--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/userlibandfileserver/fileserver/sfsrv/cl_parse.cpp Mon Oct 19 15:55:17 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,852 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// f32\sfsrv\cl_parse.cpp
+#include "cl_std.h"
+const TInt KLexComponents=4;
+const TInt KLexNames=3;
+EXPORT_C TParseBase::TParseBase()
+ : iWild(0)
+Default constructor.
+ {
+ Mem::FillZ(&iField[0],sizeof(iField));
+ }
+TInt TParseBase::ParseDrive(TLex& aName,TBool& aDone)
+// Parse the drive name.
+ {
+ TPtrC d=aName.RemainderFromMark();
+ if (d.Length()<2 || d[1]!=KDriveDelimiter)
+ return(KErrNone); //must be Drive delimeter and longer that tow to be valid drive
+ TCharF c=d[0];
+ if (!c.IsAlpha()) //must be alphaber letter
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ if (!aDone)
+ {
+ if(iMod)
+ NameBuf()+=d.Left(2);
+ aDone=ETrue;
+ }
+ aName.SkipAndMark(2);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt TParseBase::ParsePath(TLex& aName,TBool& aDone)
+// Parse the path.
+ {
+ TPtrC d=aName.RemainderFromMark();
+ if (d.Length() && d[0]!=KPathDelimiter)
+ return(KErrNone); // Require first char of path to be a '\'
+ TInt n=d.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter)+1;
+ if (n && !aDone)
+ {
+ if(iMod)
+ {
+ if (NameBuf().Length()+n>KMaxFileName)
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ NameBuf()+=d.Left(n);
+ }
+ aDone=ETrue;
+ }
+ aName.SkipAndMark(n);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+LOCAL_C TBool IsSpace(const TDesC& aDes)
+// Returns ETrue if aDes only contains spaces or is zero length
+ {
+ TInt len=aDes.Length();
+ for (TInt i=0;i<len;i++)
+ {
+ TChar txt=aDes[i];
+ if (!txt.IsSpace())
+ return(EFalse);
+ }
+ return(ETrue);
+ }
+TInt TParseBase::ParseName(TLex& aName,TBool& aDone)
+// Parse the name.
+ {
+ TPtrC d=aName.RemainderFromMark();
+ if (d.Locate(KPathDelimiter)!=KErrNotFound)
+ return(KErrBadName); // Illegal name - filenames cannot contain a '\'
+ TInt n=d.LocateReverse(KExtDelimiter);
+ if (n==KErrNotFound)
+ {
+ n=d.Length();
+ if (IsSpace(d.Left(n)))
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+ TPtrC v=d.Left(n);
+ if (n && !aDone)
+ {
+ if (v.Locate(KMatchOne)!=KErrNotFound) // Found ? in the name
+ iWild|=(EWildName|EWildEither|EWildIsKMatchOne);
+ if (v.Locate(KMatchAny)!=KErrNotFound) // Found * in the name
+ iWild|=(EWildName|EWildEither|EWildIsKMatchAny);
+ if(iMod)
+ {
+ if (NameBuf().Length()+n>KMaxFileName)
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ NameBuf()+=v;
+ if (n==d.Length())
+ NameBuf().TrimRight();
+ }
+ aDone=ETrue;
+ }
+ aName.SkipAndMark(n);
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt TParseBase::ParseExt(TLex& aName,TBool& aDone)
+// Parse the extension.
+ {
+ TPtrC d=aName.RemainderFromMark();
+ if (d.Length() && !IsSpace(d) && !aDone)
+ {
+ if (d.Locate(KMatchOne)!=KErrNotFound) // Found ? in the name
+ iWild|=(EWildExt|EWildEither|EWildIsKMatchOne);
+ if (d.Locate(KMatchAny)!=KErrNotFound) // Found * in the name
+ iWild|=(EWildExt|EWildEither|EWildIsKMatchAny);
+ if(iMod)
+ {
+ if (NameBuf().Length()+d.Length()>KMaxFileName)
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ NameBuf()+=d;
+ NameBuf().TrimRight();
+ }
+ else
+ aName.SkipAndMark(d.Length());
+ aDone=ETrue;
+ }
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+TInt TParseBase::Set(const TDesC* aName,const TDesC* aRelated,const TDesC* aDefault,TBool allowWild)
+// Parse a name. Optionally allow wild cards.
