--- a/kerneltest/e32test/buffer/t_buf.cpp Thu Aug 19 11:14:22 2010 +0300
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/buffer/t_buf.cpp Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <hal_data.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
+#include <collate.h>
#ifdef __VC32__
// Solve compilation problem caused by non-English locale
@@ -299,6 +300,9 @@
a.AppendJustify(_TL("AB"),10,ELeft,' ');
a.AppendJustify(b,10,ELeft,' ');
+ a.AppendJustify(b,10,KDefaultJustifyWidth,ELeft,' ');
+ a.AppendJustify(b.Ptr(),10,ELeft,' ');
TInt v1=10;
@@ -307,6 +311,25 @@
+ //Converts the specified unsigned integer into a fixed width character representation
+ //based on the specified number system and copies the conversion into this descriptor,
+ //replacing any existing data. The length of this descriptor is set to reflect the new data.
+ a.NumFixedWidth(v1,EBinary,4);
+ a.NumFixedWidth(v1,EOctal,3);
+ a.NumFixedWidth(v1,EDecimal,2);
+ a.NumFixedWidth(v1,EHex,1);
+ //When a hexadecimal conversion is specified, hexadecimal characters are in upper case.
+ a.NumFixedWidthUC(v1,EBinary,4);
+ a.NumFixedWidthUC(v1,EOctal,3);
+ a.NumFixedWidthUC(v1,EDecimal,2);
+ a.NumFixedWidthUC(v1,EHex,1);
+ //Appends the conversion onto the end of this descriptor's data.
+ a.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(v1,EBinary,4);
+ a.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(v1,EOctal,3);
+ a.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(v1,EDecimal,2);
+ a.AppendNumFixedWidthUC(v1,EHex,1);
TReal v3=10.0;
TRealFormat ff;
@@ -1359,7 +1382,14 @@
#if !(defined(__GCC32__) && defined(__X86__))
const TAny* const zeroTerminatedString=(sizeof(S)==2)? (const TAny*)_S16(":-)E"): (const TAny*)_S8(":-)E");
const TInt dummyParameter=0;
+#ifdef __ARMCC__
+#pragma push
+#pragma diag_suppress 1446
Test14_ReorderedParameterFormatting(dummyParameter, 0x20ac, 11, 3, 13.89543, zeroTerminatedString, '!', TInt64(199), 2, &b, 6, 30005, TRealX(0.125), 0x8bdd);
+#ifdef __ARMCC__
+#pragma pop
test.Next(_L("Print some numbers"));
@@ -1568,6 +1598,10 @@
// Cannot do these on GCC (X86) because of "Cannot pass objects of non-POD type through '...'. Call will abort at runtime".
#if !(defined(__GCC32__) && defined(__X86__))
+#ifdef __ARMCC__
+#pragma push
+#pragma diag_suppress 1446
aa.Format(_L("x%- 5Fx"), TRealX(6.2345678));
aa.Format(_L("x%+ 5Fx"), TRealX(6.2345678));
@@ -1598,6 +1632,9 @@
test(aa==_L("x 1.012345679x"));
aa.Format(_L("x%5.1Fx"), TRealX(1.99));
test(aa==_L("x 2.0x"));
+#ifdef __ARMCC__
+#pragma pop
aa.Format(_L("x%- 5ex"), 6.2345678);
@@ -1881,6 +1918,134 @@
lang = User::Language();
test(lang == defaultLang);
+// Test the surrogate aware version functions of the class.
+GLDEF_C void SurrogateAware1()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Constructors"));
+ TBuf16<0x50> a;
+ TBuf16<0x50> b;
+ TBuf16<0x50> c;
+ TBuf16<0x50> d;
+ a=_L("ABCD");
+ b=_L("abcd");
+ // Cannot define these on GCC (X86).
