* Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Class declaration for CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd.
#include "cbulkonlytransport.h"
#include "cactivedevicestatenotifierbase.h"
// This the length of every buffer corresponding to each Bulk endpoint.
// Length is to support double buffering, maximum size of host transfers(64 for Windows/128 for MAC) + 2K (to send CSW(IN ep's) and to recwive CBW's(OUT ep's))
LOCAL_D const TUint KMaxScBufferSize = 258 * 1024;
LOCAL_D const TUint KMaxScReadSize = 64 * 1024;
//Forward Declaration
class CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd;
Represent session with control endpoint (Ep0).
handles the control interface, and responds to the class specific commands (RESET and GET_MAX_LUN).
class CControlInterfaceUsbcScLdd : public CActive
enum TControlState
static CControlInterfaceUsbcScLdd* NewL(CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd& aParent);
TInt Start();
void Stop();
virtual void RunL();
virtual void DoCancel();
TInt OpenEp0();
CControlInterfaceUsbcScLdd(CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd& aParent);
void ConstructL();
TInt ReadEp0Data();
void DecodeEp0Data();
TInt ReadUsbEp0();
TEndpointBuffer iEp0Buf;
TAny* iEp0Packet;
TUint iEp0Size;
TBool iEp0Zlp;
TUsbRequestHdr iRequestHeader;
/** reference to the CBulkOnlyTransport*/
CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd& iParent;
/** represent carrent state for state mashine */
TControlState iCurrentState;
/** Transport Class that accessess the SC LDD */
class CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd : public CBulkOnlyTransport, public MLddDeviceStateNotification
CBulkOnlyTransportUsbcScLdd(TInt aNumDrives,CUsbMassStorageController& aController);
void ConstructL();
RDevUsbcScClient& Ldd();
TInt BytesAvailable(); // from Mtransport base class
TInt SetupConfigurationDescriptor(TBool aUnset = EFalse);
TInt SetupInterfaceDescriptors();
void ReleaseInterface();
void CancelControlInterface();
TInt StartControlInterface();
void ActivateDeviceStateNotifier();
void CancelDeviceStateNotifier();
void CancelReadWriteRequests();
void AllocateEndpointResources();
TInt GetDeviceStatus(TUsbcDeviceState& deviceStatus);
void FlushData();
void ReadAndDiscardData(TInt aBytes);
void ReadCBW();
void ExpireData(TAny* aAddress = NULL);
void ProcessCbwEvent();
void StallEndpointAndWaitForClear();
void ReadData(TUint aLength = 0);
void WriteUsb(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TPtrC8& aDes, TUint aLength, TBool aZlpRequired = EFalse);
void SetCbwPtr();
TPtr8& SetCommandBufPtr(TUint aLength);
TPtr8& SetDataBufPtr();
void SetPaddingBufPtr(TUint aLength);
void SetCswBufPtr(TUint aLength);
void ProcessReadingDataEvent();
void DiscardData(TUint aLength);
void WriteToClient(TUint aLength);
void SetReadDataBufPtr( TUint aLength);
virtual void GetBufferPointers(TPtr8& aDes1, TPtr8& aDes2);
void Activate(TRequestStatus& aStatus, TUint& aValue);
void Cancel();
TInt ReadUsb(TUint aLength = 0);
TInt OpenEndpoints();
void ProcessDataFromHost(); // As USB Read API can return with KErrCompletion saying there is data already and
// that we can process the data without queuong a request, this function effectively does
// what Runl() did earlier
RChunk* iChunk;
RDevUsbcScClient iLdd;
CControlInterfaceUsbcScLdd* iControlInterface;
CActiveDeviceStateNotifierBase* iDeviceStateNotifier;
/** To remember chunk specifics one defined, instead of walking it every time something required */
TUint iInEndpoint;
TUint iOutEndpoint;
TEndpointBuffer iSCReadEndpointBuf;
TEndpointBuffer iSCWriteEndpointBuf;
/** Pointer to the data in chunk which is read from the host */
TAny* iSCReadData;
/** Size of data read from the host in a 'transfer' */
TUint iSCReadSize;
/** If data read from host was termintated with a ZLP or not */
TBool iReadZlp;
/** Pointer to start of IN buffer in chunk which can be written into by protocol/media */
TAny* iDataPtr;
/** Length of IN buffer */
TUint iInBufferLength;