// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// \e32\kernel\sproperty.cpp
#include <kernel/kern_priv.h>
#include "execs.h"
#define __PS_ASSERT(aCond) \
__ASSERT_DEBUG( (aCond), ( \
Kern::Printf("Assertion '" #aCond "' failed;\nFile: '" \
__FILE__ "' Line: %d\n", __LINE__), \
Kern::Fault("Pub&Sub", 0)) )
inline DProcess* CurProcess()
return TheCurrentThread->iOwningProcess;
class TProperty
static TInt Init();
static TInt Attach(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty** aProp);
static TInt Open(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty** aProp);
void Close();
TInt Define(const TPropertyInfo*, DProcess*);
TInt Delete(DProcess*);
TInt Subscribe(TPropertySubsRequest* aSubs, DProcess*);
void Cancel(TPropertySubsRequest* aSubs);
TInt GetI(TInt* aValue, DProcess*);
TInt GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, DProcess*, TBool aUser);
TInt SetI(TInt aValue, DProcess*);
TInt SetB(const TUint8*, TInt aSize, DProcess*, TBool aUser);
static TInt FindGetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt* aValue, DProcess*);
static TInt FindSetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue, DProcess*);
// Called with system or feature locked
TBool IsDefined()
return iType != RProperty::ETypeLimit;
// Called with system or feature locked
RProperty::TType Type()
return (RProperty::TType) iType;
// Called with system or feature locked
TInt BufSize()
__PS_ASSERT(iType == RProperty::EByteArray || iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray);
return iBuf ? iBuf->iBufSize : 0;
// The property attributes.
// Meaningful for defined properties only (ie. iType != RProperty::ETypeLimit)
// Constant while the property is defined
TUint32 Owner()
{ return iOwner; }
/// Ensure pages in the source buffer are paged in and lock them
static TInt LockSourcePages(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize);
/// Unlock source pages again
static void UnlockSourcePages();
#ifdef _DEBUG
static TBool IsLocked()
// used in assertions only
{ return FeatureLock->iCleanup.iThread == TheCurrentThread; }
const TUint iCategory;
const TUint iKey;
// Acquire the feature lock
// Called in CS
static void Lock()
// Release the feature lock
// Called in CS
static void Unlock()
static void CompleteRequest(TPropertySubsRequest*, TInt aReason);
static void CompleteQue(SDblQue* aQue, TInt aReason);
static void CompleteDfc(TAny* aQue);
static TUint Hash(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey);
static TProperty** Lookup(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey);
static TInt LookupOrCreate(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty**);
TAny* operator new(TUint aSize) __NO_THROW
{ return Kern::AllocZ(aSize); }
TProperty(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey);
void SetNotDefined()
{ iType = RProperty::ETypeLimit; }
inline void Use();
void Release();
void CompleteByDfc();
TBool DoCheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic);
TBool DoCheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic);
TBool DoCheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic);
TBool DoCheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic);
TBool DoCheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess);
TBool DoCheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess);
TBool DoCheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess);
TBool DoCheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess);
inline TBool CheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic=0)
return DoCheckDeleteRights(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
inline TBool CheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic=0)
return DoCheckDefineRights(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
inline TBool CheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic=0)
return DoCheckGetRights(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
inline TBool CheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic=0)
return DoCheckSetRights(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
// Only available to NULL arguments
inline TBool CheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/=NULL)
return DoCheckDeleteRights(aProcess);
inline TBool CheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/=NULL)
return DoCheckDefineRights(aProcess);
inline TBool CheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/=NULL)
return DoCheckGetRights(aProcess);
inline TBool CheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess, OnlyCreateWithNull /*aDiagnostic*/=NULL)
return DoCheckSetRights(aProcess);
enum { KCompletionDfcPriority = 2 };
static TDfc CompletionDfc;
// subscriptions to be completed by the DFC
static SDblQue CompletionQue; // protected by the system lock
static DMutex* FeatureLock; ///< Order KMutexOrdPubSub
// hash table collision lists
enum { KHashTableLimit = 32 }; // must be power of 2
static TProperty* Table[KHashTableLimit]; // protected by the feature lock
#ifdef __DEMAND_PAGING__
static DMutex* PagingLockMutex; ///< Mutex used to protect demand paging lock, order KMutexOrdPubSub2
static DDemandPagingLock* PagingLock; ///< Locks user memory when copying large properties
// iType == RProperty::ETypeLimit means not defined
TUint8 iType; // updates require the system lock AND the feature lock
// reads require only one of them
// The property attributes.
