// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// f32\sfat\inc\sl_std.h
//!! WARNING!! DO NOT edit this file !! '\sfat' component is obsolete and is not being used. '\sfat32'replaces it
#ifndef SL_STD_H
#define SL_STD_H
// #define _DEBUG_RELEASE
#include "common.h"
#include <f32ver.h>
#include <e32svr.h>
#include <kernel/localise.h>
#include "filesystem_fat.h"
#include "common_constants.h"
#include "sl_bpb.h"
#include "fat_config.h"
#include "fat_dir_entry.h"
using namespace FileSystem_FAT;
#ifdef _DEBUG
_LIT(KThisFsyName,"EFAT.FSY"); ///< This FSY name
class CFatMountCB;
class CFatFileSystem;
Represents the position of a directory entery in terms of a cluster and off set into it
class TEntryPos
TEntryPos() {}
TEntryPos(TInt aCluster,TUint aPos) : iCluster(aCluster), iPos(aPos) {}
inline TUint32 Cluster() const;
inline TUint32 Pos() const;
inline TBool operator==(const TEntryPos& aRhs) const;
TInt iCluster;
TUint iPos;
Interface class between the file system and the local drive media interface,
handles incomplete writes to media with the ability to notify the user.
This class can't be instantinated by user; only CFatMountCB can do this; see CFatMountCB::DriveInterface()
class TFatDriveInterface
enum TAction {ERetry=1};
//-- public interface to the local drive. Provides media driver's error handling (critical and non-critical user notifiers)
//-- and thread-safety if required.
TInt ReadNonCritical(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset) const;
TInt ReadNonCritical(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg) const;
TInt ReadCritical(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg) const;
TInt WriteCritical(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aSrc);
TInt WriteNonCritical(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset);
TInt GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8& aErrorInfo) const;
//-- lock the mutex guarding CProxyDrive interface in order to be sure that no other thread can access it.
//-- The thread that calls this method may be suspended until another signals the mutex, i.e. leaves the critical section.
inline void AcquireLock() const {} //-- dummy
//-- release the mutex guarding CProxyDrive.
inline void ReleaseLock() const {} //-- dummy
TFatDriveInterface(const TFatDriveInterface&);
TFatDriveInterface& operator=(const TFatDriveInterface&);
TBool Init(CFatMountCB* aMount);
void Close();
inline TBool NotifyUser() const;
TInt HandleRecoverableError(TInt aRes) const;
TInt HandleCriticalError(TInt aRes) const;
TInt UnlockAndReMount() const;
TBool IsDriveWriteProtected() const;
TBool IsRecoverableRemount() const;
An internal class that represents a thread-safe wrapper around raw interface to the CProxyDrive
and restricts access to it.
class XProxyDriveWrapper
TBool Init(CProxyDrive* aProxyDrive);
inline void EnterCriticalSection() const {} //-- dummy
inline void LeaveCriticalSection() const {} //-- dummy
//-- methods' wrappers that are used by TFatDriveInterface
TInt Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset) const;
TInt Read(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aTrg) const;
TInt Write(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset);
TInt Write(TInt64 aPos, const TDesC8& aSrc);
TInt GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8& aErrorInfo) const;
TInt Caps(TDes8& anInfo) const;
CProxyDrive* iLocalDrive; ///< raw interface to the media operations
mutable RMutex iLock; ///< used for sorting out multithreaded access to the iLocalDrive
CFatMountCB* iMount; ///< Pointer to the owning file system mount
XProxyDriveWrapper iProxyDrive; ///< wrapper around raw interface to the media operations
Class providing FAT table interface and basic functionality.
class CFatTable : public CBase
static CFatTable* NewL(CFatMountCB& aOwner, const TLocalDriveCaps& aLocDrvCaps);
virtual ~CFatTable();
/** Empty and deallocate the cache*/
virtual void Dismount(TBool /*aDiscardDirtyData*/) {}
/** Flush data cahed data to the media */
virtual void FlushL() {};
Invalidate specified region of the FAT cache
Depending of cache type this may just mark part of the cache invalid with reading on demand later
or re-read whole cache from the media.
@param aPos absolute media position where the region being invalidated starts.
@param aLength length in bytes of region to invalidate / refresh
virtual void InvalidateCacheL(TInt64 /*aPos*/,TUint32 /*aLength*/) {};
Invalidate whole FAT cache.
Depending of cache type this may just mark cache invalid with reading on demand or re-read whole cache from the media
virtual void InvalidateCacheL() {};
Gets the next cluster in a cluster chain
@param aCluster Cluster number to start lookup. On return contains number of the next cluster.
@return EFalse if cluster is at the end of a cluster chain
virtual TBool GetNextClusterL(TInt& aCluster) const;
Writes end of cluster chain
@param aFatIndex index in Fat table where EOF will be written to.
virtual void WriteFatEntryEofL(TUint32 aFatIndex);
Read an entry from the FAT.
@param aFatIndex aFatIndex index in Fat table
@return value of the FAT entry number aFatIndex
virtual TUint32 ReadL(TUint32 aFatIndex) const = 0;
Write FAT entry to FAT by its index.