+ {
+ TInt (TParseBase::*parse[KLexComponents])(TLex& aName,TBool& aDone);
+ parse[0]=&TParseBase::ParseDrive;
+ parse[1]=&TParseBase::ParsePath;
+ parse[2]=&TParseBase::ParseName;
+ parse[3]=&TParseBase::ParseExt;
+ iWild=0;
+ Mem::FillZ(&iField[0],sizeof(iField));
+ TLex name(*aName);
+ TLex def;
+ TLex rel;
+ TInt lexnames;
+ if(iMod)
+ {
+ if (aRelated)
+ rel=(*aRelated);
+ if (aDefault)
+ def=(*aDefault);
+ NameBuf().Zero();
+ lexnames = KLexNames;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lexnames = 1;
+ }
+ TLex* lex[KLexNames];
+ lex[0]=(&name);
+ lex[1]=(&rel);
+ lex[2]=(&def);
+ name.Mark();
+ rel.Mark();
+ def.Mark();
+ TInt r;
+ TInt pos=0;
+ for (TInt i=0;i<KLexComponents;i++)
+ {
+ TBool done=EFalse;
+ for (TInt j=0;j<lexnames;j++)
+ {
+ if ((r=(this->*parse[i])(*lex[j],done))<KErrNone)
+ return(r);
+ if (j==0 && done)
+ iField[i].present=ETrue;
+ }
+ TInt len;
+ if(iMod)
+ len=NameBuf().Length()-pos;
+ else
+ len=name.MarkedOffset()-pos;
+ iField[i].len=(TUint8)len;
+ iField[i].pos=(TUint8)pos;
+ pos+=len;
+ }
+ if (!allowWild && iWild)
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ if (iField[EPath].len==1)
+ iWild|=EIsRoot;
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TParseBase::PopDir()
+Removes the last directory from the path in the fully parsed specification.
+This function may be used to navigate up one level in a directory hierarchy.
+An error is returned if the specified directory is the root.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error
+ codes.
+ {
+ if (IsRoot())
+ return(KErrGeneral);
+ TInt len;
+ if (iField[EName].pos==0 && NameBuf().Length()==256)
+ len=256;
+ else
+ len=iField[EName].pos;
+ TPtrC p(NameBuf().Ptr(),len-1);
+ TInt pos=p.LocateReverse(KPathDelimiter)+1;
+ len-=pos;
+ NameBuf().Delete(pos,len);
+ iField[EName].pos=(TUint8)(iField[EName].pos-len);
+ iField[EExt].pos=(TUint8)(iField[EExt].pos-len);
+ iField[EPath].len=(TUint8)(iField[EPath].len-len);
+ if (iField[EPath].len==1)
+ iWild|=EIsRoot;
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TParseBase::AddDir(const TDesC& aName)
+Adds a single directory onto the end of the path in
+the fully parsed specification.
+The directory is inserted between the final directory, and the filename, if
+there is one.
+@param aName The directory to be added. It must not start with a \\ otherwise
+ the function does not recognise it as a valid directory name
+ and an error is returned.
+ The directory name must not end with a \\ since the function
+ adds this automatically. It must not exceed the maximum
+ filename length, KMaxFileName characters, otherwise an error
+ is returned.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error
+ codes.
+@see KMaxFileName
+ {
+ if (aName.Length()==0)
+ return(KErrNone);
+ TInt len=aName.Length()+1;
+ if ((len+NameBuf().Length())>NameBuf().MaxLength())
+ return(KErrGeneral);
+ TInt pos=aName.Locate(KPathDelimiter);
+ if (pos!=KErrNotFound)
+ return(KErrBadName);
+ TFileName n=aName;
+ n.Append(KPathDelimiter);
+ NameBuf().Insert(iField[EName].pos,n);
+ iField[EPath].len=(TUint8)(iField[EPath].len+len);
+ iField[EName].pos=(TUint8)(iField[EName].pos+len);
+ iField[EExt].pos=(TUint8)(len+iField[EExt].pos);
+ if (IsRoot())
+ iWild&=~EIsRoot;
+ return(KErrNone);
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& TParseBase::FullName() const
+Gets the complete file specification.
