding request completes with KErrCancel.
+Note that this is an asynchronous function.
+@param aStat The request status object associated with the request
+ to be cancelled. Note that the function does not change
+ this parameter.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChangeCancel2, MODULEUID, Handle(), &aStat);
+ if (aStat==KRequestPending) // May be better to ASSERT this?
+ SendReceive(EFsNotifyChangeCancelEx,TIpcArgs(&aStat));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyChangeCancel2Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDiskSpace(TInt64 aThreshold,TInt aDrive,TRequestStatus& aStat)
+Requests notification when the free disk space on the specified
+drive crosses the specified threshold value.
+The threshold is crossed if free disk space increases to a value above
+the threshold value or decreases to a value below the threshold value.
+This is an asynchronous request that completes if any of the
+following events occur:
+1. the threshold is crossed
+2. any drive is formatted
+3. there is a media change on any socket
+4. power up
+5. the scandrive utility is run on any drive
+5. the specified threshold value is outside its limits
+7. the outstanding request is cancelled.
+Note that free disk space notification is not supported for
+drives using remote file systems.
+@param aThreshold The threshold value. This must be greater than zero and less
+ than the total size of the disk.
+@param aDrive The drive number. This is an explicit drive defined by one of
+ the TDriveNumber enum values or the value
+ KDefaultDrive. If KDefaultDrive is specified, then
+ the drive monitored is the session path drive.
+@param aStat The request status object. On request completion, contains:
+ KErrNone, if the threshold value is crossed, if any drive is
+ formatted, if there is a media change on any socket, if there is a power up or
+ if the scandrive utility is run on any drive;
+ KErrCancel, if the outstanding request is cancelled by a call to
+ NotifyDiskSpaceCancel();
+ KErrArgument, if the threshold value is outside its limits.
+@see TDriveNumber
+ {
+ TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpace, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), I64LOW(aThreshold),I64HIGH(aThreshold), aDrive,(TUint) &aStat);
+ aStat=KRequestPending;
+ TPtrC8 tBuf((TUint8*)&aThreshold,sizeof(TInt64));
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsNotifyDiskSpace,TIpcArgs(&tBuf,aDrive,&aStat), aStat);
+ //This call is to synchronise with the driver thread as corresponding cancel function (NotifyDiskSpaceCancel)
+ //is synchronous, so it can complete before this notify request has even been added to TDiskSpaceQue.
+ //This call guarantees that the notify request has been added to queue.
+ SendReceive(EFsSynchroniseDriveThread, TIpcArgs(aDrive));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpaceReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDiskSpaceCancel(TRequestStatus& aStat)
+Cancels a specific outstanding request for free disk space
+The outstanding request completes with KErrCancel.
+@param aStat The request status object identified with the original
+ notification request.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel1, MODULEUID, Handle(), &aStat);
+ if(aStat==KRequestPending)
+ SendReceive(EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel,TIpcArgs(&aStat));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel1Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDiskSpaceCancel()
+Cancels all outstanding requests for free disk space
+Outstanding requests complete with KErrCancel.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel2, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ SendReceive(EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel,TIpcArgs(NULL));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDiskSpaceCancel2Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DriveList(TDriveList& aList) const
+Gets a list of the available (not remote and non hidden) drives.
+The drive list consists of an array of 26 bytes. Array index zero corresponds
+to drive A, index one equals B etc.
+Each byte with a non zero value signifies that the corresponding drive is available
+to the system. In the case of removable media, RFs::Drive should be used to determine
+whether the media is inserted or not.
+The local file system always reserves drive letters A through I.
+Drive letter Z is always used for the ROM which means that letters J through Y
+are available to be used by SetSubst() or for redirecting.
+@param aList On return, contains a list of drive attributes (only the first 8 bits) for the available non-remote and non-hidden drives.
+@return KErrNone, successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveList1, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDriveList,TIpcArgs(&aList, KDriveAttExclude|KDriveAttRemote|KDriveAttHidden));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveList1Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DriveList(TDriveList& aList, TUint aFlags) const
+Gets a list of the available drives that match a combination of drive attributes,specified in aFlags.
+This combination may include,exclude or exclusively specify the attributes that that drives to be returned
+should match.
+The drive list consists of an array of 26 bytes. Array index zero corresponds
+to drive A, index one equals B etc.
+Each byte with a non zero value signifies that the corresponding drive is available
+to the system. In the case of removable media, RFs::Drive should be used to determine
+whether the media is inserted or not.
+The local file system always reserves drive letters A through I.
+Drive letter Z is always used for the ROM which means that letters J through Y
+are available to be used by SetSubst() or for redirecting.
+@param aList On return, contains a list of available drives that qualify aFlags.
+@param aFlags A combination of drive attributes that drives to be returned must qualify.
+@return KErrNone, successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes;
+ KErrArgument, If aFlags contains an invalid attribute combination.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveList2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFlags);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDriveList,TIpcArgs(&aList,aFlags));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveList2Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Drive(TDriveInfo& anInfo,TInt aDrive) const
+Gets information about a drive and the medium mounted on it.
+Note that Volume() can also be used to give information about the drive and
+the volume mounted on it. These two functions are separate because, while
+the characteristics of a drive cannot change, those of a
+volume can, by mounting different media, reformatting etc.
+@param anInfo On return, contains information describing the drive
+ and the medium mounted on it. The value of TDriveInfo::iType
+ shows whether the drive contains media.
+@param aDrive The drive for which information is requested.
+ Specify KDefaultDrive for the session default drive.
+ Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives
+ A to Z respectively.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see RFs::Volume
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TPckg<TDriveInfo> m(anInfo);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDrive,TIpcArgs(&m,aDrive));
+ TRACERET4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r, anInfo.iDriveAtt, anInfo.iMediaAtt, anInfo.iType);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Volume(TVolumeInfo& aVol,TInt aDrive) const
+Gets volume information for a formatted device.
+This function provides additional information to that given by Drive(),
+including the volume label, if set, and the amount of free space on the
+Note, use Drive() to get information about the drive without reference to
+a volume. These two functions are separate because, while the characteristics
+of a drive cannot change, those of a volume can, by mounting different media,
+reformatting etc. A volume may not even be present if the media is removable.
+@param aVol On return, contains the volume information.
+@param aDrive The drive which contains the media for which volume information is to be displayed.
+ Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives A to Z respectively.
+ The default drive is the session default drive KDefaultDrive.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotReady, if the drive contains no media;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@see RFs::Drive
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolume1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TPckg<TVolumeInfo> v(aVol);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsVolume,TIpcArgs(&v,aDrive,NULL));
+ TRACE7(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolume1Return, MODULEUID,
+ r, aVol.iUniqueID, I64LOW(aVol.iSize), I64HIGH(aVol.iSize),
+ I64LOW(aVol.iFree), I64HIGH(aVol.iFree), aVol.iFileCacheFlags);
+ return r;
+ }
+Gets volume information for a formatted device asynchronously.
+@see TInt RFs::Volume(TVolumeInfo& aVol,TInt aDrive) for the synchronous version.
+"Asynchronously" corresponds to the amount of free space on the volume in TVolumeInfo::iFree.
+I.e. this function returns the _current_ amount of free space on the volume, which can be changing due to some
+filesystems' activities. For example, some filesystems can be performing free space calculations in the background.
+Comparing to the RFs::Volume(TVolumeInfo& aVol,TInt aDrive), this method doesn't block the client until background filesystem
+activity finishes, which can be useful in some situations.
+@param aVol On return, contains the volume information with the _current_ value in the TVolumeInfo::iFree.
+@param aDrive Drive number to query. Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives A to Z respectively.
+@param aStat request status. At present is used just for indication of the asynchronous version and gets immediately completed, so there is no reason to analyse its value.
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::Volume(TVolumeInfo& aVol,TInt aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStat) const
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolume2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, &aStat);
+ TPckg<TVolumeInfo> v(aVol);
+ aStat=KRequestPending;
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsVolume,TIpcArgs(&v,aDrive,&aStat), aStat);
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolume2Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetVolumeLabel(const TDesC& aName,TInt aDrive)
+Sets the label for a volume.
+Note that similar to file names, volume labels can be set with unicode characters.
+However it may not be recognized properly if correct code page is not
+loaded or it is mounted onto a system that does not support DBCS volume
+@param aName The volume label.
+@param aDrive The drive containing the media whose label is to be set.
+ Specify a drive in the range EDriveA to EDriveZ for
+ drives A to Z.
+ The default drive is the session default drive KDefaultDrive.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrNotReady, if the drive contains no media;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see TDriveNumber
+@see TVolumeInfo::iName
+@see RFs::Volume
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetVolumeLabel, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetVolume,TIpcArgs(&aName,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetVolumeLabelReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Subst(TDes& aPath,TInt aDrive) const
+Gets the path assigned to a drive letter by an earlier call to SetSubst().
+To find out whether a drive letter has been substituted, first get the drive
+information, using Drive(), and then test the value of the KDriveAttSubsted bit
+provided by TDriveInfo::iDriveAtt.
+@param aPath On return, contains the path which has been assigned to the
+ drive. If the drive letter has not been substituted, this argument
+ returns an empty descriptor.
+@param aDrive The drive which is the subject of the enquiry. Specify a number
+ in the range 0 (EDriveA) to 25 (>EDriveZ) for drives
+ A to Z. The default drive is the session default
+ drive KDefaultDrive.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see RFs::SetSubst
+@see TDriveInfo
+@see RFs::Drive
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSubst, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSubst,TIpcArgs(&aPath,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSubstReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetSubst(const TDesC& aPath,TInt aDrive)
+Assigns a path to a drive letter.