// Meaningful for defined properties only (ie. iType != RProperty::ETypeLimit)
// Constant while the property is defined
TUint8 iAttr;
TCompiledSecurityPolicy iReadPolicy;
TCompiledSecurityPolicy iWritePolicy;
TUint32 iOwner;
TUint iRefCount; // protected by the feature lock
TProperty* iNext; // hash table collision list link -
// protected by the feature lock
class TBuf
{ // Viraiable-size buffer for byte array property values
static TBuf* New(TInt aSize);
TUint16 iBufSize; // buffer size - constant
TUint16 iSize; // actual property size - protected by the system lock
TUint8 iBytes[1]; // byte array - protected by the system lock
// The property value
// Meaningful for defined properties only (ie. iType != RProperty::ETypeLimit)
union // the value (ie. iValue or iBuf->iBytes) is protected by the system lock
TBuf* iBuf; // pointer updates of a defined property (eg. buffer
// reallocation) require the system AND the feature locks;
// pointer reads (eg to get/set byte values) require any of them
TInt iValue;
// Called with system or feature locked
TInt Size()
__PS_ASSERT(iType == RProperty::EByteArray || iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray);
return iBuf ? iBuf->iSize : 0;
// Called with system or feature locked
TUint8* Buf()
__PS_ASSERT(iType == RProperty::EByteArray || iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray);
return iBuf ? iBuf->iBytes : NULL;
// Called with system or feature locked
void SetSize(TInt aSize)
__PS_ASSERT(TUint(aSize) <= TUint(BufSize()));
if (iBuf)
iBuf->iSize = TUint16(aSize);
TInt _GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, DProcess* aProcess, TBool aUser);
TInt _SetB(const TUint8*, TInt aSize, DProcess*, TBool aUser, TBuf** aNewBufHdr);
SDblQue iPendingQue; // pending subscriptions - protected by the system lock
TDfc TProperty::CompletionDfc(TProperty::CompleteDfc, &TProperty::CompletionQue, KCompletionDfcPriority);
SDblQue TProperty::CompletionQue;
DMutex* TProperty::FeatureLock;
TProperty* TProperty::Table[KHashTableLimit];
#ifdef __DEMAND_PAGING__
DMutex* TProperty::PagingLockMutex;
DDemandPagingLock* TProperty::PagingLock;
_LIT(KPubSubMutexName2, "PropertyPagingLockMutex");
TInt PubSubPropertyInit()
{ return TProperty::Init(); }
_LIT(KPubSubMutexName, "PropertyLock");
TInt TProperty::Init()
{ // static
TInt r = Kern::MutexCreate(FeatureLock, KPubSubMutexName, KMutexOrdPubSub);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
#ifdef __DEMAND_PAGING__
r = Kern::MutexCreate(PagingLockMutex, KPubSubMutexName2, KMutexOrdPubSub2);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
PagingLock = new DDemandPagingLock();
if (!PagingLock)
return KErrNoMemory;
r = PagingLock->Alloc(RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
return KErrNone;
TProperty::TProperty(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey) : iCategory(aCategory), iKey(aKey)
{ SetNotDefined(); }
TUint TProperty::Hash(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey)
{ // a naive hash function
TUint code = (aCategory ^ aKey) & (KHashTableLimit - 1);
__PS_ASSERT(code < KHashTableLimit); // KHashTableLimit must be a power of 2
return code;
// Called feature locked.
TProperty** TProperty::Lookup(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey)
{ // static
TProperty** propP = &Table[Hash(aCategory, aKey)];
for (;;)
TProperty* prop = *propP;
if (!prop) break;
if ((prop->iCategory == aCategory) && (prop->iKey == aKey)) break;
propP = &prop->iNext;
return propP;
// Called feature locked.
TInt TProperty::LookupOrCreate(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty** aProp)
{ // static
TProperty** propP = Lookup(aCategory, aKey);
TProperty* prop = *propP;
if (!prop)
prop = new TProperty(aCategory, aKey);
if (!prop)
return KErrNoMemory;
*propP = prop;
*aProp = prop;
return KErrNone;
TBool TProperty::DoCheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic)
TUint32 cat=iCategory;
return ETrue;
return aProcess->HasCapability(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData, aDiagnostic);
PlatSec::SecureIdCheckFail(aProcess, cat, aDiagnostic);
return EFalse;
TBool TProperty::DoCheckDefineRights(DProcess* aProcess)
return DoCheckDefineRights(aProcess, NULL);
TUint32 cat=iCategory;
return ETrue;
return aProcess->HasCapability(ECapabilityWriteDeviceData);
return EFalse;
// Called feature locked
TBool TProperty::DoCheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic)
if(aProcess->iS.iSecureId == Owner())
return ETrue;
PlatSec::SecureIdCheckFail(aProcess, Owner(), aDiagnostic);
return EFalse;
TBool TProperty::DoCheckDeleteRights(DProcess* aProcess)
return DoCheckDeleteRights(aProcess, NULL);
if(aProcess->iS.iSecureId == Owner())
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// Called system locked
TBool TProperty::DoCheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic)
return iReadPolicy.CheckPolicy(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
TBool TProperty::DoCheckGetRights(DProcess* aProcess)