@param aFatIndex index in FAT
@param aValue value to write
virtual void WriteL(TUint32 aFatIndex, TUint32 aValue) = 0;
return the byte position of a cluster in the fat table
@param aCluster cluster to find position of
@return byte position of the cluster
virtual TInt64 DataPositionInBytes(TUint32 aCluster) const = 0;
virtual void FreeClusterListL(TUint32 aCluster);
virtual void ExtendClusterListL(TUint32 aNumber,TInt& aCluster);
virtual TUint32 AllocateSingleClusterL(TUint32 aNearestCluster);
virtual TUint32 AllocateClusterListL(TUint32 aNumber,TUint32 aNearestCluster);
virtual void CountFreeClustersL();
virtual void RequestRawWriteAccess(TInt64 /*aPos*/, TUint32 /*aLen*/) const {};
void MarkAsBadClusterL(TUint32 aCluster);
TInt CountContiguousClustersL(TUint32 aStartCluster,TInt& anEndCluster, TUint32 aMaxCount) const;
virtual TUint32 FreeClusterHint() const;
virtual void SetFreeClusterHint(TUint32 aCluster);
virtual TUint32 NumberOfFreeClusters(TBool aSyncOperation=EFalse) const;
virtual void SetFreeClusters(TUint32 aFreeClusters);
virtual TBool RequestFreeClusters(TUint32 aClustersRequired) const;
inline TUint32 MaxEntries() const;
virtual void InitializeL();
virtual TBool ConsistentState() const {return ETrue;} //-- dummy
CFatTable(CFatMountCB& aOwner);
//-- outlawed
CFatTable(const CFatTable&);
CFatTable& operator=(const CFatTable&);
void DecrementFreeClusterCount(TUint32 aCount);
void IncrementFreeClusterCount(TUint32 aCount);
inline TUint32 FreeClusters() const;
inline TBool IsEof16Bit(TInt aCluster) const;
inline TBool IsEof12Bit(TInt aCluster) const;
inline TInt SectorSizeLog2() const;
inline TFatType FatType() const;
TUint32 PosInBytes(TUint32 aFatIndex) const;
TUint32 FindClosestFreeClusterL(TUint32 aCluster);
inline TBool IsFat12() const;
inline TBool IsFat16() const;
inline TBool ClusterNumberValid(TUint32 aClusterNo) const;
typedef RArray<TUint> RClusterArray;
void DoFreedClustersNotify(RClusterArray &aFreedClusters);
CFatMountCB* iOwner; ///< Owning file system mount
TUint iMediaAtt; ///< Cached copy of TLocalDriveCaps::iMediaAtt
TUint32 iFreeClusters; ///< Number of free cluster in the fat table
TUint32 iFreeClusterHint; ///< Next free custer in the fat table, just for use in TFsInfo; This is just a hint, not required to contain exact information.
TFatType iFatType; ///< FAT type 12/16/32, cached from the iOwner
TUint32 iMaxEntries; ///< maximal number of FAT entries in the table. This value is taken from the CFatMount that calculates it
class MWTCacheInterface;
Base class abstraction of a raw media disk
class CRawDisk : public CBase
static CRawDisk* NewL(CFatMountCB& aOwner, const TLocalDriveCaps& aLocDrvCaps);
virtual void InitializeL();
virtual TInt GetLastErrorInfo(TDes8& aErrorInfo) const;
Read data from the media via simple WT data cache if it is present. Some media types, like RAM do not have caches.
This method is mostly used to read UIDs of executable modules and store them in the cache.
@param aPos Media position in bytes
@param aLength Length in bytes of read
@param aDes Data from read
virtual void ReadCachedL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aDes) const = 0;
Write data to the media via simple WT data cache if it is present. Some media types, like RAM do not have caches.
@param aPos Media position in bytes
@param aDes Data to write
virtual void WriteCachedL(TInt64 aPos,const TDesC8& aDes) = 0;
virtual void InvalidateUidCache() {}
virtual void InvalidateUidCachePage(TUint64 /*aPos*/) {}
Disk read function
@param aPos Media position in bytes
@param aLength Length in bytes of read
@param aTrg Pointer to the data descriptor, i.e. (const TAny*)(&TDes8)
@param aMessage Refrence to server message from request
@param anOffset Offset into read data to write
virtual void ReadL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset) const = 0;
Disk write function
@param aPos Media position in bytes
@param aLength Length in bytes of write
@param aTrg Pointer to the data descriptor, i.e. (const TAny*)(&TDes8)
@param aMessage Refrence to server message from request, contains data
@param anOffset Offset into write data to use in write
virtual void WriteL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,const RMessagePtr2 &aMessage,TInt anOffset) = 0;
virtual inline MWTCacheInterface* DirCacheInterface();
CRawDisk(CFatMountCB& aOwner);
//-- outlawed
CRawDisk(const CRawDisk&);
CRawDisk& operator=(const CRawDisk&);
CFatMountCB* iFatMount; ///< Owning file system mount
class CFatFileCB;
class RBitVector;
A helper class. Holds the FAT volume parameters, which in turn are obtained from the Boot Sector
class TFatVolParam
void Populate(const TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