+Whenever that drive letter is used, it will be translated into a reference
+to the path specified here. To clear a drive substitution, specify an empty
+descriptor for aPath.
+Note that the substituted path is text-only. Its components need not
+be syntactically correct, nor must they be valid at the time the substitution
+is set. Any component may be deleted, removed or unmounted while the
+substitution is set.
+@param aPath The path to be assigned to the drive letter. If a drive letter
+ is specified in the path, it must not itself be substituted or
+ redirected, or the function will return an error. If no drive is
+ specified, the drive contained in the default session path is
+ used, and if no path is specified, the default session path is
+ used. If a filename or extension is included in the path,
+ the function will return an error. Therefore, the final component
+ in the path must have a trailing backslash to indicate that it is
+ a directory.
+@param aDrive The drive to which a path is to be assigned. Specify a number
+ in the range 0 (EDriveA) to 25 (EDriveZ) for drives
+ A to Z. Must not be local, ROM, or redirected, otherwise an
+ error is returned. May be substituted, but only if the function
+ is being used to clear the substitution. If the same drive is
+ specified in the path, the function will return an error.
+ The default drive is the session default drive
+ KDefaultDrive.
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide
+ error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSubst, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetSubst,TIpcArgs(&aPath,aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSubstReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RealName(const TDesC& aName,TDes& aResult) const
+Gets the real name of a file.
+This is used in circumstances where a file system needs to
+mangle Symbian OS natural names so that it can store them on that file
+@param aName Contains the name by which the file is normally referred.
+@param aResult On return, contains the real name of the file, comprising the
+ full path, including the drive letter.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRealName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsRealName,TIpcArgs(&aName,&aResult));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRealNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aResult);
+ return r;
+ }
+Gets the serial number of media.
+Only local drive is allowed. Substed drive number will return KErrNotSupported.
+@param aSerialNum Contains serial number on successful return.
+@param aDrive Drive number.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotSupported if media doesn't support serial number (e.g. substed drives);
+ KErrBadName if drive number is invalid;
+ otherwise one of system-wide error codes.
+@see TMediaSerialNumber
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetMediaSerialNumber(TMediaSerialNumber& aSerialNum, TInt aDrive)
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetMediaSerialNumber, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsGetMediaSerialNumber, TIpcArgs(&aSerialNum, aDrive));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetMediaSerialNumberReturn, MODULEUID, r, aSerialNum);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SessionPath(TDes& aPath) const
+Gets the session path.
+When a client connects to the file server, its session path is initialised to
+the system default path. The session path of an existing client can only be
+changed by this function.
+@param aPath On return, contains the session path, including a trailing
+ backslash.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSessionPath, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSessionPath,TIpcArgs(&aPath));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSessionPathReturn, MODULEUID, r, aPath);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetSessionPath(const TDesC& aPath)
+Sets the session path for the current file server client.
+When the client first connects to the file server, its session path
+is initialised to the system default path.
+Note that the session path is text-only. It does not cause any locking.
+Thus, although the path must be syntactically correct, its components
+do not need to be valid at the time the path is set, and any component may be
+deleted, removed or unmounted while the path is set.
+@param aPath The new session path. Consists of a drive and path. Normally, a
+ drive should be specified, but if not, the drive specified in
+ the existing session path is preserved. If a file is specified,
+ then the function fails and returns an error code. Therefore,
+ the final component in the path must have a trailing backslash
+ to indicate that it is a directory. All components of the
+ path must be syntactically correct, for example, wildcard
+ characters and double backslashes are not allowed in any
+ part of it.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Sys then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSessionPath, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetSessionPath,TIpcArgs(&aPath));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetSessionPathReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Makes a directory.
+It should be a sub-directory of an existing directory and its name should be
+unique within its parent directory, otherwise the function returns error code KErrAlreadyExists.
+Note that if a filename is specified in the argument, it is ignored.
+Therefore, there should be a trailing backslash after the final
+directory name in the argument to indicate that it is a directory, not a filename.
+For example, following code will create directory "C:\\DIR1\\"
+The last line in the following example will result in KErrAlreadyExists because "DIR2" doesn't have a trailing backslash,
+therefore is considered as a file name and discarded. Directory "C:\\DIR1\\" has already been created.
+fs.MkDir(_L("C:\\DIR1\\")); // shall create DIR1 in the root directory
+fs.MkDir(_L("C:\\DIR1\\DIR2")); // No trailing backslash, fails with KErrAlreadyExists
+This example will always fail because "DIR1" doesn't have a trailing backslash and discarded while the root
+directory always exists.
+fs.MkDir(_L("C:\\DIR1")); // No trailing backslash, will always fail with KErrAlreadyExists
+Note, the following case
+fs.MkDir(_L("C:\\example.txt\\")); // would normally create a directory "c:\\example.txt\\" with KErrNone
+But if there is a file named "example.txt", which exists at the same location, KErrAccessDenied is returned.
+Note also that because this method can return an error code (eg. because
+the disk is full) before checking whether the path already exists, it
+is not appropriate to use it just to work out whether a path exists or not.
+See MkDirAll(), which may also create intermediate directories.
+@param aPath The name of the new directory. Any path components which are
+ not specified here will be taken from the session path.
+ The directory name shall not contain wild cards ('?' or '*' characters)
+ and illegal characters like '<', '>', ':', '"', '/', '|' and '\000'.
+ The directory name containing only whilte space characters
+ (See TChar::IsSpace()) is also illegal.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes. Even if another error code is returned,
+ (for example, if the disk is full) it is still possible that the
+ path may already exist.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see RFs::MkDirAll
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MkDir(const TDesC& aPath)
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMkDir, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMkDir,TIpcArgs(&aPath,NULL));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMkDirReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Makes one or more directories.
+Any valid path component specified in aPath which does not already exist is
+created as a directory.
+Note that if a filename is specified in the argument, it is ignored.
+Therefore, there should be a trailing backslash after the final
+directory name in the argument to indicate that it is a directory, not a
+See also notes on RFs::MkDir() about trailing backslashes in directory names.
+Note also that because this method can return an error code (eg. because
+the disk is full) before checking whether the path already exists, it
+is not appropriate to use it just to work out whether a path exists or not.
+See MkDir(), which creates only a single new directory.
+@param aPath The path name specifiying the directory or directories to
+ create. If the function completes successfully, this path
+ identifies a valid directory. Any path components which are not
+ specified here are taken from the session path.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes. Even if another error code is returned,
+ (for example, if the disk is full) it is still possible that the
+ path may already exist.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see RFs::MkDir
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::MkDirAll(const TDesC& aPath)
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMkDirAll, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsMkDir,TIpcArgs(&aPath,TRUE));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsMkDirAllReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RmDir(const TDesC& aPath)
+Removes a directory.
+The directory must be empty and cannot be the root directory.
+Note that if a filename is specified in the argument, it is
+For example, following code will result in directory "C:\\SRC\\" being removed as long as
+it is empty, the existance of "ENTRY" will not be checked:
+Similarly, following code will try to remove "C:\\SRC\\" instead of "C:\\SRC\DIR\\":
+Therefore, there should be a trailing backslash after the final
+directory name in the argument to indicate that it is a directory, not a
+See class CFileMan for information on deleting a
+non-empty directory and all of its contents.
+@param aPath The path name of the directory to be removed. Any path components
+ which are not specified here are taken from the session path. Only
+ the lowest-level directory identified is removed.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrInUse, if trying to remove a non-empty directory or root directory;
+ otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aPath is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see CFileMan
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRmDir, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPath);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsRmDir,TIpcArgs(&aPath));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRmDirReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+void RFs::GetDirL(const TDesC& aName,const TUidType& aUidType,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList,RDir& aDir) const
+// Create a dir array. Leave on any error.
+ {
+ aFileList=NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDir.Open((RFs& )*this,aName,aUidType));
+ DoGetDirL(aKey,aFileList,aDir);
+ }
+void RFs::GetDirL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAttMask,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList,RDir& aDir) const
+// Create a dir array. Leave on any error.
+ {
+ aFileList=NULL;
+ User::LeaveIfError(aDir.Open((RFs& )*this,aName,anAttMask));
+ DoGetDirL(aKey,aFileList,aDir);
+ }
+void RFs::GetDirL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAttMask,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList,CDir*& aDirList,RDir& aDir) const
+// Create a dir array. Leave on any error.
+ {
+ aDirList=NULL;
+ GetDirL(aName,anAttMask|KEntryAttDir,aKey,aFileList,aDir);
+ aFileList->ExtractL(!(anAttMask&KEntryAttDir),aDirList);
+ }
+void RFs::DoGetDirL(TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList,RDir& aDir) const
+// Create a dir array. Leave on any error.
+ {
+ aFileList=CDir::NewL();
+ TInt r;
+ TEntryArray* pArray=new(ELeave) TEntryArray;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(pArray);
+ TEntryArray& array=*pArray;
+ do
+ {
+ r=aDir.Read(array);
+ if (r==KErrNone || r==KErrEof)
+ {
+ TInt count=array.Count();
+ if (count==0)
+ break;
+ TInt i=0;
+ while (i<count)
+ aFileList->AddL(array[i++]);
+ }
+ }while (r==KErrNone);
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ if (!(r==KErrNone || r==KErrEof))
+ User::Leave(r);
+ aFileList->Compress();
+ if (aKey==ESortNone)
+ return;
+ r=aFileList->Sort(aKey);
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ User::Leave(r);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetDir(const TDesC& aName,const TUidType& aUidType,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList) const
+Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents by UID type.
