// Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file
// various FAT utilities header file
#include "f32_test_utils.h"
namespace Fat_Test_Utils
using namespace F32_Test_Utils;
#include "filesystem_fat.h"
using namespace FileSystem_FAT;
typedef TFatSubType TFatType;
//# FAT-specific declarations
TFatType GetFatType(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive);
const TInt KDefaultSectorLog2 = 9; ///< Log2 of default sector size for FAT
const TInt KDefaultSectorSize = 1 << KDefaultSectorLog2; ///< Default sector size for FAT, 512 bytes
class TFatBootSector;
class TFSInfo;
TInt ReadBootSector(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive, TInt64 aMediaPos, TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
TInt WriteBootSector(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive, TInt64 aMediaPos, const TFatBootSector& aBootSector);
TInt ReadFSInfoSector(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive, TInt64 aMediaPos, TFSInfo& aFsInfo);
TInt WriteFSInfoSector(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive, TInt64 aMediaPos, const TFSInfo& aFsInfo);
/** FAT formatting parameters structure */
struct TFatFormatParam
TFatType iFatType; ///< explicit FAT type
TUint iSecPerCluster; ///< Sectors per cluster; 0 means "default"
TUint iReservedSectors; ///< Reserved Sectors; 0 means "default"
TInt FormatFatDrive(RFs &aFs, TInt aDrive, TBool aQuickFormat, const TFatFormatParam* apFmtParams=NULL, TBool aForceErase = EFalse);
const TInt KFatFirstSearchCluser =2; ///< FAT usable clusters start from 2; FAT[0] and FAT[1] are reserved
const TInt KFatDirNameSize =11; ///< Dos directory/File name length
const TInt KFatDirReserved1Size =8; ///< Size of reserved area one in a directory enrty
const TInt KVolumeLabelSize =11; ///< Volume lable size
const TInt KFileSysTypeSize =8; ///< File system type parameter size
const TInt KVendorIdSize =8; ///< Vendor ID parameter size
const TInt KVFatEntryAttribute =0x0F; ///< VFat entry attribute setting
const TInt KBootSectorSignature =0xAA55;///< File system Boot sector signiture
const TUint8 KDotEntryByte =0x2e; ///< Dot value for self and parent pointer directory entries
const TUint8 KBlankSpace =0x20; ///< Blank space in a directory entry
const TInt KSizeOfFatDirEntry =32; ///< Size in bytes of a Fat directry entry
const TInt KSizeOfFatDirEntryLog2 =5; ///< Log2 of size in bytes of a Fat directry entry
const TInt KFat16VolumeLabelPos =43; ///< Position of volume lable in BPB for Fat12/16
const TInt KFat32VolumeLabelPos =71; ///< Position of volume lable in BPB for Fat32
const TInt KReservedIdOldEntry =1; ///< used for TFatDirEntry::SetReserved2(..)
const TInt KReservedIdNewEntry =0;
const TInt KSizeOfFatBootSector =90; ///< Size in bytes of Boot sector parameter block (BPB)
const TUint32 KBootSectorNum =0; ///< Main Boot Sector number (always 0)
const TUint32 KFSInfoSectorNum =1; ///< Main FSInfo sector number. This is a default value. The actual value shall be taken from the BPB
const TUint32 KBkBootSectorNum =6; ///< Backup Boot Sector number (must be 6 by default)
const TUint32 KBkFSInfoSectorNum =KBkBootSectorNum+1; ///< Backup FSInfo sector number, follows the backup bpb sector
typedef TBuf8<KFatDirNameSize> TShortName; ///< Buffer type fot short names in dos entries
//# FAT/FAT32 Boot sector support
Boot sector parameter block, enables access to all file system parameters.