+ #if !(defined(__GCC32__) && defined(__X86__))
+ c=_L("àáâãäåçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöùúûüý");
+ #else
+ c=_L("aaaaaaceeeeiiiinooooouuuuy");
+ #endif
+ test.Next(_L("Fill2"));
+ TInt maxBufLength=a.MaxLength();
+ a.Fill2(' ');
+ a.Fill2(' ',maxBufLength);
+ a.Fill2('z');
+ a.Fill2('*',maxBufLength);
+ a=c;
+ b=d;
+ a.Swap(b);
+ test(a==d);
+ test.Next(_L("Conversion 2"));
+ a.Fold2();
+ b.Collate2();
+ a.UpperCase2();
+ a.LowerCase2();
+ a.Capitalize2();
+ b.Capitalize2();
+ test.Next(_L("Locating"));
+ a=_L("ABCDabcd");
+ test(a.Locate('A')==0);
+ test(a.LocateF('b')==1);
+ test(a.LocateReverse('A')==0);
+ test(a.LocateReverse('a')==4);
+ test(a.LocateReverse('b')==5);
+ test.Next(_L("Copying"));
+ a.Copy(b); // Copies a 16 bit descriptor
+ a.Copy(_L("AB"));
+ a.Copy(b.Ptr(),3); // Copies aLength characters from the aBuf pointer
+ a.CopyF2(c); // Copies and folds
+ a.CopyF2(_L("AB"));
+ a.CopyC2(d); // Copies and collates
+ a.CopyC2(_L("AB"));
+ a.CopyLC(d); // Copies and converts the text to lower case
+ a.CopyLC(_L("AB"));
+ a.CopyUC2(c); // Copies and converts the text to upper case
+ a.CopyUC2(_L("AB"));
+ a.CopyCP2(b); // Copies and capitalizes the text
+ a.CopyCP2(_L("AB"));
+ test.Next(_L("Finding"));
+ a=_L("ABCDabcd");
+ b=_L("bc");
+ test(a.Find(b)==5);
+ test(a.Find(_L("ab"))==4);
+ test(a.FindF(b)==1);
+ test(a.FindF(_L("ab"))==0);
+ test(a.FindC(b)==1);
+ test(a.FindC(_L("AB"))==0);
+ test(a.FindC(b.Ptr(), b.Length(), 3)==1);
+ test(a.FindC(b.Ptr(), b.Length(), 2)==1);
+ test(a.FindC(b.Ptr(), b.Length(), 1)==1);
+ test(a.FindC(b.Ptr(), b.Length(), 0)==1);
+ test(a.FindF(b.Ptr(), b.Length())==1);
+ test.Next(_L("Formating"));
+ TInt width = 10;
+ a.Justify2(_L("AB"),width,ELeft,' ');
+ a.Justify2(b,10,ELeft,' ');
+ b.Fill2('A',2);
+ a.Zero();
+ a.AppendJustify2(_L("AB"),width,ELeft,' ');
+ a.AppendJustify2(b,width,ELeft,' ');
+ a=_L("ABCDE");
+ b=_L("abcde");
+ a.AppendJustify2(b,width,ELeft,'*');
+ a.AppendJustify2(b.Ptr(),width,ELeft,'*');
+ // Append and justify with explicit length
+ TInt length = 5;
+ a.AppendJustify2(b,length,KDefaultJustifyWidth,ELeft,'*');
+ a.AppendJustify2(b.Ptr(),length,KDefaultJustifyWidth,ELeft,'*');
+ TCollationMethod cm = *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex( 0 ); // default collation method
+ cm.iFlags |= TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
+ TDesC::TPrefix prefix = a.HasPrefixC(a, 0, &cm);
+ test(prefix==TDesC16::EIsPrefix);
+ test.End();
+ }
+// Test the surrogate aware versions of conversion operators (test7)
+void SurrogateAware7()
+ {
+ test.Start(_L("Fold2, Collate2 ..."));
+ TBuf16<0x50> a;
+ TBuf16<0x50> b;
+ a=_L("abc AbC");
+ b=_L("ABC ABC");
+ a.Fold2();
+ b.Fold2();
+ test(a==b);
+ a=_L("abc AbC");
+ b=_L("ABC ABC");
+ a.Collate2();
+ b.Collate2();
+ test(a==b);
+ a.UpperCase2();
+ test(a==_L("ABC ABC"));
+ a.LowerCase2();
+ test(a==_L("abc abc"));
+ a.Capitalize2();
+ test(a==_L("Abc abc"));
+ test.End();
+ }
#ifndef _DEBUG
#pragma warning( disable : 4702) //Unreachable code
#pragma warning( disable : 4710) //Function not expanded
@@ -1916,6 +2081,12 @@
+ test.Next(_L("Surrogate aware version"));
+ SurrogateAware1();
+ test.Next(_L("Surrogate aware version"));
+ SurrogateAware7();