+The aUidType parameter determines which file entry types should be listed.
+The sort key determines the order in which they are listed.
+1. The function sets aFileList to NULL, and then allocates memory for it before
+ appending entries to the list. Therefore, aFileList should have no memory
+ allocated to it before this function is called, otherwise this memory
+ will become orphaned.
+2. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList after
+ the function has returned.
+@param aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required.
+ Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
+@param aUidType Only those files whose UIDs match those specified within this
+ UID type will be included in the file list. Any, or all, of
+ the three UIDs within the UID type may be omitted.
+ Any UID which is omitted acts in a similar manner to
+ a wildcard character, matching to all UIDs.
+@param aKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in
+ which the entries are to be sorted. These flags are defined
+ by TEntryKey.
+@param aFileList On return contains a filtered list of directory and file entries.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see TEntryKey
+ {
+ TRACEMULT6(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir1, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName, aUidType[0].iUid, aUidType[1].iUid, aUidType[2].iUid, aKey);
+ RDir d;
+ TRAPD(r,GetDirL(aName,aUidType,aKey,aFileList,d))
+ d.Close();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete aFileList;
+ aFileList=NULL;
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir1Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetDir(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAttMask,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList) const
+Gets a filtered list of a directory's contents.
+The bitmask determines which file and directory entry types should be listed.
+The sort key determines the order in which they are listed.
+1. If sorting by UID (as indicated when the ESortByUid bit is OR'ed with
+ the sort key), then UID information will be included in the listing
+ whether or not KEntryAttAllowUid is specified in anAttMask.
+2. The function sets aFileList to NULL, and then allocates memory for it before
+ appending entries to the list. Therefore, aFileList should have no memory
+ allocated to it before this function is called, otherwise this memory will
+ become orphaned.
+3. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList after
+ the function has returned.
+@param aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required.
+ Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
+@param anAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes of interest. Only files and
+ directories whose attributes match those specified here can be
+ included in the listing. For more information,
+ see KEntryAttMatchMask and the other directory entry details.
+ Also see KEntryAttNormal and the other file or directory attributes.
+@param aKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in
+ which the entries are to be sorted. These flags are defined
+ by TEntryKey.
+@param aFileList On return contains a filtered list of directory and file entries.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see TEntryKey
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName, anAttMask, aKey);
+ RDir d;
+ if ((aKey&0xff)==ESortByUid)
+ anAttMask|=KEntryAttAllowUid;
+ TRAPD(r,GetDirL(aName,anAttMask,aKey,aFileList,d))
+ d.Close();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete aFileList;
+ aFileList=NULL;
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir2Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetDir(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAttMask,TUint aKey,CDir*& aFileList,CDir*& aDirList) const
+Gets a filtered list of the directory and file entries contained in
+a directory, and a list of the directory entries only.
+The bitmask determines which file and directory entry types should be listed in
+aFileList. The contents of the second list, aDirList are not affected by the bitmask; it
+returns all directory entries contained in directory aName. The
+sort key determines the order in which both lists are sorted.
+1. If sorting by UID (as indicated when the ESortByUid bit is OR'ed with
+ the sort key), then UID information will be included in the listing
+ whether or not KEntryAttAllowUid is specified in anAttMask.
+2. The function sets both aFileList and aDirList to NULL, and then allocates
+ memory to them before appending entries to the lists. Therefore, aFileList
+ and aDirList should have no memory allocated to them before this
+ function is called, otherwise the allocated memory will become orphaned.
+3. The caller of this function is responsible for deleting aFileList
+ and aDirList after the function has returned.
+@param aName The name of the directory for which a listing is required.
+ Wildcards may be used to specify particular files.
+@param anAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes of interest. Only files and
+ directories whose attributes match those specified here can be
+ included in aFileList. aDirList is unaffected by this mask.
+ For more information, see KEntryAttMatchMask and the other
+ directory entry details.
+ Also see KEntryAttNormal and the other file or directory
+ attributes.
+@param aKey The sort key. This is a set of flags indicating the order in
+ which the entries in both lists are to be sorted. These flags
+ are defined by TEntryKey.
+@param aFileList On return contains a filtered list of directory and
+ file entries.
+@param aDirList On return contains a filtered list of directory entries only.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see TEntryKey
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir3, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName, anAttMask, aKey);
+ RDir d;
+ if (aKey&ESortByUid)
+ anAttMask|=KEntryAttAllowUid;
+ TRAPD(r,GetDirL(aName,anAttMask,aKey,aFileList,aDirList,d))
+ d.Close();
+ if (r!=KErrNone)
+ {
+ delete aFileList;
+ aFileList=NULL;
+ delete aDirList;
+ aDirList=NULL;
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDir3Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Parse(const TDesC& aName,TParse& aParse) const
+Parses a filename specification.
+Parsing is done with wildcard resolution, using the session path as
+the default. You can then use TParse's getter functions to extract individual
+components of the resulting name. All the path components that are included
+in aName are put into the resulting filename. Any components that are still
+missing are taken from the session path.
+TParse fp;
+is equivalent to
+TParse fp;
+Note that the function does not check for illegal characters, or for
+illegal path components in either of the paths specified.
+@param aName The file name to be parsed, using the session path to provide
+ the missing components.
+@param aParse A TParse objct that provides functions for
+ extracting individual components of the resulting file name.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsParse1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TFileName session_path;
+ TInt r = SessionPath(session_path);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r = aParse.Set(aName, NULL, &session_path);
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsParse1Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Parse(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC& aRelated,TParse& aParse) const
+Parses a filename specification, specifying related file path components.
+Parsing is done with wildcard resolution, using the session path as
+the default. You can then use TParse's getter functions to extract individual
+components of the resulting name. All the path components that are included
+in aName are put into the resulting filename. Any missing components are taken
+from the optional aRelated argument, which has the next order of precedence.
+Finally, any components that are still missing are taken from the session path.
+TParse fp;
+is equivalent to
+TParse fp;
+Note that the function does not check for illegal characters, or for
+illegal path components in any of the paths specified.
+@param aName The file name to be parsed, using the session path and the
+ related path to provide the missing components.
+@param aRelated The related file specification.
+@param aParse A TParse objct that provides functions for
+ extracting individual components of the resulting file name.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsParse2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName, aRelated);
+ TFileName session_path;
+ TInt r = SessionPath(session_path);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ r = aParse.Set(aName, &aRelated, &session_path);
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsParse2Return, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Delete(const TDesC& aName)
+Deletes a single file.
+Wildcards are not allowed in either the file name or the extension,
+otherwise an error is returned.
+Note that the file must be closed and must not be read-only.
+Hidden files can be deleted but system files cannot.
+See class CFileMan for information on deleting multiple files.
+@param aName The name of the file to be deleted. Any path components which
+ are not specified here will be taken from the session path.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match this process' SID
+ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see CFileMan
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDelete, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsDelete,TIpcArgs(&aName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsDeleteReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Rename(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& aNewName)
+Renames a single file or directory.
+It can also be used to move a file or directory by specifying different
+destination and source directories. If so, the destination and source
+directories must be on the same drive. If a directory is moved, then
+the directory structure beneath it is also moved.
+If a directory specified by aNewName is different from one specified
+by anOldName, then the file or directory is moved to the new directory.
+The file or directory cannot be moved to another device by this means,
+either explicitly (by another drive specified in the name) or implicitly
+(because the directory has been mapped to another device with SetSubst().
+The function fails and returns an error code in the following
+1. If either the old or new name includes wildcards.
+2. If a file or directory with the new name already exists in
+ the target directory. Overwriting is not permitted.
+3. If file anOldName does not exist, or is open.
+Read-only, system and hidden files may be renamed. The renamed
+file's attributes are preserved.
+Note that when this function is operating on directories, a trailing backslash
+is not required after the final directory name in either anOldName or aNewName.
+See class CFileMan for information on renaming multiple files.
+@param anOldName File or directory to be renamed. Any path components which are
+ not specified here will be taken from the session path.
+@param aNewName Path specifying the new name for the file or directory and/or
+ its new parent directory. All directories specified in this path
+ must exist.
+ Any path components which are not specified here will be taken
+ from the session path.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName begins with /Private and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see CFileMan
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRename, MODULEUID, Handle(), anOldName, aNewName);
+ TInt r;
+ if (anOldName.Length() <= 0 || aNewName.Length() <= 0 )
+ r = KErrBadName;
+ else
+ r = SendReceive(EFsRename,TIpcArgs(&anOldName,&aNewName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsRenameReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Replace(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& aNewName)
+Replaces a single file with another.
+This function does not support the use of wildcards. Unlike Rename(), it only
+applies to files.
+This function operates as follows:
+1. if the aNewName file does not exist, it is created.
+2. anOldName's contents, attributes and the date and time of its last
+ modification are copied to file aNewName, overwriting any existing contents
+ and attribute details.
+3. anOldName is deleted.
+anOldName may be hidden, read-only or a system file. However,
+neither anOldName, nor, if it exists, aNewName, can be open;
+aNewName must not be read-only.
+Both files must be on the same drive.
+@param anOldName The file to be replaced. Must exist and must be closed. It is
+ deleted by this function.
