--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/kerneltest/e32utils/hcrscripts/makehcrdat.pl Tue Aug 31 16:34:26 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!perl -w
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This simple script makes a binary HCR data file from a text input file
+use strict;
+use HCRdat;
+use HCRrec;
+package mhd;
+# Find out what file the user is interested in..
+# Make sure it's specified and exists.
+$mhd::trace = 0;
+$mhd::otrace = 0;
+if (@ARGV < 2 || @ARGV > 4) {
+ die "\nUsage: hcrmd.bat <source_textfile> <dest_datfile> [-i]\n";
+ }
+my $textfile = shift @ARGV;
+my $datfile = shift @ARGV;
+my $do_create_image = 0;
+my $opt_i = shift @ARGV;
+#my $partid = 0x10000005;
+if (defined($opt_i)) {
+ $do_create_image = 1 if ($opt_i eq "-i");
+ die "error: unknown command option\n" if ($opt_i ne "-i");
+ #my $i_no = shift @ARGV;
+ #$partid = hex($i_no) if (defined($i_no));
+ #printf("partitionid: 0x%x\n", $partid)
+ }
+print "\n HCR Binary Data File Generator, version v0.1\n";
+print " Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.\n\n";
+print "-input: $textfile\n" if($mhd::trace);
+print "-output: $datfile\n" if($mhd::trace);
+die "error: Specifed source_textfile not found!" unless(-f $textfile);
+#die "error: Specified dest_binfile '$datfile' already exists!" if(-e $datfile);
+printf "\nReading input file... $textfile\n";
+printf "-opening text file\n" if($mhd::trace);
+my $tfh;
+open($tfh, "<$textfile");
+printf "-started conversion...\n" if($mhd::trace);
+my $datobj = HCRdat->new();
+my $inrec = 0;
+my $ln = 0;
+my $recobj;
+while (<$tfh>)
+ {
+ $ln++;
+ if ($_ =~ '^\s*#') {
+ printf "-comment\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^@') {
+ die "error: Syntax error line $ln: New record started before previous one is closed" if($inrec > 0);
+ printf "-start\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ $inrec = 1;
+ $recobj = HCRrec->new();
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\.') {
+ die "error: Syntax error line $ln: Record closed before a new record has been opened" if($inrec == 0);
+ printf "-end\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ if ($recobj->IsValid()) {
+ $datobj->AddSettingRecord($recobj);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "error: Record after record " . $datobj->NumRecords() . " completed but not valid, missing or has =0 fields?\n";
+ }
+ $inrec = 0;
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*$') {
+ printf "-blank\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*cuid:\s') {
+ print "--cuid " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'cuid:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->CUID($hwords[1]);
+ printf("=0x%08x\n", $recobj->CUID()) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*eid:\s') {
+ print "--eid " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'eid:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->EID($hwords[1]);
+ print "=".($recobj->EID())."\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*type:\s') {
+ print "--type " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'type:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->Type($hwords[1]);
+ printf("=0x%08x (%s)\n", $recobj->Type(), $recobj->TypeName()) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*flags:\s') {
+ print "--flags " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'flags:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->Flags($hwords[1]);
+ printf ("=0x%x\n", $recobj->Flags()) if($mhd::trace);
+ printf ("warning: flag length value greater than 2-bytes\n") if ($recobj->Flags() > 0xffff);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*intval:\s') {
+ print "--intval " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'intval:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->IntValue($hwords[1]);
+ printf("=%d (0x%x)\n", $recobj->IntValue(), $recobj->IntValue()) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*hexval:\s') {
+ print "--hexval " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'hexval:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ $recobj->HexValue($hwords[1]);
+ printf("=%d (0x%x)\n", $recobj->IntValue(), $recobj->IntValue()) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*arrval:\s') {
+ print "--arrval " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\s+/,$_);
+ die "error: 'arrval:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 2);
+ print $hwords[1]."\n" if ($mhd::trace);
+ $recobj->ArrValue($hwords[1]);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*strval:\s') {
+ print "--strval " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/\"/,$_);
+ die "error: 'strval:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) != 3);
+ my $strval_size = $recobj->Length();
+ $recobj->StrValue($hwords[1]);
+ printf("=\"%s\"\n", substr($recobj->StrValue(), $strval_size)) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '^\s*binval:\s') {
+ print "--binval " if($mhd::trace);
+ my @hwords = split(/:/,$_);
+ die "error: 'binval:' line incorrectly formed" if (scalar(@hwords) < 2);
+ my $binval_size = $recobj->Length();
+ $recobj->BinValue($hwords[1]);
+ my $binval_ref = $recobj->BinValue();
+ my @binval = @$binval_ref;
+ printf("(%d) =", $#binval+1) if($mhd::trace);
+ my $uint16 = $binval_size;
+ for (; $uint16 < @binval; $uint16++) {
+ printf("%02x ", $binval[$uint16]) if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ print "\n" if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ elsif ($_ =~ '') {
+ }
+ else {
+ die "error: unknown line type '$_'"
+# print $_ if($mhd::trace);
+ }
+ }
+close $tfh;
+printf "\nGenerating output file... $datfile\n";
+printf "-creating binary data file\n" if($mhd::otrace);
+if ($datobj->WriteToFile($datfile.".tmp") != 0) {
+ die "error: failed to write to dest_binfile";
+ }
+printf "-renaming file to temp file to $datfile\n" if($mhd::otrace);
+rename ($datfile.".tmp", $datfile);
+printf "-file header written:\n" if($mhd::otrace);
+$datobj->ShowHeader() if($mhd::otrace);
+if ($do_create_image) {
+ my $imgfile = $datfile . ".img";
+ print "\nGenerating partition image... ". $imgfile . "\n";
+ if ($datobj->WriteToImage($imgfile, $datfile) != 0) {
+ die "error: failed to write to image file $imgfile";
+ }
+ }
+print "\nDone.\n";
+exit 0;