--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32test/dmav2/d_dma2.h Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// e32test\dmav2\d_dma2.h
+// User-side API for LDD used to test DMAv2 framework.
+#ifndef __D_DMA2_H__
+#define __D_DMA2_H__
+#include <e32cmn.h>
+#include <drivers/dmadefs.h>
+#define ARRAY_LENGTH(ARRAY) sizeof(ARRAY)/sizeof(ARRAY[0])
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ #include <nkern.h>
+ #include <kernel.h>
+ #define TEST_FAULT FAULT();
+ #define PRINT(N) Kern::Printf("%s = 0x%08x (%d)", #N, (N), (N))
+ #define PRINTF(X) Kern::Printf X ;
+ #include <e32std.h>
+ #include <e32debug.h>
+ #define TEST_FAULT {RDebug::Printf("Assertion failure in %s, %d", __FILE__, __LINE__); User::Invariant();}
+ #define PRINT(N) RDebug::Printf("%s = 0x%08x (%d)", #N, (N), (N))
+ #define PRINTF(X) RDebug::Printf X ;
+#define TEST_ASSERT(C) if(!(C)) {TEST_FAULT;}
+const TUint KPhysAddrInvalidUser=0xFFFFFFFFu; // KPhysAddrInvalid is not defined on the user side
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+//if this fails then KPhysAddrInvalidUser must be updated to match
+__ASSERT_COMPILE(KPhysAddrInvalidUser == KPhysAddrInvalid);
+const TUint KPhysAddrInvalid = KPhysAddrInvalidUser;
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+//Function to format the output.
+inline void DmaAppendFormat(TDes8& aBuf, const char* aFmt, ...)
+ {
+ if(!(&aBuf))
+ return;
+ VA_LIST list;
+ VA_START(list,aFmt);
+ Kern::AppendFormat(aBuf,aFmt,list);
+ }
+_LIT(KTestDmaLddNameSim, "TestDmaV2Sim");
+_LIT(KTestDmaLddNameHw, "TestDmaV2");
+#ifdef __DMASIM__
+const TPtrC KTestDmaLddName = KTestDmaLddNameSim();
+const TPtrC KTestDmaLddName = KTestDmaLddNameHw();
+inline TVersion TestDmaLddVersion() { return TVersion(1, 0, 1); }
+TInt Log2(TInt aNum);
+Indicates the number of each type of call back received
+and their context
+@note It does not indicate the context of each callback, only
+the final one
+const TInt KNumberOfCallbacks = 12;
+class TCallbackRecord
+ {
+ enum TCbContext
+ { EInvalid, EThread, EIsr };
+ TCallbackRecord(
+ TCbContext aContext = EThread,
+ TInt aReq = 0,
+ TInt aReqSrc = 0,
+ TInt aReqDst = 0,
+ TInt aDes = 0,
+ TInt aDesSrc = 0,
+ TInt aDesDst = 0,
+ TInt aFrame = 0,
+ TInt aFrameSrc = 0,
+ TInt aFrameDst = 0,
+ TInt aPause = 0,
+ TInt aPauseSrc = 0,
+ TInt aPauseDst = 0,
+ TDmaResult aResult = EDmaResultOK
+ );
+ static TCallbackRecord Empty();
+ void Reset();
+ /**
+ Allows 2 callback records to be compared
+ */
+ TBool operator == (const TCallbackRecord aOther) const;
+ void Print() const;
+ /**
+ Get the number of callbacks for callback aCbType
+ */
+ TInt GetCount(TDmaCallbackType aCbType) const;
+ void SetCount(TDmaCallbackType aCbType, TInt aCount);
+ /**
+ Set the result (expected or actual) from
+ TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest
+ */
+ inline TCallbackRecord& IsrRedoResult(TInt aResult) {iIsrRedoRequestResult = aResult; return *this;}
+ /**
+ Reports the context in which the callback occurred.