+@param aNewName The file to replace anOldName. Does not need to exist, but if
+ it does exist, it must be closed. If it exists, its name
+ remains unchanged but its contents, attributes and the date
+ and time of its last modification are replaced by those
+ of anOldName.
+ If it does not exist, it will be created and is assigned
+ the contents and attributes of anOldName. Must not be followed
+ by a trailing backslash.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrAccessDenied, if an attempt is made to replace a directory;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName begins with /Private and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If either anOldName or aNewName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReplace, MODULEUID, Handle(), anOldName, aNewName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsReplace,TIpcArgs(&anOldName,&aNewName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReplaceReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Att(const TDesC& aName,TUint& aVal) const
+Gets a file's attributes.
+@param aName The filename. Any path components which are not specified here
+ will be taken from the session path.
+@param aVal On return, the individual bits within the byte indicate which
+ attributes have been set. For more information see KEntryAttNormal
+ and the other file/directory attributes.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains /sys/ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains /Private/ and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@see KEntryAttNormal
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAtt, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TEntry e;
+ TInt r=Entry(aName,e);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ aVal=e.iAtt;
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAttReturn, MODULEUID, r, aVal);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetAtt(const TDesC& aName,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask)
+Sets or clears the attributes of a single file or directory.
+The function uses two bitmasks. The first bitmask specifies the attributes
+to be set; the second specifies the attributes to be cleared.
+An attempt to set or clear the KEntryAttDir, KEntryAttVolume or KEntryAttRemote
+attributes have no effect.
+@param aName File or directory name. Any path components which are not
+ specified here will be taken from the session path. Must
+ not include wildcard characters. The file must be closed.
+@param aSetAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes to be set.
+@param aClearAttMask Bitmask indicating the attributes to be cleared. For more
+ information, see KEntryAttNormal and the other file or
+ directory attributes.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@panic FSCLIENT 21 if any attribute appears in both bitmasks.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see RFs::SetEntry
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetAtt, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName, aSetAttMask, aClearAttMask);
+ TInt r = SetEntry(aName,TTime(0),aSetAttMask,aClearAttMask);
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetAttReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Modified(const TDesC& aName,TTime& aTime) const
+Gets the last modification date and time of a file or a directory,
+in UTC.
+If there has been no modification, the function gets the date and
+time of the file or directory's creation.
+@param aName File or directory name.
+@param aTime On return, contains the date and time of the file or
+ directory's last modification in universal time.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains /sys/ then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains /Private/ and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsModified, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TEntry e;
+ TInt r=Entry(aName,e);
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ aTime=e.iModified;
+ TRACERET3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsModifiedReturn, MODULEUID, r, I64LOW(aTime.Int64()), I64HIGH(aTime.Int64()));
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetModified(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime)
+Sets the date and time that the contents of a file or directory
+were modified, in UTC.
+@param aName File or directory name.
+@param aTime The new date and time that the file or directory was modified
+ in universal time.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrInUse, if the file is open;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetModified, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName, I64LOW(aTime.Int64()), I64HIGH(aTime.Int64()) );
+ TInt r = SetEntry(aName,aTime,KEntryAttModified,0);
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetModifiedReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::Entry(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const
+Gets the entry details for a file or directory.
+This information includes UID information.
+@param aName Name of file or directory.
+@param anEntry On return, contains the entry details for the file or directory. TEntry::iModified contains UTC date and time.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains "\\Sys\\" and includes an additional file or directory then AllFiles capability
+ is required. For example, the paths "c:\\sys" and "c:\\sys\\" will always be readable, whereas
+ the path "c:\\sys\\abc\\" will only be readable with AllFiles capability.
+@capability Dependent If aName contains \\Private\\ and includes an additional file, or a directory which does not match
+ this process' SID, then AllFiles capability is required. For example, the paths "c:\\private" and
+ "c:\\private\\" will always be readable, whereas the path "c:\\private\\<n>\\" will only be
+ readable with AllFiles capability or if <n> matches the process' SID.
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsEntry, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TPckg<TEntry> e(anEntry);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsEntry,TIpcArgs(&aName,&e));
+ TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsEntryReturn, MODULEUID,
+ r, anEntry.iAtt,
+ I64LOW(anEntry.iModified.Int64()), I64HIGH(anEntry.iModified.Int64()),
+ anEntry.iSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetEntry(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask)
+Sets both the attributes and the last modified date and time for a file or directory.
+The function uses two bitmasks. The first bitmask determines
+which attributes should be set. The second bitmask determines which should be cleared.
+An attempt to set or clear the KEntryAttDir, KEntryAttVolume or KEntryAttRemote
+attributes have no effect.
+@param aName File or directory name.
+@param aTime New date and time. UTC date and time should be used.
+@param aSetAttMask Bitmask indicating which attributes are to be set.
+@param aClearAttMask Bitmask indicating which attributes are cleared. For more
+ information, see KEntryAttNormal, and the other file
+ or directory attributes.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrInUse, if the file is open;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@panic FSCLIENT 21 if any attribute appears in both bitmasks.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Sys then Tcb capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName begins with /Private and does not match
+ this process' SID then AllFiles capability is required.
+@capability Dependent If aName is /Resource then Tcb capability is required.
+@see KEntryAttNormal
+@see KEntryAttDir
+@see KEntryAttVolume
+ {
+ TRACEMULT6(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetEntry, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName,
+ I64LOW(aTime.Int64()), I64HIGH(aTime.Int64()),
+ aSetAttMask, aClearAttMask);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS((aSetAttMask&aClearAttMask)==0,Panic(EAttributesIllegal));
+ TPtrC8 timeBuf((TUint8*)&aTime,sizeof(TTime));
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetEntry,TIpcArgs(&aName,&timeBuf,aSetAttMask,aClearAttMask));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetEntryReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Reads data from a file without opening it.
+The contents of the file can be accessed regardless of the file's lock state.
+The file may be open by any number of other clients for reading or writing.
+In allowing such access to a file, the fileserver makes no guarantees as to
+the validity of the data it returns.
+@param aName Name of the file to be accessed.
+@param aPos The offset, in bytes, from the start of the file where
+ reading is to start.
+@param aDes On return, contains the data read from the file. The length of
+ the descriptor is set to the number of bytes read. If the
+ specified offset lies beyond the end of the file, no data is
+ read and the length of this descriptor is set to zero.
+@param aLength The number of bytes to be read from the file.
+@return KErrNone if successful,
+ KErrArgument if aLength is negative,
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@panic FSCLIENT 19 if aPos negative.
+@panic FSCLIENT 27 if aLength is greater than the maximum length of
+ the target descriptor.
+@capability Dependent If the path for aName starts with /Sys capability AllFiles is required
+@capability Dependent If the path for aName starts with /Private and this process does not have
+ the relevant SID capability AllFiles is required
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ReadFileSection(const TDesC& aName,TInt64 aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const
+ {
+ TRACEMULT5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSection, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName, I64LOW(aPos), I64HIGH(aPos), aLength);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0,Panic(EPosNegative));
+ if(aPos > KMaxTInt)
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSectionReturn, MODULEUID, KErrTooBig);
+ return KErrTooBig;
+ }
+ if((aPos + aLength) > KMaxTInt)
+ aLength = KMaxTInt - (TInt)aPos;
+ if (aLength) // Number of characters to read
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDes.MaxLength()>=aLength,Panic(EBadLength));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aDes.Zero();
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSectionReturn, MODULEUID, KErrNone);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDes.MaxLength()>=aLength,Panic(EBadLength));
+ TInt r;
+ if(!(I64HIGH(aPos)))
+ {
+ r = SendReceive(EFsReadFileSection,TIpcArgs(&aDes,&aName,I64LOW(aPos),aLength));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TPckgC<TInt64> pkPos(aPos);
+ r = SendReceive(EFsReadFileSection|KIpcArgSlot2Desc,TIpcArgs(&aDes,&aName,&pkPos,aLength));
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSectionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Maintained for BC
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ReadFileSection_RESERVED(const TDesC& aName,TInt aPos,TDes8& aDes,TInt aLength) const
+ {
+ TRACEMULT5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSection, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aName, aPos, 0, aLength);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPos>=0,Panic(EPosNegative));
+ if (aLength) // Number of characters to read
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDes.MaxLength()>=aLength,Panic(EBadLength));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aDes.Zero();
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSectionReturn, MODULEUID, KErrNone);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDes.MaxLength()>=aLength,Panic(EBadLength));
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsReadFileSection,TIpcArgs(&aDes,&aName,aPos,aLength));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReadFileSectionReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::ResourceCountMarkStart() const
+Marks the start of resource count checking.
+Typically, this function is called immediately after a client is connected
+to the file server, and before any resources are opened.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCountMarkStart, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsResourceCountMarkStart);
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCountMarkStartReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::ResourceCountMarkEnd() const
+Ends resource count checking. Typically, this function is called immediately
+before closing a session with the file server.
+@panic CSessionFs 2 if the number of resources opened since the start of resource
+ count checking is not equal to the number of resources closed.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCountMarkEnd, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsResourceCountMarkEnd);
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCountMarkEndReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ResourceCount() const
+Gets the number of currently open resources.
+The resource count is incremented by one: when a file or directory
+is opened, when a device is opened in preparation for formatting, when a direct access channel
+to a disk is opened.
+@return The number of resources currently open.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCount, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt count;
+ TPckg<TInt> pckg(count);
+ SendReceive(EFsResourceCount,TIpcArgs(&pckg));
+ TInt r = *(TInt*)pckg.Ptr();
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsResourceCountReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::CheckDisk(const TDesC& aDrive) const
+Checks the integrity of the disk on the specified drive.