TBool operator==(const TFatVolParam& aRhs) const;
//-- simple getters
TUint32 ClusterSizeLog2() const {return iClusterSizeLog2; }
TUint32 SectorSizeLog2() const {return iSectorSizeLog2; }
TUint32 RootDirEnd() const {return iRootDirEnd; }
TUint32 SectorsPerCluster() const {return iSectorsPerCluster; }
TUint32 RootDirectorySector() const {return iRootDirectorySector;}
TUint32 FirstFatSector() const {return iFirstFatSector; }
TUint32 TotalSectors() const {return iTotalSectors; }
TUint32 NumberOfFats() const {return iNumberOfFats; }
TUint32 FatSizeInBytes() const {return iFatSizeInBytes; }
TUint32 RootClusterNum() const {return iRootClusterNum; }
TUint32 FSInfoSectorNum() const {return iFSInfoSectorNum; }
TUint32 BkFSInfoSectorNum() const {return iBkFSInfoSectorNum; }
TUint32 iClusterSizeLog2; ///< Log2 of fat file system cluster size
TUint32 iSectorSizeLog2; ///< Log2 of media sector size
TUint32 iRootDirEnd; ///< End position of the root directory for Fat12/16
TUint32 iSectorsPerCluster; ///< Sector per cluster ratio for mounted Fat file system volume
TUint32 iRootDirectorySector; ///< Start sector of the root directory for Fat12/16
TUint32 iFirstFatSector; ///< Start sector of the first Fat table in volume
TUint32 iTotalSectors; ///< Total sectors on media partition
TUint32 iNumberOfFats; ///< Number of Fats the volume has
TUint32 iFatSizeInBytes; ///< Size of a single Fat table in volume
TUint32 iRootClusterNum; ///< Cluster number for Root directory, for Fat32
TUint32 iFSInfoSectorNum; ///< FSInfo Sector number. If 0, this means that corresponding value isn't set in BPB
TUint32 iBkFSInfoSectorNum; ///< backup FSInfo Sector number
TUint32 CalculatePageOffsetInCluster(TUint32 aPos, TUint aPageSzLog2);
class CLruCache;
class TLeafDirData;
class CLeafDirCache;
Fat file system mount implmentation, provides all that is required of a plug in
file system mount as well as Fat mount specific functionality
class CFatMountCB : public CLocDrvMountCB,
public MFileSystemSubType,
public MFileSystemClusterSize,
public CMountCB::MFileAccessor
static CFatMountCB* NewL();
void ConstructL();
//-- overrides from the abstract CMountCB
void MountL(TBool aForceMount);
TInt ReMount();
void Dismounted();
void VolumeL(TVolumeInfo& aVolume) const;
void SetVolumeL(TDes& aName);
void MkDirL(const TDesC& aName);
void RmDirL(const TDesC& aName);
void DeleteL(const TDesC& aName);
void RenameL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
void ReplaceL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& anNewName);
void EntryL(const TDesC& aName,TEntry& anEntry) const;
void SetEntryL(const TDesC& aName,const TTime& aTime,TUint aMask,TUint aVal);
void FileOpenL(const TDesC& aName,TUint aMode,TFileOpen anOpen,CFileCB* aFile);
void DirOpenL(const TDesC& aName,CDirCB* aDir);
void RawReadL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,TInt anOffset,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage) const;
void RawWriteL(TInt64 aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,TInt anOffset,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void GetShortNameL(const TDesC& aLongName,TDes& aShortName);
void GetLongNameL(const TDesC& aShortName,TDes& aLongName);
void ReadSectionL(const TDesC& aName,TInt aPos,TAny* aTrg,TInt aLength,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
TInt CheckDisk();
TInt ScanDrive();
TInt ControlIO(const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt aCommand,TAny* aParam1,TAny* aParam2);
TInt Lock(TMediaPassword& aOld,TMediaPassword& aNew,TBool aStore);
TInt Unlock(TMediaPassword& aPassword,TBool aStore);
TInt ClearPassword(TMediaPassword& aPassword);
TInt ErasePassword();
TInt ForceRemountDrive(const TDesC8* aMountInfo,TInt aMountInfoMessageHandle,TUint aFlags);
void FinaliseMountL();
void FinaliseMountL(TInt aOperation, TAny* aParam1=NULL, TAny* aParam2=NULL);
TInt MountControl(TInt aLevel, TInt aOption, TAny* aParam);
TTimeIntervalSeconds TimeOffset() const;
/** CFatMountCB states */
enum TFatMntState
ENotMounted = 0, ///< 0, initial state, not mounted (mount state is inconsistent)
EMounting, ///< 1, Mounting started (mount state is inconsistent)
EInit_R, ///< 2, Initialised and not written (mount state is Consistent)
EInit_W, ///< 3, Initialised and written (mount state is Consistent)
EFinalised, ///< 4, Finalised (mount state is Consistent)
EDismounted, ///< 5, Dismounted (mount state is inconsistent)
EInit_Forced, ///< 6, forcedly mounted, special case (mount state is inconsistent)
inline TFatMntState State() const;
inline void SetState(TFatMntState aState);
TInt OpenMountForWrite();
TInt IsFinalised(TBool& aFinalised);
A wrapper around TFatDriveInterface providing its instantination and destruction.