Supports FAT12/16/32; code is taken from sl_bpb.h
class TFatBootSector
//-- simple getters / setters
const TPtrC8 VendorId() const;
TUint16 BytesPerSector() const;
TInt SectorsPerCluster() const;
TInt ReservedSectors() const;
TInt NumberOfFats() const;
TInt RootDirEntries() const;
TInt TotalSectors() const;
TUint8 MediaDescriptor() const;
TInt FatSectors() const;
TInt SectorsPerTrack() const;
TInt NumberOfHeads() const;
TInt HiddenSectors() const;
TInt HugeSectors() const;
TInt PhysicalDriveNumber() const;
TInt ExtendedBootSignature() const;
TUint32 UniqueID() const;
const TPtrC8 VolumeLabel() const;
const TPtrC8 FileSysType() const;
TInt BootSectorSignature() const;
TUint32 FatSectors32() const;
TUint16 FATFlags() const;
TUint16 VersionNumber() const;
TUint32 RootClusterNum() const;
TUint16 FSInfoSectorNum() const;
TUint16 BkBootRecSector() const;
void SetJumpInstruction();
void SetVendorID(const TDesC8& aDes);
void SetBytesPerSector(TInt aBytesPerSector);
void SetSectorsPerCluster(TInt aSectorsPerCluster);
void SetReservedSectors(TInt aReservedSectors);
void SetNumberOfFats(TInt aNumberOfFats);
void SetRootDirEntries(TInt aRootDirEntries);
void SetTotalSectors(TInt aTotalSectors);
void SetMediaDescriptor(TUint8 aMediaDescriptor);
void SetFatSectors(TInt aFatSectors);
void SetSectorsPerTrack(TInt aSectorsPerTrack);
void SetNumberOfHeads(TInt aNumberOfHeads);
void SetHiddenSectors(TUint32 aHiddenSectors);
void SetHugeSectors(TUint32 aTotalSectors);
void SetPhysicalDriveNumber(TInt aPhysicalDriveNumber);
void SetReservedByte(TUint8 aReservedByte);
void SetExtendedBootSignature(TInt anExtendedBootSignature);
void SetUniqueID(TUint32 anUniqueID);
void SetVolumeLabel(const TDesC8& aDes);
void SetFileSysType(const TDesC8& aDes);
void SetFatSectors32(TUint32 aFatSectors32);
void SetFATFlags(TUint16 aFATFlags);
void SetVersionNumber(TUint16 aVersionNumber);
void SetRootClusterNum(TUint32 aRootCusterNum);
void SetFSInfoSectorNum(TUint16 aFSInfoSectorNum);
void SetBkBootRecSector(TUint16 aBkBootRecSector);
void Initialise();
TBool IsValid() const;
TFatType FatType(void) const;
void Internalize(const TDesC8& aBuf);
void Externalize(TDes8& aBuf) const;
void PrintDebugInfo() const;
//-- more advanced API, works for all FAT types
TInt FirstFatSector() const;
TInt RootDirStartSector() const;
TInt FirstDataSector() const;
TUint32 VolumeTotalSectorNumber() const;
TUint32 TotalFatSectors() const;
TUint32 RootDirSectors() const;
TBool operator==(const TFatBootSector& aRhs);
TUint8 iJumpInstruction[3]; ///< +0 Jump instruction used for bootable volumes
TUint8 iVendorId[KVendorIdSize]; ///< +3 Vendor ID of the file system that formatted the volume
TUint16 iBytesPerSector; ///< +11/0x0b Bytes per sector
TUint8 iSectorsPerCluster; ///< +13/0x0d Sectors per cluster ratio
TUint16 iReservedSectors; ///< +14/0x0e Number of reserved sectors on the volume
TUint8 iNumberOfFats; ///< +16/0x10 Number of Fats on the volume
TUint16 iRootDirEntries; ///< +17/0x11 Number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32
TUint16 iTotalSectors; ///< +19/0x13 Total sectors on the volume, zero for FAT32
TUint8 iMediaDescriptor; ///< +12/0x15 Media descriptor
TUint16 iFatSectors; ///< +22/0x16 Sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32
TUint16 iSectorsPerTrack; ///< +24/0x18 Sectors per track
TUint16 iNumberOfHeads; ///< +26/0x1a Number of heads
TUint32 iHiddenSectors; ///< +28/0x1c Number of hidden sectors in the volume
TUint32 iHugeSectors; ///< +32/0x20 Total sectors in the volume, Used if totalSectors > 65535
TUint32 iFatSectors32; ///< +36/0x24 Start of additional elements @ offset 36 for FAT32, Sectors in Fat table for 32 bit volume
TUint16 iFATFlags; ///< +40/0x28 Fat flags
TUint16 iVersionNumber; ///< +42/0x2a Version number of the file system
TUint32 iRootClusterNum; ///< +44/0x2c Cluster number of the root directory
TUint16 iFSInfoSectorNum; ///< +48/0x30 Sector number containing the FSIInfo structure
TUint16 iBkBootRecSector; ///< +50/0x32 Backup boot sector
TUint8 iReserved2[12]; ///< +52/0x34 Reserved space, End of Fat32 Only parameters section
TUint8 iPhysicalDriveNumber; ///< +64/0x40 Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
TUint8 iReserved; ///< +65/0x41 Reserved byte
TUint8 iExtendedBootSignature; ///< +66/0x42 Extended boot signiture
TUint32 iUniqueID; ///< +67/0x43 Unique volume ID
TUint8 iVolumeLabel[KVolumeLabelSize]; ///< +71/0x47 The volume's label
TUint8 iFileSysType[KFileSysTypeSize]; ///< +82/0x52 File system type
//# FAT32 FSInfo sector support
const TUint32 KSizeOfFSInfo = 0x200; ///< Size in bytes of the FSInfo structures
const TUint32 KFSInfoReserved1Size= 480; ///< Size of first reserved area in FSInfo
const TUint32 KFSInfoReserved2Size= 12; ///< Size of second reserved area in FSInfo
TFSinfo hold the File system information comprising the free cluster count
and next free cluster. It is found in the sector after the BPB and contains
several identification signitures along with resverved space. It is not
mandatory to support this feature.