+On FAT, this checks if a cluster number is invalid, if a cluster is allocated to
+more than one file entry, if an unallocated cluster is not set free, and if size
+of an entry is invalid.
+@param aDrive Path indicating the drive which contains the disk to be checked. If the drive
+ information is not specified the current session drive is taken by default.
+ Checkdisk is performed on the requested drive irrespective of the correctness or
+ existance of the given path.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ 1, if successful but a file cluster contains a bad value;
+ 2, if successful but two files are linked to the same cluster;
+ 3, if successful but an unallocated cluster contains a value;
+ 4, if successful but the size of a file is not equal to the number of clusters in chain;
+ KErrNotReady, if the specified drive is empty;
+ KErrNotSupported, if the drive cannot handle this request;
+ KErrPermissionDenied, if the caller doesn't have DiskAdmin capability;
+ KErrTooBig, if the drives folder depth exceeds maximum allowed. For the current FAT file system implementation this limit is 50.
+ Other system wide error codes may also be returned.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsCheckDisk, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsCheckDisk,TIpcArgs(&aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsCheckDiskReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ScanDrive(const TDesC& aDrive) const
+Checks the specified drive for errors and corrects them. Specifically, it
+checks if long file name entries' IDs are in sequence and short name is valid,
+and file's allocated clusters are not used by other files.
+This does not run on the internal RAM drive, and only applies to a
+FAT file system.
+@param aDrive Path indicating the drive which contains the disk to be checked. If the drive
+ information is not specified the current session drive is taken by default.
+ ScanDrive is performed on the requested drive irrespective of the correctness or
+ existance of the given path.
+@return KErrNone if successful,
+ KErrPermissionDenied if caller doesn't have capability DiskAdmin,
+ KErrInUse if drive is in use,
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsScanDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsScanDrive,TIpcArgs(&aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsScanDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetShortName(const TDesC& aLongName,TDes& aShortName) const
+Gets the short filename associated with a VFAT long filename.
+The short filename has a limit of eight characters for the file name and three
+characters for the extension.
+@param aLongName The long filename. Any path components which are not
+ specified here will be taken from the session path.
+ If the path specifies a directory, it may or may not be
+ followed by a trailing backslash.
+@param aShortName On return, contains the short filename associated with the file
+ or directory specified in aLongName.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If the path for aLongName starts with /Sys capability AllFiles is required
+@capability Dependent If the path for aLongName starts with /Private and this process does not
+ have the relevant SID capability AllFiles is required
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetShortName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aLongName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsGetShortName,TIpcArgs(&aLongName,&aShortName));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetShortNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aShortName);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetLongName(const TDesC& aShortName,TDes& aLongName) const
+Gets the long filename associated with a short (8.3) filename.
+A long filename has a limit of 256 characters for each component, as well as a
+limit of 256 characters for the entire path.
+@param aShortName The short file name. Any path components which are not
+ specified here will be taken from the session path. If
+ the path specifies a directory, it may or may not be followed
+ by a trailing backslash.
+@param aLongName On return, contains the long version of the name.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If the path for aShortName starts with /Sys capability AllFiles is required
+@capability Dependent If the path for aShortName starts with /Private and this process does not
+ have the relevant SID capability AllFiles is required
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetLongName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aShortName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsGetLongName,TIpcArgs(&aShortName,&aLongName));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetLongNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aLongName);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::IsFileOpen(const TDesC& aFileName,TBool& anAnswer) const
+Tests whether a file is open.
+This function is useful because several file based operations provided by
+the RFs class, for example: Delete(), Replace() and Rename(), require that
+the file be closed.
+@param aFileName The name of the file to test. Any path components which are
+ not specified here will be taken from the session path. If a
+ directory is specified instead of a file then KErrNone will be
+ returned and anAnswer will be set to EFalse.
+@param anAnswer On return, true if the file is open, false if closed.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@capability Dependent If the path for aFileName starts with /Sys capability AllFiles is required
+@capability Dependent If the path for aFileName starts with /Private and this process does not
+ have the relevant SID capability AllFiles is required
+@see RFs::Delete
+@see RFs::Rename
+@see RFs::Replace
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsFileOpen, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ TPckg<TBool> b(anAnswer);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsIsFileOpen,TIpcArgs(&aFileName,&b));
+ TRACERET2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsFileOpenReturn, MODULEUID, r, anAnswer);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt RFs::GetOpenFileList(TInt& aSessionNumber,TInt& aLocalPos,TThreadId& aThreadId,TEntryArray& anArray) const
+// Private function to get a list of open files
+ {
+ TOpenFileListPos s(aSessionNumber,aLocalPos);
+ TPckg<TOpenFileListPos> pS(s);
+ TPckg<TThreadId> threadId(aThreadId);
+ anArray.iCount=KCountNeeded;
+ TInt r=SendReceive(EFsListOpenFiles,TIpcArgs(&pS,&threadId,&anArray.iBuf));
+ aSessionNumber=s.iSession;
+ aLocalPos=s.iEntryListPos;
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::GetNotifyUser()
+Tests whether user notification of file read or write failure is in effect.
+@return True if notification in effect, false if not.
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetNotifyUser, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt notifyUser;
+ TPckg<TInt> pckgNotify(notifyUser);
+ SendReceive(EFsGetNotifyUser,TIpcArgs(&pckgNotify));
+ TBool r = notifyUser;
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetNotifyUserReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::SetNotifyUser(TBool aValue)
+Sets whether the user should be notified of file read or write failure.
+Note that if some drive is mounted as synchronous (see RFs::MountFileSystem), the user won't be
+notified about read/write failures on it.
+@param aValue ETrue, if user is to be notified of read or write failures;
+ EFalse, for no notification.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetNotifyUser, MODULEUID, Handle(), aValue);
+ SendReceive(EFsSetNotifyUser,TIpcArgs(aValue));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetNotifyUserReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TUint8* RFs::IsFileInRom(const TDesC& aFileName) const
+Gets a pointer to the specified file, if it is in ROM.
+Note that this is not a test of whether the file is on the Z: drive, as
+the Z: drive may consist of a ROM and another file system, using the composite
+file system. For example, the file system may be ROFS, and the underlying media
+NAND flash.
+@param aFileName The filename whose address is sought. Cannot include wildcards.
+ Any path components which are not specified here will be taken
+ from the session path.
+@return Address of the start of the file, if it is in ROM. This is NULL, if
+ the file is not in ROM. Note that for the composite file system, the file
+ might be on the Z: drive but in a non-ROM file system (i.e. ROFS), in
+ which case the function still returns NULL.
+@capability Dependent If the path for aFileName starts with /Sys capability AllFiles is required
+@capability Dependent If the path for aFileName starts with /Private and this process does not
+ have the relevant SID capability AllFiles is required
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsFileInRom, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ TPckgBuf<TUint8*> start;
+ TUint8* r;
+ if (SendReceive(EFsIsFileInRom,TIpcArgs(&aFileName,&start))!=KErrNone)
+ r = NULL;
+ else
+ r = start();
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsFileInRomReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Tests whether a filename and path are syntactically correct.
+The following restrictions apply to the path and to its components:
+1. Wildcards are not allowed in any path component, including the filename and extension.
+2. Double backslashes are not allowed anywhere in the path
+3. The following 6 characters cannot appear in the path: < > : " / |
+4. Either or both of a filename or extension must be present. This means that a valid aFileName can not
+ end with backslash (like "c:\\SomeName\\"), because it will mean that "SomeName" is a directory.
+5. The entire component following the final backslash (the filename and extension) cannot consist solely of space characters,
+ or of a single or double dot.
+6. Spaces between the drive, if specified, and the first directory in the path are illegal, although there may be
+ spaces between other path components, for example, between directories.
+7. If the path in aFileName is not fully specified, i.e. doesn't look like "c:\\Dir1\\File1.bin", all missing
+ parts of the full path will be taken from the session path, @see RFs::SetSessionPath, @see RFs::SessionPath.
+ In this case the session path must be set, otherwise this method will return EFalse.
+ For example: for the case "\\file1.txt" only the drive letter will be taken from the session path;
+ for the case "file1.txt" whole session path will be internally prepended to the "file1.txt" and whole path checked.
+ Note that in this case total length of the name in the aFileName parameter and the session path shall not exceed KMaxFileName characters.
+@param aFileName The path to be checked for validity.
+ May specify a filename alone, or an entire path specification, including drive letter.
+ If a path is specified, all components are checked for validity.
+@return ETrue, if the name is valid (conforms to the mentioned above criteria); EFalse otherwise.
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::IsValidName(const TDesC& aFileName) const
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName1, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ TBool returnInvalidChar=EFalse;
+ TPckg<TBool> bPckg(returnInvalidChar);
+ TBool b;
+ if (SendReceive(EFsIsValidName,TIpcArgs(&aFileName,&bPckg,NULL,NULL))!=KErrNone)
+ b = EFalse;
+ else
+ b = ETrue;
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName1Return, MODULEUID, b);
+ return b;
+ }
+The following restrictions apply to the path and to its components:
+1. Wildcards are not allowed in any path component, including the filename and extension.
+2. Double backslashes are not allowed anywhere in the path
+3. The following 6 characters cannot appear in the path: < > : " / |
+4. Either or both of a filename or extension must be present. This means that a valid aFileName can not
+ end with backslash (like "c:\\SomeName\\"), because it will mean that "SomeName" is a directory.