You must not create objects of this class, use DriveInterface() instead.
class XDriveInterface: public TFatDriveInterface
XDriveInterface() : TFatDriveInterface() {}
~XDriveInterface() {Close();}
TBool Init(CFatMountCB* aMount) {return TFatDriveInterface::Init(aMount);}
enum TRenMode {EModeReplace,EModeRename};
TBool ConsistentState() const;
void CheckWritableL() const;
void CheckStateConsistentL() const;
inline TBool ReadOnly(void) const;
inline void SetReadOnly(TBool aReadOnlyMode);
inline TInt StartCluster(const TFatDirEntry & anEntry) const;
inline CRawDisk& RawDisk() const;
inline CFatFileSystem& FatFileSystem() const;
inline CFatTable& FAT() const;
inline TInt ClusterSizeLog2() const;
inline TInt SectorSizeLog2() const;
inline TInt TotalSectors() const;
inline TInt SectorsPerCluster() const;
inline TInt ClusterBasePosition() const;
inline TInt RootDirectorySector() const;
inline TUint RootDirEnd() const;
inline TUint32 RootClusterNum() const;
inline TFatType FatType() const;
inline TBool Is16BitFat() const;
inline TBool Is32BitFat() const {return EFalse;} //-- dummy
inline TUint32 MaxClusterNumber() const;
inline TInt StartOfFatInBytes() const;
inline TUint32 FirstFatSector() const;
inline TInt NumberOfFats() const;
inline TInt FatSizeInBytes() const;
inline TInt ClusterRelativePos(TInt aPos) const;
inline TUint StartOfRootDirInBytes() const;
inline TUint32 UsableClusters() const;
inline TBool IsBadCluster(TInt aCluster) const;
inline TBool IsRuggedFSys() const;
inline void SetRuggedFSys(TBool aVal);
inline TInt RootIndicator() const;
inline TBool IsRootDir(const TEntryPos &aEntry) const;
inline CAsyncNotifier* Notifier() const;
inline TFatDriveInterface& DriveInterface() const;
void ReadUidL(TInt aCluster,TEntry& anEntry) const;
void ReadDirEntryL(const TEntryPos& aPos,TFatDirEntry& aDirEntry) const;
void WriteDirEntryL(const TEntryPos& aPos,const TFatDirEntry& aDirEntry);
void DirReadL(const TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aLength,TDes8& aDes) const;
void DirWriteL(const TEntryPos& aPos,const TDesC8& aDes);
void ReadFromClusterListL(TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt anOffset) const;
void WriteToClusterListL(TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt anOffset, TInt& aBadcluster, TInt& aGoodcluster);
void MoveToNextEntryL(TEntryPos& aPos) const;
void MoveToDosEntryL(TEntryPos& aPos,TFatDirEntry& anEntry) const;
void EnlargeL(TInt aSize);
void ReduceSizeL(TInt aPos,TInt aLength);
void DoDismount();
void CheckIndirectionTableL(TInt& anEndCluster) const;
void DoRenameOrReplaceL(const TDesC& anOldName,const TDesC& aNewName,TRenMode aMode,TEntryPos& aNewPos);
void FindDosNameL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAtt,TEntryPos& aDosEntryPos,TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry,TDes& aFileName,TInt anError) const;
void Dismount();
TBool IsEndOfClusterCh(TInt aCluster) const;
void SetEndOfClusterCh(TInt &aCluster) const;
void InitializeRootEntry(TFatDirEntry & anEntry) const;
TInt64 MakeLinAddrL(const TEntryPos& aPos) const;
inline const TFatConfig& FatConfig() const;
TBool CheckVolumeTheSame();
void InvalidateLeafDirCache();
void BlockMapReadFromClusterListL(TEntryPos& aPos, TInt aLength, SBlockMapInfo& aInfo);
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput);
virtual TInt GetFileUniqueId(const TDesC& aName, TInt64& aUniqueId);
virtual TInt Spare3(TInt aVal, TAny* aPtr1, TAny* aPtr2);
virtual TInt Spare2(TInt aVal, TAny* aPtr1, TAny* aPtr2);
virtual TInt Spare1(TInt aVal, TAny* aPtr1, TAny* aPtr2);
// interface extension implementation
virtual TInt SubType(TDes& aName) const;
virtual TInt ClusterSize() const;
/** An ad hoc internal helper object for using in DoFindL() method and its derivatives */
class TFindHelper
TFindHelper() {isInitialised = EFalse;}
void InitialiseL(const TDesC& aTargetName);
TBool MatchDosEntryName(const TUint8* apDosEntryName) const;
TBool TrgtNameIsLegalDos() const {ASSERT (isInitialised) ;return isLegalDosName;}
TFindHelper(const TFindHelper&);
TFindHelper& operator=(const TFindHelper&);
TPtrC iTargetName; ///< pointer to the aTargetName, used in DoRummageDirCacheL() as a parameter
TBool isInitialised :1; ///< ETrue if the object is initialised. It can be done only once.
