Revision: 200948 + Removing redundant base integration tests and fixing build errors
Kit: 200948
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
chdir "scripts" or die "$!";
print "======================================\n";
print "USBTESTLOOP starts\n";
print localtime()."\n";
print "======================================\n";
unless (-e "h4testsusbcv.bat")
print "Cannot find h4testsusbcv.bat\n";
exit 0;
unless (-e "h4tests.bat")
print "Cannot find h4tests.bat\n";
exit 0;
while (1)
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
# Sod USBCV for the time being
# if ($wday == 5) # It's Friday !
# {
# print localtime().": Start h4testsusbcv.bat\n";
# system "h4testsusbcv.bat";
# print localtime().": Execution of h4testsusbcv.bat complete\n";
# }
# else
# {
print localtime().": Start h4tests.bat\n";
system "h4tests.bat";
print localtime().": Execution of h4tests.bat complete\n";
# }
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $prefix = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
system "COPY /Y ..\\Results\\h4tests.log ..\\${prefix}_h4tests.log";
system "COPY /Y ..\\Results\\h4performance.log ..\\${prefix}_h4performance.log";