+5. The entire component following the final backslash (the filename and extension) cannot consist solely of space characters,
+ or of a single or double dot.
+6. Spaces between the drive, if specified, and the first directory in the path are illegal, although there may be
+ spaces between other path components, for example, between directories.
+7. If the path in aFileName is not fully specified, i.e. doesn't look like "c:\\Dir1\\File1.bin", all missing
+ parts of the full path will be taken from the session path, @see RFs::SetSessionPath, @see RFs::SessionPath.
+ In this case the session path must be set, otherwise this method will return EFalse.
+ For example: for the case "\\file1.txt" only the drive letter will be taken from the session path;
+ for the case "file1.txt" whole session path will be internally prepended to the "file1.txt" and whole path checked.
+ Note that in this case total length of the name in the aFileName parameter and the session path shall not exceed KMaxFileName characters.
+@param aFileName The path to be checked for validity.
+ May specify a filename alone, or an entire path specification, including drive letter.
+ If a path is specified, all components are checked for validity.
+@param aBadChar reference to the variable that on return can contain illegal character from aFileName.
+ 1. if the filename and optional path in aFileName are valid, this method will return ETrue and aBadChar will be set to 0x00.
+ 2. if there is an illegal character in aFileName, this method will return EFalse and aBadChar will contain this illegal character.
+ 3. if there is no illegal characters in aFileName, but this is still not a valid filename (like "\\SomeName\\")
+ this method will return EFalse and aBadChar will contain space ' ' or code 0x20.
+@return ETrue, if the name is valid (conforms to the mentioned above criteria); EFalse otherwise.
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::IsValidName(const TDesC& aFileName,TText& aBadChar) const
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName2, MODULEUID, Handle(), aFileName);
+ TBool returnInvalidChar=ETrue;
+ TPckg<TBool> boolPckg(returnInvalidChar);
+ TPckg<TText> textPckg(aBadChar);
+ TBool b;
+ if (SendReceive(EFsIsValidName,TIpcArgs(&aFileName,&boolPckg,&textPckg,NULL))!=KErrNone)
+ b = EFalse;
+ else
+ b = ETrue;
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName2Return, MODULEUID, b, aBadChar);
+ return b;
+ }
+This API can be used to validate both directory and file names.
+If the name ends with a trailing backslash '\\' then it is considered to be a directory
+else a filename.
+For example: "C:\\test\\" would mean a directory, whereas
+ "C:\\test" would mean a file, both of which would be returned as a Valid Name.
+However a name such as "C:\\test\\\\" would be returned as an Invalid name with error code TError::ErrBadName
+The following restrictions apply to the path and to its components:
+1. Wildcards are not allowed in any path component, including the name and extension.
+2. Double backslashes are not allowed anywhere in the path
+3. The following 6 characters cannot appear in the path: < > : " / |
+4. The entire component following the final backslash (the filename and extension) cannot consist solely of space characters,
+ or of a single or double dot.
+5. Spaces between the drive, if specified, and the first directory in the path are illegal, although there may be
+ spaces between other path components, for example, between directories.
+6. If TNameValidParam::iUseSesssionPath is set to ETrue, and if the path in aName is not fully specified,
+ i.e. doesn't look like "c:\\Dir1\\File1.bin", all missing parts of the full path will be taken from the session path,
+ @see RFs::SetSessionPath, @see RFs::SessionPath.
+ In this case the session path must be set, otherwise this method will return EFalse.
+ For example: for the case "\\file1.txt" only the drive letter will be taken from the session path;
+ for the case "file1.txt" whole session path will be internally prepended to the "file1.txt" and whole path checked.
+ Note that in this case total length of the name in the aName parameter and the session path shall not exceed KMaxFileName characters.
+7. If TNameValidParam::iUseSesssionPath is set to EFalse, which is the default value, then
+ the session path is not used to fill in the missing parts of the name as stated above.
+ For example: for the case "file1.txt", session path will not be used to check the validity of the name.
+@param aName The path to be checked for validity.
+ May specify a name alone, or an entire path specification, including drive letter.
+ If a path is specified, all components are checked for validity.
+@param aParam reference to the variable that on return can contain details of the error if any.
+ While constructing an object of this type one could specify whether one wants to use the sessionPath for filling up missing parts of aName,
+ or one would want to test aName as it is without prepending the sessionPath.
+ By default the sessionPath is NOT used.
+ 1. if the name and optional path in aName are valid, this method will return ETrue and TError::iError will contain ErrNone.
+ 2. if there is an illegal character in aName, this method will return EFalse and TError::iError will contain KErrBadCharacter.
+ Also TError::iInvalidCharPos will indicate the position of the rightmost invalid character.
+ 3. if there is no illegal characters in aName, but this is still not a valid name (like "")
+ this method will return EFalse and TError::iError will contain KErrBadCharacter, while iInvalidCharPos will be set to 0
+ 4. if length of the name exceeds 256 characters, this method will return EFalse and TError::iError will contain KErrTooLong.
+ if the optional sessionPath is used, then the length of the sessionPath is also used to determine whether the length exceeds 256 characters.
+@return ETrue, if the name is valid (conforms to the mentioned above criteria); EFalse otherwise.
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TBool RFs::IsValidName(const TDesC& aName, TNameValidParam& aParam )
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName3, MODULEUID, Handle(), aName);
+ TPckg<TNameValidParam> paramPckg(aParam);
+ TBool b;
+ if (SendReceive(EFsIsValidName,TIpcArgs(&aName,NULL,NULL,¶mPckg))!=KErrNone)
+ b = EFalse;
+ else
+ b = ETrue;
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsIsValidName3Return, MODULEUID, b, aParam.ErrorCode());
+ return b;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetDriveName(TInt aDrive,TDes& aDriveName) const
+Gets the name of a drive.
+Drive naming is optional. If the drive specified has not been assigned a name,
+this function returns a descriptor whose length is zero.
+@param aDrive The drive number. Specify a drive in the range
+ EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives A to Z, respectively.
+ The default drive is the session default drive represented
+ by KDefaultDrive.
+@param aDriveName On return, the drive name.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
+ system-wide error codes.
+@see TDriveNumber
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDriveName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsGetDriveName,TIpcArgs(aDrive,&aDriveName));
+ TRACERETMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetDriveNameReturn, MODULEUID, r, aDriveName);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetDriveName(TInt aDrive,const TDesC& aDriveName)
+Sets the name of a drive.
+Drive naming is optional. Any drive can be assigned a name, and more than
+one drive can share the same name.
+@param aDrive The drive number. Specify a drive in the range
+ EDriveA to EDriveZ for drives A to Z, respectively.
+ Specify KDefaultDrive for the session default drive.
+@param aDriveName The name of the drive, with a maximum of 256 characters.
+ The name cannot contain the 6 characters < > : " / |
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrBadName, if the name contains illegal characters;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetDriveName, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aDriveName);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetDriveName,TIpcArgs(aDrive,&aDriveName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetDriveNameReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::LockDrive(TInt aDrv, const TMediaPassword &aOld, const TMediaPassword &aNew, TBool aStore)
+Sets the password for the media in the specified drive.
+The media is not necessarily locked afterwards. Accessibility is determined
+by the following rules:
+ - The media may not become locked until power is removed (such as with MMC cards)
+ - If the password is added to the password store (the aStore parameter is ETrue), the
+ media will be automatically unlocked on the next access.
+@param aDrv The drive.
+@param aOld The existing password. If no password is set, this must be a zero-length descriptor.
+@param aNew The new password.
+@param aStore ETrue if the new password is to be saved to the controller password store;
+ EFalse if not.
+@return KErrNone if successful;
+ KErrNotSupported if the media does not support password locking.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsLockDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrv, aStore);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsLockDrive,TIpcArgs(aDrv,&aOld,&aNew,aStore));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsLockDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::UnlockDrive(TInt aDrive, const TMediaPassword &aPassword, TBool aStore)
+Unlocks the media in the specified drive.
+The password must be added to the MultiMedia card controller's password store
+so that the controller can subsequently issue the password without the user
+having to be prompted for it again.
+@param aDrive The drive.
+@param aPassword The password.
+@param aStore Specify ETrue to add the password to the
+ controller's password store.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrAccessDenied, if the password is incorrect;
+ KErrAlreadyExists, if the card has already been unlocked;
+ KErrNotSupported, if the media does not support password locking.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsUnlockDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aStore);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsUnlockDrive,TIpcArgs(aDrive,&aPassword,aStore));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsUnlockDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ClearPassword(TInt aDrv, const TMediaPassword &aPswd)
+Clears the password from the locked MultiMedia card in the specified drive.
+Clearing the password causes the MultiMedia card controller to set
+the password to null.
+@param aDrv The drive.
+@param aPswd The current password, which is required to perform this
+ operation.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrAccessDenied, if the password is wrong or the card is still locked;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsClearPassword, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrv);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsClearPassword,TIpcArgs(aDrv,&aPswd));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsClearPasswordReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ErasePassword(TInt aDrv)
+Erase the password from the locked MultiMedia card in the specified drive.
+Used when the password is unknown, and may result in the media being erased.
+Successful execution of this call may result in leaving the media in unformatted state.
+Hence, it is recommended to format the Multimedia card after calling RFs::ErasePassword().
+@param aDrv The drive.