+ */
+ inline TCbContext GetContext()
+ {return iContext;}
+ /**
+ Updates data based on callback mask aCallbackMask
+ @param aCallbackMask Bitmask of callback events @see TDmaCallbackType
+ @oaram aResult The result reported by the current callback
+ */
+ void ProcessCallback(TUint aCallbackMask, TDmaResult aResultaContext);
+ static void SelfTest();
+ // The below methods are setters, which may be chained together
+ // ie. The Named Parameter Idiom
+ // @see http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/ctors.html#faq-10.18
+ TCallbackRecord& Context(TCbContext aContext) {iContext = aContext; return *this;}
+ TInt BitToIndex(TDmaCallbackType aCbType) const;
+ TCbContext CurrentContext() const;
+ TInt iCallbackLog[KNumberOfCallbacks];
+ TDmaResult iResult;
+ TCbContext iContext;
+ /** Result of the most recent redo request call */
+ TInt iIsrRedoRequestResult;
+ };
+Extends SDmacCaps to contain the DMA PIL
+version being used
+struct TDmacTestCaps : public SDmacCaps
+ {
+ TDmacTestCaps();
+ TDmacTestCaps(const SDmacCaps& aDmacCaps, TInt aVersion = 2);
+ TInt iPILVersion;
+ };
+/** SCreateInfo for opening DMA - Reused for testing */
+struct SCreateInfoTest
+ {
+ /** Default constructor. Initializes all fields with meaningful default
+ values.
+ Must be inline (for now) because exporting it would break existing
+ custom DMA libs as their clients would need the export which would
+ be missing from the custom .def files.
+ */
+ SCreateInfoTest() : iPriority(KDmaPriorityNone), iDynChannel(EFalse) {};
+ /** Identifier used by PSL to select channel to open */
+ TUint32 iCookie;
+ /** Number of descriptors this channel can use.
+ This number is not used in the upgraded version of the DMA
+ framework and is kept there only for source compatibility. If the
+ client is certain that it will only ever use that version, then the
+ value passed here doesn't matter - the framework will ignore it.
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ TInt iDesCount;
+ /** DFC queue used to service DMA interrupts.
+ The DFC thread priority must be higher than any client thread
+ priority to avoid a situation where a transfer completes while
+ being cancelled and another transfer is started before the DFC
+ thread gets a chance to run. This would lead to a stray DFC.
+ */
+ //TDfcQue* iDfcQ;
+ TAny* iDfcQ;
+ /** DFC priority */
+ TUint8 iDfcPriority;
+ /** Used by PSL to configure a channel priority (if possible).
+ The default is KDmaPriorityNone (the don't care value).
+ @see TDmaPriority
+ */
+ TUint iPriority;
+ /** Request a dynamic DMA channel.
+ If this is set to ETrue then the Open call is for a 'dynamic' as
+ opposed to a static and solely owned DMA channel. A number of
+ properties of the opened TDmaChannel object will be different in
+ that case.
+ The default value is EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool iDynChannel;
+ };
+class TDmaChannel;
+struct TAddrRange
+ {
+ TAddrRange(TUint aStart, TUint aLength);
+ inline TUint End() const {return (iStart + iLength -1);}
+ inline TUint Start() const {return iStart;}
+ inline TBool Contains(TUint aValue) const {return Rng(iStart, aValue, End());}
+ TBool Contains(TAddrRange aRange) const;
+ TBool Overlaps(const TAddrRange& aRange) const;
+ TBool IsFilled(TUint8 aValue) const;
+ static void SelfTest();
+ TUint iStart;
+ TUint iLength;
+ };
+struct TAddressParms
+ {
+ TAddressParms(TUint32 aSrcAddr=0, TUint32 aDstAddr=0, TUint aTransferCount=0)
+ :iSrcAddr(aSrcAddr), iDstAddr(aDstAddr), iTransferCount(aTransferCount)
+ {}
+ TAddressParms(const TDmaTransferArgs& aArgs)
+ :iSrcAddr(aArgs.iSrcConfig.iAddr),
+ iDstAddr(aArgs.iDstConfig.iAddr),
+ iTransferCount(aArgs.iTransferCount)
+ {}
+ /**
+ If addresses have been left as KPhysAddrInvalid or the count as 0 (ie.
