Revision: 200948 + Removing redundant base integration tests and fixing build errors
Kit: 200948
// Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32\euser\us_rwlock.cpp
#include "us_std.h"
#include <e32atomics.h>
const TInt KReadersIndex = 0;
const TInt KWriterIndex = 1;
const TInt KReadersPendingIndex = 2;
const TInt KWritersPendingIndex = 3;
const TUint64 KReaderValue = UI64LIT(0x0000000000000001);
const TUint64 KWriterValue = UI64LIT(0x0000000000010000);
const TUint64 KReaderPendingValue = UI64LIT(0x0000000100000000);
const TUint64 KWriterPendingValue = UI64LIT(0x0001000000000000);
const TUint64 KReadersMask = UI64LIT(0x000000000000ffff);
const TUint64 KWriterMask = KWriterValue;
const TUint64 KReadersOrWritersMask = KReadersMask | KWriterMask;
const TUint64 KReadersPendingClearMask = UI64LIT(0xffff0000ffffffff);
Initialise a read-write lock object.
@param aPriority Type of priority to use - see RReadWriteLockPriority::TReadWriteLockPriority
@return KErrNone Instance successfully created
Otherwise an error returned by RSemaphore::CreateLocal
@panic EReadWriteLockInvalidPriority if aPriority is not valid.
EXPORT_C TInt RReadWriteLock::CreateLocal(TReadWriteLockPriority aPriority)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aPriority >= EWriterPriority && aPriority <= EReaderPriority, Panic(EReadWriteLockInvalidPriority));
iPriority = aPriority;
iValues = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
iSpare[0] = 0; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
TInt ret = iReaderSem.CreateLocal(0, EOwnerProcess);
if (ret == KErrNone)
ret = iWriterSem.CreateLocal(0, EOwnerProcess);
if (ret != KErrNone)
return ret;
Close a read-write lock object, releasing the associated semaphores.
@panic EReadWriteLockStillPending if there are any outstanding clients or pending clients
EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::Close()
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(iValues == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockStillPending));
Ask for a read lock. Will be granted if:
1) No-one else currently holds the lock or
2) Only readers hold the lock and:
a) There are no pending writers or
b) The priority is for readers.
Otherwise this function blocks until the lock becomes available to it.
Please note that ReadLock() is not re-entrant - calling it a second time without releasing the first lock
runs the risk of being blocked and risking a deadlock situation.
@panic EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of readers or pending readers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::ReadLock()
TBool blocked;
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
do {
initialValues = iValues;
if (indexedValues[KWriterIndex] > 0 ||
(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
blocked = ETrue;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
blocked = EFalse;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + (blocked ? KReaderPendingValue : KReaderValue)));
if (blocked)
Ask for a write lock. Will be granted if no-one else currently holds the lock.
Otherwise this function blocks until the lock becomes available to it.
Only one writer can hold the lock at one time. No readers can hold the lock while a writer has it.
Please note that WriteLock() is not re-entrant - calling it a second time without releasing the first lock
will block and cause a deadlock situation.
@panic EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of pending writers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::WriteLock()
TBool blocked;
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
do {
initialValues = iValues;
if (initialValues & KReadersOrWritersMask)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
blocked = ETrue;
blocked = EFalse;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + (blocked ? KWriterPendingValue : KWriterValue)));
if (blocked)
Ask for a read lock without blocking.
@return ETrue - lock granted
EFalse - failed to obtain the lock
@panic EReadWriteLockTooManyClients if the resulting number of readers exceeds EReadWriteLockClientCategoryLimit
@see ReadLock()
EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryReadLock()
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
do {
initialValues = iValues;
if (indexedValues[KWriterIndex] > 0 ||
(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
return EFalse;
__ASSERT_ALWAYS(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] < KMaxTUint16, Panic(EReadWriteLockTooManyClients));
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + KReaderValue));
return ETrue;
Ask for a write lock without blocking.
@return ETrue - lock granted
EFalse - failed to obtain the lock
@see WriteLock()
EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryWriteLock()
TUint64 initialValues;
do {
initialValues = iValues;
if (initialValues & KReadersOrWritersMask)
return EFalse;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_rel64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues + KWriterValue));
return ETrue;
Tries to atomically release a read lock and gain a write lock.