return DoCheckGetRights(aProcess, NULL);
return iReadPolicy.CheckPolicy(aProcess);
// Called system locked
TBool TProperty::DoCheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess, const char* aDiagnostic)
return iWritePolicy.CheckPolicy(aProcess, aDiagnostic);
TBool TProperty::DoCheckSetRights(DProcess* aProcess)
return DoCheckSetRights(aProcess, NULL);
return iWritePolicy.CheckPolicy(aProcess);
// Called in CS
TProperty::TBuf* TProperty::TBuf::New(TInt aSize)
{ // static
TBuf* buf = (TBuf*) Kern::Alloc(_FOFF(TBuf, iBytes) + aSize);
if (!buf)
return NULL;
buf->iBufSize = TUint16(aSize);
buf->iSize = 0;
return buf;
// Called in CS
TInt TProperty::Define(const TPropertyInfo* aInfo, DProcess* aProcess)
if (aProcess && !CheckDefineRights(aProcess,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Define a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
TCompiledSecurityPolicy readPolicy;
TInt r = readPolicy.Set((aInfo->iReadPolicy));
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
TCompiledSecurityPolicy writePolicy;
r = writePolicy.Set((aInfo->iWritePolicy));
if(r != KErrNone)
return r;
if ((aInfo->iType < 0) || (RProperty::ETypeLimit <= aInfo->iType) ||
((aInfo->iType == RProperty::EInt) && aInfo->iSize) ||
(aInfo->iAttr != 0))
return KErrArgument;
if ((aInfo->iType == RProperty::EByteArray && aInfo->iSize > RProperty::KMaxPropertySize))
return KErrTooBig;
if (IsDefined())
return KErrAlreadyExists;
if (aInfo->iSize)
__PS_ASSERT((aInfo->iType == RProperty::EByteArray) || (aInfo->iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray));
__PS_ASSERT(iBuf == NULL);
iBuf = TBuf::New(aInfo->iSize);
iReadPolicy = readPolicy;
iWritePolicy = writePolicy;
iOwner = CurProcess()->iS.iSecureId;
iAttr = 0;
// We need to check all pending requests for read access rights and
// complete those that havn't.
// We have the following constraints:
// - we don't want to hold the system lock iterating through 'iPendingQue' list.
// - as soon as the system lock is released new entries can be added by
// 'Subscribe()' and existing entries can be removed by 'Cancel()'.
// - we don't want to complete a request holding the feature lock
// To deal with these issues we move all 'iPendingQue' entries to one of
// two temporary queues:
// 'localPendingQue' for entries that will remain pending
// 'localCompletionQue' for entries that will be completed
// We move entries one by one dropping and reacquiring the system lock on each
// iteration; we get (move) always the first 'iPendingQue' entry until the
// queue becomes empty.
SDblQue localPendingQue; // protected by the system lock
SDblQue localCompletionQue; // protected by the system lock
while (!iPendingQue.IsEmpty())
TPropertySubsRequest* subs = (TPropertySubsRequest*) iPendingQue.GetFirst();
DProcess* process = subs->iProcess;
subs->iProcess = NULL;
if (process && !CheckGetRights(process, __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Subscribe to a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
{ // Check fails - will complete the subscription with an error
{ // Check OK - will leave in the pending queue
NKern::FlashSystem(); // preemption point
iType = (TUint8) aInfo->iType;
// Now the property can be accessed by other threads.
// Now we can complete requests.
CompleteQue(&localCompletionQue, KErrPermissionDenied);
return KErrNone;
// Called in CS
TInt TProperty::Attach(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty** aProp)
{ //static
TProperty* prop;
// Attach can create a non defined property.
TInt r = LookupOrCreate(aCategory, aKey, &prop);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
*aProp = prop;
return KErrNone;
// Called in CS
TInt TProperty::Open(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TProperty** aProp)
{ //static
TProperty* prop = *Lookup(aCategory, aKey);
if (!prop)
return KErrNotFound;
*aProp = prop;
return KErrNone;
// Called in CS
void TProperty::Close()
// '*this' may do not exist any more
// Called in CS
TInt TProperty::Delete(DProcess* aProcess)
if (!IsDefined())
return KErrNotFound;
if (aProcess && !CheckDeleteRights(aProcess,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Delete a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
// Remember that iType is the tag of iBuf and iValue union
TBuf* buf = (iType != RProperty::EInt) ? iBuf : NULL;
// Down from here nobody can access the property value
// We don't want to complete requests holding the feature lock.
SDblQue localQue;
iBuf = NULL;
iValue = 0;
delete buf;
// '*this' may do not exist any more
// Now we can complete.
CompleteQue(&localQue, KErrNotFound);
return KErrNone;
// Enter feature locked.
// Return feature locked.
inline void TProperty::Use()
// Enter feature locked.
// Return feature locked.
void TProperty::Release()
if (--iRefCount == 0)
__PS_ASSERT(!IsDefined()); // property must not be defined.
// Lookup to find the previous element in the simply linked collision list.
