Revision: 200948 + Removing redundant base integration tests and fixing build errors
Kit: 200948
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\mmu\d_cache.cia
// See e32test\mmu\t_cache.cpp for details
#ifndef __KERNEL_MODE__
#include <u32std.h>
#include <u32std.h>
#include "nk_cpu.h"
#if defined(__CPU_ARMV7)
/**Returns Cache Type Register content*/
__NAKED__ TUint32 CacheTypeRegister()
asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 1 ");
/**Returns Cache Level ID Register content*/
__NAKED__ TUint32 CacheLevelIDRegister()
asm("mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 1 ");
Returns Cache Size Id Register content for the given cache level/type
@param aType Cache type: 0=data/unified, 1=code
@param aLevel Cache level: 0=Level1 ... 7=Level8
__NAKED__ TUint32 CacheSizeIdRegister(TUint32 /*aType*/, TUint32 /*aLevel*/)
asm("orr r0, r1, lsl #1"); // r0 = entry for Cache Size Selection Reg.
asm("mcr p15, 2, r0, c0, c0, 0 "); // set Cache Size Selection Register
asm("mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 0 "); // read Cache Size Id Register
/** Returns Coprocessor Control Register*/
__NAKED__ TUint32 CtrlRegister()
asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c1, c0, 0 ");//read CR reg.
/** Returns PRRR Register*/
__NAKED__ TUint32 PRRRRegister()
asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c10, c2, 0 ");
/** Returns NRRR Register*/
__NAKED__ TUint32 NRRRRegister()
asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c10, c2, 1 ");
/** Sets PRRR Register*/
__NAKED__ void SetPRRR(TUint32)
asm("mcr p15, 0, r0, c10, c2, 0 ");
#if defined(__CPU_ARMV7)
/** Sets NRRR Register*/
__NAKED__ void SetNRRR(TUint32)
asm("mcr p15, 0, r0, c10, c2, 1 ");
__NAKED__ TUint32 GetCacheType()
asm("mrc p15, 0, r0, c0, c0, 1 ");
#ifdef __XSCALE_L2_CACHE__
/** Returns L2 Cache Type Register Content */
__NAKED__ TUint32 L2CacheTypeReg()
asm("mrc p15, 1, r0, c0, c0, 1 ");
#endif // __XSCALE_L2_CACHE__
#define NOP_8() \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
asm("nop"); \
#define NOP_64() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
NOP_8() \
#define NOP_512() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
NOP_64() \
__NAKED__ void TestCodeFunc()
asm("testcodestart: ");
NOP_512(); //512 nops * 4 bytes/nop = 2K (800h) of code
__JUMP(,lr); //+ 4 bytes
asm("testcodeend: ");
__NAKED__ TInt TestCodeFuncSize()
asm("ldr r0, = testcodeend - testcodestart"); //This should return 804h
#endif //#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
// It assumes that aSize and aBase are aligned to 4 bytes. Also, aSize must be > 0.
__NAKED__ void DataSegmetTestFunct(void* /*aBase*/, TInt /*aSize*/)
asm("add r1,r1,r0"); // r1 = end address (excluding)
asm("mov r2, #50"); // Will take 50 cycles
asm("mvn r12, #1"); // r12 = -2
asm("mov r3, r0"); // r3 = aBase
asm("str r12, [r3],#4");
asm("cmp r3, r1");
asm("blo write_loop");
asm("mov r3, r0"); // r3 = aBase
asm("ldr r12, [r3],#4");
asm("cmp r3, r1");
asm("blo read_loop");
asm("subs r2,r2,#1");
asm("bne next_cycle");