+ the default values used for IsrRedoRequest) then substitute the values from
+ aTransferArgs.
+ */
+ void Substitute(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs);
+ /**
+ If addresses have been left as KPhysAddrInvalid or the count as 0 (ie.
+ the default values used for IsrRedoRequest) then substitute the values from
+ aTransferArgs.
+ */
+ void Substitute(const TAddressParms& aTransferArgs);
+ /**
+ When received by the test driver, src and dst
+ addresses will be offsets from the dma test session's
+ chunk base. They must be converted to absolute, *physical* addresses
+ */
+ void Fixup(TLinAddr aChunkBase);
+ /**
+ Check that both the src and destination lie within the area
+ defined by aStart and aSize
+ */
+ TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aStart, TUint aSize);
+ TAddrRange SourceRange() const;
+ TAddrRange DestRange() const;
+ TBool Overlaps(const TAddrRange aRange) const;
+ TBool Overlaps(const TAddressParms aParm) const;
+ TBool operator==(const TAddressParms& aOther) const;
+ /**
+ Produce a printable representation
+ */
+ void AppendString(TDes& aBuf) const
+ {
+ _LIT(KOutput, "TAddressParms: src=0x%08x (%d) dst=0x%08x (%d) count=0x%08x (%d)\0");
+#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ DmaAppendFormat(aBuf, (const char*)KOutput().Ptr(), iSrcAddr, iSrcAddr, iDstAddr, iDstAddr, iTransferCount, iTransferCount);
+ aBuf.AppendFormat(KOutput, iSrcAddr, iSrcAddr, iDstAddr, iDstAddr, iTransferCount, iTransferCount);
+ }
+ void MakePhysical();
+ static void SelfTest();
+ TUint32 iSrcAddr;
+ TUint32 iDstAddr;
+ TUint iTransferCount;
+ };
+// These functions can be used for accessing TDmaTransferArgs in
+// terms of TAddressParms. (TAddressParms would be a natural base
+// class for TDmaTransferArgs but changing the production code
+// is undesirable)
+TAddressParms GetAddrParms(const TDmaTransferArgs&);
+void SetAddrParms(TDmaTransferArgs&, const TAddressParms&);
+This struct holds the arguments which can be used with TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest
+struct TIsrRequeArgs : public TAddressParms
+ {
+ TIsrRequeArgs(TUint32 aSrcAddr=KPhysAddrInvalidUser, TUint32 aDstAddr=KPhysAddrInvalidUser,
+ TUint aTransferCount=0, TUint32 aPslRequestInfo=0,
+ TBool aIsrCb=ETrue)
+ : TAddressParms(aSrcAddr, aDstAddr, aTransferCount), iPslRequestInfo(aPslRequestInfo), iIsrCb(aIsrCb)
+ {}
+ TInt Call(TDmaChannel& aChannel);
+ TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aStart, TUint aSize) const;
+ TUint32 iPslRequestInfo;
+ TBool iIsrCb;
+ };
+class CISrRequeTest;
+A collection of TIsrRequeArgs
+struct TIsrRequeArgsSet
+ {
+ friend class CIsrRequeTest;
+ TIsrRequeArgsSet(TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs=NULL, TInt aCount =0)
+ :iCount(aCount), iIndex(0)
+ {
+ TEST_ASSERT(iCount <= MaxCount);
+ for(TInt i=0; i<iCount; i++)
+ {
+ iRequeArgs[i] = aRequeueArgs[i];
+ }
+ }
+ TBool IsEmpty() const
+ {return iCount == 0;}
+ TIsrRequeArgs GetArgs();
+ /**
+ If addresses have been left as KPhysAddrInvalid or the count as 0 (ie.