TProperty** propP = Lookup(iCategory, iKey);
*propP = iNext;
delete this;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::Subscribe(TPropertySubsRequest* aSubs, DProcess* aProcess)
if (aSubs->iNext)
{ // already pending - will Panic
return KErrInUse;
TBool defined = IsDefined();
if (defined)
{ // property is defined - check access now
aSubs->iProcess = NULL;
if (aProcess && !CheckGetRights(aProcess,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Subscribe to a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
CompleteRequest(aSubs, KErrPermissionDenied);
return KErrNone;
{ // will check when defined
aSubs->iProcess = aProcess;
return KErrNone;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
void TProperty::Cancel(TPropertySubsRequest* aSubs)
if (!aSubs->iNext)
{ // not pending - silently return
aSubs->iNext = NULL;
aSubs->iProcess = NULL;
CompleteRequest(aSubs, KErrCancel);
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
// Called in CS or a DFC context
void TProperty::CompleteRequest(TPropertySubsRequest* aSubs, TInt aResult)
{ // static
TPropertyCompleteFn fn = aSubs->iCompleteFn;
TAny* ptr = aSubs->iPtr;
(*fn)(ptr, aResult);
// Called in CS or a DFC context
void TProperty::CompleteQue(SDblQue* aQue, TInt aReason)
{ // static
while (!aQue->IsEmpty())
TPropertySubsRequest* subs = (TPropertySubsRequest*) aQue->First();
subs->iNext = NULL;
CompleteRequest(subs, aReason);
// Executed in DFC context
void TProperty::CompleteDfc(TAny* aQue)
{ // static
CompleteQue((SDblQue*) aQue, KErrNone);
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
void TProperty::CompleteByDfc()
// Append elements from the pending queue to the completion queue
if (!iPendingQue.IsEmpty())
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::GetI(TInt* aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
if (!IsDefined())
return KErrNotFound;
if (aProcess && !CheckGetRights(aProcess,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Get a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
if (iType != RProperty::EInt)
return KErrArgument;
*aValue = iValue;
return KErrNone;
TInt TProperty::FindGetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt* aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
TProperty* prop = *TProperty::Lookup(aCategory, aKey);
TInt r;
if (!prop)
r = KErrNotFound;
r = prop->GetI(aValue, aProcess);
return r;
TInt TProperty::FindSetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
TProperty* prop = *TProperty::Lookup(aCategory, aKey);
TInt r;
if (!prop)
r = KErrNotFound;
r = prop->SetI(aValue, aProcess);
return r;
#ifdef __EPOC32__
extern "C" { extern void kumemput_no_paging_assert(TAny* /*aAddr*/, const TAny* /*aKernAddr*/, TInt /*aLength*/); }
inline void kumemput_no_paging_assert(TAny* aAddr, const TAny* aKernAddr, TInt aLength)
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::_GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, DProcess* aProcess, TBool aUser)
if (!IsDefined())
return KErrNotFound;
if (aProcess && !CheckGetRights(aProcess,__PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Get a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
if (iType == RProperty::EInt)
return KErrArgument;
if (iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
// copy with system lock released
TInt bufSize = *aSize;
TInt size = Size();
TInt r = KErrNone;
if (bufSize < size)
size = bufSize;
r = KErrOverflow;
TUint8* buf = Buf();
if (aUser)
{ // Don't use 'r' to preserve possible KErrOverflow condition
XTRAPD(res, XT_DEFAULT, kumemput_no_paging_assert(aBuf, buf, size));
if (res != KErrNone)
r = KErrBadDescriptor;
memcpy(aBuf, buf, size);
*aSize = size;
if (iType != RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
return r;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, DProcess* aProcess, TBool aUser)
if (iType != RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
return _GetB(aBuf,aSize,aProcess,aUser);
// Acquire feature lock for accessing large properties
FeatureLock->Wait(); // returns with system lock still held
TInt r = _GetB(aBuf,aSize,aProcess,aUser);
return r;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::SetI(TInt aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
if (!IsDefined())
return KErrNotFound;
if (aProcess && !CheckSetRights(aProcess, __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Set a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
if (iType != RProperty::EInt)
return KErrArgument;
iValue = aValue;
return KErrNone;
#ifdef __EPOC32__
extern "C" { extern void kumemget_no_paging_assert(TAny* /*aKernAddr*/, const TAny* /*aAddr*/, TInt /*aLength*/); }
inline void kumemget_no_paging_assert(TAny* aKernAddr, const TAny* aAddr, TInt aLength)
// Enter with system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::_SetB(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize, DProcess* aProcess, TBool aUser, TBuf** aNewBuf)
if (!IsDefined())
return KErrNotFound;
if (aProcess && !CheckSetRights(aProcess, __PLATSEC_DIAGNOSTIC_STRING("Checked whilst trying to Set a Publish and Subscribe Property")))
return KErrPermissionDenied;
if (iType == RProperty::EInt)
return KErrArgument;
else if (iType == RProperty::EByteArray)
if (aSize > RProperty::KMaxPropertySize)
return KErrTooBig;
else if (iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
if (aSize > RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize)
return KErrTooBig;
if (aSize > BufSize())
if (aNewBuf == NULL || *aNewBuf == NULL)
if (iType != RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
return KErrOverflow;
// New buffer is provided by the caller - switch on it
TBuf* oldBuf = iBuf;
iBuf = *aNewBuf;
// Caller will deallocate the old buffer out of the system lock context
*aNewBuf = oldBuf;