+This is in the form:
+drive-letter: \\path\\filename.extension
+@return The fully parsed file specification.
+ {
+ return(NameBufC());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::Drive() const
+Gets the drive letter.
+The drive letter is in the form:
+Note that the drive letter is folded.
+@return The drive letter and colon.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EDrive];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::Path() const
+Gets the path.
+The path is in the form:
+@return The path. It always begins and ends in a backslash.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EPath];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::DriveAndPath() const
+Gets the drive letter and path.
+This is in the form
+Note that the drive letter is folded
+@return The drive and path.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EDrive];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len+iField[EPath].len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::Name() const
+Gets the filename.
+This is in the form
+@return The filename.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EName];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::Ext() const
+Gets the extension.
+This is in the form:
+@return The extension and preceding dot.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EExt];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TPtrC TParseBase::NameAndExt() const
+Gets the filename and extension.
+This is in the form:
+@return The filename and extension.
+ {
+ const SField& f=iField[EName];
+ return(NameBufC().Mid(f.pos,f.len+iField[EExt].len));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::DrivePresent() const
+Tests whether a drive is present.
+Note that this function refers to a component
+in the aName argument specified in calls to TParse::Set(), TParse::SetNoWild()
+or RFs::Parse(), not to the resulting fully parsed file specification.
+@return True if a drive present, false if not.
+@see TParse
+@see RFs
+ {
+ return(iField[EDrive].present);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::PathPresent() const
+Tests whether a path is present.
+Note that this function refers to a component
+in the aName argument specified in calls to TParse::Set(), TParse::SetNoWild()
+or RFs::Parse(), not to the resulting fully parsed file specification.
+@return True if a path present, false if not.
+@see TParse
+@see RFs
+ {
+ return(iField[EPath].present);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::NamePresent() const
+Tests whether a file name is present.
+Note that this function refers to a component
+in the aName argument specified in calls to TParse::Set(), TParse::SetNoWild()
+or RFs::Parse(), not to the resulting fully parsed file specification.
+This function returns true even if the filename specified in aName contains
+only wildcards. It only returns false if nothing is specified.
+@return True if a name present, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iField[EName].present);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::ExtPresent() const
+Tests whether an extension is present.
+Note that this function refers to a component
+in the aName argument specified in calls to TParse::Set(), TParse::SetNoWild()
+or RFs::Parse(), not to the resulting fully parsed file specification.
+This function returns true even if the extension contains only wildcards.
+It only returns false if nothing is specified.
+@return True if an extension present, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iField[EExt].present);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::NameOrExtPresent() const
+Tests whether a filename or an extension are present.
+Note that this function refers to a component in the aName argument
+specified in calls to TParse::Set(), TParse::SetNoWild() or RFs::Parse(), not
+to the resulting fully parsed file specification.
+This function returns true even if the filename or extension specified in
+aName contain only wildcards. It only returns false if nothing is specified.
+@return True if either a name or an extension or both are present,
+ otherwise false.
+ {
+ return(iField[EName].present || iField[EExt].present);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsRoot() const
+Tests whether the path in the fully parsed specification is the root directory.
+@return True if path is root, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EIsRoot);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsWild() const
+Tests whether the filename or the extension in the fully parsed specification
+contains one or more wildcard characters.
+@return True if wildcards are present, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EWildEither);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsKMatchOne() const
+Tests whether the name or the extension contains a question mark wildcard.
+@return True if either the name or extension has a ? wild card,
+ false otherwise.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EWildIsKMatchOne);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsKMatchAny() const
+Tests whether the name or the extension contains asterisk wildcards.
+@return True if either the name or extension has a * wild card,
+ false otherwise.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EWildIsKMatchAny);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsNameWild() const
+Tests whether the filename in the fully parsed specification contains one or
+more wildcard characters.