class TFSInfo
void Initialise();
TBool IsValid() const;
void Internalize(const TDesC8& aBuf);
void Externalize(TDes8& aBuf) const;
void PrintDebugInfo() const;
TUint32 FreeClusterCount() const;
TUint32 NextFreeCluster() const;
void SetFreeClusterCount(TUint32 aFreeCount);
void SetNextFreeCluster(TUint32 aNextCluster);
TBool operator==(const TFSInfo& aRhs);
TUint32 iLeadSig; ///< +0 lead in signature, should always equal 0x41615252
TUint8 iReserved1[KFSInfoReserved1Size]; ///< +4 First reserved region of 480 bytes
TUint32 iStructureSig; ///< +484/0x1e4 Structure signature, should equal 0x61417272
TUint32 iFreeCount; ///< +488/0x1e8 last known free cluster count
TUint32 iNextFree; ///< +492/0x1ec hint to file system as to where to start looking for free clusters
TUint8 iReserved2[KFSInfoReserved2Size]; ///< +496/0x1f0 Second reserved region of 12 bytes
TUint32 iTrainlingSig; ///< +508/0x1fc Trailing Signature (Bytes 510 and 511 = 55 and AA respectively)
//# FAT directory entries support
const TInt KMaxFatFileName=12;
const TInt KMaxFatFileNameWithoutExt=8;
const TInt KMaxDuplicateShortName=0xFF;
const TInt KMaxVFatEntryName=13;
//-- some helper functions
TTime DosTimeToTTime(TInt aDosTime,TInt aDosDate);
TInt DosTimeFromTTime(const TTime& aTime);
TInt DosDateFromTTime(const TTime& aTime);
TBuf8<12> DosNameToStdFormat(const TDesC8& aDosName);
TBuf8<12> DosNameFromStdFormat(const TDesC8& aStdFormatName);
TInt NumberOfVFatEntries(TInt aNameLength);
TUint8 CalculateShortNameCheckSum(const TDesC8& aShortName);
Fat DOS directory entry structure
struct SFatDirEntry
TUint8 iName[KFatDirNameSize]; ///< :0 File/Directory name
TUint8 iAttributes; ///< :11 File/Directory attributes
TUint8 iReserved1[2]; ///< :12 2 reserved bytes(in our implementation), some versions of Windows may use them
TUint16 iTimeC; ///< :14 Creation time
TUint16 iDateC; ///< :16 Creation date
TUint16 iReserved2; ///< :18 2 reserved bytes(in our implementation), FAT specs say that this is "last access date". Rugged FAT uses them as a special entry ID
TUint16 iStartClusterHi; ///< :20 High 16 bits of the File/Directory cluster number (Fat32 only)
TUint16 iTime; ///< :22 last write access time
TUint16 iDate; ///< :24 last write access date
TUint16 iStartClusterLo; ///< :26 Low 16 bits of the File/Directory cluster number
TUint32 iSize; ///< :28 File/Directory size in bytes
Provides access to the Fat directory entry parameters
class TFatDirEntry
void InitZ();
const TPtrC8 Name() const;
TInt Attributes() const;
TTime Time() const;
TInt StartCluster() const;
TUint32 Size() const;
TBool IsErased() const;
TBool IsCurrentDirectory() const;
TBool IsParentDirectory() const;
TBool IsEndOfDirectory() const;
TBool IsGarbage() const;
void SetName(const TDesC8& aDes);
void SetAttributes(TInt anAtt);
void SetTime(TTime aTime);
void SetCreateTime(TTime aTime);
void SetStartCluster(TInt aStartCluster);
void SetSize(TUint32 aFilesize);
void SetErased();
void SetCurrentDirectory();
void SetParentDirectory();
void SetEndOfDirectory();
//TUint RuggedFatEntryId() const;
//void SetRuggedFatEntryId(TUint16 aId);
void InitializeAsVFat(TUint8 aCheckSum);
void SetVFatEntry(const TDesC& aName,TInt aRemainderLen);
void ReadVFatEntry(TDes16& aVBuf) const;
TBool IsLongNameStart() const;
TBool IsVFatEntry() const;
TInt NumFollowing() const;
TUint8 CheckSum() const;
TUint8 iData[KSizeOfFatDirEntry]; ///< The directory entry data
}//namespace Fat_Test_Utils