This function will succeed if:
- This is the only reader and
- There are no pending writers or
- The priority is reader
@return ETrue - write lock granted
EFalse - failed to obtain a write lock, read lock retained
@panic EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the read lock is not currently held
EXPORT_C TBool RReadWriteLock::TryUpgradeReadLock()
__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KReadersMask) != 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a read lock
__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KWriterMask) == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a write lock - shouldn't be possible
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
do {
initialValues = iValues;
if (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 1 ||
(iPriority != EReaderPriority && indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0))
return EFalse;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, initialValues - KReaderValue + KWriterValue));
return ETrue;
Atomically releases a held write lock and gains a read lock. Also unblocks any
pending readers if:
- Priority is EPriorityReader or
- There are no pending writers
This function can not fail, so it does not return anything.
@panic EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the lock is not currently held
EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::DowngradeWriteLock()
__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KWriterMask) == KWriterValue, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a write lock
__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KReadersMask) == 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a read lock - shouldn't be possible
TUint unlockReaders;
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
TUint64 newValues;
do {
unlockReaders = 0;
initialValues = iValues;
newValues = initialValues - KWriterValue + KReaderValue; // Clear current write lock flag and add a read lock
if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0 &&
(indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] == 0 || iPriority == EReaderPriority)) // Release any other pending readers
unlockReaders = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
if (unlockReaders == KMaxTUint16) // Put a pending reader back to avoid overflow in the readers field
newValues += KReaderPendingValue;
newValues += unlockReaders;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
if (unlockReaders > 0)
Releases a held read or write lock. If no-one else holds this lock (ie other
readers) then this will unblock one or more pending clients based on the priority:
EAlternatePriority - If a read lock is being released then:
- Give the lock to the first pending writer, if there is one
- Else give the lock to all pending readers, if there are any
- If a write lock is being released then:
- If there are pending readers:
- If there are pending writers then unblock one pending reader
- Else if there are no pending writers then unblock all pending readers
- Else unblock one pending writer, if there is one
EReaderPriority - Unblock all pending readers. If none then unblock one pending writer, if there is one
EWriterPriority - Unblock one pending writer, if there is one. If none then unblock any and all pending readers
@panic EReadWriteLockBadLockState if the lock is not currently held
EXPORT_C void RReadWriteLock::Unlock()
__ASSERT_ALWAYS((iValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) != 0, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we actually hold a lock
__ASSERT_DEBUG((iValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) <= KWriterValue, Panic(EReadWriteLockBadLockState)); // Check we don't hold a read lock and a write lock at the same time - shouldn't be possible
TInt unlockClients = 0;
switch (iPriority)
case EWriterPriority:
unlockClients = UnlockWriter(); break;
case EAlternatePriority:
unlockClients = UnlockAlternate(); break;
default: // EReaderPriority:
unlockClients = UnlockReader(); break;
if (unlockClients == -1)
#ifdef _DEBUG
iSpare[0] = 0; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
else if (unlockClients > 0)
#ifdef _DEBUG
const TUint64 KWritersPendingMask = UI64LIT(0xffff000000000000);
if (iValues & KWritersPendingMask)
iSpare[0]++; // Keep a rough track of writer starvation
if (iSpare[0] > 1000)
TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockWriter()
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
TUint64 newValues;
TInt unlockClients;
do {
unlockClients = 0;
initialValues = iValues;
newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release a writer
unlockClients = -1;
newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
newValues += KWriterValue;
else if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release all pending readers
unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
newValues += unlockClients;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
return unlockClients;
TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockAlternate()
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
TUint64 newValues;
TInt unlockClients;
do {
unlockClients = 0;
initialValues = iValues;
newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0 &&
(indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 || indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] == 0)) // Release a writer if there is one and either this is a read unlock or there are no readers pending
unlockClients = -1;
newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
newValues += KWriterValue;
else if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release one or more readers
if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Just one because there are pending writers
unlockClients = 1;
newValues -= KReaderPendingValue;
newValues += KReaderValue;
else // All of them
unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
newValues += unlockClients;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
return unlockClients;
TInt RReadWriteLock::UnlockReader()
TUint64 initialValues;
TUint16* indexedValues = (TUint16*)&initialValues;
TUint64 newValues;
TInt unlockClients;
do {
unlockClients = 0;
initialValues = iValues;
newValues = initialValues - (indexedValues[KReadersIndex] > 0 ? KReaderValue : KWriterValue); // Clear current lock flag
if ((newValues & KReadersOrWritersMask) == 0) // No longer locked - release someone else
if (indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release all pending readers
unlockClients = indexedValues[KReadersPendingIndex];
newValues &= KReadersPendingClearMask; // Clear pending readers
newValues += unlockClients;
else if (indexedValues[KWritersPendingIndex] > 0) // Release a writer
unlockClients = -1;
newValues -= KWriterPendingValue;
newValues += KWriterValue;
while (!__e32_atomic_cas_acq64(&iValues, &initialValues, newValues));
return unlockClients;