+@return True if the filename contains wildcard characters, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EWildName);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool TParseBase::IsExtWild() const
+Tests whether the extension in the fully parsed specification contains one
+or more wildcard characters.
+@return True if the extension contains wildcard characters, false if not.
+ {
+ return(iWild&EWildExt);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TParse::TParse()
+Default constructor.
+ {
+ iMod=1;
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TParse::Set(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC* aRelated,const TDesC* aDefault)
+Parses a file specification, allowing wildcards in the filename and extension.
+This function sets up the TParse object so that it can be used to provide
+useful information.
+@param aName The file specification to be parsed.
+@param aRelated The related file specification. This is optional,
+ set to NULL to omit.
+@param aDefault The default file specification. This is optional,
+ set to NULL to omit.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error
+ codes.
+ {
+ return(TParseBase::Set(&aName,aRelated,aDefault,ETrue));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TInt TParse::SetNoWild(const TDesC& aName,const TDesC* aRelated,const TDesC* aDefault)
+Parses a file specification; disallows wildcards in any part of the file name
+or extension.
+If you need to specify wildcards use Set(). Otherwise, this
+function behaves in the same way as Set().
+@param aName The file specification to be parsed.
+@param aRelated The related file specification. This is optional,
+ set to NULL to omit.
+@param aDefault The default file specification. This is optional,
+ set to NULL to omit.
+@return KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error
+ codes.
+@see TParse::Set
+ {
+ return(TParseBase::Set(&aName,aRelated,aDefault,EFalse));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDes& TParse::NameBuf()
+Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the file specification passed to
+the constructor of this object.
+@return A reference to the descriptor containing the filename.
+ {
+ return(iNameBuf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& TParse::NameBufC() const
+Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the file specification
+passed to the constructor of this object.
+@return A const reference to the descriptor containing the file specification.
+ {
+ return(iNameBuf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TParsePtr::TParsePtr(TDes& aName)
+ : iNameBuf((TText*)aName.Ptr(),aName.Length(),aName.MaxLength())
+Constructor taking a reference to a filename.
+The specified filename is parsed and if this fails, a panic is raised.
+@param aName Reference to the filename to be parsed. On return contains
+ the fully parsed path specification. If a filename and extension
+ are specified, they may both contain wildcards.
+ The maximum length is KMaxFileName characters.
+@panic FSCLIENT 24 if the the specified name fails to parse.
+@see KMaxFileName
+ {
+ iMod=1;
+ TInt r=TParseBase::Set(&aName,NULL,NULL,ETrue);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(r==KErrNone,Panic(EParsePtrBadDescriptor0));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDes& TParsePtr::NameBuf()
+Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to
+the constructor of this object.
+@return A reference to the descriptor containing the filename.
+ {
+ return(iNameBuf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& TParsePtr::NameBufC() const
+Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to
+the constructor of this object.
+@return A const reference to the descriptor containing the filename.
+ {
+ return(iNameBuf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C TParsePtrC::TParsePtrC(const TDesC& aName)
+Constructor taking a constant reference to a filename.
+The filename is parsed and if this fails, a panic is raised.
+Note that the filename cannot be modified using this class.
+@param aName Constant reference to the filename to be parsed.
+ On return contains the fully parsed filename.
+ If a file and extension are specified, they may both
+ contain wildcards.
+ The maximum length is KMaxFileName characters.
+@panic FSCLIENT 24 if the the specified name fails to parse.
+@see KMaxFileName
+ {
+ iMod=0;
+ iNameBuf.Set(aName);
+ TInt r = TParseBase::Set(&aName,NULL,NULL,ETrue);
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(r==KErrNone,Panic(EParsePtrBadDescriptor0));
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDes& TParsePtrC::NameBuf()
+Gets a reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to
+the constructor of this object.
+@return A reference to the descriptor containing the filename.
+ {
+ Panic(EParsePtrCAccessError);
+ return(*(TDes*)&iNameBuf);
+ }
+EXPORT_C const TDesC& TParsePtrC::NameBufC() const
+Gets a const reference to the descriptor containing the filename passed to
+the constructor of this object.
+@return A const reference to the descriptor containing the filename.
+ {
+ return(iNameBuf);
+ }