// Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\kernel\random.cpp
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
// Generate nth random number using the following algorithm
// X[n] = ((X[n-j] rotl r1) + (X[n-k] rotl r2)) modulo 2^b
// k=17, j=10, r1=5, r2=3
const TInt KBufferSize=17;
const TInt KBufferSizeInBits=KBufferSize*32;
const TInt KPointer2Offset=10; // Must be less than KBufferSize
TUint32 RandomBuffer[KBufferSize];
TInt RandomPointer=1;
TInt RandomSaltPointer=KBufferSizeInBits-1;
inline TUint32 RotateLeft5(TUint32 aVal)
{ return (aVal << 5) | (aVal >> 27); }
inline TUint32 RotateLeft3(TUint32 aVal)
{ return (aVal << 3) | (aVal >> 29); }
void K::Randomize()
// Initialise the random pool
TUint64 seed=K::TickQ->iRtc;
TInt i;
for (i=0; i<KBufferSize; i++)
RandomBuffer[i] = TUint32(seed);
seed= ((seed<<5) + (seed>>59)) + 97;
for (i=0; i<50; i++)
Generate the next random number.
@return The generated random number.
@pre Kernel Lock must not be held.
@pre No fast mutex should be held
@pre Interrupts should be enabled
@pre Can be used in a device driver.
EXPORT_C TUint32 Kern::Random()
TBool alreadyLocked = TheScheduler.iLock.HeldByCurrentThread();
if (!alreadyLocked)
TInt p1 = RandomPointer;
p1 = KBufferSize-1;
RandomPointer = p1;
TInt p2 = p1+KPointer2Offset;
p2 -= KBufferSize-1;
TUint32 r = RandomBuffer[p1] = RotateLeft5(RandomBuffer[p2])+RotateLeft3(RandomBuffer[p1]);
if (!alreadyLocked)
return r;
Adds a bit to the random pool used to generate random numbers.
This method should be used by any sources of entropy to improve the quality of
random number generation.
@param aBitOfSalt The least significant bit of this value is added to the random pool.
@pre Can be used in a device driver.
EXPORT_C void Kern::RandomSalt(TUint32 aBitOfSalt)
TInt p=RandomSaltPointer; // protect RandomSaltPointer from re-entrantrancy
if (aBitOfSalt&=1)
TInt word=p >> 5;
TInt bit=p & 0x1f;
RandomBuffer[word] ^= aBitOfSalt << bit;
if (--p<0)