if (aUser)
XTRAPD(r, XT_DEFAULT, kumemget_no_paging_assert(Buf(), aBuf, aSize));
if (r != KErrNone)
return KErrBadDescriptor;
memcpy(Buf(), aBuf, aSize);
if (iType == RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
return KErrNone;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt TProperty::SetB(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize, DProcess* aProcess, TBool aUser)
{ // static
TBuf* nBuf = 0;
if (iType != RProperty::ELargeByteArray)
// Try to set without buffer reallocation (ie. "RT") first
TInt r = _SetB(aBuf, aSize, aProcess, aUser, NULL);
if (r != KErrOverflow)
return r;
// Needs buffer reallocation
// Allocate a new buffer
nBuf = TBuf::New(aSize);
if (!nBuf)
return KErrNoMemory;
r = _SetB(aBuf, aSize, aProcess, aUser, &nBuf);
// May be the old buffer (or NULL), may be the new one (if wasn't used)
delete nBuf;
return r;
// Large property - need feature lock
TInt r = _SetB(aBuf, aSize, aProcess, aUser, &nBuf);
if (r == KErrOverflow)
// Allocate a new buffer
nBuf = TBuf::New(aSize);
if (!nBuf)
r = KErrNoMemory;
r = _SetB(aBuf, aSize, aProcess, aUser, &nBuf);
// May be the old buffer (or NULL), may be the new one (if wasn't used)
delete nBuf;
return r;
#ifdef __DEMAND_PAGING__
TInt TProperty::LockSourcePages(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize)
// When copying from user RAM we must lock the source data in case it is demand paged, otherwise
// we could get a mutex ordering voliation when waiting on the demand paging mutex
TInt r = PagingLock->Lock(TheCurrentThread, (TLinAddr)aBuf, aSize);
return KErrNone;
return r;
void TProperty::UnlockSourcePages()
TInt TProperty::LockSourcePages(const TUint8*, TInt)
return KErrNone;
void TProperty::UnlockSourcePages()
// User Interface
class DPropertyRef : public DObject
static TInt Define(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, const TPropertyInfo*);
static TInt Delete(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey);
static TInt Attach(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TOwnerType aType);
static TInt FindGetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt* aValue);
static TInt FindSetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue);
TInt Subscribe(TRequestStatus* aStatus);
inline void Cancel();
inline TInt GetI(TInt* aValue);
inline TInt GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, TBool aUser);
inline TInt SetI(TInt aValue);
TInt SetB(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize, TBool aUser);
inline RProperty::TType Type()
{ return iProp->Type(); }
static void CompleteFn(TAny* aPtr, TInt aReason);
TProperty* iProp;
TClientRequest* iRequest;
DThread* iClient;
TPropertySubsRequest iSubs;
DPropertyRef::DPropertyRef() : iSubs(CompleteFn, this)
// Called in CS
TInt DPropertyRef::Define(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, const TPropertyInfo* aInfo)
{ // static
TProperty* prop;
TInt r = TProperty::Attach(aCategory, aKey, &prop);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = prop->Define(aInfo, CurProcess());
return r;
// Called in CS
TInt DPropertyRef::Delete(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey)
{ // static
TProperty* prop;
TInt r = TProperty::Open(aCategory, aKey, &prop);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = prop->Delete(CurProcess());
return r;
// Called in CS
TInt DPropertyRef::Attach(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TOwnerType aType)
{ // static
DPropertyRef* ref = new DPropertyRef();
if (ref == NULL)
return KErrNoMemory;
TInt r = Kern::CreateClientRequest(ref->iRequest);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = TProperty::Attach(aCategory, aKey, &ref->iProp);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = K::AddObject(ref, EPropertyRef);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
r = K::MakeHandle(aType, ref);
if (r < 0)
{ // error
return r;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt DPropertyRef::Subscribe(TRequestStatus* aStatus)
if (iRequest->SetStatus(aStatus) != KErrNone)
{ // already pending - will Panic
return KErrInUse;
iClient = TheCurrentThread;
return iProp->Subscribe(&iSubs, CurProcess());
// Called in CS or a DFC context
void DPropertyRef::CompleteFn(TAny* ptr, TInt aReason)
{ // static
DPropertyRef* self = (DPropertyRef*) ptr;
// Local 'client' variable is necessary because after we call Kern::QueueRequestComplete the
// structure may be reused for another subscription
DThread* client = self->iClient;
self->iClient = NULL;
Kern::QueueRequestComplete(client, self->iRequest, aReason);
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
inline void DPropertyRef::Cancel()
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
inline TInt DPropertyRef::GetI(TInt* aValue)
return iProp->GetI(aValue, CurProcess());
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
inline TInt DPropertyRef::GetB(TUint8* aBuf, TInt* aSize, TBool aUser)
return iProp->GetB(aBuf, aSize, CurProcess(), aUser);
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
inline TInt DPropertyRef::SetI(TInt aValue)
return iProp->SetI(aValue, CurProcess());
// Called in CS
inline TInt DPropertyRef::FindGetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt* aValue)
return TProperty::FindGetI(aCategory, aKey, aValue, CurProcess());
// Called in CS
inline TInt DPropertyRef::FindSetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue)
return TProperty::FindSetI(aCategory, aKey, aValue, CurProcess());
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt DPropertyRef::SetB(const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize, TBool aUser)
TBool open =
(iProp->Type() == RProperty::EByteArray) && (iProp->BufSize() < aSize);
if (open)
// The buffer extension will release the system lock.