TBool isLegalDosName :1; ///< ETrue if iTargetName is a legal DOS name
TShortName iShortName; ///< a short DOS name in XXXXXXXXYYY format generated from aTargetName
An ad hoc internal helper object for entry creations
class XFileCreationHelper
void Close();
void InitialiseL(const TDesC& aTargetName);
TInt GetValidatedShortName(TShortName& aShortName) const;
void CheckShortNameCandidates(const TUint8* apDosEntryName);
// inline functions for sets and gets
// note all the get functions have been checked against initialisation status
inline TBool IsInitialised() const;
inline TUint16 NumOfAddingEntries() const;
inline TEntryPos EntryAddingPos()const;
inline TBool IsNewEntryPosFound() const;
inline TBool IsTrgNameLegalDosName() const;
inline void SetEntryAddingPos(const TEntryPos& aEntryPos);
inline void SetIsNewEntryPosFound(TBool aFound);
XFileCreationHelper(const XFileCreationHelper&);
XFileCreationHelper& operator=(const TFindHelper&);
TPtrC iTargetName; ///< pointer to hold the long file name of the target file
TUint16 iNumOfAddingEntries;///< calculated number of entries to add
TEntryPos iEntryAddingPos; ///< contains new entry position for adding if found any
TBool isNewEntryPosFound; ///< flags whether the position for new entries is found
TBool isInitialised :1; ///< flags whether the object is initialised
TBool isTrgNameLegalDosName :1; ///< flags whether the target file name is a valid Dos name
an array that holds short name candidates, prepared on initialisation.
RArray<TShortName> iShortNameCandidates;
TBool DoRummageDirCacheL(TUint anAtt,TEntryPos& aStartEntryPos,TFatDirEntry& aStartEntry,TEntryPos& aDosEntryPos,TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry,TDes& aFileName, const TFindHelper& aAuxParam, XFileCreationHelper* aFileCreationHelper, const TLeafDirData& aLeafDirData) const;
TBool DoFindL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAtt,TEntryPos& aStartEntryPos,TFatDirEntry& aStartEntry,TEntryPos& aDosEntryPos,TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry,TDes& aFileName,TInt anError, XFileCreationHelper* aFileCreationHelper, const TLeafDirData& aLeafDirData) const;
void FindEntryStartL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAtt,TFatDirEntry& anEntry,TEntryPos& aPos, XFileCreationHelper* aFileCreationHelper) const;
void FindEntryStartL(const TDesC& aName,TUint anAtt,TFatDirEntry& anEntry,TEntryPos& aPos) const;
void CheckFatForLoopsL(const TFatDirEntry& anEntry) const;
void DoCheckFatForLoopsL(TInt aCluster,TInt& aPreviousCluster,TInt& aChangePreviousCluster,TInt& aCount) const;
void InitializeL(const TLocalDriveCaps& aLocDrvCaps, TBool aIgnoreFSInfo=EFalse);
void DoReadFromClusterListL(TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aTrg,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt anOffset) const;
void DoWriteToClusterListL(TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aLength,const TAny* aSrc,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage,TInt anOffset, TInt aLastcluster, TInt& aBadcluster, TInt& aGoodcluster);
TBool IsUniqueNameL(const TShortName& aName,TInt aDirCluster);
TBool FindShortNameL(const TShortName& aName,TEntryPos& anEntryPos);
void ReplaceClashingNameL(const TShortName& aNewName,const TEntryPos& anEntryPos);
TBool GenerateShortNameL(TInt aDirCluster,const TDesC& aLongName,TShortName& aShortName, TBool aForceRandomize=EFalse);
TInt FindLeafDirL(const TDesC& aName, TLeafDirData& aLeafDir) const;
TInt GetDirEntry(TEntryPos& aPos,TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry,TFatDirEntry& aStartEntry,TDes& aLongFileName) const;
TBool DoGetDirEntryL(TEntryPos& aPos,TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry,TFatDirEntry& aStartEntry,TDes& aLongFileName) const;
void WriteDirEntryL(TEntryPos& aPos,const TFatDirEntry& aFatDirEntry,const TDesC& aLongFileName);
void EraseDirEntryL(TEntryPos aPos,const TFatDirEntry& anEntry);
void EraseDirEntryL(const TEntryPos& aPos);
void InitializeFirstDirClusterL(TInt aCluster,TInt aParentCluster);
void AddDirEntryL(TEntryPos& aPos,TInt aNameLength);
void ZeroDirClusterL(TInt aCluster);
TInt DoWriteBootSector(TInt64 aMediaPos, const TFatBootSector& aBootSector) const;
TInt DoReadBootSector(TInt64 aMediaPos, TFatBootSector& aBootSector) const;
TInt ReadBootSector(TFatBootSector& aBootSector, TBool aDoNotReadBkBootSec=EFalse);
TBool IsDirectoryEmptyL(TInt aCluster);
void ExtendClusterListZeroedL(TInt aNumber,TInt& aCluster);
void WritePasswordData();
void WriteVolumeLabelL(const TDesC8& aVolumeLabel) const;
TInt ReadVolumeLabelFile(TDes8& aLabel);
void WriteVolumeLabelFileL(const TDesC8& aNewName);
void FindVolumeLabelFileL(TDes8& aLabel, TEntryPos& aDosEntryPos, TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry);
void GetVolumeLabelFromDiskL(const TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
void TrimVolumeLabel(TDes8& aLabel) const;
TInt DoRunScanDrive();
TBool VolumeCleanL();
void SetVolumeCleanL(TBool aClean);
TBool VolCleanFlagSupported() const;
void DoUpdateFSInfoSectorsL(TBool) {return;} //-- dummy, only FAT32 has FSInfo sector
void UnFinaliseMountL();
void DoReMountL();
TBool ValidClusterNumber(TUint32 aCluster) const;
void CheckUnvisitedClustersL(const RBitVector& aFatBitVec) const;
TInt WalkClusterListL(RBitVector& aFatBitVec, TInt aCluster);
void ChkEntryL(RBitVector& aFatBitVec, const TFatDirEntry& anEntry);
void ChkDirL(RBitVector& aFatBitVec, TInt aDirCluster);
TInt GetDosEntryFromNameL(const TDesC& aName, TEntryPos& aDosEntryPos, TFatDirEntry& aDosEntry);
TInt MntCtl_DoCheckFileSystemMountable();
TBool iReadOnly : 1; ///< if true, the drive is in read-only mode
TBool iRamDrive : 1; ///< true if this is a RAM drive
TFatMntState iState; ///< this mounnt internal state
TFatType iFatType; ///< FAT type, FAT12,16 or 32
CLeafDirCache* iLeafDirCache; ///< A cache for most recently visited directories, only valid when limit is set bigger than 1
HBufC* iLastLeafDir; ///< The last visited directory, only valid when limit of iLeafDirCache is less than 1
TInt iLastLeafDirCluster; ///< Cluster number of the last visited cluster, only valid when limit of iLeafDirCache is less than 1
TFatVolParam iVolParam; ///< FAT volume parameters, populated form the boot sector values.