+ the default values used for IsrRedoRequest) then substitute the appropriate
+ value from the previous argument struct. aTransferArgs is used to
+ substitute values for the initial argument struct.
+ */
+ void Substitute(const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs);
+ void Fixup(TLinAddr aChunkBase);
+ TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize) const;
+ /**
+ Check that all re-queue parameters will remain within the region defined
+ by aAddr and aSize. This overload assumes that the requeue parameters have
+ not been substituted hence the data in aInitialParms is required.
+ @param aInitialParms The original transfer that the re-queues in this set are based on
+ */
+ TBool CheckRange(TLinAddr aAddr, TUint aSize, const TDmaTransferArgs& aInitialParms) const;
+ static void SelfTest();
+ enum {MaxCount=6};
+ TInt iCount;
+ TInt iIndex;
+ TIsrRequeArgs iRequeArgs[MaxCount];
+ };
+class DDmaTestSession;
+class RDmaSession : public RBusLogicalChannel
+ {
+ friend class DDmaTestSession;
+#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
+ TInt ChannelIsQueueEmpty(TUint aDriverCookie,TBool& aQueueEmpty)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EIsQueueEmpty, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie), &aQueueEmpty);
+ }
+ TInt ChannelIsOpened(TUint aDriverCookie,TBool &aChannelOpen)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EIsOpened, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie), &aChannelOpen);
+ }
+ TInt ChannelCancelAll(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ECancelAllChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelOpen(TUint aPslCookie, TUint& aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EOpenChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aPslCookie), &aDriverCookie);
+ }
+ TInt ChannelOpen(TUint& aDriverCookie, SCreateInfoTest& aInfo)
+ {
+ TPckg<SCreateInfoTest> package(aInfo);
+ return DoControl(EOpenChannelExposed,&aDriverCookie, &package);
+ }
+ TInt ChannelClose(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ECloseChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelPause(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EPauseChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelResume(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EResumeChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelLinking(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ELinkChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelUnLinking(TUint aDriverCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EUnlinkChannel, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie));
+ }
+ TInt ChannelCaps(TUint aDriverCookie, SDmacCaps& aChannelCaps)
+ {
+ TDmacTestCaps caps;
+ TInt r = ChannelCaps(aDriverCookie, caps);
+ aChannelCaps = caps;
+ return r;
+ }
+ TInt ChannelCaps(TUint aDriverCookie, TDmacTestCaps& aChannelCaps)
+ {
+ TPckg<TDmacTestCaps> package(aChannelCaps);
+ return DoControl(EChannelCaps, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aDriverCookie), &package);
+ }
+ TInt Open()
+ {
+ TInt r = KErrNone;
+ r = DoCreate(KTestDmaLddNameHw,TestDmaLddVersion(), 0, NULL, NULL, EOwnerThread);
+ RDebug::Printf("RDmaSession::Open returned %d", r);
+ return r;
+ }
+ TInt OpenSim()
+ {
+ return DoCreate(KTestDmaLddNameSim,TestDmaLddVersion(), 0, NULL, NULL, EOwnerThread);
+ }
+ TInt RequestCreateOld(TUint aChannelCookie, TUint& aRequestCookie, TUint aMaxTransferSize=0)
+ {
+ return DoRequestCreate(aChannelCookie, EFalse, aMaxTransferSize, aRequestCookie);
+ }
+ TInt RequestCreate(TUint aChannelCookie, TUint& aRequestCookie, TUint aMaxTransferSize=0)
+ {
