Revision: 200948 + Removing redundant base integration tests and fixing build errors
Kit: 200948
// Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// e32test\mmu\t_mmubm.cpp
// Overview:
// Time MMU allocation & deallocation
// API Information:
// RChunk
// Details:
// - Allocate and release a 1 MB chunk 100 times and time how long it takes.
// - Allocate and release a 2 MB chunk 100 times and time how long it takes.
// - Allocate and release a 7 MB chunk 100 times and time how long it takes.
// - Allocate a 7 MB chunk once and time how long it takes.
// - Deallocate a 7 MB chunk once and time how long it takes.
// Platforms/Drives/Compatibility:
// All.
// Assumptions/Requirement/Pre-requisites:
// Failures and causes:
// Base Port information:
#define __E32TEST_EXTENSION__
#include <e32test.h>
#include "mmudetect.h"
#include "d_gobble.h"
#include "d_memorytest.h"
#include "freeram.h"
RTest test(_L("T_MMUBM"));
typedef TInt (*TestFunction)(TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize);
RMemoryTestLdd MemoryTest;
RChunk TheChunk;
LOCAL_C TInt AllocPhysical(TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize)
return MemoryTest.AllocPhysTest(aIters, aSize * 0x00100000);
LOCAL_C TInt AllocPhysical1(TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize)
return MemoryTest.AllocPhysTest1(aIters, aSize * 0x00100000);
LOCAL_C TInt AdjustChunk(TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize)
TUint32 i;
for (i=0; i<aIters; i++)
TInt r=TheChunk.Adjust(aSize * 0x00100000);
if (r!=KErrNone)
return r;
if (r!=KErrNone)
return r;
return KErrNone;
LOCAL_C TInt AllocateChunk(TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize)
aIters = aSize;
return TheChunk.Adjust(aSize * 0x00100000);
LOCAL_C TInt DeallocateChunk(TUint32 , TUint32 )
return TheChunk.Adjust(0);
LOCAL_C TInt TimedCall(TestFunction aFunction, TUint32& aTime, TUint32 aIters, TUint32 aSize)
TUint32 before=User::NTickCount();
TInt r=(*aFunction)(aIters, aSize);
TUint32 after=User::NTickCount();
return r;
#define DO_TEST(__ret, __func, __time, __iters, __size)\
tempSize = __size;\
__ret=TimedCall(__func, __time, __iters, __size);\
if (__ret==KErrNone)\
test.Printf(_L(" %dMb %d times ... %d ms\n"),__size, __iters,__time);\
else if (tempSize < 7)\
#define DO_TEST_GOB(__ret, __func, __time, __iters, __size, __rem,__taken)\
tempSize = __size;\
__ret = gobbler.Open();\
/* gobble leaving x+1MB then test adjusting to x...*/\
__taken = gobbler.GobbleRAM(__rem*1024*1024);\
test.Printf(_L("Gobbled: %dK freeRam %dK\n"), __taken/1024, FreeRam()/1024);\
/* adjust to 1MB*/\
__ret=TimedCall(__func, __time, __iters, __size);\
if (__ret==KErrNone)\
test.Printf(_L(" %dMb %d times ... %d ms\n"),__size, __iters,__time);\
else if (tempSize < 7)\
GLDEF_C TInt E32Main()
if (!HaveVirtMem())
test.Printf(_L("This test requires an MMU\n"));
return KErrNone;
test.Start(_L("Timing MMU allocation/deallocation..."));
TInt r;
TUint32 t;
TUint32 tempSize;
test.Printf(_L("Adjusting Chunks\n"));
DO_TEST(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 1);
DO_TEST(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 2);
DO_TEST(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 7);
if (r==KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("Allocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
r=TimedCall(DeallocateChunk,t, 1, 0);
test.Printf(_L("Deallocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
test.Printf(_L("Alloc chunk 7Mb failed! %d\n"), r);
test.Next(_L("Test physical memory allocations...."));
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 1);
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 1);
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 2);
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 2);
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 7);
DO_TEST(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 7);
test.Next(_L("Now the test with low memory...."));
r = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KGobblerLddFileName);
test(r==KErrNone || r==KErrAlreadyExists);
RGobbler gobbler;
TUint32 taken = 0;
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 1, 2, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 2, 3, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AdjustChunk, t, 100, 7, 8, taken);
if (r==KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("Allocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
r=TimedCall(DeallocateChunk,t, 1, 0);
test.Printf(_L("Deallocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
// gobble leaving 8MB then test allocing 7...
r = gobbler.Open();
taken = gobbler.GobbleRAM(8*1024*1024);
test.Printf(_L("Gobbled: %dK freeRam %dK\n"), taken/1024, FreeRam()/1024);
// allocate 7mb
if (r==KErrNone)
test.Printf(_L("Allocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
r=TimedCall(DeallocateChunk,t, 1, 0);
test.Printf(_L("Deallocate 7Mb once ... %d ms\n"),t);
test.Printf(_L("Alloc chunk 7Mb failed! %d\n"), r);
test.Next(_L("Test physical memory allocations with low memory...."));
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 1, 2, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 1, 2, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 2, 3, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 2, 3, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical, t, 100, 7, 8, taken);
DO_TEST_GOB(r, AllocPhysical1, t, 100, 7, 8, taken);
return 0;