TInt iFirstFreeByte; ///< First free byte in media (start of the data area on the volume)
TUint32 iUsableClusters; ///< Number of usable cluster on the volume
CFatTable* iFatTable; ///< Pointer to the volume Fat
CRawDisk* iRawDisk; ///< Pointer to the raw data interface class
CAsyncNotifier* iNotifier; ///< Async notifier for notifying user of Fat error conditions
CLruCache* iLruUidCache; ///< LRU Data cache used for dealing with executable files' UIDs
XDriveInterface iDriverInterface; ///< the object representing interface to the drive, provides read/write access and notifiers
TInt iChkDiscRecLevel; ///< Check disk recursion level counter. A temporary measure.
TFatConfig iFatConfig; ///< FAT parametrers from estart.txt
XFileCreationHelper iFileCreationHelper;
#ifdef _DEBUG
//-- debug odds and ends
inline TBool IsWriteFail()const;
inline void SetWriteFail(TBool aIsWriteFail);
inline TInt WriteFailCount()const;
inline void SetWriteFailCount(TInt aFailCount);
inline void DecWriteFailCount();
inline TInt WriteFailError()const;
inline void SetWriteFailError(TInt aErrorValue);
TBool iIsWriteFail : 1; ///< Flag to indicate if write failed used for debugging
TBool iCBRecFlag : 1; ///< in debug mode used for checking unwanted recursion
TInt iWriteFailCount; ///< Write fail count for debug
TInt iWriteFailError; ///< Write fail error to use for debug
friend class CFatFormatCB;
friend class CScanDrive;
friend class TFatDriveInterface;
Fat file system file subsession implmentation, provides all that is required of a plug in
file system file as well as Fat specific functionality
class CFatFileCB : public CFileCB, public CFileCB::MBlockMapInterface, public CFileCB::MExtendedFileInterface
void RenameL(const TDesC& aNewName);
void ReadL(TInt aPos,TInt& aLength,const TAny* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void WriteL(TInt aPos,TInt& aLength,const TAny* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage);
void SetSizeL(TInt aSize);
void SetEntryL(const TTime& aTime,TUint aMask,TUint aVal);
void FlushDataL();
void FlushAllL();
void CheckPosL(TUint aPos);
void SetL(const TFatDirEntry& aFatDirEntry,TShare aShare,const TEntryPos& aPos);
void CreateSeekIndex();
inline TBool IsSeekIndex() const;
// from MBlockMapInterface
TInt BlockMap(SBlockMapInfo& aInfo, TInt64& aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos);
// from CFileCB
virtual TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput);
// from CFileCB::MExtendedFileInterface
virtual void ReadL(TInt64 aPos,TInt& aLength,TDes8* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage, TInt aOffset);
virtual void WriteL(TInt64 aPos,TInt& aLength,const TDesC8* aDes,const RMessagePtr2& aMessage, TInt aOffset);
virtual void SetSizeL(TInt64 aSize);
inline CFatMountCB& FatMount() const;
inline CFatTable& FAT();
inline TInt ClusterSizeLog2();
inline TInt ClusterRelativePos(TInt aPos);
void FlushStartClusterL();
TInt SeekToPosition(TInt aNewCluster,TInt aClusterOffset);
void SetSeekIndexValueL(TInt aFileCluster,TInt aStoredCluster);
void ResizeIndex(TInt aNewMult,TUint aNewSize);
TInt CalcSeekIndexSize(TUint aSize);
TBool IsSeekBackwards(TUint aPos);
void ClearIndex(TUint aNewSize);
void DoSetSizeL(TUint aSize,TBool aIsSizeWrite);
void WriteFileSizeL(TUint aSize);
TUint32* iSeekIndex; ///< Seek index into file
TInt iSeekIndexSize; ///< size of seek index
TBool iAttPending;
TInt iStartCluster; ///< Start cluster number of file
TEntryPos iCurrentPos; ///< Current position in file data
TEntryPos iFileDirPos; ///< File directory entry position
TBool iFileSizeModified;
Fat file system directory subsession implmentation, provides all that is required of a plug in
file system directory as well as Fat specific functionality
class CFatDirCB : public CDirCB
static CFatDirCB* NewL();
void ReadL(TEntry& anEntry);
void StoreLongEntryNameL(const TDesC& aName);