+ return DoRequestCreate(aChannelCookie, ETrue, aMaxTransferSize, aRequestCookie);
+ }
+ TInt RequestDestroy(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ERequestClose, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestFragmentCount(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EFragmentCount, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestEnableDstElementCounting(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EEnableDstElementCounting, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestEnableSrcElementCounting(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EEnableSrcElementCounting, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestDisableDstElementCounting(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EDisableDstElementCounting, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestDisableSrcElementCounting(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(EDisableSrcElementCounting, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestTotalNumDstElementsTransferred(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ETotalNumDstElementsTransferred, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ TInt RequestTotalNumSrcElementsTransferred(TUint aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ return DoControl(ETotalNumSrcElementsTransferred, reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(aRequestCookie));
+ }
+ /**
+ Will fragment a DMA request using the legacy API
+ */
+ TInt FragmentRequestOld(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ const TFragmentArgs args(aRequestCookie, aTransferArgs, aDurationMicroSecs);
+ TPckgC<TFragmentArgs> package(args);
+ return DoControl(EFragmentLegacy, &package);
+ }
+ /**
+ Will fragment a DMA request using the new API
+ */
+ TInt FragmentRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ const TFragmentArgs args(aRequestCookie, aTransferArgs, aDurationMicroSecs);
+ TPckgC<TFragmentArgs> package(args);
+ return DoControl(EFragment, &package);
+ }
+ TInt QueueRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ //These dummy values can accept the writeback from the driver
+ //if the client does not want them.
+ //(TClientDataRequest can not be programmed with a NULL to
+ //indicate that an argument is unwanted)
+ TCallbackRecord dummyRec;
+ TUint64 dummyTime=0;
+ aStatus = KRequestPending;
+ TQueueArgs args(aRequestCookie, &aStatus, aRecord ? aRecord : &dummyRec, aDurationMicroSecs ? aDurationMicroSecs : &dummyTime);
+ TPckgC<TQueueArgs> package(args);
+ return DoControl(EQueueRequest, &package);
+ }
+ /**
+ Synchronous version of QueueRequest
+ */
+ TInt QueueRequest(TUint aRequestCookie, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TInt r = QueueRequest(aRequestCookie, status, aRecord, aDurationMicroSecs);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ return r;
+ }
+ /**
+ Queue a previously fragmented request.
+ Additional request parameters are included in iRequeueArgs, these will be
+ transferred from ISR context callback using the TDmaChannel::IsrRedoRequest function
+ @pre Isr callback for completion must have been requested at request fragmentation time
+ */
+ TInt QueueRequestWithRequeue(TUint aRequestCookie, TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs, TInt aCount, TRequestStatus& aStatus, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ //These dummy values can accept the writeback from the driver
+ //if the client does not want them.
+ //(TClientDataRequest can not be programmed with a NULL to
+ //indicate that an argument is unwanted)
+ TCallbackRecord dummyRec;
+ TUint64 dummyTime=0;
+ aStatus = KRequestPending;