// We need to increment the DObject count to protect our-self against
// a concurrent DPropertyRef deletion by DObject::Close().
if (Open() != KErrNone)
{ // Too late - destruction in progress ....
return KErrNotFound;
TInt r = iProp->SetB(aBuf, aSize, CurProcess(), aUser);
if (open)
return r;
// User interface entry points
// Called in CS
if (iProp)
iProp = NULL;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyDefine(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TPropertyInfo* aInfo)
TPropertyInfo info;
kumemget(&info, aInfo, sizeof(info));
if (aCategory == KMaxTUint)
aCategory = TUint(Kern::CurrentProcess().iS.iSecureId);
TInt r = DPropertyRef::Define(aCategory, aKey, &info);
return r;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyDelete(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey)
if (aCategory == KMaxTUint)
aCategory = TUint(Kern::CurrentProcess().iS.iSecureId);
TInt r = DPropertyRef::Delete(aCategory, aKey);
return r;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyAttach(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TOwnerType aType)
TInt r = DPropertyRef::Attach(aCategory, aKey, aType);
return r;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
void ExecHandler::PropertySubscribe(DPropertyRef* aRef, TRequestStatus* aStatus)
TInt r = aRef->Subscribe(aStatus);
if (r != KErrNone)
__PS_ASSERT(r == KErrInUse);
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
void ExecHandler::PropertyCancel(DPropertyRef* aRef)
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyGetI(DPropertyRef* aRef, TInt* aValue)
TInt value;
TInt r = aRef->GetI(&value);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
kumemput32(aValue, &value, sizeof(value));
return KErrNone;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyGetB(DPropertyRef* aRef, TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize)
TInt r;
// Use intermediate kernel buffer for small properties
TUint8 sbuf[RProperty::KMaxPropertySize];
if(aSize > (TInt)sizeof(sbuf))
aSize = sizeof(sbuf);
r = aRef->GetB(sbuf, &aSize, EFalse);
if(r==KErrNone || r==KErrOverflow)
// For large properties we must pin user memory to prevent demand paging.
aSize = RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize;
r = TProperty::LockSourcePages(aBuf, aSize);
r = aRef->GetB(aBuf, &aSize, ETrue);
if (r == KErrBadDescriptor)
else if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
return aSize;
// Enter system locked.
// Return system unlocked.
TInt ExecHandler::PropertySetI(DPropertyRef* aRef, TInt aValue)
return aRef->SetI(aValue);
// Enter and return system unlocked.
TInt ExecHandler::PropertySetB(TInt aPropertyRefHandle, const TUint8* aBuf, TInt aSize)
// If property small enough then copy it to local buffer
TBool user = ETrue;
TUint8 sbuf[RProperty::KMaxPropertySize];
aBuf = sbuf;
user = EFalse;
TInt r = KErrNone;
if (user)
r = TProperty::LockSourcePages(aBuf, aSize);
// Set the property
DPropertyRef* propertyRef = (DPropertyRef*)TheCurrentThread->ObjectFromHandle(aPropertyRefHandle,EPropertyRef);
if (propertyRef)
r = propertyRef->SetB(aBuf, aSize, user);
// unlocks system lock
r = KErrBadHandle;
if (user)
if (r == KErrBadDescriptor)
if (r == KErrBadHandle)
return r;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyFindGetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt* aValue)
TInt value;
TInt r = DPropertyRef::FindGetI(aCategory, aKey, &value);
if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
kumemput32(aValue, &value, sizeof(value));
return KErrNone;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyFindGetB(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TUint8* aBuf,
TInt aSize)
TProperty* prop;
TInt r = TProperty::Open(aCategory, aKey, &prop);
if (r == KErrNone)
// Use intermediate kernel buffer for small properties
TUint8 sbuf[RProperty::KMaxPropertySize];
if(aSize > (TInt)sizeof(sbuf))
aSize = sizeof(sbuf);
r = prop->GetB(sbuf, &aSize, CurProcess(), EFalse);
if(r==KErrNone || r==KErrOverflow)
// For large properties we must pin the use memory to prevent demand paging.