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsErasePassword, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrv);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsErasePassword,TIpcArgs(aDrv));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsErasePasswordReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::StartupInitComplete(TRequestStatus& aStat)
+Noifies the file server that startup initialisation is complete.
+@param aStat Request status object.
+// Notify file server that startup initialisation has been completed
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsStartupInitComplete, MODULEUID, Handle(), &aStat);
+ aStat=KRequestPending;
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsStartupInitComplete,aStat);
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsStartupInitCompleteReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetLocalDriveMapping(const TDesC8& aMapping)
+// Set the local drive mapping
+ {
+ TRACEMULT2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetLocalDriveMapping, MODULEUID, Handle(), aMapping);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetLocalDriveMapping,TIpcArgs(&aMapping));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetLocalDriveMappingReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ Finalise the given drive. This operation is intended to put the drive into the consistent state when it is
+ safe to remove it physically or switch the power off.
+ @param aDriveNo drive number
+ @param aMode describes the finalisation operation, see RFs::TFinaliseDrvMode enum
+ @return KErrNone on success,
+ KErrArgument if the function arguments are invalid
+ KErrInUse if the drive has opened objects (files, directories etc.) and therefore can not be finalised
+ KErrCorrupt if the drive is corrupt.
+ System wide error codes otherwise.
+ @capability DiskAdmin
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::FinaliseDrive(TInt aDriveNo, TFinaliseDrvMode aMode) const
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFinaliseDrive, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDriveNo, aMode);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsFinaliseDrive,TIpcArgs(aDriveNo, (TInt)aMode));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFinaliseDriveReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ Makes the best effort to finalise all drives in the system.
+ Effectively calls RFs::FinaliseDrive(..., EFinal_RW) to all present drives in the system. This makes impossible to
+ analyse the error code if the finalisation of some fails.
+ It is much better to use RFs::FinaliseDrive(...) specifying concrete drive number and desired finalisation mode.
+ @return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ @capability DiskAdmin
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::FinaliseDrives()
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFinaliseDrives, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ TInt nRes;
+ TDriveList driveList;
+ TDriveInfo driveInfo;
+ nRes=DriveList(driveList);
+ if(nRes != KErrNone)
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFinaliseDrivesReturn, MODULEUID, nRes);
+ return nRes; //-- unable to obtain drives list
+ }
+ //-- walk through all drives in the system sending them "Finalise" request
+ for (TInt i=0; i<KMaxDrives; ++i)
+ {
+ if(!driveList[i])
+ continue; //-- skip unexisting drive
+ if(Drive(driveInfo, i) != KErrNone)
+ continue; //-- skip this drive, can't get information about it
+ const TUint KDrvAttExclude = KDriveAttRom | KDriveAttRedirected; //-- the drive attributes to exlcude from the finalisation
+ if(driveInfo.iDriveAtt & KDrvAttExclude)
+ continue;
+ nRes = FinaliseDrive(i, EFinal_RW);
+ }
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFinaliseDrivesReturn, MODULEUID, KErrNone);
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SwapFileSystem(const TDesC& aOldFileSystemName,const TDesC& aNewFileSystemName,TInt aDrive) const
+Dismount aOldFileSystemName and mount aNewFileSystemName in an atomic operation
+If swapping in the composite filesystem, and no mounts have been added to it,
+then ROFS is added to it by default. The synchronous state of the composite filesystem
+will be used in preference to that of the old filesystem when it is mounted.
+@param aOldFileSystemName The filesystem name that is currently on the drive.
+@param aNewFileSystemName The filesystem name that is to be swapped onto the drive.
+@param aDrive The drive for which the filesystem is to be swapped.
+@return KErrNone if successful
+ KErrInUse if a dismount is pending on the drive
+ KErrNotSupported if swapping Z drive with something other then composite or if the drive is asynchronous
+ KErrAlreadyExists if swapping the composite filesystem, and it is already mounted
+ KErrNotFound If the filesystem name provided could not be found.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSwapFileSystem, MODULEUID, Handle(), aOldFileSystemName, aNewFileSystemName, aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSwapFileSystem,TIpcArgs(&aNewFileSystemName,aDrive,&aOldFileSystemName));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSwapFileSystemReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::AddCompositeMount(const TDesC& aFileSystemName,TInt aLocalDriveToMount,TInt aCompositeDrive, TBool aSync) const
+Adds a local drive to the composite filesystem. This can only be used before
+the composite filesystem is mounted. The local drive is mounted with the
+filesystem provided. If any local drive added is marked to be asynchronous,
+then the whole composite drive will be treated asynchronous.
+@param aFileSystemName The filesystem of the local drive to be added.
+@param aLocalDriveToMount The local drive to be added.
+@param aCompositeDrive The drive the composite filesystem will be mounted on.
+@param aSync If the filesystem added here is preferred to be synchronous.
+@return KErrNone if successful
+ KErrNotFound If the filesystem name provided could not be found.
+ KErrNotReady If the composite filesystem has not been initialised.
+ KErrNotSupported If the composite filesystem is already mounted or the parameters passed are unsupported
+@capability DiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACEMULT5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddCompositeMount, MODULEUID,
+ Handle(), aFileSystemName, aLocalDriveToMount, aCompositeDrive, aSync);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsAddCompositeMount,TIpcArgs(&aFileSystemName,aLocalDriveToMount,aCompositeDrive,aSync));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAddCompositeMountReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ReserveDriveSpace(TInt aDriveNo, TInt aSpace)
+Reserves an area of a drive. It is intended that sensible (tm) apps will reserve a small
+area of disk for 'emergency' use in case of later out of disk situations. If the amount of
+reserved space later needs to be readjusted, this method should be called again with
+aSpace as the amount of extra space needed.
+Once space has been reserved via this method, an application can use RFs::GetReserveAccess
+to gain access to the reserved area prior to executing disk space critical sections of code.
+After the section of code is complete, the application should release access to the reserved
+For internal drives, reserved space will be lost if a reboot occurs. For removeable drives,
+reserved space may be lost if there is a media change.
+Reserved space will be cleaned up automatically when the RFs is closed.
+Each drive has a max amount of space available to be reserved, and individual sessions also
+have a max amount of space. These are defined in f32/sfile/sf_std.h as KMaxTotalDriveReserved
+and KMaxSessionDriveReserved respectively. Once space is reserved, it is only available to
+the reserving session until that session releases the reserved space.
+@param aDriveNo Which drive to reserve space on
+@param aSpace Amount of space to reserve
+@return KErrNone if successful
+ KErrInUse if the session already has reserved access
+ KErrArgument if aSpace is invalid (greater than KMaxSessionDriveReserved, negative number, etc.)
+ KErrDiskFull if insufficient space is left on the drive to service the request
+ KErrTooBig if this request would overflow the available reserve (greater than KMaxTotalDriveReserved)
+ any of the possible error return codes from TDrive::Volume()
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReserveDriveSpace, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDriveNo, aSpace);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsReserveDriveSpace, TIpcArgs(aDriveNo, aSpace));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReserveDriveSpaceReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::GetReserveAccess(TInt aDriveNo)
+Get exclusive access for this session to overwrite a specific disk area, which has previously
+been reserved via RFs::ReserveDriveSpace
+@param aDriveNo drive on which to get reserved access
+@return KErrNone if successful
+ KErrPermissionDenied if the drive has no spare reserved space
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetReserveAccess, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDriveNo);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsGetReserveAccess, TIpcArgs(aDriveNo));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsGetReserveAccessReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::ReleaseReserveAccess(TInt aDriveNo)
+Release exclusive access for this session to overwrite a specific disk area.
+@param aDriveNo drive on which to release reserved access
+@return KErrNone (always returned)
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReleaseReserveAccess, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDriveNo);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsReleaseReserveAccess, TIpcArgs(aDriveNo));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsReleaseReserveAccessReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+Sets up a pending dismount notifier, the type of which is specified by TNotifyDismountMode.
+ EFsDismountRegisterClient - Sets up a notifier to signal the client when a dismount has been requested.
+ EFsDismountNotifyClients - Notifies all clients (who registered using EFsDismountRegisterClient) of a pending dismount,
+ signalling the caller when all clients have responded.
+ EFsDismountForceDismount - Forcibly dismounts the file system without signalling any registered clients.
+This API is intended to be used to allow applications and servers to commit their data to
+the media prior to the file system being dismounted. The application forcing the dismount
+should first attempt to notify all clients. If all clients don't respond in a a reaonable
+time, the dismount request may be cancelled, followed by a forced dismount.
+Any handles left open on the file system shall be disassociated from the media. Attempts to
+access these resources shall return with the KErrDismounted error code.
+@param aDriveNo The drive on which to request dismount
+@param aMode A TNotifyDismountMode specifying the behaviour of the notification API
+@param aStat Completed when all clients have indicated that it is safe to remove the media
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDismount(TInt aDrive, TRequestStatus& aStat, TNotifyDismountMode aMode) const
+ {
+ TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismount, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, &aStat, aMode);
+ aStat = KRequestPending;
+ RSessionBase::SendReceive(EFsNotifyDismount, TIpcArgs(aDrive,aMode,&aStat), aStat);
+ // This call is to synchronise with the driver thread as the corresponding cancel function (NotifyDismountCancel)
+ // is synchronous, so it can complete before this notify request has even been added to TDismountNotifyQue.
+ // This call guarantees that the notify request has been added to queue.
+ SendReceive(EFsSynchroniseDriveThread, TIpcArgs(aDrive));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismountReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDismountCancel(TRequestStatus& aStat) const
+Cancels the oustanding dismount notifier, completing with KErrCancel.