void SetDirL(const TFatDirEntry& anEntry,const TDesC& aMatchName);
inline CFatMountCB& FatMount();
TFatDirEntry iEntry; ///< Current directory entry in this directory
TEntryPos iCurrentPos; ///< Current position in directory
HBufC* iMatch; ///< Current name being searched in directory (Dos Name)
HBufC* iLongNameBuf; ///< Long name storage
TBool iMatchUid; ///< Flag to indicate if UID matches
Fat file system Format subsession implmentation, provides all that is required of a plug in
file system format as well as Fat specific functionality
class CFatFormatCB : public CFormatCB
//-- overrides from CFormatCB
void DoFormatStepL();
//-- overrides from CFormatCB
TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId,TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput);
TInt DoProcessTVolFormatParam(const TVolFormatParam_FAT* apVolFormatParam);
void CreateBootSectorL();
void InitializeFormatDataL();
void DoZeroFillMediaL(TInt64 aStartPos, TInt64 aEndPos);
TInt InitFormatDataForVariableSizeDisk(TInt aDiskSizeInSectors);
TInt InitFormatDataForFixedSizeDiskNormal(TInt aDiskSizeInSectors, const TLocalDriveCapsV6& aCaps);
TInt InitFormatDataForFixedSizeDiskCustom(const TLDFormatInfo& aFormatInfo);
TInt InitFormatDataForFixedSizeDiskUser(TInt aDiskSizeInSectors);
void AdjustClusterSize(TInt aRecommendedSectorsPerCluster);
TInt AdjustFirstDataSectorAlignment(TInt aBlockSize);
TInt FirstDataSector() const;
TInt HandleCorrupt(TInt aError);
TInt BadSectorToCluster();
void TranslateL();
TInt DoTranslate(TPtr8& aBuf, RArray<TInt>& aArray);
void RecordOldInfoL();
TInt MaxFat12Sectors() const;
TInt MaxFat16Sectors() const;
inline TBool Is16BitFat() const;
inline CFatMountCB& FatMount();
inline CProxyDrive* LocalDrive();
TFatType SuggestFatType() const;
TBool iVariableSize; ///< Flag to indicat if we are dealing with a variable size volume
TInt iBytesPerSector; ///< Byte per sector of media
TInt iSectorSizeLog2; ///< Sector size in log2
TInt iNumberOfFats; ///< Number of Fats the volume will contain
TInt iReservedSectors; ///< Number of reserved sectors in the volume
TInt iRootDirEntries; ///< Nummer of root directory entries the root dir will have, specific to Fat12/16 volumes
TInt iSectorsPerCluster; ///< Sector per cluster ration the volume will be formatted with
TInt iSectorsPerFat; ///< Number of sectors the Fat uses
TInt iMaxDiskSectors; ///< number of sectors the volume has
TFormatInfo iFormatInfo; ///< format information for a custom format
TBuf8<16> iFileSystemName;///< Buffer to contain the volume name
TInt iHiddenSectors; ///< Number of hidden sectors in the volume
TInt iNumberOfHeads; ///< Number of heads the media device has, not used so far as only used on solid state media.
TInt iSectorsPerTrack; ///< Number of sectors the media device has, not used so far as only used on solid state media.
RArray<TInt> iBadClusters; ///< Array of bad cluster numbers
RArray<TInt> iBadSectors; ///< Array of bad sector numbers
TBool iDiskCorrupt; ///< Disk is corrupt when format or not
TInt iOldFirstFreeSector;
TInt iOldSectorsPerCluster;
Required file system class used by file server to create the file system objects
class CFatFileSystem : public CFileSystem
static CFatFileSystem* New();
TInt Install();
CMountCB* NewMountL() const;
CFileCB* NewFileL() const;
CDirCB* NewDirL() const;
CFormatCB* NewFormatL() const;
void DriveInfo(TDriveInfo& anInfo,TInt aDriveNumber) const;
TInt DefaultPath(TDes& aPath) const;
TBool IsExtensionSupported() const;
TBool GetUseLocalTime() const;
void SetUseLocalTime(TBool aFlag);
TInt GetInterface(TInt aInterfaceId, TAny*& aInterface,TAny* aInput);
If true, then local time will be used when writing timestamps to FS. When reading,
timestamps will be assumed local and converted back to UTC.
At present, this behaviour will also be conditional upon a particular drive being logically removable.