+ TQueueArgsWithReque args(aRequeueArgs, aCount, aRequestCookie, &aStatus, aRecord ? aRecord : &dummyRec, aDurationMicroSecs ? aDurationMicroSecs : &dummyTime);
+ TPckgC<TQueueArgsWithReque> package(args);
+ return DoControl(EQueueRequestWithReque, &package);
+ }
+ /**
+ Synchronous version of QueueRequestWithRequeue
+ */
+ TInt QueueRequestWithRequeue(TUint aRequestCookie, TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs, TInt aCount, TCallbackRecord* aRecord = NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ {
+ TRequestStatus status;
+ TInt r = QueueRequestWithRequeue(aRequestCookie, aRequeueArgs, aCount, status, aRecord, aDurationMicroSecs);
+ User::WaitForRequest(status);
+ return r;
+ }
+ TInt OpenSharedChunk(RChunk& aChunk)
+ {
+ TUint chunkHandle = DoControl(EOpenSharedChunk);
+ return aChunk.SetReturnedHandle(chunkHandle);
+ }
+ TInt GetTestInfo(TDmaV2TestInfo& aInfo)
+ {
+ TPckg<TDmaV2TestInfo> package(aInfo);
+ return DoControl(EGetTestInfo, &package);
+ }
+ static void SelfTest(TBool aSimulatedDmac);
+ static void ApiTest();
+#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
+ TInt DoRequestCreate(TUint aChannelCookie, TBool aNewStyle, TUint aMaxTransferSize, TUint& aRequestCookie)
+ {
+ TRequestCreateArgs args(aChannelCookie, aNewStyle, aMaxTransferSize);
+ TPckgC<TRequestCreateArgs> package(args);
+ return DoControl(ERequestOpen, &package, &aRequestCookie);
+ }
+ struct TRequestCreateArgs
+ {
+ TRequestCreateArgs(TUint aChannelCookie, TBool aNewStyle, TUint aMaxFragmentSize)
+ :iChannelCookie(aChannelCookie), iNewStyle(aNewStyle), iMaxFragmentSize(aMaxFragmentSize)
+ {}
+ TUint iChannelCookie;
+ TBool iNewStyle;
+ TUint iMaxFragmentSize;
+ };
+ struct TFragmentArgs
+ {
+ TFragmentArgs()
+ :iRequestCookie(0), iTransferArgs(), iDurationMicroSecs(NULL)
+ {}
+ TFragmentArgs(TUint aRequestCookie, const TDmaTransferArgs& aTransferArgs, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs = NULL)
+ :iRequestCookie(aRequestCookie), iTransferArgs(aTransferArgs), iDurationMicroSecs(aDurationMicroSecs)
+ {}
+ const TUint iRequestCookie;
+ const TDmaTransferArgs iTransferArgs;
+ TUint64* const iDurationMicroSecs;
+ };
+ struct TQueueArgs
+ {
+ TQueueArgs(TUint aRequestCookie=0, TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL, TCallbackRecord* aCallbackRecord=NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ :iRequestCookie(aRequestCookie), iStatus(aStatus), iCallbackRecord(aCallbackRecord), iDurationMicroSecs(aDurationMicroSecs)
+ {}
+ TUint iRequestCookie;
+ TRequestStatus* iStatus;
+ TCallbackRecord* iCallbackRecord;
+ TUint64* iDurationMicroSecs;
+ };
+ /**
+ This struct is used for queing and including a set of transfers
+ to be setup from ISR context callback
+ */
+ struct TQueueArgsWithReque : public TQueueArgs
+ {
+ TQueueArgsWithReque(TIsrRequeArgs* aRequeueArgs=NULL, TInt aCount=0,
+ TUint aRequestCookie=0, TRequestStatus* aStatus=NULL, TCallbackRecord* aCallbackRecord=NULL, TUint64* aDurationMicroSecs=NULL)
+ :TQueueArgs(aRequestCookie, aStatus, aCallbackRecord, aDurationMicroSecs), iRequeSet(aRequeueArgs, aCount)
+ {
+ }
+ TIsrRequeArgsSet iRequeSet;
+ };
+ enum TControl
+ {
+ EOpenChannel,
+ EOpenChannelExposed,
+ ECloseChannel,
+ EPauseChannel,
+ EResumeChannel,
+ EChannelCaps,
+ ERequestOpen,
+ ERequestClose,
+ EOpenSharedChunk,
+ EFragmentLegacy,
+ EFragment,
+ EFragmentCount,
+ EQueueRequest,
+ EGetTestInfo,
+ EIsQueueEmpty,
+ EIsOpened,
+ EIsrRedoRequest,
+ ECancelAllChannel,
+ EQueueRequestWithReque,
+ ELinkChannel,
+ EUnlinkChannel,
+ EEnableDstElementCounting,
+ EEnableSrcElementCounting,
+ EDisableDstElementCounting,
+ EDisableSrcElementCounting,
+ ETotalNumDstElementsTransferred,
+ ETotalNumSrcElementsTransferred,
+ };
+ };
+#endif // __D_DMA2_H__