aSize = RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize;
r = TProperty::LockSourcePages(aBuf, aSize);
r = prop->GetB(aBuf, &aSize, CurProcess(), ETrue);
if (r == KErrBadDescriptor)
else if (r != KErrNone)
return r;
return aSize;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyFindSetI(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TInt aValue)
TInt r = DPropertyRef::FindSetI(aCategory, aKey, aValue);
return r;
TInt ExecHandler::PropertyFindSetB(TUint aCategory, TUint aKey, TUint8* aBuf,
TInt aSize)
// If property small enough then copy it to local buffer
TBool user = ETrue;
TUint8 sbuf[RProperty::KMaxPropertySize];
aBuf = sbuf;
user = EFalse;
TInt r = KErrNone;
if (user)
r = TProperty::LockSourcePages(aBuf, aSize);
// Find and open property
TProperty* prop;
r = TProperty::Open(aCategory, aKey, &prop);
if (r == KErrNone)
// Set the property
r = prop->SetB(aBuf, aSize, CurProcess(), user);
if (user)
if (r == KErrBadDescriptor)
return r;
/** Attaches to a property.
This performs the same action as RPropertyRef::Open(). However, if the property does
not exist then it is created first.
@param aCategory The property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key.
@return KErrNone, if successful;
KErrNoMemory, if insufficient memory.
@pre Calling thread must be in a critical section.
@pre Property has not been opened.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre interrupts enabled
@pre No fast mutex can be held
@post Calling thread is in a critical section.
@see RPropertyRef::Open()
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Attach(TUid aCategory, TInt aKey)
__PS_ASSERT(iProp == NULL);
return TProperty::Attach(TUint(aCategory.iUid), aKey, &iProp);
/** Opens a property.
Once opened:
- the property can be defined, deleted, and subscribed to
- the property value can be retrieved (read) and published (written)
using the appropriate member-functions in the appropriate order.
Note that the property must already exist. If it does not exist,
the function will not create it - it will return an error.
Use RPropertyRef::Attach() if you need to create the property.
@param aCategory The property category.
@param aKey The property sub-key.
@return KErrNotFound, if the property does not exist;
KErrNone, if successful;
Otherwise, one of the other system-wide error codes.
@pre Calling thread must be in a critical section.
@pre Property has not been opened.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre interrupts enabled
@pre No fast mutex can be held
@post Calling thread is in a critical section.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Open(TUid aCategory, TInt aKey)
__PS_ASSERT(iProp == NULL);
return TProperty::Open(TUint(aCategory.iUid), aKey, &iProp);
/** Releases the property.
@pre Calling thread must be in a critical section.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre interrupts enabled
@pre No fast mutex can be held
@post Calling thread is in a critical section.
EXPORT_C void RPropertyRef::Close()
if (iProp)
iProp = NULL;
/** Defines the attributes and access control for a property.
This can only be done once for each property.
Following defintion, the property has a default value:
- 0 for integer properties
- zero-length data for byte-array and text properties.
Pending subscriptions for this property will not be completed
until a new value is published.
@param aAttr Bits 0-7 define the property type.
Upper bits contain additional property attributes.
@param aReadPolicy Read policy. Defines the set capabilities that a process
will require before being allowed to retrieve (read) the
property value.
@param aWritePolicy Write policy. Defines the set capabilities that a process
will require before being allowed to publish (write) the
property value.
@param aPreallocate Pre-allocated buffer size for EByteArray or ELargeByteArray
property types.
@param aProcess If defining a property within the 'system services' category,
as defined by the KUidSystemCategoryValue UId, then this
is the process whose security attributes will be checked
to see whether it has sufficient authority to perform
this define operation.
If NULL, these security checks will NOT be performed.
@return KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess doesn't have rights to define this property;
KErrArgument, if aPreallocate is negative,
OR the property type passed to the aAttr argument
is greater than or equal to RProperty::ETypeLimit,
OR aPreallocate has a non-zero value when the property
type is an integer;
KErrTooBig, if aPreallocate is greater than RProperty::KMaxPropertySize
when the property type is RProperty::EByteArray,
OR if aPreallocate is greater than RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize
when the property type is RProperty::ELargeByteArray;
KErrAlreadyExists, if the property has already been defined.
@pre Calling thread must be in a critical section.
@pre Property has been opened.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre interrupts enabled
@pre No fast mutex can be held
@post Calling thread is in a critical section.