TBool iUseLocalTimeIfRemovable;
Locale utilities allows the file system to call into a specific locale for tasks
such as Dos name to unicode conversions and testing the legality of characters for
any given locale.
class LocaleUtils
static void ConvertFromUnicodeL(TDes8& aForeign, const TDesC16& aUnicode, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction=TFatUtilityFunctions::EOverflowActionTruncate);
static void ConvertToUnicodeL(TDes16& aUnicode, const TDesC8& aForeign, TFatUtilityFunctions::TOverflowAction aOverflowAction=TFatUtilityFunctions::EOverflowActionTruncate);
static TBool IsLegalShortNameCharacter(TUint aCharacter,TBool aUseExtendedChars=EFalse);
TPtrC RemoveTrailingDots(const TDesC& aName);
Indicates if a number passed in is a power of two
@return ETrue if aVal is a power of 2
inline TBool IsPowerOf2(TUint32 aVal);
Calculates the log2 of a number
@param aNum Number to calulate the log two of
@return The log two of the number passed in
TUint32 Log2(TUint32 aVal);
/** @return 2^aVal*/
inline TUint32 Pow2(TUint32 aVal);
Converts Dos time (from a directory entry) to TTime format
@param aDosTime Dos format time
@param aDosDate Dos format Date
@return TTime format of Dos time passed in
TTime DosTimeToTTime(TInt aDosTime,TInt aDosDate);
Converts TTime format to Dos time format
@param aTime TTime to convert to Dos time
@return Dos time format
TInt DosTimeFromTTime(const TTime& aTime);
Converts TTime format to Dos time format
@param aTime TTime to convert to Dos Date
@return Dos Date format
TInt DosDateFromTTime(const TTime& aTime);
Converts Dos Directory entry format to 8.3 format
@param aDosName Directory entry format with space delimeter
@return 8.3 Dos filename format
TBuf8<12> DosNameToStdFormat(const TDesC8& aDosName);
Converts 8.3 format to Dos Directory entry format
@param aStdFormatName 8.3 Dos filename format
@return Directory entry format with space delimeter
TBuf8<12> DosNameFromStdFormat(const TDesC8& aStdFormatName);
Fault function calls user panic with a fault reason
@param Enumerated fault reason
void Fault(TFault aFault);
calculates the number of VFat directory entries for a given file/directory name length
@param the length in characters of the name
@return the number of VFat entries required
TInt NumberOfVFatEntries(TInt aNameLength);
Calculates the check sum for a standard directory entry
@param the Dos name for the directory entry
@return the checksum
TUint8 CalculateShortNameCheckSum(const TDesC8& aShortName);
TBool IsLegalDosName(const TDesC& aName,TBool anAllowWildCards,TBool aUseExtendedChars, TBool aInScanDrive, TBool aAllowLowerCase, TBool aIsForFileCreation);
TBool IsLegalDOSNameChar(TChar aCharacter, TBool aUseExtendedChars);
This class represents a bit vector i.e. an array of bits. Vector size can be 1..2^32 bits.
class RBitVector
RBitVector(); //-- Creates an empty vector. see Create() methods for memory allocation
void Close();
TInt Create(TUint32 aNumBits);
void CreateL(TUint32 aNumBits);
inline TUint32 Size() const;
//-- single bit manipulation methods
inline TBool operator[](TUint32 aIndex) const;
inline void SetBit(TUint32 aIndex);
inline void ResetBit(TUint32 aIndex);
inline void InvertBit(TUint32 aIndex);
inline void SetBitVal(TUint32 aIndex, TBool aVal);
void Fill(TBool aVal);
void Fill(TUint32 aIndexFrom, TUint32 aIndexTo, TBool aVal);
void Invert();
TBool operator==(const RBitVector& aRhs) const;
TBool operator!=(const RBitVector& aRhs) const;
//-- logical operations between 2 vectors.
void And(const RBitVector& aRhs);
void Or (const RBitVector& aRhs);
void Xor(const RBitVector& aRhs);
TBool Diff(const RBitVector& aRhs, TUint32& aDiffIndex) const;
/** Bit search specifiers */
enum TFindDirection
ELeft, ///< Search from the given position to the left (towards lower index)
ERight, ///< Search from the given position to the right (towards higher index)
ENearestL, ///< Search in both directions starting from the given position; in the case of the equal distances return the position to the left
ENearestR ///< Search in both directions starting from the given position; in the case of the equal distances return the position to the right
//-- N.B the current position the search starts with isn't included to the search.
TBool Find(TUint32& aStartPos, TBool aBitVal, TFindDirection aDir) const;
/** panic codes */
enum TPanicCode
EIndexOutOfRange, ///< index out of range
EWrondFindDirection, ///< a value doesn't belong to TFindDirection
ESizeMismatch, ///< Size mismatch for binary operators
ENotInitialised, ///< No memory allocated for the array
ENotImplemented, ///< functionality isn't implemented
//-- these are outlawed. Can't use them because memory allocator can leave and we don't have conthrol on it in these methods.
RBitVector(const RBitVector& aRhs);
RBitVector& operator=(const RBitVector& aRhs);
void Panic(TPanicCode aPanicCode) const;
inline TUint32 WordNum(TUint32 aBitPos) const;
inline TUint32 BitInWord(TUint32 aBitPos) const;
TBool FindToRight(TUint32& aStartPos, TBool aBitVal) const;
TBool FindToLeft (TUint32& aStartPos, TBool aBitVal) const;
TBool FindNearest(TUint32& aStartPos, TBool aBitVal, TBool aToLeft) const;
inline TUint32 MaskLastWord(TUint32 aVal) const;
inline TBool ItrLeft(TUint32& aIdx) const;
inline TBool ItrRight(TUint32& aIdx) const;
TUint32 iNumBits; ///< number of bits in the vector
TUint32* ipData; ///< pointer to the data
TUint32 iNumWords;///< number of 32-bit words that store bits
#include "sl_std.inl"
#include "sl_bpb.inl"
#include "fat_dir_entry.inl"
#endif //SL_STD_H