+@param aStat The request status object associated with the request to be cancelled.
+@see RFs::NotifyDismount
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismountCancel1, MODULEUID, Handle(), &aStat);
+ if (aStat == KRequestPending)
+ SendReceive(EFsNotifyDismountCancel, TIpcArgs(&aStat));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismountCancel1Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::NotifyDismountCancel() const
+Cancel all oustanding dismount notifiers for this session, completing with KErrCancel.
+@see RFs::NotifyDismount
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismountCancel2, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ SendReceive(EFsNotifyDismountCancel, TIpcArgs(NULL));
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsNotifyDismountCancel2Return, MODULEUID);
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::AllowDismount(TInt aDrive) const
+Used by a client to indicate that it is safe to dismount the file system.
+This should be called after receiving a pending media removal notification.
+Not calling this does not guarantee that the dismount will not occur
+as the application requesting the dismount may decide to forcibly dismount
+after a given timeout period.
+@param aDriveNo The drive on which to allow the dismount.
+@return KErrNone if successful
+@see RFs::NotifyDismount
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAllowDismount, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsAllowDismount, TIpcArgs(aDrive));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsAllowDismountReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetStartupConfiguration(TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2) const
+Only can be called in estart. Licensees could use this function to configure
+file server at startup through their own version of estart.
+Currently only loader thread priority can be specified.
+@param aCommand Command indicating what aspect of file server should be configured.
+ aParam1 Command specific parameter.
+ aParam2 Command specific parameter.
+@return KErrNone if successful, KErrPermissionDenied if called outside estart
+ {
+ TRACE4(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetStartupConfiguration, MODULEUID, Handle(), aCommand, aParam1, aParam2);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetStartupConfiguration, TIpcArgs(aCommand,aParam1,aParam2));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetStartupConfigurationReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::SetNotifyChange(TBool aNotifyChange)
+Enables/Disables change notification on a per-session basis. Change notification is enabled
+by default, and can be disabled using this API. Disabling change notification will result in
+clients of the file server not being notified of events such as directory/file changes.
+@param aNotifyChange ETrue to enable change notifications, EFalse to disable.
+@return KErrNone if successful.
+@capability DiskAdmin
+@see RFs::NotifyChange
+ */
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetNotifyChange, MODULEUID, Handle(), aNotifyChange);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsSetSessionFlags, TIpcArgs(aNotifyChange ? EFsSessionNotifyChange: 0, aNotifyChange ? 0 : EFsSessionNotifyChange));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsSetNotifyChangeReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+TInt RFs::Unclamp(const RFileClamp& aHandle)
+Makes available for paging-out the media space occupied by the file identified by
+the supplied handle.
+@param aHandle handle to the file on the media.
+@return KErrNone if successful.
+@capability ???
+@see RFile::Clamp
+ */
+ {
+ TPckg<RFileClamp> pkHandle(aHandle);
+ return SendReceive(EFsUnclamp, TIpcArgs(& pkHandle));
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::InitialisePropertiesFile(const TPtrC8& aPtr) const
+Sets the F32 properties file - Can only be called from the ESTART process
+@param aPtr A descriptor pointing to an INI file in ROM.
+@return KErrNone if successful.
+@capability KDiskAdmin
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsInitialisePropertiesFile, MODULEUID, Handle(), aPtr.Ptr(), aPtr.Length());
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsInitialisePropertiesFile, TIpcArgs(aPtr.Ptr(), aPtr.Length(), ETrue));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsInitialisePropertiesFileReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::QueryVolumeInfoExt(TInt aDrive, TQueryVolumeInfoExtCmd aCommand, TDes8& aInfo) const
+Queries specific information on volumes by commands. Available commands is defined by TQueryVolumeInfoExtCmd.
+@param aDriveNo The drive on which to query information.
+@param aCommand A command to specify which information is under query
+@param aInfo A TPckgBuf<> to carry returned results.
+@return KErrNone if successful; otherwise another system-wide error code is returned.
+@see TQueryVolumeInfoExtCmd
+@see TVolumeIOParamInfo
+ */
+ {
+ TRACE3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsQueryVolumeInfoExt, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aCommand);
+ TInt r = SendReceive(EFsQueryVolumeInfoExt, TIpcArgs(aDrive, aCommand, &aInfo));
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsQueryVolumeInfoExtReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::VolumeIOParam(TInt aDrive, TVolumeIOParamInfo& aParamInfo) const
+This function queries a set of I/O parameters on the specified volume, this includes the block size of underlying media,
+cluster size of the mounted file system and the recommended read/write buffer sizes.
+The volume information is retuned through aParamInfo. Even if VolumeIOParam() returns successful, errors
+can effect the return value of each field within aParamInfo.
+@param aDrive A drive number, specifies which volume to query.
+@param aParamInfo A TVolumeIOParamInfo containing the volume parameters.
+@return KErrNone if successful; otherwise, another system wide error code is returned.
+ {
+ TRACE2(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolumeIOParam, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive);
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ if (!IsValidDrive(aDrive))
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TVolumeIOParamInfo> infoPckg;
+ r = QueryVolumeInfoExt(aDrive, EIOParamInfo, infoPckg);
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ aParamInfo = infoPckg();
+ }
+ TRACE5(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsVolumeIOParamReturn, MODULEUID,
+ r, aParamInfo.iBlockSize, aParamInfo.iClusterSize, aParamInfo.iRecReadBufSize, aParamInfo.iRecWriteBufSize);
+ return r;
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C TInt RFs::FileSystemSubType(TInt aDrive, TDes& aName) const
+This function queries the sub type of the file system mounted on the specified volume. For example, 'FAT16'
+of the Fat file system.
+TFSName is recommended as the type for aName when using this function.
+NOTE: File systems without a sub type (For example, a ROM file system), the name of the file system is
+returned (For example, 'Rom').
+@param aDrive A drive number, specifies which volume to query.
+@param aName A descriptor containing the returned sub type name or file system name.
+@return KErrNone if successful; KErrNotSuppoted if sub type is not supported;
+ otherwise another system-wide error code is returned.
+@see TFSName
+ {
+ TRACEMULT3(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemSubType, MODULEUID, Handle(), aDrive, aName);
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ if (!IsValidDrive(aDrive))
+ r = KErrArgument;
+ if (r == KErrNone)
+ {
+ TPckgBuf<TFSName> namePckg;
+ r = QueryVolumeInfoExt(aDrive, EFileSystemSubType, namePckg);
+ if (r == KErrNone || r == KErrNotSupported)
+ aName = namePckg();
+ }
+ TRACERET1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsFileSystemSubTypeReturn, MODULEUID, r);
+ return r;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RFs::AddProxyDrive(const TDesC& aFileName)
+Loads the specified extension.
+@param aFileName The file name of the extension
+@return KErrNone, if successful; otherwise one of the other system wide error codes.
+ {
+ RLoader loader;
+ TInt r = loader.Connect();
+ if (r==KErrNone)
+ {
+ r = loader.SendReceive(ELoadFSProxyDrive, TIpcArgs(0, &aFileName, 0));
+ loader.Close();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RFs::RemoveProxyDrive(const TDesC& aExtensionName)
+Removes the specified extension.
+@param aExtensionName The fullname of the extension, as returned from
+ a call to ExtensionName().
+@return KErrNone, if successful;
+ KErrInUse if there are still drives mounted that are using it
+ KErrNotFound, if aExtensionName is not found;
+ otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+ {
+ return(SendReceive(EFsRemoveProxyDrive,TIpcArgs(&aExtensionName)));
+ }
+Initialises a proxy drive.
+@param aProxyDriveNumber drive number that will be used to mount the proxy drive
+@param aName name of the proxy drive extension
+@param anInfo initialisation information to be passed to the proxy drive extension to initialise the drive
+@return If succesful the internal drive number used to represent the drive (equivalent to a local drive
+ number for normal drives) This number is obtained dynmically. The number will range between KMaxLocalDrives
+ and KMaxDrives.
+ KErrInUse if aProxyDriveNumber is in use or if there are not proxy drive numbers left
+ KErrArgument if aProxyDriveNumber or aName are invalid
+ Any other system wide error code.
+EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DoMountProxyDrive(const TIpcArgs& ipcArgs)
+ {
+ return SendReceive(EFsMountProxyDrive, ipcArgs);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt RFs::DismountProxyDrive(const TUint aProxyDriveNumber)
+Dismounts a proxy drive.
+@param aProxyDriveNumber drive number that will be used to mount the proxy drive
+@param aName name of the proxy drive extension
+@param anInfo initialisation information to be passed to the proxy drive extension to initialise the drive
+@return If succesful the internal drive number used to represent the drive (equivalent to a local drive
+ number for normal drives) This number is obtained dynmically. The number will range between KMaxLocalDrives
+ and KMaxDrives.
+ KErrInUse if aProxyDriveNumber is in use or if there are not proxy drive numbers left
+ KErrArgument if aProxyDriveNumber or aName are invalid
+ Any other system wide error code.
+ {
+ return SendReceive(EFsDismountProxyDrive,TIpcArgs(aProxyDriveNumber));
+ }
+EFSRV_EXPORT_C void RFs::Close()
+ {
+ TRACE1(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsClose, MODULEUID, Handle());
+ RSessionBase::Close();
+ TRACE0(UTF::EBorder, UTraceModuleEfsrv::EFsCloseReturn, MODULEUID);
+ }