@see RProperty::TType
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Define(TInt aAttr, const TSecurityPolicy& aReadPolicy, const TSecurityPolicy& aWritePolicy, TInt aPreallocate, DProcess* aProcess)
if(aPreallocate < 0)
return KErrArgument;
if(aPreallocate > RProperty::KMaxLargePropertySize)
return KErrTooBig;
TPropertyInfo info;
info.iType = (RProperty::TType)(aAttr & RProperty::ETypeMask);
info.iAttr = (aAttr & ~RProperty::ETypeMask);
info.iSize = (TUint16) aPreallocate;
info.iReadPolicy = aReadPolicy;
info.iWritePolicy = aWritePolicy;
return iProp->Define(&info, aProcess);
/** Deletes the property.
Any pending subscriptions for this property will be completed with KErrNotFound.
Any new request will not complete until the property is defined and published again.
@param aProcess The process whoes security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNone, if the delete succeeds;
KErrNotFound, if the property has not been defined;
KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess is specified and is not the owner
of the process.
@pre Calling thread must be in a critical section.
@pre Property has been opened.
@pre Call in a thread context.
@pre Kernel must be unlocked.
@pre interrupts enabled
@pre No fast mutex can be held
@post Calling thread is in a critical section.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Delete(DProcess* aProcess)
return iProp->Delete(aProcess);
/** Requests notification when the property is changed.
If the property has not been defined, the request will not complete until the property
is defined and published.
Only one subscription per TPropertySubsRequest object is allowed.
@param aReq Specifies this request.
@param aProcess The process whoes security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNone, if the subcribe action succeeds.
@pre Property has been opened.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Subscribe(TPropertySubsRequest& aReq, DProcess* aProcess)
TInt r = iProp->Subscribe(&aReq, aProcess);
__PS_ASSERT(r != KErrInUse);
return r;
/** Cancels a subscription request originally made with RPropertyRef::Subscribe().
@param aReq The TPropertySubsRequest object used in the original subscribe request.
@pre Property has been opened.
@see RPropertyRef::Subscribe()
EXPORT_C void RPropertyRef::Cancel(TPropertySubsRequest& aReq)
/** Retrieves (reads) the value of an integer property.
@param aValue An integer to hold the returned property value
@param aProcess The process whose security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNotFound, if the property has not been defined;
KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess does not have the read capabilities;
KErrArgument, if the property is not of type EInt;
KErrNone, if the property was read succesfully.
@pre Property has been opened.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Get(TInt& aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
return iProp->GetI(&aValue, aProcess);
/** Publishes (writes) the value of an integer property.
@param aValue The new value for the property.
@param aProcess The process whose security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNotFound, if the property has not been defined;
KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess does not have the write capabilities;
KErrArgument, if the property is not of type EInt;
KErrNone, if the property was set succesfully.
@pre Property has been opened.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Set(TInt aValue, DProcess* aProcess)
return iProp->SetI(aValue, aProcess);
/** Retrieves (reads) the value of a binary property.
@param aDes A descriptor to hold the returned property value.
@param aProcess The process whose security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNotFound, if the property has not been defined;
KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess does not have the read capabilities;
KErrArgument, if the property is not of type EByteArray;
KErrOverflow, if the property is larger than the maximum size of aDes,
in which case aDes is filled with as much of the property value that will fit;
KErrNone, if the property was read succesfully.
@pre Property has been opened.
@realtime There are real time guarantees if the property is not large.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Get(TDes8& aDes, DProcess* aProcess)
TInt size = aDes.MaxSize();
TInt r = iProp->GetB((TUint8*) aDes.Ptr(), &size, aProcess, EFalse);
if ((r == KErrNone) || (r == KErrOverflow))
return r;
/** Publishes (writes) the value of a binary property.
@param aDes The new value for the property.
@param aProcess The process whoes security attributes will be used for security checks.
If NULL the security checks will not be performed.
@return KErrNotFound, if the property has not been defined;
KErrPermissionDenied, if aProcess does not have the write capabilities;
KErrArgument, if the property is not of type EByteArray;
KErrTooBig, if the property is larger than KMaxPropertySize;
KErrNone, if the property was set succesfully.
@pre Property has been opened.
@realtime There are realtime guarantees if the property is not large
and the size is not greater than the previously published value.
EXPORT_C TInt RPropertyRef::Set(const TDesC8& aDes, DProcess* aProcess)
return iProp->SetB((TUint8*) aDes.Ptr(), aDes.Size(), aProcess, EFalse);
/** Gets property status information.
@param aStatus property status output.
@return ETrue if the property is defined; otherwise, EFalse.
@pre System must be locked.
@pre Property has been opened.
@post System is locked.
EXPORT_C TBool RPropertyRef::GetStatus(TPropertyStatus& aStatus)
aStatus.iType = iProp->Type();
aStatus.iAttr = 0;
aStatus.iOwner = iProp->Owner();
return iProp->IsDefined();